Nokia Series 40 Platform: Designing Xhtml Content For Mobile

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Series 40 Platform: Designing XHTML Mobile Profile Content Version 1.2; September 18, 2006

Series 40

Copyright © 2006 Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved. Nokia and Nokia Connecting People are registered trademarks of Nokia Corporation. Java and all Java-based marks are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. Other product and company names mentioned herein may be trademarks or trade names of their respective owners. Disclaimer The information in this document is provided “as is,” with no warranties whatsoever, including any warranty of merchantability, fitness for any particular purpose, or any warranty otherwise arising out of any proposal, specification, or sample. Furthermore, information provided in this document is preliminary, and may be changed substantially prior to final release. This document is provided for informational purposes only. Nokia Corporation disclaims all liability, including liability for infringement of any proprietary rights, relating to implementation of information presented in this document. Nokia Corporation does not warrant or represent that such use will not infringe such rights. Nokia Corporation retains the right to make changes to this specification at any time, without notice. License A license is hereby granted to download and print a copy of this specification for personal use only. No other license to any other intellectual property rights is granted herein.

Series 40 Platform: Designing XHTML Mobile Profile Content


Contents 1




Introduction................................................................................................................................................ 7 1.1

Nokia Series 40 mobile browser .........................................................................................................7


Series 40 platform....................................................................................................................................7


Chapter topics............................................................................................................................................8

Guidelines for design................................................................................................................................ 9 2.1

Make applications for mobile use.......................................................................................................9


Keep user task flow fluent and be reasonable with image use ...............................................9


Make structure easy for novices but don’t forget power users ................................................9


Provide sufficient information on a page ..................................................................................... 10


Provide informative feedback for user actions ........................................................................... 10


Minimize amount and size of images ............................................................................................ 10


Specify image height and width attributes.................................................................................. 11


Use tables carefully............................................................................................................................... 11


Consider options for adding style definitions ............................................................................. 11


Remove unnecessary white space and comments inside code............................................. 11


Enable caching of pages using HTTP header directives............................................................ 11


Use Unicode 2.0 character sets for XHTML content .................................................................... 12


Use correct MIME types and validated XHTML code.................................................................... 12


Use descriptive page titles and element labels........................................................................... 12


Perform a usability test....................................................................................................................... 13

Tools for developing browsing applications ...................................................................................14 3.1

SDKs and IDEs.......................................................................................................................................... 14


Image tools ............................................................................................................................................. 14


W3C tools ................................................................................................................................................. 14 3.3.1

HTML/XHTML validation tool............................................................................................ 14


HTML Tidy............................................................................................................................... 14


CSS validator ......................................................................................................................... 14

Introduction to the user interface ......................................................................................................15 4.1

Nokia devices with 128 x 128/160 , 208 x 208, and 240 x 320 pixel resolutions............ 15


User interface hardware – keys and display ................................................................................ 15 4.2.1

Two-softkey display ........................................................................................................... 15


Three-softkey display ........................................................................................................ 16


An alphanumeric keyboard................................................................................................................ 17


Display fonts............................................................................................................................................ 17


Accessing the browser......................................................................................................................... 18


Content size............................................................................................................................................. 18

Series 40 Platform: Designing XHTML Mobile Profile Content



XHTML MP elements ................................................................................................................................19 5.1



Paragraph and content alignment................................................................................ 20


Line break.............................................................................................................................. 20


Pre element........................................................................................................................... 20


Tables ........................................................................................................................................................ 21


Images ...................................................................................................................................................... 22


Links........................................................................................................................................................... 23


Access keys .............................................................................................................................................. 23


XHTML MP input processing ............................................................................................................... 24 5.6.1

Input elements .................................................................................................................... 24


Select element...................................................................................................................... 25

WAP CSS ...................................................................................................................................................27 6.1


Applying style sheets ........................................................................................................................... 27 6.1.1

External style sheets ..........................................................................................................27


Style element in document head................................................................................... 27


Inline styles ........................................................................................................................... 28


Cascading rules for style elements................................................................................ 28

Borders...................................................................................................................................................... 28 6.2.1

Border style........................................................................................................................... 28


Border width ........................................................................................................................ 28


Float......................................................................................................................................... 28


Margin ....................................................................................................................................................... 29


Padding..................................................................................................................................................... 29


List style.................................................................................................................................................... 29


6.7 7

Text formatting...................................................................................................................................... 19


List style image.................................................................................................................... 29


List style position ................................................................................................................ 29


List style type........................................................................................................................ 29

Text ............................................................................................................................................................ 30 6.6.1

