Name Game

  • November 2019
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Una mica de LATEX Eduard Fugarolas 23 d’agost de 2006

1 Comencem Bueno, ja fa una eternitat que no faig res de LATEX 2ε aix´ı “en s`erio”. Ahir a la tarda se’m va petar completament l’entorn gr` afic (i.e, les X) de l’Ubuntu i vaig trigar lo meu en arreglar-ho. Lo bo del tema ´es que poc despr´es d’arreglar-ho, m’entero que era un bug (b´e, m´es que un bug ´es un foradot) en el xserver-core de l’actualitazi´o que havia fet poc abans xDDDD. Anyway, mentre era al Windows documentant-me d’aquest fen`omen tan rar, vaig fotre el MiKTeX a instal.lar. I no poca cosa, no; li vaig posar la Net Install, i per si fos poc la Complete. Va trigar una eternitat (mmm. . . unes dues hores?) per`o val la pena tenir-lo per si alg´ un dia em d´ ona per anar al Windows a usar el LATEX1 . Aquesta versi´o ´es la 2.5, que ha sortit fa molt poc (8 d’agost de 2006).

2 The name of the game

NAME = LATEX 3 Seguim 3.1 Nenah ´ el scrartcl (de Koma–Script article). Li Eh, a que mola aquest tipus de document? Es fa quatre ajustos sexis al article “cutre” del LATEX 2ε , per`o queda guapo la Sans Serif a les seccions, subseccions i altres separadors del ram2 . Tamb´e permet fotre molts m´es ajustos, com posar-li un traje de cuero, per` o de moment amb una mica de maquillatge en tinc prou.

3.2 Ejem. . . Val, prou d’analogies estranyes. Qu`e anava a fer? ah s´ı. . . no, no ho s´e. . . mmmm. . . ah ja, ja, ja m’enrecordo. Anava a mirar un parell de paquets que vaig veure de passada ahir al MiKTeX, per provar-los aqu´ı al Tumultu. Ah, per cert, fa una estona m’he gravat tots els 1

tamb´e val la pena tenir-lo per mirar (o potser fins i tot arreplegar) els paquets que t´e el MikTeX, ja que la gran majoria serveixen tamb´e per al teTeX. 2 I parlant de RAM, abans d’ahir n’hi vaig comprar una miqueta a l’ordinador, que s’estava quedant sec amb els m´ıseros 256 MB que tenia. Vaig comprar 512 MB (a 266), aix´ı que ara t´e el triple. I realment es nota el canvi, perqu`e sembla que vagi amb un taparrabos molt finet. . .


paquets en un CD, aix´ı ja tinc el MiKTeX 2.5 en CD, i nom´es he d’instal.lar-lo, i no baixar-lo altre cop, que triga molt´ıssim. S´ı, ja s´e que hi ha un CD del MiKTeX i una cosa que es diu ProTeXt, per` o no surt fins a l’Octubre.

4 Jorl B´e doncs, som-hi. Qu`e tenim per aqu´ı? Anem a veure tots els paquets que hi ha a la carpeta latex de la distribuci´ o del Windows.

4.1 Llisteta de la compra eduard@stargate:/media/windows/Archivos de programa/MiKTeX 2.5/tex/latex$ ls 00miktex fltpoint plari 12many fmp plates a0poster fmtcount platex aastex fnbreak play abc fncychap pmgraph abstract foilhtml poemscol accfonts fontinst polyglot achemso fonttable polynom acmconf footbib polytable acmtrans footmisc postcards acronym footnpag powerdot adfathesis formula ppower4 adrconv formular ppr-prv adrlist fourier pracjourn ae fouriernc preprint aeguill fp prettyref aguplus frankenstein preview aiaa frcursive probsoln akletter frenchle prociagssymp alg fribrief progkeys algorithm2e fullpict program algorithmicx functan progress algorithms fundus prosper allrunes galois protocol alnumsec gatech-thesis protosem altfont gauss ps4pdf amscls gb4e pseudocode amsfonts g-brief psfrag amsmath gchords psfragx amsrefs genmpage psgo answers geometry pslatex antiqua geomsty psnfss antp german psnfssx antt germbib pspicture anysize ginpenc pst-3d


