Dear Dr. JanetM.lWilamowski, As you are aware/ my son had Strabismus or "lazy eye." At age five (5) he had an operationto corrbct it, WhileattendingKindergarten,he was diagnosedwith a condition describedas "receptivelanguageproblem," While attendinga specialschool,I noticedthat he could read the words on a flash card or work ring but not on the printed page. So I asked a doctor and friendsif Strabismusaffects reading.The specialschoolwasconsultedbut couldnot provideassistance. By chance,I found a websitewith an article by Dr. DonaldGetz. I thought I was readingan article about my son'sdifficulties.The article went on to describethe differencebetweensight and vision. Eyesight is the ability to see clearly. Vision involves the brain and the interpretation of data brought in through eyes and sent to the brain for interpretation.
Dr. Donald Getz went on to indicate that not all eye doctors examine these
functions, which are so critical for the school-agedchild and learning,This website fortunately directedme to you, Dr. JanetM. Wilamowski, O.D. -Telephone#610-783-1331. For four (4) years my son had been readingat a first grade level at the specialschool;after six (6) monthsof your eye therapy,he was readingat a third gradelevelat publicschool.In nine (9) monthstime, he was readingat a fifth gradelevelat publicschool,all of which is to your extraordinarycredit. My appreciativethought as relatedto other children'scare by Dr, Wilamowskiis that you may bring care and comfoft to all childrenwho have experiencedour son'sformer difficulties.At UpperMerionMiddleSchool,lohn J. O'Brien,IV was chosenas the fifth (sth) gradestudentof the month of February200I by the principalof the school.Goodluckand callfor any additionalinformationand recommendation. Very truly yours, JohnJ, O'Brien,Esquire