Nclt Suny Albany

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  • Words: 2,813
  • Pages: 49
Preparing Future Generations to Address Global Challenges through Nanotechnology R.P.H. Chang, Director National Center for Learning and Teaching in Nanoscale Science and Engineering (NCLT)

Northwestern University

Acknowledgements • Symposium Organizing Committee • SUNY-Albany CNSE for hosting this event • Sponsors and Participants Symposium on Undergraduate NanoEducation: “Addressing the Challenges of Nanoscale Science & Engineering Education” NCLT-CNSE SUNY-Albany, New York August 5-8, 2009

Outline I) Introduction • The Challenges We Face • STEM Literacy Concerns • How Can Nanoscale Science and Engineering (NSE) Help? II) NCLT • Structure • Approach / Core Values • Integrated Program III) Conclusions

Global Challenges In the next 30 years… • Oil production will peak – Need “green energy” development • Climate change – Need advanced environmental protection systems • Increase in population density – Global health protection issues (food, water, disease control, etc.) Nanotechnology will play a significant role in global energy, environment, health, and economic development!

Meeting at the Nanoscale


Macro Scale

Mathematics Chemistry Physics Engineering

Sc c mi o t A

a le


Nano Scale

100 nm

cro i M

pi o sc

ca S c


Infrastructure Health Communications

Sub-Atomic Scale

Transportation Energy/ Environment

Nano and the Economy • Nanotechnology is an enabling technology for all future industrial sectors. • Economic impact = trillions of dollars! The US needs: • 1 million nano-literate workers • More nano-scientists and nano-engineers • A nano-literate citizenry to support and manage the use of nanotechnology • Knowledgeable government leaders and policy makers • A cadre of nano educators

STEM Literacy Concerns Global Rankings: US 15-year olds are

Achievement Gaps: US Black and Hispanic

lagging behind their international peers in STEM literacy (20th out of 28 countries)

students score far below their White peers.

OECD average


United States


Source: National Center for Education Statistics, Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) conducted by the Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD)

Non-Major Teachers: Many US students learn STEM from teachers with no major/certification in the subject area. Public School

Grades 5-8

Grades 9-12




Physical Science









Source: Rising Above the Gathering Storm, National Academies Press, 2007

Engineering Pipeline: The US is currently graduating about 8,000 PhDs per year in engineering, and nearly 70% of them are non-US citizens. Engineering Education is not readily available at the pre-college level.

All U.S. citizens must learn to: 1. Think critically and make sound judgments 2. Solve complex, multidisciplinary, open-ended problems 3. Create and launch new enterprises 4. Communicate and collaborate effectively 5. Make innovative use of knowledge, information and opportunities 6. Take charge of financial, health and civic responsibilities * Source: 21st Century Skills, Education & Competitiveness Report by Partnership for 21st Century Skills (2008)

NCLT is part of the U.S. National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) • NCLT was launched in 2004 to meet the human resource development needs of the NNI. • NCLT is a formal education center serving grades 7-16. • NCLT works to quickly transfer the latest NSE research into US classrooms to prepare US students to address future economic and social challenges.

NCLT Community Education & cognitive science researchers Nano researchers Teachers, faculty members & administrators Editors, designers, and programmers

Students & Postdocs Government officials Learning technology experts: visualization; simulation; modeling

NCLT Mission & Vision Mission: Build national capacity in Nanoscale Science and Engineering Education (NSEE) Vision: 1. Develop a globally competitive NSE workforce; 2. Train a cadre of effective nano educators; and 3. Establish a national NSEE community.

Focus: Inquiry and design of nanoscale materials, devices, and systems Developing Curricula

New Learning Standards

NSE Education Knowledge Base

NCLT Approach - Big Nano Ideas Three driving questions about nanostructured materials: How can they be used?

What makes them unique?

How can they be made and characterized?

Topic 1: Behavior of Light in the Nanoworld Modeling & Simulation, Discrete & Cooperative Phenomena

Topic 3: Information Storage and Processing Size-Dependent Properties

Topic 5: Tools for Probing the Nanoworld Tools and Characterization

Topic 2: Physical Properties of Nanomaterials Structure of Matter, Size- Dependent Properties

Topic 4: Nanomaterials for Pharmaceuticals, Energy, Environment Size-Dependent Properties

Topic 6: Design & Fabrication of Nanomaterials Dominant Forces, Self-Assembly

Cross-Cutting Big Ideas:

Size and Scale, Surface Area to Volume Ratio, Societal Impact

How Can Nanostructured Materials Help Solve Global Challenges?

