Muramba Phase Ii Final Report

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  • Words: 31,788
  • Pages: 88
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Analysis of EWB-UW Water and Renewable Energy Projects in Muramba, Rwanda July 2005 Students from the University of Wisconsin - Madison chapter of Engineers Without Borders (EWB-UW) returned to Muramba, Rwanda, in July 2005 to continue developing sustainable water and energy infrastructure. Civil, geological, and chemical engineering students, an economics student, two journalists from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, and faculty advisor Peter Bosscher collaborated with students from the University of Surrey in the United Kingdom, the University of Butare in Rwanda, and the community of Muramba on several initiatives including solar cooking and water pasteurization, fuel briquetting, and expansion of the community’s water supply. In past trips to the community in April 2004 and July 2004, EWB-UW teams identified the lack of potable water as the community’s greatest need. The team found the current water distribution system to be seriously inadequate with deficiencies in system operation and maintenance, water quality and water quantity. Broken tap stands and a damaged piping network were in critical need of repair and posed a public health threat. The team provided local technicians with logistical and technical support during the construction of a system expansion that added two water sources and increased total flow from 37 liters per minute to 83.8 liters per minute. However, the team estimated system losses at 50% or more. The team identified several items that require maintenance and proposed a maintenance schedule to reduce system losses. Finally, the team discussed with community leaders future work on the village water supply and the formation of a Water Board to establish and govern system water usage, oversee maintenance, and acquire funds for maintenance and future system expansion. To address Muramba’s energy shortage, teams worked with community members to investigate alternative fuels. The shortage of fuel wood and a country-wide ordinance limiting wood harvesting has jeopardized the community’s ability to cook and boil water. A solar cooking project involving a women’s cooperative group and the vocational school encouraged villagers to build, test and market a device that harnesses solar energy to purify drinking water and to cook food. To further address energy needs, teams implemented a fuel briquetting process with local leaders and carpentry students. Contributors identified local biomass sources, built wooden presses, and began creating briquettes suitable for cooking fuel. These efforts require follow-up and additional work in several areas to ensure long-term project sustainability. Future teams will need to observe the condition of the implemented water system and examine the effectiveness of the proposed maintenance schedule and Water Board. Further assessment may reveal additional potable water sources critical to the community’s long-term needs. The solar cooking and fuel briquetting projects necessitate additional EWB-UW and community involvement for complete project implementation. Most critical is the establishment of local entrepreneurs willing to invest, market, and distribute the technology throughout the community. EWB-UW will need to assist local leaders and interested community members in creating effective briquette mix designs and determining appropriate composting times. Information collected in the Health Assessment Survey will help subsequent EWB-UW teams identify future community needs. Finally, EWB-UW will identify and contact interested distributors to market handcrafts made by the Muramban women’s cooperative.

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Contents 1 1.1

INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................1 Background ................................................................................................................................................ 1

1.2 Participants ................................................................................................................................................ 1 1.2.1 Engineers Without Borders Involvement............................................................................................... 1 1.2.2 Community Involvement........................................................................................................................ 1 1.3


Community................................................................................................................................................. 3

WATER PROJECT ...............................................................................................3

2.1 Project Description.................................................................................................................................... 4 2.1.1 Description and Route of Pipeline ......................................................................................................... 4 2.1.2 Source Development............................................................................................................................... 5 Source 1......................................................................................................................................... 5 Source 2......................................................................................................................................... 6 2.1.3 Spring Box design .................................................................................................................................. 7 2.1.4 Source Protection.................................................................................................................................... 8 2.1.5 Local Supply ........................................................................................................................................... 9 2.1.6 Connection of Source to Pipeline.........................................................................................................11 2.2 Discussion .................................................................................................................................................11 2.2.1 Status on Leaving .................................................................................................................................11 2.2.2 Use of New Supply...............................................................................................................................12 2.2.3 Maintenance Schedule..........................................................................................................................12 2.2.4 Role of EWB-UW in the Project..........................................................................................................13 2.2.5 Recommendations ................................................................................................................................14


VILLAGE DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM ASSESSMENT........................................14


Description of System..............................................................................................................................15


Methodology.............................................................................................................................................17 Walkover.....................................................................................................................................17 Flow measurement ......................................................................................................................17 Water Testing..............................................................................................................................17

