Nursing Management & Leadership

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NURSING MANAGEMENT & LEADERSHIP Instruction: Choose the correct answer from the choices below. Erasure means wrong 1.

A homeless person has been admitted to the hospital with multiple health care problems. The nurse manager, physician, social worker, and clinical dietician are working together to care for the patient. This interdisciplinary interaction is referred to as: a. collaboration b. consultation c. continuity d. coordination


A nurse manager who makes a decision based on the advice of employees who have experience with or knowledge of the issue at hand is using which decision-making style? a. Authoritative b. bureaucratic c. consultative d. facilitative


A nurse manager notices that variations in the skill levels and experiences of staff members influence their adaptability to change. The most appropriate leadership style to fester growth in this situation is: a. Autocratic b. democratic c. participatory d. situational

4. The nurse manger noticed that the incidence of patient falls has increased on one unit of the hospital. The nurse manager first examines: a. the hospital’s nursing policy on patient safely. b. the hospital’s nursing procedures for patient protection. c. unit implementation of safety precautions d. unit staff member’s knowledge of patient protection procedures.

5. An adult health clinical nurse specialist serves as the liason of Hospital X to the Regional Planning Committee for older adults and is asked to chair a new subcommittee on health care issues. This request is made because of the clinical nurse specialists: 6.

The adult health clinical nurse specialists accepts a new position as the manager of a neighborhood health clinic. Which strategy does the clinical nurse specialist use to establish effective leadership at the clinic? a. To announce new policies at the next staff meeting. b. To encourage independence in the staff by promoting problem-solving skills. c. To postpone situations which may require difficult staff decisions. d. To use employee evaluations as incentives for cooperation


A healthcare organization decides to hire an external consultant to help with its reorganization even though qualified internal consultants are on staff. External consultants are used because external consultants: a. Can be independent from the power structure. b. Have more insight into the organization and its norms. c. May be less costly for the organization. d. Spend more time on the project.


In order for an organization to successfully user a management-by-objectives approach. It must minimize the: a. Nurse manager’s authority to give differential awards b. Nurse manager’s authority to make awards based on performance c. Organization’s focus on actions rather than on outcomes d. Organization’s focus on progress

9. When an employee requests a change/flexibility in the work schedule, the manager sends the employee to the unit’s scheduling committee. This style of management follows the principles outlined in: a. Herzberg’s theory c. McGregor’s theory b. Maslow’s theory d. Theory Z 10. Outcomes evaluation is a quality management method by which performance of care is evaluated for: a. Effectiveness b. efficiency c. reliability d. validity

Maria, a newly registered nurse was hired by the Sao Paulo Medical Center and was assigned to work at the Medical-Surgical Unit. The ward has a total capacity of 50 and with 4 nurses assigned during the AM and PM shifts and 3 nurses during the night shift. The following questions refer to this situation. 11. If you are the head nurse of this unit, which of the following would be your priority responsibility for Nurse Maria? a. Interview her as to her capacity to perform her job. b. Obtain her personal data and academic records as newly hired nurse. c. Plan for an in-service staff development program to update Nurse Maria. d. Orient her to the unit, personnel, policies and SOP of the unit. 12. As the manager of the unit, you play an important role in the orientation of a new employee. Which of the following is NOT true about orientation programs? a. It minimizes likelihood of rule violations b. It fosters feelings of belonging and acceptance c. It provides the new employee an opportunity for promotion d. It promotes enthusiasm and morale. 13. Nurse Maria told the head nurse that she really enjoyed the tour of the hospital’s physical plant. This means: a. She interacted with co-workers b. She checked the stocks in the supply station c. She observed the whole hospital – its departments, units, sections d. She made rounds of all the patients in the hospital 14. During the orientation phase, Nurse Maria was told by the head nurse to read the hospital manual and know by heart the reason for which that hospital exists. She should focus on the: a. Mission statement c. Vision Statement b. Organizational Philosophy d. Organizational Goals and Objectives

