New Teacher Notebook R2 From Cathy Epps

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Download & View New Teacher Notebook R2 From Cathy Epps as PDF for free.

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  • Words: 19,323
  • Pages: 62
NEW TEACHER NOTEBOOK Your District New Teacher Mentor.............................................................................................2 Your Peer Collaborator or On-Site Mentor...............................................................................3 Organize the Classroom..................................................................................................................5 Organize Your Personal Area.........................................................................................................6 Organize Your Course Materials...................................................................................................8 Organize Yourself.............................................................................................................................10 Outside the Classroom.....................................................................................................................11 Class XP Checking Attendance & Written Copy of Attendance...........................................12 Agenda for Day One.........................................................................................................................13 Sample Student Information Sheet............................................................................................14 Sample Communication Log.............................................................................................................15 Sample Parent Information Sheet ..............................................................................................16 Communicating With Parents.........................................................................................................17 Sample Conversation Scripts and Forms....................................................................................19 Preparing an Effective Classroom Management Plan ..............................................................22 Procedures Establish a Learning Environment..........................................................................23 Sample Procedures...........................................................................................................................24 Sample Privilege Passes...................................................................................................................26 Sample Procedures Activity Sheet..............................................................................................28 Hints for Creating a Learning Environment...............................................................................29 When a Disruption Occurs – Discipline.......................................................................................31 When a Student Chooses to Be Disruptive, Be Disobedient, or Disobey..........................32 Conferencing with Students..........................................................................................................33 Planning Lessons.................................................................................................................................34 Assessment of Student Learning.................................................................................................37 Reading and Writing Strategies ..................................................................................................38 Ideas From First-Year Teachers ................................................................................................41 Preparing for a Substitute Teacher............................................................................................45 Sample Substitute Information Sheets.....................................................................................46 SubFinder Information...................................................................................................................51 Web Sites...........................................................................................................................................54

Your District New Teacher Mentor • • • •

The teacher/district mentor relationship is completely confidential. Your district mentor is not part of your evaluation team but can assist you in preparing your long-range plans and unit work sample. You may discuss the results of your evaluations with your mentor in order to use those evaluations as a tool for continuous improvement. You may call or email your mentor at any time.

Your New Teacher Mentor will… • advise you on classroom arrangements • help you locate others in your school or the district who can answer your questions

• • • • • • • •

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assist in locating instructional resources and materials as needed help you reflect on your teaching and celebrate your successes model teach to demonstrate instructional strategies co-teach with you assist with long range, short range, and daily lesson planning review lesson planning and pacing with you conduct regularly scheduled conferences with you to provide opportunities to reflect and problem solve serve as a content resource for you and ensure content is accurate and appropriate assist you in developing engaging instructional activities that are based on state standards assist you in establishing classroom management procedures, creating a positive classroom environment

assist you in establishing parent communication and conference with you prior to parent conferences if needed

observe your teaching on a regular basis and provide written feedback assess professional growth on a regular basis to ensure teachers are experiencing success help you set up and reflect on observations of veteran teachers review ADEPT requirements with you

• • •

• • • • • • • •

assist you with classroom management strategies reflect with you on lessons you have taught help you set personal and professional goals provide encouragement and support throughout the year provide staff development at monthly induction meetings assist with preparation for PACT, EOCT, and other exams plan monthly support meetings with teachers provide summer staff development


Your Peer Collaborator • A peer collaborator will be assigned to you at your school. This teacher can help you

find materials and supplies in your school as well as introduce you to the school’s culture (and tell you how to work the photocopier). Your peer collaborator can share ideas for classroom management, working with parents, and motivating students. He or she can also direct you to others in the school or district who can answer specific questions.

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You and your peer collaborator are required to complete a checklist of important topics and submit it to your building principal. See next page for a sample. Let your mentor know who has been assigned as your peer collaborator.

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Get a phone number for your peer collaborator.

You are a professional educator and your peer collaborator is a colleague. He or she should not do your work for you or serve as a teacher’s aide.

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If your peer collaborator does not teach the same subject or courses that you teach, develop a professional friend who is willing to share sample lessons and resources.

Although the teacher / district mentor relationship is completely confidential, this may not be the case with the teacher / peer collaborator. If your peer collaborator does not contact you regularly, it is OK for you to send an email to him/her at the end of each month to ask if there is anything special you should know about for the coming month. After the beginning of the school year, your peer collaborator may forget to inform you of special traditions at your school. (field day at middle schools? t-shirts? lunch?)

Part of the induction program is to have new teachers observe veteran teachers. You can learn a tremendous amount by watching the way other teachers instruct, relate, discipline, and inspire students. You are expected to do at least four observations this year. Each school will have a procedure for scheduling these observations. Find out how these observations will be scheduled. If you would like to observe a specific teacher, you may have the opportunity to request it.


SCHOOL ORIENTATION CHECKLIST Please note: The peer collaborator assigned to each new teacher by his/her principal will review, clarify and assist the beginning teacher in the following areas: Teacher Responsibilities ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

___ ___ ___ ___

Accidents/ injuries / emergency medical assistance Appropriate Teacher attire Benefits - Human Resources Department Curriculum Guides and Content Standards District/state curriculum standards Duties (Bus, Lunch) Extra-curricular activities Evaluations Faculty parking and parking stickers Home-bound instruction Integrade Pro – computerized grading program Internet Use – email, web sites Keys to classroom, school Lesson Planning: • Long range • Short range • Daily • Emergency Leave policies - Absences, Sick Leave, Sub Finder Legal responsibilities (child abuse, neglect) Locks and lockers where applicable Maintenance needs Meetings (faculty, district, in-service) Open House/Orientation/Report card night Parent conferences Picture ID Professional organizations School communication network/mail/ email/ v mail School Supplies – what is provided /location Sign-in and sign-out procedures (teacher arrival/dismissal times Support organizations (PTA, SIC, Foundation) Substitute teacher procedures Teacher and student handbooks Teaching assistants where applicable

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

Administrative team (chain-of-cammond) Computers, Smartboards, Overheads, Computer Labs Copies and laminating Custodians District Organization Chart Requisitioning materials and supplies School organization (team, departments, committees) Secretaries / receptionist Student records Textbooks (requisitioning,issuing,maintaining records) Cafeteria (schedule, cost, organization)

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

Student Procedures ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

Absences / tardies Car riders / bus riders Changing classes Computer usage in the school Early dismissal Fees (collecting and turning in to bookkeeper) Internet Acceptable Use Policy Teaching Religion Medication / health room Student activities / extracurricular activities Students arriving prior to the opening of school Telephones – classroom and office Textbooks (lost textbook)

Classroom Procedures ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

Assembly programs / pep rallies Attendance (XP program and directions) Bell Schedules Cafeteria (supervision, schedule, cost and forms) Classroom management procedures Collecting money / bookkeeping procedures Discipline policy and referrals Dismissal Emergency procedures Field studies Grading scale / report cards Guidance services Homeroom procedures Homework policy Interim reports / Homework hotline Requesting special services Safety plan State and district testing – See calendar for dates

Organization Teacher Signature: ____________________________ Date: _____________ Peer Collaborator Signature: ______________________ Date: _____________ DUE DATE: New teachers must submit this to building principal.


Organize the Classroom: •

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Student desks do not always have to be in traditional rows, but students should always sit so that all eyes are focused on you. Count the number of desks in your classroom and compare this to the number of students on your class roster. Request at least two extra student desks, if possible, for new students who may not be on the roster. You can put students in groups (if you prefer) after you have established classroom management. Place your desk away from the door so that no one can take things from your desk and quickly walk out. Remember, you do not need a lot of space. You should have a specific location near the door for lesson plans. To eliminate distractions, keep any empty student desk in a convenient place for observers. Prepare a seating chart. Assigned seating (in alphabetical order) facilitates roll taking and helps you memorize names. Number the desks and post a list of student names on the door with seat numbers. You can print a roster from InteGrade Pro. If you “float,” go to each room and note the desk arrangements. Use a transparency to show how seats are numbered or prepare post-its for the desks. Since student schedules might change, you might want to print the rosters the morning of the first day of school.  You can alphabetize student names in IGPro – right click at the top of the student name column and choose “sort by column.” Display classroom rules & consequences, the grading scale, the bell schedules, and emergency procedures. Post a large example of the proper heading for assignments. Plan how to display student work. When you post student work, do not show names with grades.

Prepare a space to write daily lesson objectives and assignments. Always post the day’s learning objective. If students will be taking a test or quiz, the learning objective(s) should identify what students will be able to do on that quiz or test. You might be required to also post an agenda of what is planned for the day. Create an Enriched Physical Environment by designing an interactive bulletin board that attracts students’ attention, provides something active for students to do, and changes with the content being studied. Consider creating a brain-compatible learning environment with plants, fabrics, baskets, and earth-tone colors. If you teach at an ITI school, you will post the lifeskills and lifelong guidelines on the wall. Keep your classroom clean! Have students pick up at the end of each class. Pick up after yourself. Remember – you want the custodian to be your friend!


Organize Your Personal Area: •

• •

If you choose to have everything on and in your desk treated as personal property, make this clear when you teach classroom procedures. Ask students to think of the classroom as your home. Put together an emergency kit for yourself. Decide what you will have for students – band aides, tissue, safety pins, lotion, rubber bands, hole-punch, stapler, handi-wipes, hand sanitizer, etc. Remember – do not give students any type of medication. Set up your e-mail. Create your electronic signature in GroupWise at school and in webmail from home, learn how to access your email from home, learn to use blind copy (BC) You are required to change your login password at least once per school year. To help yourself remember your password from year to year, use the same word each time and change the number behind it. For example, begin with teacher1. When you have to change your password, change it to teacher2, etc. Never leave your computer unattended if you are logged in and students can access your computer. You can lock your computer without logging off by using Control-Alt-Delete and choosing Lock Workstation. You can unlock your computer with your Novell password. This is faster than logging off and logging back on if you need to use your computer during a class period. Find out how to access your message features on the telephone. Record your internal and external greetings. You are expected to leave assignments on the phone each day. Make yourself a homework hotline note card. “Hello. This is (your name). If you want to leave a message, press 1 at any time. Today’s date is (date). The homework for (class) is (assignment).” The sub-finder telephone number is 738-2944. You should call and set up your “account.” If you have a specific parking space, provide this information. Create a Substitute Folder with important class information. When you call for a substitute, write down the confirmation number. Prepare a Student Information Sheet and begin a Student Information Binder. The information sheet might include student ID number, home phone, address, parent contact information, special classroom needs, and previous courses taken. You can look most of this up in ClassXP, but this binder is easy to access at all times. You can use the back of these sheets to keep track of parent communication. At the end of the school year, you will be asked for your total number of contacts with parents (face-toface, phone, or email). In most schools, students are assigned a counselor and administrator based on their grade level or last names, make yourself a chart to keep this information easily accessible at your desk. Create an Emergency Procedures Folder. Review the school handbook that explains staff responsibilities during emergencies (fire drills, emergency drills, intruder drills, bus evacuation drills, etc.). Is there an Evacuation Accountability Form? What are you expected to do and what are students expected to do during every type of emergency? Keep a copy of current rosters for every class in the folder.