3.3 Results of Methodology...........................................................................................................................17 3.3.1 Infrastructure.........................................................................................................................................17 Pipelines ......................................................................................................................................17 Reservoirs and Junction Boxes...................................................................................................18 Tap Stands...................................................................................................................................19 3.3.2 Water Quantity......................................................................................................................................20 3.3.3 Water Quality........................................................................................................................................21 3.4

Current Maintenance Practices .............................................................................................................22

3.5 Recommendations....................................................................................................................................23 3.5.1 Required Maintenance Work................................................................................................................23 Infrastructure...............................................................................................................................23 Leakage and Exposed Pipe .........................................................................................................24 Water Flow..................................................................................................................................25 3.5.2 Future Sustainability of System ...........................................................................................................25

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SOLAR PASTEURIZING & COOKING PROJECT ...........................................27


Background ..............................................................................................................................................27


Testing the Water Quality in Muramba ...............................................................................................28


Solar Cooker Preparation in Wisconsin ...............................................................................................29

4.4 Solar Cooker Implementation................................................................................................................30 4.4.1 General Strategy ...................................................................................................................................30 4.4.2 Workshops ............................................................................................................................................31 4.4.3 Microbusiness .......................................................................................................................................32 4.4.4 Design Testing ......................................................................................................................................32 4.4.5 Outcomes ..............................................................................................................................................33 4.5


Further Work in Muramba....................................................................................................................33

FUEL BRIQUETTE INITIATIVE .........................................................................34

5.1 Project Background.................................................................................................................................34 5.1.1 Overview of the Fuel Briquette Process ..............................................................................................34 5.2

Biomass Availability................................................................................................................................35


Preparing Biomass for Composting ......................................................................................................36


Press Construction...................................................................................................................................37


Pressing Briquettes..................................................................................................................................38


Appropriate Burning Techniques..........................................................................................................39


Further Project Work in Muramba ......................................................................................................40


WOMEN’S CRAFT GROUP OVERVIEW ..........................................................41


DEMOGRAPHIC AND HEALTH SURVEY ........................................................42




ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ..................................................................................50


APPENDICES .................................................................................................51


A: Flow Measurements for New Source ...............................................................................................51


B: Observations and Flow Measurements For Village Survey ..........................................................52


C: Water Testing Results........................................................................................................................56


D: Site Assessment Sketches...................................................................................................................57


E: English-Kinyarwanda Field Dictionary...........................................................................................60


F: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Articles from Summer, 2005 Trip...................................................69

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A way to save trees, and improve villagers' lives................................................................................................69 UW students hope briquettes can become a sustainable fuel.......................................................................69 Tricky business ..................................................................................................................................................71 Beyond help in Rwanda.........................................................................................................................................71 Geography puts AIDS treatment just out of reach for most........................................................................71 'Land of a thousand problems' ........................................................................................................................75 Transforming a village......................................................................................................................................76 Bringing water to Rwanda ....................................................................................................................................77 UW team works to ease town's thirst..............................................................................................................77 The challenge begins .........................................................................................................................................79 A meeting of the minds .....................................................................................................................................82 Ugandan priest answers call to help ease suffering in Rwanda........................................................................83

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1 Introduction 1.1 Background The community of Muramba lies in the province of Gisenyi in northwestern Rwanda, bordering the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Muramba refers to the geographical area under the influence of the local Catholic Deanery, including four parish churches. The village encompasses several primary schools and three nationally-renowned secondary schools. A vocational school teaches community members, many of whom cannot afford tuition at the secondary schools, basic vocational skills. In July 2005, members of EWB-UW, EWB-UK, and the University of Butare - Rwanda partnered with the community of Muramba, Rwanda to implement water supply infrastructure. Members also assessed the community’s existing water supply, provided technical support and recommended improvements to local technicians. The assessment focused on weaknesses in the tap stands and piping networks and identified sources of leakage. EWB-UW coordinated with local leaders about the formation of a water board to govern water usage throughout the community

