October 20, 2009 Committee Meeting Agenda

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October 13, 2009

Mayor Jacques Roy City of Alexandria City Hall Alexandria, Louisiana 71301 Dear Mayor: This is the Committee meeting schedule that will be held in the City Council Chambers on October 20, 2009. All Council Committee meetings shall begin that afternoon at 1:00p.m. unless otherwise designated. Public Policy and Planning Committee Meeting at 1:00 p.m. 1. To hear from the Administration on smoking on City Premises. Legal Committee Meeting at 1:15 p.m. or immediately following 1. To consider final adoption of an ordinance rezoning property located on England Drive near Browns Bend Road, being part of Lot 56, Experiment Plantation as requested by Bernard Brands, Inc., represented by Elton J. Bernard from “SF-2” Single Family moderate density district to “B-3” General Business district for the purpose of marketing the property for business uses.

Public Works/Zoning Committee Meeting at 1:20 p.m. or immediately following 1. To consider final adoption of an ordinance rezoning a parcel of land located at the corner of Culpepper Road and Leo Street, being Lot 1, Bethany place Subdivision, represented herein By Charles E. Colley, III; from “C-2” General Commercial District to C2/MFO”. General Commercial district with a multi-family overlay district for the purpose of housing duplexes. A & E Selection Committee at 1:30 p.m. or immediately following 1. To discuss qualifications for general surveying services. Finance Committee Meeting at 1:45 p.m. or immediately following 1.

To hear a report from the Administration concerning the audit report due to be received by the Legislative auditor by October 31, 2009.

2. To hear a report from the Administration on bond indebtedness as compared to projects let since 2008. Cost Share & Emerging Business Committee at 2:00 p.m. or immediately following 1. To hear a report from the Administration regarding Diversity in action initiative. Public Safety/Transportation Committee Meeting at 2:30 p.m. or immediately following 1. To hear from the Legal Division concerning the public transportation of students to the Boys & Girls Club and the L. E. A. D. Center.

2. To hear a report from the Administration concerning the crime situation in the City. Community Development Committee Meeting at 3:30 p.m. or immediately following 1. To hear a report from a Coke Cola representative on their recycling program. 2. To hear a report from the Administration concerning the differences between what the Administration first reported to the Council and the recent advertisement in the newspaper with relation to housing at the Stockyard property. 3. To hear an update from the Administration on the progress of the incubator located at the Stockyard Property. 4. To hear from the Administration concerning the hours of the community centers. 5. To hear a report from the Administration on why the city requires bidders to have various licenses when it comes to cutting grass. 6. To hear a report from the Administration concerning contracting out of maintenance of parks. 7. A report from the Administration concerning wetland issues on Versailles project verses Sugarhouse and Frank O’Hunter Park. 8. To hear an update on all contracts approved by the City Council, and not signed by the Mayor. 9. To hear an update from the Administration on all drainage improvements throughout the City for the past six months. 10. To hear an update from the Administration on cleaning of Chatlin Lake South of Willow Glen Road.

Personnel/ Insurance Committee Meeting at 4:30 p.m. or immediately following 1. To hear from the Administration on Police overtime. 2. To hear from the Administration on community policing. 3. To hear a report from the Administration concerning recruiting for the Alexandria Police Department. 4. To hear a report from the Administration concerning the new commission on crime. 5. To hear a report from the Police Department on intergovernmental agreements with the Rapides Parish Sheriff Department. 6. To hear an update report from the Administration concerning community police vehicle (Bus/Command Center). 7. To hear a report from the Administration concerning cleaning out of Bayou Roberts canals and other flood alleviating waterways. 8. To hear an update report from the Administration concerning ditch closures. 9. To hear an update from the Administration on requiring security cameras at large retail outlets. 10. To hear a report from the Administration concerning bus stop and bus sign advertising. 11. To hear a progress report from the Administration on bringing all parks up to the same level. Please have your staff note the change in format for the

committee meetings done in compliance with R. S. 42.7. The Council has directed that the City Clerk may advise the public of scheduling regarding committee meetings. It is always the intention of the Council to convene committee meetings at the conclusion of the prior committee meeting unless the Chair of the meeting may indicate otherwise for the convenience of the public. Have appropriate members from your Administration present for discussion. Sincerely, Myron K. Lawson, President Alexandria City Council MKL/dj

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