My Guardian Angel 3

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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 3,711
  • Pages: 12
Everyone stared at us when we walked side-by-side into Biology lab. I knew what people were thinking. The boys will normally think: “Is this a joke? Whoa, that lucky Edward is really a magician in love. He just won the girl that loathed him the most in the school.” While the girls would truly think: “Oh My God! *sobbed* that stupid, ordinary, poor girl is with my hot, gorgeous guy! No, my world is doomed...” He was right. I was able to run away from him, but couldn’t hide from him. It was really sad that I had to sit with him. Ever since I was “destined” by the evil Biology teacher to sit with him, I never stopped trying to get the best grade and persuaded the teacher to let me choose a new lab-partner. However, the mean teacher told me, “It’s an equation. A weak one must be matched to a stronger one. And a stronger one must help the weak.” Eventually I accepted the truth. However, every time I thought about this, my heart ached and anger slipped into my emotions, driving me into madness. “Today, we will have a test. Your job is to identify each of the samples I gave to you and scribbled down the answers.” Mr. Banner commanded us. “Let’s do it, sugar!” Some of the girls behind me overheard him and glared at me. I looked back at them innocently for a minute. He realized it and showed them his middle finger. “Hey...They will hate me for that!” I quickly spit out the words and pulled his hand from the sight of the girls. Unfortunately, the girls saw it and grimaced at me angrily as if I was their prey, while I sneered at their childish actions. Within few minutes, I managed to identify every sample in the box and that fascinated him a lot. I slowly raised my head after triple checking the answers. Suddenly, something hit me hard in the head. I snapped my head up violently and saw the two girls laughing which I sneered earlier. Bless them because they

were so going to regret for the rest of their life. But then, I disregarded their actions and passed up the long roll of paper. “Well done, Miss Swan. But, did Mr. Cullen get his chance to identify anything? You know it is teamwork.” As usual, Mr. Banner stated his opinion but I easily lied to him. He scanned the roll of paper once and marked a big “A+” at the top of the page. Yes! I jumped in happiness and everyone looked at me as if I was mad or crazy. Surprisingly, Edward too was jumping up and down crazily. But, since he was so popular so everyone in the class shouted “Yay, Edward rocks!” Uhrgh. I turned back to my desk and sat there quietly while the others went crazy with Edward. Mr. Banner shook his head and then, he couldn’t control his temper anymore. He screamed: “A sentence of 2 weeks’ detention in my office to those who are still jumping around!” “You! You! And You.” He pointed me, then Edward and another boy. “But-But, sir, I was sitting here. I did not-” Mr Banner cut off my sentence and exclaimed, “NO EXCUSE!” My face blushed scarlet and suddenly became tearful. It wasn’t fair at all. Every time he did something wrong, and I had to cover up his guilt along. A peal of bells rang out in the distance, I ran out quickly without looking back. I didn’t go to the canteen as I knew things will only go worst there. “Bella, come on. I am sorry. Please.” He said sweetly. I stop for a while, yet again, walked away. But this high-spirited boy did not give up, he gripped my arm. He lowered himself to my height and suddenly kissed me. My lips trembled but he didn’t care. People gaze at both of us in amazement. I could feel my heartbeat was thumping faster than usual. Both of his hand kept feeling my soft throat. I moaned in pleasure and unhappily at the same time. He let go of me instinctively. But his thumbs never stop wiping away the tears from my face.

“I am really sorry, Bella. Really, I do. I will pay up later.” He excused himself. I heard that hundreds of times since yesterday. Still, I pretended he didn’t exist and slipped into the toilet. I grinned happily because I was in the girls’ toilet and he won’t simply come into here or else he wanted girls smashing his head with their bags. Then, I saw a group of boys... Shit! I raced out and he smiled pleasantly. “How...was...” He said each word between the roars of laugher. This time I checked the sign of the door before entering the toilet. At last, I was able to have some private time in the girl’s toilet as I could sense there weren’t any human presence here. Pheww. Then, a loud bang made me jumped. I turned slowly...and saw him. What was he thinking?! “What are you doing here?” I asked while he locked the door with evil smirks on his face. Without warning, he suddenly sprang towards me and attacked me with his sweet, decent lips. I was already used to this because he enjoyed kissing me and forced me to forgive him, or else he will kiss me again and again, and the worst part was non-stopping. “Urgh...” I complained bitterly while he kept on kissing me enthusiastically. He even bit my tongue gently every minute now and then. I couldn’t hold this anymore! So, I clenched my fists, readied to punch him. After a few seconds, I couldn’t stand it anymore so, I punched his chest, arms and stomach however, and his instinctive reaction was to deny everything. So, I was the one who lost again and unwillingly kissed him back. “Do you accept my apology?” He looked at me with his goo-goo eyes when he realized I was kissing him back. “What if I say no? After all, you haven’t pay up your guilt!” I retorted. “Well, erm, what do you want me to do?” He looked at me dumbly.

