Ocs Upgrade Eval To Full

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  • Words: 2,544
  • Pages: 13
Upgrading Office Communications Server 2007 Evaluation to the Full Released Version Published: August 2007

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CONTENTS CONTENTS........................................................... .............................3 Introduction..................................................................................... ..1 Updating the Evaluation Server Roles..........................................1 Overview of the Upgrade Process.....................................................2 Upgrading for Enterprise Pools and Standard Edition Servers...........3 Overview of Steps for an Upgrade for Pools and Servers..............3 Back Up the Existing Evaluation User Database (Optional) .........4 Upgrade an Evaluation Version of an Enterprise Pool...................5 Upgrading Standard Edition Servers............................................5 Verify That Full Released Version Office Communications Server 2007 User Replication is Complete................................................. .......6 Upgrading for Director.......................................... ............................8 Upgrading for Edge Servers and Proxies...........................................8 Upgrading the Edge Servers (Access Edge, Web Conferencing Edge, Audio/Video Edge)............................................................ ............8 Upgrading the Proxy............................................................... ......9

Introduction This document guides you through the process of upgrading from Microsoft® Office Communications Server 2007 evaluation version to the Office Communications Server 2007 full release version. This upgrade document has the following scope and criteria: 1.

Evaluation to full release upgrades are only supported for the volume editions of Office Communications Server full released version. You cannot upgrade from the MSDN® edition or to the MSDN edition of Office Communications Server 2007 full release.


Evaluation to the full release upgrades are supported for the following Office Communications Server roles: •

Standard Edition Server

Enterprise Edition Server and Enterprise pool

Edge Servers: Access Edge, Web Conferencing Edge, Audio/Video Edge


Upgrading the following server roles and tools is not required. These server roles and components do not require a product key for installation and therefore are not subject to the evaluation expiry limits:


Web Conferencing Server

Mediation Server

Audio Video Conferencing Server

Web Components Server

Archiving and CDR Server

Administration Tools During any particular upgrade, if you cancel the evaluation to full released version of the file installation portion of the upgrade, your server will not perform as designed.

Updating the Evaluation Server Roles You must upgrade your entire Office Communications Server 2007 evaluation topology to move your deployment to the full release. This includes updating the following server roles depending on what you deployed during the evaluation stage. •

Enterprise pool, Standard Edition Server, or both.


Edge Servers


Upgrading Office Communications Server 2007 Evaluation to the Full Released Version

The recommended path to upgrade: •

Internal servers: Enterprise pool, Standard Edition Server and Directors

Edge Servers

For moving from any evaluation server to the same full released version of the server role, there is an automatic in-place upgrade methodology. This involves running the full released version of Server.msi on the current evaluation version of a server, which will update your installation while preserving any configurations and existing databases on both Standard Edition and Enterprise Edition Server.

Note To upgrade from the Evaluation to the full released version across editions, such as an evaluation version Standard Edition Server to a fully released version of Enterprise pool, you must run a side-by-side migration with the move users procedure. Deploy the full released version of the pool or server and then run a move users procedure before removing the evaluation version.

The following sections in this document explain the supported methodologies for upgrading each of the previously mentioned types of server roles: •

Overview of the Upgrade Process

Upgrading for Enterprise pools and Standard Edition Servers

Upgrading for Director

Upgrading for Edge Servers and Proxies

Overview of the Upgrade Process Server.msi provides the syntax for the upgrade process using this command line: MsiExec.exe /i Server.msi EVALTOFULL=1 [/l*v C:\Upgrade.log] [/q[n|b|r]+]

Table 1 Parameters for Server.msi Parameters



Parameter which specifies the action to perform (upgrade Evaluation to Full version)


This writes a complete log file of the operation. This is an optional MsiExec.exe parameter.

Upgrading for Edge Servers and Proxies


This sets user interface level. This is an optional MsiExec.exe parameter. Display[no|basic| reduced][completion notice] UI.

Upgrading for Enterprise Pools and Standard Edition Servers

This section discusses procedures required for an in-place upgrade of Enterprise pools and Standard Edition Servers.

Overview of Steps for an Upgrade for Pools and Servers The following table is an overview of the steps required for an in-place upgrade: from evaluation version of Standard Edition to the full released version, or from Enterprise Edition evaluation version to the full released version. For more information about each step, see the subsequent sections in this document.



