Neem Leaf's

  • May 2020
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Neem and Diabetes Neem tree has been used since time immemorial in treating large number of diseases. Its uses have been mentioned in the early Vedic texts as a naturally occurring wonder drug curing diseases like blood pressure and diabetes. The traditional system of medicine such as ayurveda has been making use of this herb to cure the disease. In the modern times, diabetes is more of a life style disease rather than anything else; Neem is being widely used by herbal medicine manufacturers and pharmaceutical companies as more and more people all across the globe fall victim to it. It is a cause of number of other diseases like heart disease, blindness etc. Par t of Nee m Used in Dia betes Neem leaf extracts and seeds are used as an active ingredient as an effective cure for diabetes. It has been scientifically proven after a number of tests and research by leading medical institutes, that neem parts have high efficacy in treating the disease. Natural neem tablets are being manufactured and exported the world over for treating large number of patients. Neem leaf extracts improve the blood circulation by dilating the blood vessels and also helpful in reducing the need for hypo-glycaemic drugs. According to

scientific research undertaken neem leaf extracts and seed oil help to reduce the insulin requirement. Neem tablets help to lower the blood glucose levels. Neem tablets can also be taken as a dietary supplement for prevention of the disease. The basis of the neem capsules can be traced to the early ayurvedic use of the herb, which is further strengthened due to research and clinical trails being undertaken by leading research organisations. Reason for popularity of Nee m in Di abetes Curing Dr ugs The popularity of neem based anti diabetes drugs is due to the fact that not only they are more effective in curing the disease but also have no side effects. There are no synthetic materials used in the production of the drugs. Neem is considered to be one of the safest medicinal herbs available; FDA's database does not include any references to neem having any adverse effects when used in medicines.

Nee m & AYUR VED A Nee m and Ayu r veda Ayurveda means the 'science of life' and originated in the pre-vedic period. It deals with measures for leading a healthy life, this traditional method also has a number of therapeutic measures to combat illness. These principles relate to not only the physical but also, the mental social and spiritual welfare of human beings.Ancient use of Neem in AyurvedaNeem has been an inherent part of ayurveda since ages; its blood purification property made it a favourite natural ingredient, as a remedy for skin ailments and curing diabetes. It was also used to cure prevalent diseases like malaria and other insect bites. Neem twigs were used as a cheap and healthy oral care. Neem finds mention in almost all ayurveda texts.The tree has been widely used in the traditional systems of medicine; it is of immense use in a number of medicines and personal products. Considered to be 'Sarva Roga Nivarini', neem and its curative power is being used on a large scale to manufacture medicines for: Skin diseases including leprosy Ulcers

Gastro intestinal problems Oral Care Urinary track problems Hair problems Diabetes Blood Pressure Cholesterol Ayurvedic practitioners have developed a vast database of knowledge and medicinal preparations over a long period. The neem tree is one of the most important herbs used not only in ayurveda and unani system of medicine but also for other system of medicines such as allopathy. Healers use the roots, bark, gum, leaves, fruit, seed kernels and seed oil for curing various human ailmentsThe anti viral, anti fungal and anti viral properties of neem makes it all the more useful to manufacture body and hair lotions for a healthy mind, body and soul. Posted by bogra at 1:33 PM 0 comments Nee m and Unani Medic ine Nee m and Unani Medic ine Neem is popularly known as 'Yavan Priya' meaning the beloved of muslims. It has for long been used in the traditional unani system of medicine for its beneficial properties. All parts of neem i.e. the roots, stem, leaves, fruits, bark

and seeds have therapeutic value. Parts of Neem Used Leaf: Fresh leaves are more commonly used than any other part of the tree. Dried leaves are also used in unani medication, though they are said to be less effective. Also used in skin diseases and intestinal diseases. Seeds: Are very effective in treatment of boils, leprosy, eczema and other skin diseases; headaches, ulcer, diarrhoea, intestinal problems.Stalk: Are used as tooth sticks which help to prevent infection o0f teeth and gums; control bad breath and also prevent oral cavity. It is also used to manufacture medicines that cure cough, astham, intestinal worms and also improving the eye sight. Bark: It is mostly used in blood purifying preparations and anti-pyretic medicines. Bark extracts are also used in preparation of medicines curing paralysis, joint pains,nervous weakness etc.Flowers: Are used in medicines curing eye problems, is also used to treat certain dental problems, flowers are also anti inflammatory in nature, therefore very helpful in treating diseases.Fruits: Are used as laxatives and blood purifier. It is also used as an ingredient in medicines curing leprosy, piles etc.Gum: Used as a blood purifier and is also used in body stimulants and tonics.The pharmacological action and the therapeutic

efficacy of neem includes anti inflammatory action, blood purifying, anti-leprosy, anti-vitiligo, anti septic and anti arthritic properties. Posted by bogra at 1:30 PM 0 comments Medicinal pr

oper ties

Medicinal Pr

oper ties of Neem T r ee

Neem tree has quite a few curative properties; it has been widely used in traditional system of medicine for centuries now. Each part of neem is used in medicines and thus commercially exploitable. Neem has been evaluated for safety and efficacy and after numerous research by leading organizations and companies, it has been considered as a universal cure for diseases.It is a revered tree in India with close to 150 compounds been obtained from different parts of the tree. It is also considered to be a natural source for a medicines and industrial products.Properties of Neem Compounds Anti-inflammatory Antiarthritic Antipyretic Hypoglycaemic Spermicidal Antifungal Antibacterial

