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Keysight Nemo Cloud

Optimize and streamline wireless networks measurement projects

User Guide

Notices Copyright Notice © Keysight Technologies, Inc. 2017 No part of this manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means (including electronic storage and retrieval or translation into a foreign language) without prior agreement and written consent from Keysight Technologies, as governed by United States and international copyright laws.

Manual Part Number NTC00000A-90001

Edition Edition 2.1, May 2017 Documents Software Version 2.1

Published by: Keysight Technologies, Inc. 1400 Fountaingrove Parkway Santa Rosa, CA 95403

Technology Licenses The hardware and/or software described in this document are furnished under a license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such license.

Declaration of Conformity Declarations of Conformity for this product and for other Keysight products may be downloaded from the Web. Go to and click on “Declarations of Conformity.” You can then search by product number to find the latest Declaration of Conformity.

U.S.Government Rights


The Software is “commercial computer software,” as defined by Federal Acquisition Regulation (“FAR”) 2.101. Pursuant to FAR 12.212 and 27.405-3 and Department of Defense FAR Supplement (“DFARS”) 227.7202, the U.S. government acquires commercial computer software under the same terms by which the software is customarily provided to the public. Accordingly, Keysight provides the Software to U.S. government customers under its standard commercial license, which is embodied in its End User License Agreement (EULA), a copy of which can be found at The license set forth in the EULA represents the exclusive authority by which the U.S. government may use, modify, distribute, or disclose the Software. The EULA and the license set forth therein, does not require or permit, among other things, that Keysight: (1) Furnish technical information related to commercial computer software or commercial computer software documentation that is not customarily provided to the public; or (2) Relinquish to, or otherwise provide, the government rights in excess of these rights customarily provided to the public to use, modify, reproduce, release, perform, display, or disclose commercial computer software or commercial computer software documentation. No additional government requirements beyond those set forth in the EULA shall apply, except to the extent that those terms, rights, or licenses are explicitly required from all providers of commercial computer software pursuant to the FAR and the DFARS and are set forth specifically in writing elsewhere in the EULA. Keysight shall be under no obligation to update, revise or otherwise modify the Software. With respect to any technical data as defined by FAR 2.101, pursuant to FAR 12.211 and 27.404.2 and DFARS 227.7102, the U.S. government acquires no greater than Limited Rights as defined in FAR 27.401 or DFAR 227.7103-5 (c), as applicable in any technical data.



A CAUTION notice denotes a hazard. It calls attention to an operating procedure, practice, or the like that, if not correctly performed or adhered to, could result in damage to the product or loss of important data. Do not proceed beyond a CAUTION notice until the indicated conditions are fully understood and met.

A WARNING notice denotes a hazard. It calls attention to an operating procedure, practice, or the like that, if not correctly performed or adhered to, could result in personal injury or death. Do not proceed beyond a WARNING notice until the indicated conditions are fully understood and met.

Do not operate Nemo Cloud (or any test device) and drive at the same time. Note that in some countries it is illegal to drive a car and operate a device at the same time.

Do not operate Nemo Cloud without reading the User Manual, including its warnings, for the devices used by Nemo Cloud.

Always stop using Nemo Cloud and switch off the Nemo Cloud device(s) when it is forbidden to use radio equipment or when it may cause interference or danger.

Never use Nemo Cloud in an aircraft. The use of mobiles in an aircraft may be dangerous.

Do not use the Nemo Cloud device(s) in a hospital. It may interfere with nearby electronic devices.

Observe restrictions on the use of radio equipment in gas stations, fuel depots, chemical plants, or sites where blasting operations are in progress.

When using the Nemo Cloud devices, the battery operation time is reduced from normal use. The best operation times will be achieved when the batteries are regularly charged and discharged as instructed in the device user manual. See also other instructions and hints from the device user manual regarding the battery use.

Note that the local laws and/or regulations may set limitations, restrictions or other obligations on the use of the Nemo Cloud and/or the test devices. Observe the laws and regulations of the country (as well as of any other relevant jurisdiction) where the Nemo Cloud and/or test device is used. Keysight Technologies Inc. assumes no responsibility or liability arising from the failure to comply with the local laws and/or regulations.

Is the software of your Cloud-related measurement products up-to-date? Keysight will periodically release software updates to fix known defects and incorporate product enhancements. To search for software updates for your product, go to the Keysight Software Manager website at:


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide

Table of Contents Keysight Nemo Cloud .......................................................................................................... 0 User Guide ........................................................................................................................ 0 Table of Contents .............................................................................................................. 4 1 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 7 Overview............................................................................................................................................................... 7 Nemo Cloud options ........................................................................................... 7 Nemo Cloud system............................................................................................ 7


Setting up the system.................................................................................................. 9 Saas ........................................................................................................................................................................ 9 On-premise service ......................................................................................................................................... 9 Signing in to Nemo Cloud ............................................................................................................................ 9


Connecting to Nemo Cloud ....................................................................................... 11 Nemo Handy (Autonomous)/Nemo Autonomous Probe ........................................................... 11 Nemo Outdoor/ Nemo Invex.................................................................................................................... 13


Nemo Cloud Monitoring ............................................................................................ 16 Projects .............................................................................................................................................................. 18 Units ..................................................................................................................................................................... 23 Device (with Nemo Outdoor, Nemo Invex, and Nemo Walker Air) ...................................... 25


Nemo Cloud Projects ................................................................................................ 27 Creating projects ........................................................................................................................................... 28 Creating automatic projects .............................................................................. 28 Creating work orders......................................................................................... 37 Creating manual projects .................................................................................. 46


Nemo Cloud Resources ............................................................................................ 48 Units ..................................................................................................................................................................... 48 Files ..................................................................................................................................................................... 49


Nemo Cloud Tools – Script Editor ............................................................................. 50 Creating scripts .............................................................................................................................................. 50 Editing and removing existing scripts ................................................................................................. 54 Script commands .......................................................................................................................................... 54 Advanced (Nemo Outdoor and Nemo Invex)..................................................... 55 Facebook .......................................................................................................... 56 Forcing functions .............................................................................................. 58 General ............................................................................................................. 62 Instagram.......................................................................................................... 98 LinkedIn ............................................................................................................ 99 Messaging ...................................................................................................... 100 Packet data transfer ........................................................................................ 108


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide

Push-to-Talk ................................................................................................... 110 Twitter ............................................................................................................. 111


Nemo Cloud Tools – Alert Editor ............................................................................. 113 Creating an alert set .................................................................................................................................. 113


Use cases ............................................................................................................... 117 Manual project with Nemo Handy....................................................................................................... 117 Automatic project with Nemo Outdoor.............................................................................................. 121 Work order project with Nemo Outdoor ........................................................................................... 127

10 Administration ......................................................................................................... 134 Creating a new user account ................................................................................................................ 134

11 Technical support .................................................................................................... 137 Nemo Support Portal................................................................................................................................. 137 Phone and email support ........................................................................................................................ 137 Locations for Keysight Technologies ................................................................................................ 137


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide

1 Introduction Welcome to the User Guide for Nemo Cloud. The purpose of this user guide is to provide you with the basic steps for getting started with Nemo Cloud and where you can go to get additional help information. It also provides instructions for creating projects, scripts, and alert sets.

Overview Nemo Cloud connects Nemo products, measurement and analysis processes and data feeds into one end-to-end solution enabling streamlined operations and improved responsiveness of measurement projects in the field.

Nemo Cloud options The customer has a dedicated Nemo Cloud service installation or multiple installations. With multiple installations, an individual Nemo tool can connect to only one Nemo Cloud installation at a time. The customer receives an administrator user name and password through which it is possible to create user accounts and passwords for straight login to the Nemo Cloud service. In the Nemo Cloud service, it is possible to manage the Nemo Cloud users within the user organization and adding, editing, or removing user accounts is also possible. Nemo Cloud supports Nemo Outdoor, Nemo Invex and Nemo Invex II, Nemo Handy, and Nemo Xynergy. The Nemo Cloud service can be acquired either as a SaaS or an on-premises service. The SaaS version is provided as an all-inclusive hosting service with full system administrator support. The on-premises service is installed in a user-operated server hardware with full system administrator support from Keysight. The scalability of the Nemo Cloud service varies from a few measurement units to massive environments – one Nemo Cloud service installation is limited only by the number of Nemo measurement units. This limit is set at delivery and the system monitors the number of devices simultaneously connected to Nemo Cloud. Nemo Cloud is available with two options, Nemo Cloud Basic and Nemo Cloud Premium. With Nemo Cloud Basic it is possible to:   

synchronize files between units monitor devices on the field during ongoing projects define the upload location for measurement files

With Nemo Cloud Premium it is possible to:    

synchronize files between units monitor devices on the field during ongoing projects define the upload location for measurement files remotely control measurement units in the field

Nemo Cloud system Nemo Cloud is a platform for centrally controlled network testing. It allows network operators to remotely operate Nemo Outdoor, Nemo Invex and Nemo Invex II (in this manual Nemo Invex refers to both Nemo Invex and Nemo Invex II from this point on), and Nemo Handy, and Nemo Autonomous Probe 4UE test units, and check their status. The location and status of field units, including the driver’s contact details, are tracked on Nemo Cloud’s Monitoring page. Nemo Cloud supports all devices and test protocols currently supported with Nemo tools.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide A single user is able to remotely monitor and manage numerous Nemo measurement kits in the field, thus eliminating the need for two technicians in a test vehicle. Measurement sessions are created and scheduled in Nemo Cloud’s Projects page, and they can be assigned for individual measurement units or to groups of units. Field unit hardware configurations and test device details can be verified remotely to avoid failed drive tests caused by malfunctioning hardware. In addition, hardware failures, incorrect scripts and other issues can be spotted and corrective measures taken immediately instead of, for example, at the end of a one-week test campaign. By reacting without delay, both time and money can be saved.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide

2 Setting up the system Nemo Cloud can be set up in two ways, as a Software as a Service (SaaS) or as an on-premises service. Both deployment models are set up by Keysight Logistics and do not require any setup action once received.

Saas In the SaaS setup the customer receives the URL for the Nemo Cloud web interface and an administrator username and password. The administrator rights are needed for creating user accounts through which projects and scripts can be created and ran. As SaaS, Nemo Cloud runs on Keysight’s data centers.

On-premise service As an on-premises service, Nemo Cloud is installed to a server by Keysight personnel, and the customer receives the server and an administrator username and password. The administrator rights are needed for creating user accounts through which projects and scripts can be created and ran. Keysight personnel administrate the service, for instance during updates, which requires a remote connection to the Nemo Cloud server.

Signing in to Nemo Cloud To sign in to Nemo Cloud, go to the website you received with the user account activation.

Figure 1. Nemo Cloud sign-in. Insert your user name or email address and password and click Sign in. You need to verify your sign-in information before you can access Nemo Cloud. The username should be automatically filled in, but you need to fill in and verify your sign-in information before you can access Nemo Cloud. Click Continue.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide

Figure 2. Nemo Cloud sign-in information verification.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide

3 Connecting to Nemo Cloud This chapter will describe what needs to be done to connect Nemo Outdoor, Nemo Invex/Nemo Invex II, Nemo Handy, or Nemo Autonomous Probe units to Nemo Cloud.

Nemo Handy (Autonomous)/Nemo Autonomous Probe Nemo Cloud in Nemo Handy can be purchased as Basic (with file synchronization and monitoring) or Premium (with file synchronization and automation). You can log your Nemo Handy device into Nemo Cloud by going to Menu ( Settings | Nemo Cloud in your Nemo Handy device.

) | Settings |

Figure 3. Menu | Settings | Settings | Nemo Cloud view in Nemo Handy.

Service address displays the defined address for Nemo Cloud. This is configured when logging into Nemo Cloud and can be changed later. Username is the user name for Nemo Cloud created in the Nemo Cloud user interface. Password is the password for Nemo Cloud created in the Nemo Cloud user interface. Login/Logout is displayed according to the current status, that is when the user is logged in to Nemo Cloud the Logout option is displayed here. The summary displayed below Login/Logout is the latest message sent from Nemo Cloud. Please note that possible error messages sent from Nemo Cloud are displayed in this summary. Storage defines which files Nemo Handy uses when files are uploaded, that is from which file the file content is displayed when uploading files, and the location where new created files are saved. The options of the storage preference are Ask always where Nemo Handy asks the storage location every time files are uploaded or saved; Local where files are uploaded and saved locally; and Cloud where files are uploaded and saved in Nemo Cloud. The preference can be changed later in Cloud settings in Nemo Handy. The Storage button is disabled when no active project is received from the server.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide When Sync only in WiFi (ON/OFF) is enabled file synching takes place only when Nemo Handy is connected to WiFi. If the WiFi connection drops the file synchronization stops and resumes when Nemo Handy reconnects to WiFi. When Sync when logging (ON/OFF) is enabled Nemo Handy synchronizes files by default. When disabled Nemo Handy stops the file synchronization during measurements and synchronizes the files automatically when the measurement ends. To connect your Nemo Handy device to Nemo Cloud, enter the service address, username, and password to their respective text fields. Tap Login. To enable real-time reporting in your Nemo Handy device, go to Settings | Settings | Realtime reporting and activate Reporting. This needs to be done to enable the real-time status reporting during measurements to Nemo Cloud from the Nemo Handy device. The process for connecting Nemo Autonomous Probe to Nemo Cloud is similar to that of connecting Nemo Handy. Turn the automated testing mode on in the Nemo Handy device in Settings | Settings | General | Automated testing. Note that you need to perform the maintenance session manually in Nemo Handy before you can assign the Nemo Handy unit to projects in Nemo Cloud. The unit is displayed in the unit list on the Dashboard page before performing the maintenance session but is not displayed as an available unit when creating a project. After maintenance is performed the unit list on Nemo Cloud is updated and the unit can be assigned to projects. To perform maintenance, go to the Status view in the Nemo Handy device and tap the maintenance icon.

Figure 4. The maintenance icon on the Status view in Nemo Handy. Once the Nemo Handy device is connected to Nemo Cloud and maintenance is performed the active project information is displayed in Nemo Handy’s Nemo Cloud view.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide

Figure 5. Nemo Cloud view in Nemo Handy.

Nemo Outdoor/ Nemo Invex Nemo Cloud in Nemo Outdoor can be purchased as Basic (with file synchronization and monitoring) or Premium (with file synchronization, remote control, and monitoring). To log in to Nemo Cloud with Nemo Outdoor, go to the Nemo Cloud page in the ribbon bar and click Login to open the Nemo Cloud connection dialog box.

Figure 6. Nemo Cloud connection dialog box in Nemo Outdoor. Insert the service address, username, and password and click OK. The Output feed displays the status of the connection.

Figure 7. Messages from Nemo Cloud in Nemo Outdoor.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide After logging in to Nemo Cloud you need to activate the Remote mode and perform maintenance for the Nemo Outdoor unit. Go to the Remote page in the ribbon bar and click Go to Remote Mode. (When the remote mode is enabled the button displays the option Go to Normal Mode.)

Figure 8. Remote page in Nemo Outdoor. When the remote mode is enabled, click Maintenance. Note that you need to perform the maintenance session manually in Nemo Outdoor before you can assign the Nemo Outdoor unit to projects in Nemo Cloud. The unit is displayed in the unit list on the Dashboard page before performing the maintenance session but is not displayed as an available unit when creating a project. After maintenance is performed the unit list on Nemo Cloud is updated and the unit can be assigned to projects. Once logged in to Nemo Cloud you are able to view the About Nemo Cloud dialog box by clicking About Nemo Cloud on the ribbon bar.

Figure 9. About Nemo Cloud dialog in Nemo Outdoor.

Settings opens the Nemo Cloud connection settings dialog box. Web interface opens the Nemo Cloud web interface. Logout logs the Nemo Outdoor unit out from Nemo Cloud. The unit is still displayed on the unit list in Nemo Cloud but in offline state.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide

Exp. date displays the expiration date of the product licence. Unit ID displays the Nemo Outdoor device MAC address. Username displays the user name created in Nemo Cloud. Active project displays the name of the active project (if there is one) assigned to the unit. Close closes the About Nemo Cloud dialog box. When there is an active project run on the unit from Nemo Cloud, information regarding the measurement session is displayed on the Output feed and on the Remote sessions view in Nemo Outdoor.

Figure 10. Output feed on the Remote sessions view in Nemo Outdoor.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide

4 Nemo Cloud Monitoring This chapter presents Nemo Cloud’s Monitoring page and its features.

Figure 11. Nemo Cloud Monitoring page on project-level. Once you sign in and launch Nemo Cloud you can access the Monitoring page by selecting Monitoring. The Monitoring page displays all field units or projects on the side panel on the left. Select either Projects or Units from the side panel menu. Under Projects you see a list of created projects and the state of the project (measuring or not). Under Units you see a list of units connected to Nemo Cloud. You can filter the projects by selecting whether to show only your own projects (Show my projects only) or to show only active projects (Show active projects only) in the list. Click the button next to the Search field to filter the list. Filtering also affects the alerts and errors shown. You can also minimize the side panel by clicking the arrow pointing left.

Figure 12. The side panel on the Monitoring page. The icons before the project name display whether the project is automatic

, a work order

project , or manual , and the colored icons on the right-hand side of the project name display the project status, that is whether the project is idle or measuring. For example, in the image above, the project JK_Test_Monday is active and has three assigned Nemo Handy units. None of the three units are measuring – they have reported an error – although the project is active. The icons on the right-hand side indicate the status of the project:


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide


Project status Automatic: not started (by date) Automatic: waiting (unit) Automatic: active (project)/measuring (unit) Automatic: completed (by date) Manual: syncing Manual: measuring Manual: inactive Alert (only active unit) Error (only active unit)

If a project is selected on the side panel, the Monitoring page displays information regarding the project’s alerts and notifications, measurement sessions, project fleet, and log files and reports in separate sections. You can open the sections for viewing by clicking the downwards pointing arrow on the right-hand side of each section. If a unit is selected on the left-hand side panel, the Monitoring page displays information regarding the unit’s device information, configuration, and assigned projects. In the unit view you are able to view specific device information as well by clicking a device name displayed under the unit view.

