Naskah Drama Bing.docx

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  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 7
Di Kelas

After school

Teacher : Well now I will share your test results, whose value lowest can be punishment


: Well, it's very hard to me, I can not memorize

Friend 1

: Hay, what are you doing? You rarely read books


: I can be punished by my teacher

Friend 2

: hahahaha why is that? What’s wrong?


: what's the punishment miss?


: maybe push ups or run in the field

Teacher school

: No, the punishment is an additional lesson for 2 weeks after


: Shit!! (mengumpat)

Teacher : Well because the value lowest in this class, there is only one person. So I will mention the value first M1

: Who is this?


: certainly not me (bergumam)

Teacher : who follow the extra lesson is ... you are very curious right? okay that get punishment from me is ..... (efek musik jeng jeng) do you wait for this announcement ? All Student

: Yes sir!!


: (bergumam) I want throw my shoes to Ms Ella (kesal)

Teacher : Okay okay keep calm , that can be punishment is Diiiiiii .... M3 congratulations!! you got extra lessons home from school for 2 weeks All student : Congratulations! Congratulations! Happy fasting is so funny for 2 weeks soon Teacher : Oh yes other than that the highest score obtained by M4, For M4 i want you be patiently yes M4

: Yes sir (sedih)


: Well, the lesson i think inav

M3 : My examination score is the lowest in my class, so I can punish lesson for 2 weeks after school Friend 2 now

: Don’t worry be happy, don’t think about it, so we must fun

Friend 1

: Yeah that’s right, why we go to a discotheque?


: Shit !! You're right (bersemangat)

Friend 1 : it's okay, this time we just go there. Let me see if we are young people today Friend 2 : Yeah right, rather than you feel so hard thinking until you dizzy, let's refreshing first, maybe after to the discotheque you can look straight smart M3 leave

: (tertawa) you can do it. Then we immediately get ready to

Friend 1

: Okay, do you have any money?


: Why?

Friend 2

: Get us to the discotheque


: You are the one who invited me, you who pay

Friend 1

: yaahh Finally i’m paying, damn it!

Dirumah M3

: Mom, assalamu’alaikum (berlari)


: Hay where do you want M3?


: I want to play with my friends


: I do not want to


: Come here! You become a child of lawlessness?

Friend 1

: It's okay, we rarely come here

(M3 diam dan menghampiri)


: Okay


: let's kiss mother's hand first

(Akhirnya M3 menjadi DJ, dan tiba-tiba polisi datang)


: (mencium tangan ibu) assalamualaikum

Police 1


: Yeah be careful son, it's money to buy a cake.

(Silence and Music)


: Yes, thank you mom


: You why silence !? Quickly catch them !!

Police 1

: Quickly contact your parents

: Hey you, what are you doing?

DI diskotik

M3: No nono , what for?

Friend 1 and Friend 2 have arrived at the venue first

Police 1: If you do not want to call your parents, then you and your friends will put me in jail

Friend 1

: Where's M3? (kesal)

Friend 2 : Yeah, why are not we here yet, and we've been waiting for him for a long time

(M3 menurut apa yang dikatakan polisi tetapi dengan gaya slengean) M3: I'm at the police office

(M3 menghampiri)

Mom: What? Repeat one more time


: Hay bro, sorry there was a problem late

M3: I am in the police office

Friend 2

: Yeah it's okay, just relax

Friend 1

: By the Way, the music sounds not fun

Mother: You play far away in the police station, How are the Police there? Are they as handsome as in Korean dramas?

Friend 2

: Yeah, usually the music is not like this

Friend 1

: He said this is not the usual DJ

Friend 2

: What if you are a DJ (menunjuk M3) you can also DJ


: That's what I used to do

Friend 2

: Is it the same now what is the difference? Come on M3

Friend 1

: come on

(Friends 1 & 2 pushing M3 to DJ)


: (jengkel) Not like that mom, Aduuhh, Halooo Mom !? Mom!?

Mother: Oh yeah-yeah hello, why are you there? M3: Just come here, I'll explain later (Ibu bersiap-siap dan berangkat ke kantor polisi, Ibu M3 sudah mendatangi kantor polisi) Mother: What's M3? M3: Police chatced me

Mom: What!? (kaget) Why are you doing this? What do you do?

Tidak lama kemudian guru datang

M3: So............

Teacher: haloo yusuf, how are you? Are you ready to the world? Yusuf: yess sirr (jawaban tidak semangat)

Police: Because your son is underage so we can not stand it, then for the sanction is enough to pay a fine of ten million rupiah Mother: the penalty can not be less ? Police 1: No, we can not

*Beberapa jam kemudian setelah guru menjelaskan panjang lebar. Akhirnya pelajaran selesai. Dan yusuf dengan semangat meninggalkan kelas tanpa berpamitan dengan bu ella.

