New Seven Tools 1

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  • Words: 3,548
  • Pages: 69
The New Seven Q.C. Tools A Training Presentation on the N7

By Christopher Diaz

What are the

New Seven Q.C. Tools

Affinity Diagrams

Relations Diagrams

Tree Diagrams

Matrix Diagrams

Arrow Diagrams ❻ Process Decision Program Charts ❼ Matrix Data Analysis ❺

History of the

New Seven Q.C. Tools Slide 1 0f 2

Committee of J.U.S.E. - 1972

Aim was to develop more QC techniques with design approach

Work in conjunction with original Basic Seven Tools

New set of methods (N7) - 1977

History of the

New Seven Q.C. Tools Slide 2 0f 2

Developed to organize verbal data diagrammatically.

Basic 7 tools effective for data analysis, process control, and quality improvement (numerical data)

Used together increases TQM effectiveness

What are the

Basic Seven Q.C. Tools?

Flow Charts

Run Charts


Pareto Diagrams

Cause and Effect Diagrams ❻ Scatter Diagrams ❺

Control Charts

Relation Between New Seven Q.C. Tools and Basic Seven Tools

Define problem after collecting numerical data

•Analytical approach

Define problem before collecting numerical data

•Generate Ideas •Formulate plans

Source: Nayatani, Y., The Seven New QC Tools (Tokyo, Japan, 3A Corporation, 1984)

Benefits of Incorporating

New Seven Q.C. Tools

Slide 1 0f 4

Enhanced Capabilities ❶ Organize verbal data ❷ Generate ideas ❸ Improve planning ❹ Eliminate errors and omissions ❺ Explain problems intelligibly ❻ Secure full cooperation ❼ Persuade powerfully

Benefits of Incorporating

New Seven Q.C. Tools

Slide 2 0f 4

Enhanced Keys to Organizational ❶ Reform Assess situations from various ❷ angles Clarify the desired situation ❸ Prioritize tasks effectively ❹ Proceed systematically ❺ Anticipate future events ❻ Change proactively ❼ Get things right the first time

Benefits of Incorporating

New Seven Q.C. Tools

Slide 3 0f 4

Five Objectives of Organizational Reform which will establish ❶ Identifies problemsa Culture that: ❷ Gives importance to planning ❸ Stresses the importance of the ❹ Prioritizes process tasks ❺ Encourages everyone to think systematically

Benefits of Incorporating

New Seven Q.C. Tools

Slide 4 0f 4

Unstructured Problem The Seven New Tools

Problem is in solvable form Source: Nayatani, Y., The Seven New QC Tools (Tokyo, Japan, 3A Corporation, 1984)

New Seven Q.C. Tools

Affinity Diagrams Slide 1 0f 7

For Pinpointing the Problem in a Chaotic Situation and Generating ➲ Gathers large amountsSolution of Strategies

intertwined verbal data

(ideas, opinions,


Organizes the data into groups based on natural relationship

Makes it feasible for further analysis and to find a solution to

New Seven Q.C. Tools

Affinity Diagrams Slide 2 0f 7

Advantages of Affinity Diagrams ➲

Facilitates breakthrough thinking and stimulate fresh ideas

Permits the problem to be pinned down accurately

Ensures everyone clearly recognizes the problem

Incorporates opinions of entire group

New Seven Q.C. Tools

Affinity Diagrams Slide 3 0f 7

Advantages of Affinity Diagrams


Fosters team spirit

Raises everyone’s level of awareness

Spurs to the group into action Topic

New Seven Q.C. Tools

Affinity Diagrams Slide 4 0f 7

Constructing an Affinity Diagram Group Method Approach

Select a topic ❷ Collect verbal data by ❸ brainstorming Discuss info collected until everyone understands it ❹ Write thoroughly each item on separate data ❺ card Spread out all cards on table ❶

New Seven Q.C. Tools

Affinity Diagrams Slide 5 0f 7

Constructing an Affinity Diagram Group Method Approach


Move data cards into groups of similar themes (natural affinity for each ❼ other) Combine statements on data cards to new Affinity statement ❽ Make new card with Affinity ❾ Continue statementto combine until less than 5 groups ❻

New Seven Q.C. Tools

Affinity Diagrams Slide 6 0f 7

Constructing an Affinity Diagram Group Method Approach


Lay the groups outs, keeping the affinity clusters together Next, complete the diagram ❿