15. While reading the hospital manual, her attention was called by this set of statement: The board of directors, medical and nursing staff and administrators of San Paulo Medical Center believe that human beings are unique……This is the hospital’s a. Mission Statement c. Vision Statement b. Organizational Philosophy d. Organizational goals and Objectives 16. Nurse Maria will see the relationship in the organizational structure of the hospital in the form of a document called: a. Flow chart b. Gantt chart c. Patient’s chart d. Organizational chart 17. She would probably see her job description as a staff nurse written in the a. Head nurse’s logbook c. Office of Chief Nurse b. Nursing Service Manual d. Patient’s Chart 18. The organizational chart tells the nurse the following: a. 1,2,3 1. Leadership and subordinates in the organization b. 2,3,4 2. Roles/positions in the organization c. 1,2,4 3. Exact number of individuals in the organization d. All 4. Location in the hierarchical level 19. During the orientation, scheduling was also discussed, which is being done by the Chief Nurse who usually does the assignment of nursing personnel to the various hospital areas including shifts of duties and off duties. This represents which type of scheduling? a. centralized b. decentralized c. cyclical d. self-scheduling 20. Detted or broken lines on the organizational chart represent: a. 1,2 1. Staff positions b. 1,2,3 2. Advisory positions c. 1,3 3. Chain of Command d. 1,3,4 4. Line positions 21. The vertical solid line between individuals in the organizational chart that best describes the concept of one person/one boss indicates. a. Chain of command b. Span of controlc. Unity of command d. Scalar Chain 22. After studying the organizational chart of the hospital, Nurse Maria Editha is now aware of her relationship with her head nurse which is: a. formal b. informal c. coordinated d. delegated

23. In order to organize and deliver nursing care to patients, it was mentioned that good assignment to staff is always a priority in the institution. The following are true about good assignment except one: a. Should be related to the individual’s previous experience b. Should provide for new learning experience c. Should be within the individual’s ability to complete d. Should be easy and avoid challenging tasks 24. Choosing the most appropriate mode of organizing patient care is important. The mode of organizing patient care where nurses assume total responsibility for giving all care to patients during their time on duty is a. Case method nursing c. team nursing b. Functional nursing d. primary nursing

25. This system of providing care is based on the concept of division of labor where nurses and other caregivers perform specific tasks (preparing medication, morning care, etc) in the delivery of nursing care. a. Case method nursing c. team nursing b. Functional nursing d. primary nursing 26. The head nurse pointed out that the disadvantage to case method nursing: a. Occurs when the nurse is inadequate trained to provide total care to patients b. Is associated with improper implementation due to poor team planning c. Occurs when the nurse is incapable of coordinating a team composed of RNs d. Is that it may lead to fragmented care due to division of tasks among personnel 27. Which of the methods of delivering nursing care is not cost-effective and where turnover rate is high? a. Functional nursing c. team nursing b. Case method/total care method d. Primary nursing 28. As the manager in the unit, it is important to know that communication is a leadership/managerial function. The process of communication has several components, which involve the use of all the sense. These components are; a. 1,2,4 1. Speaking b. 1,3,4 2. Writing c. 1,2,3 3. Listening d. All 4. Observing 29. Because large organizations are so complex, communication, channels used by a manager may involve downward, upward, horizontal, or through the grapevine. Which of the following is considered the most informal communication network that flows rapidly and is subject to error distortion? a. Upward communication c. Horizontal communication b. Downward communication d. Grapevine communication 30. Downward communication in an organization may come in the forms of: a. 1,2,3 1. Policies b. 1,2,4 2. Manuals c. 1,4 3. Incidents/situational reports d. All 4. Memoranda 31. A rumor circulated that a mass lay-off and cuts in pay will take place in the hospital because authorities claimed they are losing income. As the overall supervisor, your initial task is: a. Directly refute the rumor to those who do not know about it. b. Meet the staff and deny the rumor c. Try to immediately refute it with indisputable facts if you can d. Keep silent about it and pretend you do not know about it 32. Rumor is a form of communication which is classified as: a. Upward communication c. Grapevine communication b. Sideward communication d. Routine communication

