Name: _________________________
Homework Matrix November 16-20, 2009 Directions: Choose and complete on a separate sheet of paper, one social sciences and language arts assignment each day. Parents remember to initial the boxes completed by your child. This will be checked for completion every Friday.
Read a decodable book. Write what happens first, next, then, and last.
What does soil look like? What does soil feel like? What does soil smell like?
______Parent Signature
Read a decodable book. Write all of the words with the long I sound. ____Parent Signature
Unscramble the words and use 3 in a sentence. owh, ruyo, vroe, ulcod, ugalh
____Parent Signature Soil contains tiny pieces of rocks, dead leaves, roots, twigs, dead bugs, water, and air. TRUE
_____Parent Signature Name two things soil does for plants.
_____Parent Signature
____Parent Signature
Read a decodable book. Write all of the words with the long O sound.
Name one layer/horizon of soil.
_____Parent Signature
____Parent Signature