n Exam-Buggy
1. Basic Brush-up: HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is a type of SGML
(Standard Generalized Markup Language). SGML is the international standardized Markup Language. HyperText means machine-readable text so organized to create links to information at a different location. That is, it is not sequential but related items of information are connected. Instead of reading linearly to find information, one can jump from one topic to another. A Markup Language is set of symbols (alphabets, numbers & signs) and rules (syntax) for their use when doing a markup of a document. A markup or a tag is that portion of the document marked up or tagged to indicate how they should be displayed in the browser. These tags are not displayed by the browser. A syntax means rules governing an arrangement of symbols in a programming language acceptable to a compiler (a program that decodes) for that language. 2. Basic Tags:
a browser reads HTML page due to this tag. A Html Page has a .html or .htm file extension. defines the header area (window top border) of a page. this tag is present in the head section and gives title to
a Html page.
marks the end of head section
[Here, is also known as an end tag]
defines the main part where contents will be displayed inserts a single line break
[Use   to insert more than one default space between two characters or images]
defines the end of body