Myvolunteerpage Site Overview

  • December 2019
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Online Database/Scheduling Overview for Montalvo Arts Center Volunteers Terminology and Change Overview Utilizing is an exciting prospect for Montalvo Arts Center volunteers, and we want to make sure that you understand clearly how to use the system. Not only will this save you time, but it will allow you monitor your own schedule and maintain your personal information. There is much information with which to become comfortable, so please read thoroughly, be patient with the system, staff and yourself as you learn. From any computer with internet access, you can: • See events worked and hours served • Express interest or request assignments for all programs/departments • Review schedule (arrival and approximate end) • Record time served for select programs/departments • Schedule for yourself, family or friends from comfort of home (must have their username/password) • Email specific committees/volunteer groups on which you serve • Take a Leave of Absence without calling the office Terms to Know: • Qualification: parameter to determine how a volunteer may schedule themselves • Activity: Any event, program or activity for which you may volunteer • Committee: all volunteers in a specific position (i.e. docent, gallery host, MSG Board) • Hours: the time you have given as a volunteer • Available: indicates availability for an event/program (I would like to be scheduled…) • Interest: indicates interest for more info (I would like to know more about this event…) • Assigned/scheduled: means your place is held on that event until you confirm. • Start time: arrival time (not curtain) – End time: always an approximate end to the show • Confirm: you are confirmed and expected at your shift/activity • Locked: the maximum number of volunteers are scheduled; no one else may be added CHANGES to be aware of: • You must now actively log on to the system and keep your personal and emergency information current. The information you provide is what we will utilize to reach you; please insure its accuracy. • Activity requests/sign-ups will no longer be accepted via phone, fax, email or US mail. Please do not hesitate to call or email us if you have questions, but assignment requests or RSVP’s should go through • Maintain your own “On-Call” status for PAS and Gallery assignment substitutions • Assignment schedules will be available online. You will no longer receive a paper confirmation letter/schedule. • Before you may volunteer, you must CONFIRM your assignment through • Cancellations by phone/email will only be accepted for late changes or emergencies. You should decline your assignment at before you confirm, if you are canceling in advance. • Set your own newsletter mailing, guidebook, on-call/substitute list, and leave of absence preferences • These changes also impact the scheduling procedures we use in office. New procedures will be provided in upcoming newsletters and guidebooks. It is important that everyone is working with the same procedures and policies, so please pick-up your materials when they become available. • If you have difficulty with the instructions, we offer a variety of tutorial assistance. Please call us--we are happy to help you!

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408.961.5828 | [email protected]

Site-Tour for First-time Users Orientation “Tour” of Go to LOG IN page: Enter your username and password already provided to you. WELCOME page Here you will find any news or current announcements. You may also see a SYSTEM ALERT message when there are actions for you to complete/confirm. There are four (4) tabs across the top: My Profile | My Organizations | My Hours Log | My Groups Within each tab are pages, listed just underneath the tab headers. It’s easiest to think of these as File folders with pieces of paper in them, but paper that you have to click on to read. MY PROFILE Here you will find: Contact Info | Additional Info | Qualifications | About Me | Goals 1. Go to My Profile tab and check all data in contact info for accuracy, and fill in any blanks. If any changes are made, remember to click on SAVE (bottom right of page). • Please note that your password boxes on this page will remain blank. You do not need to fill them in again, unless you want to change your password. • Once logged on, you can change your password and username to whatever you would like-make sure it is something you remember and type the password twice in the boxes provided 2. Once all contact information is checked, click on the words “additional info” immediately to the right of “contact info.” • Please fill out all the information on this page, especially the Emergency Contact info, and SAVE. • Be sure to select your Volunteer Resources preferences for newsletter mailing and e-news delivery. • Tell us if you would like to serve on the On-Call/Substitute list for various activities. • This is the area to inform us if you will be taking a leave of absence • This is the area where you tell us what your top choices are for PAS assignments. 3. “Qualifications” designate program areas and/or skills you have that match available volunteer assignments. You will not be able to request assignments you are not qualified for. Some qualifications you may change, others you cannot. Changes must be SAVED. • Not all qualifications pertain to every volunteer. Those that do not pertain to you will remain “unassigned”. • Tell us your special skills that you would like to share here. • If you notice that you are not qualified for something you think you should be, contact the office (e.g. You completed the Docent Tour Guide course, but are not listed as a Docent). 4. “About Me” offers us more demographics. Please fill this out completely and SAVE. • All volunteers under age 18 MUST include DATE OF BIRTH. • Volunteers over age 18 who share their DOB assist us with program demographics, as well as participate in the birthday greetings program. This information is used for nothing else. 5. “Goals” tab allows you to set service goals. The office does not use this tab—it is for your personal use. 6. “General Interest” tab is a section that Montalvo Arts Center does not use. Skip this. Montalvo Volunteer Resources Page 2 of 4

408.961.5828 | [email protected]