Text align ............................................................................................................................... 30


Text decoration.................................................................................................................... 30


Marquee ................................................................................................................................. 30

Color........................................................................................................................................................... 31

Additional features .................................................................................................................................32 7.1

TCP/IP ........................................................................................................................................................ 32


Push ........................................................................................................................................................... 32 7.2.1

Service Indication................................................................................................................ 33


Service Loading.................................................................................................................... 33

Series 40 Platform: Designing XHTML Mobile Profile Content



Wireless Telephony Applications Interface (WTAI) Public Library ........................................ 33 7.3.1

Making a phone call ........................................................................................................... 34


Sending a DTMF tone ......................................................................................................... 34


Adding a phone book entry............................................................................................. 34


Cache ......................................................................................................................................................... 34


Content download over WAP ............................................................................................................ 34


Content upload....................................................................................................................................... 35


WML Script ............................................................................................................................................... 36


ECMAScript Mobile Profile.................................................................................................................... 36


User Agent Profile.................................................................................................................................. 36


Cookies...................................................................................................................................................... 36


Segmentation and Reassembly (SAR)............................................................................................. 37


Terms and abbreviations.......................................................................................................................38


References .................................................................................................................................................40

Evaluate this resource....................................................................................................................................41

Series 40 Platform: Designing XHTML Mobile Profile Content


Change history February 20, 2004

Version 1.0

Initial document release. Replaces the document WAP Service Developer’s Guide for Nokia Series 40 Phones with XHTML Browser v1.7.

May 10, 2005

Version 1.1

Sections 4.1, 4.2.2, 4.4, 4.6, 5.3, and 7.11 updated. Minor terminology updates.

September 18, 2006

Version 1.2

Series 40 Platform: Designing XHTML Mobile Profile Content

Information about Series 40 3rd Edition added. Technical details revised throughout the document.


1 Introduction The following document provides information and practical examples for developers who want to optimize their services for Nokia Series 40 devices with the Extensible Hypertext Markup Language Mobile Profile (XHTML MP)/ Wireless Markup Language (WML) dual-mode browser. The document is intended to serve as a guide for both wired Web content developers eager to provide content for the growing number of wireless Web users, and Wireless Access Protocol (WAP) content developers who wish to take advantage of features available through XHTML and style sheets. 1.1

Nokia Series 40 mobile browser The Nokia Series 40 browser is a dual mode browser that natively supports both XHTML MP with WAP CSS and WML 1.x. This means that existing browsing applications written in WML 1.x will work in the browser, as well as new XHTML MP services. XHTML MP with WAP CSS gives developers much more control over the format and layout of their pages and should be used in preference to WML 1.x. WML 1.x can be used for specialized WML 1.x functionalities, such as WML events or calling WMLScript. XHTML MP and WML 1.x pages can be seamlessly linked together. History is maintained so that the user can go back, no matter what kinds of content are intermixed. Users need not know whether the page they are currently viewing was written in XHTML or WML 1.x. The switch to using the TCP/IP stack is one of the main factors in the development of rich 2.5-3G multimedia services. Compared to the WAP 1.x stack, TCP/IP provides more security and enables access to a wider variety of Internet services. For more information about TCP/IP, see Section 7.1, “TCP/IP.” The Nokia XHTML browser supports ASCII and Unicode 2.0 character sets. Therefore, to ensure the greatest level of interoperability, all XHTML content should be created by using Unicode for non-Latin languages. For Latin languages, ASCII can also be used. Some gateways and proxies can convert local character sets to Unicode, but not all. Therefore the only way to guarantee that the device receives Unicode is to create the content in Unicode. More information about the Unicode and non-Latin languages can be found in the following books:


Lunde, Ken. CJKV Information Processing. 1st edition. O’Reilly & Associates (December 1998)

Graham, Tony. Unicode: A Primer. John Wiley & Sons (March 2000) Series 40 platform

Series 40 3rd Edition devices support XHTML MP and WML. Some devices also support HTML browsing over wTCP/IP. The Series 40 devices provide a common set of technologies and APIs across a large family of devices, although some devices within the family may include additional features. Developers can build core functionalities on the platform technologies, and then optimize an application for particular user interfaces and technology extensions available on devices within the family. Series 40 2nd Edition supports XHTML MP and WML browsing over wTCP/IP. The Series 40 platform provides a common set of technologies and APIs across a large family of devices, although some devices within the family may include additional features. Series 40 1st Edition supports WML browsing over WAP. Some compliant Series 40 devices also support XHTML MP browsing over WAP or wTCP/IP. Possible exceptions for WML rendering and browser behavior in Series 40 1st Edition devices are documented in the Forum Nokia Technical Library [2]. Detailed information about browser features can be found in Browser Characteristics In Nokia GSM Devices [1]. All documents are available at Series 40 Platform: Designing XHTML Mobile Profile Content