• •

Store several Discipline Referral Forms in a convenient location. Know and understand your school’s discipline policies. Set up a procedure for taking attendance every day. You are expected to keep a paper record of attendance as a back up to what you report on the computer. Check Class XP attendance every week to so that it matches your paper record. As soon as you notice a mistake, email the person in charge of attendance. If a student has 3 consecutive absences or 5 nonconsecutive absences, you are expected to phone the parent and inform the student’s guidance counselor and administrator. Be sure to inform guidance and the attendance secretary if a student on your roster never appears in your classroom. Continue to mark these students absent every day.


Organize Your Course Materials: •

• • •

Review the SC Standards for your course(s). There may also be support documents at the South Carolina Department of Education web site. Keep a copy of the standards for the course(s) you teach and date each standard as you teach. You should be given a district/school scope and sequence for each course you teach. With teachers who are teaching the same course(s), prepare a pacing guide (calendar), and lesson plans for at least the first week. Your evaluation will include Long-Range Plans for one course that must be in the ADEPT format. Obtain teacher manuals and any resource materials that you will be using. If you tear pages out of the teacher resource workbooks, put the workbook in a 3-ring binder. Decide how you will organize your materials – binders or file folders? How will you file extra worksheets for absent students? Write notes to yourself as you teach the course and keep your resources well organized for the next time you teach the same course. Talk with other teachers about school policies regarding make-up work and accepting late work. Create a system for getting work to students who are absent. Discuss how grades will be determined with other teachers who are teaching the same course(s). You must set up IGpro with weighting of tasks or total points. Prepare a Course Syllabus and/or parent letter for students and parents/guardians. Include a description of the course, a list of required supplies, grading procedures, classroom rules, consequences, policy on make-up work, policy on late work, replacement cost of the textbook, etc. Ask other teachers for assistance. Decide if you will require students to keep a notebook. How should this notebook be organized? Will students have a special “Get Started” notebook that will be kept in the classroom? Discuss this with other teachers at your school. Find out what courses are prerequisites for your course. Review your roster in ClassXP. You can review students’ course history. Email a student’s guidance counselor as soon as possible if he or she seems to be misplaced. Review previous courses and standardized tests in TestView. Create a record of these test results for your students. Create a master calendar for yourself with important dates: open house, due dates for grades, student holidays, teacher holidays, monthly induction teacher meetings, faculty meetings, duty assignments Get your classroom supplies (white board markers, stapler, staples, pens, overhead markers, paper clips, post-it notes, pens, etc.). If you “float,” go to each room to see if the room lacks something that you will need. What is the procedure for issuing student textbooks? How will students who enter your class after the first day get textbooks? Be sure students write their names in INK on the inside cover. Consider having students write your name beside their name so that it can be returned to you if it is found in the hallway. If you have a class set of books, label all of them with your name. Determine a procedure for how they will be distributed and collected and whether students may check them out to take home. Always put a sign on your door when you relocate your class. If you plan to go to the computer lab regularly, consider making a reusable sign.


If you plan to take your class to the computer lab, make sure all students have Authorized Use Policy (AUP) forms on file. If a student is using a computer, he or she must login. The student login username is the 8 digit ID.students, and the password is their 6 digit birth date. What is the procedure for issuing calculators or other technology equipment to students? If you are given a classroom set of graphing calculators, be sure to take the students ID when you give them a calculator. You may be responsible for reimbursing the school if any calculators are missing at the end of the school year. Always be prepared for new students. Have packets of information for new students prepared and stored in a convenient location so that when a new student enters your class, you are ready. Schedules might change during the first 10 days of school. New students will enroll after Labor Day. Always welcome every new student!


Organize Yourself: • Know what time you are expected to report to school and what time you may leave each day. Where is the sign-in sheet? How do you sign-out early?

Practice driving from your home to your school on a weekday morning so that you will know how long it will take you to get to school. Remember that the traffic will be different when school begins. Always allow yourself extra time so that you can always arrive to school on time!

Plan what you will wear to school on the first day. You want to look very professional when making your first impression. Remember to wear comfortable shoes!

What will eat? Where will you eat? Will you pack a lunch or buy lunch at school? Middle school teachers eat with students. If you teach in a high school, make an effort to eat with other teachers at your school rather than do work during your lunch period.

Make yourself a schedule so that you will always do required work. Monday - phone parents (make as many positive calls as negative calls) Tuesday - phone parents Wednesday - write lesson plans for next week Thursday - email parents about important dates and information Friday - update IGPro, check ClassXP attendance with your paper records

Plan ahead. Get ready for the next day before you leave school (photo copies and lecture notes). If you have a required meeting after school, prepare your materials in advance.

Review your lessons every night - especially if you are getting lecture notes/powerpoints from another teacher. One teacher cannot usually teach another teacher's lesson effectively. You must know the lecture notes (lesson) so well that it seems as if you created it yourself.


Outside the Classroom • Learn the names of important

people at your school – secretary, substitute coordinator, custodian, maintenance worker, copy room attendant, media specialist, ITS (instructional technology specialist), etc. Introduce yourself and treat these people well!

If you are assigned an extra duty, find out what is required and expected of you. Mark your calendar.

Working outside of class with students will help you to get to know them better. You will also have the opportunity to become acquainted with parents and community members when you attend community events. Be prepared to be in the public eye!

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Support your students by attending their extracurricular activities, but do not feel obligated to serve as a volunteer or sponsor of extra duties during your first year. Many beginning teachers suffer because they take on too many time-consuming extra duties the first year. Practice saying, “While that activity is such a good one, my classroom teaching comes first this year.” It is easier to say no initially than to say yes and then try to get out of a commitment. It is also better to do a good job with one activity than to do a mediocre job with two or three. A teacher may enter into an agreement with parents for tutoring students for a fee. This practice must be limited to children other than those for whom the teacher is currently exercising teaching, administrative or supervisory responsibility. These restrictions are to assure all students reasonable assistance without charge from their own teachers, as well as to avoid placing a teacher in a position where he/she may have a conflict of interest. A teacher may NOT tutor any student for pay during regular working hours or on school premises. Educators have to live up to being role models for students. Teachers need to maintain a code of conduct with students in the classroom and outside of the classroom. Know the difference between being personable with your students and becoming personally involved.


ClassXP – checking attendance • • • •

• • •

Log In as usual At "Class Selection" window, you can change term to "All Terms" if necessary Click on OK Put mouse over 1st student. Right click and choose "Period Attendance" • Click on "Day of Activity" tab

Look in the column corresponding to when the student is in your class for attendance you reported on Class XP. Use the scroll bar on the right side of the window to see any additional absences Use > at the bottom of the window to go to the next student. VER = verified absence (parent note) UNV = unverified (no parent note) MED = medical note ACT = school activity

ISS = in school suspension OSS = out-of-school suspension HOM = Homebound Instruction AWR = waiting for expulsion hearing

You must keep a written copy of attendance. This will be considered the legal attendance record of each student. Regularly compare it to Class XP for accuracy. IDEA: Print a roster from IGPro to keep track of student grades for a week. Use the last 5 columns of that roster to keep track of attendance for the week. At the end of the week, enter the grades into IGPro, compare your attendance with ClassXP, and record absences in your grade book as shown below. In the spaces after each date , you can record the reason for the absence listed in ClassXP.

Inform parent or guardian when a student has 5 absences.

Inform an administrator when a student has 10 absences.


Agenda for Day One • Take roll while students fill out the student

information sheet. Walk around the room and quietly ask students to pronounce their name for you rather than calling out names. This might also be a good time to ask students to open the front cover of textbooks and check that they have written their names in their textbooks in ink.

Introduce yourself. Keep this short, simple, and professional. Students do not need to know about your personal life.

Review Syllabus. Rather than reading the syllabus in class word-for-word, have students take a syllabus quiz that requires them to read the syllabus to fill in the blanks or answer the questions. In reviewing the quiz, you can highlight information. You could also ask students to create a similar syllabus quiz for homework.

Begin teaching procedures. You can divide your list of procedures and teach some each day or teach procedures as they will be needed.

Get to know your students. Give students a learning styles inventory, true colors inventory, multiple intelligence inventory, interest survey, or personal reflection writing assignment. If you do not have time to do this on day one, include it in your first week’s plans.

• •

Teach a short lesson or have students do an activity related to your content. Homework assignment ideas: get syllabus signed get parent information sheet completed create a syllabus quiz short content assignment



STUDENT INFORMATION SHEET Name: ____________________________________ Grade: 9 10 11 12 Circle

student cell: _________________e-mail: _________________________ ID: _______________ Do you plan to graduate at the end of this school year?


What do I need to know about you to help you in this class? (medical, academic, seeing board, hearing, preferred seating, etc.)


______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Will you be able to bring a calculator to class?



Geometry – scientific calculator required Algebra 1 – graphing calculator required

Check the courses that you have already taken:

□ □

Algebra 1 Alg 1 Part 1

□ □

□ □

Algebra 2 Alg 1 Part 2

Geometry CP Geometry

□ Algebra 3 □ Prob & Stats

What course do you plan to take next?

□ none

□ Geometry

□ Algebra 2

□ Probability & Statistics

4-year college

What are your future plans?

2-year college



What are your career interests? ______________________________________ List 2 things that you will do to be successful in this course:

____________________________________________ 2) ____________________________________________ 1)

What extra-curricular activities are you involved in? Where do you work?

____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ 14


Communication Log Student: ______________________ Home Phone: ________________ PRINT

check the box if someone is home during the school day

Parent(s)/Guardian(s): _______________________________________ Print First and Last Name(s)

Work or Cell Phone(s): _____________________ // ____________________ Parent/Guardian e-mail: ___________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________

In Person




City: ________________________Zip Code: __________





Parent Information Sheet Please return this sheet to TEACHER

Student: ________________________ Home Phone: _______________ Check box if you are home during the school day

Parent(s)/Guardian(s): ________________________________________________ First and Last Name(s)

Work Phone(s): _____________________________________________________ Provide a work phone only if you may receive phone calls at work during the school day.

Parent/Guardian Cell Phone(s): ________________________________________ Parent/Guardian E-mail: ______________________________________________ Is there anything I should know about your child that would help us in the classroom? (medical, academic, visual, hearing problems, etc.)

__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Will your child be able to bring a calculator to class?



If a student does not own a graphing calculator already, geometry students need scientific calculators (about $15). You do not have to buy a graphing calculator for geometry.

