eGate_UG.pdf 1. User names and passwords should contain only alphanumeric characters (letters and numbers), dashes, and underscores. Any leading or trailing spaces are automatically removed from the password before processing.
2. The status bar in Enterprise Designer displays the host:port of the Repository to which it should be connected, whether or not the indicated Repository is actively connected & the name of the user currently logged in. 3. Enterprise Designer is based on the NetBeans windowing system, and offers most of the standard NetBeans window management features.
4. Enterprise Designer offers several global setup and configuration options, which are accessed by clicking Options on the Tools menu. It allows you to increase the heap size of enterprise Designer itself to accommodate large file sizes. The minimum recommended size for Enterprise Designer is 128 MB; it is set to 300 MB by default. If you encounter an out-of-memory error, try increasing the heap size in increments of 50Mb. 5. The default font size of Enterprise Designer is 11 points. You can increase or decrease the font size by modifying the batch file that starts Enterprise Designer. 6. The eGate run-time components, which include domains (instances of Logical Hosts) and any Projects or components deployed to them, provide their full functionality independent of the Repository. I.e. no need to run repository for them.
7. Repository branches enable you to isolate separate instances of a specific
Project from each other. Typically, you develop a Project in the HEAD branch. When you are ready to deploy the Project to your production environment, you create a separate branch to contain that version of the Project. You then continue to develop the next version of the Project in the HEAD branch. When you modify a component in any branch, the changes are confined to that branch; other branches are not affected. You cannot copy and paste components between branches. You can export from one branch and import to another to accomplish the same functionality.
8. When you copy one project, component or environment from one to another then the components in the Project being copied may be either checked in or checked out; however, they are always pasted into the target location as being checked in. If a Project having the same name already exists in the target location, the paste proceeds normally and the name of the Project is appended with “_#” (where # is a number, beginning with 1 and incrementing with each paste).
9. When doing cut – paste of a project all components in the Project must be
checked in before the Project can be cut. If a Project having the same name already exists in the target location, the paste operation is suspended and an error dialog appears. You can paste a cut Project only once. But for cut-paste individual components you must have the component checked out and all
changes you have made to the component must be committed. Cutting is disabled for other users when you have the component checked out. When pasting a component, only the component itself is pasted. Any other objects referenced by the component are excluded, but all references to those objects are retained.
10. The version history for a component that has been cut and pasted is preserved, since there can be only one instance of it. The version history for a component that has been copied and pasted is not preserved, since there can be multiple instances of it; the version number for each pasted instance is reset. 11. All Project component names should contain only alphanumeric characters (letters and numbers), dashes, and underscores.
12. Project deployment objects are not imported, since they have references to both project and Environment elements that are not required at the Project level. 13. If the Project you are importing contains references to another Project, and the other Project already resides in your Repository, you have the option of excluding the referenced Project from the import by checking the box that appears in the Exclude column. The references will be retargeted to the Project existing in the Repository.
14. The following special characters can be used in message destination names: < > & $ %.
15. The following special characters can be used in scheduler names: < > &. 16. If you are creating more than one Web Service External Application for deployment in any given Environment, you must ensure that the respective servlet context properties have different values so that each application will have a different URL.
17. To specify the filename of the EAR file in Enterprise Designer - In Project Explorer, right-click the Deployment Profile & then Select Properties to display the Deployment Properties dialog but If you want to change the name of an .ear file that already has been deployed, you must undeploy it before changing its name.
18. The end product of the Project design process is an application file that can be
deployed to an application/integration server. This enterprise archive (.ear) file contains a collection of .jar files, classes, and resources. In the case of a web application, the corresponding web archive (.war) file contains a group of .jar files, classes, and resources that can be packaged and accessed as a single servlet context. By default, the .ear file does not contain the associated Java source files. For the Java source files to appear in the .ear file, you need to change the value of the run.mode property in the runed.bat file from run to debug before building the file. Note that the resulting .ear file can be quite large.
19. Environmental constants are name-value pairs that are visible across the Environment. Selecting the New > Constant option from the Environment context menu.
20. The keystore is a security database, containing keys and certificates, that is
used to implement the Secure Messaging Extension (SME) encryption protocol (SME is not currently supported in Java CAPS). Selecting the New > Keystore option from the Environment context menu first displays a dialog in which you provide a name for the keystore, then adds the keystore to your Environment.
21. For the Sun SeeBeyond JMS IQ Manager, leave the STC Message Server URL
set to the default value (stcms://). The associated integration server will automatically change this URL to stcms://localhost:port. This allows you to deploy a .ear file to any Logical Host (domain).
22. In order to be compatible with BPEL, an OTD cannot support a pure stringBLOB.
23. The reset() method resets the XSD OTD to its initial conditions, including any default values. It is highly recommended that this method be used in your Collaborations whenever marshaling in a loop, to conserve system resources.
24. User-Defined OTD names must be less than 200 characters in length to avoid throwing an exception when building the application (.ear) file.
25. You should avoid using a colon (:) as a delimiter character, since it is used as a literal in system-generated time strings. This can interfere with recovery procedures, for example following a Domain shutdown.
26. All XSD OTDs that are used in SOAP-callable Java Collaboration Definitions must be derived from XML schemas that have explicitly declared target namespace. XSD OTDs that are used in SOAP-callable Java Collaboration Definitions must not contain imported or included XSDs. 27. If you are building a Web Service Definition that will be exposed externally as a web service through a SOAP/HTTP interaction, you must base all Operations containing input/output messages on XSD Objects created in the XML Schema Editor. Operations based on OTDs will not support SOAP/HTTP. 28. Before importing a WSDL file that supports SOAP encoding, you must perform the following procedure:
1. Using a text editor, create a new file containing the following line:
2. Save the file with a .ecrc extension in the following directory: C:\Documents and Settings\\