“I don’t know actually.” I wasn’t usually mean. But, he was the one I loathed the most so I thought so hard. “How about I become you personal slave for 1 week?” He suggested and eyed me dubiously. “2 weeks.” I corrected him. But, I read his eyes carefully to make sure he won’t be angry. “Your wish, My Highness Sugar.” He bowed 90 degrees and kissed the back of my palm. “Start staying away from me!” I commanded him and stomped out the washroom without looking back. He paused for dramatic effect: I tripped and fell. Just then, he raced back to my side and looked at me with I-am-sorry expression on his face. “Come on...Don’t be like this, sugar.”He rolled his eyes and gripped my hand. Slowly, like a predator, he leaned forward me again. And, instantly, I knew what will be his next action. I raised my hand to halt him. “Yesss?” He stared at me with his genius-emerald eyes. “Can I tell you when I know?” I tried not to make eye-contact when I was speaking to him. “And, please don’t do that again.” I added. “Do what?” He gave me a pretended look like he didn’t understand what I was saying. But, deep in my heart, I knew he understood it. It was just he wanted to make my life harder. “You know what, freak!” I rolled my eyes and turned away, heading to the field. It was badminton day and no one wanted to be my partner. So, I became isolated which I didn’t care much. Most of the girls made frantic attempts to give me a dirty look during the game. I lie on the green field, getting as much vitamins from the sun as I could. Tick tock, Tick tock...Time passed slowly. From a distance, I could see Edward playing basketball at the basketball court which is next to the

field, while showing-off his bare muscular chest. One thing I didn’t understand was why boys can play basketball while we (girls) can’t. “So, you and Edward huh?” my ex-girlfriend asked while glared at me in a disgusting way. “It’s not what you think, Miss. Bitch.” I glared at her when her light blue eyes met mine. “I know you are only doing this because you want me to feel jealous.” She defended herself. Sigh. I can’t believe it; I meant it wasn’t my fault that Edward enjoyed flirting with me while I tried desperately to blow his head off from my sight. I opened my mouth, but didn’t know what to say. Suddenly, something hit my stomach. I turned to the direction and saw Edward’s figure before my misted eyes. I wondered why such a gorgeous boy enjoyed embarrassing me in front of people?! Without thinking, I stood up and grabbed the ball along with me and ran frantically towards him. As soon I reached him, Mr. Jackson, the coach of mine and Edward spoke: “Oh hey, Miss Swan, so you enjoy playing basketball than badminton?” I didn’t know what to say and I looked at him in confusion. “Give it a try, come on, Miss Swan!” suddenly Mr, Jackson gave me two thumbs-up, like he was encouraging me. I was surprised and stunned by what Mr. Jackson just said. “Give me your best shot, sugar.” Edward challenged me by whisper-yelled into my ear. Urgh, crazy freak. To prove that I was really good at basketball, I started to drib the ball and threw it to Edward. He stared at me, amused and started to dribble around me. Then, without warning him, I snatched the ball from him and shot it into the net. Goal! It was 1 for me and 0 for him. “It’s good to see someone can beat Mr. Cullen down and teach him a good lesson to be humble.” Mr. Jackson said, half-smiled. While I had a self-satisfied smirk on my face, surprisingly,

Edward made a pretended-grimaced dark looks at me and snatched back the ball out of my hand. He jumped like a Tarzan and goal. Then, the bell rang once again. It was time to go home. Within a second, everyone was out of the gym, which left me, Edward and Mr. Jackson. “Good job, Mr. Cullen and Miss Swan.” Mr. Jackson said satisfactorily. “Thank you, sir.” Both of us greeted in unison. * -At Bella’s Home“So, any ideas how to enslave me yet, sugar?” “Not yet...Hmmp, let me think.” I answered him definitively. “Be quick, it’s not like my offer is open for 24 hours. 10, 9, 8...” He started to countdown and intentionally forced me to think something to enslave him. “Erm, do you mind coaching me to play basketball?” I asked. “Really? I am not very gentle, so don’t cry when I am too rough.” “Like I would cry.” I stuck my tongue out at him. “What do I get in return?” He asked while relaxing on my bed. “May I remind you that enslavements don’t get advantages!” I simply commented. “Well...not my type of enslavements.” Then suddenly, he pulled me up onto the bed. Then, carefully, he placed me on top of his body. It was really strange that I could easily trusted him and sometimes feel protective around him. So, for the first time, I didn’t struggle or move but pressed my ears onto his chest, listening to every beat of his evil, disgusting heart. “What do you want?”I groaned.

