Natasha Lessonplan

  • October 2019
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Name: Natasha Barsukova Course: AED 5150 – Computer Graphics for the Art Room Lesson Plan Title: Shapes and Patterns in Photoshop Grade Level: Upper Elementary/Middle School Photoshop Level: Beginner Sessions: Two One-Hour Class Sessions

Content: A shape is a form, outline or a pattern of an object. A shape could be geometric or organic and could be found all around us. A pattern is the repetition of any thing (shape, lines, or color), also called a motif, in a design; as such it is one of the principles of design. Famous artists such as Kandinsky, Escher, and Keith Haring have created art based on art elements Objectives: Students will learn the definitions of shape (geometric and organic) and pattern as an art element. Students will be able to recognize these art elements as part of their daily lives. Students will explore artists that create artworks based on these two art elements. Students will learn about computer technology and Photoshop digital art program. Students will be able to create their own digital art based on art elements such as shape and pattern by elements Photoshop has to offer. Students will learn how to use the website to the benefit of their digital art creation. Students will gain appreciation for their classmate’s art and techniques. Benchmarks: ART.2.VA.E.6 – Use technology as a tool for creative expression. ART.5.VA.E.1 – Explain how visual arts have inherent relationships to everyday life. ART.4.VA.E.2 – Identify specific works of art as belonging to particular cultures, times, and places. Learning Resources and Materials: Teacher Materials: Computer Lab with a screen projector, cut out shapes and different pattern print outs, a Power Point presentation on shapes and patterns, personal examples of a finished project, a visual write up of what the project requires to be projected on the screen during the work session, and “Check Your Footsteps” checklist to be provided for each student. Student Materials: Personal computer station and access to Photoshop

Development of Lesson Introduction: 1. Assign each student to his/her computer in the computer lab. 2. At each computer, the teacher sets a different cut out shape and a print out of a close up pattern before class starts. 3. Once students walk in, they are to face away from their computers and face the projector screen. 4. The teacher starts the Power Point presentation. After discussing what shapes and patterns are and how they could be found all around us in our daily lives, the students go around the room discussing the shapes and patterns they have at their computer stations. 5. The teacher goes on with the Power Point presentation showing how artists such as Kandinsky, Escher and Keith Haring use shapes and patterns to create their artworks. 6. A short discussion with questions and answers is held right after the presentation. Methods/Procedures: 1. The teacher explains that just like these artists (Kandinsky, Escher, and Keith Haring) that have created artworks through paints, we can now create through digital art by using such programs as Photoshop. 2. The teacher opens up Photoshop and introduces Photoshop elements such as the ‘shape’ tool, ‘marquee’ tool, ‘polygonal lasso’ tool, and the ‘lasso’ tool as ways to create shapes. At this point, the teacher also discusses creation of new layers and how each one of these shapes could easily be created in its own layer. 3. The teacher than introduces other tools that could be found in Photoshop such as the ‘pattern’ selection, the ‘gradient/bucket’ tool, the different filter and layer effects that could be played around with in order to create patterns for the shapes created earlier. 4. The teacher lets the student follow her in these steps and then gives them a little time on their own to play around with these newly learned Photoshop elements. 5. The teacher also explains to the students how there are free Photoshop websites that could provide you more shapes and more patterns than the ones that are already preloaded into the program. The teacher than shows the students how these shapes and patterns could be downloaded and loaded into the Photoshop program.