Energy Environment


How Can Nanostructured Materials Help Solve Global Challenges?

Health Communications


NCLT Approach/ Core Values 1. Vertical Integration: continuity across levels 2. Horizontal Integration: cutting across sectors and disciplines 3. Inquiry and Design: re-enforces curiosity and establishes self confidence in students 4. Classroom Linkages: we work closely with end-users to design, implement and field-test content with iterative improvements 5. Relevance: Deliver the latest research results into classrooms, align them with standards and learning goals and make them relevant to the world around us.

Vertical Integration (Across Levels) Education is a Long-term Investment + 15-20 years Pre-college

+ 10-15 years Undergraduate

+ 5-10 years Graduate/Postdoc

• NCLT bridges gaps across grade levels 7-16 to lay the necessary foundations for future learning and avoid costly disconnects. • Allows for research on learning progressions and longitudinal studies of student progress.

Horizontal Integration (Across Disciplines) Social Sciences: NCLT content: (History, Economics, etc.) Physical Sciences • integrates STEM Physical (Chemistry, disciplines to support Education g Physics, etc) n i r e STEM learning; and ine g n dE n a ce n • links to non-STEM e i c S e l a fields to establish the Nanosc Life Math broader relevance of Sciences NSE to society, the English /Language economy, and global Arts challenges.

Inquiry and Design (Science and Engineering) Inquiry - Students ask questions and perform experiments enhances discovery and critical thinking (science)

Design - Students apply what they learn to make functional products - demonstrates in-depth understanding and fosters creativity (engineering)

Inquiry and Design Model The Hook (piques interest) Staging Activities (Inquiry) Design Challenge (team-based) Testing and Redesign

Classroom Connections Close collaboration with our end-users (teachers and their students in grades 7-16) ensures: • Exciting, high-quality materials • Classroom feasibility • Alignment with existing standards, learning goals, and curricula. We also work with teachers, schools, and school districts to: • create new nano-based curricula • revise existing science standards to encompass nano phenomena.

Relevance NCLT connects NSE concepts to existing science standards, learning goals, and real-world applications. Standards: NSES/5-8/B/1/a, Properties and changes of properties in matter; NSES/58/B/3/e, Transfer of energy; 2061/6-8/4D/1, The structure of matter; 2061/6-8/4E/4, Energy transformation; 2061/6-8/11D/1, Scale; 2061/6-8/12B/9, Computation/estimation

Surface area increases while total volume remains constant

Surface Area & Chemical Reaction Concept: Surface area affects the rate of chemical reaction.


NCLT Center Strategy Content Content R&D R&D Evaluation Evaluation & & Assessment Assessment

NCLT Integrated Program

Networking Networking & & Community Community Building Building

Professional Professional Development Development

Higher Higher Education Education Initiatives Initiatives

Supported by NCLT Cyber Infrastructure

Learning Research Framework NCLT has developed a series of methods for: 1. Investigating how students learn and understand NSE at the pre-college and college levels; and 2. Producing – concept inventories – learning progressions – typologies of student understanding

Construct Centered Design (CCD) Stages of CCD Process 1

Define Construct

2 Unpack Construct 3

Develop Claim


Define Evidence


Design Tasks

Student Materials

Teacher Materials

6 internal review


Review Products pilot materials

This framework informs NCLT content development, professional development, and assessment.

outside review

Content Research & Development NCLT produces:

Pre-college Classroom Modules

Web-based Animations

PD Lessons for Teachers


College Courses


Big Nano Ideas Big ideas provide: • a powerful way of thinking about the world

Big Nano Ideas Size & Scale Surface Area-to-Volume Ratio Size-Dependent Properties

• explanatory power

Dominant Forces

within and across

Particulate Nature of Matter

disciplines and/or scales

Quantum Phenomena Self-Assembly

allowing learners to

Tools & Characterization

explain a variety of

Modeling & Simulations


Societal Impact

Connections BNI to Math, Science, and Engineering 1

Size-Dependent Properties at the Nanoscale EX: Charge and mass transport at the nanoscale • Nanoparticle-based environmental remediation • Nanoelectronics, fuel cells • Nanoscale transport through ion channels

2 Dominant Forces at the Nanoscale • Chemical bonding • Van der Waals forces • Dipolar forces • Hydrogen bonding The attraction force due to Van der Waals forces provided by nanoscale spatulae on a gecko’s foot is larger than gravitational force. Source: UCB

Connections to Math, Science, and Engineering 3 Tools for Probing the Nano-world • Near-field optical microscope and electron microscopy • Key concepts include tunneling, resonances, and spectroscopy • Applications in nanoelectronics include flash memory & new types of electronic devices


Discrete and Cooperative Phenomena at the Nanoscale

Connections to Math

• Many phenomena that are continuous at the macroscale are discrete at the nanoscale: • Nano-sized semiconductor particles • Electrons scatter discretely in nanowires rather than flowing continuously • In self-assembly, disordered molecules or nanoparticles interact to form a highly structured pattern

Emphasize the integration of fundamental math concepts and their relevance to nanoconcepts.