1.2 Participants 1.2.1

Engineers Without Borders Involvement

The July 2005 trip to Muramba involved two teams from the University of Wisconsin Madison and one participant from the United Kingdom. They worked in Muramba for a total of one month, with Team 1 arriving at the beginning of July and leaving mid-July; Team 2 arrived one week after Team 1 and stayed until the end of July. The teams worked together for five days. The EWB-UK student stayed for the duration of the trip to provide continuity to the project work undertaken by both teams. In addition, two journalists from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel embraced the opportunity to travel with EWB-UW in an effort to increase awareness of the plight of the Rwandan people, and Africa as a whole, in their struggle to develop. Table 1.1 lists the individuals who participated. Table 1.1: Participants in the July 2005 trip Team Team 1

Team 2



Name Megan Bender Prof. Peter Bosscher David Joles Susanne Quick Evan Parks Ryan Wilson Jon Armah Bill Brower Sam Jorgensen Adrienne Kuehl Tim Miller Ryu Suzuki Andre Steele Emmanuel Tuombe

Project Solar Cooking Water Photo Journalist Journalist Fuel Briquetting Fuel Briquetting Community Survey Solar Cooking Fuel Briquetting Solar Cooking Water Fuel Briquetting Water Water

Organization EWB-UW EWB-UW faculty advisor Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Milwaukee Journal Sentinel EWB-UW EWB-UW EWB-UW EWB-UW EWB-UW EWB-UW EWB-UW EWB-UW EWB-UK University of Rwanda - Butare

Community Involvement

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Community members played a crucial role in the development and implementation of the water project. Village leadership provided direction and supervision during the design and construction of key water infrastructure. During project implementation, leaders of Muramba Parish and the College of Muramba worked with EWB-UW members on the design of the system. Project leaders are depicted in Figure 1.1. Community members volunteered many hours to dig the pipeline trench. Involving community volunteers ensured that Muramba would have a significant stake in the project and furthered the long-term sustainability of the project.

Figure 1.2: Project leadership (l-r) included Frederick, Saïdi, Jean Paul Basansanga, Innocent Kabande, Peter Bosscher, and Louis

Saïdi and Frederick represented the community in the water project. As former sector chief, Saïdi was responsible for day-to-day digging operations. He personally directed volunteer personnel and provided some technical input into project design. While Saïdi supervised daily trenching, Frederick assumed responsibility for the long-term maintenance of the system. He will continue to work with Innocent, Louis, and Saïdi on system operation and maintenance.


Parish Involvement

Individuals from Muramba Parish contributed significantly to the water project as well. Father John Bosco Musinguzi, Innocent Kabande, and Louis spearheaded Parish efforts. While Father Bosco provides spiritual leadership to Muramba, he also contributed logistical support to the water project. He helped locate tools for the EWB-UW team and frequently shuttled the team to the site. Innocent Kabande, the resident technician for the parish, has extensive knowledge of the existing water system in Muramba. Innocent is the resident engineer for the water project, having the final say on the construction process. He is a capable, friendly man who was more than willing to listen to suggestions made by EWB-UW. He ably responded to issues posed by EWB-UW with practical solutions. He is the most qualified technician in Muramba, though employed by the parish. Hence, his primary concern lies with the infrastructure directly affecting the Parish. Louis is the primary technician for the College of Muramba. Like Innocent, he maintains a key component of the water system, but does not have the same technical competence as Innocent and refers to him frequently in decision making. Louis is also employed by The College of Muramba, so his primary concern is the operation and maintenance of the College infrastructure.

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1.3 Community The community of Muramba is approximately 12,000 strong. The community is in a low state of development as evident in deteriorating water infrastructure and few commercial or industrial activities. There is evidence of textile manufacturing and carpentry, and a few private establishments service the community with grocery shops and bars. However, subsistence farmers comprise the majority of the community. Community members regularly volunteered intervals of time to assist in the water project. Each sector committed a number of volunteers daily to help dig, flag the pipeline route and transport pipe; most of the volunteers were women. While volunteers contributed significantly, skilled laborers also provided invaluable help in mixing concrete, building masonry junction boxes, and connecting hydraulic elements. These people, mostly men, were paid for their efforts. President Paul Kagame recently institutionalized a community work day throughout Rwanda. One day each month, able-bodied community members commit a half day’s work to collectively improving local infrastructure. In Muramba, the community work day focused on the water project. Over 1000 people volunteered to dig pipeline trench. The community turned out in full force to support the water project, as pictured in Figure 1.3.