33. As nurse manager, you find it effective to communicate in the form of memos, which can be distributed internally within the unit. The following should be observed when writing a memo: a. 1,2,3 1. Should make the main point at the beginning b. 1,3,4 2. Only essential information should be given c. 1,4 3. Should be written simply without authoritarian language d. All 4. Use headings to direct the reader to specific issues 34. Nurse Maria was told that in communications, she should exercise assertive behavior. Which of the following is true about assertive communication? a. Expressing oneself in direct and appropriate ways

b. Remain silent first and express what you feel strongly about an issue later c. Expressing oneself in direct and less hostile manner d. Expressing oneself with limited verbal exchange

35. Essentially, assertiveness in nursing involves: a. Setting goals and communicate clearly b. Acting on goals in clear and consistent manner c. Taking responsibility for the consequences of one’ actions d. All of the above Nurse Eduardo is a newly appointed Nurse Supervisor of San Mariano Medical Center. Since he is new in the position, he is still learning his way through the organization. In order to make him more equipped with his managerial position he decided to review the different concepts and theories of management and leadership. The following questions refer to this situation.

36. He recalls that the management process involves five functions which follow the following sequence. a. Planning, staffing, organizing, controlling, directing b. Planning, organizing, directing, staffing, controlling c. Organizing, planning, directing, staffing, controlling d. Planning, organizing, staffing, directing, controlling

37. The management function that involves deciding in advance what to do, how to do it, when to do it, and who to do it is: a. Planning

b. Staffing

c. Organizing

d. Directing

38. Nurse Eduardo is aware that there are three levels of skills, which he should possess as manager. These are: a. Conceptual skills, literary skills, technical skills b. Political skills, conceptual skills, human skills c. Interpersonal skills, technical skills, human skills d. Conceptual skills, interpersonal skills, technical skills 39. He is also aware that planning is described as always future-oriented and that there are two major types: strategic planning and operational planning. Which of the following is NOT true about strategic planning? a. It is long-ranged planning b. Focus is on the entire organization c. Determines where an organization is going over the next year or more. d. Deals with day-to-day maintenance activities 40. Budgets are usually included in the strategic plan. Operating budget includes the following, EXCEPT: a. Wages and salaries c. purchase of buildings b. Cost of electricity d. repairs and maintenance 41. Nurse Eduardo also recalls that organizing is necessary because people accomplish more work than could be done individually. The number of people reporting to him as nurse supervisor represents his: a. Unity of command c. span of control b. Scope of responsibility d. degree of authority 42. As a nurse supervisor, Nurse Eduardo should understand the interrelationships among authority, responsibility and accountability. Which of the following statements is NOT correct: a. Managers should always be assigned responsibility with concomitant authority b. If authority is not commensurate to the responsibility, role confusion occurs. c. A nurse is being accountable for the responsibilities inherent in her position. d. Responsibility is an agreement to accept the consequences of one’s actions 43. Delegation is an important skill that every nurse leader/manager must master. Nurse Eduardo should learn what can and cannot be delegated. Which of the following is correct. a. A manager can give away the overall responsibility, authority, and accountability for the completion of all activities in the area b. Delegation of duties may not always be based on policies c. Making final evaluation and disciplining of staff can be delegated by managers d. Although every staff must be accountable for her own performance, the manager must accept accountability for the final results. 44. When delegation, it is best to keep informed after you delegate. This means: a. evaluating progress of delegated activities b. getting periodic reports and examine results c. giving commendation when the delegated work is done well

