On Anti-aging And Physical Appearances

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Anti-aging and Physical Appearances By [email protected]

On Anti-aging and Physical Appearances By Eunice www.yunesa.blogspot.com

The reason why there is burgeoning of facial centers, anti-aging clinics and esthetics businesses because believe it or not, deep in the recesses of the human mind, we are humans who do not like to get old, have wrinkles and die. We stop counting when our age is not in the numbers of the calendar, we resort to cow poison so our wrinkles doesn’t show, we contour everything from head to toe, we defy gravity on our cheeks and bellies. Lagnat na lagnat tayo sa mga botox, anti-aging, anti-wrinkles, anti-cellulite, etc. Anything that defies gravity on our facial muscles and body contours, ang hilig hilig natin diyan. We somehow have the notion that the more beautiful we are outside the more acceptable we are to society. The more highly people will believe us. There was however a man in history for whom appearance did not matter. Actually, kung makikita mo ang kanyang mga sinaunang mga pictures, it was the least of his assets, ang maging pogi. This person was Abraham Lincoln who knew he was not a handsome man. Edwin Stanton, a political opponent of Abraham Lincoln, often called Lincoln a “gorilla” even in public debates. But Lincoln never let his appearance bother him, but other people used it to insult him. No man was insulted for his looks more than Abraham Lincoln. But he never took a grudge against Stanton, that when he became president, he appointed Edwin Stanton as his Secretary of War. Siguro kung tayo yun hindi tayo mag a-appoint ng katunggali natin sa politika. Lalo na yung magsasabi sa ating “pangit ka”. Even Lincoln’s friends objected to his decision because Stanton was known for ridiculing Lincoln. When asked why he was choosing Stanton, Lincoln replied “because I know he is the best man for the job”. This is one of the many reasons why Stanton became a Republican and apparently changed his opinion of Lincoln. At Lincoln's death Stanton remarked, "Now he belongs to the ages," and lamented, "There lies the most perfect ruler of men the world has ever seen."

Updated 7/14/2009


Anti-aging and Physical Appearances By [email protected]

(Above: Abraham Lincoln) Stanton vigorously pursued the apprehension and prosecution of the conspirators involved in Lincoln's assassination. This is one of the many reasons why Abraham Lincoln turned out to be one of the greatest Presidents, if not the greatest President of the United States. He recognized a person’s worth no matter how that person have hurt him. He doesn’t solely rely on physical appearances. Again, when it comes to physical appearances, who would have thought that a black African American with a middle Eastern sounding name will be elected as the 44th President of the United States? His full name is Barack Hussein Obama. He recalled, "That my father looked nothing like the people around me — that he was black as pitch, my mother white as milk”. Incidentally, The inauguration of President Barack Obama as the forty-fourth President, and Joe Biden as Vice President, took place on January 20, 2009. The theme of the inauguration was "A New Birth of Freedom," commemorating the 200th anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln.

(Above: President Barack Hussein Obama)

In my own humanity, I was once labelled as “the little brown director” and my color has been a stigma for me since I was in the Elementary grades where my classmates would tease me and Updated 7/14/2009


