Nicorici Uk, Corp Tax

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Nicorici UK Limited Registered in England Number 05928422 Incorporated 7th September 2006 PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT for the period ended 31st August 2008

Current year



Prior year 2007

£ Turnover Cost of Sales Gross Profit

342,983 158,197 184,785

247,619 134,981 112,638

5,310 4,668 40,000 10,937 6,848 0 167 96,402 970 2,347 2,800 284 2,022 2,356 1,395 176,507

7,210 11,620 30,000 7,210 5,175 5,542 1,952 35,516 4,430 1,642 2,290 753 1,308 1,498 116,147

Operating Profit/(Loss)



Interest Receivable / (Payable)



Profit/Loss on ordinary activities before Taxation











Distribution and administrative Costs and overheads Directors' salaries Director's Expenses Directors's Pension Contributions Staff Wages and NI costs Insurances Rent Equipment hire Legal and Professional fees Training costs Telephones Small tools and equipment Gas and Electricity Non Director van and travel costs Other costs Depreciation

Taxation Profit/(Loss) on ordinary activities after Taxation Retained profits brought forward

Retained (Losses)/Profits carried forward

Nicorici UK Ltd Registered in England Number 05928422 CORPORATION TAX CALCULATION Y/E 31 August 2008

Profits / (Losses) per accounts Add back depreciation Less/ (Add) Interest

8,156 1,395 122 9,673

Capital Allowances Opening written down bal. 0 This yrs additions 1,395 Total 1,395 Less WDA 100% 1st yr 145 Less WDA of 25% on total 1,250 Net Case I Profits / (Losses) Case III Interest Profits chargeable to Corporation Tax Losses brought forward. Assessment for Corp Tax days 2007 / 08 20% 9/1/2007 3/31/2008 £ 2,704.00 2008 / 09 21% 4/1/2008 8/31/2008 £ 1,942.00 Total due to Collector of Taxes Losses to carry forward to next year

(145) (1,250) 8,278 (122) 8,156 (3,510) 4,646 212 152

£ 540.80 £ 407.82

£ 948.62 0

Nicorici UK Limited Registered in England Number 05928422 Incorporated 7th September 2006 BALANCE SHEET for the period ended 31st August 2008 Notes Fixed Assets


Current Assets Cash at bank and in hand Debtors Stock

Creditors, amounts due within one year


Net Current Assets/(Liabilities)

Total Assets less Current Liabilities





10,102 54,262 0 64,364

822 43,964 0 44,786







Capital and Reserves Called up Share Capital

4 and 5

Profit and Loss Account







For the year ended 31st August 2008 the company was entitled to the exemption conferred by subsection (1) of of section 249A. No notice has been deposited under subsection (2) of section 249B in relation to its accounts for the financial year. The director acknowledges his responsibilities for:(1)ensuring that the company keeps accounting records which comply with section 221 of the Companies Act 1985,and (2)preparing accounts which give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the company as at the end of the financial year and of its profit or loss for the financial year in accordance with the requirements of the Act relating to accounts, so far as applicable to the company. The accounts have been prepared on a going concern basis.This basis may not be appropriate, because at the balance sheet date its current liabilities exceeded its current assets by £49. Should the company be unable to continue trading adjustments would have to be made to reduce the value of assets to their recoverable amount, to provide for any further liabilities which might arise, and to reclassify fixed assets and long term liabilities as current assets and liabilities. Advantage has been taken of the exemptions conferred by Section A of Part 111 of Schedule 8, CA 1985, and in the opinion of the directors the company is entitled to those exemptions on the basis that it qualifies as a small company. Advantage has been taken of the special exemptions applicable to small companies under Schedule 8, Part 1 of the Companies Act 1985 and in the opinion of the directors the company is entitled to those exemptions on the basis that it qualifies as a small company.

Approved by the Board on

E. Nicorici, Director.

NICORICI UK LIMITED Notes to the accounts for the year ended 31st August 2008

1. Accounting Policies Basis - The Accounts have been prepared under the historic cost accounting rules set out in the 4th schedule to the Companies Act 1985, and in accordance with the Financial Reporting Standards for Smaller Entit FRSSE January 2007. Depreciation - Depreciation is calculated to write off the cost of tangible fixed assets by equal instalments over their estimated usful lives, except that for small tools the "Pool" method is used. Individual items under £250 are expensed in the year of purchase. Office furniture 4 years Plant and equipment 4 years Fixtures and fittings 10 years Small tools 25% of pool at year end. Computer equipment 1 year. 2.

Fixed Assets

Original cost or valuation Additions in year to 31/8/08 Depreciation prior yrs Depreciation this year Net Book Value 31/8/07 Net book value 31/8/08

Plant & Equipm. £ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3. Creditors Due within one year. National Insurance and PAYE HRMC VAT HMRC Corp Tax HMRC CIS Trade Creditors Loans Owed to directors

Office Furniture £ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Fixts.& Fittings £ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Computer Motor Vehicles Equipment 1,498 145 1,643 (1,498) (145) (1,643) 0 0

0 5000 5,000 0 (1,250) (1,250) 3,750

2008 £ 0 12,205 949 0 0 25,000 26,261 64,415

4. Share Capital Share Capital as at 31st August 2008 and throughout the period was: Ordinary Shares of £1 each, Authorised - 1,000, Issued and fully paid up - 1. 5 Directors Interests The director of the company throughout the year was Eduard Nicorici. who held one ordinary £1 share. 6. Directors Emoluments 2008 £ Director's Salary 5,310 Director's Travel expenses 4,668 Director's Pension contributions 40,000 The pension fund is a money purchase Occupational Pension Scheme and there are no further company liabilities at the balance sheet date.

