OBESITY: obesity is defined as a condition of excess body weight and fat. The size and no of fat cells increase in obese people. A person is said to be obese , when his body weight is 20% or more above ideal body weight. The ideal weight can be calculated by comparing his height and sex. Due to a no of health risks of obesity, it has been declared a disease. Because it has been observed that obese person usually fall prey to diabetes , hypertension, heart diseases, cancer, flat foot, respiratory problems, liver malfunctioning etc. In the developing countries,the increasing rate of obesity is alarming, particularly in United States and
Europe. Due to this reason, obesity has been considered as an epidemic in America.
The obesity is generally classified into two types : 1.HYPERPLASTIC OBESITY : A person having more than normal no of fat cells, is considered as hyperplastic obese.
2.HYPERTROPHIC OBESITY :A person having more than normal size of the fat cells, is considered as hypertrophic obese.
CAUSES OF OBESITY 1.HEREDITY : If the parents are obese, their children are likely to be obese. Studies indicate that a person'sgenetic makeup may influence the tendency of the body to store too much energy or burn too little. But, there are a no of factors which play very vital role in obesity.
2.SEDENTARY LIFE STYLE: Most of the children lead a sedentary life style. They prefer to watch T.V. word or computer, ride in cars rather than walking .if they have to switch on/off the T.V./AC, they prefer to do it with remote control, instead of doing it manually. Most of the time they remain inactive. 3.ENDOCRINE GLAND FUNCTIONING: Obesity may be due to malfunctioning of certain endocrine glands. As thyroid glands plays an important part in the obesity of an individual . If it secretes less amount of thyroxine, the person can be obese . Most of the ladies become obese due to thyroid glands in young age. 4. EATING HABITS: Eating habits which cause obesity are : (A ).EATING IN EXCESSIVE QUANTITY: Some children take excess food than they require. Taking large amount of food, they get more calories than their requirement. A person becomes obese if his intake of calories is more than the expenditure. (B). EATING CARBOHYDRATES RICH FOOD: Some children like carbohydrates rich food like rice, chocolates, potatoes and sweets. By taking carbohydrates rich food the body weight of the child increases rapidly. (C). EATING WHILE READING AND WATCHING TV : We have often seen that children and adults take their meal while reading and watching TV. In this way, they take more quantity of food which increases their intake of calories. These extra calories are deposited in the form of fats. (D). EATING JUNK FOOD: children mostly prefer to eat junk food like pizza, burger, pastry, chocolates, noodles, colddrinks, etc. These foods have large amount of fats. Such type of food stuff enhances the weight of the person.
EFFECTS OF OBESITY ON HEALTH: The obese people are found to be prone towards disease . The health problems associated with obesity have been explained below:
1. HEART-DISEASE: The obese people have always the risk of developing of coronary diseases. 2. DIABETES : Obesity is one of the factors for the begining of diabetes. The obese people are at a disadvantage in preventing diabetes.
3. HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE : Due to excess fat, the obese people have high blood pressure. The fat cells deposit into the walls of blood vessels, leading to increase in blood pressure. 4. HERNIA: Due to fat accumulation around abdomen, the walls of abdomen become weak, which results
in more abdominal pressure.
PREVENTIVE AND CURATIVE MEASURES: Obesity can be prevented and cured easily with the help of preventive and curative measures. These measures are directly related to life style management and sports. The measures are described below:
(A) Diet-related preventive and curative measures : These measures are related to diet. In these measures, the emphasis is laid down upon the reduced intake of calories. These are stated as : 1. Avoid fatty foods. 2.Avoid junk and fast food. 3.Avoid overeating. 4. Don't eat frequently. 5. Avoid carbohydrated rich food.
6. Avoid alcohol, smoking and drugs.
(B) Exercise related preventive and curative measures: These measures also play a vital role in preventing and curing obesity. These are stated below: 1. Regular physical exercise. 2 To play sports and games regularly. 3. Weight training exercises.
4. Resistance ecercise. 5. Yogic exercises. 6. Active life style.
CONCLUSION: It can be concluded that if we want to prevent obesity , we should act effectively on both types of preventive and curative measures.