Chapter topics Chapter 2, “Guidelines for design,” outlines several recommendations for optimizing mobile XHTML services so that they achieve the best possible usability and performance. Chapter 3, "Tools for developing browsing applications,” is an overview of tools available for developing browsing applications. Chapter 4, “Introduction to the user interface,” describes the browser's user interface elements, keys, and display. Chapter 5, “XHTML MP elements,” outlines some general XHTML MP elements supported by the Nokia Series 40 mobile browser. Chapter 6, “WAP CSS,” introduces WAP CSS, and Chapter 7, “Additional features,” introduces additional features that are supported in the Nokia Series 40 mobile browser.

Series 40 Platform: Designing XHTML Mobile Profile Content


2 Guidelines for design 2.1

Make applications for mobile use When deciding what information to include in the different applications on a mobile device, developers should consider the types of situations in which the mobile device will be used. The content of the service should fulfill the needs of the target user group and be optimized for the most common tasks. Because of the mobility of the small display, the user might use the mobile phone primarily when there is no PC access to the Internet, and for quick information. Examples include speedy access to flight schedules, short news flashes, and weather information. It is less likely that users will use their mobile devices to surf.


Keep user task flow fluent and be reasonable with image use Colorful pages look great but may not feel great when images slow down service. According to usability studies 1 , users are less enthusiastic about services if images disrupt their task flow. In particular, large images aren't appreciated when users are navigating toward the target page. Images that have information value are appreciated, but in many cases users either turn off images to save time and money, or proceed to the next page without waiting for the images to download. It is important to allow users to continue navigation even before all images are downloaded. Large tables may cause similar problems — that is, the user is stuck on a page until it is downloaded or can't find the way to proceed before the page is fully downloaded. Because phone displays are different sizes, developers should make sure that data tables are readable even on the smallest displays; often they must be squeezed to fit the display.


Make structure easy for novices but don’t forget power users In mobile services it often seems that a shallow structure is easier to understand than a deep structure. Links and pages should feature descriptive names to help the user find the information s/he needs. It is hard to say how many links should be provided on one link list page. If the links clearly belong together and are easy to browse (one line per link, alphabetical or otherwise logical order so that the user does not have to read through each link), it is better to provide 30 links on a single page rather than five links on six pages. If there are tens of links, it may be a good idea to provide sorting options before showing them. If the link can fit on one row, it makes the selection clear and the page look better. There are no <do> elements in WAP 2.0; instead, they have been replaced with access keys. However, most users seem to be unaware of access keys and are unable to find them. To help users understand the concept of access keys, developers should make sure that they are visible on the screen and in a form that resembles phone keys. If possible, a search function should be provided. Power users appreciate it, as do novices navigating large sites.

1 Roto, V., Kaikkonen, A.: Acceptable Download Times in the Mobile Internet. In Stephanidis, C. (ed.): Universal Access in HCI. Volume 4 of the Proceedings of HCI International 2003.

Series 40 Platform: Designing XHTML Mobile Profile Content



Provide sufficient information on a page Interactive pages should be short; informative pages long. 2 It is not recommended to start the site using a doormat page, which serves no other purpose than to greet the visitor and display a logo. It is better if the user can go to the service directly. In XHTML, information is downloaded as pages and not as decks as in WML. This means that it is even more important to provide necessary information to users on a single page to support their task flow. Going back and forth between pages may take more time in XHTML, as the pages are downloaded separately. In backwards navigation this applies especially to cases where pages are not cacheable, e.g., in systems related to paying or where private information is provided. The first (topmost) screenful of any page is the most important. All often-used navigational links, search fields, login screens, and the bulk of the information should reside there. The user can then navigate forward before the rest of the page has been loaded, and will not have to scroll the page. Using the top of the page for banner advertisements or non-informative graphics should be avoided. It is better to place advertisements at the left or right edge. It is difficult to scroll up and down pages, so interactive pages with forms should not be too long, because users may not be sure if they have filled in every field on a long form. Users can easily lose the feeling of control if the form takes more than two screenfuls. There should be sufficient information on the destination page to which the user is headed. For example, if the target page contains a story or instructions, the entire contents should be presented on one page. Subtitles that take the user to points within the page help when browsing a long, informative page. The fact that information is downloaded as individual pages, not decks, is the biggest individual change that affects navigation and structural differences between WML and XHTML.


