
  • April 2020
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  • Words: 2,548
  • Pages: 6
Chapter 1 At the moment, I am rendered speechless I wish to delight myself by praising her beauty But as I opened my mouth to utter my words of praise I find my self… voiceless The mere thought that her image would enter my mind Blinds my eyes Clogs my nose Deafens my ears Mutes my voice And leaves my body stiff in numbness But alas! No force in this world Can prevent me from exalting the goddess that she is Oh, I shiver as I recall the very moment that I first laid eyes on her I remember her hair well enough! For the shine that shone brightly from it Outshines the very rays that shined from the sun She moved. Her body turning… as if to face mine. At that moment, and for the first time in my life I started believing in angels. How can one not have faith in such beautiful beings If a sample of their kin was standing right in front of him I remember the stars glittering brighter than ever Trying so desperately to out-glitter her eyes… But to no avail. I recall nothing in this world that could ever be at par with those eyes. Her face then glowed as if emanating As if telling me that the mere sight of her Is grace enough Whom only a hand full of men are blessed with If everyone could just see her face There would be peace in the world For one such beauty can cause people to forget anger Happiness was ever so present at that moment

But just when I thought that happiness would never end She started moving away… leaving It was like seeing an angel spread her wings Readying to fly I gasped and tried to reach her But it was too late She has left I felt reality and all its madness starting to cling Back to me But I knew then on that reality can not defeat me For the inspiration that I felt Was greater than all the evil in the world combined. And so the first meeting has come to pass The aftermath… quite enticing… For forever shall she be present In my mind… and in my heart…

Chapter 2 A long time has passed since I have last seen of her The days pass as though they were countless And the nights that passed with them were all cold I have dreamed so much of seeing her again My body was in pure chaos for each part acted as though it had a mind of its own My eyes envied my mind for my mind sees her still And my skin revolted along with my heart For they both bid to feel her warmth I did all I could to find her I even learned to pray Prayer, I found, had the greatest of my chances For prayer alone could lead a man To some one with such beauty


Twice in his life [sigh] But as I have expected, my prayers were not answered After twelve moons have passed I was forced to abandon what I coined as My mystic crusade For only after twelve moons did I realize That I have yet to unearth anything of her I sat down in an empty corner And laid my head to rest against the wall I needed all the strength I could muster For the task at hand Was greater than any I have ever encountered For I knew that the decision I made Contradicts all that I believed in I decided that all I knew of her was to be forgotten For if it was to be remembered It would mean only suicide I thought on, justifying my actions Telling myself that whatever happens She would not be affected For she knows me not I went on with my life… a life of misery Evil swarmed me for everyone knows That evil would have use for my such But I stayed strong and pure for a reason I know not My will fought valiantly To preserve myself from any unwanted evil Of course, everyone knows that eventually One will grow weak. I grew tired and strengthless Still, evil stood no chance against me But I stood no chance against death Death could consume me anytime For I found no reason for life

And there I was, threading drowsily upon the lullaby of eternity When I met someone She was no angel But neither was she a devil … or so I thought I told my self that the charade had to end then and there For I had finally found someone I could reach I learned to love her and she made me believe that she loved me We lived happily for several moons But then, her true color showed Just when she has lifted me as high as the clouds Just when she got all my possessions She let go. I was used I fell… I felt an unwaivering anger within me As I emerged from the pits of hell where I fell in I defied my own morals Evil could not consume me for For I consumed evil I felt every bit of pain worsen But pain became the source of my strength The more I felt pain, the stronger I became I was consummated to evil But the consummation was yet to be ratified The symbol of the fulfillment of this unholy matrimony Was vengeance For the deceiver was upon me. But just when I was at the threshold of my ratification Just when I was at the verge of my vengeance Something happened Something that not even the greatest of seers Would have foreseen Tears fell from my eyes as I looked at my hands For almost have I stained them with blood Regret was in me… Around me


It was haunting me I looked up again to see if my eyes had not lied It was real I cried both of regret and of joy For after seeing more than thirty-six moons… After going through hell… MY ANGEL HAS RETURNED Chapter 3 At first I thought that insanity had become of me I could not believe that I would see her again I doubted her presence But I wanted so much to believe that it is true And in doing so, I am doubting doubt Doubting doubt, I believe, Makes me less of a saner man than I was before The lesser the sanity I had found in me The more the reason I had for touching her For if she was tangible It would mean that she is real And if she is real Then I would be the sanest man in the world I sneaked up behind her So normally acting as if not to be noticed Sweat was dripping from me For I knew not what I was doing But knowing not what one does Is reason enough for an insane man I patted the top of her head So-suddenly I realized that I indeed was sane And being sane, I believe, takes away all the Reason in the world for me to pat someone’s head She faced me

