Myths, Superstitions And Other Misteries

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  • November 2019
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  • Words: 755
  • Pages: 24

e c n a r o ign magic



supernatural t

n w o n k n u e h

Myths, superstitions and other mysteries

Was it an ancient calendar, a temple or just a joke?

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses:

Some legends say that Merlin the wizard had built ___________ (have) a giant, who __________ (build) Stonehenge for him. The wizard magically took ___________ (take) it from Ireland to England. went Some say King Arthur __________ (go) there in some of his fanciful jorneys. Others even say the erected Devil himself __________ (erect) the stones.

Controversial or not, The Stonehenge is of outstanding cultural and natural importance to the common heritage of humankind. Recently used the scientist Gerald Hawkins ___________ (use) suggested a computer in his research and ____________ (suggest) that the stones were used as a calendar, to predict eclipses.

Do you believe it? What do you know about the Stonehenge ?

Crop circles met “On lake shores, where the forest __________ (meet) could the lake, you __________ (can) find elf circles. They were __________ (be) round places where the grass had danced been flattened like a floor. Elves ___________ (dance) there. I have seen one of those. It is dangerous and walks someone will become ill if he __________ (walk) over destroys such a place or if he _______________ (destroy) anything there.”

Do you believe it?

In 1991, more than a decade after the phenomena began _____________ (begin), two men announced that the thought up (think phenomenon of crop circles was an idea ___________ up) one evening in a pub in England in 1978. World War II veteran Doug Bower and his friend Dave Chorley revealed made that they ___________ (make) their crop circles using planks, rope, hats and wire as their only tools.

The Great Pyramid of Giza is as old as ____________ (= old) the Stonehenge.

Comparative or Superlative ?

as many as It took ____________ (= many) 25 men to transport a 1.5-ton stone block.

For four millennia it was the world's tallest (tall) building. __________

largest The pyramid of Giza is the __________ tallest (large) in Egypt and the _________ (tall) in the world. The Great Pyramid of Cholula in Mexico, lower is much _________ (low) in height, but it greater occupies a __________ (great) volume.

Like a Prayer

Do you believe in the Zodiac? What´s your star sign?

What are you like?

ed t r a e -h intolerant Open gener ous


adven turous



y witty


ic dynam

optimistic roma ntic


“Is this the dawning of the Age of Aquarius?” The Aquarian Age is thought to bring with it an era of universal brotherhood where it will be possible to solve social problems and with greater opportunity for intellectual and spiritual improvement. It is generally described by astrologers that in the Age of Aquarius there will be a blending of religion and science to such a degree that a religious science and a scientific religion will be formed. What do you think about it?

"You will be ever hearing but never understanding; you will be ever seeing but never perceiving. For this people's heart has become calloused; they hardly hear with their ears, and they have closed their eyes.” Matthew 13 Are people getting more and more skeptical, or it´s the other way round?

How superstitious are you ?

Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses:

blow out If you ____________ all the candles on your will come true birthday cake, your wish ____________. (blow out/come true) breaks If someone _________ a mirror, he will have ____________ seven years of ill fortune. (break/have) walk If you __________ under a leader, it will bring bad luck. ___________ (walk/bring) opens If a person __________ an umbrella won´t have good inside the house, he __________ luck. (open/not have)

see If you ____________ a black cat on the street, Won´t have you ____________ a good trip. (see/not have ) sweep If you _________ someone with a broom will be while cleaning the house, he ____________ unlucky. (sweep/be) has If a gambler __________ a rabbit´s foot on will win him, he ___________ the poker game. (have/win) sees If a bride __________ the groom before will be the ceremony, their marriage _________ spoiled. (see/be)

What other superstitions do you know? Do you know where they come from? Why do people need superstition?

Now... What´s next?

It´s time for music!! See you!

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