Provide informative feedback for user actions Developers should provide proper feedback for user actions and for error and problem situations. For example, after the user clicks a link, the page title should be the same as the link name. Minimizing steps in navigation should not increase the user's feeling of insecurity, e.g., confirmation pages for user actions may be needed even if they require an extra click. If the confirmation page is missing, the user may feel s/he needs to check to see if the action has taken place — this leads to even more clicks. Users should feel that they are controlling the system. If problems arise, users should be informed what to do next. Errors can be prevented by explaining to users the format of expected input, and by marking mandatory fields.


Minimize amount and size of images The amount and size of images on an XHTML should be considered carefully. Each image on a page causes a separate roundtrip, which in turn makes the rendering of an entire page slower. Therefore the number of roundtrips should be minimized. Also it should be noted that each time an image arrives at the mobile device, the entire containing page may be rearranged, which takes time and processor resources. Thus, a page with just a few images may load faster than one with many smaller images. If possible, it is recommended to use the same images on various pages throughout the service; then a specific image is downloaded only once and saved to cache. For example, if custom images are used for bullets, the same ones should be used throughout the service.


Kaikkonen, A., Roto, V.: Navigating in a Mobile XHTML Application. Proceedings of CHI2003 conference

Series 40 Platform: Designing XHTML Mobile Profile Content


TCP/IP connection may result in different download speeds for pages, even though the amount of data is the same. For example, downloading an XHTML page containing four images at 2 KB each is faster than downloading a page with eight images at 1 KB each. If the WAP gateway is used, it should be placed close to a Gateway General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) Support Node (GGSN). “Close” in this instance refers to both latency and the probability of packet loss. Lost messages cause additional delay due to HTTP retransmission. The latency between the WAP gateway and content server should be minimized. 2.7

Specify image height and width attributes It is recommended that content developers explicitly specify the height and width of images in markup to allow the browser to reserve the proper space for the image. If width and height parameters are used in image tags, the XHTML browser is able to reserve the space for images before the images are downloaded. Thus the page is displayed to the user before images are downloaded and images become visible when they are downloaded. This doesn't change the complete download and processing time of the XHTML page, but it improves the user experience substantially because a user can read the page before the images are downloaded. For example:


Use tables carefully The browser supports the use of tables and nested tables in the XHTML page. Developers should be careful when defining cell widths, particularly with nested tables.


Consider options for adding style definitions Developers can specify their own styles in various ways: in an external style sheet, in a style element in the document head, or by using an inline style attribute in a specific element. Although in general it is a good practice to use external style sheets whenever possible to separate style from markup, it should be noted that there are tradeoffs to consider. Rendering of the XHTML page is faster when style definitions are inside XHTML code, but the use of external style sheets offers a convenient way to change styles throughout the service. The same external style sheet should be used throughout the service to avoid downloading multiple style sheets to the device. The external style sheet is downloaded only once and saved in cache.


Remove unnecessary white space and comments inside code

It is important to make sure that there is no extra white space inside the code. Although white space is not visible on the screen, it is still processed, because the browser parses, formats, applies CSS to, and renders white space. The number of comments in XHTML code should be minimized to keep the code as compact as possible. 2.11

Enable caching of pages using HTTP header directives

The browser places viewed XHTML pages in the cache; however, content developers should not assume that pages are cached by default 3 . Explicit cache headers should be sent with documents to ensure that pages are cached on the client, if possible. In addition, an expiration time should be set for at least a few days, in order to ensure that content is cached for a suitable time across multiple time zones. 3

In Series 40 devices the content is not cached by default.

Series 40 Platform: Designing XHTML Mobile Profile Content


Placing cache directives within Meta tags (e.g., using HTTP-EQUIV) is not supported by all Series 40 devices, but caching can also be controlled using HTTP headers. The "Cache-control: no-cache" HTTP header directive can be set by the HTTP server hosting the pages to define that pages are not cached. Cache uses the “least recently used” algorithm, which means that items used least are removed first. It is recommended to reuse images and external CSS in all XHTML pages to ensure that they stay in cache and need not be downloaded each time they are used. 2.12

Use Unicode 2.0 character sets for XHTML content

The XHTML browser supports ASCII and Unicode 2.0 character sets. Therefore to ensure the greatest level of interoperability, all XHTML content should be created by using Unicode for non-Latin languages. For Latin languages, ASCII can also be used. Some gateways and proxies can convert local character sets to Unicode, but not all. Therefore the only way to guarantee the device receives Unicode is to create the content in Unicode. More information about Unicode and non-Latin languages can be found in the following books: •

