Nandula Resume Jan 2007 - John King

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SASTRI P. NANDULA 110/2.R.T., S. R. Nagar Hyderabad – 500038 INDIA Phone: 011-91-40-2370 0715 Email: [email protected] OBJECTIVE A challenging career in the field of combustion in a stable company, government organization, or in academia with opportunity for advancement. EDUCATION Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering Vanderbilt University, 2003 Dissertation: Lean Premixed Flame Structure in Intense Turbulence: Rayleigh/Raman/LIF Measurements and Modeling. Recipient: Advanced Gas Turbine Systems Research Assistantship. Master of Science, Mechanical Engineering Vanderbilt University, 1995 Thesis: Measurements of Mixing Scalars and Scalar Dissipation in Turbulent Flames by Line Raman Imaging. Bachelor of Technology, Mechanical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology-Madras, 1989 CAREER INTERESTS Experimental combustion and control with emphasis on gas turbines, laser diagnostics of flow fields, emissions control, chemical kinetics, turbulence-chemistry interactions, combustion instabilities (turbulent and acoustic), alternate fuels, and combustion modeling. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Research Associate Mechanical Engineering, Vanderbilt University, 2005-2006 • Investigation of pollutant formation and turbulence-chemistry interactions in turbulent lean premixed combustion. Postdoctoral Scholar School of Aerospace Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, 20032005 • Characterization of coal derived syngas mixtures for fuel-flexible IGCC combustors.

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Designed a high pressure (30 atms) facility for flame speed and extinction measurements of syngas mixtures relevant to gas turbine combustors. • Measured flame speeds of syngas mixtures with fuel diluents (CO2) and preheat (800 F). • Investigation of chemical kinetics for CO/H2 combustion. Graduate Research Assistant Vanderbilt University, 1997-2003 Primary Project: Measurements and Modeling of turbulent LP Flames for Advanced Gas Turbines Support: Advanced Gas Turbine Systems Research • Designed and conducted experiments in a turbulent combustor with strong recirculation operating in a lean premixed mode. • Simultaneous non-intrusive measurements of combustion scalars (temperature, species, OH, NO and CO) by a combination of Rayleigh/Raman scattering and laser-induced fluorescence. • The benchmark data has been used in the industry (GE Research and Development; Allison Engine Company; and CFDRC) and universities for model validations of gas turbine combustors. • Modeled and analyzed the reaction zones of turbulent premixed flames using chemical kinetic (CHEMKIN) combustion models. Graduate Research Assistant Vanderbilt University, 1992-95 Primary Project: Fundamental studies of scalars and scalar dissipation in turbulent flames • Developed a new Raman diagnostic system for simultaneous, multi-point (line) measurements of species concentrations and temperature. This diagnostic system was used to obtain the FIRST ever reported single-pulse quantitative line Raman measurements. • Developed a new molecular velocity method for non-intrusive and unseeded measurement of velocity in fluid flows called Ozone tagging velocimetry (OTV). • Developed an imaging system for quantitative measurements of water vapor using two-photon photo-dissociation and by Raman scattering. The system was used to provide measurements of water vapor at Arnold Engineering Development Center (AEDC) to measure hydrogen/air mixing in hypersonic propulsion. • Assisted in research towards the design and use of Degenerate Four-Wave Mixing (DFWM) technique for in situ monitoring of soot and NOx. • Assisted with Raman measurements in a supersonic (Mach 2) burner at the NASA Langley Research Center.

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AWARDS AND CITATIONS (Professional) American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Best Paper Award in Propellants and Combustion, 1996 Best Paper in Vanderbilt University School of Engineering, 1996 Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society, 1994 National Merit Scholarship, 1985-89 PROFESSIONAL and SCIENTIFIC SOCIETIES American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics American Society of Mechanical Engineers The Combustion Institute PROFESSIONAL SKILLS Proficient in laser diagnostics of reacting and non-reacting flows. Rayleigh/Raman scattering, LIF, PLIF, LDV, among others. Chemical kinetics (Chemkin codes) and reaction mechanisms. Combustion modeling. BOOK ARTICLES

1. R. W. Pitz, T. M. Brown, and S. P. Nandula, "Raman Scattering Imaging of Opposed Jet Diffusion Flames," in Transition, Turbulence, and Combustion, v. 2, M. Y. Hussaini, T. B. Gatski, and T. L. Jackson (Eds.) Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 227-237, 1994.

2. R. W. Pitz, T. M. Brown, T. S. Cheng, S. P. Nandula, J. A. Wehrmeyer, O. Jarrett, Jr., G. B. Northam, and J.Y. Chen, "Finite-Rate Chemistry Effects in Subsonic and Supersonic Combustion,” in Combustion in High-Speed Flows, J. Buckmaster, T. L. Jackson, and A. Kumar (eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 253-273, 1994. PEER-REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS (Cited over 100 times-Web of Science)

1. R. W. Pitz, T. M. Brown, S. P. Nandula, P. A. Skaggs, P. A. DeBarber, and M. S. Brown, "Unseeded Velocity Measurement by Ozone Tagging Velocimetry," Optics Letters, v. 21, pp. 755-757,1996 (Awarded Best Paper in Engineering, Vanderbilt University, 1997).

