My 2009 Portfolio Of Articles

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green ways

Published in: ECO! Express Magazine - March 2009

to save green dollars By Kenneth Goh


ith the global economy plummeting into the lowest doldrums since the Great Depression, recession is certain to loom and gloom in Singapore. But that doesn’t give you the excuse to abandon eco-friendly habits in frantic search for ways to tighten your purse-strings. Here are four eco- and walletfriendly tips. Read on and get recession-ready.

Express! #9


Go Thrift-( Shop)


Cut Energy

While “The Cash Converter” may not be the first place that hits your mind when you think of Shopping, this “cash and recycle” store concept presents a unique two-way traffic of buying “second-hand” goods or exchanging items no longer used for cash (see, you recycle and earn money, too). Of course, your goods must be in working condition and fit for resale. The process is fussfree, with instant cash paid once the price has been mutually agreed upon. One person’s rubbish could very well be another person’s treasure, so you never know what could end up in your catch among the myriad of secondhand wares from household goods such as TVs, electrical appliances, HI-Fi to sporting gear, and even jewellery. Your (dieting) wallet will be happy to note that most are them are lowerthan-market prices, allowing you to reduce spending and consumer waste and recycle your goods at the same time – a definite win-win! Singapore currently has 5 Cash-Converter stores at Tampines, Jurong, Toa Payoh, Ang Mo Kio and Admiralty. Visit for more details. Another alternative is the aptly named Salvation Army’s line of Family Thrift Shops. Most of the items are donated by the public and given a new lease of life at lower prices. You can expect books, vintage jewelry or clothes (which are oh-so-chic), coats and many household equipment all screaming, “ I’m cheap”. The Family Thrift Shops have various branches at Upper Bukit Timah Road and Upper Serangoon. 8B3A444B55F54D0A 8025712A000D8BA3?openDocument

Ipod, Blackberry, Laptop. The essential must-haves of every self-respecting urbanite. Rather than dishing these important, but energy-sapping gadgets away (and risk heart-attacks), a more practical and sensible approach would be to work around cutting their power consumption or use them more efficiently. Although they are power-suckers, let’s face it, they save so much hassle and simplify laborious tasks into breezy clicks. Sadly, the appetites of such electronic equipment are not as bite-size as they look. While they are innocently left on standby mode or charging for hours, they drain valuable energy – wattage, especially for those who are switched on 24/7. Enter :The Power Strip” - a line of multiple sockets that allows multiple electrical devices to be plugged in at the same time. The good: it draws power from a single source and branches it out to the various devices, drawing from close proximity. This helps to cut down a significant amount of energy when setting up computer or audio-video systems, which consist of many devices. With a flick of a switch, all the connected devices or rechargeable stuff, can be switched off or on (more towards off, please) conveniently. Improved technology has allowed some strips, such as the Eco-strip to automatically stop supplying power to a fully-charged device. These power-strips can be easily found at hardware stores such as HandiFix or in your friendly neighbourhood shops.

17 Published in: ECO! Express Magazine - March 2009

3 Light-ten your electrical bill About 20% of the utilities bill of an average household goes to electricity. To shed figures off your bill, switch to Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFL), instead of the cheaper, but inefficient, incandescent bulbs. Studies have shown that CFLs use between 60% and 80% less energy than the latter in the long run. (This varies with different brands of CFLs.) Let’s do the math; a CFL has a longer shelf life of 8,000 to 15,000 live hours, whereas the shelf life of the average incandescent bulb is a mere 1,000 hours. Effectively, any savings in bills after using a CFL for 500 hours go straight into your coffers. This works out to saving up to $30 per CFL used. Furthermore, an average CFL weighs around 450g. Multiply this by 2,000 times and you help save some 900kg of greenhouse gas emissions. CFLs have come a long way, in terms of light quality and versatility. Technological leaps have created a much eye-pleasing “soft-white” light. CFLs have also become more flexible, coming in dimmable and 3 –way fixture versions. One tip: Due to its small amount of mercury (6mg per watt), do not toss your CFLs directly into the bins or risk mercury poisoning - cancer-causing mercury fumes can diffuse into the air. Instead: double-wrap the tube in several plastic bags. That way, you help recycle plastic bags, too. Phillips has a few models of CFLs, such as the Genie 18W CDL Series. You can find such models at the ubiquitous Harvey Norman or Best Denki stores island wide.

