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MARCH 2009 Copyright 2008 NY NETNEWS, GLNY F & AM All rights reserved

Permission to reprint articles contained herein with credit to NY NETNEWS is granted.

Published electronically by The Grand Lodge of Free & Accepted Masons of the State of New York

Volume 3 Issue 9

Message from the Grand East In this Issue

Message from the Grand East Table of Contents From the Editor Navigating NETNEWS 228th Annual Communication Empire State Mason Magazine 2009 Masons & Family Breakfast Information for Veterans United States Coast Guard George Washington's Birthday Meet the Author Grand Lodge Calendar Masonic Hall Tours Grand Lodge Committee Chairmen Brotherhood Fund Public Relations Masonic Care Community MUNY Robert R. Livingston Library Camp Turk Youth Order of DeMolay York Rite - Knights Templar Royal Arch Masonic Medical Research Laboratory MMRL From Whose Bourne… Sickness & Distress Thank You Around The State Lodge Services - Grand Lodge Forms

Will you join me in this special prayer offered on behalf of our Grand Master as he recovers further surgical procedure:


RW Rev Jose L. Valencia Grand Chaplain, Grand Lodge, State of NY

<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Below are the address by RW Vincent Libone, Deputy Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Free & Accepted Masons of the State of New York and the Grand Master’s Address from the Masonic Service and Breakfast.

<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Most Worshipful Past Grand Masters, Distinguished Brethren of the Dais, Our Guest of Honor – Commissioner Howard Safir, My Brethren of All Ranks and Stations, Ladies and Friends of Freemasonry. Welcome and Thank You for being a part of this auspicious occasion.

First and foremost, to my friend and fellow Brother, Right Worshipful Larry Barnard,

Continued on next page

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March 2009

Grand Master’s Message Continued from last page

the President of the Metropolitan District Deputy Grand Masters’ Association and Host of this event, I thank you for your kind introduction.

I cannot fully express my gratitude to the exceptional teamwork demonstrated by the Chairman and Committeemen of the Grand Lodge Convention Committee, for their untiring efforts in making this event coalesce into the success that we enjoy this morning. Will the Members of the Convention Committee, please be upstanding. To all of the Committee, you are to be commended for a job well done. {Applause} Thank you especially to Right Worshipful Brothers Ronald Reid and Kenneth Wagner, our Grand Chaplains for leading us in Worship and Song on this the Lord’s Day. Saving the very best for last, I would like to take this moment to recognize three tables of extraordinary women, who without their support, wisdom, fortitude and beauty, most of the Dais would not be here today: Let me introduce the Ladies of our Distinguished Guests, Grand Line Officers and Permanent Members. My Brothers, How do you greet them? {Applause} Good Morning one and all! I do not want to sound irreligious, especially on a Sunday morning, but Brother Grand Chaplain, “How do we know that daylight time wants to be saved?”

As I look around this magnificent room, I cannot help but to notice the absence of two pillars of our fraternity, namely our Most Worshipful Grand Master, Edward G. Gilbert, and our first lady of Masonry, his wife Helen. As many already know, our Grand Master has recently undergone coronary by-pass surgery to relieve and correct a blocked artery. I am extremely pleased to report to you that I have spoken with the Grand Master and Helen last night. The surgery and Grand Opening was a big Thanks be to God! May the Great Architect continue to keep Edward and Helen Gilbert under His protective care. Our Grand Master has asked that in his absence I deliver to you this morning his message. My Dear Brethren and Friends,

First, I wish to thank everyone for their kind expressions of concern and for your get well cards and greetings. They are overwhelming and very much appreciated. Someone once said that Freemasonry is like having an extended family. Well, my Brothers, no truer words have ever been spoken. Traveling around this beautiful and diverse Empire State as your Grand Master and meeting and embracing my fellow brothers on a face to face basis has been and continues to be one of the greatest perks of this labor of love. I cannot tell you how moved I am by the trust and confidence you have placed in me. I am simply awed and humbled by the enormity of this special charge and stewardship, which you have bestowed to my care. In response, I have made a solemn pledge to each member of this my beloved fraternity – to each and every member of the Craft, from the Past Grand Masters with all their gold and purple, to the newest candidate being brought to Light with his pure white Apron; I made a pledge to lead responsibly, to lead with integrity, to lead with harmony, to Lead with Heart. It is my objective to build upon the foundations of this Great Cathedral that we call Freemasonry, by rallying the joint efforts of every Mason and Lodge within our Jurisdiction to join me and my Grand Line in doing their part to focus on the very basics of Masonry, which gave us our start and purpose. What are those basics, you ask? They are as follows: Bringing men of good character into your Lodges and teaching them how to improve themselves in Masonry. Learning and practicing the Masonic Ritual, both its esoteric aspects as well as it allegorical teachings. Providing help, aid and assistance to your fellow members, their families, widows and orphans. My Grand Mastership is not a campaign of one, rather it is a movement of many. Each of us has an integral

Page 2

Continued next page

March 2009

Grand Master’s Message Continued from last page

part to play in the vast landscape of Freemasonry. In some quarters, I still hear cries for new blood, new members and increased numbers. Yet, in other regions, I hear brothers calling for stricter constraints upon membership, more exclusivity, and prohibitively higher initiation fees. Both schools of thought have their merits, but they are not the “end all” answer or solution for the future prosperity of our Craft. My Brothers, the goal is not about the numbers, it is about and has always been about the quality of our hearts. Instead of seeking the path of least resistance; finding the quick fix; looking to hitch onto new fads; attempting to dilute and water down the significance of our time honored Masonic Ritual to suit political correctness; these are all disingenuous paths. We need to revisit the basic core principles and tenets of the Masonic Fraternity, which are Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth. These core values have stood the test of time – they are just as clear, inviolate and sustaining today as they were when Brothers Benjamin Franklin and Paul Revere were practicing Masonry some two-hundred years ago. The young people of today, whether we label them Generation X or Generation Y, for the most part are wiser in the ways of the world than you or I were at their age, largely because of their constant exposure to computers and the information highway. As such, young people recognize and reject organizations that cater to window dressing or hide behind false façades designed to attract new members and their financial support. Today, young people to their credit are searching for substance and quality in their lives. They are attracted to organizations, which inspire in them a genuine confidence that their investment of time, energy and talent to the organization will yield a valuable and tangible commodity to the community. We, the Masonic Fraternity, are such an organization – By enhancing the character of good men, promoting their faith in God, advancing benevolence toward our members and their families, and encouraging good citizenship in our communities; Freemasonry is the strong moral compass that we and future generations need. My theme “Getting Back to Basics” cautions our Craft to remain alert and vigilant to the forces that erode at these core values, which have made our Nation great. If we are not careful and allow modern trends to divert us from our Basic Mission as Masons, we will be rendered to being nothing more than a social club, cloaked as a meaningful fraternity with no true Vision. Young people, our future, will quickly see through the charade and will promptly turn their backs. Our Masonic Fraternity must be built upon a strong foundation of Brick, Stone and Mortar – emblematic of Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth. Focusing on the Mission of our Fraternity, I am reminded of the Greek Philosopher from two millenniums ago, who said “We transmit this body to future generations far greater and more beautiful than it was transmitted by our fathers to us.” Yes, my Brothers, we have a moral duty as Masons to be true to our Vision and the Vision of our forefathers of what Masonry is and should be. With your help, I am confident that you and I will be able to pass along the baton of this generation of Masons to the next with the assurance that it is better and stronger than ever before. In closing, I extend warm salutations to Commissioner Howard Safir and my sincere gratitude to him for accepting my invitation to address the Masonic Fraternity and its family members this morning. Your dedication to duty, your commitment for the greater good of the community, and your advocacy for law and order are qualities congruent with being a man of good character. As such, it shall be my honor and privilege to pay you the highest compliment of all, to one day be able to call you “my brother.” Let us give pause at this time to reflect and pray for the well-being, safety and protection of our men and women serving with our local Police and Fire Departments and in our Nation’s Armed Forces near and far. Almighty God, may our work, begun in Thee; Ever blest with order be; And may we, when labors cease, part in Harmony and Peace. Amen.