Anti-aging and Physical Appearances By [email protected] call me a “niger”, “black” “uling” and “ita”. I somehow thought that my skin color is inferior and bad. So when I became an adult, I clamoured to have a more fairer skin. Thereby taking all necessary whitening, bleaching agents, tablets, going to expensive procedures just to make my skin lighter, whiter, etc. because I was not proud of my skin color. Well of course, those procedures did succeed to some extent. I am no longer as dark as before, but after all those things, I realized its not the color of my skin that would really matter in the long run. It’s the color of ones heart. Beauty is indeed in the eyes of the beholder. Thankfully, I overcame that vanity, little by little. When I met Dr. Noah McKay, he is also one person who will not judge by appearances. To those who have met him in person, I know that you can recall only gratitude, love and everlasting hope and possibility for humanity and for healthcare. I will always be thankful to God for the short but wonderful experiences with him and just like thousands of people out there, I am still hopeful for the future of medicine and healthcare worldwide. He passed away February 13, 2009, at the age of 52. Just like most Filipinos who are delighted by food, he also loves food. And yes, I can still recall when I introduced him to our amiable Dean who was also my former Professor, Dr. Nini Festin Lim, who told him that I am one of the brightest in class (to my surprise!) and Dr. Noah replied “yes, she is, I know and I never doubted that”. His message of love and gratitude inspires thousands of people at seminars and public appearances everywhere. He encourages us to integrate love and gratitude back into our family, our relationships our careers, and institutions. He dreams of a day when we teach an educational curriculum based on love, compassion and non-violence at our schools and colleges. Our future and the future of our planet will depend on it. Hats off to you Dr. Noah! You are a visionary. You believe so much in the capacity of human nature and what we can do to make this world a better place to live in. You will be missed. We thank you and your family and wife Kim, for sharing your life with us. God bless you richly. Our deepest respect and gratitude will be with you and your family. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Updated 7/14/2009


Anti-aging and Physical Appearances By [email protected]

(Above: Dr. Noah McKay formerly Nasser Talebzadeh Ordoubadi)

I remember a story about a soldier who was physically handicapped, was finally coming home after the Vietnam war. He called his parents in the San Francisco and told them he was coming home but never seemed to have the courage to tell them about his condition, that he lost an arm and a leg but instead told his parents that “I am bringing home a friend with me”. “Sure” his parents replied, he was hurt pretty badly in the fighting, he stepped on a land mine and lost an arm and a leg. He has nowhere to go” and requested that his friend live with them. The parents told their son “I’m sorry to hear that son, maybe we can help him find a place to live in.” But their son was unwavering in his decision, “I want him to live with us”. “Son,” the father replied, “you don’t know what you’re asking. Someone with a handicap will be such a terrible burden to us. We all have our own lives to live, and we can’t let something like this interfere with our daily lives. I think you should just come home and forget about this friend of yours and he will find a way to live on his own.” The son hung up and the parents heard nothing more from him. But a few days afterwards, the parents received a phone call from the police station and told them that their son died after falling from a building. The police believed it was suicide. The grief-striken parents traveled all the way to where the city morgue is to identify the body of their son. Only to find out, to their shock that their son, had only one arm and one leg. The parents in this story are common to most of us, we find it easy to accept those who are good looking, rich, beautiful or fun to be with, but we do not like people who are fat, physically challenged, who inconvenience us, who are unlike our skin color or race. We would sometimes judge a person by appearances. We do not realize that these people are hurting too and that somehow, there is this unwritten law inside our head that says, “you must keep your emoptions inside you and do not bother Updated 7/14/2009


Anti-aging and Physical Appearances By [email protected] other people of your weakness and hurts”. We project an image of ageless beauty but our hearts struggle with pain. This is now a time for us to respond to our friend’s hurts, our neighbor’s cry and be sensitive, be willing to open up a home in your heart where they can be accepted no matter what. Do not believe in myths that is better not to have wrinkles. Aging is inevitable but aging with wisdom gained from life’s experiences and lessons are commendable. Therefore, we age gracefully. We do not pick or choose what part of our loved ones life we can accept and not accept. As I recall the movie Connie and Carla with one of my favorite actor David Duchovy, they said, “That is why God placed those laugh lines, let your eyes crinkle, your skin wrinkle…these lines show that we have lived!” and “when your love partner doesn’t love you when you look like a map tell him to hit the road….!” Funny. But they have some point in it. When we place too much emphasis on the outside appearance that is where imbalance happens.