Recycle what you eat Travel back to school recess days with the nostalgic “blast-from-the-past” lunch-box! Packing food to work or school looks set to be in vogue with rising prices of commodities like rice, oil, sugar (you name it), which, in turn, increases the costs of eating at the hawker centres or food court ($3 seems to be the new $2.50, if you want to feel sufficiently full). The perennial stalwart of packed lunch is still the fuss-free sandwich and fruit combo. Packing lunch need not be an elaborate affair, given the very hectic hours in the morning. Instead of cooking from scratch, why not recycle last night’s dinner? You can re-use ingredients from dinner (say the veggies or meat), re-heat them as sandwich fillings or a simple dish of fried rice. Recycling aside, you also minimize waste by not dumping dinner leftovers away. Besides, you will also be eating from a reusable plastic container, lunch bag and metal utensils from home – all nondisposables. Just rinse them with water and they are good for another round. Heat can come courtesy of the pantry’s microwave oven. To complete the circle, bring any food waste home and put them in your kitchen’s compost pile – as organic fertilizers. So, pack in and save up.


Express! #9



Published in: ECO! Express - July 2008

Dine in Green 4 Practical Green Dining tips to eating in and out - with a green conscience.

Go green. Eat Greens.

by Kenneth Goh

Picture this: a slice of homemade chocolate cake perched on a biodegradable tray-plate in front of you. Beside it, a recycled paper menu resting on an organic cotton table cloth.Mmmmm. Finished? Off you go to an ultra lowflow toilet to wash up! Judging from the growing number of restaurants, hawker centres, supermarkets and pasars, food ranks high on the hierarchy of needs for most Singaporeans. Food isn’t just for consumption; it requires preparation as well – and hence “greening” the entire meal involves choosing eco-friendly utensils, washing and cooking methods too! Here are 4 ways to make your dining experience in Singapore “guilt-free” and more sustainable. Bon Appetit!

1) Gorge on your (organic) greens Planning a meal or preparing a salad? Go green by choosing, as far as possible, ingredients sourced from organic and bio-dynamic farms. Both types of farming eschew the use of hazardous synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, genetic engineering or irradiation, while the latter also incorporates traditional farming practices such as the use of animal manure fermented in special ways. Organic food isn’t all about your veggies and fruits. It includes organically grown meat, eggs, juices, rice and even beer and wine! Those with green thumbs can visit Bollywood Veggies (100 Neo Tiew Road) to source for fresh organic produce, all proudly grown in their 10-hectare farm. You can bring home their specialties “fruit-vegetables,” such as ladyfingers, corn, longbeans, cucumbers, bittergourd and pumpkins. Organic food followers also have L’organic (Blk 18 Unit A Dempsey Road) on their speed dial. This mother of organic grocery stores boosts over 60 varieties of vegetables and anything from pasta to baby food. To save the hassle of traveling, head down to naturally marketplace by Cold Storage (#01-23B, Vivocity). It stocks an eclectic line of more than 1,000 organic products which are also sensitive to dietary requirements, such as lactose intolerance (unable to drink milk) and celiac disease (unable to consume products with gluten, such as wheat and rye).

2) Eat out = eat eco If you are too tired (or lazy) to whip up a dish, fret not. A growing number of organic restaurants sprouting across the island are throwing the spotlight on the use of organically cultivated ingredients in their wholesome cuisine. Most of the organic farms and grocery shops mentioned above come with their own in-house cafés and delis, which feature their own products in their menus. The health conscious can also check out vegan social-enterprise café Food #03 (109 Rowell Road), which serves delicious fusion treats such as tempeh burgers, spring rolls and banana pancakes (the famous “banana cow”!). Organic café Green Connection (5 Angus Street, Merchant Square) serves a wide range of healthy salads (topped with enzyme dressing to help digestion!) and local treats, such as tasty tom yam soup with brown rice bee hoon. For a slightly more upmarket night-out, there is also The Garden, The Sentosa Resort and Spa, Singapore (2 Bukit Manis Road, Sentosa), offering a contemporary dining experience centred on wholesome organic food.