Page 3

March 2009

Table of Contents Message from the Grand East


Public Relations


Table of Contents


Masonic Care Community


From the Editor


Navigating NETNEWS



20 20

228th Annual Communication

7 Robert R. Livingstone Library

Empire State Mason Magazine

12 Camp Turk




2009 Mason & Family Breakfast 12

Veteran’s Information


United States Coast Guard


George Washington Birthday



Order of DeMolay

24 York Rite KnightsTemplar 25

York Rite - Royal Arch


Masonic Medical Research Laboratory (MMRL)


From Whose Bourne


Sickness & Distress


Thank You


Meet the Author


Grand Lodge Calendar


Masonic Hall Tours


Grand Lodge Committee Chairmen


Around The State



Lodge Services – Grand Lodge Forms


Brotherhood Fund

Page 4

March 2009

From the Editor Welcome to the new NETNEWS! For those of you who are new to this publication, we hope you enjoy what you see and come back. For everyone who has enjoyed these pages during the last two years, you will see some changes. With your help, there will be more. If you are planning an event, let us know and we can let others know who may not necessarily be in your area. During the last two years, we have received communications from Canada, Great Britian and Austrailia, to name a few. Some have been additional information while others have been requests to find a Brother from years ago. Below you will find all you need to know in order to submit articles or pictures and the timeframes for those submissions. Suggestions and opinions are welcome. In any case, we are gearing up for another exciting year of Freemasonry and we hope you are as excited as we are. Here are a couple of guidelines with regards to submitting information to NETNEWS. As before, NETNEWS will focus on: Messages from Grand Lodge Officers;

Messages from Grand Lodge Committees;

Local items / News by District;

News from around the state; and

Calendars & upcoming events by District. Input for NETNEWS comes from the Grand Lodge Officers, Committee Chairmen and Appendant Bodies. However, content will also be collected and/or generated by individual Lodges. Every month, you will be able to count on NETNEWS to provide you with important Masonic information you may not find elsewhere. Please remember a couple of important rules regarding submissions that are not identical to those of ESM. The two publications may be similar, but NETNEWS is a monthly publication and ESM is quarterly. ESM deadlines are on the first of the months due and NETNEWS is due on the 5th. • • •

ALL INPUT DUE BY THE 5TH OF THE MONTH -- Remember, since NETNEWS is published on the 15th of the month, events for the first fifteen days of a month must appear in the previous month’s issue. Written information should be in Microsoft Word, Text File, or Email Please include your name and contact information (address, email and/or phone number) with your submission. All submissions selected for publication will be reviewed and you will be contacted to confirm authenticity. Please understand that anything submitted without the proper permission or forms cannot be published.

Anything you submit must either be original or, if it has been published before, must be accompanied by written permission of the publication in which it appears as this is now copyrighted. If you wrote the article, please include a paragraph to that effect.

Photographs must be scanned at no more than 150 DPI and saved in JPG format. Photos must be accompanied by a release stating that you have been granted permission to publish the person’s likeness. If a child (under the age of 18) is in the photo, a “Child ID Photo Release Form” must accompany your submission. This form is available by going to the Forms Page on the ESM website: http://esmason.com/forms.html Please make sure to tell us who is in the photo! A separate release is required for each person in the photo.

Input and questions should be sent to: [email protected] OR; Steven P. Koch 43 Robert Lane Wappingers Falls, N.Y. 12590

The NETNEWS team looks forward to serving you, our Brothers, with the latest information on a regular basis, every month of the year. C&F Steven P. Koch – NETNEWS Editor

Associate Editor – Bro. Mel Lipetz Initial Layout, Design & Consultant – Bro. Louis Gaal Page 5

March 2009

Navigating NETNEWS A Note About Navigating NETNEWS As you already know (since you are reading this), NETNEWS is produced in Portable Document Format (PDF). For those new at working with PDF files, here’s a quick hint to getting around the document quickly. While you have NETNEWS open on your computer, use your mouse to click on the page you are currently viewing.

tab located to the left of the

tab, a menu opens to the left of the page.

When you select the


This menu corresponds to the table of contents. At the top of this menu, the label changes to display

indicate that you are looking at the bookmarks tab. Click any topics in the tab and you will go to that page. For example, if you click, the page containing Navigating NETNEWS will be displayed.

tab to see miniature pictures of each page. The label at the top of Click on the . Think of this as a visual table of contents. the menu changes to display If you would prefer to see the text in a larger or smaller font, look in the menu at the top of the PDF Viewer. You will see a number followed by a percentage sign. If you want to make the text bigger, choose a higher percentage. If your viewer has and buttons on either side of the magnification size, use those to increase or decrease the magnification instead. Currently, the


tabs contain no information.

I hope this helps you to navigate quickly and easily to your preferred articles in NETNEWS. There is something for everyone, so please read it all! S&F Louis Gaal -- Masonic Computer Geek

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March 2009

228th Annual Communication 2009

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March 2009

228th Annual Communication 2009

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March 2009

228th Annual Communication 2009

Page 9

March 2009

228th Annual Communication 2009

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March 2009

228th Annual Communication 2009

Page 11

March 2009

Empire State Mason Magazine Deadline Notice Brothers and Grand Lodge Committee Chairmen,

Articles for the summer issue of The Empire State Mason (ESM) magazine are due April 1st. This is no joke. Articles received after the first likely will not appear in the summer issue. In order to make sure you send articles properly always refer to page 59 of any past issue of the ESM. Also, remember that the word count should not exceed 550 words with one photo. RW Ronald N. Bower Managing Editor of the ESM

2009 Masons & Families Dedication Service & Breakfast Close to 1,000 Attend 64th Annual Breakfast

Close to 1,000 New York Masons, members of their families and guests attended the Sixty Fourth Annual Masons and Families Dedication Service and Breakfast on Sunday, March 8th at Leonard's of Great Neck. A highlight of the event was the presentation of the Grand Master's Certificate of Appreciation to Hon Howard Safir, former Commissioner of the New York City Fire Department and the New York City Police Department. Commissioner Safir is shown here with RW Joseph A. Quarequio (Left) Grand Tiler Emeritus, and RW Vincent Libone (Right), Deputy Grand Master, who made the presentation on behalf of Grand Master Edward G. Gilbert, who was recuperating from heart by-pass surgery.

In praising the Masons of New York, Commissioner Safir stated, "...what you do for our community ... for our citizens, is outstanding. It is an honor to be here!" He went on to raise warnings against the continuing actions of terrorists and related how lucky we all are to have the dedication of our New York Police and Fire Departments and EMS workers. RW Vincent Libone presented the Grand Master's Address for him and received a standing ovation from the very appreciative audience. Page 12

March 2009

Veteran’s Information The Soldiers Project Free, Confidential Psychological Counseling for Soldiers and Their Families This is a program providing free counseling to soldiers and their families. I'm not able to participate in it, due to licensing and a lack of available volunteering time. But if there are Masons who are also trained psychologists, psychotherapists and social workers (not exclusively in NYS, either), this might be a very useful place to apply their skills and experience on a volunteer basis.

United States Coast Guard

RW BROTHER RICHARD SHULMAN RECEIVES TRIDENT AWARD FROM USCG On Wednesday Feb 4th, 2009, I was awarded with A "Trident" award by the United States Coast Guard for my expertise in Marine Safety and Marine Security. I am the twentieth civilian, U S Coast Guard Auxiliary, in the 7th District North to receive this award. There are about 6500 men and women in the Coast Guard Auxiliary in the Seventh (07DN) District .

