Nbcsd Forms Online Aug 2009

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Download & View Nbcsd Forms Online Aug 2009 as PDF for free.

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  • Words: 1,882
  • Pages: 18
NBCSD FORMS ONLINE Forms online is found by going to the school home page at www.nbcsd.org. Visit the drop down menu – Educator’s Corner to find your link to the Online Forms.

Your login and password is found on your Vital Statistics page. (It is the same as your Novell login and password.) This will be a constantly evolving software for the district. We will be updating forms as we see a need that can be met by this software. As of now, the following forms are available: Absence Request Accident Report Form Computer Service Request Copy Duplication Custodial Service Request Field Trip Request Incentive/Tuition Credit Reimbursement

After you login you will see this screen:

Lunch Count Mileage Expense Claim Purchase Order Request Request to Attend Conference Supplies Requisition Timeslip – Cafeteria Timeslip - Custodial

From this point, you will click on Forms Manager and receive the following screen. Please note this screen has listed all the forms available. Also please note the heading tabs at the top which read, Forms --- My Forms ---- Pending Forms ---- Approved Forms.

HEADING TABS: Forms : This is where you will come to initiate a form. Click on the form you wish to submit. My Forms: This is where you will come to check the status of your form. If you hit Save form, so you can come back and complete it later, it will show in here as well. Pending Forms: This is where forms will be sitting that are awaiting your approval. Absence requests will route back to you when you have taken your day off. Approved Forms: This is where you will see all the forms that you have submitted that have been approved. ****************************************************************************** Information about Specific Forms: Absence Request Form Review of Accident Report Form Computer Service Request Copy Duplication Custodial Service Request Field Trip Request

Incentive/Tuition Credit Reimbursement Lunch Count Form – Elementary Only Mileage & Expense Report Purchase Order Request Request to Attend Conference Supplies Requisition


This will by far be the most used form in our system. Under forms, you will click on Absence Request and the above screen will appear.

THIS FORM WILL NOT BE COMPLETED BY YOU IF YOU ARE CALLING OFF, THE CALL OFF SECRETARY WILL SUBMIT IT. 1. Select your name from the drop down list. If your name is not showing, please contact Teri Biddle or Sandy Michaels-Riffe (Ext. 842 or 820). 2. Select your Building/Department 3. Select the reason for your absence 4. Select the date of your absence. Unfortunately, each day will need a separate request submitted in order for the reporting function to work correctly on this form. 5. Time out indicates what portion of the day, full day, half am or half pm. 6. Professional Leave Explanation: Please list if you are out for a professional day, what meeting you are attending. If you need to place any other comments in the form, feel free to do it here as well.

Ok, for your initial request you will stop there and go to the bottom of the screen.

7. Your name and email will appear in the boxes indicated. Your routing level will be left at general. When you click on Send to approver, you will select your Immediate Supervisor/Principal. Then hit Submit (it is directly under where the list of approvers is). 8. From here your form is in a routing sequence. It will go to your Building Principal/Supervisor, then it will be routing to the Superintendent. Along the way, the call off secretary will be notified of your request to begin making accommodations for a substitute if needed. After the Superintendent approves it, it will go to the call off secretary who will let them in the pending stage until the day you are off. At that point, she will approve it and the form will return to you via an email notification.

9. At this point, if you want to check the status of your form, you will login, click on my forms, and you will see 10. Please note that you can see the status of your form, which approver level it is at. If you wish to see what substitute has been assigned to your day off, click on the form, then you will be shown its routing status, click on the form again, and you will see if the substitute has been attained. Call off secretary will not be able to put this information in until it is through the Principal and Superintendent levels.

11. When you return from your requested day off, you will receive an email from the forms software. When you open the email, it will resemble the following.

12. Click on Absence Request (this is a hyperlink and it will open the form for you automatically and the form will resemble the following:

13. Everyone will need to type their name in the verification signature box. This confirms that you want this day reflected in your personnel record. 14. Teachers will need to complete the substitute teacher evaluation. Please notice that the defaults are on the Yes, so you will complete the survey. Then proceed down the page

15. From here you will go to the section that says Employee (Final). Approve the day and hit the submit button. If for some reason YOU DID NOT TAKE THIS DAY, hit DENY and put a note in the box and hit the submit button. This concludes this form.