Figure 13. Nemo Cloud Monitoring page on unit level. In addition, the Monitoring page enables controlling measurement values in more detail by monitoring measurement values and statistics from Nemo field measurement systems in real time. Account information ( ) is shown when you click the user name displayed on the upper righthand corner of the window. The account information is displayed in the following popup window.

Figure 14. Account information window. You can sign out at the top right-hand corner of the view through Sign out.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide


Figure 15. Monitoring page displaying a project’s information. Select a project and all the information regarding the project is displayed on the Monitoring page. You can see the IMEIs/IMSIs or given unit names of units assigned to the project under the project name on the side panel. The name of the project is displayed in the top of the Monitoring dashboard view. The icon displays the mode of the project, and the set duration for the project (with automatic and work order projects) is displayed on the top right of the view. Clicking Units displays the unit information – you can view the unit on a map by clicking Map view, or view the unit details by clicking List view.

Figure 16. Project units displayed on the map. Clicking Alarms displays possible alarms as a list on the top of the page. You can select among all alarms, errors, and alerts, and see which alarm was initiated, from which project, from which device, and the time of the alarm. Clicking an alarm displays detailed information on the unit raising the alarm.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide

Figure 17. Monitoring page displaying alarms. Under Sessions you can view the measurement sessions of the project and information regarding the project duration and progression on the project timeline.

Figure 18. Monitoring page displaying sessions. If you have a longer measurement project, you can switch between weeks with the pulldown menu. The number of sessions completed is displayed above the pulldown menu, and the overall project progress rate is indicated with the percentage on the right-hand side. The color or the measurement session field indicates the status of the session: light gray indicates a pending measurement sessions, green indicates an active measurement session, and dark gray indicates a completed measurement session.

Figure 19. Selecting a measurement project week for viewing on the Monitoring page. Possible log files and reports (analyses from Nemo post-processing tools) are listed as links for downloading under Log files & reports.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide

Figure 20. Monitoring page displaying a list of log files. You can download the zipped log files and the report files through the link on the page. The measurement files need to have Nemo Cloud configured as the upload location for them to be displayed here. The measurement reports are displayed when for example Nemo Xynergy is connected to Nemo Cloud. Any of the sections on the Monitoring page can be minimized by clicking the upwards pointing arrow on the right side of the section title. Clicking a unit under the project in the side panel displays information regarding that unit.

Figure 21. Monitoring | Projects | unit in project information. You can view device and measurement session information, possible devices, alarms from the selected unit, real-time results from the unit, and log files and reports. To view measurement results from the unit, open a parameter view under Results. If Show active groups only is selected, only parameters that have results are displayed on the list of parameters.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide

Figure 22. Monitoring | Projects | unit results on radio parameters. Click the menu icon on the top right-hand side of a KPI graph to view the graph in full screen.

Figure 23. The menu icon on the Results view.

Figure 24. One KPI graph displayed in full view.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide To zoom on a desired interval, click the screen at the start point and drag the cursor to where you wish to end the zoom. The view is zoomed according to your selection.

Figure 25. A KPI graph being zoomed and displaying the zoomed selection. You can return to the full view by clicking Reset zoom.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide

Units You can view unit information by selecting Units in the side panel and selecting the unit from the list.

Figure 26. Unit selected in the side panel on the Monitoring page, two levels. The icon on the right-hand side indicates the status of the unit:


Unit status Automatic: waiting Automatic: measuring (unit) Automatic: idle (logged in / completed) Manual: syncing Manual: measuring Manual: inactive Alert (only active unit) Error (only active unit) Offline (logged out)


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide

Figure 27. Monitoring view displaying Units information. The unit number is displayed on the top of the Monitoring page. Product displays the name of the product in use. Version displays the version number of the product in use. IMEI/MAC displays the device’s/computer’s IMEI number and MAC address. Vendor displays the device vendor. Location displays the last reported coordinates of the unit’s location. Clicking the coordinates opens a separate map view displaying the unit. Operator (optional) displays the name of the operator (name configured in the measurement unit). Mobile (optional, configured in the measurement unit) displays the phone number of the contact person. Remote access linked to TeamViewer connection displays the Nemo product user interface. ID displays the Nemo product’s TeamViewer ID number. Project allocation displays the project to which the unit is assigned (if assigned) and the state of the project. Under Device configuration you can see all the devices with their detailed information belonging to the measurement unit. Click a device to view device-specific information. Information on reported errors/alerts is displayed under Alarms. The error information includes the date and time of the error report, which device sent the error report, and which error is reported.

Note that with for example a Nemo Outdoor unit with several devices assigned to it, if you click on the unit, the Results view will display measurement data from all the devices at the same time. To view measurement data from an individual device, click the device name displayed under Device.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide

Figure 28. Monitoring view displaying data from a Nemo Outdoor unit with two devices measuring. Note that when you have selected Units on the side panel you can search only units in the Search field.

Device (with Nemo Outdoor, Nemo Invex, and Nemo Walker Air) With Nemo Outdoor, the Units view displays the unit and possible measurement devices assigned to that unit. You are able to view device-specific results as well. On Monitoring | [project] | [unit ID] | Devices | [device name] view, you can view device information and measuring results from that device by clicking the device name.

Figure 29. Monitoring | Unit information and devices.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide

Figure 30. Monitoring page displaying device information. Information regarding the product, IMEI/IMSI, server, port, and the phone number of the device are displayed under Device information. Under Results you can view measuring results from the device. If there are several measurement sessions or work orders, you can select a specific measurement session either from the pulldown menu on the top of the view or with the arrows on the right-hand side of the text field. If the session name displays the word Recording after the session name, the session is active at the moment and the results displayed from the measurement unit(s) are in real time.

Figure 31. Measurement results with multiple measurement sessions.

Figure 32. Monitoring page displaying device-specific results from one measurement session.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide

5 Nemo Cloud Projects This chapter introduces Nemo Cloud’s Projects page. The Projects page displays information regarding existing projects and offers a platform for creating new projects and editing or removing existing ones.

Figure 33. Projects page. You can view existing projects on the project list. Information on project type, project status, possible editor, project start and end time, and tags is displayed on the page. The project status is displayed in the project list. The status options are OPEN, IN EDIT, and ACTIVE. If the status is:  OPEN, the project is created and published, but not measuring at the moment. The project may be finished or between measurement sessions. You are able to edit the project.  IN EDIT, the project is being edited by another user. The project is not measuring, and you cannot edit the project.  ACTIVE, the project has been created, published, and is currently measuring. You or anyone else able to see the project can edit the project. To edit a project, go to the Projects page, and select the project you wish to edit from the list either by double-clicking the project, or by selecting the check-box next to the project name and clicking Edit on the top right-hand corner of the page. Note that you are able to edit only projects which are in an open state. If the project is edited by another user, you are not able to edit the same project simultaneously. After clicking Edit, you are able to edit the project in the same view where the project was created. For more detailed information, see “Creating projects”.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide To remove a project, go to the Projects page, and select the project you wish to remove from the list either by clicking the project name or selecting the check-box next to the project name. Click Remove on the top right-hand corner of the page. Note that you are able to remove only projects which are in an open state. If the project is edited by another user, you are not able to remove the project. The project you selected is removed from the Nemo Cloud system and kept as a deleted file for one week, during which the administrator is able to restore the file if needed. After the one-week period the file is permanently deleted from the system.

Creating projects You can create automatic and manual projects and work order projects with Nemo Cloud Premium, or manual projects with Nemo Cloud Basic in Nemo Cloud’s Projects page.

Creating automatic projects To create an automatic project in Nemo Cloud Premium, begin by going to the Projects page. The page displays a list of possible existing projects. The project is created in six steps: overview, units, files, settings, sessions, and alerts. You can move between the different steps by clicking a step. At any point you can click Save as draft, which will save the project as an unpublished draft with you assigned as the editor.

Below is the basic workflow for creating an automatic project. After the naming the project the seven different steps are introduced under their own titles. 1. In the Projects page, click Create.


An Add new project dialog box opens.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide 3.

Type in the project name and click Add next to Automatic. Step 1 - Overview 4.

The Overview view opens.

5. 6.

You can edit the project name if needed. Insert the start date in the Start date text field by clicking the text field and selecting a date from the popup calendar (only with automatic projects).


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide 7.

Insert the start time either by using the arrow icons or by inserting the time in numbers in 00:00 form (only with automatic projects). Please note that if you edit the start time to be closer to the end time and the measurement session duration becomes less than 15 minutes Nemo Cloud automatically pushes the end time forward to keep a minimum of 15 minutes as the duration of the measurement session. If the measurement session should be shorter than 15 minutes it can be set manually. Please note that the maximum duration of a session is 24 hours. This is a limitation set by the Nemo Handy application.


Insert the end date in the End date text field by clicking the text field and selecting a date from the pull-down menu similar to that of start date (only with automatic projects). 9. Insert the end time either by using the arrow icons or by inserting the time in numbers in 00:00 form (only with automatic projects). 10. Write a project description in the Project description text field. This description is displayed on the right-hand side of the view in the project list once the project is created. 11. Insert project tags in the Project tags text field. Project tags can be used as search terms for the project later. 12. On the second step of the project overview settings, Log file upload settings, select the service type among None, Nemo Cloud, and Nemo Xynergy from the pulldown menu.

With Service type set to None measurement session data upload is not performed and the measurement file is saved in the measurement device. With Service type set to Nemo Cloud measurement session data is uploaded to Nemo Cloud file endpoint. With Service type set to Nemo Xynergy you need to define the upload location separately (see below).


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide 13. If you select Nemo Xynergy, select also the file upload location.

Note that the Nemo Xynergy Upload option is accessible only if you already use Nemo Xynergy and have acquired the Nemo Cloud license option to Nemo Xynergy. With Nemo Xynergy upload settings you are able to define the project type as Acceptance, Optimization, Benchmarking, or Inbuilding. When the project type is set to Acceptance, Optimization, or Benchmarking you can define the region, marker, cluster and project. With Inbuilding you are able to define the indoor market, venue, building, and floor. You can also add new clusters and projects. Nemo Xynergy is set up as a hierarchy of four levels in the following order: project type, region, market, and cluster. Project type, region, and market are selectable to a degree but you cannot create new ones, whereas clusters and projects are selectable (when there are some already created) but you are also able to create new ones according to your workflow and needs. 14. Click Save changes to save all modified configuration settings. Step 2 - Units 15. Click 2. Units to move to the next stage of the configuration. In this view you can see available units for the project and assign units to the project.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide

Unit name displays the IMEI number or MAC address of the unit. Product indicates the Nemo product the unit is connected to with the icon displayed. Version indicates the version number of the Nemo product. Status indicates whether the unit is online (green) or offline (grey). User displays the user name associated to the unit. Expires indicates the expiration date of the product license in the unit. 16. Select units to the project either by clicking the plus icon on the right-hand side of the unit information line, or by selecting the check-box next to the unit name and clicking Assign. You can select several units and assign all the selected units at the same time.

Note that active manual projects override automatic and work order projects in individual measurement units. The same measurement unit can be selected to an automatic or work order project while assigned to a manual project, but the measurement unit will not initiate the automatic project or display work orders until the manual project is inactivated. Please note that a unit can be selected to more than one project at the same time but can perform only one measurement session at a time, which means that the measurement sessions of the projects with the same unit assigned to them cannot take place at the same time. A unit with a simultaneous active measurement session is not displayed as an available unit on this list. 17. If you need to remove assigned units from the project, select the unit(s) under Assigned units, and click Remove. Step 3 - Files 18. Click 3. Files to move to selecting files for the project. In the Files view you can see four groups of files: script files, BTS files, map files, and other files. Open a file group by clicking on the group name, and select the file(s) you wish to assign to the project by either clicking on the file name directly or selecting the file and clicking Assign. You can select several files and assign the selected files at the same time. The files you selected will be displayed under Assigned files.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide

Filename displays the name of the file in question. Please note while selecting files that files for Nemo Handy/Nemo Walker Air and Nemo Outdoor are indicated with different file types: .hsfx for Nemo Handy/Nemo Walker Air and .nsfx for Nemo Outdoor.

File size displays the size of the file in kilobytes. Tags display descriptive terms defined by the user regarding the project. These terms may be used as search terms, for example. If you need to remove assigned files from the project, select the file(s) under Assigned files, and click Remove. Step 4 - Settings 19. Click 4. Settings to move to configuration. 20. Configure the settings for email alerts.

Please note that it is recommended to use a Google email here. Also, please note with Google email accounts that you need to allow emails from unverified senders in the defined Google email account to receive alert notification emails from Nemo Cloud. Define the SMTP server, Port, Username, and Password in the dedicated text fields. Insert the Email Address to which the alert message is sent and define the interval (in minutes) for alert emails. The email is sent if any alerts have been triggered during the interval, and the email contains a summary of all alerts triggered during the set interval. Note that the email address needs to be defined here to receive any notifications on alerts. You can send a test email to the defined email address to check that the email settings are correct. Click Send E-mail to send a test email.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide Please note that alert sets for Nemo Handy/Nemo Walker Air and Nemo Outdoor are indicated with different file types: .hafj for Nemo Handy and Nemo Walker Air, and .nafj for Nemo Outdoor. 21. Configure the settings for project units.

Maintenance Interval defines the maintenance interval (in minutes) of the units. Define the maintenance interval by inserting a number in the text field. Reporting Interval defines the reporting interval (in seconds) of the unit. Define the reporting interval by inserting a number in the text field. Unit Prefix defines the prefix displayed in front of the measurement log file name. Insert a prefix in the text field. Require GPS Fix defined whether the unit requires a GPS fix. Under Nemo Outdoor/Invex you are able to define whether IP traces are sent to Nemo Outdoor or Nemo Invex (depending on your product) or not. Define whether IP traces are sent by selecting Yes or No. Under Nemo Handy you are able to define maintenance details for Nemo Handy terminals. Maintenance at Startup defines whether maintenance is performed when Nemo Handy starts up. Select either Yes or No. Maintenance Priority defines whether maintenance priority is high or low. When the maintenance priority is low maintenance is not performed if the next measurement session is due to begin before maintenance could be performed, and when the maintenance priority is high maintenance is always performed even if the next measurement session start is delayed as a result. Maintenance by WiFi defines whether maintenance is performed by WiFi or not. When Maintenance by WiFi is set to Yes, maintenance is done only via WiFI.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide 22. Configure the measurement settings. (Only in automatic projects).

Stop measuring when the unit is stationary for enables you to define the number of minutes the measurement unit can be stationary before it stops measuring. Stop measuring when GPS fix is lost for enables you to define the number of minutes the GPS fix can be lost before the measurement unit stops measuring. Split measurement to parts with duration of enables you to define in minutes the length of split measurement parts. Repeat scripts enables you to define how many times scripts are repeated during one measurement session. Enable session reporting with SMS enables you to define whether session reports are sent via SMS. Step 5 – Sessions (only in automatic projects) 23. Click 5. Sessions to move to defining the measurement sessions for the project. For more information, see for example “Automatic project with Nemo Outdoor”. You view the calendar per day, per week, or per month. Please note that adding new sessions is possible only in the day and week views, and the month view is more for overviewing purposes. 24. Drag the Session button to the calendar and release. A session with a default duration is added in the calendar. You can change the duration of the measurement session by dragging the bottom of the session area downwards.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide 25. To open the Session window where session settings are displayed, double-click the measurement session area. 26. Define the measurement session settings.

Title enables you to define title for the measurement session. This title is displayed on the calendar view. Prefix defined here is displayed in front of the log file name in the log file list to indicate from which measurement session the log file is generated. Start displays the start date and time of the measurement session. End displays the end date and time of the measurement session. Session recurrence enables you to define the number of repeats for a measurement session if the project conditions allow repeating (that is, there is no other measurement session scheduled simultaneously at any point of the repeat period and the project is long enough). You can define the date until which the session is repeated and the number of repeats. The number of repeats is scaled according to the defined repeat end date and available days for the repeat session. For example, in a project lasting from Monday morning to Wednesday evening the scale for repeating a session originally scheduled for Monday is 1 occurrence(s) (Monday), 2 occurrence(s) (Monday and Tuesday), and 3 occurrence(s) (Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday) if the Repeat daily until date is set to the end of the project. If repeating the session is not possible due to session overlapping or overall project duration, the session recurrence settings cannot be defined. Note that moving any of the sessions of the repeat sequence on the calendar moves all the sessions of the same sequence. If there is overlapping with any of the sessions in the sequence the sessions cannot be moved.

If you cannot define the repeat settings, check whether there are other measurement sessions taking place during the planned repeat(s) on any other day of the project. Nemo Cloud does not allow session overlapping, so if there is another session scheduled to take place simultaneously with the repeat, the repeat function is disabled.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide

Outdoor devices displays the Nemo Outdoor measurement devices connected to the project.

Handy devices displays the Nemo Handy measurement devices connected to the project. Individual measurement devices are displayed under the relevant device group. Type displays the type of the measurement device. Unit MAC/IMEI displays the serial number of the measurement device. Device IMSI/IMEI displays the IMSI or IMEI of the measurement device. Device name displays the model name of the device. Script indicates the script assigned to the project and to the individual device. If several scripts are assigned to the project, the script can be changed in the pulldown menu separately for each device. Autoanswer (with Nemo Outdoor) enables autoanswering for each individual device in the project. Pcap filter (with Nemo Handy) displays the PCAP filter used in the selected project. Pcap (with Nemo Handy) enables you to define whether PCAP for each device in the project is off, enabled, or captured. Remove enables you to remove the measurement session from the project. Update updates the settings for the measurement session. Cancel shuts the Session window without saving any possible changes. Step 6 - Alerts 27. Click 6. Alerts to move to select alert sets to the project. 28. Select the alert set(s) and click Assign. You can select several files and assign the selected files at the same time.

