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Conflict Management Processes Chapter 9

Assumptions  

  

Harmony is normal and conflict is abnormal. Conflict and disagreements are the same thing. Conflict is just a break down of communication. Conflict should never be escalated & always avoided. Conflict mang. should be orderly & polite.

Assumptions Anger and hostility are the predominate emotion.  One should fine the “right” way to resolve conflict.  Conflict is always bad.  Manage means to suppress, ignore, or avoid.  Other assumptions about conflict? 

Conflict 

The interaction of interdependent people who perceive opposition of goals, aims, and values and who see the other party as potentially interfering w/ the realization of those goals. (Putnam & Poole)  Key components (4 I’s) – – – –

Incompatible (multiple levels) Interdependence (only when conflict can arise) Interaction (expression of conflict) Interference (perceived and real)

Levels of Conflict Interpersonal- individuals perceive goal incompatibility (intra-group)  Intergroup- considers the disagreements of people in parties with in an organization, ex. Departments  Interorganizational- disputes between two or more organizations 

How does conflict manifest itself if improperly managed? Competition  Disputes  Decreased satisfaction  Inefficiency  Low morale  Sabotage  W/holding information  Others????? 

Phases of Conflict  

 

Latent-grounds for conflict exist among individuals in interdep. relationships Perceived-one or more of parts. Realize their situation (incomp. & interdep.) Felt-personalize perceived conflict by focusing on conflict issue & planning response strategies Manifest-participants enact conflict through communication Aftermath-short & long term effects on individual, relationship, & organization

Conflict Styles 

Managerial Grid (p. 198)-predisposition to handling conflict situations that lead to specific strategies – Concern for self – Concern for others

5 Conflict Styles – Avoidance – Accommodating – Compromise – Collaboration – Competition

T/K Model of Conflict Management Styles  

 

 

Serves as a nice entry point Conflict management is not static but dynamic Organizations are systems – that styles are not isolated My perception of mine might be different from your perception of my style Conflict mgmt. is process oriented Styles and tactics are contextual

Critique of TK Grid Treats the individual communicator as the sole benchmark for conflict  Not just 2 dimensional  Downplay importance of NV and irrational communication  Ignores context (organization, task, relationship) 

Kinds of Bargaining 

Distributive – Conflicting parties try to maximize their own goals and minimize their own losses – Centers on limited resources that must be divided (ex. Wages, benefits) – Communication is marked by withheld information, and deception

Kinds of Bargaining 

Integrative – Conflicting parties are trying to maximize gains for both parties – Bargainers discuss issues that would lead to a more creative solution – Communication is marked by open disclosure, careful listening, and multiple communication channels

3rd Party Conflict Resolution 

Managerial Conflict Resolution (p. 203)

Outside Conflict Resolution (mediation) – Direct tactics – Non-direct tactics – Procedural tactics – Reflexive tactics

Influencing Factors 

Personal (limited impact) – Personality (plays small role) – Gender (research contradicts stereotypical expectations) (p. 205) – Framing (Spotlight on Scholarship-p. 206)

Relational – Hierarchical position – Co-orientation • Agreement • Accuracy • Perceived accuracy

Cultural – Communication channels & support – Climate

Communication Climates (Gibbs) Defensive Evaluation Control Strategy Neutrality Superiority Certainty

Supportive Description Problem orientation Spontaneity Equality Empathy Provisionalism

Organizational Climate   

A relatively enduring quality of the internal environment of an organization that is Perceived & experienced by its members Influences their behavior Can be described in terms of the values of a particular set of characteristics of the organization (such as responsibility, standards, reward, team spirit) (Tagiuri) The perceived quality of relationships & communication in the organization; the degree of involvement & influence(Redding)


What to do? Check perception  Clarify communication  Change strategies  Defuse or reduce anxiety of moment  Consider third party intervention 

– Traditional vs. Alternative Model (p. 210)

Passive-aggressive article  Give up/walk away?!?!?!?! 

Spotlight on Scholarship Making Sense (p. 206)  Intractable conflict 

Conflict frames – Identity frames – Characterization frames – Conflict management frames

Approaches to Process ?????? How conflict mang. would be considered by these different approaches:

Classical  Human Relations  Human Resources  Systems  Cultural  Critical 

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