I have reviewed the Course Information Sheet. I understand what is required of me in order to be successful and help create a positive learning environment. ________________________________________ Student Signature date I have reviewed the Course Information Sheet. I understand what is required of my child in order to be successful. ________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature date


Communicating with Parents •

• • • •

• •

• •

Contact parents by either phone or email within the first month of school. Students do better in school when parents are involved, and parents’ influence is far greater than students think. Make the first phone call a positive one – especially if you predict that the students will be a challenge. When you do call a parent for help, be kind. They are sending you the best they have! Since the parent has known the child longer than you have, ask them for advice on helping the child be successful in your class. Keep a record of all communication with parents. Keep copies of signed interims. Remind parents about using Parent Portal to view student grades and attendance. Keep IGPro updated! Remind parents about homework hotline. Keep your homework hotline updated! Consider creating a class newsletter to let parents know what students are learning. You could have students create the letter or contribute the information for the newsletter. Let parents keep a copy of your course syllabus that includes your expectations, grading policies, consequences, and contact information. Ask parents to sign that they have reviewed the course information sheet. Keep this signature on file. Keep in mind that some students might need additional copies of course information for parents that are separated or divorced. Make sure that any written communication is printed clearly and contains correct spelling and grammar. If a parents’ primary language is not English, see if someone from your Foreign Language department can help you translate a letter to parents. Ask parents to provide you with their contact information. Create Parent Books in your GroupWise so that you can email a group of parents for each class every week to let them know what will be happening in class: dates for projects, tests, quizzes, interims, report cards, etc. At the end of this email write "If you have any questions or concerns about your child's progress, please reply to this email." Always use blind copy (BC) for parents email addresses. Find out how to schedule parent conferences in your school. Always meet parents with a guidance counselor, administrator, or another teacher of the student. If parents are visiting your room for a conference (open house), make sure the room is clean and organized. You may also want to bring in adult chairs so that parents do not have to sit in student desks.

Always respect confidentiality. Only talk to parents about their own child without sharing any information about any other students.

• •

Be professional with parents – always stand to greet parents and shake hands.

If you make commitments to parents, write them down. It is very important that you follow through with the commitments. Begin and end parent conference with positive. Thank parents for taking the time to attend the conference. Thank the parents for partnering with you to support their child.

Show parents copies of their student’s work and provide suggestions about how parents can help their child. Give parents a current print-out of grades.


According to the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act, schools must have written permission from the parent or eligible student (18 years old) in order to release any information from a student's education record. If you plan to post grades by student ID, give parents the opportunity to request that grades not be posted for their child. In the course syllabus, you can include a statement like, “Students are given current course grades each week. To maintain confidentiality of student grades, scores are listed by ID number in random order so that students will not be able to identify scores other than their own. The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act gives parents the right to request that grades be excluded. Parents should contact the teacher if they wish to have grades removed from the posted list.”



Notice to Send to Parents

To the Parent/Guardian of ________________________ Date ___________ From: ________________,__________________________,____________ Teacher Subject Period ______________________________________ is having trouble in my class. He/She needs help with: _____time management _____homework _____makeup work _____class participation _____reading materials _____taking notes _____organization skills

You may want to know… Our next major test is scheduled for:


Makeup or retake test available on:


Study group review is needed by:


Extra help is available:

___ before school ___ at lunch ___ after school

Additional Comments:



PARENT PHONE CONVERSATION SCRIPT May I speak with Mrs. Mr. Miss___________________, please? parent’s name Mrs. Mr. Miss ____________________, parent’s name I am

________ _______ student’s name

this is _______ ____________. teacher’s name

______________ teacher. subject

I am calling because I want to talk with you about partnering with you to make _________________ successful this year. I am concerned with his/her student’s name

______________________________. (This will include why you are calling: Examples: (Choose one or write another reason for the call.) _____ behavior in my class. He/she has a difficult time staying in his/her seat. _____ lack of completing classwork (or homework) All classwork and homework is given to reinforce important skills. _____ ability to listen attentively and focus on the lesson. Listening in class is important for learning the skills being taught. _____ ability to stay seated and focus on the lesson. Staying seated during the lesson allows students to participate in the lesson and learn important skills. _____ submitting assignments in a timely manner. All assignments are given to reinforce skills. _____ behavior that is disruptive. This behavior is causing him/her to not be able to focus on the lesson. Other: _________________________________________________ My goal is to make ________________ successful. Do you have any student’s name

suggestions for how I might talk with __________________ or how we can partner together for this success? I value your partnership with learning in my class. (Pause for answer.) (Respond to add additional support.) Thank you for all you do to support teaching and learning for _____________ . Do you have any questions? Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions or concerns. May I give you my contact information? I will be in touch about how our conversation is impacting ________________ success in my class. student’s name Have a wonderful evening (afternoon). Good bye



Parent-Teacher Communication Form Date ____________________ Name of Child: _________________________ Name of Parent(s)/Guardian(s): ___________________________ Student Strengths Observed by Teacher: 1) 2)

Student Needs Observed by Teacher: 1) 2)

Suggestions for Action: (To be completed at time of conference) Home Setting:

School Setting:


Preparing an Effective Classroom Management Plan • Rules (not more than five) must be realistic, observable, and enforceable. Keep rules

positive. Before you make a rule for you classroom, ask yourself if you would write up a student for breaking that rule. Rules should let students know that you do not allow disobedience, disruptions, and disrespect. Examples: 1) Follow directions given by the teacher 2) Participate without distracting other students or the teacher 3) Follow all school rules in this classroom

Avoid vague rules like (1) be positive, (2) be respectful, (3) be cooperative, (4) treat others as you would like to be treated, etc.

Consequences must be reasonable and enforceable. Do not threaten any consequence that you would not carry out. Use consequences as opportunities to celebrate positive behavior as well as to help students manage their behavior. Examples: (1) warning, (2) parent contact, (3) administrator referral. When students break rules, remind them that they have chosen their consequences.

• •

Require students to follow district & school policies while in your classroom. If students complain that you are the only teacher who makes them follow the rules, you can say, "I value my job here in this district. I must require students to follow district policies while in my classroom." Check IDs at the door at the beginning of each class. Require students to put all snacks and drinks in their book bags before they enter class and while they are in the classroom. Do not allow students to listen to iPods or text message on phones during class. If you see students with their hands inside a purse or book bag, they are probably texting. You must set the example - never have your cell phone out or use a cell phone while you are with a class and do not eat during class or drink anything except water during class. There are strategies for getting all students involved in lessons… popsicle sticks with student names note cards with student names – shuffle often use mini-whiteboards (small socks can be used for erasers) group work with specific roles (leader, supply person, writer, checker)


Procedures Establish A Learning Environment

Classroom management has to do with how things are done to make teaching and learning more efficient and effective. Procedures describe student expectations and tell students how things operate in the classroom. How do you WANT students to come into the classroom? How do you WANT students to get your attention? This might seem "obvious," but what is obvious to you may not be obvious to your students. You need to explain exactly what you expect of students to increase time on-task and greatly reduce disruptions. Teach classroom procedures - explain and demonstrate the procedures, rehearse and practice the procedures, reinforce the procedures until they become routine. If you establish effective procedures, students can run the class without you. Procedures and routines established early in the school year free up the rest of the year to be devoted to teaching and learning. How to enter the classroom What to do after entering the classroom 1) Be specific What to do when you are tardy How we take roll 2) Order steps What to do when we have a guest 3) What Materials? What to do when a cell phone rings What to do when the classroom phone rings Talking volume? What to do when there is a guest teacher (substitute) What to do during the moment of silence and Pledge of Allegiance Where to find the class objectives and homework How to organize your notebook How papers will be collected How papers will be distributed Where to find class materials that students may use How to participate in lessons How to borrow calculators or other supplies How to get the teacher’s attention How the teacher will get everyone’s attention What to do when you are done with a classroom assignment What to do during group work time How to move around the room (sharpening pencils, turning in tests, throwing away trash) How to pass in papers, pass back papers, exchange papers for in-class grading How to write heading for papers Where to find make-up work and homework assignments after an absence Procedures for making up a test after you are absent Testing procedures Procedure for walking to and from the computer lab, media center, lunchroom, etc. What to do during school-wide announcements Procedure for responding to a fire drill Procedure for responding to a severe weather alert Procedure for responding to a school emergency (intruder) What to do at dismissal time Procedure for leaving the classroom (hall passes to restroom, locker, nurse, etc.)


Sample Middle School Classroom Procedures Entering the Class Procedures 1. Enter quietly, straight to your seat. 2. Take out paper for Fantastic Five 3. Now is the only time to sharpen pencil.

Independent Work Procedures 1. Work without talking. 2. Raise hand if you have a question.

Turning in Materials/Homework Procedures 1. Put homework on your desk as class begins. 2. There will be time to review and ask questions. 3. Pass homework to the front when the teacher instructs. 4. The teacher will collect the homework. When you are Absent Procedures 1. Call Homework Hotline. 2. Ask teacher and peers what was missed. 3. Students Responsibility!!!! When a Visitor Enters your Classroom Procedures 1. Continue working or paying attention quietly. 2. Do not acknowledge visitor verbally. Restroom Procedures 1. No restroom breaks!!! 2. Must use before class. 3. Raise hand to ask the teacher for a pass if it is an emergency. When a Student Wants to Go to the Library Procedures 1. No designated library time. 2. Raise hand to ask for a pass if all work is complete.

Discarding Trash Procedures 1. Keep trash with you at your desk until exiting. 2. You may raise your hand to throw it away or have the teacher throw it away for you. Sharpening Pencils Procedures 1. Sharpen your pencil when you enter the room. 2. First five minutes of class only! 3. Raise your hand and the teacher will sharpen during class. Fire Drill Procedures 1. Remain calm and quiet, absolutely no talking. 2. At the teacher’s request, form a straight line at the door. 3. Last one out turns off lights and closes the door. 4. Follow class and teacher down the correct escape route. Direct Instruction Procedures 1. No talking. 2. Active listening and note taking. 3. Raise hand to be called on or to answer a question. 4. Remain seated. If you Finish Early Procedures 1. Raise your hand to share with the teacher. 2. Get extra instructions from the teacher. End of the Period Procedures 1. Remain quiet & seated until teacher dismisses class. 2. Make sure to have all belongings and assignments.

Cooperative Group Work Procedures 1. Follow directions. 2. Work with only your assigned group unless stated otherwise. 3. Work quietly. 4. Privilege will be taken away if too loud.

Homework/Agenda Book Procedures 1. Write your homework in your agenda as soon as possible. 2. This can be done at the beginning or end of class. 3. Ask teacher to sign at the end of class while exiting.


Sample High School Classroom Procedures Beginning of Class:

Leaving the Classroom: Ideas:

Ideas:  As soon as you enter the classroom, class begins. Find your assignment and begin the warm-up.  Bring required supplies every day.  Show your ID at the door before entering the classroom. Wear your ID during class.  Food/drink must be in your book bag before you enter and remain in your book bag while you are in class.

 You must wait until after the first 15 minutes of class before asking to leave.  If you need to see the nurse, fill out your agenda and ask for my signature.  If you need to go to the restroom, fill out your agenda and exchange a Privilege Pass for my signature.  If you do not have an agenda book, do not ask to leave the classroom.

During Instruction Time: Ideas:

End of Class: Ideas:

 One student can be up at a time.  Every student will be called on during each lesson.  If you have something to add to the lesson or have a question, raise your hand and wait to be called.  Take lesson notes daily. Keep “personal” notes out of sight.  Sit up and participate.