29. The alert set(s) you selected are now displayed under Assigned alerts. 30. If you need to remove alert sets from the project, select the alert set under Assigned alerts and click Remove. 31. When you are ready with the project configuration, click Publish.

The project is published and will start when the first measurement session is scheduled to begin.

Creating work orders Work order projects are quite similar to automatic projects: you create the project and configure the work orders (preconfigured measurement sessions) in Nemo Cloud. The difference between automatic projects and work order projects is that instead of fixed measurement sessions, in a work order project the end-user of the measurement device can select which work order to perform at a chosen time, which gives more flexibility within the measurement project. The enduser needs only to activate the work order manually and after measurements.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide To create work orders in Nemo Cloud Premium, begin by going to the Projects page. The page displays a list of possible existing projects. The project is created in six steps: overview, units, files, settings, work order, and alerts.

You can move between the different steps by clicking a step. At any point you can click Save as draft, which will save the project as an unpublished draft with you assigned as the editor. 1. To create a work order project in Nemo Cloud, begin by going to the Projects page. The page displays a list of possible existing projects. Click Create.

2. 3.

An Add new project dialog box opens. Type in the project name and click Add next to Work order. Step 1 - Overview 4.

The Overview view opens.


You can edit the project name if needed.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide 6.

Insert the start date in the Start date text field by clicking the text field and selecting a date from the popup calendar (only with automatic projects).


Insert the start time either by using the arrow icons or by inserting the time in numbers in 00:00 form (only with automatic projects). Please note that if you edit the start time to be closer to the end time and the measurement session duration becomes less than 15 minutes Nemo Cloud automatically pushes the end time forward to keep a minimum of 15 minutes as the duration of the measurement session. If the measurement session should be shorter than 15 minutes it can be set manually.


Insert the end date in the End date text field by clicking the text field and selecting a date from the pull-down menu similar to that of start date (only with automatic projects). 9. Insert the end time either by using the arrow icons or by inserting the time in numbers in 00:00 form (only with automatic projects). 10. Write a project description in the Project description text field. This description is displayed on the right-hand side of the view in the project list once the project is created. 11. Insert project tags in the Project tags text field. Project tags can be used as search terms for the project later. 12. On the second step of the project overview settings, Log file upload settings, select the service type among None, Nemo Cloud, and Nemo Xynergy from the pulldown menu.

With Service type set to None measurement session data upload is not performed and the measurement file is saved in the measurement device. With Service type set to Nemo Cloud measurement session data is uploaded to Nemo Cloud file endpoint. With Service type set to Nemo Xynergy you need to define the upload location separately (see below). 13. If you select Nemo Xynergy, select also the file upload location.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide

Note that the Nemo Xynergy Upload option is accessible only if you already use Nemo Xynergy and have acquired the Nemo Cloud license option to Nemo Xynergy. With Nemo Xynergy upload settings you are able to define the project type as Acceptance, Optimization, Benchmarking, or Inbuilding. When the project type is set to Acceptance, Optimization, or Benchmarking you can define the region, marker, cluster and project. With Inbuilding you are able to define the indoor market, venue, building, and floor. You can also add new clusters and projects. Nemo Xynergy is set up as a hierarchy of four levels in the following order: project type, region, market, and cluster. Project type, region, and market are selectable to a degree but you cannot create new ones, whereas clusters and projects are selectable (when there are some already created) but you are also able to create new ones according to your workflow and needs. 14. Click Save changes to save all modified configuration settings. Step 2 - Units 15. Click 2. Units to move to the next stage of the configuration. In this view you can see available units for the project and assign units to the project.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide

Unit name displays the IMEI number or MAC address of the unit. Product indicates the Nemo product the unit is connected to with the icon displayed. Version indicates the version number of the Nemo product. Status indicates whether the unit is online (green) or offline (grey). User displays the user name associated to the unit. Expires indicates the expiration date of the product license in the unit. 16. Select units to the project either by clicking the plus icon on the right-hand side of the unit information line, or by selecting the check-box next to the unit name and clicking Assign. You can select several units and assign all the selected units at the same time.

Note that active manual projects override automatic and work order projects in individual measurement units. The same measurement unit can be selected to an automatic/work order project while assigned to a manual project, but the measurement unit will not initiate the automatic project or display work orders until the manual project is inactivated. Please note that a unit can be selected to more than one project at the same time but can perform only one measurement session at a time, which means that the measurement sessions of the projects with the same unit assigned to them cannot take place at the same time. A unit with a simultaneous active measurement session is not displayed as an available unit on this list. 17. If you need to remove assigned units from the project, select the unit(s) under Assigned units, and click Remove.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide Step 3 - Files 18. Click 3 Files to move to selecting files for the project. The Files step view opens, displaying four sections: Script files, BTS files, Map files, and Other files.

19. Open the file section(s) from you wish to select files for your project. Select the file(s) and click Assign, or with single files by clicking either the file name or the plus icon on the right-hand side of the file information line. You can select several files and assign the selected files at the same time. The files you selected will be displayed on the right side of the view.

Filename displays the name of the file in question. Please note while selecting files that files for Nemo Handy/Nemo Walker Air and Nemo Outdoor are indicated with different file types: .hsfx for Nemo Handy and Nemo Walker Air, and .nsfx for Nemo Outdoor.

File size displays the size of the file in kilobytes. Tags display descriptive terms defined by the user regarding the project. These terms may be used as search terms, for example. If you need to remove assigned files from the project, select the file(s) under Assigned files, and click Remove. Step 4 - Settings 20. Click 4. Settings to move to configuration. 21. Configure the settings for email alerts.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide

Please note that it is recommended to use a Google email here. Also, please note with Google email accounts that you need to allow emails from unverified senders in the defined Google email account to receive alert notification emails from Nemo Cloud. Define the SMTP server, Port, Username, and Password in the dedicated text fields. Insert the Email Address to which the alert message is sent and define the interval (in minutes) for alert emails. The email is sent if any alerts have been triggered during the interval, and the email contains a summary of all alerts triggered during the set interval. Note that the email address needs to be defined here to receive any notifications on alerts. You can send a test email to the defined email address to check that the email settings are correct. Click Send E-mail to send a test email. Please note that alert sets for Nemo Handy/Nemo Walker Air and Nemo Outdoor are indicated with different file types: .hafj for Nemo Handy and Nemo Walker Air, and .nafj for Nemo Outdoor. 22. Configure the settings for project units.

Maintenance Interval defines the maintenance interval (in minutes) of the units. Define the maintenance interval by inserting a number in the text field.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide

Reporting Interval defines the reporting interval (in seconds) of the unit. Define the reporting interval by inserting a number in the text field. Unit Prefix defines the prefix displayed in front of the measurement log file name. Insert a prefix in the text field. Require GPS Fix defined whether the unit requires a GPS fix. Under Nemo Outdoor/Invex you are able to define whether IP traces are sent to Nemo Outdoor or Nemo Invex (depending on your product) or not. Define whether IP traces are sent by selecting Yes or No. Under Nemo Handy you are able to define maintenance details for Nemo Handy terminals. Maintenance at Startup defines whether maintenance is performed when Nemo Handy starts up. Select either Yes or No. Maintenance Priority defines whether maintenance priority is high or low. When the maintenance priority is low maintenance is not performed if the next measurement session is due to begin before maintenance could be performed, and when the maintenance priority is high maintenance is always performed even if the next measurement session start is delayed as a result. Maintenance by WiFi defines whether maintenance is performed by WiFi or not. When Maintenance by WiFi is set to Yes, maintenance is done only via WiFI. Step 5 – Work order (only with work order projects) 23. Click 5. Work order to move to configuring work order(s) for the project. For more information, see for example “Work order project with Nemo Outdoor”. 24. On the Work order page, Click Add work order.

25. A view where you can configure work order properties and link scripts to your measurement devices opens.

Title enables you to name the work order sessions for easier usability. Description enables you to add a description for the work order session. With Map file you can assign a map file to the work order. Under devices you can assign a script file, BTS file, and Pcap filter to every measurement device assigned to this work order session. You can also define the Pcap state ( Off, Enabled, or Capture) for each measurement device.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide 26. Configure the work order properties and the measurement devices. Click Save. Step 6 - Alerts 27. Click 6. Alerts to move to select alert sets to the project. 28. Click the alert set you wish to assign to the work order. You can also select the alert set(s) and click Assign. You can select several files and assign the selected files at the same time.

29. The alert set(s) you clicked/selected are now displayed under Assigned alerts. 30. If you need to remove alert sets from the project, click the alert set or select the alert set under Assigned alerts and click Remove. 31. When you are ready with the project configuration, click Publish.

The project is published, and the work orders can be completed during the measurement project by activating the work orders at a chosen time.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide The work orders assigned to a measurement unit are displayed as a list from which you can activate/deactivate and complete work orders during the measurement project. Below you can see a list of work orders assigned to a Nemo Handy unit.

Creating manual projects Manual projects are created similarly to automatic projects. The only difference is that with manual projects you do not need to configure the project start and end date or time or schedule measurement sessions. 32. To create a manual project in Nemo Cloud, begin by going to the Projects page. The page displays a list of possible existing projects. Click Create.

33. An Add new project dialog box opens. 34. Type in the project name and click Add next to Manual.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide 35. The project is created in five steps: overview, units, files, settings, and alerts. You can move between the different steps by clicking a step. At any point you can click Save as draft, which will save the project as an unpublished draft with you assigned as the editor. 36. Create the manual project as you would an automatic project. Note that Nemo Cloud does not activate the project if you leave the Projects page before activating the project. It is possible to go to other pages (for example Scripts to create a script or edit an existing one) even though the project is not activated. Nemo Cloud preserves your settings and you are able to continue creating/editing the project once you return to the Projects page. Note that one unit can be selected to several manual projects at the same time but only one of those projects can be active at a time. Note that active manual projects override automatic projects in individual measurement units. The same measurement unit can be selected to an automatic project while assigned to a manual project, but the measurement unit will not initiate the automatic project until the manual project is inactivated. Note that with both Nemo Cloud Basic and Premium options you are able to monitor manual projects while they are running. For more detailed information on how to create a project, see Chapter “Creating automatic projects”.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide

6 Nemo Cloud Resources Nemo Cloud’s Resources page displays information on the units and files in Nemo Cloud.

Units To access the Units list, click Resources | Units.

The Units list in Resources displays the units connected to Nemo Cloud.

Figure 34. Units view on the Resources page. You can filter units in the Filter text field. Remove enables you to remove a selected unit. Rename enables you to rename a selected unit. Details opens the Unit devices view displaying information on the measurement devices. Unit name displays the IMEI or MAC number of the unit. Clicking the unit name opens the Device information view. Product displays the type icon of the Nemo product connected to Nemo Cloud. Version indicates the version number of the Nemo product. Devices indicates the number of devices (such as terminals) connected to for example Nemo Invex or Nemo Outdoor. Status indicates whether the unit is online (green) or offline (grey). User displays the user name associated to the unit. Expires indicates the expiration date of the product license in the unit. Last location indicates the coordinates of the location the unit reported at the end of the latest measurement session. The Unit devices field displays the device information of the selected unit. For example, with a Nemo Outdoor unit with six devices the Unit Devices field displays the names, IMEIs, IMSIs, and phone numbers of the six devices connected to the Nemo Outdoor unit. Note that you cannot rename the device in this view, to rename the device you need to return to the Units view.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide

Files To access the Files list, click Resources | Files.

The Files list in Resources displays the files created with Nemo Cloud.

Figure 35. Files view on the Resources page. You can filter files in the Filter text field. Remove enables you to remove a selected file. Download enables you to download a selected file on your computer. Upload enables you to upload a file to Nemo Cloud from your computer. File name displays the name of each file. Size indicates the size of each file in kilobytes. Tags displays descriptive terms defined by the user regarding the project. These terms may be used as search terms, for example.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide

7 Nemo Cloud Tools – Script Editor This chapter describes the Script editor view under Nemo Cloud’s Tools page. Under Script editor it is possible to create new scripts and manage/edit existing scripts. To enter the Script editor view, click Tools and select Script editor from the pull-down menu.

Creating scripts New scripts are created in the Script editor view. Below is the workflow for creating new scripts. 1. To create a script, go to the Script editor view, select Nemo Outdoor or Nemo Handy, and click New.


The Script overview opens.

3. 4. 5.

Define the script name. Note that you are not able to save an unnamed script. Add a description for the script (optional). Define the number of repeats for the script and whether the device settings are used with the script. Add tags to the script (optional) by typing a tag in the Tags field, and click Add. The tag is added to the script. You can add a maximum of five tags per script. If you wish to remove a tag from the script, click X on the tag you wish to remove. As default there are two tags



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already defined, one stating the product and other defining that this is a script file. You can add three new tags. Under Script configuration, click Add script item to open a dialog box displaying a list of script commands.


The Select New Script Item dialog box opens.


In the Select New Script Item dialog box, select the script command you wish to include in the script and click OK. You need to add each script command individually.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide

You can search for commands and command groups in the Search field. 10. To add more script commands, repeat steps 3-5. The script commands appear on the view as you add them.

11. You are able to change the order of selected script commands on the view by dragging and

dropping them in a new position on the list. Please note that the script command order must be within the regulations regarding the script structure (that is start command before end command). The light green color indicates that the change is possible, the light orange color indicates that the change is not possible. An end command cannot be moved before the start command of the same command pair. An incorrect change is indicated in light orange.

This Wait command can be moved to be performed earlier in the script. A possible change is indicated in green.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide

12. You are able to delete commands from the script by clicking X on the right-hand side of the individual script command field.

Nemo Cloud asks for confirmation for removing the script item, if you wish to delete the command, click OK.

13. You can open the script command settings by clicking the downwards arrow on the righthand side of the individual script command field. For detailed information on script command properties, see “Script commands”.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide

Note that if there is required information missing from the script command configuration, the script command is filled in orange and outlined in red. You need to open the script command settings and add the necessary information, after which the command is displayed in light gray. In the example below the commands for HTTP transfer, Streaming, and Wait require configuration information, whereas commands for HTTP transfer stop and Streaming stop are valid.

14. Once all the information you want to include in the script properties is added, click Save.

Editing and removing existing scripts Existing scripts are edited in the Script editor view. Select a script you wish to edit by clicking the script. Clicking the script opens the script in the editing view, and you can edit the script in the same manner as you would create a script. When the desired changes are made to the script, click Save. If you wish to delete a script, select the checkbox next to the script name and click Remove. Alternatively, you can also remove the script in the editing view – if you wish to remove a script, click the script so that it opens in the editing view and click Remove.

Script commands Script commands in Nemo Cloud are divided into command groups. The command groups with Nemo Outdoor are Advanced, Facebook, Forcing Functions, General, Instagram, Messaging, Packet Data Transfer, Push-To-Talk, and Twitter. The command groups with Nemo Handy are Facebook, Forcing Functions, General, Instagram, LinkedIn, Messaging, Packet Data Transfer, and Twitter. This chapter introduces the different script commands in Nemo Cloud.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide

Advanced (Nemo Outdoor and Nemo Invex) Counter (Nemo Outdoor and Nemo Invex) Counters can be used with the Loop command as condition. To add a script command for counter, click + Add script item in the Scripts page, select Counter from the menu, and click OK. To access the command settings, click the downwards arrow on the right-hand side of the script command after the command is added to the script. The Counter Settings dialog box opens.

Counter name defines the name of the counter. Reset counter on every loop, when enabled, resets the counter at the beginning of each loop. If (Nemo Outdoor and Nemo Invex) With the If condition you can define criteria which have to be met until a set of commands between the If - End If block in the script takes place. If the criteria set are met, Nemo Outdoor will perform the set of commands within the If - End If block, and if the criteria are not met, this set of commands will be skipped altogether and the script resumes from the first item after the End If command. To add a script command for if condition, click + Add script item in the Scripts page, select If from the menu, and click OK. Note that the settings for the If condition are defined in the Nemo Outdoor unit and cannot be defined through the Nemo Cloud interface. To view possible command settings, click the downwards arrow on the right-hand side of the script command after the command is added to the script. Loop (Nemo Outdoor and Nemo Invex) To add a script command for a loop, click + Add script item in the Scripts page, select Loop from the menu, and click OK. To access the command settings, click the downwards arrow on the righthand side of the script command after the command is added to the script. The Start Loop Settings dialog box opens.

Repeat the loop allows you to define how many times the loop is repeated. Insert the number in the Times text field.

Repeat the loop for (seconds) allows you to define the number of seconds of the loop, that is how many seconds the loop lasts. Insert the number in the Seconds text field. Repeat the loop until the time is allows you to define the time when the loop ends in hours, minutes, and seconds. Repeat the loop as long as the following criteria are met displays possible loop criteria defined in the Nemo Outdoor unit. These settings are not configured via the Nemo Cloud user interface. If no criteria are defined in the Nemo Outdoor unit, this option is disabled here. Custom AT command (Nemo Outdoor and Nemo Invex) To add a script command for a custom AT, click + Add script item in the Scripts page, select Send AT command from menu, and click OK. To access the command settings, click the downwards arrow on the right-hand side of the script command after the command is added to the script. The Send Custom AT Command dialog box opens.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide Selecting SendATCommand offers the possibility to run custom AT commands with certain test terminals. The available commands are device-specific. Type in the AT command and push Enter. The AT commands and responses are saved in the measurement file. Terminal radio (Nemo Outdoor and Nemo Invex) To add a script command for terminal radio, click + Add script item in the Scripts page, select Set terminal radio on or Set terminal radio off from the menu, and click OK. Setting the terminal radio on/ off enables the Airplane mode. Commands are displayed in the script editor. Timer (Nemo Outdoor and Nemo Invex) Timers can be used with the Loop command as condition. To add a script command for a timer, click + Add script item in the Scripts page, select Start Timer from the menu, and click OK. To access the command settings, click the downwards arrow on the right-hand side of the script command after the command is added to the script. The Start Timer dialog box opens.