3) (Re)Use paper and more Paper and food frequently come together: the everversatile paper can be used as serviettes, plates, trays and utensils. If you’re having a party or picnic, try using non-disposables (i.e glass, plastic plates and cups or metal utensils). If not, opt for chlorine-free, recycled, bio-degradable alternatives. The more courageous diners could also use recycled paper—recognized by its coarse, sandpaper-ish texture and light brown tint. Branch Homes ( supplies unbleached bagasse plates made from compostable sugarcane fiber, a by-product of the sugar refining process. The entire cutlery set, including bowls, forks, spoons, trays, platters and knives, can also be made from potato starch. Other utensil alternatives include bioplastic plates and plates made from the leaf of the Areca tree. Closer to home, 12X12 café (#01-002, Suntec City Galleria) serves food on 100 per cent biodegradable trays, made from potato starch and palm husk—don’t eat the trays,

Green Light

though. Over at Fresh Origins (#01-01, 1 George Street), gorge on greens from their takeaway boxes made from 100 percent recycled paper.

4) Light up your life There is no need for a sequel of Earth Hour by eating in near darkness. You can go eco-friendly without risking primitive candles. When shopping for light bulbs, look for SOFTONE Standard eco-light bulbs (also known as compact fluorescent bulbs) by Philips. Glare-free, they emit warmwhite lighting for great ambience. These light bulbs also use up to five times less power than conventional bulbs, and are available in 20W, 16W or 12W options. These bulbs can be easily found at most departmental or convenience stores in Singapore, such as Best Denki and Harvey Norman. With so many green options laid out on your dining table, from planet-friendly utensils to organic cafes, dining in green has never been more easy and accessible. Now, you can tuck in peacefully, knowing that every mouthful of food chewed goes a long way in saving the environment. E!





Published in: ECO! Express - July 2008



Youth Eco Concert  THIS SPREAD



Style meets sustainability

19 Apr 08

Go green yet stay chic

Green & Chic Green and Gucci, at first glance, seem worlds apart. How could luxury goods, the ultimate symbol of wasteful decadence, ever be environmentally friendly? After all, the sky-high prices for one of these bags could very well provide clean water for an entire African village. And let’s not talk about the leather.

Green is the new black All this is set to change. Welcome to the bold new world of eco-luxury. Following the high-profile boost from the Live Earth concerts and politician-turned-environmentalhero Al Gore, we are slowly seeing green seep into the designs of luxury goods everywhere. Or are we? Louis Vuitton (LV), the French fashion giant synonymous with all things branded and leather, is making people green with envy over their latest creation: the chichi veg-tan handbag line, class of 2006 collection, which features decorative vegetables. But fads aside, LV is serious about the environment. It recently introduced an environmentally friendly initiative that aims to do away with plastic wrapping for deliveries, saving the fashion house 20 tons of plastic a year. New and refurbished concept stores will also boost a new lighting system that will slash electric-

by Kenneth Goh

ity consumption by 30 per cent. Since you are what you wear, what better way to make a green statement than by green sleeves? Eco-couture has been seen strutting its way down the world of haute fashion, on the runways of Milan and Paris. These are wearable haute fashion pieces that hold their own in terms of design and shape. American fashion house, Loudermilk, is at the forefront of this movement – the firm uses 100 per cent biodegradable fabrics from the traditionally trendy vegan silks and organic laces to less orthodox options of spun milk and seaweed. They don’t do it quietly either. In recognition of their efforts, these environmentally-friendly businesses can apply for “LUXURY ECO” accreditation – a label that gives credit to organizations whose luxury-quality products and services are ecologically sound. Founded in 2002, the LUXURY ECO Stamp of Approval is spearheaded by Linda Loudermilk, founder of the eco-couture line, Loudermilk, which serves as her own luxury eco-certification. As of 2007, more than 50 companies have received this certification. London-based Nick and Milly, which makes vegan bath and body products, is one of the recent recipients of this pre tigious label.