My areas of expertise include the Boarding and Inspection of Container Ships, Tankers, Coal Barges and several other types of ships, the opening and inspection of "Hazemat" containers, Inspection of Docking facilities Oil and Chemical storage tanks and the safety facilities used to transfer the several different cargo's, Oil spill and pollution damage and the supervision of the "clean up and recovery of the oil and pollution causing materials. I also do boarding's from dock side, boat and "Jacob's ladder and Chopper and water side patrols by 4x4 vehicles checking the Shore lines and beaches for possible spills as well as any location where spills might, through storm sewer pipes, enter the waterways. In addition, I am involved in "Search and Rescue, Marine Safety and Security Patrols which inspects the underside on bridges, the water side of dockage facilities and boating operation. I also inspect recreational boats and commercial fishing boats This involves 4years and more than 2000 hours of training.. RW Richard S Shulman

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March 2009


Close to forty Sojourners, ladies and guests celebrated the recent birthday of His Excellency General George Washington with a gathering at the famed GW Headquarters Historic Site in Tappan, NY with costumed Heroes of "76 from three different camps present. They are pictured here in front of the 1700 DeWint House that served as Washington's Headquarters four times during the Revolutionary War.

Knickerbocker Chapter No 13 of National Sojourners, Inc., celebrated Washington's Birthday with its annual traditional luncheon at the Old '76 House in Tappan,NY. There were some 40 Brothers ladies and guests present. The occasion was highlighted by the obligation of four new members into National Sojourners, a Masonic organization of former military men. Following these ceremonies all present attended the annual Washington's Birthday celebration at the DeWint House - George Washington HQ Historic Site in Tappan owned by the Grand Lodge of NY.

Shown here, (left to right) are Knickerbocker President Major CF William Maurer (RW and Past Master of Athelstane Lodge No 839 Pearl River, NY), WO2 Raul Echevarra (Master of West Point Lodge No 877), Bro Herbert A. Bloom (member of Consolidated Lodge No 31, NYC), UCCM Tomas Lavinski (RW Grand Director of Ceremonies, Delaware Lodge No 561, Callicoon, NY) and LTC (ret) Jack Moore (West Point Lodge No 877).

Page 14

March 2009

Meet the Author Defying Empire Trading with the Enemy in Colonial New York by Thomas M. Truxes Yale University Press, November 2008 Meet the author at a Reading/Signing on Tuesday, March 17 at 6:00 PM Chancellor Robert R Livingston Masonic Library, 71 West 23rd Street, 14th fl Please RSVP at 212-337-6620 Hardcover copies available at the event, $30.00 cash only Truxes will read excerpts from his book, and will discuss George Harison, Provincial Grand Master of the colonial territory that included future New York State, and a leading figure in the events of Defying Empire. This enthralling book is the first to uncover the story of New York City merchants who engaged in forbidden trade with the enemy before and during the Seven Years’ War (also known as the French and Indian War). Ignoring British prohibitions designed to end North America’s wartime trade with the French, New York’s merchant elite conducted a thriving business in the French West Indies, insisting that their behavior was protected by long practice and British commercial law. But the government in London viewed it as treachery, and its subsequent efforts to discipline North American commerce inflamed the colonists. Through fast-moving events and unforgettable characters, historian Thomas M. Truxes brings eighteenth-century New York and the Atlantic world to life. There are spies, street riots, exotic settings, informers, courtroom dramas, interdictions on the high seas, ruthless businessmen, political intrigues, and more. The author traces each phase of the city’s trade with the enemy and details the frustrations that affected both British officials and independent-minded New Yorkers. The first book to focus on New York City during the Seven Years’ War, Defying Empire reveals the important role the city played in hastening the colonies’ march toward revolution. REVIEWS “Few history books make an original scholarly argument and rivet the reader’s attention from start to finish. Defying Empire does both: a remarkable, rewarding book.”—Fred Anderson, author of Crucible of War: The Seven Years' War and the Fate of Empire in British North America, 1754-1766 "Truxes forges a gripping tale about the conflict between New York's merchant community and British military leaders charged with winning Great Britain's first world war—the French and Indian War."—John McCusker, Trinity University “Defying Empire is simply riveting. It is narrative history of the highest order, and yet it makes a little-known but crucial point about the conflict between commercial greed and imperial loyalty during the Seven Years War. Truxes writes beautifully, evoking the sound and smell of provincial New York, and bringing his unappealing cast of characters to life. This is an important contribution to political history, but it might also be the script for a wonderful TV miniseries!”—Stanley N. Katz, author of Newcastle’s New York: Anglo-American Politics, 1732-1753 “Truxes writes scholarly history with a fine narrative flair. . . . The book as a whole is a delight to read.”—PhiloBiblos “Defying Empire is one of the most remarkable books I've read in years. The story of how New York's merchants traded with the French during the Seven Years War is revelatory. It depicts a degree of alienation or indifference or both to demands for imperial loyalty from London that foreshadows the coming American Revolution. It is also a riveting drama in and of itself.”—Thomas Fleming, author of The Perils of Peace: America's Struggle to Survive After Yorktown

Page 15

March 2009

Grand Lodge Calendar Friday March 27

Brotherhood Night



150 Rededication of White Plains Lodge No. 473

White Plains

Scotia Lodge



Suffolk District

Cortlandville Rededication


Grand Lodge of New JerseyRAM Grand Chapter

New Jersey



Thurs. April 23

McCloud Scholarship Dinner

Friday April 24

Garibaldi Lodge – GM Reception


Saturday April 25

10 Manhattan, Joe Q. Luncheon

Wednesday April 1 Thursday April 2 Friday April 3 Saturday April 11 Wed. Apr 15-Thurs Apr 16 Saturday April 18




6 Manhattan Dinner


Sunday April 26

Livingston Library Dinner


Thursday April 30

Inauguration Reenactment


Mon. May 4-Tue May 5

Grand Lodge Session


Sunday May 9

Masonic War Veterans


Friday May l5

AASR Officers


Oatka Lodge Cornerstone


Saturday April 25

Saturday May 16 Sunday May 17

Masonic Breakfast


Tuesday May 26

GM, Man of the Year


Saturday May 30

Grand High Priest Reception


Idaho Night


St. John’s Weekend


Monday June 1 Thurs June 25-Sun June 29

Bro. John Andrades Jr.

Masonic Hall Tours

As interests are increasing in knowing more about FREEMASONRY the Masonic Hall Tours are experiencing many more visitors each year. Many visitors have been duly noted to say that our meeting rooms "Speak for themselves." We welcome our world wide members of the craft, their families and friends. We have been eager to increase conducting tours for the guests and families of our immediate brethren within our Grand Lodge of New York. We ask the Masters of the lodges if they would stimulate interest in group tours of the Masonic Hall Tours, located at 71 W 23rd Street, NY, NY, 10010 4149, for more information Telephone 1-212-337-6602.

Page 16

March 2009

Committee Chairmen COMMITTEE





Griffith Jones III

(716) 833-8612

[email protected]

Awards *

Carter Dorzbacher

(914) 769-4374

[email protected]

Brotherhood Fund *

Robert D. Stack

(516) 569-1951

Camp Turk

David F. Stoy

(607) 988-2545

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Charters *

John E. de Meurers Sr

(315) 783-9832

Child Identification

Donald H. Elliott


Child Identification F.A.S.N.Y. C.H.I.P

Joseph M. Keeler


Community Service

Kenneth E. Wagner


Constitutions *

John Leventhal

(212) 600-1420

Correspondence & Relations

Gary Henningsen


Credentials of Members & Returns of Lodges

Edmund Kolb Jr.


Custodians of the Work *

Richard Friedman

(585) 425-1981

Distinguished Achievement Award

Gary Henningsen


Endowments *

Ivan S. Obolensky

(212) 861-4240

Finance *

Alan J. Berk

(212) 861-3012

Fraternal Correspondence

Gary Henningsen


George Washington National Memorial

Ronald Sablosky


[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

George Washington Tappan

C.F.' Bill' Maurer

(201) 391-1631

[email protected]

Grand Historian

James H. Rice


Grand Lodge Convention

Kurt Ott

(845) 735-4557

GL Educational Asst. Program

H. Stephen Lieb

(914) 723-4476

Law Enforcement *

Martin A. Danoff

(212) 682-4500

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Leadership & Education Services *

Marino Cesarini

(516) 741-6989

Library & Museums

Edward G. Gilbert


Lodges and Buildings *

Fred C. Fredrickson

(518) 512-3105

Long-Range Planning *

M. Donald Darrohn III


Masonic Benevolence Committee *

Wesley Powell

Masonic Blood Donor Program

Sheldon D. Stachel

(718) 998-8569

Masonic Brotherhood Foundation

Gary Henningsen


Masonic Family Fellowship

Roy Puckhaber

(631) 754-8467

Masonic Hall Tours

John Andrades Jr.


