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Neraca Panas 1. mixer fungsi : mencampur recycle xylene dengan fresh toluene tujuan : menghitung suhu campuran keluar mixer (T2)

a.menghitung Q1 T in =303K T ref =298K komponen tol para meta orto

n kmol 2074,980265 9,09411215 5,45646729 3,63764486

int Cp L .dt 789,23244 5338879,50199 915,24944 938,36159


n Cp dT (kJ) 1637641,729 48552368,96 4994,028632 3413,426202 50198418,15

b.menghitung Q 25 panas toluene dari D02 T in=383,79K Tref=298K komponen toluene paraxylene

n kmol 4420,336948 0,383628031

int Cp L .dt

n Cp dT (kJ) 14157,52428 135713114


62581027,65 52063354,7 114644382,3

c.menghitung Q 34 panas dari recyle centrifuge Tin=413,27K Tref=298K komponen para meta orto

n kmol int Cp L .dt n Cp dT (kJ) 99,1069308 209106584,3 20723911780 136,1063336 22303,73411 3035679,475 40,92604197 22849,7147 935148,3828 276,1393063

Maka Pans yang masuk mixer semuanya Q2 = 20892725409 kJ


d.menghitung suhu keluar mixer Maka Pans yang masuk mixer semuanya Q2 = 20892725409 kJ Tref=298k Tin=359,64k komponen tol para meta orto

n kmol int Cp L .dt n Cp dT (kJ) 6495,317212 10025,89344 65121358,2 108,58467098 246749,20824 26793181,59 141,56280087 86925651,05706 12305438631 44,56368683 11589,19911 516457,44 6790,028371


Kesimpulan komponen toluene paraxylene metaxylene ortoxylene jumlah

INPUT (kj/jam)

OUTPUT (kj/jam)





1637641,729 48552368,96 4994,028632 3413,426202

62581027,65 52063354,7 0 0

0 20723911780 3035679,475 935148,3828

64218669,38 20824527504 3040673,503 938561,809


114644382,3 20727882608 20892725409


1. Menghitung Jumlah Stage Po= 8 atm Pi= 1 atm n= ditrial Rc= 2,828427125 dari trial stage yang paling memenuhi syarat dan jumlah stage paling sedikit yaitu 2 stage,sehingga biaya pembelian alat bisa minimal,didapat harga n=2,828427125 .jika n dibuat 1 maka Rc lebih dari 4

2.Menghitung suhu keluar kompresor T1= 383,78 K Pi= 1 atm METODE PITZER

BPc/RTc=B˚+wB' Z = 1+((B˚+wB')* Pr/Pt) V = (Z*n*RT)/P Tr = T/Tc Pr = P/Pc R= 8,206E-05 (m3 atm)/(mol K) B˚= 0,083-(0,422/Tr^1,6) B'= 0,139-(0,172/Tr^4,2) Komponen Toluene Paraxylene Metaxylene Ortoxylene

Tc (K) 591,79 616,26 617,05 630,37

B˚ -0,760818232 -0,817332809 -0,819180176 -0,850541368

Pc (atm) 40,55628 34,65088 34,94695 36,85171

Tr Pr w 0,648507072 0,024657094 0,26400 0,622756629 0,028859296 0,32600 0,621959323 0,0286148 0,32600 0,608817044 0,027135783 0,31300

B' -0,921441312 -1,118162273 -1,124944845 -1,243559651

Komponen kmol Pr/Tr Toluene 6495,317212 0,038021318 Paraxylene 108,584671 0,04634121 Metaxylene 141,5628009 0,046007511 Ortoxylene 44,56368683 0,044571326 basis 1 jam operasi maka debit = dri fig 3.6 coulson diperoleh Ep=

BPc/RTc Z -1,00408 0,961823555 -1,18185 0,945231641 -1,18591 0,945439233 -1,23978 0,944741362 0,02748105 m3/det 0,65

Komponen Toluene Paraxylene Metaxylene Ortoxylene

CPᴳ mean 10417,17993 12447,28972 12477,74228 12957,1233

kmol 6495,317212 108,584671 141,5628009 44,56368683

Yi 0,956596476 0,015991785 0,020848632 0,006563108

6790,028371 R= 8,314


V (m3) 196,7476824 3,232366682 4,214990673 1,325891219

Yi*CPᴳ 9965,037612 199,0543757 260,1438534 85,03899448 10509,27484


2,828427125 atm


Menghitung Panas Kompresi Stage 1 Panas masuk kompresor Tin= 383,78 K Tref= 298 K Komponen Toluene Paraxylene Metaxylene Ortoxylene