Timer name defines the name for the timer. Start timer on every loop, when enabled, starts the timer at the beginning of each loop.

Facebook Facebook testing (Nemo Outdoor and Nemo Invex) Under Facebook you can choose between four different actions: get wall feed (Get wall feed), get friend list (Get friend list), post status update (Post status update), and post image (Post image). Selecting any of these options adds a respectively named Facebook script command. To add a script command for a Facebook testing function, click + Add script item in the Scripts page, select the designated command from the menu, and click OK. To access the command settings, click the downwards arrow on the right-hand side of the script command after the command is added to the script. The associated dialog box opens. In the dialog box you can define session and transfer settings.


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If you already have a Facebook account, type in the Username. The username can be found from the General Account Settings in Facebook. Transfer timeout defines the time in seconds for how long Nemo Outdoor waits during a transfer if there is a break in the data flow. If the transfer does not continue within the defined time, the transfer will fail. User access token is required for Facebook testing. You can acquire an access token by clicking Get Access Token. Application ID and Application secret fields are required only if you have your own application for accessing Facebook. Otherwise you can leave these fields empty. You can define an Image that will be uploaded on the wall of your Facebook profile. Limit for feed retrieval defines how many items or from how many days items will be retrieved from the wall when the user executes the command. Limit type (items, days) defines whether the limit type for the feed retrieval limit is items or days. The Facebook get friend list end can be either normal or forced. Open the Facebook Get Friend List End command and select normal or forced. Facebook testing (Nemo Handy) Under Facebook you can choose between four different actions: get wall feed (Get wall feed), get friend list (Get friend list), post status update (Post status update), and post image (Post image). Selecting any of these options adds a respectively named Facebook script command. To add a script command for a Facebook testing function, click + Add script item in the Scripts page, select the designated command from the menu, and click OK. To access the command settings, click the downwards arrow on the right-hand side of the script command after the command is added to the script. The associated dialog box opens. In the dialog box you can define session and transfer settings.


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Number of items defines the number of items sent or downloaded. Attempt timeout (seconds) defines the length of the attempt in seconds. Time range enables you to define the number of days during which wall feed is downloaded. Message enables you to define the status update message, or with image posting the message related to the image post. Image enables you to define the image to be posted.

Forcing functions Forcing Functions (Nemo Outdoor and Nemo Invex) Under Forcing Functions you can choose between a selection of different forcing functions. To add a script command for cell barring, click + Add script item in the Scripts page, select Cell barring from the menu, and click OK. To access the command settings, click the downwards arrow on the right-hand side of the script command after the command is added to the script. The Cell Barring dialog box opens.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide

During the measurement you can select if you wish to access only cells that are accessible to all end users (Accept), all cells; that is, also cells that are barred (Ignore), and only barred cells (Reverse). To add a script command for band lock, click + Add script item in the Scripts page, select Set band lock from the menu, and click OK. To access the command settings, click the downwards arrow on the right-hand side of the script command after the command is added to the script. The Set Band Lock Forcing Functions dialog box opens. There is a range of band locking options to choose from including GSM system, UMTS FDD system, LTE system and CDMA/EVDO system.

Select a system and a second-level list opens with bands to select. The band lock can be removed by clicking + Add script item and selecting Remove band lock from the list of script commands. The Remove Band Lock command is added to the script editor. To add a script command for channel locking, click + Add script item in the Scripts page, select Set channel lock from the menu, and click OK. To access the command settings, click the downwards arrow on the right-hand side of the script command after the command is added to the script. The Channel Lock Forcing Functions dialog box opens.

Select the system, define channel number and/or BSIC (base station identification code) within the given limits (it must be a valid channel/BSIC), and cell ID. The channel lock command will appear in the script editor. Channel lock can be removed by selecting Remove channel lock from the list of script commands. The Remove Channel Lock command is added to the script editor. Band Lock (Nemo Handy) To add a script command for band lock, click + Add script item in the Scripts page, select Set band lock from the menu, and click OK. To access the command settings, click the downwards arrow on the right-hand side of the script command after the command is added to the script. The Set Band Lock Forcing Functions dialog box opens. There is a range of band locking options to choose from including GSM system, UMTS FDD system, LTE system and CDMA/EVDO system.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide

To remove band lock, select the Remove band lock script command from the list of commands. When using locks with scripts, it is recommended that a 10-second Wait command be added to the beginning of the script. This ensures that the lock has enough time to activate before other script commands become active. For more information on the Wait command, see “Wait (Nemo Handy)”. Airplane Mode (Nemo Handy) To add a script command for airplane mode, click + Add script item in the Scripts page, select Airplane mode from the menu, and click OK. The airplane mode is ON/OFF, therefore no further settings are needed. Commands to start and stop the airplane mode appear in the script editor view. Change APN (Nemo Handy) To add a script command for changing APN, click + Add script item in the Scripts page, select Change APN from the menu, and click OK. To access the command settings, click the downwards arrow on the right-hand side of the script command after the command is added to the script. The Change APN Settings dialog box opens.

APN name defines the APN (Access Point Name). Attempt timeout (seconds) defines the maximum duration (in seconds) of the connection attempt. AMR Lock (Nemo Handy) To add a script command for AMR lock, click + Add script item in the Scripts page, select Set AMR lock from the menu, and click OK. To access the command settings, click the downwards arrow on the right-hand side of the script command after the command is added to the script. The Set AMR Lock Settings dialog box opens. There is a range of band locking options to choose from including GSM system, UMTS FDD system, LTE system and CDMA/EVDO system. Handover Control (Nemo Outdoor and Nemo Invex) Forcing handovers can be used to check that they work properly. You do not have to wait for the mobile to make handovers, as you can, for example, force a handover to every neighbor cell. To add a script command for handover forcing, click + Add script item in the Scripts page, select Start handover forcing from the menu, and click OK. To access the command settings, click the downwards arrow on the right-hand side of the script command after the command is added to


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide the script. The Start Handover Forcing Functions dialog box opens in which you can select the system (GSM or UMTS).

The BCCH ARFCN can be used to select the broadcast control channel (1-885) you want to force the handover to. The BSIC field defines the Base station identification code for the target cell. The BSID field defines the Base station identification for the target cell. Target cell Settings allows you to define RX bias levels for the target cells. RX level bias defines Rx level biasing, value range from -127 to 127. RX quality bias defines Rx quality biasing, value range from -7 to 7. Non-Target cell Settings allows you to define bias levels for non-target cells. RX level bias defines Rx level biasing, value range from -127 to 127. RX quality bias defines Rx quality biasing, value range from -7 to 7. Ec/N0 bias defines the Ec/N0 level biasing (UMTS). RSCP bias defines the RSCP level biasing (UMTS). With UMTS FDD as the system you are also able to define the following: UARFCN defines the number of the carrier (UARFCN). Scrambling code defines the target cell using scrambling code. The user has three mode request commands, Normal mode, Handover forcing and Handover suppression. If the terminal accepts the command made by the user, the corresponding command will indicate this. If the command fails, the user is notified. It is also possible to send the same command several times without selecting other commands (that is send a new Handover Forcing command with different bias values or forced the terminal to different scr. code, or in GSM to a different channel without first deactivating HO forcing). For example, the device can be forced to scrambling code 6. Once the terminal is locked to scrambling code 6, the user can set a new target cell and select the Handover forcing function again. The Target cell settings and Non-Target cell settings fields enable the user to define 3G offsets, that is enhance target cell Ec/N0 and RSCP, and degrade non-target cell Ec/N0 and RSCP)


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide During Normal mode, forcing is disabled and the terminal performs 2G and 3G handovers normally. By running the Handover forcing function, the terminal reports biasing Ec/N0 and RSCP values as set by the user. When the mode is changed back to Normal mode the terminal reports unbiased values. To end handover suppression, select Start normal mode from the script command list. For more information about Handover Control, please see Nemo Outdoor user manual. Handover Suppression (Nemo Outdoor and Nemo Invex) When Handover suppression is enabled the terminal is not allowed to do handovers to other cells. It should be noted that target cell biasing can be done only with WCDMA. Biasing/ measurement report message modification is not possible with GSM at the moment. You can use this feature, for example, to find the edge of a cell by stopping the handovers from taking place when driving away from a base station. To add a script command for handover suppression, click + Add script item in the Scripts page, select Start handover suppression from the menu, and click OK. The command is added to the script editor.

General Browser transfer (Nemo Outdoor and Nemo Invex) To add a script command for a browser transfer, click + Add script item in the Scripts page, select Browser transfer from the menu, and click OK. To access the command settings, click the downwards arrow on the right-hand side of the script command after the command is added to the script. The Browser Transfer Start Properties dialog box opens.

Select the Use SSL encryption option to apply SSL encryption to the test browser transfer. IP version enables you to select between two IP standards, IPv4 or IPv6. Protocol enables you to select between HTTP and HTTPS protocols.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide

URL host address defines the IP address of the test page that will be downloaded. For example, Remote path defines the path for the remote file. URL summary for reference displays the summary of the URL address for the transfer. Transfer timeout defines the time in seconds for how long the device waits during a transfer if there is a break in the data flow. If the transfer does not continue within the defined time, the transfer will fail. If Display browser window is selected, the browser window is displayed in separate Nemo Browser view (in Nemo Handy). If Decode content information is selected, information about the images, texts and links are written to measurement file including the number of content elements and size information. In the Additional headers field you can type a custom HTTP header, for example, for identifying the user agent. The downloaded page can be seen during the measurement and the total time to download the whole page is written to the measurement file. The cache is disabled by default. PPP and RLC layer data throughputs are logged during the browser testing. The average PPP and RLC data throughputs are also available. Average results are calculated from the time PDP context was active (PAC- PAD). The connection setup time and the download time can be seen in Nemo Cloud. For multi browser testing with single computer it is recommended that Nemo Server be used for multiple simultaneous data connections, for example for benchmarking purposes as each connection must have its own IP address. The browser transfer end can be either normal or forced. Open the Browser Transfer Stop command and select normal or forced. Browser transfer (Nemo Handy) To add a script command for a browser transfer, click + Add script item in the Scripts page, select Browser transfer from the menu, and click OK. To access the command settings, click the downwards arrow on the right-hand side of the script command after the command is added to the script. The Browser Transfer Start Properties dialog box opens.

URL defines the IP address of the test page that will be downloaded. For example, You can define the port used if you wish, for example, Transfer timeout defines the time in seconds for how long the device waits during a transfer if there is a break in the data flow. If the transfer does not continue within the defined time, the transfer will fail. Dropbox transfer (Nemo Outdoor and Nemo Invex) To add a script command for a Dropbox transfer, click + Add script item in the Scripts page, select Dropbox transfer from the menu, and click OK. To access the command settings, click the


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide downwards arrow on the right-hand side of the script command after the command is added to the script. The Dropbox Transfer Start dialog box opens.

User access token is required for Dropbox testing. You can acquire a user access token by clicking Get Access Token.

Application access token is required only if you have your own application for accessing Dropbox. Otherwise you can leave this field empty. Direction defines whether you are sending or receiving data. Transfer timeout defines the time in seconds for how long Nemo Outdoor waits during a transfer if there is a break in the data flow. If the transfer does not continue within the defined time, the transfer will fail. Remote file defines the name and location of the file that is on the Dropbox server. If you are receiving data, this is the source file. If you are sending data, this is the destination file. Local file defines the name and location of the file that is on your laptop. If you are receiving data, this is the output file. If you are sending data, this is the source file. Buffer size defines the transmit/receive buffer used with the transfer protocol in kilobytes. Dropbox transfer (Nemo Handy) To add a script command for a Dropbox transfer, click + Add script item in the Scripts page, select Dropbox transfer from the menu, and click OK. To access the command settings, click the downwards arrow on the right-hand side of the script command after the command is added to the script. The Dropbox Transfer Start dialog box opens.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide

Select Uplink to upload file(s) to Dropbox. Local file defines the path of the uploaded file. Size defines the size of the uploaded test file. Attempt timeout (milliseconds) defines the length of the attempt in milliseconds. Select Downlink to download file(s) from Dropbox. Remote file defines the path of the remote file. FTP Transfer (Nemo Outdoor and Nemo Invex) To add a script command for a FTP transfer, click + Add script item in the Scripts page, select FTP transfer from the menu, and click OK. To access the command settings, click the downwards arrow on the right-hand side of the script command after the command is added to the script. The FTP Transfer Properties dialog box opens. You are able to hide and open distinct settings with the arrow on the left-hand side of the dialog box.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide

FTP server settings: IP version enables you to select between two IP standards, IPv4 or IPv6. Host name is the IP address of the FTP server used.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide Note that if you have multiple simultaneous data connections on different terminals, each connection must have its own IP address. Note that if you are doing multiple simultaneous data transfers on a single terminal, the same IP address can be used. If you encounter problems with the data transfer, deactivate the firewall on the computer.

Server Port refers to the port used by the FTP server. In the Username field you must enter a valid username for the FTP server. In the Password field you must enter a valid password for the FTP server. Connection timeout defines the time in seconds for how long the device waits for the connection to be established. If a connection is not established within the defined time, connection attempt will fail. Proxy settings: Proxy type defines the type of the proxy used in the measurements. Supported types are None, Tunneling, SOCKS4, and SOCKS5. Address refers to the address of the proxy. Proxy Port refers to the port used by the proxy. In the Username field you must enter a valid username for the proxy. In the Password field you must enter a valid password for the proxy. FTP transfer direction settings: Direction defines whether you are sending or receiving data. Remote file defines the name and location of the file that is on the FTP server. If you are receiving data, this is the source file. If you are sending data, this is the destination file. Local file defines the name and location of the file that is on your laptop. If you are receiving data, this is the output file. If you are sending data, this is the source file. Select the Write local file to disk option to save the downloaded file on disk. Remote path (with Direction: Send) defines the path of the location where the file is uploaded. FTP transfer other settings: Transfer timeout defines the time in seconds for how long the device waits during a transfer if there is a break in the data flow. If the transfer does not continue within the defined time, transfer will fail. Transfer attempts defines how many times an interrupted data transfer is resumed during one FTP session. Number of threads defines in how many threads the test file is split during an FTP transfer. For example, the size of the downloaded file is 10MB. The number of threads is set to five. All five FTP transfer sessions are started simultaneously. Each thread creates a new FTP session and transfers a fragment of the file. Total application data throughput is recorded including all threads. Resume is not supported with multi-threaded FTP transfers. In case of a data drop, all threads will start from the beginning. Buffer size defines the transmit/receive buffer used with the transfer protocol in kilobytes. Note that if you have multiple simultaneous data connections and the direction is set to send for all of them, you must define a different remote file for each connection. Otherwise the different data connections will try to write in the same file. Also note that if there are several testing units using the same FTP server, we recommend that you use a unique file name extension (for example, filename_tester1.txt, filename_tester2.txt) for each unit to avoid a situation where two testing units are trying to write in the same file.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide Note that if you have multiple simultaneous data connections and the direction is set to receive for all of them, you must define a different local file for each connection. Otherwise the different data connections will try to write in the same file. The FTP transfer end can be either normal or forced. Open the FTP Transfer Stop command and select normal or forced. FTP Transfer (Nemo Handy) To add a script command for a FTP transfer, click + Add script item in the Scripts page, select FTP transfer from the menu, and click OK. To access the command settings, click the downwards arrow on the right-hand side of the script command after the command is added to the script. The FTP Transfer Properties dialog box opens. You are able to hide and open distinct settings with the arrow on the left-hand side of the dialog box.

