New Z-land Project

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  • Words: 4,893
  • Pages: 37
The New Z-land Project Zeitgeist Movement & The Venus Project The koru is the Maori symbol for new beginning and growth

“Turangawaewae” “Our Paradise”

March 2009



The New Z-Land Project

Table of Content New Zealand Project Mission and Summarization ………................................……………………….……………………4 Why New Zealand?.......................................................................................................................5 Trinity of Resources……………………………………………………………….………………………6 Immigration and Government…………………………………………………………………………..7 Land allocation and populate distribution…………………………………….……………………….8 Population & Population Growth…………………………………….…………………………………9 Housing, Materials & Waste………………………………………….…………………………………11 Water, Food & Energy…………………………………………………………………………………..15 Water………………………………………………………………………………………………………..15 Permaculture………………………………………………………………………………………………17 Vertical Farms…………………………………………………………………………………………….18 Energy………………………………………………………………………………………………………19 Wind Energy……………………………………………………………………………………………….19 Solar Energy……………………………………………………………………………………………….21 Geothermal & Tidal Energy……………………………………………………………………………..24 Education, Services & Culture……………………………………………………………………..…..25 Education…………………………………………………………………………………………………..25 Services……………………………………………………………………………………………………..26 Culture………………………………………………………………………………………………………27 Central Dome……………………………………………………………………………………….……...28 Communication and The Internet……………………………………………………………..……….29

Total Costs……………………………………………………………………………………..…………….30 Transition Income………………………………………………………………………………………….31

Resource Based Economy Foundation……….…………………………………………………………32 How it is related to TNZP?..............................................................................................................33

Step by Step…………………………………………………………………………………………………..34 Transition Stages…………………………………………………………………………………………….35 Additional Entry & Participation………...……………………………………………………………….37



The New Z-Land Project

The New Z-Land Project is a tool for global transition, as the Transition Plan proposes. This document is not fully developed and it will constantly be developed over time. The New Z-Land Project will be the vision and prototype dedicated to The Zeitgeist Movement Community to test and implement a Resource Based Economy for the first time..



The New Z-Land Project

The New Zealand Project Mission The New Z-Land Projects goal is to take a practical first stage approach towards creating a Resource Based Economy developed and based on the concepts of Jacque Fresco’s “The Venus Project”. The aim of the initial transition period is to build a sustainable community in Northland, New Zealand. This will act as a prototype example for future developments. The project allows a haven for likeminded individuals to reside and develop new technologies that will be implemented over time. This will lead eventually to further developments of towns and cities across the world. Thus creating a green friendly society and making it a reality for all human beings. Summarization The Venus Project calls for a straightforward approach to the redesign of society, in which the age-old inadequacies of war, poverty, hunger, debt, environmental degradation and unnecessary human suffering are viewed not only as avoidable, but totally unacceptable. One of the basic premises of The Venus Project is that we work towards having all of the Earth's resources as the common heritage of all of the world's people. Anything less will simply result in a continuation of the same catalog of problems inherent in the present system. The New Zealand Project is to be the first experimental community of The Venus Project. This experimental community will be offered as a service to experience eco friendly living while enjoying the luxury of latest technologies. Due to the current conflict of interests around the world, this project can only cater to those who would like to experience a Resource Based Economy.



The New Z-Land Project

Why New Zealand? Aotearoa (Maori name for New Zealand) is in a truly unique position, when compared to other countries around the world it has outstanding potential to become the first region to convert to a Resource based economy (RBE). RBE bases its foundation ethics and lifestyle on becoming truly sustainable, environmentally and socially, this allows for truly sustainable development. RBE will implement a strategy that meets the needs of present generations without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Aotearoa’s geographical location, combined with ideal weather conditions and island isolation with a small population that allows for ease in adaptability has huge potential for transformation. Through examining the viability and implementing the logistics the creation of the RBE dream, can unravel into reality. Elements also analysed included resource and energy usage, carrying capacity and economic barriers. A Resource-Based Economy would make it possible to use technology to overcome the current illusion of scarcity over resources. By applying advanced technology to research renewable sources of energy, providing universal health care and a more relevant education. We will design safe energy-efficient cities and communities. Eventually this will lead to advanced transportation systems computerized and automated manufacturing and inventory. Most importantly generating a new incentive system based on human and environmental concern and wellbeing. The New Zealand Project is not intended to overcome all the problems of current society and does not profess to be some utopia of perfection. The New Zealand Project will simple operate as a self sustainable experimental prototype in the first phase, and the second phase will focus on computerizing and automating itself towards the common goal The Venus Project offers.