Masonic Home Activity

Leonard E. Coon

Masonic Jurisprudence *

Bruce Widger

(315) 673-9142

Masonic Student Assistance Training (MSAT)

Tim McMullin


Masonic University of NY (MUNY)

Stephen King


Membership Development

Bruce Chilton

Military OutReach

David Crawford & Thomas M. Paglia

(585) 478-4631 (585) 482-0400 & (585)227-2046

Necrology *

Herbert M. Groce, Jr.

(973) 361-8816


Steven P. Koch

(845) 298-2502

Pay of Members & Representatives

Tommy Lam



Steven Rubin

(212) 643-5402

(631) 691-7367

Public Relations

Ronald J. Steiner


Publications Committee *

Ronald N. Bower

(716) 434-4946

Related Organizations

Vincent Libone

(718) 229-2841

Restorations *

Manuel Abad

(631) 331-3256

Surviving Spouse & Loved Ones

William C. Jones



Stu Card

(315) 845-6249

Unity *

Daniel M. Semel

(212) 628-5613


Cary S. Cohn

(516) 781-1157

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

* Standing Committee

Page 17

March 2009

Brotherhood Fund

Bro. Robert D. Stack [email protected]

Dear Brethren, There is a little less than three months to go in our current Brotherhood Fund Campaign. To all of you that have contributed so far, Thank You. If you have not dooonted yet, please contact your Lodge Chairman. Below is the list of the top ten Districts in total dollars donated and percentage of District membership as of December 31, 2008. Remember, special gifts of appreciation for donations of $100 and $500. For $100 or more you will receive a one of a kind, beautifully framed, hand stitched commemorative tapestry of the Grand Lodge Seal of NY with Square and Compasses.For $500 or more to the Masonic Benevolence Endowment Fund you will receive a New York Masonic Pocket Watch, Chain, and Knife. Your initials will be engraved on the back of the pocket watch.

Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

District 2nd St. Lawrence Fulton-Montgomery Livingston Sullivan Chautauqua Washington Bronx Albany Saratoga-Warren Dutchess

Percentage 21.18 18.22 18.00 17.00 16.86 16.62 16.55 16.51 15.53 15.34

Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

District 7th Manhattan 4th Manhattan 1st Erie Albany Suffolk 2nd Nassau Queens Chautauqua Monroe Orange-Rockland

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Total $ 42.541.00 26,777.00 18,053.36 17,670.00 14,630.87 13,694.68 11,191.50 10,607.00 10,164.83 10,072.80

Fraternally, Robert D. Stack, PGT State Chairman

Page 18

March 2009

Bro. Ronald J. Steiner [email protected]

Public Relations


On February 9th, the Jawonio Health Center was reopened and dedicated. One of the main facilities in the new consolidated facility is the remodeled and refurbished state of the art Audiology Center named for the Seventh District Association in Memory of RW Murray Penn (PDDGM Joseph Warren-Gothic Lodge) and RW Stanley Brill (PDDGM Joshua Lodge). Shown after the ribbon cutting (l-r) are Brother Leo Weiner Perfect Square Lodge), Brother Paul Tendler, Jawonio CEO (Athelstane Lodge) and RW Ron Steiner (Joseph Warren-Gothic Lodge and Athelstane Lodge).

The Jawonio Audiology Center serves over 1,000 children a year as well as some 800 adults. The Seventh District Association, Inc.has been assisting Jawonio for more than a dozen years and has contributed well over a quarter of a million dollars to this renowned center serving children and people with disabilities and special needs with continuing and compassionate care in Westchester, Rockland and Bergen Counties.

Masonic Care Community

Bro. Ira B. Cooperman [email protected]

A Legacy of Masonic Service Brothers Ed Cohen and Ed McIlwain share a great deal in common. Each is a resident of the new skilled nursing care Health Pavilion at the Masonic Care Community in Utica. And each man has faithfully been an active member of the Craft for more than 70 years! Bro. Cohen is a member of Moriah Lodge No.985, and Bro. McIlwain has been a member of Oriental-Faxton Lodge No.224 for over 75 years. Both Lodges are part of the 2nd Oneida District.

Recently each man celebrated a special birthday in one of the attractive atriums that have become the hallmark of the Masonic Care Community of NY.

Surrounded by his wife, daughter, two sons, grandchildren and great grandchildren, and additional relatives and friends, Ed Cohen celebrated his 95th birthday on March 7. The same day, Ed McIlwain celebrated his 100th birthday! Congratulated by staff members of the Masonic Care Community and more than two dozen relatives, some of whom came from as far away as Florida, Bro. McIlwain enjoyed the attention -- and the very large birthday cake.

These Masons are just two of the hundreds of adults who are enjoying life at the Masonic “Home” that is the first choice of Brethren throughout NY State. If you or a friend or relative is interested in learning more about the Masonic Care Community, a special place that honors the legacy of Masonic service, please contact Marilu Pacific, Admissions Coordinator at (315) 798-4850, or Bro. Ira Cooperman, Director of Philanthropy at (315) 798-4703, or call toll-free, (800) 322-8826.

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March 2009

Bro. Stephen S. King [email protected]


Masonic University of New York Every Worshipful Master looks for educational programs that will enhance the Lodge experience of the Brothers. Indeed, providing opportunities for Masonic education is one of the most important responsibilities of any Master. The Compleat Master: A Primer for the East is a compilation of educational materials that addresses this responsibility. It contains lessons on all the Degrees, on our Symbolism, on early Masonic constitutional documents, on etiquette, the working tools, famous Masons and on many other items of interest to anyone committed to Freemasonry. All of these can be adapted for educational presentations in a Lodge setting. In addition to being a great resource for Masters, it’s a superb compendium of general Masonic information for any Brother. The Compleat Master was distributed to every Lodge in the jurisdiction several years ago, so there may well be a copy readily available to anyone interested in taking advantage of this educational tool. Any Brother—or any Lodge—interested in getting more copies can contact me at [email protected]. The cost is $15, which includes shipping. And don’t forget the other great educational resources available through MUNY: We’ve just completed the first strictly Internet offering of the Leadership Development Course (LDC-8), and we are still offering the Individual Development Course which can be administered in a variety of ways to suit the needs of the Brothers in each District. Please request more information on these course offerings through the e-mail address noted above.

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March 2009

Robert R. Livingston Library

Bro. Thomas Savini [email protected]

Dear Brethren, Please be advised that the deadlines for both the journal ads and dinner reservations for the April 26th Livingston Library Dinner Dance has been extended until March 31,2009.

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March 2009

Camp Turk

Bro. David F. Stoy [email protected]

TIME TO THINK SUMMER … Summer camp that is! 2009 Plans announced for CAMP TURK our NY MASONIC YOUTH CAMP Details of the 2009 summer camping season at CAMP TURK, our New York Grand Lodge Masonic Youth Camp have been announced, and now is the time to start thinking of the youngsters you would like to sponsor for an unforgettable three-week summer vacation. New York Masons have a unique opportunity to give a boy or girl a summer camping experience in the Adirondack Mountains they will remember for the rest of their lives. Here are the details for the upcoming 2009 Camp Turk season: Applications are welcome for boys and girls between the ages of 9 and 16 (at the time camp begins). The 2009 Camp Turk sessions will be: Boys July 5th - July 25th. Girls July 26th - August 15th. There is a one-week training session for staff only the week before camp begins. Camp Turk is staffed by a carefully screened and trained cadre of adult counselors from the United States and abroad, many of whom are returning to our Masonic Youth Camp year after year, and many of whom were once campers here. Costs for sending a youngster to Camp Turk are heavily subsidized by our Masonic Lodges and by the Trustees of the Masonic Hall and Home in an effort to make this summer camping experience affordable for the children and grandchildren of our membership and as a service to the youth of our communities. This year the tuition will be $900 plus a $100 registration fee, significantly less than privately operated camps. Please note that all fees must be paid in full by June 1, 2009. The programs and amenities at Camp Turk are second to none. Our Masonic Youth Camp is beautifully situated on 1,600 acres of pristine forestland surrounding a magnificent fresh water lake near the hamlet of Woodgate, NY. Today, “Camp Turk” is an all around camp that accommodates up to 200 boys and 200 girls at each of 2 three-week sessions. Camp Turk offers a complete host of activities including tennis, basketball, softball, volleyball, archery, lacrosse, bike riding, arts and crafts, canoeing, sail boating, windsurfing, swimming, chorus, computers, yoga, movies, talent shows, fishing and outdoor overnight camping, just to name a few activities. Applications for Summer campers and staff are now available on-line at www.nymasons.org and click on CAMP TURK.