New Seven Q.C. Tools

Affinity Diagrams Slide 7 0f 7

Completing an Affinity Diagram Topic

Source: Nayatani, Y., The Seven New QC Tools (Tokyo, Japan, 3A Corporation, 1984)

New Seven Q.C. Tools

Relations Diagrams Slide 1 0f 7

For Finding Solutions Strategies by Clarifying Relationships with Complex Interrelated ➲ Resolves tangled issues by Causes

unraveling the logical connection

Allows for “Multi-directional” thinking rather than linear

Also known as Interrelationship diagrams

New Seven Q.C. Tools

Relations Diagrams Slide 2 0f 7

Advantages of Relations Diagrams ➲

Useful at planning stage for obtaining perspective on overall situation

Facilitates consensus among team

Assists to develop and change people’s thinking

Enables priorities to be identified accurately

New Seven Q.C. Tools

Relations Diagrams Slide 3 0f 7

Advantages of Relations Diagrams (cont.) ➲ Makes the problem recognizable by clarifying the relationships among causes Primary Cause Primary Cause Why doesn’t X happen?

Primary Cause

Primary Cause

New Seven Q.C. Tools

Relations Diagrams Slide 4 0f 7

Constructing a Relations Diagram Group Method Approach

Express the problem in form of “Why isn’t something happening?” ❷ Each member lists 5 causes affecting problem ❸ Write each item on a card ❹ Discuss info collected until everyone understands it thoroughly ❶

New Seven Q.C. Tools

Relations Diagrams Slide 5 0f 7

Constructing a Relations Diagram Group Method Approach


Move cards into similar groups ❻ Asking why, explore the causeeffect relationships, and divide the cards into primary, secondary and ❼ tertiary Connectcauses all cards by these ❺

relationships Further discuss until all possible causes have been identified

New Seven Q.C. Tools

Relations Diagrams Slide 6 0f 7

Constructing a Relations Diagram Group Method Approach


Review whole diagram looking for relationships among causes ❿ Connect all related groups ❾

Next, complete the diagram

New Seven Q.C. Tools

Relations Diagrams Slide 7 0f 7

Completing a Relations Diagram Primary Cause Primary Cause Why doesn’t X happen?

Primary Cause

Primary Cause

Source: Nayatani, Y., The Seven New QC Tools (Tokyo, Japan, 3A Corporation, 1984)

New Seven Q.C. Tools

Tree Diagrams Slide 1 0f 5

For Systematically Pursuing the Best Strategies for Attaining an Objective ➲

Develops a succession of strategies for achieving objectives

Reveals methods to achieve the results.

Also known as Systematic diagrams or Dendrograms

New Seven Q.C. Tools

Tree Diagrams Slide 2 0f 5

➲ ➲

Advantages of Tree Diagrams Systematic and logical approach is less likely that items are omitted Facilitates agreement among team Are extremely convincing with strategies

To Accomplish Constraints

New Seven Q.C. Tools

Tree Diagrams Slide 3 0f 5

Constructing a Tree Diagram Group Method Approach

Write Relations Diagram topic (Objective card)

Identify constraints on how objective can be achieved ❸ Discuss means of achieving objective (primary means, first level ❹ Take each primary mean, write strategy) ob-jective for achieving it (secondary ❷

New Seven Q.C. Tools

Tree Diagrams Slide 4 0f 5

Constructing an Tree Diagram Group Method Approach


Continue to expand to the fourth ❻ level Review each system of means in both directions (from objective to means ❺

and means to objective)

Add more cards if needed ❽ Connect all levels Next, complete the diagram ❼

New Seven Q.C. Tools

Tree Diagrams Slide 5 0f 5

Completing a Tree Diagram

To Accomplish

Constraints Source: Nayatani, Y., The Seven New QC Tools (Tokyo, Japan, 3A Corporation, 1984)

New Seven Q.C. Tools

Matrix Diagrams Slide 1 0f 7

For Clarifying Problems by “Thinking Multidimensionally” ➲

Consists of a two-dimensional array to determine location and nature of problem

Discovers key ideas by relationships represented by the cells in matrix.