The New Z-Land Project

"Trinity of Resources" The Trinity of resources is a technique of distribution for Resources giving the ability for cohesion of production between 3 close-knit communities within the complex who share the Resource Based Economy approach. The three communities focus on different products and services and then share between them. This saves on production expenditure, allowing specialization in skills and giving each sector a special character. These are the following cities of the "Trinity" : Research and Technology (Innovators & Scientists) Technologies Developments Science Architecture Energy and Electrical Communications Hub Agriculture (Farmers & Naturalists) Permaculture Organics and composting Food Harvesting Environmental monitoring Animal Husbandry Recycling Society (Families & Services) Arts and Music Entertainment Schools and Education Health Car Clothing and Textiles

Why this approach? - Saving land - Saving resources - Just allocation - Gathering people with the same interests and skills in the same location



The New Z-Land Project

Immigration & Government

Immigration At the immigration level, TNZP has several proposals to begin developments: I)

New Zealand members establish a non-profit organization and "Hire" its employees/volunteers that become temporary residents. Acting as sponsors and allowing eligible prospective specialized employees to apply for visas. The RBEF will pay the medical insurance, guaranteeing the access to advanced medical care. All living costs will also be written into the equation.


TNZP apply to the New Zealand government to issue a special resource consent with visas due to the unique nature of the project as a special interest initiative. If we work together the local tangata whenua (Maori people). This elevates the possible of gaining resource consent for building greatly.

Taxes The organization will be a non-profit organization and may be eligible for a tax exemption If the organization has written rules that meet certain criteria to get an income tax exemption.



The New Z-Land Project

Land Allocation and Population Distribution Land Lot The land required for TNZP is approximately 50 ha of land to allow for a good lifestyle and possibilities to gain population growth.

1 hectare = 2.47105381 with an allowance of 5 people per acre. The first lot TNZP inquired costs 500,000NZ$ which is approximately 200,000US$. This land at time of purchase will includes residential areas, a built-in farm zone, trees and bushes, and a clean water source. The Lot will be located in Northland, New Zealand. The Northland area is economical and has a good climate all-round year with fertile soil and precipitations. Further more, there is a great geothermal power potential in that particular area. Research and investigation When investigation of potentials sites begins TNZP will send representatives with farming skills and technical skills to access the plot. Citizens of New Zealand will do the first inquires however. Region Background Northland is New Zealand's least urbanized region. Of these areas, Whangarei is the largest, with a population of 51,100. The region has a sub-tropical climate with warm humid summers and mild wet winters. Typical summer maxima range from 21 °C to 28 °C (70 °F to 79 °F). In winter between 12 °C and 19 °C (57 °F and 66 °F) The hottest months are January and February. Typical annual rainfall for the region is 1500–2000 mm.



The New Z-Land Project

Population & Population Growth Population may grow after word spreads creating demand to expand The New Zealand Project. When the time comes we may grow to allow for new members. However, It must have a limit based on the carrying capacity of the site and area. TNZP is an experimental community, just as the Venus City also and has its own boundaries and limitations that must be kept to a sustainable amount. Food Crisis or Energy Crisis may occur if TNZP do not respect this criteria. Building and Development Stage: Population 50 people Twin Community Stage: Population 250 Trinity Community Stage: Population 500 requiring further land purchase (See section on Food & Water) there is a ratio that the New Z-Land Project can support 5 people per acre. This ratio will be keep to maintain abundance. The below graph illustrates the long term transitions plan outline for a resourced based economy. We will initiate a worldwide recovery plan to recycle and reuse current obsolete discarded household and industrial items. The factories will be based in the converted cities in current urban environments these will be focused on sustainable methods. During the first few months, only workers and skilled residents may attend the site. The population limit for the construction stage of the plan will be a maximum of 50 workers. After basic needs and services have been installed, families and other members can join the new community. The population allowance initially being 250 people with room to grow up to 500 comfortably. There is a need to pay attention to the ratio between male and female in the community. TNZP will encourage a 50:50 ratio between female and male population members. This will create gender balanced decision making processes.