“Can you-erm-...”He opened his mouth to talk but couldn’t finish the sentence. “What?” I asked curiously while tickling him. “Do you promise not to freak out or be angry?” He said calmly while caught hold of my hand. “Depends.” I replied while playing with his hair dumbly. “Ok. So, can you be my friend and forgive me for everything I did in the past?” He stopped talking, gazing at a close-up of my neck. I didn’t know what to say. The evil part told me that he was the freak that I vowed not to forgive. But, he wasn’t that bad after all; the good part told me. “*Sigh*, I don’t have a choice, do I? Ok, but if you hurt me again, you will wish that you weren’t born in this world.” I said meanly while sympathize were shown in my eyes. Then, he suddenly jumped up and kissed me. Sigh, is this how they treated their friends, I thought. How could a friend kissed a friend, it doesn’t make sense at all.*Shaking my head hard* Then, I forgot to inhale and my head was spinning in all directions. “Bella? Bella?” Someone shook me frantically. I tried to open my eyes. But, they were so heavy. Still, I fought to open it and I won. At first, I saw a vaguely familiar feature of a face. It was him again: Edward. Slowly, his bright green eyes and an aquiline nose faded away and then I was drifted into dreams. There were endless vivid dreams and some of them are quite peaceful. Then, it ended. I lifted my head slowly, opened and closed my eyes from time to time, restarting them. Then, a smooth hand was flicking my hair off his face, and he yanked me towards him. “Welcome back.” He whispered those two words softly with his velvety voice into my ears. She soothed my head, and then traced my back with his spine-chilling fingertips. I shivered slightly and he noticed that.

“What’s the time?” I mused dreamily. “6 in the evening.” He answered and then I screamed in horror. How come he can stay here by my side while I was unconscious?! “You talked a lot in sleep...” He teased me. Oh No! Now, he could have known most of my secrets by then. Blood pumped fast in my veins and soon I could feel my cheeks were hotter than usual. Thankfully, he couldn’t see me but I doubt he could feel the heat of my cheek when his arm was as cold as steel. “Are you mad?” He asked when I didn’t speak for a long time. “What did you hear?!” I said angrily. “Erm...You said a lot about your father at first. Then, you started to talk about me...and at the end, you said you forgave me.” He said triumphantly at the last part. But, I wasn’t at all. I began to pinch his fatless stomach. Hardly, there was anything to pinch on as his abdomen was so muscular. In fact, he found it funny and comfortable. So then, I pinched his waist. That made him jumped and fell onto the floor. All I heard was a loud crack and thump. I prayed there was no cracked bone. “Edward, Edward!” I called out his name in a soft tone while my hands fumbled around, trying to find him. Then suddenly, BRAMP! My face hit something hard and soft at once. It was so pathetic but, thankfully, I tripped over him which made him “Oww-”for a while then chuckled. He rested both of his hands on my back, hugging me so tight that I could hardly breathe. Then, playfully he moved his hand downwards. I slapped him and that made him happier as I heard him murmured something: “Ouch, ouch, that’s so sweet, sugar...” Suddenly, I felt an immense pain shot onto my stomach. Damn. I rushed towards the toilet while he stared at me in shock. After a while, he knocked on the door slightly and asked: “Bella, are you alright?”

“Stomach-ache...”Arghhh, I screamed in pain as if I was giving birth. In fact, I was giving birth to shit... I laughed quietly at my thoughts. “Bella, you still there? Don’t faint while you-” He went on and lightened up the mood. “Give me some time. Oh yeah, how come you doesn’t have to go home?” “My parents went to Europe for their honeymoon. So, my house is a little bit boring.” He replied me with a sigh. After 15 minutes, the pain ended and I moaned in relieve. When I tried to walk out from the toilet, my legs soared in pain. Crap, I couldn’t even feel them. “Bella? You there, I just bought some pizza. Edward said you are having a major stomach-ache.” Renee shouted from the living room. I fought so hard to move my legs but they wouldn’t. So, at the end, I shouted for help. Edward was the one to reach me first and he tried to turn the knob. Sadly, it was locked so he couldn’t help me until I opened it. After a long fight, I successfully unlocked the door. Then, like a Superman, he scooped me up from the floor into his arms and placed me on the soft, warm bed. “You are so weak physically but so strong emotionally.” He teased me while I was lying on the bed like a dead corpse. My mum was standing over the door in my dark bedroom. Unintentionally, all the food I ate this morning suddenly poured out from my mouth like a fountain onto him. Pity him, now, he looks like a dead corpse more. My mum and I couldn’t help ourselves but chuckled weakly and whispered: “I am sorry.” Renee desperately bolted up into a sitting position and went to my cupboard. She took out a big towel for him. He understood instantly and went to the bathroom. While waiting for him to come out, I slept on the bed while massaging my little tummy. I rolled on the bed impatiently.