 The teacher, not the time or bell, determines when class is over. Do not pack up in anticipation of the end of class.  Do not get out of your seat and line up at the door to wait for the bell.  Before you leave, clean up the area around your desk.

During Quizzes & Tests: Ideas:

During Practice Time: Ideas:

 Students are to remain quiet until the last student has completed the quiz or test.  If you have a question, you may get up and whisper to the teacher.  Only one student should be out of his/her seat at any time.

 Stay on task. Sit up in your chair.  Raise your hand if you need the teacher’s help.  Help others only after getting permission if students are to be working individually.  Talk quietly if you are working with another student.

When you are absent: Ideas:

When You Finish: Ideas:    

 Check your assignment sheet for the assignment you must complete. If you are absent for x days, your homework is due in 2x days.  Look in the “absent student” folder copies of lesson notes, supplemental materials, or class work completed while you were gone.  If you are absent the day before a test, you must take the test with the class as scheduled.  If you are absent the day of a test, be prepared to take the test as soon as you return to class.  If you are absent more than one day before a test, you will be given a deadline for making up the test.

Do a Sudoku puzzle Complete an Integer Puzzles sheet Read Work on long-term project



Student ________________________________ PRIVILEGE PASS


____ Late Assignment

____ Late Assignment

____ Borrow from teacher

____ Borrow from teacher

____ Emergency Hall Pass

____ Emergency Hall Pass

____ 2% Extra Credit on a Test

____ 2% Extra Credit on a Test



____ Late Assignment

____ Late Assignment

____ Borrow from teacher

____ Borrow from teacher

____ Emergency Hall Pass

____ Emergency Hall Pass

____ 2% Extra Credit on a Test

____ 2% Extra Credit on a Test



____ Late Assignment

____ Late Assignment

____ Borrow from teacher

____ Borrow from teacher

____ Emergency Hall Pass

____ Emergency Hall Pass

____ 2% Extra Credit on a Test

____ 2% Extra Credit on a Test



____ Late Assignment

____ Late Assignment

____ Borrow from teacher

____ Borrow from teacher

____ Emergency Hall Pass

____ Emergency Hall Pass

____ 2% Extra Credit on a Test

____ 2% Extra Credit on a Test



____ Late Assignment

____ Late Assignment

____ Borrow from teacher

____ Borrow from teacher

____ Emergency Hall Pass

____ Emergency Hall Pass

____ 2% Extra Credit on a Test

____ 2% Extra Credit on a Test



Student: ______________________________

Privilege Pass

Privilege Pass

Privilege Pass

for WEEK 1

for WEEK 2

for WEEK 3

__ Hallway Pass __ Borrow From Teacher __ Late Work Pass __ 2 Bonus Points

__ Hallway Pass __ Borrow From Teacher __ Late Work Pass __ 2 Bonus Points

__ Hallway Pass __ Borrow From Teacher __ Late Work Pass __ 2 Bonus Points

Privilege Pass

Privilege Pass

Privilege Pass

for WEEK 4

for WEEK 5

for WEEK 6

__ Hallway Pass __ Borrow From Teacher __ Late Work Pass __ 2 Bonus Points

__ Hallway Pass __ Borrow From Teacher __ Late Work Pass __ 2 Bonus Points

__ Hallway Pass __ Borrow From Teacher __ Late Work Pass __ 2 Bonus Points

Privilege Pass

Privilege Pass

Privilege Pass

for WEEK 7

for WEEK 8

for WEEK 9

__ Hallway Pass __ Borrow From Teacher __ Late Work Pass __ 2 Bonus Points

__ Hallway Pass __ Borrow From Teacher __ Late Work Pass __ 2 Bonus Points

__ Hallway Pass __ Borrow From Teacher __ Late Work Pass __ 2 Bonus Points

Privilege Pass

Privilege Pass

Privilege Pass




__ Hallway Pass __ Borrow From Teacher __ Late Work Pass __ 2 Bonus Points

__ Hallway Pass __ Borrow From Teacher __ Late Work Pass __ 2 Bonus Points

__ Hallway Pass __ Borrow From Teacher __ Late Work Pass __ 2 Bonus Points



Procedure_________________________________ What should you do?

What should you not do?

Procedure_________________________________ What should you do?

What should you not do?


Hints for Creating A Learning Environment • •

Enter the classroom with confidence. If you seem insecure, the students will realize it and you'll never have control over the class. Get to know your students as soon as possible. Learn student’s names as soon as possible and say “hello” to them everyday. Learn something special about each student. Students behave quite differently if they really think a teacher cares about them personally and academically.

Always be on your feet, moving around the room. Students know if are really aware of everything that is going on in the classroom.

Know your school’s policies on management and how to get back-up help. You may want to develop an arrangement with a teacher near you for special support. Students don’t care what you know as a teacher until they know that you really care about them as people. Be genuine with your students and expect the same in return. Success is a powerful motivator for a student’s effort. Experiencing success causes a student to increase effort, increased effort increases success, increased success increases effort, etc. Creating learning activities that allow students to experience success can increase effort! If a student makes a request, agree to think about the request rather than automatically rejecting the idea (or agreeing to an idea you later want to reject).

• •

Don’t reinforce negative behavior by ignoring it. When you notice unproductive behavior, address it. Otherwise, you send a clear message to the students that it's OK.

Positively reinforce behavior and academic success. They can be verbal or nonverbal. Let the students know if they are doing well. Thanking students who are following procedures and directions will motivate other students to follow their example. Choose the most positive alternative when a problem occurs and implement the consequence immediately. Pick and choose your battles well; some things are not worth making a big deal about if they can be handled with humor. By doing that, you avoid power struggles in front of the other students which may make you look weak.

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• •

The most challenging students may need you the most. These students may not have a positive adult in their lives. Conference with difficult students privately and develop mutual agreements on behavior to prevent future problems. Revise as necessary. Be creative and flexible--if it works, use it! Use classroom management techniques before you become irritated. We are much more powerful when we are centered and when we view our students with fondness rather than impatience. Never get in a verbal confrontation with a student. Simply state what you want students to do, sounding like a broken record. You are the adult. Be calm. Make positive requests. Thank students for doing what you ask. Be assertive, but not aggressive. Say as little as possible, and never touch the student. Most importantly, stay calm. Do not threaten any consequence that you will not or cannot carry out. Only give options that you are capable of following through on.


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Allow students to save face. When we put students down in front of others, the entire class of students will turn against us. Pick one of your most challenging students and spend a few minutes a day for a couple of weeks talking with that student. You can talk about anything except behavior, grades, or attitudes. Don’t expect him/her to open up right away. His/her attitude will eventually change for you if you are sincere. Do all you can to feel good about your students on a daily basis. Your attitude will come across to your students. If, by chance, you feel that you have spoken sharply in an attempt to manager your students, own up to it. "Wow, that sounded harsh. Forgive me!" Use a timer or music CD with 3-5 minutes of music. Tell students there are ____ minutes of music on the tape. Every time they talk, you will turn on the music. When they stop talking you will turn it off. With the amount of music left, you will give them at the end of the class to talk. When a student says, “Everybody’s doing it. I wasn’t the only one.” Explain to the students that you agree. If he/she will follow your directions, you will speak to the other students as well. After giving someone instructions they will do one of two things: comply or not comply. If they don’t comply, don’t take it personally and stay personally involved. Look at it as if they are giving you another opportunity to try another intervention strategy. If they comply, say Thank you! Be ready for challenges. If the student says, “I wasn’t doing anything,” just say, “That’s right. What should you be doing?” If the student says, “ What was I doing?” just say, “Nothing, What should you be doing?” If the student responds just say, “Thanks for understanding” and walk away. If the student is really confrontational and says “What did I do?” with an edge in the tone of his voice just say, “Nice try. I don’t argue with my students. You have a choice, argue with an administrator or get back to work.” It is not important to have the last word. The quality of your words is important. If a student is removed from your classroom, let them know that you do not hold a grudge when they return. Say, “Welcome back!” in a convincing tone. If you feel it is necessary, talk privately with the student to let him/her know that today is a new start. You might say, “The past is behind us. My goal is that everyone in class has the opportunity to learn. If you will cooperate with me, I will do everything I can to help you pass this class.” Let him/her know that you care about them as a student in your class. As you walk around the room, keep as many students as possible in your line of vision. When transitioning from whole class to small groups, give students a time limit. You could count backwards from 5 to 1. You could time students as they practice and challenge them to move as quickly and quietly as possible.

When a Disruption Occurs… Students will test you! The only way that students can find out if you mean what you say is to test you. You need to communicate that discipline is a priority. If you take the time to establish classroom management in the beginning of the year, you will be able to spend


more time teaching. If you get noticeably frustrated, troublemakers will continue to see how far they can push you. Use student names in discussion. Instead of addressing a troublemaker directly, let him/her know you are aware of what is going on by using his/her name in an example. For example, “Say that Billy wants to figure out how tall a tree is but is unable to measure its height…” to focus Billy back on the lesson. LOOK students back to work – turn your shoulders toward the students(s) and put on a “relaxed” stare. Move in slow motion so that the disruptive students have no doubt that instruction has been interrupted and that they are the sole focus of your attention. Running your tongue slowly on the roof of your mouth helps you not to clinch your teeth. As you stare at the students, try to think about something different – like the list of perfect squares or a shopping list. Look at the disruptive students as if they are speaking a language you do not understand. Use proximity control and a visual prompt – If disruption continues, do not say anything directly to the student. First, just walk toward the student – slowly but directly. Stay near the student until you have made your point. If you move away too quickly, the student will go back to what he was doing before you came over. If the student does not comply, add a visual prompt. The most predictable way to get someone to speak to you is by speaking to him/her. A verbal prompt raises the odds of a verbal reply by the student. Use a verbal prompt – If disruption continues, get down to the student’s level, make eye contact, and (without touching the student) whisper a direct request in a non-emotional voice. Use the students name, say, “please,” followed by your request. If you embarrass students in front of their peers, they will retaliate to get even. If you are discreet about your request, the student is less likely to respond verbally. To continue the disruption at this point would be a blatant act of disobedience. If the student follows your request, say “thank you.” Remain calm and stay quiet – If the student does decide to respond verbally, do not respond. “It takes one fool to talk back. It takes two fools to make a conversation out of it.” -Fred Jones. Regardless of what the students says, you should remain calm and stay quiet. You protect yourself from stress while you protect the students from making matters worse. Send the student out – If a student refuses to cooperate, and it is obvious that he/she wants to make a scene, send him/her out of the room. You need to consider this in advance. Is there a place to send students? Can you send students to the hallway? Jones, Fred. Tools for Teaching. Santa Cruz, CA: Fredrick H. Jones & Associates, Inc.,2000.