Style meets sustainability Taking the green path is increasingly viewed as the only way businesses can move forward. With the rise of environmentally conscious consumers demanding accountability, even the simple act of using recycled materials could expand clientele , strengthen brand loyalty or even ensure business longevity. Being green is also a mark of brand exclusivity – the quality every fashion house thrives for. “Green is chic,” says Gerald Celente, director of the Trends Research Institute in Hudson Valley, New York. “If it wasn’t so tragic, it would be funny how long it’s taken for green to catch on.” According to a 2007 survey by marketing and advertising firm WPP Group, consumer spending on green products will hit an estimated $500 billion next year and 77 per cent of companies said they anticipate spending more on environmental sustainability programs in the next several years. With green alternatives popping up in haute fashion to hybrid cars the Lexus RX 400h - and “sustainable” caviar, the green wave has arrived – and in great style too. E!

Are green movements becoming a fad in Singapore? by Lim Linin The Youth Eco Concert, fashioned as a miniature version of Live Earth, had promised to be interesting and exciting with performances by Asian idols Hardy Mirza, Kelly Poon and various other popular local acts. One would expect that, with the amount of resources the event had tapped into, positive impact would come. This, however, was much to be desired as performers and emcees alike did not come across as truly passionate for the cause. One of the more disturbing scenes was the overload of local celebrities, including Joaquim Gomez, Michelle Chia and Bryan Wong, zealously endorsing recycling without emphasizing the most important “R” - reducing consumption. A timely power failure also failed to be picked up by Hardy as fitting for a concert for the environment. However, it was commendable that most of the guest performers at the concert planted trees beforehand to offset the carbon emissions that the concert had produced on the day, though the environmental impact of such schemes, too, is doubtful. The preshow was fascinating with a group of innocent toddlers, dressed in recycled materials, performing a choreographed dance number. It was a wonderful sight, with little children prancing about dressed in NTUC plastic bags and holding recycled props. It was also a rather innovative idea of the organisers to use recyclables as a form of entry ticket into the event. However, it was regrettable that many people who attended the performance bent the rules

and tried to pass off new scraps of paper as recycled materials instead. The event has generally squandered the capacity of youths to partake in a truly meaningful course of action to save the environment. It turned out to be a superficial show of support for the cause rather than a significant concert that could potentially bind like-minded youth environmentalists together. The concert could have been for a totally different cause and most people would not have noticed one bit. The various local actors and actresses involved in the event seemed more intent on promoting their own shows and personal endeavors than raising the level of environmental awareness and activism. This was exemplified when the contestants from “U are the one”, a talent search show, were asked about various environmental messages they would like to tell the public. Apart from a few rehashed versions of the usual “Save the trees” and “Reduce, Reuse, Youths in Action for the Environment and Recycle” messages, the contestants seemed to have little knowledge of the environmental concerns that plague our world today. Instead, more enthusiasm was shown when they attempted to garner popularity votes for the talent search show. One would not expect these contestants to give a detailed account of environmental problems and solutions. But surely a little sincerity in reading up beforehand and in extending the fight for the environmental cause to the public is not too much to ask? In Singapore, green is indeed the new black. It is just sad that the ones entrusted to help campaign for the cause are just superficial players jumping on the bandwagon- just because environmentalism is the latest fad. E!

Nee Soon East Toastmasters members ushered in 2009 with much vigour

A HAPPY BRAND NEW 2009!!! Text/ Kenneth Goh

[email protected] Design/ Kenneth Goh Photos: Saddiqi




e ushered in a brand new year of change, to quote the freshly-minted, first African-American president by having an intimate New Year Party on the 8th January. We played. round of Pictionary – Nee Soon East style


esigned by our very enthusiastic game-master. Yihao, some of the words which we have to describe were names of our members. That created quite a hilarious commotion, as we “struggled” to figure out which descriptions belonged to who. After all the game and games, it was time to attack the pizzas ( all 6 of them!!).