d. all of the above 45. A beginning nurse manager like Nurse Eduardo can begin to build a power base. Which of the following is NOT a good of enhancing power? a. Expanding personal resources c. Show an aggressive image to others b. Present a powerful picture to other d. Increase professional skills and knowledge 46. By virtue of his organizational position, Nurse Eduardo has the recognized authority over others. The type of power that he has is called. a. Reward power b. Expert power c. Coarcive power d. legitimate power 47. When a subordinate recognizes his superior’s advanced skill or knowledge and follow his orders because of his belief that his superior knows best, that superior is said to have: a. Legitimate power c. referent power b. Reward power d. expert power 48. Staffing is one of the major functions of a nurse manager. Factors affecting staffing include the following EXCEPT: a. administrative policies c. availability of suitable people b. type of work to be performed d. in-service education 49. Which of the following are the manager’s functions in staff development? a. Ensures that all staff are competent for roles assigned b. Frequently assesses learning needs of the units c. Ensures that there are adequate resources for staff development d. All of the above 50. All staff development activities should be evaluated for which of the following. EXCEPT a. Quality control c. impact on the organization b. cost effectiveness d. effect of the public 51. Directing is nursing involves giving orders and directions to others to attain quality patient care. Which of the following is NOT a directing function of a nurse manager? a. Leadership c. motivation b. Communication d. evaluation 52. Which of the following can best enhance the staff nurse’s motivation to improve himself/herself? a. Influence of friends c. commitment to excellence in work b. less supervision d. report incident to the head nurse 53. If Nurse Eduardo was a Theory X nurse manager, what would be his typical perception of his nursing staff? a. They dislike their kind of work c. They avoid added responsibilities b. They prefer to be supervised d. All of the above 54. Nurse Eduardo is interested in using Theory Z – a Japanese management concept. Which is NOT a characteristic of this management model? a. A form of a participative management c. Long-term employment b. personal concern for the employee d. Short-term employment 55. The management function that includes the purposeful consideration of the future objectives of an organization. a. Planning b. organizing c. directing d. controlling 56. Planning is important for the following reasons except: a. Helps to adapt to change and reduce uncertainty c. it ensures coordinated actions b. It improves performance d. it structured the work of the organization 57. All planning has to consider basic steps that include: 1. What is to be done? 2. When to do it 3. Who is to do it 4. How to do it a. 1,2 &3 only b. 2,3,&4 only c. none of the above d. all of the above 58. It is the purpose of the organization; the reason for its being that’s why organization exists. a. mission b. vision c. philosophy d objectives 59. A broad, clear and concise statement summarizing what the organization does. a. Mission statement b. vision statement c. goal 60. The assessment of strengths, weaknesses and identifying opportunities and threats of an organization for future improvement.

a. SWOT analysis

b. MBWA technique

c. SWAT team

61. In planning, it involves operationally defining the objective by expressing it in terms of specific actions or operations. a. Action plan b. daily plan c. development plan 62. A management function that involves structuring the work, making the best use of resources so as to achieve common goals. a. Organizing b. planning c. controlling d. staffing 63. A small number of people with complementary skills who work towards accomplishment of common goals for which they hold themselves mutually accountable. a. Team b. group c. organizing 64. The ability to exert influence in the organization beyond authority, which is derived from position. a. power b. empower c. authority 65. The delegation of authority to an individual or team; involving employees in setting objectives and making decisions that results in greater job satisfaction and productivity. a. Empowerment b. Power c. Influence 66. A management function that involves getting things done through people – focusing on leading and motivating human resources. a. Directing b. leading c. controlling 67. Team development include which of the following phases: a. Forming, performing, storming, norming c. Forming, storming, norming, performing c. Norming, forming, storming, performing 68. When an employee is given responsibility for a job, what must also be given equally important in order to have effective delegation? a. Authority b. power c. eligibility 69. It is the obligation to do assigned tasks. a. Liability b. Responsibility 70. It is answering for the result of one’s omissions. a. Responsibility b. Accountability

c. authority c. authority

71. A part of the delegation process whereby the supervisor accepts the completed tasks and acknowledging the subordinates’ efforts. a. Appreciating b. Auditing c. Monitoring 72. Herzberg’s theory of motivation describes needs in terms of satisfaction and dissatisfaction. Satisfaction comes from motivators such as: a. Achievement b. recognition c. work itself d. a and b only e. all 73. An informal day to day ongoing instructing of employees is called: a. mentoring b. coaching c. counseling