Host name is the IP address of the FTP server used. In the Username field you must enter a valid username for the FTP server. In the Password field you must enter a valid password for the FTP server. Port refers to the port used by the FTP server. Passive mode enabled the passive mode.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide

Uplink, when selected, uploads content to the URL as an FTP transfer. Path defines the path for the uploaded content, and Nemo Handy generates the uploaded file. Size defines the size of the uploaded file in kilobytes. Downlink, when selected, downloads content from the URL as an FTP transfer. File defines the downloaded file and the path of the downloaded file. Attempt timeout defines the maximum duration (in seconds) of the transfer attempt. If the attempt timeout value is exceeded, the attempt will be stopped and the attempt will be marked as a failure. It is recommended that the value be at least 10 seconds. Max duration defines the maximum transfer duration in seconds. If no time for duration has been set, the transfer stays active until it ends. When the time is set, Nemo Handy ends the transfer after the set time and moves to next script command. Number of threads defines in how many threads the test file is split during an FTP transfer. For example, the size of the downloaded file is 10MB. The number of threads is set to five. All five FTP transfer sessions are started simultaneously. Each thread creates a new FTP session and transfers a fragment of the file. Total application data throughput is recorded including all threads. Resume is not supported with multi-threaded FTP transfers. In case of a data drop, all threads will start from the beginning. HTTP Transfer (Nemo Outdoor and Nemo Invex) To add a script command for an HTTP transfer, click + Add script item in the Scripts page, select HTTP transfer from the menu, and click OK. To access the command settings, click the downwards arrow on the right-hand side of the script command after the command is added to the script. The HTTP transfer Properties box opens.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide

Proxy type defines the type of the proxy used in the measurements. Supported types are None, Tunneling, SOCKS4, and SOCKS5. Address refers to the address of the proxy. Proxy Port refers to the port used by the proxy. In the Username field you must enter a valid username for the proxy. In the Password field you must enter a valid password for the proxy. Connection timeout defines the time in seconds for how long the device waits for the connection to be established. If a connection is not established within the defined time, connection attempt will fail. Scheme (None, Basic, Digest, NTLM, Negotiate) defines the authentication scheme used with the transfer. Select the appropriate authentication scheme and define the username and password for the authentication. Direction defines the direction of the transfer (Receive, Send POST, Send PUT). Remote file defines the name and location of the file that is on the FTP server. If you are receiving data, this is the source file. If you are sending data, this is the destination file. Local file defines the name and location of the file that is on your laptop. If you are receiving data, this is the output file. If you are sending data, this is the source file. Select the Write local file to disk option to save the downloaded file on disk. Generate local file allows you to generate random binary files with user-specified file size. This functionality is available with FTP upload testing. The file is named with following format _.bin.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide

Transfer timeout defines the time in seconds for how long the device waits during a transfer if there is a break in the data flow. If the transfer does not continue within the defined time, transfer will fail. Transfer attempts defines how many times an interrupted data transfer is resumed during one FTP session. Number of threads defines in how many threads the test file is split during an FTP transfer. For example, the size of the downloaded file is 10MB. The number of threads is set to five. All five FTP transfer sessions are started simultaneously. Each thread creates a new FTP session and transfers a fragment of the file. Total application data throughput is recorded including all threads. Resume is not supported with multi-threaded FTP transfers. In case of a data drop, all threads will start from the beginning. Buffer size defines the transmit/receive buffer used with the transfer protocol in kilobytes. URL defines the URL address. IP version enables you to select between two IP standards, IPv4 or IPv6. User agent allows you to define the user agent string used for the HTTP/HTTPS transfer. It is by default Nemo Outdoor, but it is possible to define another user agent. Please see the for further details about user agents. Select the Use SSL encryption option to apply SSL encryption to the test HTTP transfer. The HTTP transfer end can be either normal or forced. Open the HTTP Transfer Stop command and select normal or forced. HTTP Transfer (Nemo Handy) To add a script command for an HTTP transfer, click + Add script item in the Scripts page, select HTTP transfer from the menu, and click OK. To access the command settings, click the downwards arrow on the right-hand side of the script command after the command is added to the script. The HTTP transfer Properties dialog box opens.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide

Protocol enables you to select between HTTP and HTTPS protocols. Port defines the port number. URL host address defines the URL address for the HTTP transfer. Remote path file defines the path of the remote file. URL summary for reference displays the summary of the URL address for the transfer. Downlink, when selected, downloads content from the URL as an HTTP transfer. Use Downlink dynamic data from Nemo Server enables downloading automatically generated test data from Nemo Server. File size enables you to define the size of the dynamic data file in kilobytes. Uplink, when selected, uploads content to the URL as an HTTP transfer. File size enables you to define the size of the file to be uploaded. Http PUT, when selected, enables using HTTP PUT. Attempt timeout defines the maximum duration (in seconds) of the transfer attempt. If the attempt timeout value is exceeded, the attempt will be stopped and the attempt will be marked as a failure. It is recommended that the value be at least 10 seconds. Max duration defines the maximum transfer duration in seconds. If no time for duration has been set, the transfer stays active until it ends. When the time is set, Nemo Handy ends the transfer after the set time and moves to next script command. ICMP Ping (Nemo Outdoor and Nemo Invex) To add a script command for ICMP ping, click + Add script item in the Scripts page, select ICMP ping from the menu, and click OK. To access the command settings, click the downwards arrow on the right-hand side of the script command after the command is added to the script. The ICMP Ping Settings dialog box opens.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide

IP version enables you to select between two IP standards, IPv4 or IPv6. Host name refers to the IP address or URL that is being pinged, for example, You can use Packet Data Tester or any IP server. Just make sure that the IP server used will respond to the ping. Repeats (Handy) defines the number of repeats for the ping. Packet Size is the size of the ping packet that is used to measure ping time. The value determines the size of the packet sent to the server. Interval (milliseconds) (Handy) defines the interval of the ping in milliseconds. Timeout determines the maximum time waiting time for a reply packet from the server. If this time is exceeded, the ping measurement event will be created by using the timeout parameter (=1). Delay defines the delay duration in milliseconds. In addition to the duration, also define where the delay will occur. The options are Delay between requests and Delay from reply to request. Repeat until stopped defines that the ping measurement is to be continued until you stopped manually. Select the Repeat selected times option if you would like to define the number of times the ping measurement is repeated. iDEN PTT Call (Nemo Outdoor and Nemo Invex) To add a script command for iDEN PTT call, click + Add script item in the Scripts page, select Make a IDENPTT Call from the menu, and click OK. To access the command settings, click the downwards arrow on the right-hand side of the script command after the command is added to the script. The iDEN PTT Call dialog box opens.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide

Number defines the recipient phone number. Call attempt timeout defines the call attempt timeout in seconds. The iDEN PTT call testing includes the following actions: Press PTT Button, Wait, Release PTT Button, and Wait (for more detailed information, see respective information). The iDEN PTT call end can be either normal or forced. Open the iDEN PTT Call Stop command and select normal or forced. Kodiak PTT Call (Nemo Outdoor and Nemo Invex) To add a script command for Kodiak PTT call, click + Add script item in the Scripts page, select Make a Kodiak call from the menu, and click OK. To access the command settings, click the downwards arrow on the right-hand side of the script command after the command is added to the script. The Kodiak Call Configuration dialog box opens.

Call type defines what kind of call will be made. The options are one to one, one to many, and group call.

Recipients defines to whom the call is made. The recipients are selected from the contact list of the Kodiak application and are defined as index numbers. For example, if you would like to make a call


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide to the first contact on the contact list, enter 0. If the selected call type is one to many, define several recipients and separate the index numbers with semicolons. If the selected call type is group call, select the recipient from the group contact list of the Kodiak application and again, use the index number. Call attempt timeout defines the call attempt timeout in seconds. Enable voice quality, if selected, voice quality will be measured. The Kodiak PTT call testing includes the following actions: Press PTT Button, Wait, Release PTT Button, and Wait (for more detailed information, see respective information). QChat Call (Nemo Outdoor and Nemo Invex) To add a script command for QChat call, click + Add script item in the Scripts page, select Make a QChat call from the menu, and click OK. To access the command settings, click the downwards arrow on the right-hand side of the script command after the command is added to the script. The QChat Call Configuration dialog box opens.

Number defines the recipient phone number. Call attempt timeout defines the call attempt timeout in seconds. Select the Voice quality option to enable voice quality measurements for QChat calls. The QChat call testing includes the following actions: Press PTT Button, Wait, Release PTT Button, and Wait (for more detailed information, see respective information). The QChat call end can be either normal or forced. Open the QChat Call Stop command and select normal or forced. VoIP Call (Nemo Outdoor and Nemo Invex) To add a script command for VoIP call, click + Add script item in the Scripts page, select Make a VoIP call from the menu, and click OK. To access the command settings, click the downwards arrow on the right-hand side of the script command after the command is added to the script. The Voip Call Configuration dialog box opens.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide

SIP callee address defines the SIP address of the call receiver. Call duration defines the call duration in seconds. Call attempt timeout defines the call attempt timeout in seconds. Audio codecs for the call can be selected from the list by selecting the box next to them. The order of the codecs is significant since the first codec is offered as the primary codec when making a call to a counterparty. For example, in the image above the primary codec offered for an outgoing call is G729/8000. In addition, only selected codecs are used while negotiating the codec in the case of an incoming call. Select the Enable voice quality option to enable voice quality measurements for VoIP calls. The VoIP call end can be either normal or forced. Open the Voip Call Stop command and select normal or forced. Data Call (Nemo Outdoor and Nemo Invex) Data Call properties are needed to establish the circuit-switched data connection. To add a script command for data call, click + Add script item in the Scripts page, select Make a call from the menu, and click OK. To access the command settings, click the downwards arrow on the righthand side of the script command after the command is added to the script. The Data Call Properties dialog box opens. There are separate views for GSM, UMTS, and CDMA. The parameters are the same. The UMTS and CDMA views just have fewer parameters. A PPP compatible dial-up server is required for CS data testing. Settings related to the dial-up server (number, username, and password) are operator-specific.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide

Number defines the number to be called of the dial-up server. Username refers to the dial-up server username. Password refers to the dial-up server password. Transparent mode defines whether transparent or non-transparent mode is used in the CS data call.

Compression defines if no compression or v.42bis compression is used. Modem type refers to the modem type that the dial-up server is using. The alternatives are Analog (v.34) and ISDN (v.110 and v.120). Timeslots (UL/DL) defines the number of timeslots for each direction. Coding defines the coding scheme used in the air interface. Enable automatic link adaptation option allows you to disable and enable Automatic Link Adaptation (ALA). The ALA technology controls power levels and automatically selects the best channel coding. Video Call (Nemo Outdoor and Nemo Invex) To add a script command for video call, click + Add script item in the Scripts page, select Make a video call from the menu, and click OK. To access the command settings, click the downwards arrow on the right-hand side of the script command after the command is added to the script. The Make a video call dialog box opens.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide

Phone number defines the recipient phone number. Call duration (fixed/ random) defines the duration (in seconds) of the call, unless used with Call End Condition (see above). Attempt timeout defines the maximum duration (in seconds) of the call attempt. If the attempt timeout value is exceeded before the cellular system has assigned a traffic channel, the call attempt will be stopped and the attempt will be marked as a failure. It is recommended that the value be at least 10 seconds. Voice quality, when selected voice quality will be measured. Audio playback, if selected, enables you to play a selected audio file during the test call. The video call end can be either normal or forced. Open the End a video call command and select normal or forced. Voice call (Nemo Outdoor and Nemo Invex) To add a script command for voice call, click + Add script item in the Scripts page, select Make a voice call from the menu, and click OK. To access the command settings, click the downwards arrow on the right-hand side of the script command after the command is added to the script. The Make a voice call dialog box opens.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide

Phone number defines the recipient phone number.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide

Call duration (fixed) defines the duration (in seconds) of the call, unless used with Call End Condition (see above). Call duration (random) randomly defines the duration of the call within the time limits you set. Call attempt Timeout defines the maximum duration (in seconds) of the call attempt. If the attempt timeout value is exceeded before the cellular system has assigned a traffic channel, the call attempt will be stopped and the attempt will be marked as a failure. It is recommended that the value be at least 10 seconds. When Request voice call callback is selected, Nemo Outdoor sends callback command to Nemo Server using DTMF tones. DTMF tones are sent separately from audio so naturally DTMF tones do not affect to MOS score. If Nemo server is connected to analog telephone lines (PSTN) user must define the correct callback number on the server side using Nemo Server manager application. If ISDN lines are used with Nemo Server and test terminals are selected to be sent also caller id to Nemo server, callback number is recognized automatically. Note that this functionality requires Nemo Server version 2.5.0 or later. When Wait for call connection option is selected, a call script will move on to the next command after receiving the CAA event after a voice call has been made. When the option is not selected, the script will move on to the next command after a traffic channel is allocated (CAC1 event is received). Select the Enable end-to-end call option to activate voice call synchronization between two devices connected to the same Nemo Outdoor system or between a device and Nemo Server. With Mode, select the Nemo Server option to enable voice call synchronization between a device and Nemo Server. Select the Local device option to activate end-to-end voice calls between two devices connected to the same Nemo Outdoor system. Own number defines the A-party phone number. Call reception timeout defines the max. time to receive the incoming call. If call is not received within the timeout, call attempt failure with the cause “Incoming call not received” is written to the log file. Select the Enable voice quality option to activate the voice quality settings. Note that the voice quality settings are available only if your license supports voice quality measurements. Audio mode defines which party, A or B, starts the audio transmission. In Normal mode, the caller party starts with audio transmission and in Reverse mode the caller starts with audio reception. Reference sample filename defines the reference sample to which the received audio sample is compared. If you want to use your own test samples, make sure that the samples are of 8KHz sampling rate, 16-bit linear coded .wav files that are no longer than six seconds in length. With the Terratec sound card, sampling rate can be 8kHz or 16 kHz (for WB-AMR testing) and sample length a maximum of 30 seconds. For ECHO measurements, use one of the following samples: 10s.wav, 4s_m.wav, 8s.wav, ru_6s.wav, and ru_6s_wb.wav. Select the Save sample files option to save the received voice quality sample files. Enable audio playback, if selected, enables you to play a selected audio file in Nemo Outdoor during the test call. CDMA specific settings, Service option defines the service option used for the test call. Note that the CDMA specific setting is activated only if you are measuring with a CDMA mobile. Tetra specific - Call type (enabled only for TETRA devices) defines what kind of calls will be made. There are five different options in TETRA networks: duplex, semiduplex, group, direct, and PSTN.  Duplex: Normal call between two terminals; both parties can speak at the same time  Semiduplex: Call between two terminals, but only one party can speak at a time by pressing the PTT (Press-to-Talk) button  Group: Call from one terminal to a group; all terminals having that group active can listen, and by pressing the PTT button, also speak  Direct: Call between terminals which bypasses the network, by means of the PTT button  PSTN: Call from terminal to fixed line or to another cellular mobile The voice call end can be either normal or forced. Open the End a voice call command and select normal or forced.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide Voice Call (Nemo Handy) To add a script command for voice call, click + Add script item in the Scripts page, select Make a voice call from the menu, and click OK. To access the command settings, click the downwards arrow on the right-hand side of the script command after the command is added to the script. The Make a voice call dialog box opens.

Phone number defines the recipient phone number. Call duration (fixed) defines the duration (in seconds) of the call, unless used with Call End Condition (see above). Call duration (random) randomly defines the duration of the call within the time limits you set. Attempt Timeout defines the maximum duration (in seconds) of the call attempt. If the attempt timeout value is exceeded before the cellular system has assigned a traffic channel, the call attempt will be stopped and the attempt will be marked as a failure. It is recommended that the value be at least 10 seconds. Voice quality mode can be set to off, on as caller initiated, or on as callee initiated. With the latter two reference sample file, MOS threshold, uplink volume, and POLQA version can be configured. PEVQ-S Transfer (Nemo Outdoor and Nemo Invex) When making video streaming quality measurements with the PEVQ-S algorithm, you need to define some settings in the PEVQ-S Properties dialog box. To add a script command for a PEVQ-S transfer, click + Add script item in the Scripts page, select PEVQS transfer from the menu, and click OK. To access the command settings, click the downwards arrow on the right-hand side of the


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide script command after the command is added to the script. The PEVQS Transfer Start Properties dialog box opens.

Video offers a selection of preloaded videos that can be used in the testing. Only these preloaded videos can be used for testing. The videos must be stored in folder Nemo Tools\Video Files. Transfer timeout defines the time in seconds for how long the device waits during a transfer if there is a break in the data flow. If the transfer does not continue within the defined time, the transfer will fail. If Display video stream is selected the video stream is displayed on a video window. The PEVQ-S transfer end can be either normal or forced. Open the PEVQS Transfer Stop command and select normal or forced. Packet Session (Nemo Outdoor) To add a script command for packet session, click + Add script item in the Scripts page, select Packet activate from the menu, and click OK. To access the command settings, click the downwards arrow on the right-hand side of the script command after the command is added to the script. The Packet Session Start Settings dialog box opens.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide

Packet Session settings are needed to establish the packet switched data connection. All the parameters in the Packet Session and the Basic QoS and Extended QoS tabs are operator-specific.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide You must select the correct parameters to make the packet transfer function. Contact the operator of the network that you are measuring. If you are unsure which settings to use it is recommended to use the default settings. Packet Attach (Nemo Outdoor and Nemo Invex) To add a script command for packet attach, click + Add script item in the Scripts page, select Packet attach/detach from the menu, and click OK. The command is added in the script editor. Receive Call (Nemo Outdoor and Nemo Invex) To add a script command for receive call, click + Add script item in the Scripts page, select Receive call from the menu, and click OK. To access the command settings, click the downwards arrow on the right-hand side of the script command after the command is added to the script. The Receive Call dialog box opens.

Call duration defines the duration (in seconds) of the call. Call reception timeout defines the maximum time in seconds that Nemo Outdoor/Nemo Invex waits for an incoming call. If there are no calls during this time, Nemo Outdoor/ Nemo Invex stops waiting and moves to next script command. Enable Nemo Server connection, if selected, data commands can be sent to server. Needed, for example, when the commanding server makes an incoming call to Nemo Outdoor/Nemo Invex. Own number defines the phone number that the server calls. The number needs to belong to a device that is running the receive call script. Server line defines the Nemo Server phone number. Note that #31# must be entered before the phone number in Own number field. Enable voice quality, if selected, voice quality will be measured. Reference sample filename defines the reference sample to which the received audio sample is compared. If you want to use your own test samples, make sure that the samples are of 8KHz sampling rate, 16-bit linear coded .wav files that are no longer than six seconds in length. With the Terratec sound card, sampling rate can be 8kHz or 16 kHz (for WB-AMR testing) and sample length a maximum of 30 seconds. For ECHO measurements, use one of the following samples: 10s.wav, 4s_m.wav, 8s.wav, ru_6s.wav, and ru_6s_wb.wav.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide Select the Save sample files option to save the received voice quality sample files. The receive call end can be either normal or forced. Open the Receive Call Stop command and select normal or forced. Call Answer (Nemo Handy) To add a script command for call answer, click + Add script item in the Scripts page, select Receive call from the menu, and click OK. To access the command settings, click the downwards arrow on the right-hand side of the script command after the command is added to the script. The Answer Call dialog box opens.