Hot on the hells of the inauguration of Barack Obama, Nee S oon East Toastmasters Club also started its inaugural chapter meeting of 2009 with an op timistic note of change, courtesy of our ever-composed club president, Saddiq and his address on, who. else, Obama and his refreshing whiff of CHANGE

Following the theme of “change”, “ stepping out of our comfort zone” seemed to second that by being c r o w n e d t h e t h e m e o f t h e d a y. K e n n e t h , C h r i s t i n a a n d a few guests all touched on it throughout table topics, tastefully designed by Raj ( congrats on being a great Ta b l e To p i c s M a s t e r s ) . H i s s l e w o f t h o u g h t - i n t r i g u i n g quotes from famous personalities certainly sharpOur members, Margaret and e n e d o u r Ta b l e - To p i c s c a p a b i l i t y. Ye e K e o n g , a v i s i t i n g Simin having a ball of gregarious time t o a s t m a s t e r, b r o u g h t t h e h o u s e d o w n w i t h his take on at our club’s New Year’s party!!! love……and it isn’t even Valentine’s Day yet. >>>Next Page

Nee Soon East Toastmasters: February Club Happenings 2009

Page One

Members chatting away while feasting on pizzas

Few b u t p u n c h y described our line-up of (only) 2 project speakers. Christina swept the audience with her tour-de-force personal recount on stepping out of her comfort zone i.e a change in her working environment. P.S she has even met Anthony Robbins in the flesh!!! Foodie Kenneth shared his personal Ups and Downs

o n being a food writer – which included freebies and getting hopelessly lost in Sentosa!!! Christina and her evaluator, Faizal took home the ribbons. for Best Speaker and Best Evaluator

Yihao, Saddiqi and Lawrence take time off the heart-stopping fun games and pose for the camera..CHEESE!!!!!

Nee Soon East Toastmasters: February Club Happenings 2009

Page Two

And No Cheating: Game-master, Yihao briefed us about the GAME!!!

Kenneth, Saddiqi and Lawrence say HELLO!!!

We meet every first and third thursdays of every month throughout the year at Nee Soon East Community Club #04-05 from 730pm to 930pm.

Visit Nee Soon East Toastmasters: February Club Happenings 2009

Page Three


we meet on every first & Third thursdays of every month at #04-05 , Nee Soon east Community Club

hahaha..tickle me pink!!! We wouldn’t want our jokes to be interrupted by annoying ring tones, don’t we? Boring contest rules were read out and the contestants reminded to entertain us. The perennial star vocalpowerhouseLawrence Chan mesmerized us with his quirky insight on why women drivers are not necLaughter is the best medicine essarily be the worst drivers on the road. In fact, he generur funny bones energetic hustle and bustle. ously studded his speech on were given a thor- To set the stage for the annu- anecdotes on why men could ough workout and al contest, tables were straight- very well be the real culprits. our mouth mus- ened out, chairs whipped into Yihao presented a rather physical cles were strained all for a good positions and the Club ban- speech on his experiences with cause - at our club’s Humorous ner unfurled to full glory. table topics. Speech Contest 2008/09. Of course, the genial Toastmaster- The guy brought the house down


The evening started with guests slowly trickling into the meeting room; weary after a hard day's work around 730pm. Hot, flustered and harassed - words that aptly described those who came to the meeting. Suddenly, tiredness and lethargy quickly gave way to animated and

of-the-Evening,, Saddiq was busy with his “traumatic”experiences making sure that he had his script with the dreaded Table Topics Sessions ("truly torturous"). polished to perfection. Continued on Page 2 In 3, 2, 1, it was time to bring Editorial Team out the funny side in all of us. The highly-anticipated Contest Editor: Kenneth Goh, CC started with a stern reminder to Writer: Mohd Saddiq, CC switch off their electronic devices. Designer: Kenneth Goh,CC Photos: Mohd Saddiqi