For those people who had been ridiculed, teased and given the cold treatment because you seem to be just ordinary. You are not. You are original and the one and only in the sight of God. Be a gimper for God. Cultivate your talents, find true friends who will not judge you for how and what you look like. God created each of us through His likeness and image. So don’t be afraid to shine. God created you to be unique and there is noone else like you on this planet. Wherever you are…..Shine! =============================================================================== The first informational blog regarding spa, massage therapy, beauty and wellness with a focus on the Philippines. Eunice’s blog and updates are found in this link www.yunesa.blogspot.com Some articles written by Eunice, which you can view, read, download and print for FREE. Just click on the links: What term should really be used? Client, Patient, Customer, At Iba Pa Masseur, Massagist, Massage Therapist, At Iba Pa http://yunesa.blogspot.com/2009/03/client-patient-customer-at-iba-pa.html

Is the spa, massage therapy and wellness industry included in the Top Businesses to start in these times of global financial challenges? Find out in this article so you can adopt and perhaps change your business into profitable ones:

Updated 7/14/2009


Anti-aging and Physical Appearances By [email protected] Top Businesses to Start in Uncertain Times/Sluggish Economy http://yunesa.blogspot.com/2009/02/top-businesses-to-start-in-uncertain.html If you are an employer these are the things you should ask, or if you are a prospective applicant, job seeker or someone who interviews people, this article can help you answer and ask/probe questions: http://yunesa.blogspot.com/2009/02/suggested-interview-questions-and.html Are you a smart boss, staff or employee? This article will give secrets on how to become a Smartest Spa, Massage Therapist/Practitioner. http://yunesa.blogspot.com/2009/02/smartest-spa-massage-therapist-ang.html Do you want to know the right type of massage for you? Do you you want to know the common types of massage and how it is practiced? This article will give you the glimpse of massage therapies locally and abroad: The Basics of Massage Therapy (Massage 101) http://yunesa.blogspot.com/2009/02/basics-of-massage-therapy-massage.html Do you want to know how much capital you need to start your own spa, massage clinic or wellness center? Do you want to know what it is like being a spa owner? Do you want to be (really) prepared before you shell out money into putting up your own spa, massage clinic or wellness center? Do you want to know what steps you have to take before putting up your own business in this field? How to Start, Begin or Open a Spa, Massage Clinic or Wellness Center http://yunesa.blogspot.com/2009/02/organizing-opening-starting-putting-up.html Are you tired of putting up with sexually charged clients? Do you know how to handle sexual harassment in the spa and massage therapy setting? Then this article will definitely help you: Preventing/ Avoiding Sexual Advances during a Spa or Massage session50 ways of Handling Client Advances http://yunesa.blogspot.com/2009/02/preventing-or-avoiding-sexual-advances.html Do you want to know about Hilot, Dagdagay and other indigenous therapies of the Philippines? If yes, then read on! A Wee-bit of Philippine Indigenous Therapies with a Focus on Hilot http://yunesa.blogspot.com/2009/02/wee-bit-of-philippine-indigenous.html Rules and Regulations on How to Become a Licensed Massage Therapist in the Philippines through the help of the Department of Health, here is the new update: How to Be a Licensed Massage Therapist in the Philippines http://yunesa.blogspot.com/2009/02/how-to-be-licensed-massage-therapist.html Licensure, Accreditation, Certification and Assessment http://yunesa.blogspot.com/2009/02/licensure-certification-accreditation.html On anti-aging and Physical Appearances http://yunesa.blogspot.com/2009/02/on-anti-aging-and-physical-appearances.html How to renew a Massage Therapy License in the Philippines: http://yunesa.blogspot.com/2009/05/license-renewal-for-massage-therapy-in.html If you want to be updated of spa, massage and wellness activities and events or be a part of a support group What is Meetup all about?

