Ng Elevator & Website Notice

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  • May 2020
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  • Pages: 1
ELEVATOR & NEW WEBSITE UPDATE We met with the StateElevatorInspectionManagementtodayto betterunderstandttre Stateinspectionprocessto seewhat canbe doneto preventthe typesof issueswe had with Tower C elevatorinspection.We weretold that very often someissuesare overlookedespeciallyon modernizationprojectssuchas ourswherecertainpartsof the elevatorarereused.In our casewe arereusingthe shell of the elevatorcabaswell asthe elevatordoorson eachfloor. Thesearethe areaswheretherewere someissueswhich havesincebeencorrectedandpassedthe inspection.We haveaskedthe Elevator contractorto look out for thesesifuationson the upcomingelevatormodernizationsin TowersA & B and in the garageelevator. REMINDER FOR TOWER B RESIDENTS Tower B elevatorwill be takenout of servicenext WednesdaymorningAugust 5fr for a periodof six weeks.Very limited ferryingfor thosewith specialneedswill be dealtwith aspreviouslyadvisedbeginningAugust 19e. We areplanningto put the TowerB elevatorbackin serviceafter September16uassumingall goesasexpected. NAI\TWA GARDENS I\{EW WEBSITE A new websitewas developedby one of our BoardMembersat no costto the Association as a methodof improving our communicationswith our residents.Initially we will post our Newsletters,Notices,HouseRules,SomeFrequentQuestionsandAnswerso ManagingAgent contactinformationandNaniwa GardensEmergencyInformation.We will wait to hearfrom our residentsregardingthe new websiteand considersuggestions for improving the site. You canview the new websiteat the following web address: http://naniwagardens.

please As always, contact theResident Manager if youhaveanyquestions regarding any ofthe above.

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