74. In coaching employees, the first things a coach should do is to a. demonstrate what to do b. crate a positive atmosphere

c. prepared the learner d. praise the learner

75. This is a formal relationship between a newly hired employee and a veteran employee who serves as role model a. coaching b. training c. mentorship d. counseling 76. The process of passing information and understanding from one person to another is called a. commendation b. consultation c. communication 77. In the communication process, which do not belong to the group a. Sender and receiver b. message and channel c. e-mail and facsimile 78. What element of the communication process initiates communication a. encoder b. decoder c. message

d. noise

79. The supervisor should pay attention to rumors, gossips and truthful information but not depend on it for accurate information. These are called

a. Impressions

b. grapevine

c. noise

d. expressions

80. The process through which standards for performance of people and processes are set, communicated and applied is called. a. Organizing b. coordinating c. controlling d. directing 81. The process through which standards for performance of people and processes are set, communicated and applied is called a. leading b. coordinating c. controlling 82. It is a guideline established as the basis for measuring performance. a. control b. timeline c. standard 83. You knew very well that all of the following are purposes of evaluation EXCEPT one: a. Ensures quality of nursing care provided by the employee. b. Provides visibility and means for employees to monitor their own performance c. Provides substandard criteria for establishing companions d. Justifies the use of resources 84. You noticed that the evaluation from used is a Likert-type scale from 1 to 5 as the highest. This is an example of: a. Anecdotal report c. Rating scale b. Ranking scale d. checklist 85. A corrective action taken by the supervisor when an employee does not abide by organizational rules and standards. a. termination b. control d. discipline 86. Which of the following are common disciplinary problems in the workplace a. attendance and performance b. misconduct c. a and b d. a only 87. Disciplinary treatment in most organizations is progressive. Which of the following steps of progressive discipline is the last. a. written warning b. suspension c. termination of employment 88. The mildest form of discipline is: a. written warning

b. verbal warning

c. suspension

89. The nurse manager should be guided by rules in managing discipline in the work place, which include: a. 1,2,3 1. Punishment should fit the offense b. 1,3,4 2. The individual and not the group should be confronted c. 1,2,4 3. It should be objective, sticking to facts d. 1,2,3,4 4. Rules that reflect personal bias should be avoided 90. A basic form of quality data collection is the nursing audit. An audit is: a. essentially an examination c. an accounting of predetermined indicators b. a verification d. All of the above 91. Which of the following forms of nursing audit focuses on the setting in which care takes place? a. Structure audits b. process audits c. outcome audits 92. Incident reporting is an effective technique of a good risk management program. Which of the following should be included in an incident report? a. 1,2,3 1. Name, address, age and condition of individual involved b. 1,3,4 2. Exact location, date and time of incident c. 3,4 only 3. Description of the occurrence and action taken d. 1,2,3,4 4. Names of witnesses 93. Incident reports are designed to serve which of the following functions: a. 1,2,3 1. Improve management and care of patients b. 1,2,4 2. For in-service education c. 1,2 only 3. For administrative supervision d. 1,2,3,4 4. Medico legal coverage 94. A part of nursing management is the theory of nursing leadership. One of the following is NOT true about leadership; a. It is a process of influencing a group towards attainment of goals. b. As always, before there can be a leader, there must be a group to be led.

c. Every supervisor is always a leader d. A leader is a visionary, a facilitator, and a change agent. 95. Which of the following is the essence of Transformational leadership? a. spirituality b. vision c. commitment d. empowerment 96. Which management skill is best reflective of the ability to link with a professional support system for reinforcement, information and guidance in his professional development a. conceptual skills c. human relations b. technical skills d. networking skills 97. When a head nurse manifests leadership behavior characterized by being permissive and fosters freedom for everyone and want everybody to feel good is an example of: a. Autocratic leadership b. Democratic leadership c. Laissez Faire 98. What approach to leadership suggests that no one leadership style is ideal for every situation? a. Behavioral b. human relations c. contingency 99. In comparing management and nursing processes, the controlling function of management parallels that of which step of the nursing process? a. Assessment b. Implementation c. evaluation 100.Indoctrination as a management function involves guiding adjustment of an employee to the organization and the work environment. What is the last phase of this function that involves introducing employees to the values and culture of the unit? a. Induction b. orientation c. socialization


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