Upgrading Office Communications Server 2007 Evaluation to the Full Released Version

Table 2 Steps for an in-place upgrade (Evaluation to fully released version) Procedure


1. Back up the evaluation User Database (optional).

As a precaution you may want to back up the existing evaluation version of then User database before upgrading the Evaluation Edition pool and server.

2. Upgrade the Evaluation Edition pool or Server.

Use the full released version to upgrade the evaluation version of the pool or server. The existing evaluation version of the User Database and configuration settings are preserved.

3. Verify that the full released version of User Replicator is complete.

The full released version of User Replicator must complete its first replication cycle before the upgraded pool or server can be operational.

Back Up the Existing Evaluation User Database (Optional) As a best practice, back up the existing evaluation version of the User database on an Enterprise pool or Standard Edition Server before upgrading the pool and server.

To back up the user database 1. Log on to the evaluation version of your Office Communications Server 2007 Standard Edition Server or the Enterprise pool Back-End Database. 2. Run Dbbackup /backupfile:[Name of backup file] [/dbname:] [/sqlserver:<machine name>\<sql server instance>]

If /sqlserver is not specified, the value defaults to (local)\rtc. If /dbname is not specified then it will default to rtc. If you are using these default SQL or MSDE instances, run the following command. Dbbackup /backupfile:[Name of backup file]

Otherwise, you will also have to specify the /dbname and the /sqlserver parameters. For more information about these parameters, see the Dbbackup Readme file.

Upgrading for Edge Servers and Proxies

Note Dbbackup.exe can be found in the Program Files\Microsoft LC 2005\Server\Support directory on a Standard Edition Server. On an Enterprise pool Back-End Database, you will need to copy the Dbbackup.exe file from one of your Enterprise Edition Servers in the same directory mentioned earlier in this note, or from the CD or installation share in the Support folder.

Upgrade an Evaluation Version of an Enterprise Pool Use the full release version of Server.msi to automatically upgrade the evaluation version of a pool or server to the full version.

To upgrade the installation of each Enterprise Edition Server 1. Log on to the Enterprise Edition Server using local administrator credentials. 2. Upgrade the installation for the Enterprise Edition Server. Use Server.msi which can be run from the installation folder or the CD (Setup\i386\setup directory). MsiExec.exe /i Server.msi EVALTOFULL=1 [/l*v ] [/q[n|b|r][+]]

For example: MsiExec.exe /i Server.msi EVALTOFULL=1 /l*v C:\Upgrade.log

Note Specify /qn parameter to run a silent upgrade of installation files during which no wizard pages or dialog boxes appear. If you run a silient install, specify the logging option with /l*vx parameter. You can also use the, /qn+ parameter to run a silent installation that displays a dialog box at the end of the procedure indicating whether the procedure is successful.


Follow the steps in the wizard to complete the upgrade.


Click Finish to exit the wizard.


Repeat steps 1 through 4 for each Enterprise Edition Server in the Enterprise pool.

Upgrading Standard Edition Servers



Upgrading Office Communications Server 2007 Evaluation to the Full Released Version

Use the following procedure to upgrade the evaluation version of a Standard Edition Server using the command line.

To upgrade the installation files for each Standard Edition Server 1. Log on to the evaluation version of Standard Edition Server using local administrator credentials. 2. Upgrade the installation files for the Standard Edition Server. Use Server.msi, which can be run from the installation folder or the CD (Setup\i386\setup directory) MsiExec.exe /i Server.msi EVALTOFULL=1 [/l*v ] [/q[n|b|r][+]]

For example: MsiExec.exe /i Server.msi EVALTOFULL=1 /l*v C:\Upgrade.log

Note Specifying the /qn parameter will make the upgrade of installation files procedure silent and no wizard pages or dialog boxes will appear (step 3 is skipped). For the silent /qn case, the Windows Installer recommendation is always to specify the logging option with /l*vx parameter. See the syntax in step 2. Also, the /qn+ parameter can be used for silent installs but a dialog box appears at the end of the procedure indicating whether the procedure succeeds.

3. Follow the steps in the wizard to complete the upgrade. 4. Click Finish to exit the wizard.

Verify That Full Released Version Office Communications Server 2007 User Replication is Complete Before your full released versions of Enterprise pool and Standard Edition Servers are operational and can home and route users, you must verify that the User Replicator that replicates Active Directory User objects to the database has completed the first replication cycle on the full released version of the pool and server for all the domains with users enabled.

To verify that user replicator is completed on a full released version of Office Communications Server 2007 Standard Edition 1. Open the Event Viewer. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Administration Tools, and then click Event Viewer. 2. Click Application Logs, and then click the Source column to sort by source.