2. D. Trees, T. M. Brown, M. D. Smooke, K. Seshadri, G. Balakrishnan, R. W. Pitz, V. Giovangigli, and S. P. Nandula, "The Structure of Nonpremixed H2/Air Flames," Combustion, Science and Technology, v. 104, pp. 427-439, 1995.

3. S. P. Nandula, T. M. Brown, and R. W. Pitz, "Measurements of Scalar Dissipation in the Reaction Zones of Turbulent Nonpremixed H2-Air Flames," Combustion and Flame, v. 99, pp. 775-783, 1994.

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4. S. P. Nandula, T. M. Brown, R. W. Pitz, and P. A. DeBarber, "Single-Pulse, Simultaneous Multipoint Multispecies Raman Measurements Nonpremixed Jet Flames," Optics Letters, v. 19, pp. 414-416, 1994.



5. S. P. Nandula, R. W. Pitz, R. S. Barlow, G. J. Fiechtner., "Measurements of reacting scalars in a bluff-body stabilized turbulent lean premixed methane flame," Combustion and Flame, In Press.

6. S. P. Nandula, R. W. Pitz, R. S. Barlow, and G. J. Fiechtner, "Lean Premixed Flame Structure in Intense Turbulence” In preparation. CONFERENCE PUBLICATIONS & PRESENTATIONS (Selected, Full list available)

1. J. Natarajan, S. Nandula, J. Seitzman, and T. C. Lieuwen, “Laminar Flame Speeds of Synthetic Gas Fuel Mixtures,” Proceedings of GT 2005, ASME Turbo Expo, Paper GT 2005-68917, Reno, NV, 2005.

2. S. P. Nandula, R. W. Pitz, J. Bominaar, C. Schoemaecker, N. J. Dam, and J. J. ter Meulen "Kinetics of NO Tag Formation in Air for Unseeded Molecular Velocimetry," AIAA 42nd Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, NV, AIAA 2004-390, 2004.

3. S. P. Nandula, R. W. Pitz, R. S. Barlow, and G. J. Fiechtner, "Rayleigh/Raman/LIF


Measurements in a Turbulent Lean Premixed Combustor," AIAA 34th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, NV, AIAA#96-0937, 1996 (Awarded the 1996 AIAA Best Paper in Propellants and Combustion). P. A. DeBarber, C. F. Hess, R. W. Pitz, S. P. Nandula, T. M. Brown, and P. A. Skaggs, "Practical Applications in UV Raman Line Imaging of Water Vapor," Laser Applications in Combustion and Combustion Diagnostics II, SPIE Technical Publication, v. 2122, 1994.

5. S. P. Nandula, T. M. Brown, P. A. Skaggs, R. W. Pitz, and P. A. DeBarber, "MultiSpecies Line Raman Measurements in H2-Air Turbulent Flames," 32nd Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, NV, #AIAA-94-0227, 1994.

6. S. P. Nandula, T. M. Brown, and R. W. Pitz, "Measurements of Differential Diffusion and Scalar Dissipation in Reaction Zones by Raman Scattering," Western States Section (The Combustion Institute), Menlo Park, CA, 1993.

7. S. P. Nandula, T. M. Brown, W. A. Cole, and R. W. Pitz, "Simultaneous Multi-Species Multi-Point Measurements in H2-Air Flames using a Narrowband KrF Excimer Laser," AIAA, SAE, ASME, ASEE 28th Joint Propulsion Conference, Nashville, TN, #AIAA-923348, 1992. I have also presented my work at several national and international conferences and workshops in the fields of combustion, non-intrusive diagnostics, and fluid dynamics. REFERENCES Dr. Timothy C. Lieuwen Associate Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology Associate Editor, Journal of Propulsion and Power Tel: 001-404-894-3041 Cell: 001-678-642-7892

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Email: [email protected] Mail: School of Aerospace Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, GA 30332-0150 Dr. Robert W. Pitz Professor and Chairman of Mechanical Engineering, Vanderbilt University Tel: 001-615-322-0209 Cell: 001-615-218-1955 Email: [email protected] Mail: Chairman, Department of Mechanical Engineering VU Station B 351592, 2301 Vanderbilt Place, Nashville, TN 37235 Dr. Jerry Seitzman Associate Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology Tel: 404-894-0013 Email: [email protected] Mail: School of Aerospace Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, GA 30332-0150 Samad Momin Director, Global Growth Healthcare Products GE Healthcare Technologies Tel: 262-548-5099 Email: [email protected] Mail: 3114 N. Grandview Blvd., W-544 Waukesha, WI 53188 Additional references available upon request.

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