Strategy for Developing Nano Modules Learning Standards

Big Nano Idea Surface Area-to-Volume Ratio (SA/V: As the object size

• Size & Scale (NSES/Unifying Concepts/Scale,

gets smaller, this ratio gets larger. At the nanoscale, it is very large!

AAAS/Common Themes/Scale; Mathematical World/Shapes, NCTM/Geometry) SA / V (AAAS/Scale & Shapes, NCTM/Ratios and Proportions; Graphical Representation)

Work with teachers to design learning activities and assessments, based on what students need to know. Task 1

Size Dependent Properties

Which form of candy dissolves fastest?

Claim: Students will infer that the physical form of a solid influences the degree to which it interacts with its environment. Evidence: Students will collect data on relative rates of solid with varying amounts of surface area.

Task 2

Powers of 10 & Scale

Task 3

Surface Area & Volume

Design Project

How do we express very large and very small dimensional values?

How does the surface area, volume and their ratio change as a function of SIZE?

Design a Liquid Geyser

Claim: Students will represent values in wide range of scales with powers of 10. Evidence: Students will produce visual representation using powers of 10 to relate a wide range of lengths.

Claim: discover SA/V changes with the shape or size of an object and deduce this ratio changes dramatically at the nanoscale. Evidence: Students will construct geometric representations and make plots that show SA/V varies inversely with size.

Claim: apply the SA/V concept to the nucleation and growth leading to the eruption of dissolved CO2 gas from a carbonated beverage. Evidence: Students’ prototype design.

Four New Classroom Modules

Environmental Catalysis

Nanotechnology (High School Level)

(High School Level)

Introduction to the Nanoscale

Manipulation of Light in the NanoWorld

(Jr. High & High School Level)

(High School Level)

Freshman Course based on Inquiry & Design NanoEDC: Nanoscale Engineering Design & Communication Professor teaches Nano concepts to Freshmen

Freshmen design materials for middle school

Classroom Implementation “Clients” (students & teachers) evaluate & assess materials

Re-design Freshmen feedback Sammy travelsuse from the Giga scaleFeedback to the Pico scale in search of to make improvements objects that are the wrong size.

Sammy the Superscaler teaches middle school students about Size & Scale.

This Cascade Method is an example of Vertical Integration • Teaching and learning flow from level to level • Both levels benefit – Freshmen are highly motivated by the challenge and must truly master content in order to teach it. – Younger students get exciting ageappropriate materials.

• Effective Knowledge Transfer – Freshmen communicate very well with younger students. – Middle schoolers identify with undergrads and see them as role models.

Undergraduate Courses Based on a “Systems” Approach to NSE • Systems Approach: integrates basic NSE principles with design, fabrication, manufacturing, and marketing • Benefit: integration across sectors; students see the “big picture” • Examples of future courses: – – – – –

Solar Cells Flat panel displays Nanosensing systems Controlled drug delivery systems Environmental protection and monitoring systems

Courses & Webinars for Community Colleges NSE Courses: video lectures,

Monthly NCLT Seminars present

lecture notes, assignments, syllabi

NSE concepts and educational methods

Webcast and archived

NCLT is working with NSF-ATE (Advanced Technology Education) Programs at Penn State (National Center for Nanotechnology Applications and Career Knowledge), and Dakota Community College (Midwest Regional Center for Nanotechnology Education) to integrate NCLT content into community college curricula.

Professional Development Framework Pre-college Level

Sustained contact model • Summer institute with nano concepts focus • Academic year follow-up • Development and use of nanolessons

College Level Faculty workshops • Expert presentations • Group interactions • Development of NSE(E) implementation strategies

Hundreds of teachers and faculty and thousands of students have been reached in over 200 schools and colleges

NCLT Professional Development Purdue











100+ Network of Schools & Teachers being trained to incorporate NSE into their classrooms

Networking and Outreach Events Summer Science Institute for Teachers

Nanoscience Days

Content Development Workshop

Global NSEE Workshop, Washington, DC

NCLT Television Outreach Dragonfly (PBS)TV –Nano-Metal Particles NCLT has teamed with Dragonfly TV to develop an episode exploring the role of nano metal particles in stained glass as part of a PBS series on nanoscience

NCLT Cyber-infrastructure An Oracle Database supports group interactions,..