When A Student Chooses To Be Disruptive, Be Disobedient, Or Disobey Most students will obey your requests, will treat you with respect, and will not disrupt your class. When a student chooses to be disruptive, disobedient, or disobey, do not embarrass him or her in front of the other students. It is best to make your request quietly. Go to the student’s seat. Do not allow… 1) DISRUPTION Teacher: Are you going to continue to disrupt our class? Student: Yes Teacher: The choice is yours. You can decide to stay in class and allow everyone the opportunity to learn or you may leave class so that the rest of the students can learn. If the student decides to stay and cooperate, say thank you. If the student decides to continue to disrupt, do not say anything. Call for an administrator to remove the student. 2) DISOBEDIENCE Teacher: Jake, I need you to… Student does not comply or has a comment. Teacher: Jake, I need you to… Student does not comply or has a comment. Teacher: The choice is yours. Are you refusing my request? If the student decides to obey, say thank you. If the student decides to continue to disobey, do not say anything. Call for an administrator to remove the student. 3) DISRESPECT Student (with disrespect): says something disrespectful Teacher: Please cooperate and do your work without talking. If the student decides to cooperate, say thank you. If the student decides to continue to be disrespectful… Teacher: The choice is yours. Are you going to continue to be disrespectful? If student decides to cooperate, say thank you. If the student decides to continue to be disrespectful, do not say anything. Call for an administrator to remove the student.


Conferencing With Students There is no set pattern when holding a conference. Each conference is different depending upon the situation and the students. Develop your own strategies from the following suggestions. Ask questions. Do not lecture. 1. Start with something positive. “I noticed you ____.” “Jack, you make a real contribution to the class by asking good questions.” “Great job on the poster. Sorry to hear those words in class.” 2. Identify the problem. Ask the student if he knows what the problem is. Be ready to explain the situation and pose a question. “Jack, there’s a problem. Do you know what it is?” “Jack, I noticed you have a hard time behaving when ___.” “Jack, You have been late to class 15 times. What could you do to make sure you get to class on time?” 3. Try to tie the behavior to one of four goals of misbehavior. It may help in coming up with solutions. “Are you __to get attention from your friends?” (attention) “Is there something you want?” (power-control) “Have I done something to hurt you?” (revenge) “Is the work too hard?” (avoidance of failure) 4. Use a third person, if necessary, to help resolve the problem.

• •

Another teacher might have a special relationship or a history with the student and be able to share some strategies with you that can help to motivate the student. You may be able to talk to the parents and ask for advice on how you can help the students be successful.


Planning Lessons • For every lesson, determine the academic

objective and the behavior objective. This is a way to remind you to teach and reinforce expected behavior. • Identify what you want students to Know, Understand, and Do as a result of your lesson? Know – facts, vocabulary, dates, places, names Understand – statement of truth or insight, using a concept word to relate idea to both the subject and to the greater world, an essential truth or generalization, serves as an adhesive in the brain so that facts have someplace to stick “The students will understand that multiplication is another way to add.” Do – apply, analyze, evaluate, create; encourages students to think like professionals who use the knowledge and skill • Lesson Pacing: 30% warm-up/review 60% new lesson (teach, practice, teach, practice, teach, practice) 10% closure/assess learning • Each lesson should include the following Clear Objective Hook to gain students’ attention through emotion, an invitation, or something out of the ordinary Pre-assessment and Review of Prerequisites Correct and Complete Information Practice and Feedback (Formative Assessment) Appropriate Instructional Activities Closure

Engage students immediately after transitions and at the beginning of the class. Begin each class period with some type of Get Started/Bell Work problems. Problems can provide a pre-assessment of understanding before you teach a new lesson. You can accomplish some administrative tasks while students work (check homework, take attendance, talk to a student who was absent, etc.)

• •

Begin lessons by reviewing background knowledge needed for understanding new lesson.

Always do the homework problems first…before you plan the lesson…that way you know what is required by the homework…it will also help you think through what possible problems are going to be.

Write the test before you teach the unit. As you write the test, you will be prioritizing the material and developing goals and objectives.

Consider making homework something that students cannot do in the classroom. Ask students to apply, create, measure, interview, examine objects in the home, or gather information. Research tells us that some practice homework is good but too much is counterproductive.


• •

• • •

Time yourself doing work. It will take the average student 4 times as long to complete an assignment, quiz, or test than it takes you. Be sure to allow plenty of time for students to complete work and have something for early finishers to do. Give students a reason to listen and learn in your class. Create lessons that are engaging and try to always answer the question “when will I ever use this?” before you are asked. Explain why the lesson is important. Perhaps making statements similar to “You are going to learn_____ today because _____.” or “We use this method to model realworld examples about _____.” Or “I had to use this knowledge when I _____”. Identify issues that are personally relevant to your students (linked to survival and personal well-being) and embed curriculum into personally relevant situations. When presenting new material. Be certain to give specific steps. Explaining each step. Model exactly what you expect when you look at student work. Then, have students practice a similar problem. Repeat this pattern until students have learned the skill.

The person who does the work is the only one who learns. In your classroom, is the teacher doing the work or are the students doing the work?

Use multi-sensory when you teach. People retain 10% of what they read 20% of what they hear, 30% of what they see, 50% of what the see and hear, 70% of what they discuss with others, 80% of what they participate in and 95% of what they teach.

Present information with both words and pictures to help students create a structure or mental model. When you use a lot of words, provide pictures, graphs, diagrams, images, etc. When you use a visual image, provide labels, titles, thought bubbles, etc.

Use a variety of instructional strategies. 85 % of our low ability, at-risk students are kinesthetic, tactile learners. Have students read, talk, present, watch, do, practice, participate, discuss, sing, write, build, create, and solve in order to learn. Have students work as a class, in groups of 3 or 4, in pairs, or individually. Plan to use worksheets, games, role playing, group work, and other approaches in order to motivate students as well as help them learn.

When creating your lesson, make sure to build in practice. Learning practice does not have to be high quality. Supervise practice until students can meet expectations. The most valuable use of class time is supervised “rehearsal” practice. Consider how long practice sessions should last, how much practice can be done at one time, how often practice should occur, and how to monitor the quality of practice to avoid practicing something incorrectly.

Research tells us that practice sessions should be relatively short so they can be of high intensity. The number of minutes students can work at high intensity equals their age. For a 15 year old student, for example, you can schedule 15 minutes of pracitce. If students need more time to practice, schedule more “sets” of practice problems.

Expect everyone’s full attention. Do not talk over students. Expect every student to sit up and pay attention. If a student does not feel well, send him/her to the nurse.


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Find out about the special needs students in your classroom. Meet with the special needs teachers for help in modifying assignments and using special teaching techniques. You MUST provide the accommodations listed in the IEP/504 plan. If you do not know the answer to a student’s question, be honest. Tell the student that you will find the answer and answer the question the next day! You could also ask the whole class to investigate and see if anyone can find the answer. The key is to stay calm! Nobody knows everything! Be flexible, what works for one class may not work for another. What does not work the first time, may work the second time. Don’t throw out good ideas based upon one bad experience. Many bright students quit learning because the materials presented to them are boring. Many slow learners Consider differentiating activities to keep bright students challenged. Closure: “What have you learned today”, or Have students write a sentence about what they learned from this lesson or what was the objective. You may have a couple of closures during the class depending on the number of objectives being taught. The students can brainstorm how people use today’s lesson outside the classroom. Over plan. Whether the class is long or short, create realistic goals for what you want to achieve with your class and always plan more rather than less. The busier the students are, the fewer problems arise. Create some appropriate activities that you can use with a class when there are a few minutes left at the end of class and your lesson is over. 1) Talk A Mile A Minute (Pyramid) “Things associated with math” “Things associated with linear equations” 2) Concept Attainment 3) I Have…Who Has? Multiplication Skills Adding Integers Basic Math Vocabulary


Assessment of Student Learning • Pre-assessments help you understand what students already know about the unit being planned. Pre-assessments can identify what standards, objectives, concepts, and skills the student understands. Pre-assessments help teachers recognize what instruction and opportunities are needed for mastery. Examples: K-W-L Chart, Pre-Test, Inventory, Checklist, Observation, Self-Evaluation, Questioning, Silent Graffiti

• •

Categorize students based on the results of the pre-assessment: below standard, meeting standard, exceeding standard. You may be able to design variations of instructional activities or formative assessments to address the needs of each group.

Formative assessments allow you to see if students are learning as you complete one lesson or progress through a unit. Formative assessment informs you and your students about understanding at a point when adjustments can be made. These adjustments can help ensure that students learn the standards-based goals within a unit. Examples: Conferencing, Peer Evaluation, Portfolio Check, Questioning, Journal Entry, Thumbs Up, Fist of Five, Self-Evaluation, Quiz, Exit Slip, Observation, Talking Topics, Conversation Circles, Think/Pair/Share

You do not have to “grade” skills and concepts that have just been introduced or are being learned. Think of formative assessments as practice. Rather than focus on grading student work, emphasize giving useful advice to students.

Feedback of formative assessments should provide students with an understanding of what they are doing well, link to classroom learning, enable students to learn better, and guide students to engage in a self-reflective process. Providing abundant, immediate, and specific feedback helps maintain students’ focus and effort. Research tells us that immediate feedback with less detail is preferable to delayed feedback with more detail.

By the time your students engage in your summative assessment, they should be able to demonstrate their understanding and knowledge on their own. Examples: Unit Test, Performance Task, Product/Exhibit, Demonstration, Portfolio, Project

During a test, the teacher should monitor the classroom from a location where all students are visible. Sitting at your desk may not be the best location.

Return graded quizzes and tests the next day. You could use an answer column on the right side of the quiz or test so that it is easy to grade quickly.

Summative assessments can be used as learning tools. Students could complete corrections on a separate sheet of paper as class work. Students could complete a test correction quiz of the problems they miss and illustrate how to correctly work each problem (getting help if necessary).



from I Read It, But I Don’t Get It by Cris Tovani

Thinking Aloud

Say my thoughts as I read a word problem and point out words that trigger thoughts As you work through a problem say the different steps or say what you do next before you do it Verbally connect information to a previous lesson that will be used on a current lesson


When will I ever use this? Help student know when this will be used in the “real world” Use with vocabulary – ask students what they think the word means based on previous experience


Use what you know about the problem to predict the solution or way to obtain the solution

Marking Text - you can’t write in the book, but…

Code your notes - use Highlighters to mark important facts Use an alternate color for showing problems in notes or for grading

Print Conventions in Textbook

Teach students to observe italicized words, bold prints, theorems in blue box

Adjust Reading Rates

Slow down to get all the facts - you cannot read a textbook like you read a magazine – you must stop and “study” the examples given in the textbook

Re-Tell Say it in your own words - What does that problem or theorem say in “real” words Re-Read

Read the question at least once, answer the question, then re-read the question to check answer

Notice patterns in the textbook

Recognize how the textbook is organized Realize that you do not have to read from cover to cover – where is important information is found Use special features such as table of contents, glossary, index, appendices, etc.

Double-Entry Diaries

Left Right Vocabulary or Theorem on the left side Definitions, things they need to remind themselves, pictures, connections, etc. on the right side Word Wall Make a graffiti-type wall of vocabulary Questioning

Students ask the questions - “I wonder” why, where, how, etc. As you do your homework, jot down questions you have in the margins


Create images, see it in their head, draw a diagram. If you “see it,” then you often understand it

Seen and Unseen text (Inferences)

Seen text - ideas, opinions, essential knowledge (how many times will the wheel go around in 3 miles if its diameter is 4 feet?) Unseen text – inference that can be made (what is the circumference of the wheel?)