New Seven Q.C. Tools

Matrix Diagrams Slide 2 0f 7

Advantages of Matrix Diagrams Enable data on ideas based on extensive experience Clarifies relationships among different elements Makes overall structure of problem immediately obvious Combined from two to four types of diagrams, location of problem is

New Seven Q.C. Tools

Matrix Diagrams Slide 3 0f 7

means diagram means diagram means diagram means diagram means diagram means diagram means diagram

QC circle supporter

=4 =5 =6

Principa l


Subsidia ry








Hold 4 times/month




At every meeting



Site QC circle

level Tree level Tree level Tree level Tree level Tree level Tree level Tree









1 4



Re sponsibilitie s Manager

Evalua tion

4th from 4th from 4th from 4th from 4th from 4th from 4th from



=1 =2 =3






Advantages of Matrix Diagrams (cont.) 5 types: L-shaped, T-shaped, Yshaped, X-shaped, and C-shaped

Re ma rks


At least 3 times/year/person


New Seven Q.C. Tools

Matrix Diagrams Slide 4 0f 7

Constructing a Matrix Diagram

Write final-level means from Tree diagram forming vertical axis ❷ Write in Evaluation categories (efficacy, practicability, and rank) on ❸ horizontal axis. Examine final-level means to identify whom will implement them ❹ Write names along horizontal axis ❶

New Seven Q.C. Tools

Matrix Diagrams Slide 5 0f 7

Constructing a Matrix Diagram


Label group of columns as ❻ “Responsibilities” Label right-hand end of horizontal axis as “Remarks” ❼ Examine each cell and insert the appropriate symbol: ❺

Efficacy: O=good, =satisfactory, X=none Practicability: O=good, =satisfactory, X=none

New Seven Q.C. Tools

Matrix Diagrams Slide 6 0f 7

Constructing a Matrix Diagram


Determine score for each combination of symbols, record in ❾ rank column Examine cells under Responsibility Columns, insert double-circle for Principal and single-circle for ❿ Subsidiary Fill out remarks column and record meanings of symbol Next, complete the diagram ❽

New Seven Q.C. Tools

Matrix Diagrams Slide 7 0f 7

Completing a Matrix Diagram

means diagram means diagram means diagram means diagram means diagram means diagram means diagram means diagram means diagram means diagram

QC circle supporter

Principa l



Site QC circle

level Tree level Tree level Tree level Tree level Tree level Tree level Tree level Tree level Tree level Tree

=4 =5 =6









Hold 4 times/month




At every meeting








1 4






Re sponsibilitie s


Eva luation

4th from 4th from 4th from 4th from 4th from 4th from 4th from 4th from 4th from 4th from




=1 =2 =3






At least 3 times/year/person










Re ma rks

O Source: Nayatani, Y., The Seven New QC Tools (Tokyo, Japan, 3A Corporation, 1984)

New Seven Q.C. Tools

Arrow Diagrams Slide 1 0f 7

For Working Out Optimal Schedules and Controlling Them Effectively ➲

Shows relationships among tasks needed to implement a plan

Network technique using nodes for events and arrows for activities

Used in PERT

(Program Evaluation and

Review Technique)

and CPM (Critical Path

New Seven Q.C. Tools

Arrow Diagrams Slide 2 0f 7

Advantages of Arrow Diagrams ➲

Allows overall task to viewed and potential snags to be identified before work starts

Leads to discovery of possible improvements

Makes it easy to monitor progress of work

New Seven Q.C. Tools

Arrow Diagrams Slide 3 0f 7

Advantages of Arrow Diagrams Promotes understanding and agreement among group Strategy



New Seven Q.C. Tools

Arrow Diagrams Slide 4 0f 7

Constructing an Arrow Diagram

From strategies on Tree diagram, select one (Objective of Arrow Diagram) ❷ Identify constraints to Objective ❸ List all activities necessary to achieving Objective ❹ Write all essential activities on separate cards ❶

New Seven Q.C. Tools

Arrow Diagrams Slide 5 0f 7

Constructing an Arrow Diagram


Organize cards in sequential order of activities ❻ Remove any duplicate activities ❼ Review order of activities, find sequence with greatest amount of activities ❽ Arrange parallel activities ❺

New Seven Q.C. Tools

Arrow Diagrams Slide 6 0f 7

Constructing an Arrow Diagram


Examine path, number nodes in sequence from left to right ❿ Record names and other necessary information ❾

Next, complete the diagram

New Seven Q.C. Tools

Arrow Diagrams Slide 7 0f 7

Completing an Arrow Diagram Strategy


Source: Nayatani, Y., The Seven New QC Tools (Tokyo, Japan, 3A Corporation, 1984)