For further information please call Mollie Denslow, Camp Turk Administrator: 315-392-2081 Or e-mail: CAMP [email protected]. Page 22

March 2009

Youth We congratulate the following Lodges for going into their communities to recognize good work done by others. These following Lodges show through concrete action that Masons care! We encourage all Lodges to share their talent, time, concern and the resources of their Lodge buildings, to provide service to other worthy organizations and institutions in their individual communities.

Eagle Boy Scout Recognitions

Warren 32, Dutchess District Will be honored two worthy Eagle Scouts from Boy Scout Troop 80, Hudson Valley Boy Scout Council 374. Hyde Park, N.Y.

John Jay 653, 2nd Westchester-Putnam District, will honor one Eagle scout , Boy Scout Troop 60, Westchester Putnam Council, 388. Scarsdale, N.Y.

In the last two months, New York Grand Lodge Eagle recognitions have been requested by Brother Masons from Kentucky, Rhode Island, Georgia, and Texas, as well as an Eastern Star Chapter in Georgia.. All requests have been fulfilled.


Humanities 1123, 8th Manhattan Masonic District, will be honoring H. Stephen Lieb for his exemplary work with the Boy Scouts of America over the many years, Westchester Putnam Boy Scout Council 388 where he currently serves as District Commissioner.

General Douglas MacArthur Award For Exemplary Service To Youth

Kenyetto 599, Fulton Montgomery District, will be honoring Mr. Donald Guernsey, who has been a long time volunteer with the Boy Scouts of America, and the Make-a Wish Foundation in the Broadalbin area.

Midwood Fortitude 19, First Kings has replaced a certificate to Mr John Farrell who lost the memorabilia in a house fire, and wanted to have it replaced as it meant so much to him. He is a Boy Scout leader Troop 76 Brooklyn, N.Y.

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March 2009

Order of DeMolay David Glassman Executive Officer New York DeMolay 2150 Bleecker Street Utica, New York 13501 (888) 4-demolay [email protected] February, 2009

A Message from the State Master Councilor My friends, The members of the Order of DeMolay are celebrating the anniversary of our founding in 1919. March 24th, 2009 marks the 90th Anniversary since Dad Land assisted the young men of Mother Chapter in creating the first DeMolay Chapter. For ninety (90) years, our organization has opened doors for young men aged 12 to 21 by developing their civic awareness, personal responsibility and leadership skills so vitally needed in society today. DeMolay combines this serious mission with a fun approach that builds important bonds of friendship among members in more than 1,000 chapters worldwide. As we approach this date, the members and advisors of New York DeMolay are planning a celebration in honor of this monumental occasion. On March 28th, the members and advisors of New York DeMolay and many other jurisdictions will come together in New York City for a celebration in honor of this historic event. The event will be held in Masonic Hall, New York City, the location of where the original chapter in New York State met and one of the premier Masonic Buildings in the world. The plan is to have all the things that makes DeMolay great - good food, good fellowship, and good fun combined with the initiation of new Brothers from our jurisdiction and others. The tentative schedule for the event is: 3:30 PM to 5:30 PM New York State DeMolay Chapter opens – Grand Lodge Room Initiatory and DeMolay Degree Portrayals (open to Master Masons and Advisors) Historical Presentation (open to the public – 5:00 PM) 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM Dinner - 2nd Floor ($15.00 per adult, Youth below 18 - $10.00) 7:30 PM to 8:30 PM Magic Show presentation – Grand Lodge Room (see Flyer attached) 8:30 PM to Midnight Dance – 2nd Floor (everyone welcomed as our guests) We would like you to join us. Mark the date and come out as the entire state throws the party of the century, and invite all of your friends and family to come along. All active and senior DeMolays, candidates for membership, advisors, sweethearts, Masonic members, OES and all those that are interested in the youth of our country are welcomed and encouraged to attend. Degrees will be performed by New York DeMolay that afternoon, and several jurisdictions are bringing many prospective members to share in the fun! For the Master Masons, Advisors and DeMolay’s, the weekend will not only feature a set of degrees in the awe-inspiring Grand Lodge Room, but also a tour of New York City for all in attendance! Take a tour of the city with your Brothers and friends and see famous landmarks such as Times Square, Madison Square Garden, the Empire State Building, and Wall Street – and many more! For DeMolays, the cost of the tour is included in the registration fee. For anyone else who would like to go on the tour the cost is $30. There will also be tours of one of the premier Masonic Buildings in the world. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. My personal contact information is below, and I will be happy to see that any questions or comments on the event or the program will be answered. We at New York DeMolay look forward to seeing you and the members of your jurisdiction in March! Yours in DeMolay, Brian Bidnick State Master Councilor - New York DeMolay “Tomorrow’s Leaders, Today!” E-mail: [email protected] Mobile: 845-661-8472 David Glassman Executive Officer New York DeMolay [email protected]

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March 2009

York Rite - Knights Templar Patchogue Commandery Hosts Livingston Library

Patchogue Commandery hosted a lecture on the Livingston Library’s newest acquisition, the Processus Contra Templarios – or the Proceedings Against the Knights Templar. The event took place on a cold, rainy Friday evening in February. Notwithstanding, about 70 people attended, including Sir Knights of the Commandery. Several Past Grand Commanders and the Beloved Queen of the Order of Triangles asked questions about the book and its acquisition. This is the latest in a series of lectures presented by the Library around the state. Last Fall, the Library took the Processus and other holdings on a statewide tour, giving Brothers and the public an unprecedented view of the Library’s facilities and mission. The Library is online at http://nymasoniclibrary.org, including a complete catalogue search facility. Contact the library’s director, RW Tom Savini (212) 337-6620 to discuss opportunities for bringing the tour to local districts and Masonic groups throughout the state. Walter Sutorious, EC; RW Bill Thomas, Library Trustee; Rafael Castro, PZC; Milton Martelak, PC; Louis Leone, EC Trinity Cmdry; Houston Powell, PC Nassau Cmdry. middle row: William Grob; Robert St John; John Lombardo; George Emmons, GSB, PZC; Walter Drummond, PGS. back:Donald Harrison, PZC; Roy Jacobson, PC; Kenneth Lockard; Douglas Merring

York Rite – Royal Arch Ancient Temple Chapter No. 5 to host areception for ME Alan C. Lewis on Saturday May 30, 2009 at the Holiday Inn, 205 Wolf Rd., Albany. Page 25

March 2009

York Rite – Royal Arch

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March 2009

York Rite – Royal Arch

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March 2009

York Rite – Royal Arch Thomas Smith Webb Chapter of Research

Thomas Smith Webb Chapter of Research No.1798 held its annual convocation in Albany during Grand Chapter. About 35 companions gathered to receive scholarly papers and discuss issues related to Royal Arch Masonry. RE Piers Vaughan discussed the concept of circumambulations in Masonry. ME John Jones related some interesting background on the Chapter’s namesake, Thomas Smith Webb. RE Bill Vassily made some comparative observations of essential common aspects of opening and closing ceremonies of lodges, chapters and councils. Finally, RE Harvey Payne shed some interesting historical background on Eagle Lodge 169 from the early 1800’s.

The Chapter elected RE Ken Fischer to succeed RE Jeff Williamson as High Priest, who was installed with his other officers. In addition, the Chapter received a gift from Dansville Chapter of its Great Lights. Dansville has merged with Steuben Chapter.