The New Z-Land Project

Figure One: The Graph shows how technologies will develop as more population convert to RBE frameworks over time all over cities.


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The New Z-Land Project

Housing , Materials & Waste Housing The houses in the New Z-Land society will be designed based on :

Brick pressing machine : $10,000. Probably we will buy 3 machines : 3*$10,000 = $30,000. For clear, double-strength glass: 16$ per square foot Which is 250$ a window. 4-5 windows. Total window expenses : $250*4(or5) = $1,250 - $1,000 Each dome will contain 1884 Sq ft. (two floors , first floor is 1256 Sq ft. , 628 Sq ft. on second floor [if available]) Floor : After cover it with bricks , we will fill it with cement which will get us 175 bags of cement. Each bag of cement costs between $5 and $8. Cement for flooring will costs between $1400 - $875 each house. Low cost carpet could be find at $0.5/Sq ft. , which will cost $628 at the most. Floor Expenses : $2,028 - $1,503 Walls : Cement on outside walls is about 30 bags ($150-$240) . inside cement is about 20 bags ($100-$160) Total cement on walls : $250 - $400 estimated Total housing will costs : $3678 - $2,753 If we calculate it for all housing at Z-Land city (500 houses) :

$ 1,839,000 – $1,376,500


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The New Z-Land Project

Inside walls Outside walls Floor





Cement Cement Windows Carpeting Cement

5 5 250 0.5 5

25 30 4 1,256 175


500 3

125 150 1,000 628 875 2,778 1,389,000 1,419,000

Houses Brick pressing machine



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The New Z-Land Project

Figure: 2 The figure above shows the basic layout of the standard family homes the dome shape uses the least amount materials to create the structure.


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The New Z-Land Project

Figure 3: Show the single and couples living arrangements with a attractive permaculture ring surrounding the dome.

Z-Land Community will eventually have up to 500 members, and houses approximately 50 houses with 100 apartments. In the center of the city – will be located the "Central Dome". Closest ring to the Central Dome will be the Apartment Ring designed more for singles; the next ring will be couples houses. And the next one will be all for agriculture and planting.


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The New Z-Land Project

Waste Every single thing that Z-Land will produce will be recycled including composting food leftovers that will be use as fertilizer and incorporated with composting toilets etc.

Water , Food & Energy Water Industrial engineers estimate that the average person not consuming more then 100 gallons per day. The New Z-Land will use filters and grey water recycling system to cut this amount by more than half. The costs of these kind of filters is minimum, and the community saves great amount of fresh water. If every house circulates water and filters it this should save even more amounts of fresh water. Z-Land will also use composting toilets , this will approximately will down it to 25 gallons and save lot of needed rainwater. Such as the following :


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The New Z-Land Project

Nutrition and Lifestyle

Figure 4: Represents the current model for permaculture philosophy


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The New Z-Land Project

Permaculture Permaculture is an approach to designing human settlements and perennial agriculture systems that mimic the relationships found the natural ecologies.

Permaculture techniques, yields of 3-10 pounds of food per square foot are easy to come up with in most climates. For comparison, commercial agriculture in California, which is way inefficient, routinely runs about 1.5-2.5 pounds per square foot per year across a wide variety of crops. People need to eat about two pounds of mixed food a day if active, or around 750 pounds a year. In a good but somewhat sloppy design, you need about 500 square feet per person MAXIMUM. In a very good design, 200 square feet will do the job. Land needed to feed a small family (0.17ha = 1700 m^2 = 0.5 acres. TNZP with initially closely align itself with the current permaculture values until unique perspectives on practice within the community evolve. An example of these in regards to land guardianship and agriculture practice are as follows: Observe and Interact Catch and Store Energy Obtain a Yield Apply Self Regulation and Accept Feedback Use and Value Renewable Resources and Services Produce No Waste Design From Patterns To Details Integrate Rather Than Segregate Use and Value Diversity Use Edges and Value The Marginal


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The New Z-Land Project

Vertical Farming After the phase one stage the community will examine the possibility of automated Vertical Farm to be installed via an advanced organic hydroponic system. This will save time, space and will bring much more abundance for residents. Advantages: Water recycling, continuous crop production (all year round production due to indoor production), Protection from weather-related crop failures, Moving away from dependence on fossil fuels. The below diagrams represent the basic frameworks for Vertical Farming techniques.


