November Newsletter: AN ELCA UPDATE Dear Partners and Friends of Hosanna! We are continuing to move through our time of Discernment and Decision. You may remember that in August we suggested this might be a process of 6-8 months. Much has transpired since our Town Hall Meeting on September 27th and it’s time for an update. At that Town Hall Meeting, 837 of you spoke with great clarity and unity (the results are still posted on our website: In the survey that day, 97% agreed with our teaching statement on marriage, 96% said being affiliated with the ELCA is somewhat or not at all important, and 91% felt that we should separate from the ELCA. Neither the Vision Board nor the pastors of Hosanna! were surprised by these results and we are grateful for the unity. Why, then, haven’t we left yet? On numerous occasions I have said that leaving the ELCA is one issue. HOW we leave and TO WHAT WILL WE GO are equally important issues. Much has transpired since the Town Hall Meeting and the events and conversations relate primarily to the HOW and WHAT. A) Both CORE (Coalition for Reform – and LCMC (Lutheran Congregations in Missions for Christ – held large gatherings and explored options for dealing with the denomination. Both groups are fairly well organized, but neither drew any clear conclusions as to the best way forward. My personal opinion is that they each have too many characteristics of a denomination and, I believe, the future is post-denominational. B) I have had countless conversations and lunches with other church leaders. Every one of them is dealing with this issue and is struggling to lead, heal, and unite their congregations. While being upset with the decisions and direction of the ELCA, most aren’t able to ‘color outside the lines’ and see God doing a new thing. Their roots and routines are deep. C) Bishop Peter Rogness met with the Vision Board on October 20th. It was a cordial meeting with good conversation. He asked us not to leave the ELCA because he felt we were stronger together, even in our disagreements. He added that if the leadership of Hosanna! felt it was best to leave, we would remain brothers and sisters in Christ, mutually respectful. What has become clear to me is that we have been preparing to leave the ELCA for some time. Our worship style, focus on prayer, openness to the Spirit, kingdom-mindedness, and polity (how we do church) have put us on divergent paths for quite some time. I don’t want to condemn the ELCA, but rather recognize what God has done at Hosanna! and what He still wants to do in and through us. I humbly ask all of you to agree with me on that attitude. It’s not about what THEY did, but what HE wants to do. That’s what will define our future. The elders of Hosanna! meet on November 17th and they will determine a timeline and exit strategy that complies with our constitution and bylaws. I will be part of a daylong conversation with Presiding Bishop Mark Hanson on November 23rd. I believe it will be a ‘final conversation’ of sorts with ten of us senior pastors telling the Bishop what is happening in our congregations. On December 15th the Vision Board meets and, I believe, will consider a resolution to sever our relationship with the ELCA. Please remember, this is not a decision that the Vision Board can make for Hosanna! The Vision Board will act in accordance with the 90-day notification process stipulated in our constitution and will probably set up a number of information meetings before bringing their resolution and recommendation to the entire congregation for a vote. While the way forward is not perfectly clear, the time of parting is at hand. Look for another update in early December. I must thank you again for your patience and prayers. Hosanna! is an amazing church and we are experiencing the strongest fall season in our history. I believe we are being faithful and obedient, humble and courageous. The best is just ahead. Bless your hearts! Bill Bohline