Oaf Class 1 & 2.docx

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  • November 2019
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  • Words: 1,813
  • Pages: 32
OAF Class 1 Introduction 1) OAF Earlier HTML pages, JTF, Self-service pages, Started with JSP(performance). Springlets, J2EE and the other all frameworks(Partially built in application).  OAF are web based application. OAF pages can support to the Mobile applications Oracle Applications Framework is the Oracle Applications development and deployment platform for HTML-based business applications OA Framework consists of a set of middle-tier runtime services and a design-time extension to Oracle10G JDeveloper called Oracle Applications Extension (OA Extension).

2)Advantages of OAF End User Productivity Enterprise-Grade Performance and Scalability Developer Productivity Application Customizability Open Standards

3)Necessary to Use OAF in Oracle apps a) Integration b) Security c) Customizations 4) Diff b/w OAF and Forms OAF 1)OAF pages followed with MVC Architecture As well as Client /server Architecture 2)OAF pages are web application 3)OAF pages can interact mobile devices 4)OAF pages are light weight components 5)OAF pages are look and feel is good 6)OAF page start with Region->Items 7)OAF pages will be there in JAVA_TOP

Forms 1) Forms followed only Client /server Architecture 2)Forms are not web application 3)Forms cannot interact mobile devices 4)Forms are light weight components compare to OAF. 5)N/A 6)Forms start with window->canvas->blocks>fields 7)Forms will be there in AU_TOP 1

5) Diff b/w OAF and ADF. OAF 1)OAF Follows MVC Architecture 2)OAF can integrate only Oracle EBS. 3)OAF Does not support Drag and Drop Option 4)OAF page cannot see the lay out at design time

ADF 1)ADF follows MVC1 and MVC2 Architecture 2)ADF can integrate any other ERPS 3)ADF does support Drag and Drop Options 4)ADF can see the lay out at design time

Prerequisites for LEARNING OAF: You need to have an Oracle Apps 11i or higher environment to play around with. Basic knowledge of java is needed. Rather I would say basic knowledge of OOP [Object Oriented Programming] is needed. I mean just the concepts. Understand MVC concept

Roles and responsibilities in OAF: 1)Development of OAF pages from scratch (Custom Modules) 2)Customization of OAF pages from existing custom application(only Custom Modules) 3)Personalization of OAF pages from existing standard OR CUSTOM oracle Pages(Standard module and custom module) (With out touching of oracle std code) 4)Extension of OAF pages from existing standard oracle Pages(only oracle Std pages) (With touching of oracle std code) 5)Upgradation of OAF pages from LOWE VERSION of apps to higher version of apps(11i to R12)


MVC Architecture: M






Front End Table, View, Synonym Etc(Entity Object EO) Get(ProcessRequest)

Http HttpPost(ProcessForm Request)

Queries (ViewObject VO) Primary and foreign key(Entity Association(AO)) All the joins from tables, ViewLinks(VL) Packages, Proc, func, triggers, sequences, commit, rollback(OADB Transactions)








MVC Architecture In Details: 1)OAF Follows J2ee Architecture , J2EE follows MVC Architecture Ultimately OAF also follows MVC Achitecture. 2)MVC is clean design interface b/w model /view /Controller OverView of Model: 1)Model will interact all the DB Objects and DB Transactions 2)Model will implement all the BC4J Components BC4J: Represents the Directory Structure of All your Objects 3)BC4J Consist of 3 types a) Entity Object and associations b) ViewObjects and ViewLinks c) Application Module EntityObject: 1)Entity Object represents DB table,Views,Synonym and snap shots 2)All the EntitytObjects End with EO EmployeeEO 3)Performing the DML operations on OAF page , must have to create an EntityObject 4)When you create an EntityoBject Framework will create one java file EmployeeEOImpl.java

Two types of EntityObjects: I. II.

Java Based Entity Object -- Performing the DML Operations on Oracle Custom Tables , will go for Java Based Entity Object PL/SQL Based EntityObject -- Performing the DML Operations on Oracle Standard Tables , will go for PL/SQL Based Entity Object

EnityAssociations: 1)Association is relationship b/w two two entityObjects having one common column 2)to perfom DML operations on Master details data 3)All the EntityAssociation objects end with AO. eX: DeptEmpAO A)ON Delete Cascade B)ON Update Keys c)ON Update History Columns ViewObjects and ViewLinks(VO and VL): 1)ViewObjects will be access all Sql Queries 2)All the ViewObjects end with VO SuppliersVO 4

3)When you create the VO TWO JAVA FILES will be create. SuppliersVOImpl.java (Single record Level Validation) SuppliersVORowImpl.java(Multiple rows validation) Example Header and lines Types of viewObjects: a)Automatic VO -- Automatically Query stmt will generate Automatic VOS are linking with EnityObjects (to perform the DML operations and as well as fetch) b)ManualVO-- Manually write SQL Query (to display the data on the page and search operations) ViewLinks: 1)Relatship b/w two vo's, having one common column 2)All the VIewLink Objects End with VL DeptEmpVL 3)TO Display Master details data on the page through ViewLink.