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The New Z-Land Project


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The New Z-Land Project

Energy Wind A synergy of Solar and Wind energy will be the first energy sources at the Z-Land Project. Northland, New Zealand blessed with much potential for these energies sources. Wind is the most inexpensive energy , and the most effective energy Z-Land could use. For our calculations, we will separate house energy and person energy. Each house will calculate by 0.4kw/h (400w/h) Each person will calculate by 1kw/h (example : family of 2 members will calculate by 0.4kw/h + 1kw/h + 1kw/h = 2.4kw/h) If we have 500 people then : 1.2Mw/h Total amount of energy needed : ~1.2Mw/h We estimated that the average household member will use and average of 2 (2.4kw/h) If we scale the numbers for 2.4kw/h Production of 1.2 Mw/h will support 500 houses in Z-Land. This should create enough abundance to all. And the cost of such plant will cost only $63,600 (if scale is also vise versa). Production (Mw/h) 1,000 1.2


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Houses 750,000 500

Kw/h per house 1.3 2.4

Costs ($) 53,000,000


The New Z-Land Project

Solar (ALTERNATIVE) A Solar Energy System is sometimes referred to as an Alternative Energy System. And while that's true, wind, geothermal, and hydro systems are also alternative energy sources. To the left are the basic components required to produce electricity from the sun. You will need one or more Solar Panels, a Charger Controller, a Power Inverter, and of course, Batteries. A brief explanation on each follows Solar panel , battery , and charge controller , power inverter.

Solar Panels: They supply the electricity and charge the batteries. A very small system could get away with a couple 80 watt panels but figure at least 4 to 8 for a small to medium system.

Charge Controller: is needed to prevent overcharging of the batteries. Proper charging will prevent damage and increase the life and performance of the batteries.

Power Invertors: is the heart of the system. It makes 120 volts AC from the 12 volts DC stored in the batteries. It can also charge the batteries if connected to a generator or the AC line. How much would it cost to purachse solar cells for each dome/house? Page

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The New Z-Land Project

Batteries: They store the electrical power in the form of a chemical reaction. Without storage you would only have power when the sun was shining or the generator was running.

To summarize, there are four basic components: the Solar Panels, a Charge Controller, a Power Inverter, and the Storage Batteries. we will of course need the proper wires & cables to connect everything and a meter to keep an eye on things would be nice. Depending on system size, costs vary widely from as little as $1,500 to $50,000 or more. ( ) Funds also can be acquired from the “pollution-trade”. This system based on the Kyoto agreement where the “polluting” plants fund the clean energy in exchange for the bigger limits for themselves. It is used for the large scale in China nowadays.


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The New Z-Land Project

Costs and expenses Standard AC Housing Array size – 750 watts, 112 KWh/month Off Grid energy solution for medium to small homes will cost about $8,655 USD per house. This would include six 130 watt Kyocera solar panels, the power center, and eight 6v 200aH batteries. The price for this set up also comes with all the required materials for installation.

Large Complex Off-Grid System Array size – 2,000 watts, 300KWh/month This system, ideal for a larger complex or home, runs for about $17,555 USD. This kit includes sixteen 130 watt Kyocera solar panels, sixteen 6v batteries, and the power center. The price for this set up also comes with all the required materials for installation.

