No Koh

  • May 2020
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Obama has nominated Harold Koh to become legal advisor to the State Department (See below). I understand that this goes to the Senate in June! ACTION ALERT: SAY NO TO KOH! ACTION ALERT! SAVE AMERICA! PROTECT THE CONSTITUTION! TIME IS WASTING! This is a very dangerous appointment. The future of American jurisprudence hangs in the very balance. Put this on your daily things to do. Koh must go. Read this post carefully and send it to everyone you know. WE MUST PROTECT AMERICAN SOVEREIGNTY! I took part in a conference call with Andy McCarthy and Ed Whelan -- and sponsored by Erick Erickson of, Hugh Hewitt and others -- to discuss the nomination of Yale Law School Dean and transnationalist Harold Koh to be the legal adviser at the State Department. I have blogged on Koh here. Obama nominee sees no "reason why sharia law would not be applied to govern a case in the United States" JUDGES should interpret the Constitution according to other nations' legal "norms." Sharia law could apply to disputes in US courts. The United States constitutes an "axis of disobedience" along with North Korea and Saddam-era Iraq. Those are the views of the man on track to become one of the US government's top lawyers: Harold Koh. President Obama has nominated Koh -- until last week the dean of Yale Law School -- to be the State Department's legal adviser. In that job, Koh would forge a wide range of international agreements on issues from trade to arms control, and help represent our country in such places as the United Nations and the International Court of Justice. It's a job where you want a strong defender of America's sovereignty. But that's not Koh. He's a fan of "transnational legal process," arguing that the distinctions between US and international law should vanish. [..] The primacy of international legal "norms" applies even to treaties we reject. For example, Koh believes that the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child -- a problematic document that we haven't ratified -- should dictate the age at which individual US states can execute criminals. Got that? On issues ranging from affirmative action to the interrogation of terrorists, what the rest of the world says, goes.

Including, apparently, the world of radical imams. A New York lawyer, Steven Stein, says that, in addressing the Yale Club of Greenwich in 2007, Koh claimed that "in an appropriate case, he didn't see any reason why sharia law would not be applied to govern a case in the United States." Koh is a post American transnationalist. American jurisprudence is based on national sovereignty. Self determination on national security, whereas Koh would abdicate this to a new world order. Opposing Koh is not an attack on his integrity or his fine legal mind. You can oppose someone on policy. Oppose Koh on his beliefs. Abdicating US sovereignty to "international law" means handing over our selfdetermination to the driver of the UN bus - the Organization of the Islamic Conference. PLEASE GO HERE FOR BACKGROUND ON KOH. In a series of posts on National Review Online's Bench Memos blog that earned prominent attention, EPPC President Ed Whelan exposed the radical transnationalist views of controversial State Department legal adviser nominee Harold Koh. Immediately below is the outline of the series, which is available in full here. His nomination is out of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. He will go before the Senate in June. You must contact your Senators. GO HERE. Be polite but firm. One good reason is far more effective than ten insults. There is a wealth of documentation and evidence here. KOH HAS MET WITH LITTLE RESISTANCE, EVEN FROM REPUBLICANS. WAKE UP YOUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. This is madness. Koh opposes national self-interest. He is dogged and determination to advancing his views. He believes traditional sovereignty is obsolete. He has written critically of the very notion American exceptionalism. 1. Harold Koh's Transnationalism (overview of series) 2. What "transnationalism" is 3. Customary international law a. What customary international law is b. The transnationalist game on customary international law 4. Treaties a. The scope of the treaty power

b. The domestic legal status of treaties c. CEDAW as a case study (1) CEDAW and the CEDAW committee (2) Koh's remarkable testimony about CEDAW d. The treaty game 5. Constitutional law a. Reinventing the Constitution (Part 1): Koh's positions b. Reinventing the Constitution (Part 2): The flaws in Koh's positions c. Reinventing the Constitution (Part 3): What Koh's positions threaten d. The constitutional game 6. The role of the State Department legal adviser

Additional Posts 1. Koh's confirmation hearing • Review of Koh Confirmation Hearing Transcript--Part 1 • Review of Koh Confirmation Hearing Transcript--Part 2 • Review of Koh Confirmation Hearing Transcript--Part 3 • Koh's Written Answers to Senator Lugar's Questions • Koh's Written Answers to Senator DeMint's Questions 2. Koh and the Alien Tort Statute • •

Harold Koh, Serial Violator of International Law Harold Koh, Judge-Made Foreign Policy, and Redistribution of Wealth

3. Koh and National Security • • • •

Koh vs. Obama Administration Re: What's the Big Deal About Piracy? Koh vs. Obama Administration on Military Commissions Koh vs. Obama Administration on Indefinite Detention?

4. Response to defenses of Koh o

Dahlia Lithwick on Harold Koh and Sharia

o o o o o

More on Dahlia Lithwick on Harold Koh Calls for Real Debate on Harold Koh Re: Calls for Real Debate on Harold Koh Newsweek on Harold Koh Another Feeble Defense of Koh


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