New World Order (technocratic Convention; Mage The Ascension)

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The Technocracy Within: The Thirteenth Hour Crossover ~*~ New

World Order ~*~

The New World Order rose from ashes as a result of the Technocracy's need for leadership. The NWO not only leads the Technocracy, but the world itself. The roots of this Convention stretch back to the Solificati and further after their separation from the Order of Reason, to the

Ksirafai as the Hand of Justice for the Inner Council and their fateful trail through the Technocracy, to the Order of Hermes, and then finally back to the Technocracy. The NWO has been encouraging gradual centralization of

government, first through nationalism, then through supranational ideals like Communism. Their progress has been rather spotty, however. As one of the most blatant attempts at Technocratic control, the Traditions can easily notice and oppose moves by the NWO. The Traditions believe the NWO is in direct control of most of the governments of the world. This is, in fact, not the case. What would be the point of creating powerful centralized governments if you have to spend all your time telling them what to do anyway? The NWO encourages the sort of governments they like, but once they are in place, they only interfere if they step out of line. This leave the NWO time for its true calling: information gathering. While the NWO has a light touch toward government in general, they have a solid hold on most of the intelligence agencies in the world. They keep many of their agents in the dark, and encourage competition between different agencies as well. This way, there are always several groups investigating the same problem, and the NWO has gets several different points of view. The NWO often "farms out" its information to other more appropriate Conventions, for them to deal with. The amount of information the NWO gathers is truly terrifying. They have monitoring devices installed in many technological devices. Their eyes are everywhere, their spies are legion. Only one thing prevents the NWO from knowing everything that happens on the planet: the sheer mass of information they collect is to much for anyone to process. Many of their recordings are filed away "for later evaluation". They are hampered by the fact that most of their examiners are sleepers. The NWO tries to compensate by spot checking everything, but much still slips through their fingers. The simplest solution to their problem would be the heavy use of computers, but they avoid this for two reasons. First, they fear the Virtual Adepts raiding their information, something that occurs far too often in any case. Secondly, in order to evaluate the information, mere Expert Systems would not be enough. True

Artificial Intelligences would be need. The only source for AI is Iteration-X, and the NWO is distinctly uncomfortable of the blind faith that Convention places in their machines. Philosophy: "Only through peace can mankind find the leisure to ascend, and peace is only available through good government. Government is the servant and protector of the masses. It is the best means we have available to regulate errant supernatural forces, and hide their existence from the sleeping world. It is the best means we have to guide the masses toward ascension. It is unfortunate that the hidden, dark nature of the world often forces government to act in secret, but this will pass in time."

The New World Order's goals are quite simple, they desire unity. Unity in government, eliminating wars; unity in religion, eliminating hate; unity in thought and deed eliminating dissension, all eventually leading to the reunification of all life, matter, forces, spirit and space/time. Anyone or anything which is opposed to the general consensus is obviously some sort of disruptive influence and must also be eliminated. More specifically, the Order desires or finds acceptable: • • • • • • • • • • • •

Conformity to a given set of standards, Objectivity applied to subjective reality, Universally Acceptable Ethical Principles, One World Government, An Educated Populace, Well Regulated Militia, Bureaucracy and Administration, Mind Development and awakening of inner abilities, Mind control through technology and applied mental development, Complete File Records and Information on all subjects, Establishment of a universally acceptable scientific paradigm. The belief that change and dynamism is for the better, belying the static image of the technocracy.