Then suddenly he appeared right before my eyes and that shocked me. He had a towel covering his lower body and that gave him a chance to dazzle me with his muscular abdomen and arms. Without another word, I jumped out from my bed and rushed to search every inch of the cupboards to find something to let him wear. All I could find is a sexy sleeveless singlet which belonged to my late father once and boxer shorts. I was surprised because he had an uncomplaining character. By looking at his normal wearing in these past months, all of them were branded and expensive, such as Crocodiles, Guess, and Timberland etc. Sometimes, I even wondered if his clothing were highly-prized tailored by personal tailor. “How do I look?” He asked childishly while pretended to be cool. “You look horrible, freak...You always do.” I commented evilly while scrubbed my chin slightly. I scanned from his hair to feet. Honestly, he still looked like the way he did but, it was funny and unusual to see him in these clothing. Even my mum, Renee, found it funny. “I don’t understand what is so funny.” He growled impatiently while eating a slice of the pizza. Gosh. I didn’t even realize he was such a big-eater; he almost finished the whole box of pizza. “The funny part is you looked really hairy, just like a Gorilla, especially when there isn’t enough clothing to cover you up.” I pointed out evilly. Then, he acted like a Gorilla, jumping up and down, scratching his armpit ridiculously. “So, you enjoyed staring at my body, don’t you, sugar.” I blinked and he kept on looking at me with his narrowed eyes. I could feel my cheeks flushed. “DID NOT!” I protested. “YOU DID!” He answered me back.

“I AM SURE THAT I DID NOT!” “AND, I AM SURE THAT YOU DID!” We kept on repeating the same words again and again until...he attacked me with his lips. At the end, I admitted unwillingly that I enjoyed looking at him. Thankfully, my mum fell asleep again and she didn’t overhear anything. “I knew it! Ever since the toilet-scene-event, you enjoyed every glance of me, don’t you, sugar?” And then, the same whole thing started again. I said “Did Not” for the whole time while he said “You Did” after me. It’s funny though because I won this time. When he attacked me with his lips, I pretended that I was going to puke, and instantly, he parted his lips and surrendered. When he realized it, he tried to argue back but lost. “Ha-ha-ha-ha!” I laughed so loud that my laughter echoed throughout the house. He looked at me disgustingly. Then, suddenly, I remembered the revisions I haven’t did for tomorrow. “Crap, I am doomed...So doomed. What period do we have tomorrow” I said in a rather harsh voice suddenly. “Chill, Bella, there will be only Biology, Add Maths, English and Gym tomorrow. Oh yeah, there will be an additional Biology detention too, which meant more time to be with you.” He was still lying on the sofa without tension at all. “Add Maths?!” It was my weakest subject. Biology and English is ok, but Add Maths? Damn. “I thought you were like a genius Albert Einstein that doesn’t have to study. But, seriously, Add Maths?” He laughed in disbelief while staring at the blank television. I shot him a grim look and he voluntarily suggested if I wanted his guide for the revision.

Throughout the night, he kept on showing me the steps. I did a lot of the exercises and argued that my answers were right. But, he won most of the time. Scanning the whole piece of paper again and again to make sure he couldn’t beat me this time, I snapped up my head and peek on him. He was already sleeping on the sofa, drooling over it. Ewww. “Yuck, Yuck, Yuck! Wake up, you dirty freak!” I screamed at his ears while shook him so hard that he fell from the sofa. “Huh?! Huh?!” He turned his head around with his big, gleaming eyes. Poor him, he looked so tired. Then, I couldn’t refuse myself from letting him to sleep in my bedroom, while drooling all over my pillow. As my watch showed 0000 hrs. I started to clean up and went to sleep. Then, I remembered that he was sleeping in my room, so I have to sleep somewhere else.

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