Geometry Surveying Your Textbook 1. 2. 3.



What is the book’s complete title? ____________________________________ How many pages are in Chapter 1? _________________ Was the book written or revised recently? ___________ Why might this make a difference? _____________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Use the table of contents to answer the following. Can you find this topic using the If yes, what page? Topic Table of Contents? Yes or No Angle Bisectors Scalene Triangle Surface Area

Look at Ch. 3 on p. 106-166. 4. Are there chapter headings? ____________ How many? ____________ 5. Are there pictures in this chapter? _____________ 6. Are there charts in this chapter? _____________ 7. What type of information is in the blue charts? ___________________ 8. What type of information is in the yellow charts? ___________________ 9. This book has a glossary. Where is it? ____________________ What kind of information does it give? _________________________________________ 10. How many appendixes does this book have?_________ 11. What are the different appendixes and on what page are they? Which will you find the most helpful? Why? _____________________________ 12. Where is the index in the book? __________________________ 13. Put a page number beside the information you can find using your index: __________ angle bisectors ________________ scalene triangles __________ surface area ________________Pythagoras Theorem 14. Look at p. 76 and 77, example 2 and 4. What do you notice that is the same between the two examples? _________________________________________ Different?______________________________________________________ In example 4, what do you think the blue words are?_______________________

Survey created by Amy Stout, Richland Northeast High School


WRITING STRATEGIES Write a note to another student about a certain lesson. Explain, in your own words, how to… Create a word problem that would require… Write a biography on a person who has made a contribution to mathematics. Create a brochure explaining how math is used in 4 different careers. Interview people or do research. • Create a RAFT: Role, Audience, Format, Topic Students design their own person assignment by choosing off a list of topics for each of the four aspects of the writing. All RAFTs are written from a viewpoint other than that of the student. Format can be travelogue, obituary, letter, closing argument at trial, want ad, etc. Example: Role: point, Audience: teacher, Format: letter, Topic: convince teacher that you are important • • • • •

QuickWrites for Mathematics

Why is it important to estimate an answer first when using a calculator? Why is it important to read a word problem more than once? How are commutative, associative, and identity properties for addition and multiplication alike? When ordering decimals, what can you do to make comparisons easier? What is the different between (5x)2 and 5x2? When multiplying powers of the same number, why are the exponents added rather than multiplied? Why is it important to include a check step in the problem solving process? How is a number written in scientific notation? How can you determine how many places to move the decimal when changing a number from one measure to another using the metric system? What are the difference among a line, a line segment, and a ray? How is an angle formed and named? What determines the number of degrees in an angle? Can an obtuse angle have a complement? Explain. What is the difference between two parallel lines and two skew lines? Are corresponding angles always equal in measure when two lines are cut by a transversal? Can the absolute value of a number ever be negative? Explain. Explain the rules for addition of integers. Explain the rules for multiplication and division of integers. How can you graph a point on a plane? What is the procedure used to check if a number is a solution of an equation? Why is it important to check a solution to an equation? Explain the steps you would follow to solve an equation like 2x + 1 = 7. Why is an equation easier to solve than a problem that uses only words? What did you learn in today’s class? How was today’s lesson connected to previous lessons? Who would use today’s lesson outside of class (career, daily life, etc.)? What was most frustrating about today’s class? What questions do you have about the current unit?


Suggestions from first year teachers… • If you do not have a procedure for leaving the

classroom, students will take advantage of the opportunity to leave – one right after another. Use special passes for students to leave the classroom for any reason other than the nurse. Unused passes can be reimbursed for extra credit on a test grade.

Teach expectations and procedures just like you teach content  teach, discuss, practice, quiz, review often.

Do not talk over students. Develop a signal to get everyone’s attention. Stand with your hand raised. Say, “Give me five, 5-4-3-2-1” and teach students that by the time you get to 1 everyone should be quiet and have their eyes on you.

• • • •

Excuse rows of students from class one at a time based on cleanliness of floor, quietness of row, level of participation that day, etc. Warm-Up or Bell Work Policy  students have a special notebook for bell work. Questions are written out and all work is corrected each day. Notebooks are kept in the classroom. When you design a project, make sure the project is based on content standards. Give students the rubric you will use for assessment when the project is assigned. Have a sample project to show students. Use a timer during bell work or class work to motivate students to stay focused on completing work.

Praise students who are doing the right thing rather than call out the students who are not following procedures or directions.

Make a copy of graded tests before giving them back to students. If a student decides to change an answer and complain that you made a mistake in grading the test, you can look back at the test you graded.

• • •

• •

You might get advice and/or materials from several teachers. Be patient with yourself. You will eventually find what is right for you. You can learn a lot from veteran teachers. Listen more than you speak. If you speak, remain positive. Too much negativity sends out a bad signal. You will have the opportunity to collaborate with other teachers. Experienced teachers will have materials that they are willing to share. Most are flattered when you ask for something. Do your share of the work in your subject group. Be considerate! Always give credit for work you borrow. Move around the room. You need to circulate to see how all your students are progressing and to implement proximity discipline. Remember that observers are there to help you become more successful, not find mistakes. Teach a normal lesson without creating a special show to impress the observer. He or she wants to see what a normal day in your class looks like. Listen to suggestions made and thank the observer for giving you something to think about. Grade papers each day rather than accumulating a pile of papers to grade.


• •

Be flexible. Anticipate special bell schedules or “last minute” information about a school-wide event. Being cooperative, rather than complaining, will help you feel better about the situation. Dress professionally. Your dress sends out a message to students. If your school has casual dress days, remember that you are an adult. Consider wearing casual pants or black jeans rather than blue jeans. Your casual outfit should still be professional.

If you have a special needs student who must have all class notes copied for them, ask a reliable student to use carbon paper as they take their own notes and give the copy to the special needs student. This is also a great idea for getting notes to students who are absent.

If you have several students with special needs, organize their IEP or 504 accommodations into one chart. Keep parents and special needs teachers informed of the student’s progress. Student Name Resource Teacher Accommodations

If you want students to grade work during class, buy colored pencils without erasers to keep in the classroom. When the class grades an assignment, students must put away all other writing utensils.

Instead of collecting and grading all warm-ups, notebooks, assignments, etc. have a notebook check quiz or an assignment check quiz. When letting students use your classroom calculators, get their ID!!!!!!

As a review (closure), ask students to write a letter to another student (possibly an absent student) explaining what the class learned.

It is a great idea to keep student supplies in your classroom. If you sell items to students charge students what you paid for the item. If you have supplies available for free, students will use them up!!!

• • • •

Create a folder for passes students bring to class when they enter after the bell. Make sure you can read who wrote the pass for the student. Take the time to ask the student for the name and write it on the pass if you cannot read the writing. Avoid putting bad kids in the front of the room where they are able to gain everyone’s attention. Put them toward the back of the room to minimize their ability to use disruptive behavior to get attention. Keep your eye on students – they can text message without even looking at their cell phone. Is there a student with his/her hands in a book bag, purse, or pocket that looks like he/she is paying attention? At the end of a test ask the students to answer a few questions like… Do you feel as if you were prepared to take this test? Why or why not?, How did you prepare for this test? (you might give a list of tasks to choose from), Do you wish you had done anything differently in your preparation?, What might help a student prepare for a test?, What grade do you think you earned on this test? Why?, Which question was the hardest? Why?, Which question was the easiest? Why?


• • • •

Model behaviors you want to see in your classroom. Use positive verbal comments and behaviors (listening, smiling, holding the door, waiting your turn) Students will pick up on even a hint of negativism and sarcasm. Be respectful. Let students know they are worth your time and effort, learn their names as quickly as possible, listen to their questions and concerns, and get to know them as individuals (using caution, of course). Be serious, with a touch of humor. Teens will shut down if you present yourself as a stern taskmaster, but do not try to be a comedian either. Balance and timing are important. Be friendly and invite students to work in your class. Welcome students to your class each day. Use “Please” and “Thank you.” When you receive corrective feedback from another teacher or administrator, don’t deny, defend, or minimize. Say, “I hadn’t thought about that. Thank you. You have given me something to consider for the next time I teach this lesson.” Then, take some time to think about it. Keep a file of positive memories, letters from students and parents, a good evaluation and anything else that will help cheer you up on a day when things aren't going so well. At the end of the year, ask your students to evaluate you. You might ask them to write a note to a student you will have next year. They could tell the student about you as a teacher & what to expect in your class. Take pictures of your students. Begin a scrapbook of class pictures with a list of names and final grades. You might include some facts about the year. You could use the scrapbook to highlight your professional reflection and growth. Before you use anyone’s work (PowerPoint or Word document), review it and “make it your own.” Always give credit to the original author. Do not submit work created by someone else for your formal evaluation.

Have $2 available for a student who needs lunch money. When the student pays you back, you have that $2 for the next student. If the student does not pay you back and another student needs money for lunch, explain that your emergency money has not yet been returned.

Begin a professional folder. Document any and all courses and workshops you attend. Keep all of this information with your resume, transcripts, Praxis scores, observation evaluations, etc.


Preparing for a Substitute Teacher • At the beginning of the school year, register with SubFinder. Keep a copy of SubFinder • • •

• •

instructions at home. Be sure your spouse or roommate knows who to call in case of an emergency. When you are absent, report the absence on eleave, call SubFinder, call or email the department/team leader, and person in charge of substitutes. Create a substitute teacher folder. Be sure that another teacher knows where you keep this information.

In your substitute folder, include a note of appreciation to the substitute for teaching your class, bell schedules identifying what you teach, class rosters, seating charts, names and numbers of helpful teachers, a description of class routines, names of reliable students in each class, classroom procedures and rules, and the location of classroom supplies. Highlight special information - there is no “break” during a blocked class, students must have a special pass to leave the classroom, etc. A substitute also needs to know about emergency procedures (fire drill, bad weather), extra duty assignments (with details about what is expected of them during this duty), and the location of the nearest bathroom. Include a Feedback Sheet for a record of attendance, a list of what students accomplished during each class, feedback on behavior, and any additional comments. What should students NOT do when you are gone? tests, quizzes, videos, computer lab activities Planned Absence: Write a detailed description of the work students should do during each class. Give the sub an idea of how long certain things should take. Be sure to leave more than enough work to keep students occupied. Have some extra ideas to use if they end up with time at the end of a class period (crossword puzzles, brainteasers, word puzzles, Bingo). Unplanned Absence: Create emergency lesson plans for unplanned absences. Have enough work for at least 2-3 days of emergency lesson plans. Choose work that students would be able to complete regardless of where you are in the course. Be sure you have enough copies for all students in your classes. Let other teachers know where everything is stored. Always assign some type of grade for the work students complete while you are absent. If students learn that you will not grade the work, they will be less likely to complete it when you are absent in the future - causing problems for future substitutes.