Lunde, Ken. CJKV Information Processing. 1st edition. O’Reilly & Associates (December 1998)

Graham, Tony. Unicode: A Primer. John Wiley & Sons (March 2000)


Use correct MIME types and validated XHTML code

The preferred MIME type for XHTML MP content is "application/xhtml+xml", which should be used for serving XHTML MP documents to XHTML user agents. In addition, “application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml”, which is specified by OMA, can be used. The MIME type “text/html” is available too, but for XHTML, use of this type should be reserved for the purpose of rendering on existing HTML user agents. It should be noted that XHTML documents served as “text/html” will not be processed as XML. This means that, for example, well-formedness errors may not be detected by user agents. Authors who wish to support both XHTML and HTML user agents may utilize content negotiation by serving HTML documents as “text/html” and XHTML documents as “application/xhtml+xml”. It is recommended to use file extension *.xhtml in all XHTML MP content. XHTML code should be validated to avoid any interoperability problems and to enhance performance. XHTML content can be validated, for example, with the W3C validator at When creating XHTML content dynamically, the generated code should be valid DTD XHTML MP 1.0. 2.14

Use descriptive page titles and element labels

The page title describes the contents of the page being displayed. Use of titles is recommended in WML and mandatory in XHTML. Titles help the user navigate in the application because they remind the user where s/he is within the application. It may be a good idea to start the title with the service’s name and keep the total length of the title short. The item previously selected by the user should determine the header text. For instance, the title “Bookmarks” tells the user that the display contains a list of bookmarks in the application and that the option item previously selected was Bookmarks. Proportional fonts are used in header text, and if the header text is too long, it is cut automatically. Cut titles are usually better than abbreviations, because the user may be confused by unfamiliar abbreviations. Although short words are recommended for element labels, acronyms that are not well known by the target user group should not be used. The same label should always be used for the same thing, especially with function labels such as Delete, Remove, Erase, Clear, and Destroy.

Series 40 Platform: Designing XHTML Mobile Profile Content



Perform a usability test

It is always a good idea to perform a usability test for new applications. People who have not been involved in the design or development of an application tend to notice potential usability problems that are often not obvious to those who know the design by heart. Usability tests should be performed as early as possible in the development process. Any necessary changes resulting from the tests can then be implemented within the development timetable. Testers who are representatives of the future end users should be used. At the very least, tests should be conducted on a small scale if the schedule does not allow for extensive testing.

Series 40 Platform: Designing XHTML Mobile Profile Content


3 Tools for developing browsing applications 3.1

SDKs and IDEs Although WAP documents can be written in any text editor that can save files as plain text, there are many SDKs and IDEs available to aid the development of wireless applications. Some of these also incorporate emulators, for example the Nokia Mobile Internet Toolkit (, Ericsson WAPIDE (, and the Openwave SDK (


Image tools Various companies offer tools for the creation and manipulation of images for wireless applications. For example, imagemagick is a collection of tools and libraries that can be used to create, manipulate, and convert images in many image formats.


W3C tools


HTML/XHTML validation tool

W3C provides a free HTML/XHTML validation service. However, it is not able to verify valid XHTML MP. The user submits an HTML/XHTML document, usually by providing a URL for it, and the service provides notification of its validity. The tool can be accessed at Several other XML validators can be found on the Internet. 3.3.2


HTML Tidy is a utility for converting HTML to valid, well-formed XHTML (not XHTML MP). There are various GUI versions or the source as a UNIX filter for processing HTML files. HTML Tidy is available from 3.3.3

CSS validator

The W3C provides a free CSS validation tool that can verify correct CSS but it is not yet able to verify conformance with WCSS. The W3C CSS validator is available at The Nokia Mobile Internet Toolkit contains a CSS editor that can both create and validate CSS files.

Series 40 Platform: Designing XHTML Mobile Profile Content


4 Introduction to the user interface The following chapter provides a brief overview of the user interface in Series 40 devices with XHTML browser. 4.1

Nokia devices with 128 x 128/160 , 208 x 208, and 240 x 320 pixel resolutions These devices have an XHTML/WML dual browser with enhanced features and increased usability. The predictive text input (T9) can be used. Nokia Series 40 devices support Push Service Indication, service loading, three Wireless Telephony Application Interface (WTAI) public library functions, cookies, and content downloading. Applications created with Java™ MIDP can be downloaded into the device over the mobile network by pointing the browser to a page that contains the download.


User interface hardware – keys and display


Two-softkey display

The display is a high-resolution, passive-matrix, color display, with 4,096 colors and a display resolution of 128 pixels (horizontal) by 128 pixels (vertical). The display consists of the application area, a header area, and an area used for the softkeys.