Timeout defines the maximum time in seconds that Handy waits for an incoming call. If there are no calls during this time, Nemo Handy stops waiting and moves to next script command. Max duration defines the maximum call time duration in seconds. If no time for duration has been set, the call stays active until it ends or until the opposite end ends the call. When the time is set, Nemo Handy ends the call after the set time and moves to next script command. Server duration defines the length (in seconds) of the call made by the server. Answer delay defines the delay in milliseconds before answering an incoming call. Voice quality mode defines the voice quality mode. When On: caller initiated (default) is selected, the Caller (Mobile Originating device) first sends an audio sample to uplink and the Callee (Mobile Terminating device) waits for sync tone, records sample and then sends its own sync and sample to uplink. When On: callee initiated is selected, Caller (Mobile Originating device) begins listening to the line and when it detects sync tone, it will capture the sample and send its own sample to uplink. This is useful for example in CDMA networks where MO device does not receive information on when MT device has answered the call and call is truly connected. Register SIP Server (Nemo Outdoor and Nemo Invex) To add a script command for registering SIP server, click + Add script item in the Scripts page, select Register SIP server from the menu, and click OK. To access the command settings, click the downwards arrow on the right-hand side of the script command after the command is added to the script. The Register SIP Server dialog box opens.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide

Domain defines the address of the SIP server, for example Port defines the SIP port. The default SIP port is 5060. Connection timeout defines the timeout while trying to connect to the server. Username/Password defines the username that the user has registered to the server and the corresponding password. Registration duration defines the duration for which the SIP registration is valid. When selected, Use SIP proxy option enables the user to send outbound SIP messager through Proxy. Proxy address/port defines the proxy, through which SIP messages are sent. Register/ Unregister Kodiak Server (Nemo Outdoor and Nemo Invex) To add a script command for registering/ unregistering Kodiak server, click + Add script item in the Scripts page, select Register Kodiak server or Unregister Kodiak Server from the menu, and click OK. The command is added to the script editor. SFTP Transfer (Nemo Outdoor and Nemo Invex) To add a script command for an SFTP transfer, click + Add script item in the Scripts page, select SFTP transfer from the menu, and click OK. To access the command settings, click the downwards arrow on the right-hand side of the script command after the command is added to the script. The SFTP Transfer Properties dialog box opens.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide

Note that if you have multiple simultaneous data connections on different terminals, each connection must have its own IP address. Note that if you are doing multiple simultaneous data transfers on a single terminal, the same IP address can be used. If you encounter problems with the data transfer, deactivate the firewall on the computer on which you are running Nemo Outdoor/ Nemo Invex.

IP version enables you to select between two IP standards, IPv4 or IPv6. Host name is the IP address of the SFTP server used. Server Port refers to the port used by the FTP server. In the Username field you must enter a valid username for the FTP server. In the Password field you must enter a valid password for the FTP server. Connection timeout defines the time in seconds for how long the device waits for the connection to be established. If a connection is not established within the defined time, connection attempt will fail. Proxy type defines the type of the proxy used in the measurements. Supported types are None, Tunneling, SOCKS4, and SOCKS5. Address refers to the address of the proxy. Proxy Port refers to the port used by the proxy. In the Username field you must enter a valid username for the proxy. In the Password field you must enter a valid password for the proxy. Direction defines whether you are sending or receiving data. Remote file defines the name and location of the file that is on the FTP server. If you are receiving data, this is the source file. If you are sending data, this is the destination file. Local file defines the name and location of the file that is on your laptop. If you are receiving data, this is the output file. If you are sending data, this is the source file. Select the Write local file to disk option to save the downloaded file on disk. Remote path (with Direction: Send) defines the path of the location where the file is uploaded.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide

Transfer timeout defines the time in seconds for how long the device waits during a transfer if there is a break in the data flow. If the transfer does not continue within the defined time, transfer will fail. Transfer attempts defines how many times an interrupted data transfer is resumed during one FTP session. Number of threads defines in how many threads the test file is split during an FTP transfer. For example, the size of the downloaded file is 10MB. The number of threads is set to five. All five FTP transfer sessions are started simultaneously. Each thread creates a new FTP session and transfers a fragment of the file. Total application data throughput is recorded including all threads. Resume is not supported with multi-threaded FTP transfers. In case of a data drop, all threads will start from the beginning. Buffer size defines the transmit/receive buffer used with the transfer protocol in kilobytes. Note that if you have multiple simultaneous data connections and the direction is set to send for all of them, you must define a different remote file for each connection. Otherwise the different data connections will try to write in the same file. Also note that if there are several testing units using the same FTP server, we recommend that you use a unique file name extension (for example, filename_tester1.txt, filename_tester2.txt) for each unit to avoid a situation where two testing units are trying to write in the same file. Note that if you have multiple simultaneous data connections and the direction is set to receive for all of them, you must define a different local file for each connection. Otherwise the different data connections will try to write in the same file. The SFTP transfer end can be either normal or forced. Open the SFTP Transfer Stop command and select normal or forced. (S)FTP transfer (Nemo Handy) To add a script command for a (S)FTP transfer, click + Add script item in the Scripts page, select (S)FTP transfer from the menu, and click OK. To access the command settings, click the downwards arrow on the right-hand side of the script command after the command is added to the script. The (S)FTP Transfer Properties dialog box opens.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide

Host name is the IP address of the (S)FTP server used. In the Username field you must enter a valid username for the (S)FTP server. In the Password field you must enter a valid password for the (S)FTP server. Port refers to the host port. Passive mode (in FTP transfer) option defines whether passive mode is used or not. Uplink or Downlink defines the direction of the transfer (uplink or downlink). With uplink you can define the path and the size of the transfer. In downlink you can define the file. Attempt timeout defines the maximum duration (in seconds) of the transfer attempt. If the attempt timeout value is exceeded, the attempt will be stopped and the attempt will be marked as a failure. It is recommended that the value be at least 10 seconds. Max duration defines the maximum transfer duration in seconds. If no time for duration has been set, the transfer stays active until it ends. When the time is set, Nemo Handy ends the transfer after the set time and moves to next script command. Number of threads defines in how many threads the test file is split during an FTP transfer. For example, the size of the downloaded file is 10MB. The number of threads is set to five. All five FTP transfer sessions are started simultaneously. Each thread creates a new FTP session and transfers a fragment of the file. Total application data throughput is recorded including all threads. Resume is not supported with multi-threaded FTP transfers. In case of a data drop, all threads will start from the beginning. If there are several (S)FTP commands right after one another, it is recommended to add for example a five-second wait command in between the (S)FTP commands. Send DTMF Characters (Nemo Outdoor and Nemo Invex) Script editor allows sending DTMF (dual-tone multi-frequency) sequences. You can for example make calls to service numbers that work by using DTMF tones. This command can only be used during voice calls. To add a script command for DTMF character sending, click + Add script item in the Scripts page, select Send DTMF from the menu, and click OK. To access the command settings, click the downwards arrow on the right-hand side of the script command after the command is added to the script. The Send DTMF characters dialog box opens.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide Send Instant Personal Alert (Nemo Outdoor and Nemo Invex) In addition to calls, you can send IPAs. To add a script command for sending IPAs, click + Add script item in the Scripts page, select Instant personal alert from the menu, and click OK. To access the command settings, click the downwards arrow on the right-hand side of the script command after the command is added to the script. The Send Instant Personal Alert dialog box opens. Define the recipient (only one at a time) and push Enter. Start External Application (Nemo Outdoor and Nemo Invex) To add a script command for an external application, click + Add script item in the Scripts page, select External application from the menu, and click OK. To access the command settings, click the downwards arrow on the right-hand side of the script command after the command is added to the script. The Start External Application dialog box opens.

This feature allows users to launch external applications from Nemo Outdoor/ Nemo Invex as a part of the automatic measurement sequence. You can define the executable as well as the command-line parameters. With Nemo Invex, you can run external applications also on the measurement servers (UICs). The external application can be used to launch any proprietary or third-party applications that are not built into Nemo Outdoor/ Nemo Invex. This enables, for example, the testing of data protocols that are not currently supported. You can then monitor the data throughputs from the PPP data throughput parameter. The external application feature can also be used to test web browsing. An APP event is written to the log file when a web browser is launched and closed. The user must set the cache size to minimum from the browser settings. Application Name defines the application that you want to run from Nemo Outdoor/Nemo Invex while making measurements. Define the path where the application .exe file is located on your computer. For example, C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe. Please note that clicking Browse will only show the folders on the local computer. If you want to run an external application on a measurement server (Nemo Invex), check the path from that server, for example, with Remote Desktop and type in the path manually.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide If you select the Wait until completed option, the test script will be on hold until the external application is closed. Arguments defines what file or web page will be opened in the external application once it is started. For example, if you start Internet Explorer, define here a URL ( You can also leave the field empty. Note that there should be no spaces between the characters in the pathname or target file specified in the Arguments field. Working Folder refers to the folder that the application uses to open and save files. For example, C:\Temp. Streaming (Nemo Outdoor and Nemo Invex) To add a script command for streaming, click + Add script item in the Scripts page, select Streaming from the menu, and click OK. To access the command settings, click the downwards arrow on the right-hand side of the script command after the command is added to the script. The Streaming Properties dialog box opens.

IP version enables you to select between two IP standards, IPv4 or IPv6. Protocol enables you to select between HTTP, HTTPS, and RTSP protocols. Port defines the port number for the transfer. URL host address defines the IP address (http or rtsp) of the video file that will be streamed. For example, rtsp:// or videos from YouTube ( Only one file will be downloaded at a time. Note that if you have multiple simultaneous data connections, you must define a different URL from different servers for each of them. To make consecutive downloads, create a script with several streaming sessions. Remote path file defines the path of the remote file. URL summary for reference displays the summary of the URL address for the transfer. Connection timeout defines the time in seconds for how long the device waits for the connection to be established. If a connection is not established within the defined time, connection attempt will fail.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide

Transfer timeout defines the time in seconds for how long the device waits during a transfer if there is a break in the data flow. If the transfer does not continue within the defined time, transfer will fail. Rebuffering timeout defines the maximum allowed buffering duration during video playback. Select the Display video stream option if you would like to view the test clip during the streaming. Select the Streaming quality option to activate streaming video quality measurements with PVI. The Streaming end can be either normal or forced. Open the Streaming Stop command and select normal or forced. YouTube Streaming (Nemo Handy) To add a script command for YouTube streaming, click + Add script item in the Scripts page, select Streaming from the menu, and click OK. To access the command settings, click the downwards arrow on the right-hand side of the script command after the command is added to the script. The Streaming Start Properties dialog box opens.

URL defines the IP address (http or rtsp) of the video file that will be streamed. For example, rtsp:// or videos from YouTube ( Only one file will be downloaded at a time. Note that if you have multiple simultaneous data connections, you must define a different URL from different servers for each of them. To make consecutive downloads, create a script with several streaming sessions. Video duration defines for how long (in seconds) the video is streamed. Attempt timeout defines the time in seconds for how long Nemo Handy waits for the connection to be established. If a connection is not established within the defined time, connection attempt will fail. Textual Note (Nemo Outdoor and Nemo Invex) It is possible to add textual notes at points of interest during measurements. To add a textual note, click + Add script item in the Scripts page, select Add Textual Note from the menu, and click OK. To type in the content, click the downwards arrow on the right-hand side of the script command after the command is added to the script. Note that you need to start recording before activating this function.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide Trace Route (Nemo Outdoor and Nemo Invex) To add a script command for a trace route, click + Add script item in the Scripts page, select Trace route from the menu, and click OK. To access the command settings, click the downwards arrow on the right-hand side of the script command after the command is added to the script. The Trace Route Properties dialog box opens.

IP version enables you to select between two IP standards, IPv4 or IPv6. The Host name field defines the IP address or URL of the target server of the trace route measurement, for example, You can use Packet Data Tester or any IP server. Just make sure that the IP server used will respond to the ping. Note that if you have multiple simultaneous data connections with different terminals, each connection must be given its own, separate IP address! Note that if you are doing multiple simultaneous data transfers on a single terminal, the same IP address can be used! If you encounter problems with the data transfer, deactivate the firewall on the computer.

Transfer timeout determines the maximum timeout seconds since the beginning of the operation. HOP timeout defines the maximum amount of time to wait for an individual hop to complete. HOP limit defines the maximum number of servers to be pinged along the way to the target server. By selecting the Resolve host names item, the names of the pinged servers will be reported. The trace route end can be either normal or forced. Open the Trace Route Stop command and select normal or forced. WAP Transfer (Nemo Outdoor and Nemo Invex) To add a script command for a WAP transfer, click + Add script item in the Scripts page, select WAP transfer from the menu, and click OK. To access the command settings, click the downwards


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide arrow on the right-hand side of the script command after the command is added to the script. The WAP Transfer dialog box opens.

WAP transfer properties define settings for the WAP gateway used in the measurements. WAP gateway host defines a name or an IP address for the WAP gateway. Note that if you have multiple simultaneous data connections, each connection must have its own IP address. WAP gateway port refers to the port used by the WAP gateway. Connection timeout defines the time in seconds for how long the device waits for the connection to be established. If a connection is not established within the defined time, connection attempt will fail. Transfer timeout defines the time in seconds for how long the device waits during a transfer if there is a break in the data flow. If the transfer does not continue within the defined time, transfer will fail. Decode content information, if selected, decodes the content of the WAP transfer. URL defines the IP address of the test file that will be downloaded. For example, Only one file will be downloaded at a time. Note that if you have multiple simultaneous data connections on different terminals, you must define a different URL from different servers for each of them.

Note that if you have multiple simultaneous data connections on a single terminal, the same URL can be used. If you encounter problems with the data transfer, deactivate the firewall on the computer. To make consecutive downloads, create a script with several WAP transfers. Port defines the port number for the transfer. Local file defines the output file and location for WAP testing.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide

Note that if you have multiple simultaneous data connections and the direction is set to receive for all of them, you must define a different local file for each connection. Otherwise the different data connections will try to write in the same file. The WAP transfer end can be either normal or forced. Open the WAP Transfer Stop command and select normal or forced. Wait (Nemo Outdoor and Nemo Invex) To add a script command for a wait period, click + Add script item in the Scripts page, select Wait from the menu, and click OK. To access the command settings, click the downwards arrow on the right-hand side of the script command after the command is added to the script. The Wait Settings dialog box opens.

With the Wait until the time is option you can define a point in time after which the script continues. With the Wait for all scripts to be synchronized option you can place multiple synchronization points inside the script file. Nemo Outdoor’s script group functionality enables you to synchronize the script files and/or certain lines in the script file for certain devices. Both synchronization methods can be used together or separately depending on needs of the user. Wait From Current Time enables you to define a pause between items in the script. For example, you can set a 10 second pause after a voice call is finished and before the next call starts.

When Wait Fixed time is selected you are able to define the length of the script pause in seconds.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide When Wait Random time is selected the script pause is of random length set by Nemo Cloud between the minimum and maximum duration (in seconds) defined by the user. Wait From Last Notification enables you to define the length of the script pause after a notification.

Select Notification enables you to select the notification after which the script pause begins. When Wait Fixed time is selected you are able to define the length of the script pause in seconds. When Wait Random time is selected the script pause is of random length set by Nemo Cloud between the minimum and maximum duration (in seconds) defined by the user. When the Wait Until Next Notification is enabled, the script waits for the selected event notification to appear.

Select Notification enables you to select the notification until which the script pause lasts. But at most… enables you to define the maximum length of the script pause in seconds after which the wait time ends even if the selected notification has not appeared. When Wait Fixed time is selected you are able to define the length of the script pause in seconds. When Wait Random time is selected the script pause is of random length set by Nemo Cloud between the minimum and maximum duration (in seconds) defined by the user. Wait until Current System is enables you to define a wait condition based on the active system (When system is GSM/ UMTS/ LTE/ CDMA/ EVDO), that is the wait period continues until a specific system becomes active.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide

Select System enables you to select the system which needs to be active for the script pause to begin.

But at most… enables you to define the maximum length of the script pause in seconds after which the wait time ends even if the selected system has not become active. When Wait Fixed time is selected you are able to define the length of the script pause in seconds. When Wait Random time is selected the script pause is of random length set by Nemo Cloud between the minimum and maximum duration (in seconds) defined by the user. Wait (Nemo Handy) To add a script command for a wait period, click + Add script item in the Scripts page, select Wait from the menu, and click OK. To access the command settings, click the downwards arrow on the right-hand side of the script command after the command is added to the script. The Wait Settings dialog box opens.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide

When Random wait time is selected the script pause is of random length set by Nemo Cloud between the minimum and maximum duration defined by the user. When Fixed wait time is selected you are able to define the length of the script pause in seconds. Wait condition settings define a wait condition based on the active system (Until system is GSM/ Until system is UMTS/ Until system is LTE), that is the wait period continues until a specific system becomes active. Select Define condition to enable Wait condition settings. Note: If both Wait condition and Fixed wait time (s) are defined, the fixed wait time (s) countdown will begin only after the Wait condition is met.

Wait from settings enables you to select one of the following options: Wait from Current time enables you to define a pause between items in the script. For example, you can set a 10 second pause after a voice call is finished and before the next call starts. The options Wait from Call Attempt and Wait from Data connection attempt enable you to define a wait period after the selected event notification. For example, you can make the script pause for 60 seconds after a call attempt event. This will prevent the script from continuing before the call attempt has completed.

Instagram To add a script command for loading your Instagram feed, click + Add script item in the Scripts page, select Instagram | Get self feed and click OK. To access the command settings, click the downwards arrow on the right-hand side of the script command after the command is added to the script.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide

Transfer timeout defines the time in seconds for how long Nemo Outdoor waits during a transfer if there is a break in the data flow. If the transfer does not continue within the defined time, the transfer will fail. User access token is required for Instagram testing. Click Get Access Token. You will be redirected to the Instagram login page. Enter your account information and click Log In. You will return to Nemo Outdoor and an access token will appear in the field. Application ID and Application secret fields are required only if you have your own application for accessing Instagram. Otherwise you can leave these fields empty. Limit for feed retrieval defines how many items or from how many days the items will be retrieved from the feed when the user executes the Get Feed command. Limit type (items, days) defines whether the limit type for the feed retrieval limit is items or days. The Instagram Get self feed end can be either normal or forced. Open the Instagram Get Self Feed End command and select normal or forced.

