Myths And Facts About Aids And Hiv

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Taffara Buchanan Dr. Bradford Med 102 May 18th, 2009

Myths and facts about HIV and AIDS

I chose to write about AIDS and HIV because, I believe that everyone has thoughts, concerns, and fears and everyone at some point has heard something about these diseases. There are many myths about HIV and AIDS that has put a lot of people in fear of being around someone who is sick with the disease. I am glad that I decided to write about this to educate myself, and hopefully help others understand just a little more about these diseases.

Myth # 1 you can get HIV just by being close or around people who are HIV or AIDS positive? No, a lot of the evidence shows us that you cannot get these diseases through casual passing. Fact: HIV is not spread through touch, tears, sweat, or salvia. Or… • Breathing by or hugging, kissing, or even shaking hands with someone who is HIV or AIDS positive. • Sharing cups, eating utensils, or a toilet seat. The ways that it can be spread is from the transfer of blood, semen, vaginal fluid, or mother’s milk. Myth # 2 it is not a worry for me if I become HIV or AIDS positive, because the new drugs will keep me well. This is a yes and no answer. Fact: Yes, antiretrovirals are improving the lives of many people infected every day. And….. No, these drugs are very expensive, and have a lot of serious side effects. As of today there is no cure,

there is also strains that are drug-resistant, and that makes it harder for these medications to work. Myth # 3: I can get HIV or AIDS from a mosquito bite. NOT TRUE. Fact: we all know that HIV and AIDS are spread through blood, and we know that these insects are bloodsuckers. Several studies have shown no evidence that a person with these diseases that have been bitten, and the insects bites a non-infected person, cannot get it. The insect does not inject the blood they already have. Myth # 4 Now that I’m HIV or AIDS positive my live is over. This is also a yes and no answer. Fact: when this epidemic was discovered the death rate was extremely high, today we have antiretroviral drugs that allow HIV and AIDS infected people can live much longer. From 2000 to 2004, in fact, a person living with AIDS and HIV has increased 30%. Myth # 5 AIDS and HIV is Genocide. NOT TRUE. Fact: in 1 study close to 30% of African-Americans and Latinos said that HIV and AIDS was a government conspiracy to kill minorities. • Higher rates of infection in these populations may be due, in part, to a lower level of health care. Myth # 6 I’m straight and do not use IV drugs, I will not get HIV or AIDS. NOT TRUE.

Fact: about 16% of men and 78% of women contract these diseases through heterosexual contact. Although some men do become HIV or AIDS positive through homosexual contact and through IV drug use.

Myth # 7: as long as I am receiving treatment, I will not spread HIV or AIDS. NOT TRUE. Fact: when the treatment does its job, it can reduce the amount of the virus in the blood to a level that may not even show in a blood test, but the virus can still “hide” In other areas of the body. Anyone who has HIV or AIDS should still have safe sex so you do not pass these diseases to someone else. Myth #8 there is no reason for my partner and me to have safe sex if we are either HIV or AIDS positive. NOT TRUE. Fact: you run the risk of contracting other strains of these diseases if you do not practice safe sex. Myth #9 you can tell that your partner is positive for HIV and AIDS. NOT TRUE. Fact: the only way for you and your partner to know if you have either of these diseases, is to be tested regularly. You can have it and not have signs or symptoms for many years. Myth #10: I cannot get HIV or AIDS from oral sex.

Not True. Fact: you can get HIV or AIDS from any type of sexual activity, even oral sex, and it can be a man or women who are HIV or AIDS positive. You should always use a latex barrier during any type of sexual activity. After reading all of this I have more of an understanding on how you can get and spread HIV and AIDS.

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