Hybrid Grid-Assisted System 150 KWh/month An on-grid system that would cost roughly $12,095 USD that would include eight 130 watt Kyocera solar panels, one 400 watt wind turbine, the power center, and eight 6v batteries. This system would be ideal for a community already connected to a power company as the excess energy could be sold back to the grid for a profit. The price for this set up also comes with all the required materials for installation. (


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The New Z-Land Project

Geothermal & Tidal

Geothermal and Tidal energy are also available in New Zealand. However, this kind of energy will be considered at later stages. Geothermal and tidal potential in New Zealand :


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The New Z-Land Project

Education, Services and Culture Education As the introduction of families occurs in the community, the need for schools for children will arise these schools will be constructed by us and based on the Rudolf Steiner and Montessori Techniques. Home education is a primary option and is legal, valid and an excellent educational choice for those who have an exemption under section 21 of the Education Act 1989. Most people’s applications are successful. Note: Home educators in New Zealand are not required to follow the National Curriculum. From the outset education will be consistent with Jacque Fresco’s vision.

Montessori techniques appear highly compatible with the Venus Project and will be employed, as will any other technique that are relevant. All the children will study with a voluntary adult citizen. Later the Hi-Tech Stage will create further facilities like high schools and more. Adult citizens will gain their education from the internet, and our own "Library home". The Library Home will be store all the "how to do" materials and plans for expansion for the community. Also, the history of The New Z-Land community will be stored in the Library Home. At the Hi-Tech stage we will develop virtual classrooms for students want to learn at home.


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Services Security A security force will operate to preventing physical assaults. The Security force will consist volunteers from 10% population of the New-Z-Land village. The force will be have to be fit. Exercise regularly, and eat healthy food. Every week the force will meet and train for 2 hours. A security administration would handle the management of the security force, in which they can implement the educational training, and the requirements for the security members. SUGGESTION ONLY

Firefighters The domes and home will be made with materials that are resistant to fire. However, we will develop a system that will prevent fire in case The New Z-Land society has one.

Health care Until "Hi-Tech" stage is complete, this will be an outsource service. However, some citizens with basic skills are needed this includes always having a first aid certified person onsite and at least one resident nurse.


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The New Z-Land Project

Culture Every person has to have a few "holidays" myths and stories to tell about their culture. These will evolve and be discussed over time; we will have an internal website with News about the "outer" world, and the local society. Also this will include regular updates and information about our own community.

Clothing Most of the clothing will be out of cotton and wool which will is natural and sustainable as well as sourced locally. These will be the most common materials worn by The New Z-Land Project residents.

Entertainment and Activities Regular meetings and get together for communal gatherings will be a large component of TNZP. Discussion groups, Yoga and fitness classes as well as hobby skills classes like flax weaving and stone carving will be available to residents that wish to attend. The Central Dome will be the main centre for entertainment.


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Central Dome The central dome or theme center will house the core of the cybernated system, educational facilities, computerized communications networking systems, health and child care facilities. Central Dome: Educational facilities

computerized communications hub health care/ sick bay recycling centre Research and development centre food distribution network Entertainment and meeting rooms The buildings surrounding the central dome also will provide the community with centers for cultural activities such as the arts, theater, exhibitions, concerts, and various forms of entertainment.


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Communications and The Internet Internet Backbone The infrastructure of Internet backbone is still expensive in this current plan and there is a still more research to be doing. So far, these are the numbers to have a flowing fast internet to Z-Land city. Name T3 T3 *2 OC3 OC3 *2 OC12 OC24 OC48


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People support Costs ($ per month) 50 16,000 – 4,000 100 32,000 – 8,000 150- 200 45,000 – 20,000 400 - 300 90,000 – 40,000 750 - 450 300,000 – 100,000 1350 – 800 NA 2000 – 1400 500,000 – 300,000

The New Z-Land Project

Total Costs Houses Inside walls Outside walls Floor





Cement Cement Windows Carpeting Cement

5 5 250 0.5 5

25 30 4 1,256 175


500 3

125 150 1,000 628 875 2,778 1,389,000 1,419,000

Houses Brick pressing machine

1,419,000 Internet OC3 *2

400 - 300

$90,000 – 40,000

Energy Production (Mw/h) 1,000 1.2


Kw/h per house 1.3 2.4

750,000 500

Costs ($) 53,000,000


Total Monthly $ 40000-90000


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One-Time $ 1,482,600

The New Z-Land Project

Transition Income The Need Until TNZP becomes truly self sufficient a source of income will be required to sustain some of our living requirements. Tourism will be our biggest income earner as visitors to the site will be required to make a donation in exchange for a tour of the facilities. Visitors can stay overnight in our purpose built guest dome with a capacity for up to 60 guests, There will a charge for this to cover costs. Any excess funds will be donated to the Resource Based Economy Foundation (RBEF) for reallocation. Our flag will be our symbol to the world this can also be used to spread the word

Most of the income for the project will come from RBEF. However, there is also future transition income from automated farms and other automated factories TNZP will be installing down the track.


