October 29, 2009

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  • Words: 237
  • Pages: 11
October 29, 2009 Bob Marley once sang “As long as you’re a Black man, you’re an African.” Do you agree? How much do people of African descent have in common with each other?


 The test  Due Today  I will accept them until Monday

Today’s Note Taking Method:

Name: _______________ Subject:_______________ Vocabulary Authors I 1.  The first one you learned  Let’s call it 4 boxes  We will rotate methods for awhile, then you will be able to choose the one that fits your learning style


Diaspora: an involuntary scattering of a people or culture

Slavery in the Caribbean  This scene depicts Voltaire's Candide and Cacambo meeting a maimed slave near Suriname. The caption says, "It is at this price that you eat sugar in Europe". The slave that utters the remark has had his hand cut off for getting a finger stuck in a millstone and his leg removed for trying to run away.

Slavery in the Caribbean

Slavery in Brazil  Sugar plantations  Slavery ended in Brazil in 1888  More Africans imported to Brazil than any other part of the new world

Class work:  Later we will discuss Pan – Africanism: the idea that all members of the African Diaspora have something in common. What do you think? Create something showing your pro or con position  Mini Poster or Bumper sticker would be ok

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