Thomas Smith Webb Chapter is the first Royal Arch Chapter to be solely devoted to Royal Arch research and scholarship. The purpose of the Chapter is to encourage Royal Arch Masonic research and study by its members and others, to present findings and conclusions to the Chapter for discussion and interchange of judgment, to sponsor discussion and debate topics pertaining to Royal Arch Masonry. Visit the Chapter at http://www.thomaswebb.org, and consider petitioning for affiliation. In Photo – (L-R) Grand Secretary RE James Hemstrought presents a replacement warrant to RE Jeff Williamson (High Priest), RE Bil Vassily (King) and Ken Fischer (Scribe).

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March 2009

Masonic Medical Research Laboratory (MMRL)

Bro. Ronald Kamp [email protected]

Please click on this link to watch a short movie about the Masonic Medical Research Laboratory. http://www.impactmovie.com/mmrl

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March 2009

Masonic Medical Research Laboratory (MMRL)

Bro. Ronald Kamp [email protected]

Will you have enough retirement income? Watching your budget and taking fiscally prudent means to ensure that you can ride out theses turbulent times is something all of us must face. It is not just retirees that are faced with the perils of economic uncertainty. Countless baby boomers are beginning to think about retirement and the appropriate steps necessary for ensuring long-term financial security and that of their family. Everyone is beginning to realize that guaranteed sources of income such as social security, pensions, savings and investments may not be enough and are seeking a higher rate of return. Others may desire more tax-free income during retirement. If you fit into either scenario, a Deferred Charitable Gift Annuity or Charitable Gift Annuity to the Masonic Medical Research Laboratory may help you increase your retirement income by providing you with a fixed guaranteed rate of return for the rest of your life and that of a love one. In addition you will be entitled to certain tax benefits. Single annuitant rates are currently paying between 5.7% and 10.5%. Including charitable giving as part of a well-rounded financial and estate plan, may provide you very attractive options that you did not know were available. For more information and a free personal annuity illustration, please contact the Masonic Medical Research Laboratory’s Development Office at development@mmrl. edu or call toll free 1888-888-MMRL.

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March 2009

From Whose Bourne… On March 9th, 2009, Francis Buonincontri, the wife of RW Pasquale Buoninconrtri, Past Grand Represenatative of Peru, Treasurer of Anglo-Saxon Lodge No.137, passed away. It is our sad duty to report that RW Brian Brown, Past Grand Rep. Montana, passed away from a heart condition on March 10th, 2009. A Masonic Service was held.

It is my sad duty to inform you of the passing of our Brother Russell Balletto on Thursday, February 26th, 2009, surrounded by his family. He was a longtime active member of Hendrick Hudson Lodge No.875 Free & Accepted Masons in Red Hook, most recently serving on our building committee. In addition to his wife, he is survived by three daughters; Anne Pokorny of Lewisberry, PA, Angela Bond of Bowie, MD, and Maria Ciuccio of Nyack, NY, a son; Matthew Ciuccio of Nyack, NY, a sister Betty Stewart of Westfield, NJ, nine grandchildren; Jack, Christopher, Lisa, Michelle, Marybeth, Charles, Michael, Damian, and Anna, and his loving canine companion; Viola. A Masonic Service was held. Memorial donations may be made in Russ's memory to the Hospice Foundation, Inc., 374 Violet Ave., Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 or the Dutchess County SPCA, 636 Violet Ave., Hyde Park, NY 12538. RW Maxwell C. Lay, Grand Representative of Senegal, Africa has passed away on Wednesday, February 18, 2009. Brother Lay was also a Past Master of Fortune Lodge No. 788. A Masonic Funeral Service was held.

RW Carl B. Ritter passed away on February 23, 2009 following a short losing battle of cancer. He will surely be missed. RW Brother Carl Ritter was 81 years of age, and 25 years in the Craft as a dual member of Marathon Lodge No. 438 and Otselic Valley Lodge No. 659. He also held Honorary Membership in Point of Light Lodge No. 759. RW Brother Ritter was the Grand Representative of the Grand Lodge of Senegal (Africa) near the Grand Lodge of New York. Masonic and Eastern Star services were held. It is with deep regret that I announce that W Brother Robert A. Shockley passed away Saturday, February February 14, 2009 in Petersburg, Va after a long battle with lung cancer. Brother Shockley was Raised a Master Mason on October 11, 1972 and served as Master of Sackets Harbor Lodge No.135 in 1089 and 1990. Cards oif condolence may be sent to his wife, Lydia, at 12516 Chester Drive, Disputanta, VA 89509-6001. A Memorial Service will be held this summer.

The mother-in-law of RW Lawrence Kania, DDGM 1st Erie has passed away. Below are the funeral arrangements. Please keep our District Deputy, his wife Michelle and the entire family in your prayers. It is at times such as these that we must remember the obligations we took at our Sacred Altars. RW William McFadden, Past Grand Representative to the Grand Lodge of Manitoba Canada near the Grand Lodge of New York, passed away on March 13, 2009 peacefully with his family by his side. A Masonic Service by the Brothers of Lynbrook-Massapequa Lodge was held.

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March 2009

Sickness & Distress We learned from MARTY ERICKSON, wife of our long time and cherished Athelstane Lodge Brother, RW EUGENE (GENE) ERICKSON, Grand Representative of the York Grand Lodge of Mexico, that "... Gene's (heart) operation had to be canceled yesterday as they were ready to go but the last test showed a blood clot. Hopefully they will get him in on Monday for more extensive surgery. Needless to say Gene is VERY disappointed! -Going to the hospital to bring him home now and wait till he has a surgery date. All prayers welcome!" Cards of cheer would certainly be appropriate: Gene Erickson: 179

West Maple Avenue, Monsey New York 10952-1733

I am writing you regarding our cherished friend and Brother RW Herb Wasserman. As you may know, RW Herb had been in a nursing home for an extended period of time after a series of falls at home. I spoke with his wife Gert earlier this week and although Herb is home, she is very, very fearful and was quite emotional while we were talking. Herb now has home nursing care.

Dear Brothers: My brother, John, Past Master of Heritage 371, 4th Manhattan, is in rehab at RIMM on Mt Tremble Road in Morristown for bilateral (yes that's right both of them) knee replacements. He is doing well and would like to send all his brothers his best wishes. He's in room 315, and may be reached on his cell phone, 908-656-1327. Fraternally,Louis P. DeSocio, PMHeritage 371, 4th Manhattan Bro. Robert Andersen, D.S.A., a Brother of LynbrooK Massapequa Lodge for 56 years has been admitted to the Masonic Community in Utica, New Y ork. Brother Bob has suffered a long bout of illness and is recovering in the Saratoga Unit room 58. Best wishes can be sent there at 2150 Bleecker Street, Utica New York 13501

Thank You Dear Brothers,

I would like to extend my sincere and heartfelt thanks to those who have expressed their concerns, visited me and have sent get well wishes upon learning of my recent hospitalization. On Wednesday, February 4th, I became seriously ill at the office and was rushed by ambulance to St. Vincent's Hospital. I remained in the hospital for several days and I am pleased to report that I am on the mend and have since returned to work. The silver-lining found on this particular cloud was the brotherly love demonstrated by the example of two special brothers. During this traumatic event, RW Brother Marcel Akselrod, a part-time employee in the Office of the Grand Secretary, traveled with me on board the ambulance and remained at my side most of the night in the Emergency Room, until my condition was stabilized and my wife arrived from Long Island. He made sure that I was attended to, made to feel as comfortable as could be under the circumstances and guarded my valuables. Upon my release from the hospital, another brother Mason, R:.W:. Brother Joseph Quarequio, Past Grand Treasurer, took charge and made a special trip into the city with his car to bring my wife and I home.