Diuretic Antimalarial Antitumour Parts of Neem and Diseases they Cure:Neem Bark : acts as an analgesic and can cure fever.Neem Flower : Used to cure intestinal problems.Neem Leaf : Raw leaf and leaf extract can be used for body weight problems, skin problems and ulcers, gastrointestinal problems.Neem Twig : Can be used to cure common cold and cough, asthma and bronchitis, urinary track disorders, diabetes and blood pressure.Neem Seed : Can be used to cure leprosy and other gastrointestinal problems.Various studies and researches have been conducted on the safety and effficacy of different neem medicinal products. Posted by bogra at 1:25 PM 0 comments Nee m pr oper ties Pr oper ties o f Neem T r ee Neem tree has quite a few curative properties; it has been widely used in traditional system of medicine for centuries now. Each part of neem is used in medicines and thus commercially exploitable. Neem has been evaluated for safety and efficacy and after numerous research by leading organizations and companies, it has

been considered as a universal cure for diseases.It is a revered tree in India with close to 150 compounds obtained from different parts of the tree. It is also considered to be a natural source for medicines and industrial products.Properties of Neem Compounds Anti-inflammatory Antiarthritic Antipyretic Hypoglycaemic Spermicidal Antifungal Antibacterial Diuretic Antimalarial Antitumour Parts of Neem and Diseases they Cure:Neem Bark : Acts as an analgesic and can cure fever.Neem Flower : Used to cure intestinal problems.Neem Leaf : Raw leaf and leaf extract can be used for body weight problems, skin problems and ulcers, gastrointestinal problems.Neem Twig : Can be used to cure common cold and cough, asthma and bronchitis, urinary track disorders, diabetes and blood pressure.Neem Seed : Can be used to cure leprosy and other gastrointestinal problems.Various studies and researches have been conducted on the safety and efficacy of

different neem medicinal products. Posted by bogra at 1:07 PM 0 comments Nee m Nee m Tr ee Neem tree, also known as Azadirachta Indica, has been in use for centuries; its derivatives have found use in public health, toiletries, livestock production and health. Though in the early 19th century, it was used only in households, during the mid 90s it was started to be used on a commercial basis. The tree is popularly called the 'wonder Tree' as it is used to cure a large number of diseases, both traditional as well as modern medicine system make use oil neem tree and its parts like bark, seed, fruit to manufacture products right from skin care to oral care, from pharmaceuticals to pesticides and manure.After a number of researches done by eminent scientists and research organisations, the tree is being said to have miraculous powers and a multi utility tree with promising results in a number of disciplines. It ha attained a place of pride in the international scientific research and literature.The bioactivity of neem tree products has received more attention than any other

aspect of neem research. It is also being used with jatrophal and other plants to manufacture bio diesel. Neem tree is extensively used to manufacture natural and herbal products without any side effects. Its plantation and processing has been found to be economically viable as well as desirable for its social and ecological benefits.Realising its importance in national, regional and international perspective, there is an urgent need to locate, collect and study its diversity and develop effective steps to store it for current and future use. Posted by bogra at 1:03 PM 0 comments Botanical N ame Botanical Description

of Neem

Botanical name : Azadirachta IndicaFamily : Meliaceae, The mahogany tree familyPopular Names of Neem in IndiaAssamese : NimBengali : Nim, Neemgachh, NeemBurmese : Tamaka, Thin, Thinboro Tamakha, Bowtamaka, TamaGujarati : Limba, Limbado, Leemgo, Danu-jhada, Kohalu LimdoHindi : Nim, Nimb, Bal-nimb, Neem, NindKannada : Bevinamara, Bevu, Hebbevu, KiribevuKonkani : NimKumaoni : BetainMalayalam : Aryaveppu, Veppu, Aryaveshnu, Rajavedhu, VepeMarathi : Kadukhajur, Limba, Limb, Nimbay,