Upgrading for Edge Servers and Proxies

3. Look for Office Communications User Replicator as the source and event ID 30024. The event displays the following text: User Replicator has completed initial synchronization of domain <domain name> (DN: ) and the database. Future synchronization for this domain will occur as changes are made in Active Directory.

Check this event for all the domains with users enabled for Office Communications Server.

To verify that user replicator is complete in a full released version of Office Communications Server Enterprise pool 1. Only one server in the pool is assigned the user replication task. Determine which server in the pool runs the user replicator: a.

Run the Dbanalyze tool. (This tool is available in the Office Communications Server 2007 Resource Kit Tools.)


In the Office Communications Server 2007 Back-End Database, from a command prompt, type dbanalyze.exe /report:diag /poolfqdn:<pool fqdn for the pool>. The report shows which server within the pool is assigned the user replicator. In the following example, server03 is assigned the user replication task.

Task Name ----------------Endpoint Expiration

Fqdn ------server01.contoso.com

Subscription Expiration


User Replication Nightly Maintenance

server03.contoso.com server04.contoso.com

2. On the server that is assigned the user replicator, open the Event Viewer. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Administration Tools, and then click Event Viewer. 3. Click Application Logs, and then click the Source column to sort by source. 4. Look for OCS User Replicator as the source and event ID 30024. The event displays the following text: User Replicator has completed initial synchronization of domain <domain name> (DN: ) and the database. Future synchronization for this domain will occur as changes are made in Active Directory.

Check this event for all the domains with users enabled for Office Communications Server.



Upgrading Office Communications Server 2007 Evaluation to the Full Released Version

Upgrading for Director The evaluation version of a Director must also be upgraded. Because a Director is a Standard Edition Server or an Enterprise pool, but without users homed to it, see Upgrading for Enterprise Pools and Standard Edition Servers earlier in this document to upgrade your Directors.

Upgrading for Edge Servers and Proxies The evaluation version of Edge Servers and Proxy must be upgraded along with the internal servers and Directors. The upgrade involves upgrading the installation files. No reactivation is required for the Edge Server or Proxy upgrade. All configuration settings are preserved during this upgrade.

Upgrading the Edge Servers (Access Edge, Web Conferencing Edge, Audio/Video Edge) Use the following procedure to upgrade an evaluation version of an edge server using Server.msi.

To upgrade the installation files for the Evaluation Edge Server (Access Edge, Web Conferencing Edge, Audio/Video Edge) 1. Log on to the evaluation version of the Edge Server using local administrator credentials. 2. Upgrade the installation files for the Edge Server. Use Server.msi, which can be run from the installation folder or installation CD (Setup\i386\setup directory). MsiExec.exe /i Server.msi EVALTOFULL=1 [/l*v ] [/q[n|b|r][+]]

For example: MsiExec.exe /i Server.msi EVALTOFULL=1 /l*v C:\Upgrade.log

Note Specifying the /qn parameter will make the upgrade of installation files procedure silent and no wizard pages or dialog boxes will be displayed (step 3 is skipped). For the silent /qn case, the Windows Installer recommendation is always to specify the logging option with /l*vx   parameter. The /qn+ parameter can be used for silent installs but a dialog box appears at the end of the procedure indicating whether the procedure succeeded.

3. Follow the steps in the wizard.

Upgrading for Edge Servers and Proxies

4. Click Finish to exit the wizard.

Upgrading the Proxy Use the following procedure to upgrade an evaluation version of Proxy using Server.msi.

To upgrade the installation files for the evaluation version of Proxy 1. Log on to the Evaluation Proxy using Local Administrator credentials. MsiExec.exe /i Server.msi EVALTOFULL=1 [/l*v ] [/q[n|b|r][+]]

For example: MsiExec.exe /i Server.msi EVALTOFULL=1 /l*v C:\Upgrade.log

Note Specifying the /qn parameter will make the upgrade of installation files procedure silent and no wizard pages or dialog boxes will be displayed (step 3 is skipped). For the silent /qn case, the Windows Installer recommendation is always to specify the logging option with the /l*vx  parameter. See the syntax in step 1. /qn+ parameter can be used for silent installs but a dialog box

appears at the end of the procedure indicating whether the procedure was successful.

2. Follow the steps in the procedure’s wizard to complete the upgrade. 3. Click Finish to exit the wizard.


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