The many conspiracies united under a cell structure that persists to this day. No one is quite sure of who or what their superiors are. This prevents the structure from compromise. The Hierarchy is very strict and obedience is required and ingrained during training which is done by specific cells to ensure consistent results. These training cells are the true controlling entities of the NWO and the only ones that know the exact nature of the cell structure. Organization: The NWO is organized along the lines of a complex intelligence agency. Its field agents act as investigators, while their superiors assign missions and evaluate their information. More than any other Convention, the NWO is obsessed with secrecy. No one knows exactly who is in charge of the Convention as a whole. There are a few who believe that there are in fact several competing groups at the top of the NWO, struggling with each other for domination. Considering how far the NWO's influence extends, this has frightening implications. Meetings: Field agents meet with to their superiors on a regular basis to make reports and receive new orders. Presumably the superiors do the same with their superiors, and so forth, but no one knows how far up the chain of command extends. Initiation: The NWO recruits most of its initiates from talent members of various intelligence agencies. The NWO maintains secret "paranormal" divisions in various agencies which they use a testing grounds for potential recruits. The NWO keeps on eye out for talented individuals in the political world as well.

Chantry: The NWO maintain chantries connected to most of the worlds intelligence headquarters. The location of the central chantry is a closely held secret, if such a thing even exists. Acolytes: Politicians, Bureaucrats, Law Enforcement Sphere: Mind is the sphere of the NWO. It is invaluable in their attempts to gather information. Foci: Correspondence/Entropy: Statistics, Mind/Spirit: Badge, Forces/Life/Matter: Electricity, Life/Prime: Weapon. Concepts: Secret Agent, Psychic Division of the FBI, Politician Quote: "These individuals represent a clear and present danger to the sovereignty of the United States. They must be eliminated; law has nothing to do with it." Iteration-X: "They provide us with the Technology the masses need, but their fanatical pursuit of the pogrom endangers our secrecy." Progenitors: "With their aid, immortality lies within our grasp. Now we must ascertain how to keep it out of their control." Syndicate: "These fools meddle to much in our affairs. It is only a matter of time before we show them our true strength." Void Engineers: "Good soldiers, albeit strange. They need watching, lest they go the way of the Virtual Adepts." ~*~ Unified

Field Theories ~*~ (Spheres)

The illumination or awakening of the NWO cell members comes when they realize that all things were indeed united at the beginning of the present continuum. All forces, matter, and life came from one unifying force (called Prime by tradition mages) This force broke down into sub-forces of Entropy and Mind, Entropy paradoxically causing the breakup of the Prime into three distinct units: Prime, Entropy and Mind (or Awareness). These are the three spheres that NWO mages begin with. They must raise *all* of them *together* when spending experience until they graduate to Intelligence Analyst status. This theory makes advanced and expensive apparatus nearly unnecessary for NWO mages who rely on less technical apparatus like Bureaucratic Red Tape, Litigation, or Executive Orders for coincidental effects. Unfortunately, any deviation from predetermined structure and theory will result in difficulty. PRIME is the flow of the universal force controlled by the development of mental ability. Suggested Apparatus: Electricity ENTROPY (or quantum flux) breaks down Prime into other less powerful forces (which are more organized ironic way) these organized forces are Electromagnetism, Gravity, Kinetic, and Nuclear (strong and weak). These forces combine in different ways to produce Matter and Space/Time.