Mother: Please give me discount Police: I’m sorry, i can not give you discount M3: Mom !! Mom: What the hell? This is also happening because of you, please give me discount for this Mrs. (sambil merayu) Polisi : I’m sorry, i can not give you discount (dengan tersenyum geram) Ibu : Okay, i would have to pay for this (akhirnya ibu menyerahkan denda atas pelanggaran yang dilakukan oleh M3) Setelah kejadian tersebut M3 menjalani aktivitas seperti biasa, Dan tidak lupa ini aadalah hari pertamanya mengikuti pelajaran tambahan

(Bel sekolah berbunyi) Di kelas

*Beberapa hari yusuf selalu telat menghadiri pelajaran tambahan yang diberikan sepulang sekolah Teacher: can actually punish him or me anyway? (self talk) Yusuf: assalamualaikum Teacher: waalaikumsallam, why are you so late Yusuf: sorry sir Teacher: if you are late again I will laprokan to the principal Yusuf : (memasang wajah tiak bersalah)

*akhirnya pelajaran selesai dan seperti biasa yusuf selalu buru-buru meninggalkan kelas tanpa berpamitan. Guru ella hanya menggelenggelengkan kepala

Valian : (menghampiri yusuf) be patient (sambil menepuk pundak yusuf) Sofia : Fighting !! Yusuf : hmmmmm (kesel, tidur di bangku sambil menunggu kedatangan guru)

Di rumah Ibu mengetahui Dina (M4) sdah pulang sekolah dari jam 14.00 (kejadia berulang) Mother: M3 is late why not come home, but M4 has pulag from this afternoon (3 jam kemudian M3 uang)


: Assalamu’alaikum (sambil mencium tangan Ibu)

Ibu : Waalaikumsalam (duduk diteras dengan wajah marah) from wherever you are !? M3

: School mother

Mother: Do not lie to you! Jam pulng school is at 14:00 now what time! Look at that M4 has gone home from earlier. you yourself?? (marah-marah dengan nada sewot) M3

: (diam)

Ibu Asked if it was answered! You must be finished again with your friends M3: no mother Mom: You do not have to lie

Teacher: Hello, bu who are you sorry? Mother: this is my mother M3 Teacher: Oh yeah, can I help you mom? Mother: Why M3 go home telatbu selau? Is there any school activity every school? Teacher: oh yes ma'am, so mom has not been told M3 right Mother: told what mother? Teacher: Looks like Mom has not been told M3. So like this bu story (flashback) Mom: What? Yes thank you for the information (bicara gagap) Guru

: You are welcome (menutup telfon)

M3: I'm not lying bu Mom: I do not believe you, after what you did in the discotheque that night M3

: (diam)

Ibu : Mother: Do you know how much it costs you for you to go to school? But you are happy. You know also if the mother works alone because your father is dead M3 : Why do you call and discuss this problem with your father's death (dengan nada kesal serta meneteskan air mata)

Ibu menghapiri M3 Ibu : So the reason you often stay away because you can learn tamabhan lessons. Yes !? M3

: (memasang wajah kesal dan melihat ibunya)

Mother: And the punishment is because your value is very bad M3: Yes, mother

Ibu : (terdiam melihat M3 dengan sorot wajah marah) is now the mother will telfon your teacher first

Mother: Mother has laboriously made money for you, but your value is very bad. Anyway ibbu not want tu. Your front test value must be perfect. If it is not perfect all the facilities that mother give will take mother

M3: It's up to you mother (berjalan meninggalkan ibu)

M3: Can not be like that mom Mother: It's up to you, you want to obey mother or not ( meninggalkan M3)

Telfon Guru Ibu

: Hello Ms Ella


: Hiiihhhh (kesal)

Di pasar

Wanita : I will go home. Asssalamu’alaikum

Guru secara tidak sengaja mendapati M3 sedang membantu kakek-kakek meyeberang jalan


Guru : (heran dan terharu) Saat terburu-buru M3 secara tidak sengaja menabrak seorang wanita cantil yang sedang membawa banyak barang belanjaan. Akhirnya M3 membantu wanita tersebut dan mengantarkan ke rumah

Pulang Sekolah Karena terlalu lelah belajar M3 memutuskan untuk membeli minuman M3: I drink one chocolate flavor

: Waalaikumsalam (terpesona dan bengong)

Di rumah M3 melamun di kamar M3

: (bicara dalam hati) Why I was so stupid not to ask her name

2 bulan kemudian UAS dimulai, semua siswa panik , sedangkan M3 tenag. Di kelas saat mengerjakan soal semua siswa putus asa setelah mengetahui soal ujian. Sedangkan M3 dengan santai mengerjakan sehingga membuat dia menyelaseaikan soal ujian dengan cepat sehingga membuat teman-temannya merasa heran