6. The teacher introduces the assignment that the students will start that same day and have the next period as the working period: • Students are to create a new 8x7 document in Photoshop. • To start off, students will create a background layer. • The assignment will involve students to create at least four shapes using various techniques learned (each shape in its own individual layer with a corresponding layer title). • At least two of these newly created shapes will be filled with pattern. • The assignment is to be saved in both a PDF file and a JPG copy format. • Students that chose to download and use shapes and patterns off of the provided websites given by the teacher, will receive extra credit points. 7. The teacher hands out a “Check Your Footsteps” visual checklist to each student that explains the individual points that could be earned, teacher expectations, and a person guide for the students to stay on track. 8. The teacher leaves a short amount of time for questions and answers. 9. During the work period, the teacher walks around the room helping students, and if common questions arise, the teacher gives a quick demo on the projection screen. Accommodations/Adaptations: The teacher will check for understanding and encourage questions after each presentation of information. The teacher will walk around the room during the work period answering and helping students with their questions. The teacher will try and encourage students to find interesting visual ways to solve their design problems. The teacher will also encourage and push students to experiment with different elements found in Photoshop and with free websites with downloads and tutorials found online. The students who have a harder time with the assignment will have a chance to work on it at home or will be able to come in before or after school hours. The students who are of a quicker paste, will be encouraged to do more (create more shapes, download new shapes and patterns, play around with filters and layers, or create another document within the assignment boundaries). Assessment/Evaluation: • •

Refer to the “Checking Your Footsteps” checklist. Personal reflection questions for the teacher to be answered after the assignment is complete: Did the students have a clear understanding of the definition of shape, and the differences between geometric and organic shapes?

Did the students have a clear understanding of what pattern is? How well did the students explore the idea of these shapes and patterns that are found in their daily lives? Were the students enthusiastic and understanding of artwork that involves these two art elements? Were students successful working with newly learned elements in Photoshop and the technology of the computer itself? How experimental were the students working in Photoshop and going beyond the assignment expectations? Were the students able to incorporate web use into their assignment fulfillment? How helpful was the checklist created by the teacher?

Closure: After each student has turned in a PDF file and a JPG file (either on a disc, through e-mail, or a school drop box program) to the teacher, the teacher will compile all the images received into one presentation (for example a Photostory presentation). The teacher will leave some time at the end of the working session or at the beginning of the next class period to go over the digital art that the students have created. Elements of shape (geometric and organic), and pattern will be discussed. Each student will discuss what he/she did in order to create the image he/she created and will also share his/her experiences working on this project. The students will than complete and turn in their checklist for a final grade on the assignment.

Teacher Reflection: 1. When creating practice files for this project, I found that working with the ‘shape’ tool was a little frustrating. The most frustrating part about this tool is trying to fill it with the pattern of choice. It is not like filling a shape that you have created using the lasso tool or the marquee tool where you can fill it in any way you chose to by simply using the ‘pattern’ fill or by using the filters. In order to give an inserted ‘shape’ its gradients or make it look as if it has some sort of pattern, you have to make adjustments to it in the ‘layer styles’. 2. I anticipate my students will have problems with the same problem that I had using ‘shape’ tool, problems using various layers, loading up new shapes and patterns off line into the Photoshop program and them opening them up to use them in their files, managing the lasso tool, and saving their documents in two different formats. I will try and give my best personal attention to each student,

but also make sure the students are following me during the instruction portion of the introduction. 3. To manage basic computer problems I will first make sure the students know how and where to save their work in case something happens. I will also stress to them how important it is to save their work constantly through out the work period. I will make sure to have step-by-step instructions to those who are absent and will also provide them with my one-on-one time if needed. I will try and pair up the students who are done and know what they are doing in their assignment with another student who seems to be frustrated. I will walk around the room through out the work period and make sure I get to every student who needs my help. If I find that a number of students seem to have the same problem, I will ask everyone to stop what they are doing and look up for a quick demo presentation given by me on the projection screen. 4. For students that absent will be provided with a checklist of instructions, as well as time before and after class to come in order to talk to me and have time to work with my help. I might try and pair up an absent student with one that has grasp the assignment very well to work with either in class or outside of class. Students who finish early will be encouraged to do more (add more shapes to their project, experiment with more patterns, download more shapes and patterns, and just play around with other elements in Photoshop that were not discussed fully. These students who finish early will also have an opportunity to either help another student or start working on a new document that falls within the assignment guidelines. Students with special needs will have special one-on-one help from me. Depending on the ranges of needs, a student might be allowed to experiment with a fewer shapes and patterns. Bibliography: Free Photoshop sites for downloading shapes and patterns Adobe Digital Kids

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