Updated 7/14/2009


Anti-aging and Physical Appearances By [email protected] http://yunesa.blogspot.com/2009/06/everybodys-meetup-dito-po-sa-atin.html

The most comprehensive resource and information guide on the list of training centers, magazines, publications, books and literatures both local and international are all available in the book, “The Spa, Massage and Wellness Resource Guide and Career Book”. The First Book on Spa, Massage and Wellness Resource Book and Career Guide http://www.pdfcoke.com/doc/6425282/About-the-Book-Spa-Massage-and-Wellness-Resource-Guide-andCareer-Book (this has the most comprehensive list of training centers in the Philippines and abroad with tips from professionals and employment opportunities, legal laws and regulations, list of employment agencies, how to choose a trainer, and information that you need in order to succeed in this industry and before you shell out money for your tuition or training, there are a lot of ways you can grab a copy of this valuable information para hindi ka mag sayang ng time and money enrolling in trainings you do not even need. This book will give you the information to start right in the industry with secrets you should know and being able to find your rainbow in the wonderful world of massage, spa and wellness. 1. You can order it online via www.Amazon.com at 34.95$ 2. You can order it via a Kindle device at $7.99 3. You can order an e-book copy through my blog at www.yunesa.blogspot.com at $19.95 4. You can also get a copy from National Bookstores nationwide at P799Pesos 5. For locals only, you can order it from me at local discounted rates with free delivery at 900Pesos (via LBC or FEDEX Air 21. Anywhere in the Philippines. Please allow 1-5 working days If you are looking for a career opportunity, not just a job in the spa, massage therapy and wellness industry, this book is a must read. Also, CD's included in the kit for spa management, practice and operations available: The Spa and Wellness Business- Understanding the Basics (PowerPoint format) Seven Deadly Mistakes to Avoid as a Spa Owner and Practitioner in the Spa Wellness Business (PowerPoint format) Spa, Massage and Facial Therapies 101 (The Basics) (PowerPoint format) Business Worksheets for Spa and Massage Business in the Philippines (Excel and Word format/program includes all the financial worksheets you need in computing for your operational cost, etc.) This article is written by: Eunice Estipona a spa consultant, mentor, advisor, speaker and lecturer. One of her advocacies is to make healing and information regarding the field of spa, massage and wellness accessible and affordable to everyone. If you are serious about turning your business or practice around, making the right decisions, getting an unbiased opinion and knowing where to get help, for lectures and other concerns she can be contacted at [email protected] or +639184745685. To find out how she can help you take your business to the next level, visit her site at http://www.meetup.com/philippinemassagetherapy These along with hundreds of resources found locally and abroad are contained in “The Spa, Massage and Wellness Resource and Career Book”, the first book of resource information to know more about the Spa, Massage and Wellness Industry in the Philippines and other countries including the United States, Australia and other Asian countries. You can view, read, download and print for FREE the book’s summary at this link http://www.pdfcoke.com/doc/6425282/About-the-Book-Spa-Massage-and-WellnessResource-Guide-and-Career-Book If you are a spa, massage therapy and wellness information seeker the resources contained in the book for you. This book is a collection of data and valuable information regarding the spa and massage industry in a global perspective with a focus on the Philippines. Her advocacy in writing the book is to make “unbiased” information regarding the field of spa, massage and wellness resources and career, accessible and affordable for everyone. If you are considering a career in the massage, spa and wellness

Updated 7/14/2009


Anti-aging and Physical Appearances By [email protected] industry, this book will prepare you and give you a glimpse of what it is like, the preparation you need to take: emotionally, intellectually and financially. In this book, you will learn more details in the spa and massage field and the possible paths you can take. You will also learn about local and international training programs offered and numerous employment possibilities. Giving you much needed information at your fingertips. You can order it from www.Amazon.com or for local Philippine residents, you can email and get in touch with Eunice at [email protected]. TERMS OF REPRINT

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Updated 7/14/2009


Anti-aging and Physical Appearances By [email protected] If you desire to publish this article in a PRINT publication, you must contact the author directly for Print Permission at: mailto:[email protected] ============ ========= ========= ========= ========= ========= The content of this article is solely the property and opinion of its author, Eunice

Updated 7/14/2009


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