The jovial young man read his mind aloud with a blowby-blow sequence of what goes in his mind when he gets called up to speak impromptu. What a dig to Toastmasters, albeit a sincere and personable one. Kenneth Goh, ever the one with a flowery tongue and a penchant for creative word usage, wowed us with a hilarious speech on his pet peeves. One of them is - yes, you guessed it, is the fact that Singaporeans hold the unbroken world record of fastest sprinter to the bus doors. The other pet peeve is that the humble computer seemingly saves you the energy to

turn it off, par ticularly when you are working on a project and burning 10 litres of midnight oil. Seductively hilarious speech! Giving our smile lines a break, the session broke off for refreshments. Breaking the ice was top on the menu as our members entertained the guests (we had 6 of them!!!) and preached to them the benefits of joining Toastmasters ( of course). Cakes were shoveled down and wash down the palate with drinks and friendships were forged. The next part - the Speech Evaluation Contest - featured our Mystery Speaker Mohamad Saddiqi sharing his journey in Toastmasters. After that was over, the contestants were led out of the room and given 5 minutes to complete their evaluations.. With that, The Humorous Speech Contest came to a rousing end. It was a satisfying session filled with warm laughter and ap-

plause and lots of fun and wit thrown across the room.

Nee Soon East CC Toasmasters Club Newsletter - October 2008 Issue

Page 2


ur September chapter meeting saw a bonanza of guests visiting Nee Soon East CC Toastmasters Club on 18 September – a sign of strong interdependent ties that we have with other clubs in Singapore. And oh what fun we had! Our latest addition to the Nee Soon East family, Chan Si Min was officially inducted into our club!!! Cheers and welcome Si Min as you embark on your numerous project speeches- to come!!!!

our september chapter meeting Without much “ wheedling” ( our word of the evening) – which means to obtain something with persuasion, it was time for the painful table topics to roll out by Saddiqi. Congrats to Tung Keong for winning his first ( of many) Best Speaker Ribbons to come for his inspiring speech on competition. The spotlight was thrown back at our dear pioneer member ( and our very own area governor, not withstanding) – Kumaran who completed his advanced projects. Here’s to all the milestones we have achieved!!!! We also thank our dear guests for their invaluable help, which added more colour and spice to the “main courses” that night. To the gracefully tall DTM Rebecca Lee and Ming Hwee and witty Seh Leng ( pronounced Sail-Ling) from Ulu Pandan Toastmasters Our members- all at club and Sor Hoon from

Welcome Si Min

Our language evaluator, DTM Rebecca Lee & Club Preisdent, Saddiq sharing a Kodak Moment

Best Speaker of the Night : Tung Keong is all smiles


Nee Soon East CC Toasmasters Club Newsletter - October 2008 Issue

Page 3



Nee Soon East Toastmasters W W W .

N E E S O O N E A S T . B L O G S P O T . C O M

E M A I L : N E E S O O N E A S T @ G M A I L . C O M C O N T A C T N O : 9 7 3 2 9 4 4 3 ( S A D D I Q ) I S S U E

ABOUT US Nee Soon East Toastmasters Club aims to be a club that inspires all her members to think, speak and lead with confidence and aims to train up their public communication skills. We meet second Thursdays of every month at #04-05, Nee Soon East Community Club.

COMMITTEE STRUCTURE 2008/2009 President Mohamad Saddiq , CC Vice President Education (VPE) Goh Shang Zhe, Kenneth, CC Assistant VPEs Rajeevi, Tan Yeow Khoon Vice President Membership (VPM) Melvin Lau Boon Yang Vice President Public Relations (VPPR) Mohamad Saddiqi Secretary Rajeevi Treasurer Tan Yeow Khoon Immediate Past President Tommy Teo, AC-S, CL Mentor Wekie Tay, DTM Editor Goh Shang Zhe, Kenneth, CC

4 / 2 0 0 8

: J U L Y

2 0 0 8

A New Beginning A

new term begins for Nee Soon East CC Toastmasters Club and all ready to take the club into the next lab is the freshly-minted President ( 2008/2009) , Mohamad Saddiq. Find out more about him in this exclusive interview. By: Kenneth How do you feel, as incoming president of NSE TM Club? SADDIQ: To put it frankly, it feels rather odd. After all, NSE TMC was nowhere on my radar screen just a year back. At that time, I Our new President was scouting for a ( 2008/2009) , club to visit and this Mohamad Saddiq , CC club happened to have a meeting on a day that I was free.

