Officer Apps 09-10

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 492
  • Pages: 3
Cal High Speech and Debate 200 9 Shahzeen Nasim President (925) 828-8393 (cell) [email protected] Adith Subramanian Vice President Lucas Ho Speech Captain

All persons interested in applying for any of the following club officer positions for 2009 – 2010, please complete the form below. The open positions are: Treasurer Secretary

Duties of each are listed. Please carefully read over the duties of the position(s) you are applying for and the duties required of all officers. By

filling out this form, you have agreed to take full responsibility in abiding by the duties required of you in the event that you are appointed to that position. FORMS ARE DUE ON MONDAY OCTOBER 26TH AND MAY BE GIVEN TO ANY OF THE LISTED OFFICERS OR SENT TO THE CLUB EMAIL

Name: ______________________________ Grade Next Year (’09 - ’10) _________ Position(s) applying for: ______________________________________________________ NOTE: - You may apply for more than one position, but you may only hold one position. - Please list positions being applied for in order of your preference Phone: [Cell] _____________________________ Email: ______________________________________@______________________________ AIM Screen name: ___________________________________________________________ 1. What are some of your hobbies? 2.

What are some special skills that you can contribute to or may aid you in your requested position and/or the club?


What other activities are you currently involved in? What possible time conflicts could these commitments cause?


What do you consider your strengths?


What do you consider your weaknesses? APPLICATION DUE MONDAY OCTOBER 26th Hand to: Any officer listed above or,

Cal High Speech and Debate 200 9 Email to: [email protected] with the document saved as your full name.

Cal High Speech and Debate 200 9 Officer Positions Treasurer: The treasurer will manage the organization’s funds and be in charge of all collections. The treasurer will prepare all funding requests from CAL HIGH and other campus departments as well as organize and coordinate fundraisers. Furthermore, the Treasurer shall keep a true and accurate account of all finances throughout the year. Secretary: The secretary will maintain a record of the organizations activities, including but not limited to, meeting minutes. The secretary shall be in charge of all membership duties, including answering email, checking box, responding to inquiries, and maintaining membership records. Required of All Officers: - Attend all club meetings AND officer board meetings - Attend all events and activities if possible - Active in controlling meetings, sharing project ideas, executing events, finding new projects or events for the club - Helping with any other officer’s duty if necessary - Responsible for keeping all other officers “in line” of duties, be assertive and active if an officer continually fails to do assigned tasks - Form strong bonds with one another and club members - Alert of all club functions, checking the calendar of events regularly - Responsible for “passing on the duty”; retain any materials necessary to pass on to future officers during the year - Responsible for actively researching in forensics activity

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