Figure 1.3: Nearly 1000 community members turned out to help dig pipeline trench.

2 Water Project The existing water infrastructure in Muramba is in poor condition and is currently failing to meet international World Health Organization standards for quality and quantity. While past EWB-UW projects have focused on improving water infrastructure for the Parish and College, expanding the system to increase quantity available to the community is the primary objective of this project. It is estimated that the new source will double the quantity of water entering the village system. Approximately 10,000 individuals will ultimately benefit from this project, including students, widows, orphans and villagers. EWB-UW worked with the community to facilitate construction of the system addition and to impart skills and knowledge regarding system maintenance and operation.

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2.1 Project Description 2.1.1

Description and Route of Pipeline

The system is comprised of two main collection areas that are connected to a pipeline approximately 5 km in length. The pipeline connects the new sources to the uppermost village collection box; the elevation drop accounts for nearly 100 m of head. A cross-sectional depiction of the land where the pipeline is trenched is represented in Figure 2.1. The local geology is primarily clay topsoil underlain by fine sandstone and interspersed with deposits of kaolinite and mica. The land immediately surrounding the sources is highly cultivated as the local population is primarily subsistence farmers. Tile workshops are located near each of the sources to make use of the abundant wet clay deposits. Severe deforestation is prevalent as the needs for fuel and farmland compromise remaining timber stands. The government, in an effort to halt this process, has introduced measures to stop timber harvesting and the use of wood as a fuel. The pipeline parallels the main road leading to Muramba for much of its length. Based on design calculations, the necessary pipe diameter needed to carry flows from the two collection areas was 63 mm. Roughly 5 km of PVC pipe transports water from the two sources to the village. Pipe was laid in 6 m lengths at a trench depth of roughly 1 m and connected using ordinary pipe epoxy. In several instances, the pipeline crosses small ravines and gorges in which the pipe is precariously exposed and open to the effects of weathering. To bridge these gaps, technicians constructed steeltrussed encasings to protect the line.

Figure 2.1: New supply cross-sectional schematic

The two sources are situated by each other to the south west of the community. The first source is located above the main road leading to Kabaya and just off a smaller road that leads to a tea plantation. The pipeline begins at Source 1 and travels down a small valley to meet the tea road. It crosses the road and runs parallel to it before traversing a steep forested slope before crossing beneath the main road. The pipeline then runs parallel to the road until it reaches the junction box between Source 1 and Source 2. Figure 2.2 illustrates the sources in relation to the village.

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Ridge Line Road River Pipeline


Gitarama Entry Junction Box

Kabaya Source Junction Box


Figure 2.2: Schematic of New Water Source for Village


Source Development

Source 1

Source 1 is comprised of two subsidiary sources referenced as Source 1A and 1B. They issue from the ground as natural seeps and result from the high water table within the area. Source 1A yields nearly double the flow of Source 1B. Initially, only Source 1A was to be developed, but project leadership excavated source 1B with little notice. Source 1 is depicted below in Figure 2.3. Both sources were found to be contaminated with Coliform, as indicated by a positive result in the Colilert ONPG test, though there was no indication of either being contaminated with E.Coli, as indicated by a positive result in the Colilert MUG test. Table 2.1: Source 1 Flowrates and Water Quality Results

Source 1A 1B

Flow Rate L/s L/min 0.35 0.19

20.88 11.28

Quality Colilert ONP G Colilert MUG (yellow) (UV) + + -

Source 1A

River Local Tap Stand

Pipeline to Muramba Junction Box

Source 1B SOURCE 1

Figure 2.3: Source 1 schematic

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The local community relies on Source 1 as their primary water source. To accommodate the needs of these people, it was agreed that a tap would be provided at this source to allow the community to continue to collect water. Installing a tap at the source would also eliminate any incentive for vandalism or sabotage as the local supply would be jeopardized as well. Source 1A is depicted in Figure 2.4 before development.