Site-Tour for First-time Users MY ORGANIZATIONS This is where you will see your current schedule of assignments, and are able to request future assignments or RSVP for training/education programs. Here you will find: Schedule | Activity Sign-Up 7. Go to My Organizations tab, right next to My Profile. Remember to SAVE changes. • The “Schedule” page shows up first, and this is YOUR SCHEDULE. Make sure that the dates in the boxes cover the time period you want to see and hit “Refresh Schedule” to list the dates and shows you are scheduled to work and confirmed to work. (Please note that scheduled does NOT mean confirmed; you may only work assignments that are confirmed on your schedule. You are responsible for confirming shows. You will NOT see April/May 2006 assignments here—these were scheduled using the old database—Don’t panic! At this time, this area will be blank for most volunteers.) • “Activity Sign-up” (to the right of the “Schedule” tab), lets you see available, upcoming events and the dates – THIS IS THE CALENDAR OF ACTIVITIES - listed by Department and/or Venue. Click on the activity name (which is underlined) that you are interested in, and then click on the dates that you are available to serve. You may also express a general interest if you are not yet sure, want more information, or are not qualified but would like to become qualified. • Some activities are set to “auto-assign”. Meaning, if qualified, you may automatically schedule your self to vacant openings. You cannot see this feature, but you will know when this happens as it will immediately appear on your schedule for confirmation. • At this time, if you requests assignments, we will assume you really want to serve in those areas! Please do not “play” and request assignments unless you are truly interested. Montalvo has many activities that would benefit from your time! • For now, all PAS and large special events will continue to be assigned by staff, based on requests. This may change in the future, as everyone becomes familiar with the system and new procedures. • Once assigned, you may accept (confirm) your assignment anytime on the “schedule” page. You will want to check this page regularly to confirm or decline assignments in a timely manner. If you have not confirmed your assignment, we will not know that you are coming! • As soon as the required number of volunteers is reached for a particular assignment, it locks and will not accept any more requests from volunteers (indicated by the circles beside the events). • If an activity is full and the circle is red and full, no further sign-ups are allowed – but you can still indicate interest in the event, by clicking in the box on the bottom left corner. Cancellations and removals will make available open shifts for others to fill. • We will no longer accept assignment requests over the phone, via fax or email unless directed in instructions. We want everyone to use this system to the fullest extent. This will enable staff to spend more time working with you, developing training, education and recognition programs, and spend much less time on data entry. • Please note: Our cancellations procedures/policies may be changing in the coming months. More details about this will be provided as appropriate.

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408.961.5828 | [email protected]

Site-Tour for First-time Users MY HOURS LOG This is where you will see your past service record and log future hours for select activities. Here you will find: View Summary | Log New Hours | Detailed Report • • • • •

View Summary shows you an overview of your volunteer service time record. In the future, hours from 2001-2005 will be included here as a “block” time. Service prior to 2001 are not electronically available. Click Log New Hours to record time given for select activities. Be sure you know which Category (Department/Venue) and Activity your service belongs to. Check with supervisor. NOTE: Staff will continue to log hours from PAS, large events and Gallery Hosts where sign-in sheets/books are used. Check with your supervisor or VRO staff if you are not sure how/where to log your hours. We ask that each active Community Volunteer donate at least 15 hours (about 3-5 shifts) annually to remain active and receive benefits of being a Montalvo Volunteer. You may always give more! Click on detailed report when you want to get a print-out of your service record.

MY GROUPS has been designed as a community tool. Currently, Montalvo Arts Center is the only Silicon Valley-based organization using this system. Here you will find: Organizations | Volunteer Centers | Teams • • •

Montalvo Arts Center will be listed under Organizations. Remove Me is only to be used if you are resigning from Montalvo as volunteer, permanently. To request a leave of absence, or change mailing preferences, go to My Profile, Additional Info. If you volunteer for other organizations that decide to use this system, you may find additional information about them in this area.

TOP TOOL BAR (Blue bar above logo) You will also see some additional features along the very top of the page, above the logo. Here you will see: Home | About MVP | My Contacts | Feedback | Help | Logout • • •

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Click Home to return to the initial Home/News page About MVP tells you more about our software partner, Volunteer Squared. My Contacts provides you a place to contact VRO staff, request technical support from the software developer, as well as communicate with other select volunteer groups/committees to which you may belong. Please DO NOT abuse these communication privileges—they are to be used for Montalvo-related communication only. Thank you! When you click on “Volunteer Resources” you are sending an email to us. When you click on “Gallery Host” for example, you will be sending an email to all Gallery Hosts. NOTE: you should always use the word Montalvo somewhere in the subject line of your message, so that volunteers who do not recognize your name will know to open it. Emails will appear to come directly from the person sending them. Volunteers with strict filters may not receive all the emails, and miss information. Feedback gives you an opportunity to share your thoughts with the software developer, Volunteer Squared. They often integrate user suggestions into upgrades. Help is a brief site-map of Logout does just that—logs you out. You should do this everytime you finish using the program.

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408.961.5828 | [email protected]

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