I cannot say enough about RW Brothers Marcel Akselrod and Joseph Quarequio. I guess being a Mason is much more than just carrying a simple dues card --- its a way of life. As our Grand Master says in his motto, we all must "lead with heart". Fraternally,

Richard W. Bateman Page 32

March 2009

Around The State

Annual Dutchess Masonic District Communion Breakfast April 19, 2009 Ecumenical Worship Service 7:30 AM Breakfast Served at 8:30 AM 1

St. Paul’s Lutheran Church of Wurtemburg 371 Wurtemburg Road, Rhinebeck, New York www.stpaulswurtemburg.org Office Phone: 876-7252 // Parsonage Phone: 876-7697 The Rev. Dr. Mark D. Isaacs: [email protected] 1

Full breakfast will be served in the Social Hall by the Church Youth Group. Donation $7.00. Brothers, spouses and families are certainly welcome!

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March 2009

Around The State


Greetings my Brothers My goal this year as the Commander of the Grand Post is to insure a flag presentation to as many open Lodge functions and D.D.G.M. Official visits as possible. I am looking for your help and assistance to spread the word out to all the Lodges to seek out all the War Veteran Masons to join their District Post and if a District does not have a Post, the District Deputy should contact me, the Commander of the Grand Post or the Adjutant Gen and we will Charter a new Post for your District. The only requirement is that the Charter members should be a member in good standing with a Lodge in the State of NY and be a War Veteran. I am looking forward to working with you in this very important undertaking. With your help we can have a Post in every district, spreading patriotism, respect for the men and women serving our country and spreading good will to all of our Lodges and Communities across the State. A Post in your District will act as a strong right arm to the District Deputies in all Districts, Presenting our flag will bring honor and dignity to the office of the District Deputy Grand Master in all official visits, Patriotic Celebrations and other Lodge Ceremonies. May God bless our Troops for our freedom, God bless our Fraternity, God bless the Veterans and may God bless Our United States of America. With fraternal regards. Eustace G. Kiriakos - Commander General




RW Sheldon D. Stachel, Chairman, Masonic Blood Donor Program Committee

Masonic Blood Donor Program Committee Blood Drive Announcement Masonic Hall, 71 West 23rd Street, New York City Monday, May 11, 2009 (3:00 — 8:30 PM) Bring Valid Photo ID ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— NOTE: if you have never donated blood and/or have questions about your eligibility you are strongly encouraged to contact the New York Blood Center at 1-800-688-0900 (Monday - Friday, 9 AM - 5 PM) or visit www.nybloodcenter.org in advance of the blood drive. Contact: W Patrick A. Kelsey, Vice-Chairman, State Masonic Blood Donor Program Committee www.nymasonicblooddonorprogram.com 718-689-0620 / [email protected] Page 34

March 2009

Around The State


Carpenter~Emanuel Lodge No. 588 Third Annual Masonic Festive Board & Assembly A Masonic Celebration: Brother Bring a Friend Program, Member Awards Night

RW Herman Winkler’s retirement As Lodge Secretary Emeritus (40+ Years of Service) & RW Richard (Dick) Meshejian’s retirement As Lodge Treasurer Emeritus (49 Years of Service)

Keynote Speaker: RW Bruce Renner, Senior Grand


Guest Lecturer: RW Richard Bateman Assistant Grand Secretary

Guest Lecturer: MW Daniel W. Simmons PGM of Prince Hall Masons of NY

Toastmaster: RW Martin Kanter PDDGM 1st Manhattan Tuesday, April 21st, 2009 @ 6:30 pm Empire Room (12th floor) The Grand Lodge Building

71 West 23rd St. NYC, NY Dress: Formal Subscription is $50.00 Please RSVP by March 31st, 2009 V:.W:. Rafael Carrion (917)603-4260 [email protected] Page 35

March 2009

Around The State


2nd Kings District to Host Golf Outing

The 2nd Kings District will be hosting its 1st Annual Golf Outing on May 14, 2009 at Dyker Beach Golf Course in Brooklyn, NY. The money that is being raised that day is all going to charity. The 1st is the 2nd Kings Scholarship Fund aka "Ruby Kaplan Memorial Scholarship" and the 2nd is the Masonic Care Community in Utica. The cost to play golf is $150.00. For that you get breakfast in the morning, round of golf with cart, lunch at the turn and a full buffet dinner with open bar after the round of golf. If golf isn't your game then join us for dinner for just $60.00. We are also having a special hole in one prize on a designated hole of a brand new Harley Davidson motorcycle. Attached is the golf outing flyer and brochure. You can also download it from the 2nd Kings Web site at www.2ndkings.page.tl +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

The 62nd Annual Commemorative Service and Pilgrimage in Memory of President Theodore Roosevelt 26th President of the United States and Member of Matinecock Lodge No. 806

Open to the public Date: Saturday, April 25th, 2009 Place: The Matinecock Masonic Historical Society Building 14 West Main Street, Oyster By, N.Y. 11771 10:00 AM - Coffee downstairs 11:00 AM - Service in the Historical Lodge room With our guest speaker; Mr. Nick LaBella, Youngs Cemetery Caretaker Followed by the Pilgrimage to the T.R. gravesite to lay the wreath, then returning to the Lodge for a collation. Conducted by the N.Y. S. League of Masonic Clubs in co-operation with Matinecock Lodge No. 806 F. & A. M. For Additional Information (516) 390-7169

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March 2009

Around The State Fulton-Montgomery Masonic District Lodges Holding Communion Breakfast

St. Patrick’s Lodge No. 4 is pleased to confirm it will host the District Communion / Breakfast, as follows: DATE:

MARCH 29, 2009

TIMES: Communion Service 8:00 A M (MEET 7:45 @) St. John’s Church – No. Market St., Johnstown (block WEST of Perry St./St. Pat’s Lodge); Breakfast 9:00 A M St. Patrick’s LodgeNo. 4 F & A M – 22 No. Perry St. Cost: $6.00: includes: OJ, Hot Sweet Buns, all you can eat: Scrambled eggs, pancakes, syrup, sausage, regular and decaf coffee, milk and hot tea. Cooks are RW Clayton D. Swain, W Ron Krutz and RW Tom Krutz.

RESERVATIONS: (COOK SAYS) BY MARCH 25th –to Secretary. If there are any questions, please email or call the Secretary. Fraternally, W Wayne D. Schermerhorn, Secretary ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

7th Annual openhousenewyork Weekend Support New York City's largest celebration of architecture and design, during the 7th Annual openhousenewyork Weekend, October 10 & 11, 2009. OHNY is looking for qualified individuals to lead tours or workshops at sites and programs. If you are an expert of a historical site or design style in New York City or a teaching artist, we want to hear from you! Site selection for the Annual Weekend has begun, and we encourage you to recommend a space, place or an interior of architectural, design or historical interest that the public can visit for free during OHNY Weekend. Sites throughout all five boroughs are welcomed and encouraged! If you have information regarding a site, tour, lecture or workshop for 2009, please contact OHNY with details at [email protected].

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Around The State

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March 2009

Around The State James W. Husted-Fiat Lux Lodge No.1068 Save the date Dear Brethren The Master, Wardens and Brethren of James W. Husted-Fiat Lux Lodge No.1068 will celebrate our 72st annual Idaho Brotherhood Night on Monday June 1, 2009. Idaho Brotherhood Night is open to Masons, family and friends. The guest will be MW Richard E. Kaiser, Deputy Grand Master of Masons in the Grand Lodge of Idaho A.F.&A.M. And RW Vincent Libone, Deputy Grand Master of Masons in the State of New York, F.&A.M. And MW Edward G. Gilbert, Grand Master of Masons in the State of New York, F.&A.M. The occasion will take place at 8 PM, in the Renaissance room on the 6th floor of the Masonic Temple. Sincerely and fraternally RW Melvin J. Silverman Chairman of Idaho committee, and Grand Rep of Idaho +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Grand Lodge of Delaware to Host 30th Annual Brotherhood Night

Please note that the 30th Annual Brotherhood Night hosted by the Grand Lodge of Delaware at the Nur Shrine Center in New Castle, Delaware will take place on Friday, March 20th. The Social Hour begins at 5:30 PM with Dinner at 6:30 PM. The Grand Lodge of New York is providing a 50-seat Coach Bus, which will leave promptly at 2:00 PM in front of the Grand Lodge Building in New York City (23rd Street side). Sandwiches and Beverages will be provided onboard the bus for the trip to Delaware. TICKETS are $35.00 each, which can be obtained from RW Brother Larry Bernard, President of the Metropolitan District Deputies Association, and from RW Brother Louis Juers, Past Grand Treasurer. For TICKETS please contact these Brothers as follows: Larry Bernard (H) (718)-671-2314 (C) (917) 837-4357 (E) [email protected]