F igure 2.4: Source 1A in use before development

Source 2

Three seepages flow into the Source 2 collection box. Each site was excavated in a manner similar to that of Source 1, with volunteers doing much of the physical labor and technicians conducting most of the skilled labor. As with Source 1, water seeps to the surface at a number of places in the hillside; the three sources issuing the most water were subsequently tapped. Water collected from each source contained Coliform; source 2D also registered E.Coli in a presence/absence test. However, a later Colilert test for a fecal Coliform count yielded no presence. Further investigation of this source may be necessary if a treatment system is to be considered. Flow rates and water quality results are listed in Table 2.2. The sources are also shown in Figure 2.5 and Figure 2.6. Table 2.2: Source 2 Flowrates and Water Quality Results

Source 2B 2C 2D

Flow Rate L/s L/min 0.10 0.08 0.06

5.94 5.05 3.60

Quality Colilert ONP G Colilert MUG (yellow) (UV) + + + + Source 2B

Source 2D

Source 2C

Junction Box SOURCE 2

Figure 2.5: Source 2 Schematic

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2C 2D Junction Box

Figure 2.6: Sources 2D, 2C, and 2B (l-r)


Spring Box design

Each spring box was crafted to fit the specific location. Similar boxes have been replicated many times in Muramba as technicians are skilled at masonry and understand basic fluid dynamics. Once the seepage site had been located, excavation to expose the source commenced. Once exposed, the source was dammed with local clays and filled with washed gravel as pictured in Figure 2.7. An exit pipe embedded in the clay and gravel served as the outflow pipe. The source is covered with plastic to prevent contamination and then sealed with more clay and backfilled with gravel. In the case of Source 1A, a concrete cover was placed over this second layer of gravel and sloped down to further drainage points in the wall. Gravel and soil serve as the drainage bed and will effectively filter surface runoff.

Figure 2.7: Spring box construction

Protecting the source from overflow is a concern as surface runoff could undermine the integrity of the entire spring box structure. To remedy this, technicians constructed a concrete apron around the base of the retaining wall to channel the drainage water away from the foundation and limit potential erosion. The source pipe exited below the apron directly into the trench. This design was implemented on Source 1A, 2B, 2C and 2D and possibly Source 1B. Source 1A is illustrated below in Figure 2.8 and Figure 2.9.

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Connecting Pipeline Clay enclosures Grass

Drainage Apron Pipeline


Masonry Retaining Wall Gravel



Concrete cover

Gravel Drainage Apron

Clean Gravel




Figure 2.8: Schematic of Source 1A spring box

Drainage Pipes

Source Outflow

Figure 2.9: Emmanuel Tuombe inspects the spring box at Source 1A.

The spring box at Source 1B was likely completed in a similar fashion. However, the structure was completed and buried before EWB-UW could view the construction. From discussion with the construction manager, the spring box consisted of a gravel body overlying the source, which was encased in an impermeable clay layer. A masonry box covered the source, with the catchment pipe running from the center of the dammed seep into the Source 1 junction box.


Source Protection

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Protecting the sources from potential sources of contamination will improve the overall water quality. Ensuring that the sources are adequately protected from human interference and surface runoff will help extend the life of the system as well. The protection methods discussed included drainage ditches, fences and planting vegetation; all were designed to prevent erosion and source contamination. Each site was discussed individually, and a general path for the drainage ditch was indicated. Though the sources are mostly invulnerable due to the nature of construction, they are located in agricultural areas and near local tile industries. While plans for protection were discussed, leaders took no immediate action. Two options for diverting surface runoff included a clay ditch and a dry stone channel. While EWB-UW felt that a simple clay ditch would be sufficient, local technicians believed that a dry stone channel would be more durable and effective at deterring farmers from encroaching too closely to the source. Despite the initial capital cost, a dry stone channel would also require less long-term maintenance. The final decision was left in the hands of the local community, which they agreed would also depend on the remaining funding. It was agreed that regular maintenance would be required to maintain the integrity of the drainage channels. Clearing the channels after the rainy season and regularly removing overgrown vegetation are two primary maintenance tasks. Slope stabilization and cultivation of a grass slope will provide additional protection to the source. Large trees with deep root structures are not desirable near the source, as the roots may interfere with infiltration into the spring box. However, it is important above steep slopes that the slope face is stabilized to prevent erosion above the source and to keep top soil from being deposited on the spring box. Cultivating grass on the slope and surrounding the area with a wood lattice fence is one to curb erosion. Rather than acting as a prevention of entry, the fence will more likely notify people of the location of the springs and indicate that they are not to use the area for crop production. Future EWB-UW teams should check to see if villagers completed source protection schemes.