kmol ∫CPᴳ.dt 6495,317212 108,584671 141,5628009 44,56368683

10417,17993 12447,28972 12477,74228 12957,1233

Qin= n ∫CPᴳ.dt(kj) 67662888,1 1351584,858 1766384,145 577417,1851 71358274,29

Panas keluar kompresor stage 1 Tout= 384,27 K Tref= 289 K

Komponen Toluene Paraxylene Metaxylene Ortoxylene

kmol ∫CPᴳ.dt 6495,317212 108,584671 141,5628009 44,56368683

10483,73232 12526,53166 12557,13743 13038,86939

Qin= n ∫CPᴳ.dt(kj) 68095166,97 1360189,319 1777623,545 581060,0922 71814039,93

jadi Panas kompresi stage 1 =455765,632 kj Neraca Massa di intercooler stage 1 Tin= 384,27 K Tout= 383,78 K

Neraca panas total Qin + Qp1 = Qout + Qp2 Qin= 71814039,93 kj Qout= 71358274,29 kj Beban panas yang masuk di intercooler adalah berikut 1 = Qp2 - Qp1 = Qin - Qut =455765,632 kj Sebagi pendingin yang dipakai adalah cooling water dengan Tin = 303 k Tout= 318 k

dgan harga Cp = 1 kcal /kg K = 4,1840 kj/kg K kbthn pendingin air = Q / (Cp.dt)= 7262,040026 kg

kompresor stage 2 T2= 383,78 K P2= 2,828427125 atm METODE PITZER BPc/RTc=B˚+wB' Z = 1+((B˚+wB')* Pr/Pt) V = (Z*n*RT)/P Tr = T/Tc Pr = P/Pc R= 8,206E-05 (m3 atm)/(mol K) B˚= 0,083-(0,422/Tr^1,6) B'= 0,139-(0,172/Tr^4,2)

Komponen Toluene Paraxylene Metaxylene Ortoxylene

B˚ -0,760818 -0,817333 -0,81918

Tc (K) 591,79 616,26 617,05 630,37

Pc (atm) Tr Pr 40,55628 0,648507072 0,0697408 34,65088 0,622756629 0,0816264 34,94695 0,621959323 0,0809349 36,85171 0,608817044 0,0767516

B' -0,9214413 -1,1181623 -1,1249448

w 0,26400137 0,32599668 0,32599805 0,31300359

-0,850541 Komponen Toluene Paraxylene Metaxylene Ortoxylene

-1,2435597 kmol 6495,317212 108,584671 141,5628009 44,56368683

Pr/Tr 0,107540528 0,131072736 0,130128892 0,126066747

BPc/RTc -1,00408 -1,18185 -1,18591 -1,23978

Z 0,892020707 0,845091687 0,845678845 0,843704968

V (m3) 64,51254264 1,021741908 1,332979502 0,418639861

basis 1 jam operasi maka debit = 0,009 m3/det dri fig 3.6 coulson diperoleh Ep= 0,65 Komponen Toluene Paraxylene Metaxylene Ortoxylene

kmol 6495,317212 108,584671 141,5628009 44,56368683

Yi 0,956596476 0,015991785 0,020848632 0,006563108



CPᴳ mean 10417,17993 12447,28972 12477,74228 12957,1233

Yi*CPᴳ 9965,037612 199,0543757 260,1438534 85,03899448 10509,27484

R= 8,314



8 atm

384,2659569K Menghitung Panas kompresi stage 2 panas masuk kompresor Tin= 383,78 K Treff= 298 K Komponen Toluene Paraxylene

kmol ∫CPᴳ.dt 6495,317212 108,584671

Qin= n ∫CPᴳ.dt(kj) 10417,17993 67662888,1 12447,28972 1351584,858

Metaxylene Ortoxylene

141,5628009 44,56368683

12477,74228 12957,1233

1766384,145 577417,1851 71358274,29

Panas keluar kompresor 2 Tout= 384,27 k Tref= 298 k Komponen Toluene Paraxylene Metaxylene Ortoxylene

kmol ∫CPᴳ.dt 6495,317212 108,584671 141,5628009 44,56368683

10483,73232 12526,53166 12557,13743 13038,86939

Qin= n ∫CPᴳ.dt(kj) 68095166,97 1360189,319 1777623,545 581060,0922 71814039,93

Panas kompresi stage 2 yaitu = 455765,632KJ

Kesimpulan OUTPUT Q4 (kj/jam) 68095166,97 1360189,319 1777623,545 581060,0922

panas kompresi

input Q3 (kj/jam) 67662888,1 1351584,858 1766384,145 577417,1851 71358274,29 455765,632




Komponen Toluene Paraxylene Metaxylene Ortoxylene

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