ApplicationModule: 1)Interface b/w All the DB Objects with OAF page (All the EO,VOS routed to the page via AM) 2)All the Application Module Objects End with AM SupplierInfoAM 3)When you create an AM , one java file will create SupplierInfoAMImpl.java TWO Types of AM 1)Root Application Module : Attaching AM to the Root Region of the pagecalled as Root Application Module Ex:Accessing VOS to all of the sub regions 2)Nested Application Module: Attaching AM to the Sub Region of the pagecalled as Nested Application Module. Ex:Accessing VOS to with specific to sub region. OAF page Output process in Jdeveloper: Jdeveloper EmployeePG a)Empno c)Sal b)ename E)JOB



-> Page will be rendered

<Empno prmopt -emp no, size -40, -------- Empno -TextINPUT/> OAF page Output Process in Oralce apps Server: 1)EmployeePG ->Move the file respective top : 5

2)Run the XML importer script for the page: import D:\OAF\jdevhome\jdev\myprojects\vamshi\oracle\apps\po\department\webui\ EmployeePG.xml rootdir D:\OAF\jdevhome\jdev\myprojects -username apps -password apps -dbconnection "(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=apps.ora.com)(PORT=1521)))(CONNECT_ DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=VIS)))"


Controller : 1)Controller Interacts Web browser activities. 2)Controller will taken care Http Get/Http Post 3)All the Controller Objects End with CO. SupplierCO.java In Controller we have 3 methods: ProcessRequest -HttpGet -- on the page load display any default data will go for Process Request. ProcessFormRequest-HttpPost -- after web page opens , perform any actions on the webpge will go for Process Form Request Ex: Button Press,Link Press,TabOuts ProcessFormData-HttpGet/HttpPost -- optional Method in controller . Two parameters in Controller: 1)OAPageContext (in built class which oracle already developed) 2)OAWebBean(in built class which oracle already developed)

public void abc() { } public int abc() { } public void ProcessRequest(OAPageConText opc, OAWebBean owb) { 1)to get the Apps Context Values opc.getUserName(); int vuid=opc.getUserId(); opc.getMessage("Message Name from AOL"); opc.getStructureCode("KFF Title"); opc.getFunctionId(); 6

.... .... ..... .... 2)to get the value from page String vsname=null; SupplierName Dell vsname=opc.getParemeter("SupplierName"); System.Out.PrintLn("Print suppliername"+vsname); 3) navigating to another page Page 1


Next opc.setforwrdurl("page2 path"); 4) page1 code vsname=opc.getParemeter("SupplierName"); opc.putsessionvalue("abc", vsname); page5 code String ssname=pageContext.getSessionvalue("abc ");

OAWebBean: OAWebBean Represents the Item Proeperties: 1)MessageTextInput -- OAMessageTextInputBean 2)MessageStyleText -- OAMessageStyleTextBean 3)MessageLOVINnput -- OAMessageLOVInputBean 4)SubmitButton -- OASubmitButtonBean 5)MessageCheckBox -- OAMessageCheckBoxBean .. .. ... Etc... EmpName dell -- MessageTextInput Paid Ac Apply

-- MassageCheckBox --MassageCheckBox -- SubmitButton

OAMessageTextInputBean omtib = owb.findchildrecursive("EmpName"); omtib.setText("dell"); OAMassageCheckBoxBean Objomcib = owb.findchildrecursive("Paid"); omcib.setchecked(true); OAMassageCheckBoxBean Objomcibb=owb.findchildrecursive("AC"); omcib1.setchecked(true); 7

OASubmitButtonBean osbb=ob. findchildrecursive("Apply "); osbb.setdiabled(true); Save


EmpName 30 EmpName 50 china org id - 204 brazil org id -205 if(opc.getOrgId().equlas("205") { OAMessageTextInputBean mbean=ob.findchildRecursive("EmpName"); mbean.setwidth("50"); }

Onion Structure in OAF:


BC4J(Business Components for java) FileStructure:  AM AND VO -> BC4J XXAAM.oracle.apps.po.xxname.server [CLIENT NAME].Oracle.apps.[application short name].[component name].server Entity Object(EO) -> BC4J XXAAM.oracle.apps.po.xxname.schema.server  LOV ->BC4J XXAAM.oracle.apps.po.xxname.LOV.server  Poplist ->BC4J XXAAM.oracle.apps.po.xxname.poplist.server  Controller & Page XXAAM.oracle.apps.po.xxname.webui


OAF Class 2 Jdeveloper Configuration in ORCALE APPS Environment: 1)Identify the OAF Jdeveloper patch About this page ->Technologycomponenets (Note: For any Oracle apps Version have One JDeveloper patch).

How to Find the Correct Version of JDeveloper for OA Extensions.docx

Oracle Apps Version R12.1.1 R12.1.3 R12.2.2

Jdeveloperpatch p6908968_R12_GENERIC P8901234 P989789

Patch Contains 3 Folders 1) JdevBin -- contains import,export,jpx import,xliffextact,xliffimport, jdeveloper tool (Path(import,export,jpx import,xliffextact,xliffimport) ->D:\drive_path\jdevbin\oaext\bin) Jdeveloper tool ->D:\drive_path\jdevbin\jdev\bin 2) JdevHome -- All the project related files(Eo,vos,am,pages,co,vl,ao 3) JdevDoc -- All the documentation of OAF 2)set the environment variable for windows Variable name - JDEV_USER_HOME Variable value - D:\OAF_May\jdevhome\jdev


3)Get the DBC FILE from oracle inst top and put into jdeveloper patch About this page ->Java System Properties


From -> About this page ->Java System Properties To -> D:\drive_path\jdevhome\jdev\dbc_files\secure 4)make the short cut of jdeveloper to desktop From -> D:\OAF_May\jdevbin\jdev\bin 5)open the jdeveloper ->create database connection.


a) Connectio NAME - Vision Connection Type -OracleJDBC ->Next b) uname - apps , pwd - apps


6) set the Default Project Properties. Tools ->Default Project Properties


Front End Uname -Operations Password - welcome




Sample Exercises:

1) Develop Simple OAF page. a) Create Java Workspace(.jws)

Click on ok. Next -> 18

b) Create Java Project

Next->Next->Next->Finish. c) Create a page.



d) Create An Application Module in Respective BC4J.



Next->Next->Next->Finish e) Attach AM to the page


Give window Title and Title name of the page

g) Run the page 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9)

Display Images on the page Display Regions and Items on the page Display Apps Context Values on the page Display Exceptions messages with Dynamically. Swapping the value from one field to another field Sum of two numbers Display data to OAF page from DB. Search Pages a) Automatic Search 1) Simple Search page 2) Advanced Search Page b) Result Based Search c) Manual Search page.


In Detail 2)Display images On the page: 1) Create a Page 2) put the custom image in below Directory in local D:\OAF_May\jdevhome\jdev\myhtml\OA_MEDIA. 3) Select the corporate brand image and select the image URI


to place the image in the server to find oa media directory in the putty.


or About this page ->Java System Properties


Display Regions and Items on the page: 1)Message Component layout. Test1



Test 4



Importance : Row and Columns


2)Header Header region







3)Row Layout: Create new region Style as RowLayOut Importance : Horizantal Alignmenet Vertical Alignmenet 27

4)Default Double Column. Importance - by default it would be two column format... 5)Default Single Column Importance - by default it would be a single column format. Hide header Property . Note: Lay out look like header region style , but here we have property called Hide header - True 6)Page Button Bar. By Default Buttons will display top Rigt side and bottom right side. 7)Hide Show Importance - to hide and show the items

8)Hide Show Header. Importance Hide and show with Header Format. 9)Sub Tabs Importance the regions would be tabbed format.. 10)table Table Region will display the data based on the select stmt execution. 11)Advanced Table. a) Add rows b) Split Cloumn 28

c) Total Option 12)Hgrid 13)Switcher 14)Train 15)Table Layout 16)Graph table 17)Query 18)Bulletted List. 19)Advanced Search 20)POPUP

Items or Field or Beans:

Item Creattion Screen


1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18)

MessageTextInput MessageStyleText MessageCheckBox MessageRadioButton MessageChoice MessageLOVINPUT Button SubmitButton ResetButton ExportButton Tip MessageRichTextEditor MessageFileUploadBean Form value StaticStyleText Spacer link AttachmentImage 19) Flex





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