Local Supply

At Source 1 and Source 2, local populations use the seeps as a primary water source. It was agreed that the local community should continue to have access to this water after the addition of the new sources. To provide water to both Muramba and local farmers, a tap stand was to be constructed on the side of the junction box that combined Source 1A and 1B, but had not been constructed by the time of EWB-UW’s departure. While both sources empty into the junction box, only the smaller of the two flows (from Source 1B) was to be tapped. A portion of this flow is redirected to the communal tap stand through a T-junction fitted with a restrictor valve. The remaining water flows into the junction box and feeds the new line. This design ensures minimal water is lost if the tap is left open or is broken as the flow to Muramba will not be affected by damages to this tap stand. The tap stand is pictured in Figure 2.10.

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From Source 1A

Junction Box From Source 1B Restrictor Valve T Junction Tap Stand

River To Muramba

Figure 2.10: Source 1 tap stand schematic

Two issues arose concerning the use of the tap stand. The first issue concerned how much water should be available to the local population. Jordan (2000) recommends a flow rate of 13.5 l/min to serve a population of about 200 people; the local population was estimated to be less than half that number. Therefore, it was agreed that a flow rate of approximately 6 l/min would be adequate, but this amount can be adjusted as leaders see fit. With a combined flow of 32 l/min from Source 1A and 1B, roughly 26 l/min would pass on Muramba with the tap was in use. A tear-drop tap will be installed so that when it is not in use, the tap will automatically turn off and allow the full flow to pass to Muramba. It is recommended that the flow at the Source 1 tap is measured by a future EWB-UW team and adjusted to ensure satisfactory flow if necessary. The second issue of concern was the location of the junction box and tap stand with respect to the river. EWB-UW believed that the tap stand could be flooded during high flow of the stream during the rainy season. The local inhabitants indicated that the box was situated above the high flow of the river. At present the base of the junction box is approximately 30 – 40 cm above the dry flow conditions. Construction had commenced on the junction box before EWB-UW discussed the issue with the project leaders, making it difficult to question the location. If high flow conditions do pose a threat to the integrity of the junction box and tap stand, the stream could be dredged along a 3 m section as it runs past the tap stand. This would pass water through the area faster, and provide a greater height between Junction Box the wet season flow and the tap stand. The Source 1 junction box is pictured in Figure 2.11 under construction. A future teams should check the condition of the tap stand to ensure that it is accessible to locals and that drainage and flow are adequate. Tap stand

Figure 2.11: Source 1 junction box and tap stand

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Connection of Source to Pipeline

Flows from Source 1 and 2 connect to the main pipeline at the junction boxes. Individual flows from Source 1A and 1B and Sources independently of each other. One advantage of this design is that it combines the individual flows without requiring complicated piping. A major disadvantage, however, is that a larger junction box effectively lowers the source head. This was not an issue at Source 2 but did pose a problem as Source 1. The pipeline from Source 1 travels down a small valley before crossing the tea road. The pipeline then rises to a height only 15m below source 1A. There was concern over whether sufficient head existed to pass water over the hill even without the construction of the junction box. To examine the potential, pipes were connected temporarily and, as expected, the water did not flow over the rise. Consequently, laborers decided to re-dig a portion of the trench at a lower elevation rather than adjust the junction box design. Because Source 2 is situated high above the road leading to Muramba, the lowering of the effective head with the introduction of the junction box was not an issue. The pipe from Source 2 travels down the valley and joins the road just prior to the junction box. The two sources combine in the junction box, pictured in Figure 2.12, which acts as a break-pressure tank. Upon exiting this junction box, water flows to the village in a single pipe. The new source will enter the village at the entry junction box. The village system is described in further detail in Section 3.

Figure 2.12: Water from Sources 1 and 2 enter this junction box before flowing to the village.