apa apacite apl appendix ar arabi arabtex archaic arcs arev arial armenian arydshln asaetr ascelike ascii assignment attachfile augie auncial-new aurical authordate authorindex autotab b1encoding babelbib backgamm bangtex barcode2 bardiag base bayer bbding bbm bcr beamer begriff bera betababel beton bez123 bezos bgreek bgteubner bibarts bibleref biblist

glonti gloss glossary gnuplottex go gradback graphics graphicx-psmin greek greek6cbc grfpaste grnumalt grtimes grverb guit guitar hanging ha-prosper har2nat harmony harpoon harvard hc hebclass hep hepnames hepparticles hepthesis hepunits hfoldsty hh hhtensor hilowres histogr hitec hpsdiss hrlatex humanist hvfloat hvmath hyper hyperref hyperxmp hyphenat ibycus-babel icsv IEEEconf


pst-3dplot pst-bar pst-barcode pst-blur pst-calendar pst-circ pst-eucl pst-fr3d pst-func pst-gr3d pst-infixplot pst-labo pst-lens pst-light3d pst-math pst-optic pst-pdf pst-poly pstricks pstricks-add pst-slpe pst-uml pst-vue3d ptptex punk punk-latex pxfonts qcm qfonts qobitree qsymbols qtree quotchap randbild randtext rccol rcs rcsinfo rectopma recycle refcheck refman refstyle regcount register relenc repeatindex

bibtopic bibunits bigfoot biocon bitfield bizcard blacklettert1 blindtext boites bookhands booklet booktabs bophook bosisio boxhandler bpchem braille breakurl breqn bridge brushscr bsheaders burmese bytefield calendar calrsfs calxxxx camel captcont caption carlisle casyl cbcoptic ccaption ccfonts cchess cclicenses cd cdcover cdpbundl cellspace changebar chappg chapterfolder chemarrow chemcompounds chemcono

ieeepes IEEEtran ifmslide ifsym igo imac index inlinebib invoice ipa iso iso10303 isodate isorot isotope iwona jasthesis jhep jknappen jkthesis jneurosci jura juraabbrev jurabib juramisc jurarsp kalender karnaugh kerkis kerntest keystroke kluwer koma-script ktv-texdata kurier kuvio labbook labelcas labels lastpage latex2html layaureo layouts lazylist lcd lcg leaflet

resume revtex4 rlepsf rmpage robustcommand robustindex romannum rotating rotfloat rotpages rplain rrgtrees rtkinenc rtklage r_und_s sae sanskrit sarabian sauerj sauterfonts savefnmark savesym savetrees scale scalebar schedule scientificpaper sciposter sciwordconv script sectionbox sectsty semantic semaphor seminar semioneside seqsplit setspace sf298 sffms sgame shadbox shadethm shalom shapepar shorttoc showdim


chemsym cheq cherokee chess chessboard chessfss chicago china2e circ cite citeref cjhebrew CJK cjw classicthesis clefval clock clrscode cmap cmastro cmbright cmcyralt cmdtrack cmll cmsd cm-super codepage colortab colortbl combine commath comment compactbib complexity computational-complexity concmath concprog config context contour cooking coollist cooltooltips coordsys corridx couriers courseoutline

leawood ledmac leftidx lettre lettrine levy lewis lexikon lgreek lh lhcyr lhelp limap lineara lineno linguex lipsum listbib listings listliketab literat lm localloc logic logpap lsc ltablex ltabptch ltxindex ltxmisc lucidabr luxi ly1 mailing makebox makecmds makedtx makeglos makeplot makor maltese malvern manfnt manjutex manuscript mapcodes maple

showexpl showframe showlabels siam sidecap sides siggraph sistyle siunits skak skaknew skull slantsc slashbox slidenotes smallcap smalltableof smartref smflatex snapshot songbook soul sparklines spie splitbib splitindex spotcolor sprite sqrcaps srcltx sseq ssqquote stack stage starfont statistik stdclsdv stdpage stellenbosch stmaryrd struktex sttools stubs subeqn subeqnarray subfig subfigure