Both curious and scared She looked at me as if questioning my actions I was overwhelmed For upon me was someone more beautiful Than the one who was playing in my mind Only then did I understand That even my depiction of her Cannot compare to her actual beauty She looked straight into my eyes I looked away For to have looked back would be To take something that I am unworthy to receive I conversed with her Witting my way out of trouble Unexpectedly, after saying but a few words, she forgave me I was shocked For she showed kindness beyond kindness I was also awe-stricken For since the day that I first saw her I had stopped believing that anything Could be more beautiful than her face At that instance, she proved me wrong For the beauty of her face Was nothing compared to the beauty of her heart I paused, Thinking of a proper way for my introduction But when I looked back… She was gone As I walked away, I was shakened For I thought that for some reason God can not here me And now, here he is With the answer to my only prayer I felt goodness flourishing again It was as if the sun had shined


For the first time after a long winter The days were brighter For each sunrise marked a new chance of seeing her And each sunset promised a new dream of her One fine day, I came across her My mind was finally set into talking to her As I drew near, I felt my body, dropping its temperature As if my whole body Was dipped in the middle of a frozen lake While my consciousness was moving slowly towards her I lost control, I knew not what I was to do. I was in a state of panic I could do but nothing than to let the opportunity fly by But just when I was about to walk away I found myself conversing with her I knew not what happened but I found myself conversing with her still She indeed was an angel An angel that goes by the name… Maria We spent the whole day exchanging thoughts It was amazing For the first time in my life, I was happy And I did not even have to do anything about it The feeling was indescribable But as the sun had to leave the sky She had to leave along with it The days passed and we easily became friends One could earnestly describe me as the happiest man alive For whenever she was around No problem was left unsolved. One day, she had asked me to visit her place Without a second lost,

My mouth had uttered words of confirmation It was automatic, no thinking had to be done I knew that the whole day would be great For simply being with her is great enough What more would it be if I was with her at her place I went to the address jutted down on the piece of paper That she had given to me I was surprise for the place where she had led me Was a place that cannot be described by a word less than majestic It was wondrous and grand Upon me was a vast meadow… More like a garden There was a number of giant trees And crawling on them were plants of exotic beauty To my left I saw a field of several colors, Blue, red, white, yellow, and pink All of which were enveloped in green When I drew nearer, I was amazed For the field that I saw was a bed of roses Not just simple roses But roses that had blossomed due to an overflow Of happiness To my right was a pond of clear water And beside it was an olden tree Humungous in size Its branches were full of leaves Reaching out as far as it can As if hiding the pond from the sight of the sun And in front of me was the icing of the cake In front of me was one of the gigantic trees Hanging from it was a swing Not an elegant swing But a simple piece of wood tied to a branch of the tree Sitting on the swing was Maria As I slowly strode towards her, I watched her


I watched her fly like the wind as she swung It was a sight to behold I was again speechless For I cannot believe that someone Who was blessed with a body as beautiful as a goddess’ And a heart as pure as an angel’s Could also be blessed with a mind as innocent as a child’s I spoke, the words came out naturally For fear was no longer was a barrier of my actions She invited me to the pond Where we were to spend the whole day together We lied down on the perfectly shaped bed Provided by the roots of the humungous tree I suddenly noticed that the pond was deep For its bottom cannot be seen Yet it had nothing but clear water in it I was bedazzled I know not where it came from But there were small angelic voices Chanting melodiously Calming the world and giving it its peace It was enchanting The wind blew gently upon me Touching every part of my body As if caressing me… … nurturing me

I am to make sure of a bright future for her The moon has arrived, driving the sun away The sky was clear and the stars were appearing one by one We decided to gaze at the stars but As we looked up at the sky, A gigantic cloud showed up Covering every inch of the vast sky above As if selfishly hording every single star for itself We could do but nothing For to act against it would be To act against mother earth Of course, that is besides the fact that We can do but nothing of it But even though I was deprived of my chance to Gaze at the beautiful sky, That cloud can never deprive me of my happiness For if I was to be considered as a simpleton Whose happiness lies only in looking at beautiful things, Then I should also be considered as the happiest man For the person beside me Is the most beautiful being that there can ever be But I am not mere a simpleton My wants can not easily be sufficed Beauty alone can not satisfy my heart That, I believe, is the reason why I value her so much The fact that she has overwhelmed my wants

The day gave us a chance to know each other more As the sun gently glided downwards Slowly hiding behind the earth where I stood I started to unravel the answer Whom all men seek The purpose of one’s life The good Lord has created me For a purpose with which I am blessed For I was created to care and to cherish her To the best of my abilities

As the night grew deeper The time to go drew nearer We spent the last few minutes playing Just trying our best to have fun We were like kids, enjoying ourselves without a care in the world The moon was high and the night was deep I was readying to leave But as I stood from the root where we sat She gently pulled me down


The soft and beautiful chant faded away Until there was only silence She took my hand, tightly yet gently gripping it Surprised, I sat down beside her She spoke My heart had pounded a million times over Even before a word had left her mouth The words came out of her, gently, sweetly, and sincerely She bids me to keep a promise That I am not to deny A promise to forever keep her in her heart. As a friend… and nothing more


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