2.2 Discussion 2.2.1

Status on Leaving

Upon EWB-UW’s departure, an estimated 2 to 3 months of work remained. Source 1 was nearly complete, with only the junction box between A and B requiring completion. The foundations and walls of the box had been completed, but the tap stand and the roof of the box still needed more work. The pipeline from Source 1 to the junction box pictured in Figure 2.12 also neared completion. Laborers had begun laying pipe and connecting joints, and the entire distance could be laid within a matter of days. More substantially, a number of special crossings requiring iron trussing and protection pipes still needed to be fabricated. Material availability and need for additional funding may hinder completion on these lengths. (Additional monies are being sent to continue this work.)

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Source 2 was in a similar state of completion. At the source, only the junction box required finishing work. The trench from Source 2 to the junction box, however, had not been dug. The steepness of the slope on which the trench was to be dug could limit the effectiveness of the labor force in laying and connecting pipe. An additional 200 m stretch of trench was to be dug from the source junction box and the entry junction box to the village. Due to the extremely tough rock and soil layer, digging the remaining trench length could take several days to complete. The remaining work lies in the connecting the system addition to the existing village system. Once the system addition is connected, project managers plan to walk the route of the water from the entry junction box to Esecom Reservoir and check for signs of leakage. After assessing the existing system, the new source will be disconnected so that repairs to the main line can be undertaken. Once completed, the new source will be reconnected directly to the Esecom reservoir and the renovated Clinic reservoir.


Use of New Supply

The community plans to use the new supply to enhance flow to the village and to ensure that the clinic always has a constant supply of water. Community members plan to renovate the clinic reservoir and use it as storage as needed. It is predicted that there will be abundant supply, and that the clinic will not need all the water. To this end, technicians will install three additional lines to the Parish, the Muramba College and the Maria Goretti school. A restrictor valve will be placed on each of these lines to restrict flow while bolstering current supplies. While the use of the water was not discussed in depth, EWB-UW was concerned about the parish and the two schools receiving additional water when clearly the village could benefit from the full supply. Though there was assurance by parish and college leaders that the additional water would only be dispersed if needed, the design was open to abuse or neglect. It is predictable that an opened valve leading to one of the schools could easily drain the clinic reservoir, leaving no water for the clinic. There appeared to be very little that the remaining EWB-UW students could do to influence this decision. It was felt that someone with more influence in the community needed to broach the concern with the community leaders.


Maintenance Schedule

It is important that source technicians institute a maintenance schedule. Establishing a regular routine before the system begins to visibly degrade will facilitate long-term system sustainability. The schedule has been divided into required regularity and is laid out in Table 2.3. System maintenance should be carried out under the supervision of Frederick and may entail hiring additional laborers to effectively maintain the system. Table 2.3: Recommended system maintenance Regularity

Task Tap Stand Flow Measurement

Description Acquire flow rates at all community tap stands. Reductions in flow will indicate problems requiring immediate attention.

Weekly Water Testing Monthly System Walk-Over Bi-annual

Renovation of source protection System Flush


Reservoir Flush

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Test water being supplied to the community at tap stands. Contamination as one tap stand will indicate more significant quality issues. Visual review of system, taking note of saturated soils near the pipeline and degrading tap stands and reservoir sedimentation levels. Clear vegetation, clear drainage channels and repair fences. Flush all pipes and shock entire system. Rapid drawdown of all reservoirs for detailed inspection and cleaning of interior walls.

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Role of EWB-UW in the Project