New Seven Q.C. Tools

Process Decisions Program Charts

Slide 1 0f 7

For Producing the Desired Result from Many Possible Outcomes ➲

Used to plan various contingencies

Used for getting activities back on track

Steers events in required direction if unanticipated problems occur

Finds feasible counter measures to

New Seven Q.C. Tools

Process Decisions Program Charts

Slide 2 0f 7

➲ ➲ ➲ ➲

Advantages of Process Decisions Program Charts (PDPC’s) Facilitates forecasting Uses past to anticipate contingencies Enables problems to pinpointed Illustrates how events will be directed to successful conclusion Enables those involved to understand decision-makers intentions

New Seven Q.C. Tools

Process Decisions Program Charts

Slide 3 0f 7

➲ ➲

Advantages of PDPC’s (cont.) Fosters cooperation and communication in group Easily modified and easily understood Start NO










New Seven Q.C. Tools

Process Decisions Program Charts

Slide 4 0f 7

Constructing a PDPC

Select a highly effective, but difficult strategy from the Tree ❷ Decide diagramon a goal (most desirable ❸ outcome) Identify existing situation (Starting point) ❹ Identify constraints of objective ❺ List activities to reach goal and potential problems with each activity ❶

New Seven Q.C. Tools

Process Decisions Program Charts

Slide 5 0f 7

Constructing an PDPC


Review list. Add extra activities or problems not thought of previously ❼ Prepare contingency plan for each step and review what action is needed if step is not achieved ❽ Examine carefully to check for inconsistencies and all important factors are included ❻

New Seven Q.C. Tools

Process Decisions Program Charts

Slide 6 0f 7

Constructing an PDPC ❾


Examine to make sure all contingency plans are adequate

Next, complete the diagram

New Seven Q.C. Tools

Process Decisions Program Charts Completing a PDPC



Slide 7 0f 7






GOAL Source: Nayatani, Y., The Seven New QC Tools (Tokyo, Japan, 3A Corporation, 1984)

New Seven Q.C. Tools

Matrix Data Analysis Slide 1 0f 6

Principal Component Analysis ➲

Technique quantifies and arranges data presented in Matrix

Based solely on numerical data

Finds indicators that differentiate and attempt to clarify large amount of information

New Seven Q.C. Tools

Matrix Data Analysis Slide 2 0f 6

Advantages of Principal Component Analysis Can be used in various fields (market surveys, new product planning, process analysis)

Can be when used when Matrix diagram does not give sufficient information

Useful as Prioritization Grid

New Seven Q.C. Tools

Matrix Data Analysis Slide 3 0f 6

Constructing a Prioritization Grid Source: Foster, S., Managing Quality (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2001)

Determine your goal, your alternatives, and criteria for ❷ Place decision selection in order of ❸ importance Apply percentage weight to each option (all weights should add up to 1) ❹ Sum individual ratings to establish overall ranking (Divide by number of ❶

options for average ranking)

New Seven Q.C. Tools

Matrix Data Analysis Slide 4 0f 6

Constructing a Prioritization Grid ❺


Rank order each option with respect to criterion (Average the rankings and apply a completed ranking)

Multiply weight by associated rank in Matrix (in example, 4 is best, 1 is worst) ❼ Result is Importance Score ❽ Add up Importance Scores for each option

New Seven Q.C. Tools

Matrix Data Analysis Slide 5 0f 6

Constructing a Prioritization Grid ❾

Rank order the alternatives according to importance

See completed the diagram


New Seven Q.C. Tools

Matrix Data Analysis Slide 6 0f 6

Completing a Prioritization Grid Criteria

Customer Acceptance (most important)

Strength Importance Option Reliability (least important) Sum Score Ranking


Design A Percentage weight Rank Importance score

.40 4 1.6

.30 3 .90

.20 3 .60

.10 1 .10


1 (tie)

Design B Percentage weight Rank Importance score

.30 3 .90

.40 4 1.6

.10 1 .10

.20 2 .40



Design C Percentage weight Rank Importance score

.25 1 .25

.25 2 .50

.25 4 1

.25 3 .75



Design D Percentage weight Rank Importance score

0.3 3 .90

.10 1 .10

.20 3 .60

.40 4 1.6


1 (tie)

Sum of weights Average weight Criterion Ranking

1.25 .31 1

1.05 .26 2

.75 .19 4

.95 .24 3


Source: Foster, S., Managing Quality (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2001)


New Seven Q.C. Tools

Affinity Diagrams

Relations Diagrams

Tree Diagrams

Matrix Diagrams

Arrow Diagrams ❻ Process Decision Program Charts ❼ Matrix Data Analysis ❺

Keys to Successfully Using the

New Seven Q.C. Tools

Slide 1 0f 5

Mental Attitudes - Keen awareness to the actual problem - Eagerness to solve problem - Be highly motivated for the challenge