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Resource Based Economy Foundation Resource based economy foundation (RBEF) is created from the ground up, in the monetary system, using existing mechanisms. Through the coordination of multiple activities, projects and enterprises, in fully transparent way, provides the resources (including funds) and coordination platform for various Zeitgeist Movement projects through the Resource Based Economy Foundation. RBEF exists as a tool for the ZMT (Zeitgeist Movement) during the transition period and will provide the necessary resources and funding to establish a transition foothold in the current capitalist climate. According to the ZMT principles all work shall be done on the voluntary basis by using the advantage of the global and mass character of the movement itself. All acquired money (funds) shall be redistributed among the ZMT projects. RBEF is a link between the current Monetary System and the future Resource Based Economy. RBEF is a center for all ZMT projects which require and/or generate funds. All decisions concerning the funds and management shall be as automated as possible and made in scientific way in order to achieve 100% transparency about the funds. The RBEF shall exist as long as the money are necessary and irreplaceable resource for the start, efficient operation and development of the TZM Projects. For further information see:


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How it is related to the NZ Project? As we need some kind of legal status and coordination for all the projects we need some “central” resource management and re-distribution to achieve the balanced and stable development for all communities and projects. It is much faster to develop through the cooperation rather than individual growth. RBEF intends to be the central automated platform (system) for such cooperation.


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The New Z-Land Project

Step by Step The overarching plan

The overall timeline for Zeitgeist Movements developing TNVP are about facing stages over time. The primary stage is estimated to take 7 months after planning permission is granted. After arrival there is a year and 7 months to establish the extended community and then the bigger step towards Resource Based Economy 1) Planning 2) Releasing Venux 3) Setting up RBEF 4) Donations Through RBEF 5) Contact with Suppliers and Authorities 6) Inquires & purchasing of the lot 7) Architectural management. 8) First days 9) Installing farming stage. 10) Energy Stage 11) Building Stage 12) Transportation Stage 13) Recycling Stage 14) Hi-Tech Stage


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The New Z-Land Project

Transition Stages Clearly The New Zealand Project first goal is to reduce level of dependency on money. This following describes the further stages from day one. First stage – Establishing Self-sufficient Farms: The first step is to establish permaculture farms in few locations. Second Stage –

Providing Energy: Next step is acquisition and starting the clean energy producing stage. Solar panel installation and a wind turbine erection will reduce the costs and allow us power for buildings and structures.

Third Stage –

Construction of Community: With basic resources (food, energy ) secured the next step will be to establish Homes and the central dome centre, where all further research and technology can be developed. The tourism sector of the project will be able also.

Fourth Stage –

Creating Transport: The automated and globally coordinated connections between the colonies will be established. It will reduce the need for outsourcing the shipping services and allow the direct resources exchange between the projects.

Fifth Stage

Recoverables and Recycling Materials Operation Next step is purchase outcast materials from scrap yards and waste stations to develop new technologies and robotic equipment for automated machinery.

Sixth Stage –

Hi-Tech Stage With self-sufficient communities and transport finally we will be able to focus on the following outputs: * Advanced Education (Universities) * Health Care (Hospitals) * Space Program * Ocean Cities


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Additional Entry and Participation

For those that wish to participate and join the established TNZP Transition program:

Unless RBEF shows charity by covering costs for some who are financially unable to pay the charge TNZP may pay for their plane tickets, visa requirements, etc. The existing onsite team will provide orientation and training to new members. Any questions that arise can be directed at the forum on our website where they will answer be answered by one of the team. JOIN : and list your resume !


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The New Z-Land Project

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