Figure 1: Structure of the browser screen

The application area is 128 pixels (horizontal) by 96 pixels (vertical), minus scrollbars if present. Keys in the two-softkey user interface: The Send/Talk key works as a selection key. The End key exits a data call/GRPS connection and goes into idle state when pressed twice. The two softkeys are assigned actions that enable the user to manipulate the user interface by making selections and entering, editing, and deleting text. In the Nokia 6800 there is also a third softkey, which is used only as a profile key. •

The left softkey is used as a yes/positive key. It contains options that execute commands and go deeper into the menu structure. Some example functions are Select, OK, and Options.

Series 40 Platform: Designing XHTML Mobile Profile Content


The right softkey is used as a no/negative key. It contains options that cancel commands, delete text, and go backwards in the menu structure; examples include Back, Exit, and Clear.

Four-way scrolling and navigation: •

Scrolling up/down allows the user to scroll the options, text, and images in the current display up and down (vertical direction). Moving the window up and down is done using the scroll up and scroll down keys.

Scrolling left/right allows the user to scroll the content in the current display in a horizontal direction. Moving the window left and right is done using the scroll left and scroll right keys.


Three-softkey display

The Series 40 three-softkey display has three high-resolution display types: •

A passive-matrix color display with 4,096 colors.

An active matrix LCD with up to 262 144 colors.

An active TFT with up tp 16 million colors.

The display consists of the application area, a header area, and an area used for the softkeys.

Figure 2: Structure of the browser screen

The display resolutions and application areas are listed in Table 1. Note that the scrollbars are placed in the application area, if they are present.


Application area

128 x 128

128 pixels (horizontal) by 96 pixels (vertical)

128 x 160

128 pixels (horizontal) by 115 pixels (vertical)

208 x 208

204 pixels (horizontal) by 156 pixels (vertical)

240 x 320

224 pixels (horizontal) by 226 pixels (vertical)

Table 1: Display resolutions and application areas

Keys in the three-softkey user interface: The Send/Talk key works as a selection key. Series 40 Platform: Designing XHTML Mobile Profile Content


The End key exits a data call/GRPS connection and goes into idle state when pressed twice. The three softkeys are assigned actions that enable the user to manipulate the user interface by making selections and entering, editing, and deleting text. •

The left softkey usually provides an option list with the label Options. Here the user can find all kinds of context-specific options.

The middle softkey usually provides the most important and frequently used function. The function is presented with a textual label in the middle of the lowest part of the display. The user can directly perform functions with this key.

The right softkey provides the backward, negative functions, such as Exit, Back, and Clear.

Four-way scrolling and navigation:


Scrolling up/down allows the user to scroll the options, text, and images in the current display up and down (vertical direction). Moving the window up and down is done using the scroll up and scroll down keys.

Scrolling left/right allows the user to scroll the content in the current display in a horizontal direction. Moving the window left and right is done using the scroll left and scroll right keys. An alphanumeric keyboard

In addition to having a normal numeric keyboard, some Nokia phones have an alphanumeric keyboard with 52 keys hidden under the flip. The keyboard is revealed when the flip is opened. The software turns the display texts and images 90 degrees when the flip is opened. The keyboard under the flip enables fast, easy, user-friendly text input via thumb typing.

Figure 3: Mechanical concept of the Nokia 6820 messaging device


Display fonts In most countries, the Series 40 XHTML browser supports one font family in three font sizes. The font size in pixels depends on the display size. Most devices support the following font sizes:

Series 40 Platform: Designing XHTML Mobile Profile Content


128 x 128

9 pixels, 12 pixels, and 16 pixels (China 12 and 16)

128 x 160

9 pixels (China/APAC 12 pixels), 16 pixels, and 23 pixels

208 x 208

20 pixels, 24 pixels, and 28 pixels

240 x 320

16, pixels, 20 pixels, and 24 pixels

For each of these (two or three) sizes, normal, bold, and italic styles are available. Other families, sizes, weights, and styles are mapped as appropriate onto available fonts. The user may be able to set the default font size for three different sizes, for example, “Extra small,” “Small,” and “Medium” through a browser application appearance setting. On color displays, the same set of colors is available for fonts as is available for images. It is therefore recommended that content developers use (Web-safe) colors, rather than style, weight, or size, to distinguish sections of text. All fonts are proportional. Proportional fonts give a dynamic and minimized width for each character, improve readability of display texts, and generally allow more characters to be displayed per line. On the other hand, having proportional fonts means that it is difficult to tell how many characters there can be in each line, e.g., compare characters ”W” and ”i.” 4.5

Accessing the browser The Nokia Series 40 mobile browser is accessed by selecting the Services application from the Application menu. For quick access to the browser, the user can long press the 0 key, which will automatically start the browser and load the home page for the currently active settings. The browser can also be accessed through the Favorites menu, or through any one of a variety of other methods.