coursepaper coverpage covington crop crossreference crossword crosswrd cryst cslatex csquotes csvtools ctable ctib cuisine currvita cursor curve curves custom-bib cv cvsty cyrillic dashbox dashrule dateiliste datenumber datetime dcpic decimal deleq diagnose dialogl dichokey dictsym digiconfigs dinbrief dingbat directory dirtree dk-bib dnaseq docmfp doipubmed dotseqn dottex dpfloat draftcopy

marginnote marvosym mathcomp mathdesign mathtime mattens maybemath mcaption mceinleger mcite mdwtools memoir mentis menu metatex method mff mflogo mfnfss mfpic mftinc mh mhchem mhequ mhs microtype miller minipage-marginpar miniplot minitoc minutes misc misc209 mla-paper mltex mma MnSymbol moderncv modroman montex morehelp moresize moreverb morse movie15 mparhack mpfnmark


subfiles subfloat substr sudoku sudokubundle sugconf supertabular svn svninfo svn-multi swimgraf switcheml swrule syntax syntrace synttree t1-fraktur t2 Tabbing tabto tabulary tabvar talk tamefloats t-angles taupin tcldoc technics tengwarscript tensor testflow teubner texlogos texmate texpower texshade textcase textfit textopo textpos thesis thesis-titlepage-fhac thmbox thumb thumbpdf thuthesis ticket

draftwatermark dramatist dropping dstroke dtk duerer-latex dvdcoll easy ebezier ebsthesis ecards ecltree eco ednotes eemeir eepic egameps egplot eiad ellipsis elmath elpres elsevier emerald emp emulateapj endfloat endheads engpron engrec enpassant enumitem envbig envlab epigraph epiolmec epsdice epsf eqlist eqname eqnarray eqparbox esdiff esieecv esint eskdx eso-pic

ms msc msg mslapa mtgreek multenum multibbl multibib multicap multido multirow musictex muthesis mwcls mwrite nag natbib nath nature ncclatex ncctools nddiss newalg newfile newlfm newthm newvbtm niceframe noitcrul nomencl nomentbl nonfloat notes nrc ntabbing ntgclass ntheorem numline numprint oands oberdiek objectz octavo oesch ofs ogonek oldstyle

timing tipa titlefoot titlepage-uni-dortmund titlesec titling tocbibind tocloft tocvsec2 todo tokenizer toolbox tools topfloat toptesi totpages tpslifonts tracking trajan tree-dvips treesvr trfsigns trsym tugboat twoup txfonts type1cm typedref typogrid uaclasses ucthesis ugq uhrzeit uiucthesis ulsy umlaute umoline umrand underbracket underlin undertilde unicode units unitsdef universa upquote ushort


esvect etaremune etruscan euler eulervm euro eurofont euroitc europecv eurosym evautofl everypage evweek exam examdesign examplep exceltex exercise expdlist expl3 export extarrows extpfeil extract extsizes facsimile faktor fancybox fancyhdr fancynum fancyref fancyvrb fax fbithesis fc feyn feynmf figbib figsize filecontents FiNK fixfoot fixme flabels flacards flagderiv flashcards

onlyamsmath opcit opteng ot2cyr othello other outline outliner outlines overpic oxford pacioli pageno pagenote pandora-latex paper papercdcase paralist parallel paresse parrun patch patchcmd pauldoc pawpict pb-diagram pbox pbsheet pclnfss pdfcprot pdfpages pdfscreen pdfslide pdftricks pecha perltex permute peterw petri-nets pgf phaistos phoenician phonetic photo picinpar picins pict2e


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flippdf float floatflt floatrow flowfram fltpage

pictex2 piff pittetd pitthesis pl placeins

yi4latex york-thesis youngtab yplan zed-csp zefonts

Bah, nom´es aix` o? xDD. Collons, hi ha (segons el thunar, jo tinc altre feina abans de comptar ovelletes) 969 arxius! Per a fer-se una idea de l’ordre de magnitud, quedem-nos amb el pantallassu de la figura 1. Ara la q¨ uesti´o ´es: de tota aquesta milena de paquets, quins quatre gats usar´e?


Figura 1: Pantallassu del Linux. A que mola?

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