Four Specific Keys ❶ ❷ ❸ ❹

Understand the problem Select the right tool for the job Obtain appropriate verbal data Interpret analytical results

Keys to Successfully Using the

New Seven Q.C. Tools

Slide 2 0f 5

4 Specific Keys ❶

Understand the problem Stage 1 - problem is unclear and not obvious what exact issue should be addressed Stage 2 - problem is obvious, but causes unknown explore causes and single out valid ones Stage 3 - problem and causes are known

Keys to Successfully Using the

New Seven Q.C. Tools 4 Specific Keys

Slide 3 0f 5


Selecting Right tool for the Job Stage 1 - Collect verbal information on events (Affinity Diagram) Stage 2 - Choose tool to identify causes (Relations Diagram / Matrix Diagram) Stage 3 - List strategies and activities (Tree Diagram / Relations Diagram) Plan actual activities

Keys to Successfully Using the

New Seven Q.C. Tools 4 Specific Keys

Slide 4 0f 5


Obtaining appropriate verbal data Three types of verbal data: - Facts; factual observations expressed in words - Opinions; factual information colored by opinion - Ideas; New concepts created by analyzing facts .Group

Discussions: - Ensures common understanding - All data should be without bias or distortion - Data should fit objective of the analysis

Keys to Successfully Using the

New Seven Q.C. Tools 4 Specific Keys

Slide 5 0f 5


Interpreting Analytical Results Information must be obtained for accomplishing objectives from: - Completed diagrams; or - Process of completing diagrams Analyze actual information obtained: - Prepare summarized report with findings, conclusions, and processes used - Check if necessary data has been obtained, if not

Practical Application of

New Seven Q.C. Tools

Slide 1 0f 5

Example; Relations Diagram ”Abilities Required for Applying New Seven QC Tools” Complete the following Relations

Diagram - Review notes for clarity - Get in groups of 4-5 per table

(work as a


- Topic - “Using the New Seven QC Tools skillfully”

- “Cause cards”- will be provided categorized)


Practical Application of

New Seven Q.C. Tools

Slide 2 0f 5

”Abilities Required for Applying New Seven QC Tools”

Primary Cause

Primary Cause

Use N7 Skillfully

Primary Cause

Source: Foster, S., Managing Quality (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2001)

Primary Cause

Practical Application of

New Seven Q.C. Tools


Slide 3 0f 5

”Abilities Required for Applying New Seven QC Tools” Cause (hints areseriousness in yellow) of problem Interpret data clearlyStatements N Understand Select appropriate tool Think systematically Give opinions Know what the problem is Extract necessary information Collect reliable verbal data Think multidimensionally Obtain facts Interpret analytical results Generate ideas Know that distorted data is useless Grasp overall pictured


Think flexibly from various standpoints Obtain appropriate verbal data Expose core of problem Communicate well Accurately understand real problem Have excellent intuition See to heart of problem Select appropriate type of verbal data Think in terms of word-based diagram Express genuine thoughts Hear and respect other's opinions Generate highly accurate verbal data

Practical Application of

New Seven Q.C. Tools

Slide 4 0f 5

”Abilities Required for Applying New Seven QC Tools”

Primary Cause

Primary Cause

Use N7 Skillfully

Primary Cause

Source: Foster, S., Managing Quality (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2001)


Practical Application of

New Seven Q.C. Tools

Slide 5 0f 5

Solution for ”Abilities Required for Applying New Seven QC Tools”


Source: Foster, S., Managing Quality (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2001)

Use N7 Skillfully



New Seven Q.C. Tools

Benefits of New Seven Q.C. Tools 1- Provide Training in Thinking 2- Raise People’s Problem Solving Confidence 3- Increase People’s Ability to Predict Future Events

Roles of New Seven Q.C. Tools 12345-

Express verbal data diagrammatically Make information visible Organize information intelligibly Clarify overall picture and fine details Get more people involved

Bibliography Foster, Thomas. Managing Quality. An Integrative Approach. Upper Saddle River : Prentice Hall, 2001. Nayatani, Yoshingobu, Eiga, Toru, Futami, Ryoji, Miyagawa, Hiroyuki, and Loftus, John. The Seven New QC Tools: Practical Applications for Managers. Tokyo : 3A Corporation, 1994. “TQM: The 9 TQM Tools.” Internet

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