Totals £ 1,498 5,145 6,643 (1,498) (1,395) (1,643) 0 3,750

not be appropriate, because at the balance d the company be unable to continue trading recoverable amount, to provide for any further

t 111 of Schedule 8, CA 1985, and in the opinion

itled to those exemptions on the basis that it

e Financial Reporting Standards for Smaller Entities

Nicorici UK Limited Registered in England Number 05928422 Incorporated 7th September 2006 PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT for the period ended 31st August 2007


2007 £

Turnover Cost of Sales Gross Profit Distribution and administrative Costs and overheads Directors' salaries Director's Expenses Directors's Pension Contributions Staff Wages Insurances Rent Equipment hire Legal and Professional fees Training costs Telephones Small tools and equipment Gas and Electricity Other costs Depreciation

Operating Profit/(Loss) Interest Receivable / (Payable) Profit/Loss on ordinary activities before Taxation Taxation Profit/(Loss) on ordinary activities after Taxation Retained profits brought forward

Retained (Losses)/Profits carried forward

247,619 134,981 112,638

7,210 11,620 30,000 7,210 5,175 5,542 1,952 35,516 4,430 1,642 2,290 753 1,308 1,498 116,147 (3,509) (1) (3,510) 0 -3,510 0


Nicorici UK Ltd Registered in England Number 05928422 CORPORATION TAX CALCULATION Y/E 31 August 2007

Profits / (Losses) per accounts Add back depreciation Less Interest

(3,510) 1,498 1 (2,011)

Capital Allowances Opening written down bal. This yrs additions Total Less WDA 100% 1st yr Less WDA of 25% on total Net Case I Profits / (Losses) Case III Interest Profits chargeable to Corporation Tax Losses brought forward. Assessment for Corp Tax Losses to carry forward to next year Total due to Collector of Taxes

0 1,498 1,498 (1,498) 0

(1,498) 0 (3,509) (1) (3,510) 0 (3,510)


Nicorici UK Limited Registered in England Number 05928422 Incorporated 7th September 2006 BALANCE SHEET for the period ended 31st August 2007 Notes Fixed Assets


Current Assets Cash at bank and in hand Debtors Stock

Creditors, amounts due within one year

2007 0

822 43,964 0 44,786 3


Net Current Assets/(Liabilities)


Total Assets less Current Liabilities


Capital and Reserves Called up Share Capital

4 and 5

Profit and Loss Account

1 (3,510) (3,509)

For the year ended 31st August 2007 the company was entitled to the exemption conferred by subsection (1) of of section 249A. No notice has been deposited under subsection (2) of section 249B in relation to its accounts for the financial year. The director acknowledges his responsibilities for:(1)ensuring that the company keeps accounting records which comply with section 221 of the Companies Act 1985,and (2)preparing accounts which give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the company as at the end of the financial year and of its profit or loss for the financial year in accordance with the requirements of the Act relating to accounts, so far as applicable to the company. The accounts have been prepared on a going concern basis.This basis may not be appropriate, because at the balance sheet date its current liabilities exceeded its current assets by £3,785. Should the company be unable to continue trad adjustments would have to be made to reduce the value of assets to their recoverable amount, to provide for any furthe liabilities which might arise, and to reclassify fixed assets and long term liabilities as current assets and liabilities. Advantage has been taken of the exemptions conferred by Section A of Part 111 of Schedule 8, CA 1985, and in the opi of the directors the company is entitled to those exemptions on the basis that it qualifies as a small company. Advantage has been taken of the special exemptions applicable to small companies under Schedule 8, Part 1 of the Companies Act 1985 and in the opinion of the directors the company is entitled to those exemptions on the basis that it qualifies as a small company.

Approved by the Board on

E. Nicorici, Director.

NICORICI UK LIMITED Notes to the accounts for the year ended 31st August 2007 1. Accounting Policies Basis - The Accounts have been prepared under the historic cost accounting rules set out in the 4th schedule to the Companies Act 1985. Depreciation - Depreciation is calculated to write off the cost of tangible fixed assets by equal instalments over their estimated usful lives, except that for small tools the "Pool" method is used. Individual items under £250 are expensed in the year of purchase. Office furniture 4 years Plant and equipment 4 years Fixtures and fittings 10 years Small tools 25% of pool at year end. Computer equipment 1 year. 2.

Fixed Assets

Original cost or valuation Additions in year to 31/8/07 Depreciation prior yrs Depreciation this year Net Book Value 07/9/06 Net book value 31/8/07

Plant & Equipm. £ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3. Creditors Due within one year. National Insurance and PAYE HRMC VAT HMRC Corp Tax HMRC CIS Trade Creditors Bank overdraft Owed to directors

Office Furniture £ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Fixts.& Fittings £ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Computer Equipment 0 1,498 1,498 0 (1,498) (1,498) 0 0

Totals £ 0 1,498 1,498 0 (1,498) (1,498) 0 0

2007 £ 0 17,566 0 3,924 5,080 13,694 8,032 48,295

4. Share Capital Share Capital as at 31st August 2007 and throughout the period was: Ordinary Shares of £1 each, Authorised - 1,000, Issued and fully paid up - 1. 5 Directors Interests The director of the company throughout the year was Eduard Nicorici. who held one ordinary £1 share. 6. Directors Emoluments 2007 £ Director's Salary 7,210 Director's Travel expenses 11,620 Director's Pension contributions 30,000 The pension fund is a money purchase Occupational Pension Scheme and there are no further company liabilities at the balance sheet date.

mption conferred by subsection (1) of ction 249B in relation to its accounts

rs of the company as at the end of the

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ompanies under Schedule 8, Part 1 of the titled to those exemptions on the basis that it

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