Louis Juers (H) (718)-885-1865 [email protected]

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March 2009

Around The State BROTHER VISITS EVANGELIST LODGE in FRANCE RW Paul Dionisoio, Past DDGM of the 5th Manhattan District recently visited Evangelist Lodge in France. As you can see Evangelist is alive and well and healthy. It brought much emotion to Paul seeing the American flag next to the French flag and hearing both athems being played. Trust the freeze has left the east coast, Easter is not far away and thus spring is "just around the corner" but as Charie Spreen always said "yes, but which corner". Give our very best to ALL the families and to ALL the brethern in New York from Cannes, France from Paul and Margareth Dionisio RW Bro. Paul A. Dionisio Past District Deputy Grand Master Fifth Manhattan District +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Hanover Lodge No. 152 to Hold Masonic Study Club

HANOVER LODGE No. 452 started Masonic Study Club for their members and invite Masons from other Lodges to attend. The first book used will be Bro. Christopher Hodapp's Freemasons for Dummies, “This book is great for understanding the basics of Masonry”, said Bro. Carl Kerr. “Also(its) a refrence for the rest of us”. This Study Club is not intended to Study or Interpret Ritual as that is the Assistant Grand Lectures Job. The cost of the study club will be the cost of "Freemasons for Dummies" about $20.00 refreshments - coffee /tea will be furnished cookies and or cake? If you want soda or pop bring your own. NO BEER! A Donation BASKET will be put out to cover some of the costs suggesting a voluntary minimum donation of $1.00 The First meeting was on Mar.11 and subsequent meetings will be every second Wed.

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March 2009

Around The State HAROLD JONES HONORED BY AREA MASONS .... More than 100 Masons and their ladies and guests, representing some 3, 000 Masons in the OrangeRockland Masonic District gathered Saturday night at the Brookside Manor in nearby Middletown New York to honor the longtime Resident Superintendent of the Historic DeWint House, George Washington Headquarters as the Masonic District's "Man of the Year." Harold Jones has spent the last 20 years of his life reliving the past! True, it was a glorious past ... that of our famed first President, His Excellency George Washington, but Harold views his current full time job as Resident Superintendent of the George Washington Headquarter's National Historic Site in Tappan as helping to teach and to mold children as the future leaders of our nation... he is in charge of the famous DeWint House Masonic Shrine. Harold Jones was honored by his fellow Masons of the Orange Rockland District Masonic Association (ORDMA) as a guest of honor and "MAN OF THE YEAR" at their annual dinner -dance, Saturday, March 14th. Harold Jones is one of those now rather rare individuals in our suburban community ... he is a 75 year native of Rockland county and he can and does relate many stories about his youth on a farm bordering what is now Rockland Community College. He spent his business career and retired as an engineer from then Lederle Labs in Pearl River. He and his wife Kathy also were superintendents of Masonic Camp Seven in Tallman for some 20 years. During their tenure at Camp Seven some 600 financially disadvantaged little girls were cared for each summer at the free vacation camp sponsored by the Masons of the Seventh Masonic District in Manhattan. It is now almost 20 years that Harold Jones has been welcoming visitors from around the world to the DeWint House to learn more about our famed first President and get a "hands on" lesson in Revolutionary War history. His is a fascinating human interest story.

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Around The State 1998 – 2000

METROPOLITAN GRAND LODGE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION R∴W∴Stewart C. McCloud II District Deputy Grand Master Second Queens District 1998 – 2000

84 Ruland Road Selden, NY 11784-1741 Home: (631) 846-9388 Email: [email protected]

February 01, 2009

Dear Brothers, On Thursday April 23, 2009 the Queens District will hold the Most Worshipful Stewart C. McCloud Scholarship Dinner Dance at 7:00 PM. It will be held at Koenig’s Restaurant, 86 South Tyson Avenue, Floral Park, NY. Tickets are $40.00 per person, and checks may be made payable to the Queens District. We will be honored that night in having both our Grand Master, MWEdward G. Gilbert and Deputy Grand Master, RW Vincent Libone join with us! As we have not had a social event in a while, I hope everyone can attend that night so we can not only kick start our Association again but also have a toast and share stories about our Past Grand Master. Both RW James Maskiell and I look forward to hearing that you and your lady can attend. Please call me at home or on my cell (347) 386-9134 if you have any questions. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ BROTHER PHILLIP WEISS, a member of Arcana Lodge No. 246 in the 7th Manhattan District invites everyone to a presentation of his show "Sandra the Angry Turtle". For more information and location go to e-mail address [email protected] or call (212) 388-8690. Or visit the Web Site at: http://www.fracturedatlas.org/site/events/event/2828 Sandra the Angry Turtle There is an almost limitless array of stories featuring lovable mice, faithful dogs, adorable cats and extolling the virtues of many other friendly creatures. BUT WHAT ABOUT THE TURTLE? Turtles have feelings too and they also have a story. Phil’s Literary Works LLC presents the world premiere staged reading of an original story, "Sandra the Angry Turtle," a riveting tale of anger, hatred, conflict, redemption and joy, written and directed by Phillip W. Weiss. Synopsis: Sandra, an angry female sea turtle, is on a mission to protect other sea turtles from harm while seeking revenge against those who have harmed her and her family. She encounters many dangers and overcomes them all and in the process undergoes a spiritual transformation. "Sandra the Angry Turtle" features two new songs by Phillip W. Weiss. 2 performances only! Friday, April 3, 2009 and Monday, April 6, 2009 Doors open @ 6:30 P.M.; show time begins @ 7:30 P.M. with a poetry recital featuring an outstanding selection of original poems. 6:30 – 7:30 P.M.: Social hour offering light refreshments*

"Sandra the Angry Turtle" will be read by Colleen Jasinski./ The poetry recital will be delivered by Alaina Hammond.

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March 2009

By attending this world premiere event, you will partake in a theatrical experience meant to uplift your spirit, stimulate your mind and perhaps even inspire you to whistle a tune. Also, you will make a special turtle very happy.

Around The State

The Eighth Masonic District Association of Manhattan Thirty third Annual Mason of the Year Dinner MONDAY EVENING MARCH 23, 2009 DOORS OPEN PROMPTLY at 6:00 PM INVOCATION & DINNER PROMPTLY at 6:30 PM

Grand Lodge of the State of New York Second Floor Banquet Hall 71 West 23rd Street New York, NY 10010 Black Tie Preferred

Tickets: $40.00 p/p

Dark Business Suit Optional


Committee RW Joseph N. Mandel, RW H. Stephen Lieb - Chairman Bro. Carl Lentoni Master & Secretary of each Lodge

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March 2009

Lodge Services The sources listed below are available through Lodge Services

Medal for Fifty Years of Service to the Craft 24 Inch Gauge Compleat Master

$15.00 $45.00 $12.50

LDC-8 Course - includes course, pin & certificate Lodge System of Masonic Education LSOME (five part book) Lodge System of Masonic Education LSOME (four part book) The Craft and Its Symbols by Allen E. Roberts Masonic Memorial Service incl. Officiant's Guide Masonic Graveside Service incl. Officiant's Guide Masonic Development Course (MDC)

$25.00 3 for $10.00 or $4.00 each 4 for $10.00 or $3.00 each 3 for $20.00 or $7.50 each $4.00 $2.00 $20.00

Both for $9.00 Both for $5.00

The forms listed below are available from the Youth Committee or through your District Deputy Grand Master.

Daniel Carter Beard Masonic Scouter Award Douglas MacArthur Award for Exemplary Service to Youth Eagle Scout Nomination Form Frank M. Totten Essay Contest 2009 Girl Scout Gold Award Certificate Application Service to Youth Nomination Form

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March 2009