Bakayan, Balanti-limbOriya : Kakopholo, Limbo, Nimbu, NimoPunjabi : Bakam, Bukhain, Drekh, Nim, Neem, MahaneemRajasthani : Neem, NeemroSanskrit : Arishta, Nimba, MinbakaTelugu : Nimbanuv, Vepa, Yeppa, Yapa, Vepachettu, YapachattuUrdu : Neem Names of Neem in Different LanguagesEnglish : Neem, Indian Lilac, Margosa Tree, Nim, Crackjack, Paradise Tree, White Cedar, ChinaberryFrench : Azadirac De 1'Inde, Margosier, MargousierGerman : Grossblaettiger Zedrach, Indischer ZedrachPortugese : Amargoseira, Margosa, NimboSingapore : Kohumba, NimbaNeem tree is found in abundance in tropical and semi-tropical regions like Burma. It cannot grow in extreme cold climate, though it can survive without much rainfall. The tree can live upto 200 years and can grow up to 50 feet tall. Neem Bark - The stem of a neem tree can grow up to a diameter of 2.5-3 m. The bark is rough and can be pale or greyishblack in color. Bark of neem is used to manufacture pesticides.Neem Flowers - Neem tree bears small white colored flowers and star shaped, with a pleasant smell.Neem Fruits Neem tree generally bear fruits between the age of 3 to 5, and the fruits are edible.It is an ideal plant as it can be grown indoors and requires least maintenance. Most of the problems

relating to the growth of neem are due to over watering, in case the neem leaves begin to turn yellow, it is a sign of over watering or that the tree has been given too much fertilizer. Posted by bogra at 1:01 PM 0 comments Histor y Histor y o f Neem The history of neem tree can be traced back to the ancient Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro civilizations in India. The medical practitioners of that period studied a variety of natural occurring plants and trees having therapeutic value and neem tree was one of them. The earliest indication of neem tree being used for its medicinal properties in households began nearly 5000 years ago. Neem is said to have been widely used in traditional systems of medicine like Ayurveda and this is also mentioned in earliest Indian scriptures of medicine- the Charak Samhita and Sushruta Samhita. Neem was earlier used in households for giving bath to newly born infants, protect people from insect bites and also indigenously used to protect a number of plants as neem contained insecticidal properties. It was also widely used to cure skin ailments.Gradually the

fame of this 'wonder tree' spread to western countries and after a lot of researches funded by internationally acclaimed organisations like UN, neem and its products were accepted for their therapeutic value and having no side effects in US, UK, Australia among others.Neem tree has miraculous powers and scientists are beginning to unfold the powers and potential of this revered tree. It is now being cultivated and grown in a number of countries to fully tap its potential and used on a commercial basis

Nee m as a T r ea tment f or Di abetes Ar tic le by J ohn Con ric k, T he Mir aculous Heal ing Herb Diabetes mellitus is a disease suffered by millions of people in the United States alone. It causes a number of debilitating and sometimes deadly complications. Blindness, amputations from poor circulation, heart disease and a number of other problems can result from diabetes. It is therefore a major concern that we develop adequate treatments, and eventually a cure.

Diabetes had been treated with herbs and diet until the advent of modern pharmaceuticals and the ability to chemically produce insulin in large quantities. Though insulin has been a lifesaver for insulin-dependent diabetics, the repeated injections are expensive and painful. The neem tree offers an opportunity to reduce the number of insulin shots with a safe and proven herb. Neem can also reduce the need for hypoglycaemic drugs, and increase their effectiveness for those with non-insulin dependent diabetes. Scientific studies show neem leaf and certain extracts of the leaf and seed oil are effective in reducing insulin requirements. Different studies show insulin requirement reductions of between 20- 50 % for those who take five grams of dried neem leaf capsules daily. There are even anecdotal reports of diabetics chewing a single neem leaf daily that have been able to eliminate hypoglycemic drugs completely. Based on the many studies of neem’s effect on diabetes, the Indian government approved neembased tablets for sale by a pharmaceutical company as a treatment for diabetes. One study of the product published in The Journal of

General Medicine showed the tablets alone significantly lowered blood glucose levels. Tests were also performed on the effect of taking the tablets along with standard hypoglycemic drugs. These tests showed that the neem-based tablets significantly improved the effectiveness of standard hypoglycemic drugs when taken together. Circulation problems are a frequent cause of amputations for diabetics. Neem leaf extracts cause the blood vessels to dilate, allowing for increased circulation to the extremities. In one personal experience, a friend’s diabetic brother was about to lose a foot because of poor circulation. After taking neem leaf capsules three times a day and wrapping his foot in a poultice of neem leaves for several days, the circulation returned to his foot and the amputation was cancelled. There is no consensus as to the mechanism of the results observed. Some researchers believe it can work by either reserve insulin being released or by directing the reduction of blood glucose by metabolic factors. In either case, neem can be extremely useful in treating both

types of diabetes mellitus. Disclaimer: As with all medicines and botanicals, consult a health care professional before using neem. People with any existing medical condition who are on medication, or under a doctor’s care, should seek medical advice before incorporating neem into their health care program. Pregnant and lactating women should avoid neem entirely unless prescribed by their health care provider. The information in this article is for informational purposes only.

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