General Information for My Substitute Thank you for being my substitute today. I hope that you enjoy my students as much as I do and that you have a wonderful day. Students must be wearing their school ID to enter the classroom. Please stand at the door. Send students to _____ if they do not have an ID. Students may not eat or drink anything in this classroom. We do NOT take a break in the middle of block classes. In order to leave the classroom before the end of class (restroom), students must give up a Privilege Pass (sign your name over the Privilege Pass) and ask you to sign their agenda book pass log. Students may go to the nurse without giving you a Privilege Pass. They still need your signature in their agenda book pass log. Need Help? _______ is in room ______. If you need immediate assistance with a problem, and call (0) for the main office to send an administrator. EMERGENCY REQUIRING EVACUATION Take the EMERGENCY folder with you. Students are to take everything with them and meet their homeroom teacher on the football field or practice field. My homeroom meets on the back, left side of the football field (in front of the concession stand building) on the 20-yard line. My homeroom is to line up and stand on the yard-line at all times. Fill out the ACCOUNTABILITY FORM in the front of the EMERGENCY folder. WEATHER EMERGENCY Take the EMERGENCY folder with you. My class is to sit quietly in the hallway along the lockers just to the left of our door. Fill out the roster for the class located in the front of the EMERGENCY folder for the current class.

Helpful Students in each class: 1st period 2nd period – 3rd period – 4th period -



Bell Schedules for Teacher’s Classes 1-2nd Block – course 3-4th Block – course 5th Period – Planning with lunch after 5th period 6-7th Block – course Blocked classes do not take a break between periods. Students remain in the classroom for the entire time listed below. On Wednesday, I have lunch duty. I stand at the cafeteria end of B Hall. Students are not allowed to eat or stand in the hallway. Students may use the restrooms. Students are not to walk through the hallway to go outside.

Regular Schedule nd 1-2 8:40-10:24 th 3-4 10:29-12:10 th 5 12:15- 1:03 B lunch 1:03- 1:36 th 6-7 1:42- 3:23

Wednesday Schedule 1-2nd 3-4th 5th B lunch 6-7th

9:30 - 11:00 11:05 -12:32 12:37 - 1:18 1:18 - 1:51 1:56 - 3:23

Homeroom Schedule nd 1-2 8:40 - 10:15 HR 10:20 - 10:40 th 3-4 10:45 - 12:20 th 5 12:25 - 1:10 B lunch 1:10 - 1:43 th 7-8 1:48 - 3:23

I have a senior homeroom that meets when we are on the Home Room Bell Schedule.



Emergency Lesson Plans for Teacher 2008-2009 Neighboring teacher (classroom) or neighboring teacher (classroom) can locate emergency materials on the shelves behind my desk. Tell students that they “DO NOT WRITE ON THE TEST.” Students must use separate sheets of paper to do work for math problems and staple all paper to the back of their answer sheet. Assure students that all work will be graded. Emergency Plan for Day #1 Students in all classes will complete a practice SAT. Remind students not to write in the test booklets. Emergency Plan for Day #2 Students in all classes will complete a practice ACT. Remind students not to write in the test booklets. Emergency Plan for Day #3 Students in all classes will complete an Algebra 1 exam. Remind students not to write on the test.



Teacher: ________________________

Please list names of absent students on this sheet. In addition, students know what I expect of them when a substitute teacher visits our class. Please leave me any information you feel I need concerning each class.

1st-2nd Block Absent students:

Substitute’s comments about class:

3rd-4th Block Absent students:

Substitute’s comments about class:

6th-7th Block Absent students:

Substitute’s comments about class:



Substitute Lesson Plans for (date) Period: _____________

Class: _____________________

1) Warm-Up I have left you a transparency of warm-up problems. Trusted student has volunteered to facilitate the warm-up review. He will ask for volunteers to put each problem up on the board. Students will discuss the problems as necessary. If no student is able to show a specific problem or there is not agreement on a solution, ask students to remind me of that problem when I return. 2) Assignment Transparency – answers to homework If students have questions and need to see a problem worked out, usually a student can put the correct work on the board. If no student is able to show a specific problem, ask students to remind me of that problem when I return. Collect all completed assignments. 3) Distribute the practice sheets to students. Students may use their books, notes, and personal calculators to complete these problems. If any student has a question, Trusted student and trusted student have agreed to help. Collect the work as students finish. 4) Cumulative Practice When students complete the practice sheets, they should begin the cumulative practice worksheet. At the top of each individual sheet, record the time so that I will know how much of the worksheet each student should be able to complete. Collect all practice sheets at the end of the class period.  Absent Students:

Substitute Comments:






To Report an Absence To Review an Absence To Cancel an Absence To Review Personal Information To Leave the SubFinder System

1. Using a touch-tone phone, call SubFinder at 803-738-2944.




SubFinder will identify itself and ask you to enter your PIN (Personal Identification Number) followed by the # key. Typically, your PIN will be your Social Security Number. Enter your PIN using the touch pad of your telephone.

Press 1 Press 2 Press 3 Press 4 Press 9

MAIN MENU OPTION #1 TO REPORT AN ABSENCE When reporting an absence, SubFinder will ask you for the following information: 1. Date(s) and times of the absence 2. Reason for the absence 3. If a substitute is required for the absence 4. If there any special instructions for the substitute

Once you have entered your PIN and pressed the # key, SubFinder will acknowledge that this is the first time you have called and ask you to voice your name. Please say your name clearly, as you want it to be heard by other people using the system. When you are done speaking, press the # key. After pressing the # key, SubFinder will play your recorded name back to you for verification. If it is correct, press 1. If you want to re-record your name, press 2 and repeat this step again.

From the Main Menu

Press 1

SubFinder will play the ABSENCE MENU For all day today For all day the next work day To enter specific dates and times To return to the Main Menu

Once you have recorded your name and accepted it, SubFinder will play your Main Menu. Please choose option 4 - To Review Personal Information. If any of the information is incorrect, contact Substitute Supervisor at 803-738-3258 or [email protected] . For further information, please refer to your Employee Reference Card.

Press 1 Press 2 Press 3 Press 9

(1) FOR ALL DAY TODAY or (2) FOR ALL DAY THE NEXT WORK DAY From the Absence Menu For all day today For all day the next work day

Press 1 Press 2

SubFinder will play the absence date and times.

5. Congratulations, you are now registered! .

If correct Press 1 If incorrect Press 2

Remember, SubFinder only works from touch-tone telephones! TELEPHONE SHORTCUTS: Pressing 9 will take you back to the previous Menu. Pressing * will allow you to move to the next item when listening to a list of items, such as absences.




Please enter (voice) your grade level and/or subject area followed by the pound sign (#).

From the Absence Menu

If correct If incorrect

Step 1: Enter the first date of the absence (MMDD) followed by pound (#). To begin the absence today, press star (*).

Press 1 Press 2

Step 2: Enter the time the absence begins (HHMM) followed by pound (#). If the absence begins at the start of the workday, press star (*). If you enter a specific time:

If grade level is already voiced employee will hear : Your grade level is To change your grade level Press 1 Otherwise Press 2 If you press 1, SubFinder will revert you back to the first step (see above) for entering the grade level.

For A.M. For P.M.

Step 4: Enter the time the absence ends (HHMM) followed by pound (#). If the absence ends at the end of the workday, press star (*). If you enter a specific time:

ENTER THE ABSENCE REASON SubFinder will play a list of absence reasons. Press the number of the appropriate reason followed by pound (#). SubFinder will repeat the reason.

For A.M. For P.M.

If correct If incorrect

Press 1 Press 2

PLEASE NOTE: When reporting a multiple-day absence, you will be asked to use the Employee’s Schedule (the absence will follow the employee’s standard work times) or the Same Times Every Day (the absence will be reported for the same times each day of the absence).

If a sub is required for the entire absence Press 1 If a sub is not required for the absence Press 3 RECORD SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS Press 1 Press 2


If you press 1, record a short message after the tone. When you are finished, press pound (#). SubFinder will repeat the message. If correct If incorrect

Press 1 Press 2

SubFinder will repeat the date(s) and times of the absence.

Press 1 Press 2


To record special instructions Otherwise

Press 1 Press 2

Step 3: Enter the last date of the absence (MMDD) followed by pound (#). For a single day absence, press star (*).

If you press 2, SubFinder will continue on through the proper menu options.

If correct If incorrect

Press 3


Press 1 Press 2





Enter the job # followed by pound (#). SubFinder will play the absence.

From the Main Menu

Press 2 To cancel the absence To return to the Main Menu

SubFinder will play all your scheduled absences, if any exist, beginning with the next scheduled and moving forward. After each absence you will be given some of the following options: To hear the absence again To hear the next absence To cancel this absence To change the special instructions To record special instructions To return to the Main Menu

If you press 1, SubFinder will ask for confirmation.

Press 2 Press 3 Press 4 Press 5 Press 6 Press 9

To confirm the cancellation Otherwise

From the Main Menu

Option #5 will only be available if you originally recorded Special Instructions. If you press 5, record the new message after the tone. When you are finished, press pound (#). SubFinder will repeat the message.

To record your name To record your itinerant message To return to the Main Menu

Press 1 Press 2

Press 1 Press 3 Press 9

If you press 1, wait for the tone and record your name. When you are finished, press pound (#). SubFinder will repeat your name.

Option #6 will only be available if you did not originally record Special Instructions. If you press 6, record the message after the tone. When you are finished, press pound (#). SubFinder will repeat the message. If correct Press 1 If incorrect Press 2

If correct If incorrect

Press 1 Press 2

Option #3 will only be available if you are set up within SubFinder as an itinerant employee. If you press 3, wait for the tone and record your itinerant message - usually your schedule for the week. When you are finished, press pound (#). SubFinder will repeat your message.


Press 4

SubFinder will provide you with the following information: your home site, your standard work times, your primary job position, your SubFinder –assigned ID number (used only when your administrator needs to create an absence for you), and your name as recorded. To change your home site, work times, or primary job position, contact your supervisor.