LinkedIn LinkedIn testing (Nemo Handy) To add a script command for loading a LinkedIn profile by public URL, click + Add script item in the Scripts page, select Profile loading from the menu, and click OK. To access the command settings, click the downwards arrow on the right-hand side of the script command after the command is added to the script. The LinkedIn Profile Loading by public URL Start dialog box opens.

Profile public URL defines the profile public URL. Attempt timeout (seconds) defines the length of the attempt in seconds.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide To add a script command for sharing text and URLs in LinkedIn, click + Add script item in the Scripts page, select Share text and Url from the menu, and click OK. To access the command settings, click the downwards arrow on the right-hand side of the script command after the command is added to the script. The LinkedIn Share Text and Url Start dialog box opens.

Title displays the title of the LinkedIn post. Text displays the text on the LinkedIn post. Image url is the URL of the image on the LinkedIn post. Attempt timeout defines the length of the attempt in seconds. To add a script command for loading info in LinkedIn, click + Add script item in the Scripts page, select My info loading from the menu, and click OK. To access the command settings, click the downwards arrow on the right-hand side of the script command after the command is added to the script. The LinkedIn My Info Loading Start box opens.

Attempt timeout defines the maximum duration (in seconds) of the connection attempt.

Messaging Under Messaging you can choose between six different actions with Nemo Outdoor and Nemo Invex: send SMS message (Send SMS message), send MMS message (Send MMS message), send USSD message (Send USSD message), send emails with SMTP protocol (Send email with SMTP protocol), receive emails with POP3 protocol (Receive email with POP3 protocol), and receive emails with IMAP protocol (Receive email with IMAP protocol). With Nemo Handy you can select between three actions: send MMS message (Send MMS message), send SMS message (Send SMS message), and send email with SMTP protocol (Send email with SMTP protocol. Selecting any of these options adds a respectively named script command. To add a script command for a messaging testing function, click + Add script item in the Scripts page, select the designated command from the menu, and click OK. To access the command settings, click the downwards arrow on the right-hand side of the script command after the command is added to the script. The associated dialog box opens. In the dialog box you can define session and transfer settings. The individual commands are introduced below. Receive email with IMAP protocol (Nemo Outdoor and Nemo Invex) IMAP server settings define settings for the IMAP server used in the measurements. To add a script command for receiving email with IMAP, click + Add script item in the Scripts page, select Receive email with IMAP protocol from the menu, and click OK. To access the


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide command settings, click the downwards arrow on the right-hand side of the script command after the command is added to the script. The Receive Email with IMAP Start dialog box opens.

Server name defines a name or an IP address for the server. Note that if you have multiple simultaneous data connections, each connection must have its own IP address. Note that if you have multiple simultaneous data connections on a single terminal, the same IP address can be used.

IP version enables you to select between two IP standards, IPv4 or IPv6. Port refers to the port used by the server. Connection timeout defines the time in seconds for how long the device waits for the connection to be established. If a connection is not established within the defined time, connection attempt will fail. In the Username field you must enter a valid username for the server. In the Password field you must enter a valid password for the server. Select the Use SSL encryption option to apply SSL encryption to the test email. Proxy server settings define settings for the proxy server used in the measurements. Proxy type defines the type of the proxy used in the measurements. Supported types are Tunneling, SOCKS4, and SOCKS5. Address refers to the address of the proxy. Port refers to the port used by the proxy. In the Username field you must enter a valid username for the proxy. In the Password field you must enter a valid password for the proxy. IMAP receiving options define how the test e-mails are received and handled by Nemo Outdoor/ Nemo Invex. Transfer timeout defines the time in seconds for how long the device waits during a transfer if there is a break in the data flow. If the transfer does not continue within the defined time, transfer will fail. Buffer size defines the transmit/receive buffer used with the transfer protocol in kilobytes. Select the Delete messages after receiving option to delete all received test e-mails. This will save disk space.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide

Maximum number of messages to receive defines the maximum number of messages received from the e-mail server. The IMAP transfer end can be either normal or forced. Open the Receive Email with IMAP Stop command and select normal or forced. Receive email with POP3 protocol (Nemo Outdoor and Nemo Invex) POP3 Server Settings define settings for the POP3 server used in the measurements. To add a script command for receiving email with POP3, click + Add script item in the Scripts page, select Receive email with POP3 protocol from the menu, and click OK. To access the command settings, click the downwards arrow on the right-hand side of the script command after the command is added to the script. The Receive Email with POP3 Start dialog box opens.

Server name defines a name or an IP address for the POP3 server. Note that if you have multiple simultaneous data connections on different terminals, each connection must have its own IP address. Note that if you have multiple simultaneous data connections on a single terminal, the same IP address can be used.

IP version enables you to select between two IP standards, IPv4 or IPv6. Port refers to the port used by the POP3 server. Connection timeout defines the time in seconds for how long the device waits for the connection to be established. If a connection is not established within the defined time, connection attempt will fail. In the Username field you must enter a valid username for the POP3 server. In the Password field you must enter a valid password for the POP3 server. Select the Use SSL encryption option to apply SSL encryption to the test email. Proxy server settings define settings for the proxy server used in the measurements.


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Proxy type defines the type of the proxy used in the measurements. Supported types are Tunneling, SOCKS4, and SOCKS5. Proxy Address refers to the address of the proxy. Port refers to the port used by the proxy. In the Username field you must enter a valid username for the proxy. In the Password field you must enter a valid password for the proxy. POP3 receiving options define how the test e-mails are received and handled by Nemo Outdoor/ Nemo Invex. Transfer timeout defines the time in seconds for how long the deivce waits during a transfer if there is a break in the data flow. If the transfer does not continue within the defined time, transfer will fail. Buffer size defines the transmit/receive buffer used with the transfer protocol in kilobytes. Select the Delete messages after receiving option to delete all received test e-mails. This will save disk space. Maximum number of messages to receive defines the maximum number of messages received from the e-mail server. The POP3 transfer end can be either normal or forced. Open the Receive Email with POP3 Stop command and select normal or forced. Send MMS message (Nemo Outdoor and Nemo Invex) With MMS messaging, all the settings are required to make MMS measurements.


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MMSC address defines the MMS Service Center address. This setting is operator-specific. MMSC username defines the MMS Service Center username. This setting is operator-specific. MMSC password defines the MMS Service Center password. This setting is operator-specific. WAP gateway host refers to the WAP gateway host. This setting is operator-specific. WAP gateway port refers to the port used by the WAP gateway. This setting is operator-specific. Connection timeout defines the time in seconds after which the connection attempt is terminated. Transfer timeout defines the time in seconds after which the MMS sending attempt is terminated. Message to be sent refers to the test MMS message used in the measurement. Access point name refers to the APN of the packet session transfer. Define the Username and Password for the packet session. Own IP address enables you to define whether the measurement device’s own IP address is used. Use dynamic enables you to define which dynamic to use with the connection. For detailed information on Packet session settings, see “Packet Session”.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide Send SMS message (Nemo Outdoor and Nemo Invex)

Phone Number defines the number of the mobile where you are sending the test messages. Enter the number without spaces and with the international country code; for example, +3581234567. Service Center Address defines the message center number of the mobile from where the messages are sent. The number is found from the test mobile SMS settings. Timeout defines the time in seconds after which the SMS sending attempt is terminated. When the End-to-end message option is selected, a unique ID consisting of 42 characters is added to the beginning of the message text when the SMS is sent. When the measurement file is added to the Nemo Analyze database, Nemo Analyze is able to recognize the SMS and the time it took for it to reach its destination from the time of sending during post-processing. All handlers support sending and receiving concatenated SMS messages. Message refers to the user-defined test message that will be sent. The limit is set to 15000 characters. Send USSD message (Nemo Outdoor and Nemo Invex) USSD testing allows you to monitor how USSD messages are transferred in the network. To add a script command for USSD testing, click + Add script item in the Scripts page, select Send USSD message from the menu, and click OK. To access the command settings, click the downwards arrow on the right-hand side of the script command after the command is added to the script. The Send USSD Message dialog box opens.

Timeout defines the time in seconds after which the USSD sending attempt is terminated. Message refers to the user-defined test message that will be sent. The limit for USSD messages is 182 characters. Receive email with SMTP protocol (Nemo Outdoor and Nemo Invex) SMTP Server Settings define settings for the SMTP server used in the measurements. To add a script command for sending email with SMTP, click + Add script item in the Scripts page, select Send email with SMTP protocol from the menu, and click OK. To access the command settings, click the downwards arrow on the right-hand side of the script command after the command is added to the script. The Send EMail with SMTP Start dialog box opens.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide

IP version enables you to select between two IP standards, IPv4 or IPv6. Server name defines a name or an IP address for the SMTP server. Note that if you have multiple simultaneous data connections, each connection must have its own IP address. Note that if you have multiple simultaneous data connections on a single terminal, the same IP address can be used. Note that some operators prevent accessing SMTP services other than their own. Therefore, it is not possible to test SMTP against the Nemo server with those operators' SIM cards. Port refers to the port used by the SMTP server. Connection timeout defines the time in seconds for how long the device waits for the connection to be established. If a connection is not established within the defined time, connection attempt will fail. In the Username field you must enter a valid username for the SMTP server. In the Password field you must enter a valid password for the SMTP server. Select the Use SSL encryption option to apply SSL encryption to the test email. Proxy server settings define settings for the proxy server used in the measurements. Proxy type defines the type of the proxy used in the measurements. Supported types are Tunneling, SOCKS4, and SOCKS5. Address refers to the address of the proxy. Port refers to the port used by the proxy. In the Username field you must enter a valid username for the proxy. In the Password field you must enter a valid password for the proxy. Transfer timeout defines the time in seconds for how long the device waits during a transfer if there is a break in the data flow. If the transfer does not continue within the defined time, transfer will fail. Buffer size defines the transmit/receive buffer used with the transfer protocol in kilobytes. Messages to be sent defines the test messages used in the SMTP test. Click Choose File to choose a file to be sent. The test file should be located in Nemo Outdoor, the location is defined in the script. The SMTP transfer end can be either normal or forced. Open the Send Email with SMTP Stop command and select normal or forced.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide Send MMS Message (Nemo Handy) To add a script command for an MMS message, click + Add script item in the Scripts page, select Send MMS message from the menu, and click OK. To access the command settings, click the downwards arrow on the right-hand side of the script command after the command is added to the script. The Send MMS Message dialog box opens.

In the dialog box you can define the MMS file used, the connection timeout and the transfer timeout. Note that the file name must match the file name in Nemo Handy. MMS file to sent defines the MMS file that will be sent. Connection timeout defines the maximum duration (in seconds) of the connection attempt. Attempt timeout determines the maximum time waiting time for a reply packet from the server. If this time is exceeded, the UDP packet transfer measurement event will be created by using the timeout parameter (=-1). Send SMS Message (Nemo Handy) To add a script command for an SMS message, click + Add script item in the Scripts page, select Send SMS message from the menu, and click OK. To access the command settings, click the downwards arrow on the right-hand side of the script command after the command is added to the script. The Send SMS Message dialog box opens.

Phone Number defines the number of the mobile where you are sending the test messages. Enter the number without spaces and with the international country code; for example, +3581234567. Timeout defines the time in seconds after which the SMS sending attempt is terminated.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide When the End-to-end testing option is selected, a unique ID consisting of 42 characters is added to the beginning of the message text when the SMS is sent. Nemo Cloud will then be able to recognize the SMS and the time it took for it to reach its destination from the time of sending during postprocessing. Message refers to the user-defined test message that will be sent. SMTP transfer (Nemo Handy) SMTP Server Settings define settings for the SMTP server used in the measurements. To add a script command for sending email with SMTP, click + Add script item in the Scripts page, select SMTP connect and start send from the menu, and click OK. To access the command settings, click the downwards arrow on the right-hand side of the script command after the command is added to the script. The Send EMail Start dialog box opens.

In the Username field you must enter a valid username for the SMTP server. In the Password field you must enter a valid password for the SMTP server. Server name defines the name/IP of the host SMTP server. Select the Use SSL encryption option to apply SSL encryption to the test email. Port refers to the port used by the server. You can select whether to send attachments in the test email. The options are None, File (define the name of the file), and Generate (define the size of the file in kilobytes). Message options enable you to define the sender address (From), the receiving address (To), the content of the email subject field (Subject), and the content of the message (Message).

Packet data transfer TCP Packet Transfer (Nemo Handy) To add a script command for a TCP packet transfer, click + Add script item in the Scripts page, select TCP packet transfer from the menu, and click OK. To access the command settings, click the downwards arrow on the right-hand side of the script command after the command is added to the script. The Start TCP Packet Data Transfer dialog box opens.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide

IP version enables you to select between two IP standards, IPv4 or IPv6. Port defines the port number for the TCP packet transfer. IP address defines the IP address for the transfer. Uplink, Downlink, Both defines the direction of the transfer (uplink only, downlink only, or both). Transfer timeout defines the time in seconds after which the UDP packet transfer sending attempt is terminated.

TCP window size in bytes defines the size of the receive window during TCP/IP transmission. If the size is too small, it can decrease the maximum data throughput, and if it is too high it can increase the retransmission round-trip time (RTT). To be able to avoid decrease of data throughput, the window size should be at least the maximum throughput multiplied by RTT. For example, with HSDPA with category 8 the maximum throughput is about 7.3 Mbit/s and RTT is about 100 ms. To avoid reduction of the throughput the TCP window size should be set at least to 7.3 Mbit/s * 0.1 s = 730 kbit = 91.25 kB. Attempt timeout defines the maximum time waiting time for a reply packet from the server. If this time is exceeded, the TCP packet transfer measurement event will be created by using the timeout parameter (=-1). Transfer duration defines the duration of transfer in seconds. Transfer data size defines the data size that will be transferred. UDP Packet Transfer (Nemo Handy) To add a script command for an UDP packet transfer, click + Add script item in the Scripts page, select UDP packet transfer from the menu, and click OK. To access the command settings, click the downwards arrow on the right-hand side of the script command after the command is added to the script. The UDP Packet Data Transfer dialog box opens.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide

Uplink, Downlink, Both defines the direction of the transfer (uplink only, downlink only, or both). Host name defines the packet transfer host address. Host port defines the host port. UDP bandwidth in kbps defines how much data is attempted to be transmitted. Since UDP does not guarantee successful data transmission, it is not limited by maximum throughput of the lower layers. If higher data transmission rate is used, the packet error rate (PER) increases. For example, if lower layers are capable of transmitting 100kbit/s and UDP bandwidth is configured to 400kbit/s, there should be a 75% packet error rate (only every fourth packet has been able to transmit successfully). Naturally UDP bandwidth should not be configured too small since it limits the maximum throughput that is not normally desired. UDP datagram size in bytes defines the size of the UDP packet in bytes. It should be smaller than the maximum packet size of the lower layers to be able to avoid packet fragmentation in the lower layers. Packet fragmentation has a huge negative impact to the achieved data throughput and it should be avoided. On the other hand, if too small UDP packet size is used the portion of the UDP and IP header increases which decreases the amount of transmitted user data with the result of smaller data throughput. Normally good maximum value for UDP datagram is a little bit less than maximum Ethernet packet size which is 1,500 bytes. A good default value for the UDP datagram size is 1,460 bytes. Attempt timeout determines the maximum time waiting time for a reply packet from the server. If this time is exceeded, the UDP packet transfer measurement event will be created by using the timeout parameter (=-1). Transfer duration defines the duration of UDP packet transfer. Transfer data size defines the data size that will be transferred.

Push-to-Talk Push-to-talk (Nemo Outdoor and Nemo Invex) Nemo Outdoor and Invex support QChat (developed by Qualcomm) and Kodiak Push-to-Talk (PTT) technologies.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide Normal call events and statistics are written when attempting or ending PTT calls. Different states of PTT calls, such as idle, getting ready to receive, receiving, transmitting are written to VCHI event. Please see the file format specification for further information. To add a script command for terminal radio, click + Add script item in the Scripts page, select Press PTT button from the menu, and click OK. The command is displayed in the script editor.

Twitter Twitter testing (Nemo Outdoor and Nemo Invex) Under Twitter you can choose between five different actions: get user feed (Get Twitter feed), load profile (Load Twitter profile), follow feed (Follow Twitter feed), post feed (Post Twitter feed), and post images (Post Twitter image). Selecting any of these options adds a respectively named Twitter script command. To add a script command for a Twitter testing function, click + Add script item in the Scripts page, select the designated command from the menu, and click OK. To access the command settings, click the downwards arrow on the right-hand side of the script command after the command is added to the script. The associated dialog box opens. In the dialog box you can define session and transfer settings.

If you want to follow the Twitter feed of a specific user or a hashtag, type in the username/hashtag in the @User/#Feed field without the @ or # symbols. Transfer timeout defines the time in seconds for how long Nemo Outdoor waits during a transfer if there is a break in the data flow. If the transfer does not continue within the defined time, the transfer will fail. User access token and User access token secret are required for Twitter testing. Application access token and Application access token secret fields are required only if you have your own application for accessing Twitter. Otherwise you can leave these fields empty. You can define an Image that will be uploaded to your Twitter feed. Comment is text that will be posted as a tweet. Limit for feed retrieval defines how many items or from how many days items will be retrieved from the wall when the user executes the command. Limit type (items, days) defines whether the limit type for the feed retrieval limit is items or days. The Twitter post image end can be either normal or forced. Open the Twitter Post Image End command and select normal or forced.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide Twitter testing (Nemo Handy) Under Twitter you can choose between five different actions: get user feed (Get Twitter feed), load profile (Load Twitter profile), follow feed (Follow Twitter feed), post feed (Post Twitter feed), and post images (Post Twitter image). Selecting any of these options adds a respectively named Twitter script command. To add a script command for a Twitter testing function, click + Add script item in the Scripts page, select the designated command from the menu, and click OK. To access the command settings, click the downwards arrow on the right-hand side of the script command after the command is added to the script. The associated dialog box opens. In the dialog box you can define session and transfer settings. Number of items defines the number of items uploaded or downloaded. Attempt timeout (seconds) defines the length of the attempt in seconds. Profile name (Load Profile) defines the name of the profile to be loaded. Feed string (Follow feed) defines the feed string to follow. Message (Post feed and Post image) enables you to define the message posted on the feed or with the uploaded image. Image (Post image) enables you to define the image to be posted.