Suggested Apparatus: Electrical Equipment, Phone Equipment, Quantum Mechanics, Analytical Physics, Applied Quantum Theorem MIND makes the awareness of the Prime Unified force that all true secret masters are able to control, the more one's mind is in tune with Prime, the more one's mind can do. Once all minds are attuned to the same goals, Prime can once more be unified. Suggested Apparatus: Files, Background checks, Surveillance Equipment, Research Design, Universal Ehtical principles, Red tape (forms), Litigation FORCES are controlled by Mind, organized by Entropy, and fueled by Prime. Any forces effect without apparatus will need to be a Conjunctional effect of all four spheres. (at level 2) Suggested Apparatus: Electrical Equipment, Research Design and Theory MATTER is the organized form of forces, even further broken down from mere Prime by Quantum flux. It is controlled by the application of nuclear physics, and resource distribution. As such it requires a Forces level 2(which means Prime, Entropy and Mind) conjunctional effect to use without Apparatus. Suggested Apparatus: Nuclear Plants, Chemical Compounds, New Materials (like ceramic composites) , Periodic Table & Elements LIFE is a complex form of matter that can replicate itself. This is primarily the area of the Progenitors, and the New World Order comes into contact with Life primarily from an administrative standpoint. Although the Progenitors can directly make someone live or die, it is the New World Order which determines the right to life. The Technocracy's outlook on Abortion and Euthanasia are yet to be decided by public opinion. Matter 2 is a requirement for Life Magic performed without Apparatus. Suggested Apparatus: Hospital Forms, Ethical Debates, PDA, Microscopic evaluation CORRESPONDENCE & TIME are linked together by the Unified Field Theory and require a forces of two (and Prime, Entropy, Mind) without apparatus. The concept of Space/Time affects technomancers who are busy trying to combine these two spheres requiring them, like Prime, Entropy and Mind, to spend experience to progress these two spheres at the same rate. Suggested Apparatus: Schedule Book, Calendar, Watch, Phone systems, PDA, ( the tone the time will be ... whatever you want!), Any and all communication equipment, Satellite connections, Internet Searches SPIRIT is the direct result of uncontrolled mental effects upon the Unified Field. This causes resonance to and from people's dreams and subconscious belief structures. The spirit realm is a dangerous resource that should be closely monitored by the Void Engineers. Since they often concern themselves more with their theory and science than security, it is up to the Order to pick up the slack. By using the VE's to install satellites for communication, surveillance, and defense purposes instead of pure research, the New World Order ensures the Void Engineer's contribution to the POGROM. Suggested Apparatus: Satellites, SDI, satellite communications, Surveillance Photos, telescopes. ~*~ Arcane ~*~ "Secrecy is paramount to the security of the New World Order. Maintain a low profile at all times. Leak no information." - NWO Training Doctrine Arcane directly translates into Security Clearance among members of the New World Order. The more you know, the less others know about you.

~*~ Avatar ~*~ "Self-Discipline and professionalism reflect upon your organization as a whole. Do not disappoint others by failing to uphold the highest standards of personal behavior." - NWO Training Doctrine ~*~ Destiny ~*~ "Your tests have shown a phenomenal capacity and innate ability for leadership and quality control, you have been assigned to administrate the 3rd Subregional District." -NWO Internal Memo "Unfortunately you have scored low on all areas of your aptitude tests, you have been reassigned to MECHA for work in the service research sector." - NWO Internal Memo ~*~ Dream ~*~ "Search reveals--103,587,978 items with the keyword 'Armageddon' Abort, Retry, Fail?" -Random Search Engine String "...Retroactive Hypnosis Therapy has proven to be effective in this case, The subject will be able to use Autohypnosis to feel around in the vast pool of knowledge created by the Collective Unconscious." - Excerpts from the 1953 report on Mental Development. ~*~ Node ~*~ Places that have a stronger connection to the Unified Field, They must be sanitized in order to prevent bleeding from the Umbra into reality. ~*~ Talismans ~*~ It is now possible to directly affect and generate the Primal Field with certain technological items. Built correctly, a variety of astonishing effects can be created. ~*~ Arete ~*~ The quality of synthesis between MIND, PRIME, and ENTROPY. The New World Order believes this to be the key to Ascension. ~*~ Quintessence ~*~ Nothing more than a unit of measurement for Unified Field Energy. ~*~ Paradox ~*~

The effect of dissonance between opposing mental effects upon the Unified Field. An excellent justification for the Unity of Thought and Deed.

~*~ Control ~*~ Bureaucrats :Paradigm Control: (Prime) • • • • •

Politician, Administrator, Lawyer, Office Manager, Clerk,

Espionage :POGROM Enforcement: (Entropy) • • • •

Secret Agent, Man in Black, Technician, Gadgeteer,

Psychiatry :Mind Control: (Mind) • • •

Souless Scientist, Mind Control Expert, Orderly, ~*~ Organizations ~*~

Utility Companies * Power Company * Phone Company * IBM * Research Institutes * Think Tanks Political Parties * Universities * The White House * The Senate * NATO *

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