Press 1 Press 2

If correct If incorrect

Press 1 Press 2


Option #4 will only be available if you are calling prior to the cancellation deadline established by your district. If you press 4, SubFinder will ask for confirmation. To confirm cancellation Otherwise

Press 1 Press 9

If correct If incorrect

Press 3

Subfinder: (803) 738-2944 SubFinder Online: WebConnect


Press 1 Press 2

Web Sites A web site for new teachers A web site for graph paper A web site for interactive activities “What do you know about math?” song Interactive quizzes (several Algebra EOC Exams) Interactive Tests Geometry Crossword Puzzle factoring using the TI-83 Calculator Algebra 1 Activities Math Activities Math Games, Logic Puzzles, Math Videos (Millionaire) Math Videos “What You Know About Math? Video Multiplication “Trick” – Math Genius! Lesson Videos McDougal Littell Web Site The Futures Channel – Algebra in the real world, hands-on math, Jaime Escalante, Problem Solving Brain Pop – Video and Interactive Quiz


SMARTBoard Web site (get lessons and ideas) National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Activities, Lessons, Online Resources Lesson Activities Discovery Education Teachley's Amazing Talking Brain (Tell how the brain works with learning) Technological Support for Differentiated Instruction (Links to tools for creating surveys, and changing content, process and products) Understanding by Design Exchange (Primer on UBD) Differentiated Instruction from Project ACT (Contains primer on DI and definitions on strategies) National Conference on DI: DI Resources (Has links to reproducible sheets to use to DI) FCPSTeach Curriculum Resources (Reproducibles for, not just, gifted students) Videos ClipArt for Educators Inattentive Blindness – Your brain cannot multitask Internet for Classrooms Homework Web Link for High School Fantasy Sports and Mathematics

54 The Gateway to Educational MaterialsSM is a Consortium effort to provide educators with quick and easy access to thousands of educational resources found on various federal, state, university, non-profit, and commercial Internet sites. FREE Web Site Federal Resources for Educational Excellence. FREE offers quick access to more than 1,500 resources in the arts, sciences, history and other subjects from the Library of Congress, National Archives, Smithsonian, NASA, the National Science Foundation and other federal agencies. Mathematics Across the Curriculum -- Materials for teaching math in art, history, literature and music, as well as science, engineering and other disciplines traditionally associated with math Instructional Television Right Brain – Left Brain Connection National Library of Virtual Manipulatives Kaleidoscope Painter 10 Best Practices in Mathematics Instruction Jefferson County Public Schools in Colorado provides this short list of attributes adapted from Improving Student Achievement in Mathematics. Best Practice in Mathematics: Using Test Results to Inform Instruction and Improve Student Achievement "An assessment consultant advises teachers on how they can ensure that data from standardized tests will inform their instruction and classroom assessments." Curious and Useful Math This site is loaded with tricks and rules for quickly calculating certain types of math problems. There are also some entertaining trivia and math facts. Ask a question or participate in the online forum. PBS Mathline To view lesson plans and activities, select a grade range and topic. Teachers can get quick access to their most relevant content for subject, grade level, and location by personalizing this site. Connected Math Help students develop an "understanding of important concepts, skills, procedures, and ways of thinking and reasoning in number, geometry, measurement, algebra, probability, and statistics." Secondary Math for SMARTBoard Users


Got a student whose work that did on a home computer will not open here at school? Finally, there is an answer. is a free set of software that will allow all users to work on their computer and save them in any format. This could be a great resource for our students that don't have MSOffice at home. Check it out at Reflective Teaching Reflective Teaching: Situating Our Stories Professor Kathleen Bailey describes how reflective teaching, or monitoring and critiquing your own teaching practices, contributes to your professional development. Mentoring Teachers: A Handbook for Reflective Teaching Designed for the new and student teacher, this handbook summary asks teachers to "think about what we wish to accomplish in the classroom, why we have chosen these goals, and how we wish to achieve these goals." Learn how to set benchmarks before teaching, study methods of observation, and practice keeping a journal. Reflective Teaching: Exploring Our Own Classroom Practice Methods explored on this site include writing a teacher diary, peer observation, collecting student feedback, and video recording your lessons. ERIC Digest: Reflective Practice and Professional Development. This article reviews the concept, techniques for, and benefits of reflective practice. Reflective Teaching: Reflection-on-Action on Teachers' Practices Fernando M. S. Alexandre presents his thoughts on reflective teaching from the Teachers' Training Seminar in Mallorca, Spain. What Makes a Good Teacher? Marie F. Hassett believes that "when we're being honest, we admit that good teaching often has less to do with our knowledge and skills than with our attitude towards our students, our subject, and our work." What Makes a Good Teacher? Children from 50 countries aged 8-12 contributed their opinions in this article. You can also submit your ideas on the topic. Attention, Class: 16 Ways to Be a Smarter Teacher Good teachers need to be doers. Here are some tips to help teachers to be more effective in guiding their students. What Qualities Do Principals Look for in a New Teacher? School principals weigh in on what makes a good teacher in this Education World Article. Most say passion is the key! Setting the Stage for Learning from Teaching Teacher quality: does it matter? Good schools and good teachers really do make a difference.


Creating a Teacher Mentoring Program The NEA Foundation for the Improvement of Education offers advice on developing new or improving existing mentor programs. Contents include Creating the Climate, Context, and Structure for Effective Mentoring; Selecting, Training, and Supporting Mentors; and What Protégés Need from Mentors. Teachers Network: New Teachers Online Meet the Web Mentors, veteran teachers that guide discussions on a variety of topics. Click New Teacher Helpline or How To, and find information on classroom management, working with students' families, literacy instruction, as well as implementing standards, curriculum, and assessment. Edutopia Online: The Big List on Mentoring Scroll down this excellent compilation of articles, including The Good Mentor; Mentoring: Recent Research Highlights; Reflections: What Constitutes a Good Mentoring Relationship; Perspectives on Mentoring; and Teachers Supporting Teachers. Program Design: Collaboration Through Mentoring and Peer Coaching This site defines mentoring and provides tips for, and characteristics of, effective mentors. Mentoring the Mentor: A Challenge for Staff Development Find detailed information on the challenges that schools face in implementing a mentoring program for novice teachers. Jeopardy, Weakest Link, Hollywood Squares, and who wants to be a millionaire powerpoint games with music. COOL! NCTM Illuminations The Illuminations Web site was developed by NCTM to help educators implement the NCTM Standards. Browse the site for lesson plans, classroom videos, and a wide range of tools and resources. Math Explorations,,NAV2,00.html This site is for serious math hobbyists only! If you or your star pupil hungers for some really challenging math problems, this extensive collection is a valuable resource. This site has organized online math resources for students, teachers, and parents. Find links to homework help, free math lessons, family math projects, and solutions for everyday math problems. Review Basic Math, Geometry, Algebra, Calculus, Trigonometry, and Statistics. Math Problems & Puzzles The Math Forum scouts sites to make it easy for teachers to find the resources available for their own purposes. This site contains a large collection of links to puzzles and problems. Real-World Math & Science This site from the Eisenhower National Clearinghouse is a good starting point for exploring Internet projects and other resources that bring the real-world into the classroom.


Edutopia Online: The Big List on Technology Integration The George Lucas Educational Foundation (GLEF) offers courseware modules, articles, interviews, professional organizations, and resources to show teachers how to weave computers into the curriculum. Best Practices of Technology Integration Access K-12 lessons that use technology. Written by practicing teachers and "kid-tested", the lessons encompass Fine Arts, Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Special Education, and Technology. Technology Integration: Unit Planning What does the research say about using technology effectively? This site reviews how to design an effective technology lesson, construct the assessment, identify instructional resources, and plan for classroom management. Technology Integration Linda Burkhart provides guidelines, tip sheets, interactive projects, and strategies for K-8 students and special needs students. Topics include the one computer classroom, utilizing Web information, assistive technology, and instructional uses of the Internet. Technology Integration Projects for Students This site lists various ways to use computers, such as conduct research, dialog with experts, publish products, discuss ideas, use multimedia resources, enhance project-based learning, and reform learning. Each category has supporting Web sites. Technology Integration This site holds a wealth of information from keyboarding lessons and game templates to classroom applications using a digital camera and software tutorials. Also available are virtual activities, Web page design tips, links to student sites, and how to use Windows and interactive whiteboards. Here's a preview of the upcoming Games! These sites can be integrated into math, history, science, and language arts lessons. Athens 2004 This August 13 through August 29, the Olympic Games will be held in Athens, Greece. Site of the ancient Olympics and the first modern Olympics in 1896, Athens promises to be a spectacular host city! Click Olympic Games for history and events. Click Athens Guide for city treasures. Follow the international route of the torch relay! Official Web Site of the Olympic Movement Click Athletes for biographies of Olympic competitors. Click Olympic Games for facts about the past winter and summer Olympics. Olympics Through Time This site discusses the origin of the Olympic Games, their importance, and how they emerged into the modern Olympics. Olympic Curriculum Guide The Amateur Athletic Foundation of Los Angeles has created a resource for teachers with Olympic-


themed lesson plans in health and physical education; social studies and geography; mathematics and science; and language arts. The Ancient Olympics Take a tour of ancient Olympia and learn about some of the ancient games and the requirements athletes needed to meet in order to participate. Go to this website. select "java model" beneath the figure. you can rotate it on screen and see different aspects of the shape.

59 I Love This Game! Finding the median. Math League Baseball Use baseball to learn statistics. National Center for Education Statistics Games, quizzes and searches about statistics. Who's on First? Find the batting average. Has everyone see this: On this page there is a red box and it has a link for a teacher's guide for the Algebra I EOC test March 14 is Pi Day. Pi Mathematics Pi Day on the "Math with Mr. Hete" Web site Pi Pages on the Internet The Pi Trivia Game A History of Pi Pi Day sites from the Math Forum Discovering Pi


Student Motivation To Learn Review how the motivation to learn can be fostered in school. Find out how to help unmotivated students with attribution retraining. Tools for Teaching: Motivating Students This article lists key features that enhance student motivation. They include making students active participants in learning as they set achievable goals for themselves, giving students feedback as quickly as possible, and emphasizing mastery and learning rather than grades. Seizing the Days: Engaging All Learners K-12 teachers can learn new instructional skills as they study the science of learning and how the brain works. Create the conditions for your learners to find motivation within themselves. Dimensions of Learning: Teacher's Manual This overview challenges readers to rethink conventional views on such matters as student motivation and reward systems, and the relationship between thinking skills and content knowledge. The Jigsaw Classroom Visit the Jigsaw Classroom, a cooperative learning technique that claims to reduce racial conflict among school children, promote better learning, improve student motivation, and increase enjoyment of the learning experience. Read about issues involved in developing assessments. Critical Issues in Assessment Learn how to integrate assessment and instruction. Assessing Assessment: Are Alternative Methods Making the Grade? cations/curr_update/2002spring/franklin.html Read an excellent overview and survey of alternative assessment methods and instruments. The author is a strong supporter of the use of this type of assessment. What is Authentic Assessment? This thorough site gives a definition for authentic assessment and also how it is different from traditional assessment. Ongoing Assessment Review these resources from Harvard University on the topic of ongoing assessment of students. Using Technology for Ongoing Assessment Use technology to make ongoing assessment of your students more efficient.


Pi Day - March 14 (3.14) See for ideas - Your class could create a display about Pi (ex. cut out circles, decorate them as pies, measure diameter, and calculate circumference to display, write out facts about pi...) March Madness - NCAA basketball tournament - This is when the top 64 American college teams are selected for a tournament that results in the national championship. I found a webquest that had some interesting activities for the students - they gather statistics about the teams that are involved, calculate what fraction/percent of teams are eliminated after each round, calculate probabilities... Your students could create a display featuring basketball pictures, the tournament bracket, some of their work, etc.... Miriam Webster now has a visual online dictionary. You can order the Notetaker system (cover binder and paper refill pack): Rochester Institute of Technology/Campus Connections Building 15, 48 Lomb Memorial Drive; Rochester, NY 14623-5604 Tel: 585-475-2504; Fax: 585-475-6499


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