Content size All Series 40 devices support documents up to 32 kB in size, including an external style sheet or embedded images. No single text block (paragraph) should be larger than 10 kB, and tables should not be nested more than two levels deep. Many Series 40 devices support documents up to 100 kB in size (including images). In cases where an external style sheet or embedded image exceeds the limit on total content size for a document, the primary document will be displayed with an icon indicating images that failed to load, and formatted according to the style attributes present in the primary document. It is therefore recommended that if larger content sizes are used, the primary document (excluding images and external style sheet) should always be less than 32 kB in size. This will ensure that the content, including links, will be displayed, even on devices with a 32 kB total maximum content size.

Series 40 Platform: Designing XHTML Mobile Profile Content


5 XHTML MP elements The following guidelines are for using XHTML MP when designing services for the Nokia Series 40 dual browser. They provide an overview of the XHTML MP elements that are critical from the rendering point of view and the XHTML MP capabilities supported by the browser. This chapter does not include all possible XHTML MP elements and attributes. 5.1

Text formatting The content of an XHTML page is displayed in the application/main area of the display (see Figure 1). The order of elements is significant, as they appear on the screen in the same order. White space is ignored unless the <pre> element is used. See Section 5.1.3, ”Pre element,” for more information on the <pre> element. Table 2 contains default styles for text layout formatting elements. These styles may be overridden using style sheets.








Italic if supported, normal otherwise


Indented normal text (cite is ignored)


Italics if supported, normal otherwise




Italics if supported, normal otherwise



H1- h6

Actual font size product dependent


Monospace if supported, normal text else


Bold font


Bold font


Italics if supported, normal otherwise


Italics font




Inline container for text


Underlined font


Font size is set to larger


Font size is set to smaller

P, div

Block container for text.


Normal text, within quotes




A line break is inserted in the text

Series 40 Platform: Designing XHTML Mobile Profile Content


Table 2: Text layout formats


Paragraph and content alignment

The paragraph element,

, enables word wrapping and content alignment. A paragraph always starts on a new line. The content inside a paragraph can be aligned to the left, center, or right; by default, alignment is to the left. The alignment is set by using paragraph attributes (see Example 1). The recommended method of specifying alignment in XHTML is by using style sheets. A paragraph will always be wrapped unless the content specifies nowrap and the user wrap setting is off.

Align "center"

Align "right"

Nokia Nokia Series 40

Example 1: Paragraph element and alignment


Line break

element forcibly breaks (ends) the current line of text. The HTML clear attribute specifies how text after the forced line break is wrapped around a floated element, for example, an image. Possible values are left, right, all, and none. The default value is left. Left prevents floated elements from being displayed to the left of the element. Right prevents floated elements from being displayed to the right of the element. All prevents floated elements on either side of the element. In all of these cases, the top margin of the element is increased until the top edge of the element’s border is just below the bottom edge of the floated element. None allows floated elements to appear on either side of the element. See also the float property for style sheets in Section 6.2.3, “Float.” 5.1.3

Pre element

The pre element, <pre>, causes text to be displayed “preformatted” to the extent possible. Preformatted means that white space is left intact, the font is displayed as plain text, and word wrapping is enabled/disabled according to how the browser is set.

Series 40 Platform: Designing XHTML Mobile Profile Content



Tables The table element, , is used together with and
elements to create sets of rows and columns of data, such as text, images, links, and so on. Also, the
element can be used. It is possible to have text, images, and tables on the same page. The cells are shown in bordered rows and columns. The presentation attributes of a table should be defined in a style sheet, for example, the border width, border color, text alignment, etc. Automatic width of cells and columns depends on the number of columns and the amount of content inside the cells. For example, if the table contains three or more columns, the width of a table cell plus its border is one third of the display width, and if the table only contains one column, the fixed width of a table cell and its border is the width of the display. If the table cells and columns are narrow (only a small amount of content in cells), it is possible to have more than three columns on the display. The developer can also specify cell sizes in style sheets or by using style element or style attributes. Cells and columns are sized based on the first row. Weather
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Example 2: Table element