1. Fill in the form with the appropriate information. 2. Please note: IF THIS IS A WORKER COMPENSATION CLAIM, PLEASE SEE THE PRINCIPALS OFFICE IMMEDIATELY FOR ADDITIONAL FORMS THAT WILL BE REQUIRED. 3. This form will be routed as follows: Nurse, Building Principal, Superintendent.


Fill out this form and hit the submit button. It will be routed to Tech Department.


1. This form can be used if you have your items that you need copied in an electronic format. The acceptable formats to send up would include: Word, Excel, Notepad, Powerpoint, PDF. 2. Fill in the date and your name. 3. Click on the “click to upload files”. A browse dialog box will appear.

4. Click on browse, browse to your area that your file is saved, double click on the file or click once and open. Click on add and you will be returned to the form. 5. Fill in Copies Needed. 6. Fill out any options for duplications

7. Number of copies needed and date needed. Select your building secretary that you are sending it to and hit the submit button. 8. The office will receive the request, run your copies and place them in your mailbox.


Fill out this form and it will be routed to the Maintenance Supervisor.


1. Fill out this form when you are planning a field trip. 2. You do not need to fill in the students attending for the initial submission. Once it is approved by the building principal it will route back to the submitter. Then you will be responsible for filling out the remainder of the form for who is attending the trip. Then when you submit again, select your building principal secretary for final approval.

INCENTIVE/TUITION CREDIT REIMBURSEMENT 1. This form needs completed if you need to submit for any incentive/credit tuition reimbursement. Fill out your name and building from the drop down boxes. Select which type of reimbursement you are applying for. Remember if you have started with tuition reimbursement, you must stay with that option for your entire employment at the district. Complete the form in its entirety until you get to the part where you are asked for the grade and outline of activities. This portion will be completed after you take the class. Submit to the Superintendent’s office. They will forward it to the Superintendent for his approval.

2. You will receive email notifications as it works its way through the process. Once the Superintendent approves the class, you will receive an email and the form will be in your pending forms tab until you have completed the class. 3. Once you have completed the class, login to the forms software, look under the pending forms tab. Open the form and complete the portion of the form dealing with the grade received and outline of course work. Submit to the Superintendent’s office. You must also submit at this time a hard copy of your grade report. Place this in the envelope provided in the Principals office. It is the same envelope for Mileage Receipts. Mark it appropriately and they will send it to the Superintendent’s office. You will receive notification via email of the final approval of this form.


This form will be used by Elementary Teachers ONLY. Select your Homeroom. Fill in how many will be eating lunch entrée Fill in how many will be eating the Alternate Fill in how many packed that want milk Fill in how many packed that do not want milk Fill in number absent That will calculate the total number of students in your classroom. If you click on Menu, you will be linked to the menu for your convenience. Submit to Renee Mellott.

MILEAGE & EXPENSE REPORT Any and all receipts should be placed in an envelope available in your principals office. This will be forwarded to the business office to be attached to your submission.

1. Fill in the name and date (current date is the default). To input a different date, click on the calendar and select the date you wish. 2. Fill in the date on the line item, enter a description of where you went, enter the number of miles you drove. The expense column is for entering any tolls, meals or other expenses that you need to report. 3. At the bottom of the report, it will automatically calculate for you as shown below. 4. Select your building principal, and hit submit. You can hit save and it will save for you under My Forms if you would like to build the report and submit later. Remember to submit timely though. Monthly or quarterly submissions are best.


1. Fill out the Name, Vendor, Phone, Fax and Web address if available. Fill in the quantity, order number item description, and unit price. The total will automatically calculate. The shipping estimate will calculate for you. If you want to go with that price, place it in the shipping field. If your catalog or vendor has a set rate that you know of, place that amount in the shipping field.

2. Select your building principal and hit the submit. It will then be routed to the business office.


1. Fill out this form to request permission to attend a conference.

THIS DOES NOT REPLACE THE NEED TO SUBMIT A REQUEST FOR ABSENCE FORM 2. Fill in the dates, estimate the fees, lodging, and mileage. The total will be calculated for you. This is routed to the Building Principal, then Superintendent

SUPPLIES REQUISITION 1. Fill in the form and submit to your building secretary within 24 hours of when your materials are needed.

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