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8 Nemo Cloud Tools – Alert Editor This chapter introduces the Alert editor view under Nemo Cloud’s Tools page. In this view you are able to define alerts or sets of alerts for your projects. To enter the Alert editor view, click Tools and select Alert editor from the pull-down menu.

Creating an alert set This chapter describes the workflow for creating an alert set. 1. Go to the script editor view, select Nemo Outdoor or Nemo Handy, and click New.


The alert set editor opens.

3. 4. 5.

Name the alert set. Note that you cannot save an unnamed alert set. Add a description (optional). Add tags (optional) by typing a tag in the Tags field, and click Add. The tag is added to the alert set. You can add a maximum of five tags per alert set. If you wish to remove a tag from the alert, click X on the tag you wish to remove. As default there are two tags already defined, one stating the product and other defining that this is an alert set file. You can add three new tags.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide 6.

Under Alert configuration, define the condition for the group(s) from the pulldown menu in the middle of the page. The options are Show alert if any group is true and Show alert if all groups are true. With the Show alert if any group is true option the alert set is initiated when one of the groups meets the settings for the alert. With the Show alert if all groups are true option all the settings for the alert set have to be met before the alert set is initiated.


Click Add Group. An Alert group #1 section appears. Click the arrow to open the section.


Define the condition for this rule group in the pulldown menu under group 1. The options are Show alert if any of the group rules is true and Show alert if all group rules are true. Click Add rule to add rules for this alert group.


10. Click the Compare field. 11. A Select Rule Parameter dialog box opens. Select a KPI from the list and click OK.


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12. For the selected KPI, select an operator for the rule from the pulldown menu in the middle. The options are:  Is less than  Is less than or equal to  Is equal to  Is not equal to  Is greater than or equal to  Is greater than 13. Define the value for the rule in the field on the right. Note that there is a maximum of 10 characters in the value field. A dot signifies a decimal number.

In this example this alert (named FTP_set) is displayed in the project of there are 10 or more FTP connection attempts during the project. 14. You are able to add up to five alert rules per rule group (with Add rule), and up to three groups in one set of alerts (with Add group).


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15. Click Save to save the alert set.

16. You can add an alert set to your project on the Projects page in the Alerts step (see “Step 6 - Alerts”). Select the alert set you wish to add to the project and click Assign. Note that the alert set file type for Nemo Handy and Nemo Autonomous Probe is .hafj and for Nemo Outdoor and Nemo Invex the file type is .nafj.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide

9 Use cases Manual project with Nemo Handy Manual projects can be created with the Nemo Cloud Basic and Nemo Cloud Premium options. This chapter describes the workflow for creating a manual project for Nemo Handy. In this example case a manual voice call test is created for Nemo Handy. 1. Sign in to Nemo Cloud. 2. In the Nemo Handy/ Nemo Handy Autonomous devices, sign in to Nemo Cloud. For more detailed information on how to do this see Chapter “Nemo Handy (Autonomous)/Nemo Autonomous Probe”. 3. At this point, if needed, you can create the script you wish to use in the project. See Chapter “Creating scripts” for more information on how to create a script. 4. You can create an alert set for your project if needed. See Chapter “Creating an alert set” for more information on how to create alert sets. 5. Next, go to the Projects page and click Create.


A Create project dialog box opens. Name the project and click Add on the Manual field.


The 1. Overview step of the project creation flow opens.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide


Fill in the optional project description and optional project tags. The project tag can be for example a registration number of a vehicle. Tags can be used for searching purposes. 9. Fill in the Log file upload settings. In this case, the files will be uploaded to Nemo Cloud. 10. Click 2. Units to proceed to the next step. 11. In the Units view you can see a list of available units. Select the units you wish to assign to the project and click Assign.

12. The units you selected are now displayed under Assigned units. If you wish to remove a unit from the project, click the X on the right-hand side of the unit name or select the unit and click Remove. 13. Click 3. Files to proceed to the next step. 14. In the Files view you can see four groups of files: script files, BTS files, map files, and other files. Open a file group by clicking on the group name, and select the file(s) you wish to assign to the project by either clicking on the file name directly or selecting the file and clicking Assign.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide

Note that Nemo Cloud does not regulate the type of the assigned script file(s) for each Nemo product – you need to ensure that the file type of the assigned script file is correct (.hsfx for Nemo Handy and Nemo Walker Air, and .nsfx for Nemo Outdoor). 15. The file you selected is now displayed under Assigned files. If you wish to remove the file from the project, click the X on the right-hand side of the file name or select the file and click Remove. 16. Click on 4. Settings to proceed to the next step. 17. On the Settings view, configure the alert email and unit settings.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide

18. Click 5. Alerts to add alerts or alert sets to the project similarly as units and files in the Alerts view. 19. On the Alerts view you can see a list of available alert sets. Select the alert set you wish to add to the project and click Assign.

Note that you need to define an email address in the Configuration view to receive notification on alerts. Note that the alert set file type for Nemo Handy and Nemo Autonomous Probe is .hafj and for Nemo Outdoor and Nemo Invex the file type is .nafj.


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20. Click Activate to activate the project.

21. The project is now active and remains active until the Activate button (which is now displayed as Deactivate) is clicked again. 22. Click Publish to publish the project. 23. You are able to share files and configuration settings between the selected Nemo Handy devices. On the Nemo Handy device, go to Settings | Settings | Nemo Cloud | Storage to share files or configuration settings with the other devices selected to the project. Note that the project must be published for the configuration(s) to be transferred to Nemo Handy devices. Note that for manual projects to run in Nemo Handy devices the project must be both activated and published. If you edit the project, you need to publish it again after editing for the project to run in the measurement devices. Note that manual projects override automatic projects in individual measurement units. The same measurement unit can be selected to an automatic project while assigned to a manual project, but the measurement unit will not initiate the automatic project until the manual project is inactivated.

Automatic project with Nemo Outdoor Automatic projects can be created with the Nemo Cloud Premium option only. This chapter describes the workflow for creating an automatic project for Nemo Outdoor. In this example case an automated voice call test is created for Nemo Outdoor. 1. Sign in to Nemo Cloud. 2. In the Nemo Outdoor / Nemo Invex devices, sign in to Nemo Cloud. For more detailed information on how to do this see Chapter “Nemo Outdoor/ Nemo Invex”. 3. In the Nemo Outdoor device, enable the remote mode in Remote | Go to Remote Mode and perform maintenance by clicking Remote | Maintenance. 4. At this point, if needed, you can create the script you wish to use in the project. See Chapter “Creating scripts” for more information on how to create scripts. 5. You can also create an alert set for your project. See Chapter “Creating an alert set” for more information on how to create alert sets. 6. Next, go to the Projects page and click Create.


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A Create project dialog box opens. Name the project and click Add on the Automatic field.


The 1. Overview step of the project creation flow opens.


Define an end date and time for the project, a start date and time for the project, and add optional project description, and optional project tags. The project tag can be for example a registration number of a vehicle. Tags can be used for searching purposes. 10. Fill in the Log file upload settings. In this case, the files will be uploaded to Nemo Cloud.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide In case the measurement unit assigned to the project signs in to Nemo Cloud later than the set start date and time (that is, the measurement session has already started), the measurement unit will automatically start measuring according to the project settings upon sign-in. 11. Click 2. Units to proceed to the next step. 12. In the Units view you can see a list of available units. Select the units you wish to assign to the project and click Assign.

13. The units you selected are now displayed under Assigned units. If you wish to remove a unit from the project, click the X on the right-hand side of the unit name or select the unit and click Remove. 14. Click 3. Files to proceed to the next step. 15. In the Files view you can see four groups of files: script files, BTS files, map files, and other files. Open a file group by clicking on the group name, and select the file(s) you wish to assign to the project by either clicking on the file name directly or selecting the file and clicking Assign.

Note that the script file type for Nemo Handy, Nemo Walker Air, and Nemo Autonomous Probe is .hsfx, and for Nemo Outdoor and Nemo Invex the file type is .nsfx. 16. The file you selected is now displayed under Assigned files. If you wish to remove the file from the project, click the X on the right-hand side of the file name or select the file and click Remove. 17. Click 4. Settings to proceed to the next step. 18. On the Settings view, configure the alert email settings, unit settings, and measurement settings.


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19. Click 5. Sessions to proceed to the next step. 20. On the Sessions view, drag-and-drop the Session button on a desired area within the project timeline indicated in a lighter color.


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21. A default-length session is added to the calendar.

Note that you can place several sessions on the same project, but Nemo Cloud does not allow the sessions to overlap with each other. Note that one session can be stretched over several days as well. You can also define the session duration with the pulldown menu next to the Session button. 22. Alter the session duration by stretching the session area on the calendar if needed.

23. Click 6. Alerts to proceed to assigning alert sets to the project similarly as units and files in the Alerts view.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide 24. On the Alerts view you can see a list of available alert sets. Select the alert set you wish to add to the project and click Assign.

Note that you need to define an email address in the Configuration view to receive notification on alerts. Note that the alert set file type for Nemo Handy and Nemo Autonomous Probe is .hafj and for Nemo Outdoor and Nemo Invex the file type is .nafj. 25. Once you are ready with the project configuration, click Publish.

Note that if the project is not published, the configuration(s) will not be transferred to Nemo Outdoor devices. If you do not publish the project Nemo Outdoor will not retrieve the session information automatically. Note that manual projects override automatic projects in individual measurement units. The same measurement unit can be selected to an automatic project while assigned to a manual project, but the measurement unit will not initiate the automatic project until the manual project is inactivated. 26. Once the project is created and published your Nemo Outdoor/Invex will run the project according to your settings.


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27. You can view the project results in Nemo Cloud in the Projects page by opening the project and going to the Results view. Project results are also displayed on step 6. Results view when the project is being edited.

Work order project with Nemo Outdoor Work order projects can be created with the Nemo Cloud Premium option only. This chapter describes the workflow for creating a work order project for Nemo Outdoor. 1. Sign in to Nemo Cloud. 2. In the Nemo Outdoor / Nemo Invex devices, sign in to Nemo Cloud. For more detailed information on how to do this see Chapter “Nemo Outdoor/ Nemo Invex”. 3. In the Nemo Outdoor device, enable the remote mode in Remote | Go to Remote Mode and perform maintenance by clicking Remote | Maintenance. 4. At this point, if needed, you can create the script you wish to use in the project. See Chapter “Creating scripts” for more information on how to create scripts. 5. You can also create an alert set for your project. See Chapter “Creating an alert set” for more information on how to create alert sets. 6. Next, go to the Projects page and click Create.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide


A Create project dialog box opens. Name the project and click Add on the Work order field.


The 1. Overview step of the project creation flow opens.


Define an end date and time for the project, a start date and time for the project, and add optional project description, and optional project tags. The project tag can be for example a registration number of a vehicle. Tags can be used for searching purposes. 10. Fill in the Log file upload settings. In this case, the files will be uploaded to Nemo Cloud. 11. Click 2. Units to proceed to the next step. 12. In the Units view you can see a list of available units. Select the units you wish to assign to the project either by clicking on the unit name, or selecting the unit(s) and clicking Assign.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide

13. The units you selected are now displayed under Assigned units. If you wish to remove a unit from the project, click the X on the right-hand side of the unit name or select the unit and click Remove. 14. Click 3. Files to proceed to the next step. 15. In the Files view you can see four groups of files: script files, BTS files, map files, and other files. Open a file group by clicking on the group name, and select the file(s) you wish to assign to the project by either clicking on the file name directly or selecting the file and clicking Assign.

Note that the script file type for Nemo Handy, Nemo Autonomous Probe, and Nemo Walker Air is .hsfx and for Nemo Outdoor and Nemo Invex the file type is .nsfx. 16. The file you selected is now displayed under Assigned files. If you wish to remove the file from the project, click the X on the right-hand side of the file name or select the file and click Remove. 17. Click 4. Settings to proceed to the next step. 18. On the Settings view, configure the alert email settings and unit settings.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide

19. Click 5. Work order to proceed to the next step. 20. On the Work order page, Click Add work order.

21. A view where you can configure work order properties and link scripts to your measurement devices opens.

22. Name the work order, add a description (optional), and select a map file if needed. 23. Under Outdoor devices, assign a script to the device(s) displayed by opening the pulldown menu and selecting a script.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide

Select a BTS file if needed, and whether autoanswering is used. 24. After you have configured the work order, click Save.

25. The work order you created is displayed on the Work order view.

Create more work orders in a similar manner by clicking Add work order. You can edit work orders by clicking on the name of the work order you wish to edit.

With multiple work orders, you can change (prioritize) the order of the work orders by dragging and dropping the work orders in the view by clicking on the arrow icon on the right side of the work order and dragging the work order to a new place.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide

26. Click 6. Alerts to proceed to assigning alert sets to the project 27. On the Alerts view you can see a list of available alert sets. Select the alert set you wish to add to the project and click Assign.

Note that you need to define an email address in the Configuration view to receive notification on alerts. Note that the alert set file type for Nemo Handy and Nemo Autonomous Probe is .hafj and for Nemo Outdoor and Nemo Invex the file type is .nafj. 28. Once you are ready with the project configuration, click Publish.

Note that if the project is not published, the configuration(s) will not be transferred to Nemo Outdoor devices. If you do not publish the project Nemo Outdoor will not retrieve the project information automatically. Note that manual projects override work order projects in individual measurement units.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide The same measurement unit can be selected to a work order project while assigned to a manual project, but the measurement unit will not display the work orders until the manual project is inactivated. 29. Once the project is created and published and the maintenance session is run from Nemo Outdoor, the work orders are displayed in Nemo Outdoor and can be carried out during the measurement project. See Nemo Outdoor Manual for further instructions for work orders.

30. You can view the project results in Nemo Cloud in the Projects page by opening the project and going to the Results view.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide

10 Administration This chapter introduces the Account page in Nemo Cloud. Note that this page can be accessed only with administration rights.

Users displays the list of user accounts and their respective information. Active displays whether the account under the username is active or not. Admin displays whether the user has administration rights or not. Username displays the username. E-mail displays the email address of the user. First name displays the defined first name of the user. Last name displays the defined last name of the user. Title displays the title of the user. Division indicates the suborganization of the customer Country displays the country where the user account is defined to be located. Promote enables you to give administration rights to a selected user. Select the account to be promoted from the list and click Promote. Demote enables you to remove administration rights from a selected user. Select the account to be demoted from the list and click Demote. Activate enables you to activate an existing deactivated user account. Select the account to be activated from the list and click Activate. Deactivate enables you to deactivate an active user account. Select the account to be deactivated from the list and click Deactivate. Create user enables you to create a user account for Nemo Cloud. For more detailed information, see Chapter “Creating a new user account”.

Creating a new user account This chapter describes the workflow for creating a new user account. Steps 1—3 are done by the administrator. Steps 4—10 must be performed by the new user. Below is the workflow for creating a new user account. 1. On the Account page, click Create user.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide


Insert the email address of the new administrator and select whether the user is an active user. Note that you are able to activate and deactivate accounts later as well.

3. 4. 5.

Click Create. The recipient of the email receives a verification email with an URL. Click the URL. Select Recover or create password, enter the email address and close the tab after sending.

6. 7.

The recipient receives a recovery email with another URL. Click the URL. You can now define a new password for your user account. Enter the information and click Update.


Note that the password must be at least 10 characters long. After clicking Update, close the recovery tab.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide 9. Go to the Nemo Cloud website. 10. Select Sign-in and proceed normally.


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide

11 Technical support If you have questions on or beyond this documentation about Nemo tools, please contact our technical support service through Nemo Support Portal at, call us (local phone numbers can be found in chapter Phone and email support) or send us an email at [email protected]. Note that for full support you need to have the Maintenance Agreement.

Nemo Support Portal Nemo Support Portal is a web interface for technical support, product-related questions, and RMA requests. It offers a fast and convenient way to reach our technical support team and submit repair, warranty repair, and calibration requests. Customers can open a support ticket, follow the status of existing tickets, and request technical support 24/7/365. Furthermore, the Nemo Support Portal includes a Knowledge Base for the most frequent and latest topics on Nemo Products. Submitting a ticket via Nemo Support Portal ensures that our technical specialists have all the necessary information available to solve your support case, resulting in faster response times. Please go to to access the portal and click Request access to obtain a password to the system.

Phone and email support During the warranty period, the phone support related to potential software errors is free of additional charge. Registered users with a valid Maintenance Agreement are entitled to full support. Nemo Support Portal is the preferred channel for technical support requests, but you can also send us an email. When emailing, please let us know the number of your Software Maintenance and Support Agreement. Please contact us at the following locations (global email address [email protected]):

Global Tel.

+358 50 395 7800

Americas Tel.

+1 469 951 9105

Apac Tel.

+65 9746 2431

P.R. China Tel.

+86 10 6567 8528

India Tel.

+91 982 0016372

Locations for Keysight Technologies Online assistance:


Keysight Nemo Cloud User Guide If you do not have access to the Internet, one of these centers can direct you to your nearest representative: Should the Declaration of Conformity be required, please contact a Keysight Sales Representative, or the closest Keysight Sales Office. Alternately, contact Keysight at:



This information is subject to change without notice. © Keysight Technologies, Inc. 2017 Published in USA, May, 2017 NTC00000A-90001 140

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