When using nested tables, content developers should avoid specifying the parent table width as a percentage while the child table widths are expressed explicitly. Because the Series 40 platform contains devices with different screen sizes, percentages will not always represent the same number of pixels. Therefore it is recommended that absolute widths (pixels) be used for both parent and nested tables, to ensure that the content will be rendered properly. Care should be taken to ensure that the total table width is the same as the sum of the widths of the individual columns plus borders and cell spacing. In general, as table nesting levels increase, so does the complexity of the page and the required processing time to display the page. In order to ensure the timely display of pages, very deeply nested tables should be avoided. For example, consider the following content segment: Series 40 Platform: Designing XHTML Mobile Profile Content


The parent table is specified as a width of 100 percent of the content area (128 pixels on most Series 40 devices), while the nested table within it specifies a width of 240 pixels. The width of content within the nested table is set to 240 pixels, but the parent table is constrained to displaying only 80 percent of the content area, thereby cutting off almost half of the nested content width. It is recommended that absolute widths (pixels) be used for both parent and nested tables, to ensure the content will be rendered properly. Care should be taken to ensure that the total table width is the same as the sum of the individual column widths plus borders and cell spacing. In general, as table nesting levels increase, so does the complexity of the page and the processing time required for displaying the page. In order to ensure a timely display of pages, table nesting of more than 10 levels should be avoided. On most Series 40 devices it is not a good idea to have more than three levels of table nesting on one page. The less nesting there is, the faster the table will load on the target device. As a stylistic note, tables should not have borders that are too thick, since in a device with limited display size the border width can easily consume enough pixels to make the actual content area too small to be useful. " > XHTML Mobile Profile Document <style type="text/css"> td {border: solid}


1 2
3 4
5 6
Example 3: Nested table element


Images •

In a 128 x 128 pixels UI, the graphics area is at most 128 pixels wide and 96 pixels high.

In a 128 x 160 pixels UI, the static graphics area is a maximum of 128 pixels wide and 115 pixels high.

Series 40 Platform: Designing XHTML Mobile Profile Content


In a 208 x 208 pixels UI, the static graphics area is a maximum of 196 pixels wide and 156 pixels high but vertically and horizontally scrollable up to the maximum deck size.

The appearance of content prior to completion of image loads can be greatly enhanced by specifying the height and width for each image. As an additional benefit, specifying the height and width in the element will often reduce by a factor of two the computational effort needed to completely render a page. These two advantages can lead to a significantly better user experience. Image scaling is supported on most Series 40 devices; however, images are not scaled by default even with the “wrap” appearance setting turned on. Images are only scaled according to attributes (height and width in particular) or style applied to an image element. If, for some reason, an image cannot be fetched (e.g., when image auto loading is off), then a "broken" image icon and the alt attribute text are displayed. The alt attribute text is truncated if it exceeds the horizontal space left for the text on the line in use. Images can be used inside a table and as a hot link (see Example 3). 5.4

Links A hot link is specified with the element. By default, hot links are shown underlined and colored blue. If there are an image and text declared inside an anchored link, the image is displayed with a borderline and the text is shown underlined. Developers can specify different link options using style sheets; however, this is not supported by all device models. The user can navigate to a link and select a highlighted link by pressing the middle softkey, the send key, or by using the browser’s options menu. Example.xhtml

<span class="red">Text


Ol { list-style-position:outside ; background-color:yellow; ul {list-style-type:disc } body {background-color:yellow} div.marquee {width: 50% ; font-size:large } .red { color: red; }


Example 4: Colored link


Access keys The Nokia Series 40 dual browser supports the access-key attribute for both XHTML pages and WML cards (although it has different effects depending on the markup language used). It can be used with the elements and . This attribute can be used to assign hardware keys to elements in the page, such as hot links and text areas, thus easing navigation. The hardware keys 0-9 can be assigned to certain elements in the page. If the # key or the * key are assigned as access keys, they are ignored by the browser. The designer can indicate to the user which

Series 40 Platform: Designing XHTML Mobile Profile Content


key to press in order to activate the element, by adding the label of the key to the element. For example, if the service provider associates the key 1 with a link, the number 1 can be added to the label of the link. For HTML content, all
elements, input type=image, and input type=submit access keys are accessible through the options menu. For WML content, all assigned <do> elements with a go task are accessible through the options menu. 1. Text 1 Example 5: Assigning an access key to a hot link

An access key has an effect on an element even if the element is not highlighted or visible. After an access key has been pressed, the element is highlighted if it was not already. 5.6

XHTML MP input processing Input processing enables the user to input requested information to the service. There are two kinds of input elements: input fields created using an element and selection lists created using a <select> element. To specify each choice within a <select> element,