One thing led to another and very soon, I was inducted into the club as a new member! Being elected as the next President allows me the opportunity to exercise my leadership skills and bring Nee Soon East TMC to greater heights. I have many projects for the club in mind; but of course, these can only be achieved through the active support and dedication of the EXCO and club members. Share with us lessons you have learnt during your past years in Toastmasters

First, you have to be positive-minded. It takes a lot for a shy person to become a better communicator. Second, be an active participant in the chapter meetings. If you really want to succeed and become not only a better speaker, but also a better leader, you need to take your roles in a meeting seriously; be it as a speaker, evaluator or even the sergeant-at-arms.

Only then will we have a positive club environment.

Holding the gavel firmly, Saddiq is sworn in as President Tell us what inspired you to join Toastmasters and serve as President

I was a shy person and rarely found it relishing to engage in small talk with others. When I enrolled in Temasek Polytechnic as a student, I realised the crucial need to sharpen my communication skills. As luck would have it, I passed by the Toastmasters booth during a recruitment drive and promptly signed up for it. Under your baton, what do you hope to achieve?

My main task will be expanding the club membership, injecting more variety in the club programmes and building a strong, dedicated and resilient committee. Also, I intend to establish friendly relations with other Toastmasters clubs and learn the best practices from them. The EXCO will undeniably play a pivotal and active role in getting our club to a higher level. Personally, it is my wish to see that each member is given the opportunity to become better communicators and leaders.

Lastly, everyone deserves a chance to shine as all of us have our strengths and weaknesses.

An Interest Group of the Youth Executive Committee, Nee Soon East Community Club





Installation.night 08

Affendi as he dissected the various stages of interpersonal communication. As people get to know someone better, we shed layers of superficiality – from comments to opinions to feelings. In tri guin g an d thought-provoking! The Nee Soon East Family at Installation Night 08


brand new chapter unfolded as Nee Soon East CC Toastmasters Club witnessed the installation of the 8th batch of the EXCO to bring the club to greater heights into the next lap in 2008/2009.

Our faith in joining Toastmasters was re-affirmed by Lawrence , who convinced us why it can aid our climb up the career ladder, with much vigour and charm. And, a sea of nodding heads greeted the Best Speaker of The Night.

Paramount in importance is that our club has a successive continuation plan, to lay the bricks of foundation for a long journey ahead. The night of camaraderie started with our out-going President’s opening address. A considerably relieflooking Tommy was only too happy to hand over the leadership baton and proceeded to give a member-by-member summary in his swansong address. Under Damon’s genial introduction as Toastmaster-of-theevening ( TME) , it was time for the burst of oratorical display , our 3 project speeches , to take centre stage. Our newest addition to the family, Sankar wowed us with his maiden step in the toastmaster journey. He broke the ice in his project one speech by giving a smooth delivery on his not-sosmooth career track, sprawling from India to The United States and to Sunny Singapore. Our curiosity was piqued by Project 2 speaker, Mohamed

Kumaran, each EXCO member held the gravel in all seriousness, before saying “ I will” – with commitment and fervour. Damon pointed out that our club might just have the youngest ever president elected in the Area S5 Divison – with 20 year old Saddiq. Shelving serious matters aside, it was time to loosen the ties and let our hair down. The fun was rolled out in boisterous fashion by our The New EXCO prepares to be sworn in

After feasting our eyes, it was time to feast on Refreshments, which included an achingly pretty sea of bitesize luscious cakes.( courtesy of our guest from Fu Chun Toastmasters, Sadinah). It followed by wisdom-dripping evaluations from Tommy, Saddiq and Damon. After that, the spotlight was thrown to the all-important Installation Ceremony 2008. An solemn aura filled the room as our new members, Sankar, Margaret and Affendi were inducted and the incoming EXCO were officially sworn in. Presided by Area S5 governor,

mistress of fun, Rajeevi. Each member was given a slip with a word. With that, we had to find other members who had words related to it. With high spirits, we scrambled to shout and find our other “ links” n the adrenalinepumping “ stock market” game. The memorable night capped off with a cozy family photo-taking session. This marks the dawn of a new

Next Meeting: 7th AUG 2008

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