The NanoEd Resource Portal is a vehicle for product dissemination and a forum for participants to showcase their work.

….archiving resources, and collection of field-test data.

Expansion of Cyber-infrastructure We are developing a community-based website to foster dynamic interactions among participating faculty, students, postdocs and STEM teachers. New Web 2.0 capabilities 1.Member profiles (usermanaged) 2.File sharing 3.Group workspaces 4.Forums 5.Event management 6.Jointly authored web-content (members can easily contribute news and research highlights)

Community Connections


Research Summary Biography



Role of NCLT: Build US Capacity in NSEE • Support the NSEE community by serving as: – a coordinating body for NSEE initiatives around the country; – a repository for resource sharing.

• Expand its partnerships to implement its program nationwide. • NCLT will work with you to plan, develop, and implement NSEE programs appropriate to your region, including: – Joint proposals to obtain funding from national, state, local corporate and foundations, – Co-sponsor workshops and networking events – Co-organize professional development sessions – Disseminate your content and news about your work

Network of NCLT Regional Hubsites Hubs will receive:

Hubs will provide: expertise, field test

infrastructure support, capacity building, and joint funding.

data, professional development, and classroom outreach.

Regional Hub TBA

Regional Hub UCLA

Headquarters (Midwest)

Regional Hub CSU

Hubs will connect: Colleges, School Districts, NSE Centers, National Labs, Industry, Museums, etc.

Regional Hub LSU

Regional Hub SUNY

Regional Hub TBA

UCLA & Los Angeles Unified School District Western United States Hub Site Leveraging CNSI and UC CEIN California Nanosystems Institute: • 180,000 ft2 building opened on UCLA campus in 2007 • 260-seat theatre, conference facility, wet and dry laboratories, state of the art instrumentation • >125 faculty from a broad range of disciplines with diverse activities UC CEIN: • New $25M NSF/EPA funded center • >35 faculty; 15 institutions • Hub = UCLA

NCLT Partnership with LAUSD

• Nearly 700,000 students and more than 45,000 teachers • Second largest public school system in U.S. • One of the most diverse counties in the U.S.

Working with Taft High School • Nearly 3000 students in 9th-12th grades: – 0.5% Al/Alsk (versus 0.3% for LAUSD) – 8.2% Asian/Pac Isl 6.4% for LAUSD) – 17.7% Black (6.4% for LAUSD) – 31.9% Hispanic (73.7% for LAUSD) – 41.2 % White (8.7% for LAUSD) • ~10% ESL (35% for LAUSD) • 82% 4 year graduation rate (“66%” for LAUSD*) • 146 teaching staff; >20% certified in Math or Science (~12% for LAUSD)

Vertical Integration: 4 years of High School

Nanotechnology Academy at Learning Taft High School A Small Community! INTRODUCTION TO NANOTECHNOLOGY (Year 1 Passport Course) Social Studies

Unit I: Introduction to Nanotechnology


Unit II: Chemical Building Blocks and Nanofabrication Unit III Electric, Optical, and Magnetic Nanomaterials Language Arts

Unit IV: Nanoscale Biological Material and Applications Unit V: Ethics Launch Date: September 2009

Horizontal Integration across STEM and Non-STEM Disciplines


Colorado State University (CSU) Central US Hubsite

• Pre-service Teacher Training: The only Engineering-based Teacher Preparation Program in the US • In-Service PD through NSF-MSP, RET and NSF-GK-12 • High School Outreach through NSF Math Science Partnerships, Industry Partnerships, and NSF-GK-12

Louisiana State University (LSU) Southern US Hubsite

• Connection to 8,000 students • Champion PD programs for STEM teachers $20+ Million in Grants & Contracts: LSU Endowment, NMSI, NSF, USDoE, Louisiana DoE, Rapides Foundation, U. of Texas, Louisiana Board of Regents, Louisiana Legislature, Jason Foundation, Brookhill Foundation, NASA

State University of New York at Albany (SUNY-Albany) Northeastern US Hubsite Unique features: • Multiplex collaboration (industry, government, academia) • NSE-based degree programs prepare the next generation of workers for micro and nanoelectronics industries • Outreach to local and regional school districts

Thank you for your attention & support Please visit: www.NCLT.US

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