Seller: Ready, wait a minute. this mas drink it M3: Thanks, (mencari uang di dompet di tasnya tetapi tidak ada tampak bingung) Wanita cantik : It’s money M3


Di depan gerbang (pulang sekolah) M3 melihat ada wanita cantik di depan gerbang. M3 ingin menghampiri (dengan wajah senang) tetapi tiba-tiba ada teman laki-lakinya yaitu M2 yang menghampiri wanita cantik itu duluan. Dengan wajah kecewa akhirnya M3 pun pulang

Penjual: Thank you (senyum) Are you her boyfriend M3

: No

5 Tahun Kemudian

Mereka berdua keluar dari toko

Saat M3 istirahat kerja, M3 berjalan dengan teman-temannya ingin membeli makanan. Tiba-tiba ada seorang wanita yang menabraknya karena terburuburu sehingga membuat barang belanjaannya jatuh berantakan


Wanita : I’m sorry

Wanita catik : (senyum)

: Thank you

Wanita : I should say thank you



Teman M3

: Why ?

: no problem (menolong memasukkan belanja yang berserakan) : M3, come on!!

Wanita : Thank you for coming home at that time



Wanita : Once again i’m sorry, you so left your friends

: (tersenyum)

: yes you are first


: That’s okay

Kejadian itu membuat M3 teringat kejadian 5 tahun yang lalu

1 minggu kemudian Saat reuni

M3: Wait a minute, I think we met before Woman: Oh yes, 5 years ago hit me in the market until my shopping stuff messed up right? M3: Yeah (tertawa kecil) why the incident 5 years ago repeated again huh? Wanita : (tersenyum dan meninggalkan M3) Wanita trsebut sebenarnya jatuh cinta terhadap M3 , tetapi pada saat kejadian di depan gerbang itu . sebenernya dia ingin menemui M3, tetapi M3 malah menghindar dari wanita itu. Setelah kejadian itu, wanita tersebut selalu membayangkan M3 dan ingin sekali berkenalan dengan M3 Waktu di tempat M3 teringat bahwa dia belum sempat menanyakan nama wanita itu M3

: What’s your name ? (berteriak)

Tetapi wanita itu tidak mendengarnya

M3 kaget karena ada wanita itu di acara reuninya M3

: (Menghampiri wanita) Hi, do you still remember me?

Wanita : (mengangguk dan tersenyum malu dengan jantung berdebar) M3 : Just realized yes, we have not acquaintance (tertawa kecil) Recommend my name is .... (menjulurkan tangan) Wanita : (menguncupkan tangan) hehe yes my name is ... M3

: You are here with whom ?

Wanita : With M2 M3 : (tersenyum kecewadan berbicara dalam hati) why am I asking such a thing, when I already know the answer M2

; (menghampiri M3 dan wanita) What are you doing?

M3: I went first yes Keesokan harinya

M2: Where? You are here alone

M1: M3 class we want great reunion. You can come right?


M3: When?

M2: What is your maximum relationship? Btw, you already know each other huh?

M1: Next week M3: Ready !! I hope I have no overtime in the office M1: You have to come, Do not you miss your favorite teacher? M3: Who? M1: Ms Ella M3: Hehe you can be, wah Ms Ella invited?

: No, I'm afraid I will interrupt your relationship

Wanita : just now, But we've met 5 years ago M2: Maybe you're a mate (tertawa meledek) M3: mate? She's your girlfriend right (cemburu) M2: Girlfriend? (tertawa) He's my cousin M3: Cousin ?? (semringah)

M2: Your face looks happy, why?

Mereka tertawa bahagia

M3: (tertawa malu) M2: It looks like you have a lot to talk about. I live first yes M3: Here you are M2: (berbisik) You should be kind to him and keep him (meninggalkan mereka berdua) M3: I'm sorry to have misunderstood all this time Woman: Yeah it's ok (tersenyum) M3: Btw, sorry in advance if my question is too hasty (tertawa kecil) do you have a partner? Female: Not yet M3: Do you want to be my girlfriend? Woman: Sorry I can not M3: Why? Woman: We're just friends M3: Only friends? (kecewa) Woman: Yeah, I just want to have a life friend (tersenyum malu) M3: (terdiam dan merasa senang sekali) Woman: Why are you silent? Do not you like that? If not. Sorry I can not to be your girlfriend. (meninggalkan M3) M3: Wait !! I'm coming tomorrow to ask your parent to marry with you Mendengar hal itu, wanita langsug berbalik bdan dan tersenyum kepada M3 Woman: Yes, I wait for your arrival and I wait for you to speak with my father and mother (tersenyum malu) Other Friends: So sweettt, quick marriage yes. Let's have a nephew


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