EWB-UW and Muramba each contributed significantly in bringing the water project to fruition. EWB-UW supported the project by financing the material cost, providing technical support to project managers, and supervising the design and construction of key structural and hydrologic infrastructure. Muramba provided skilled laborers, knowledge of local natural systems, and ‘sweatequity.’ The community assumed responsibility for the operation and maintenance of the system, which will help give the community a sense of ownership and responsibility. For the most part, the individuals in charge of the project were very capable and able in their work, working efficiently and effectively. Work progressed rapidly throughout EWB-UW’s time in the community; at one time it was even thought that the project may be completed prior to EWB-UW’s departure. On more than a few occasions, the presence of EWB-UW was apparent in the project progress. The community expected that all people involved would be paid for their work. It was agreed, however, by the project managers – both from EWB-UW and the community – that this was a community development project and that only skilled laborers would be paid. Skilled laborers would not be able to earn wages for the duration of the project as their skills would only be needed for certain intervals. Consequently, all masonry work and construction was paid, but digging was not. Insufficient funding in the original budget to pay for unskilled labor gangs encouraged volunteer labor. More significantly, this project is a community development project, and as such, it was hoped that a sense of village ownership could be achieved through volunteer labor. EWB-UW’s presence can be viewed from multiple viewpoints. From one perspective, the project was being pushed forward by foreigners who were also volunteering their time to help the community. From another perspective, these were ‘rich’ foreigners who had brought a substantial amount of money into the community and could afford to pay for the work they were asking of the community. The predominant perception was that the project was an overwhelming success and that much less would have been accomplished without EWB-UW’s presence and the community’s determination to better the villagers’ livelihoods. On a number of occasions the entire community worked together. The EWB-UW team members joined in these community dig days, and were received well, even if their presence often slowed the digging process. One issue that challenged EWB-UW and village leadership to reach consensus concerned getting water from Source 1 over the high point on the tea road. It was apparent to EWB-UW that this was going to be a difficult task, and some time was taken to ensure that there was enough head from the source to the high point to drive the water. There was great concern when the issue was discussed and it was discovered that the project managers planned to lower the effective head of the sources by using a junction box. It became apparent that further discussion would not change the plan proposed by village leadership. The only way to demonstrate this issue was to connect the source to the high point and show that the water would not flow over the hill. Once the problem was illustrated, there was a good understanding and alternatives were discussed. However, the situation highlighted a reluctance to seriously consider what EWB-UW said when it involved changing the design of the system. Though complications with communication existed, this situation highlighted potential complications future EWB-UW teams should be aware of. One such complication arose over the proposed use of the new source. After supplying village tap stands with additional water, the water was to supply the clinic, which currently has no water. Everyone agreed that this was very important. The dispute arose from the plan to link the new source, stored in the renovated reservoir, to the parish, the college and the Maria Goretti School. EWB-UW felt that any water not used by the clinic should be made available to the community who currently lack a satisfactory supply. Throughout this discussion, the community representative was silent, allowing the individuals who worked for the parish and college to voice the needs of these facilities. This situation illustrated the allegiance of the educated technicians in the community to their employers and the reluctance of the community to challenge their wants. Furthermore, it illustrated EWB-UW’s impotence in helping determine the eventual use of the water. Project managers maintained that the best use for the water was to help boost the supply for the parish and college. These points highlight a number of issues that future EWB teams may wish to consider:

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A villager’s main concern is to be able to work to earn money to support themselves and their families, and any proposed volunteer work must take this into account, Problems based on theory may be difficult to explain, but practical examples and illustrations help in gaining understanding. It is important to discuss potential problems as soon as possible, as the project leaders had the habit of completing work before EWB-UW was aware of it. The individuals EWB may be working with will be affiliated with the parish or the schools. This could lead to a conflict in ideas and objectives, and result in difficult situations where EWB is unable to influence decisions made by the project managers despite being financers for the project. One potential outcome is that large community projects require a direct benefit to the parish or the college, with the community being a secondary consideration.

These are purely discussion points, based on dealings with the local community. It must be stressed that the parish is instrumental in the community development, and the enthusiasm of the parish leaders, namely Father Bosco, are precisely what the community needs. However, future EWB teams may find it beneficial to consider the points made if only to prepare themselves for all eventualities.



The water project was progressing well as EWB-UW departed from Muramba, but a few concerns still remained. These included: •

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Tap stand at Source 1: A brief assessment of the tap stand at Source 1 is needed to ensure it is sanitary and structurally sound, with easy accessibility and good drainage. Flow measurements need to be taken to ensure the flow is adequate. The apron should rise above the stream so it is not flooded during the wet season. Tap stand at Source 2: Some confusion existed at Source 2 as to whether a tap stand was to be built. The outcome should be checked and, if necessary, the supply may be tapped depending on the funding and materials. Protection of Sources: A brief assessment of the protection of each source is needed to ensure they are adequately protected. No surface runoff should wash over the infrastructure and local inhabitants should not be farming within the source area. Above each source the slope stability needs to be assessed and vegetation within the source area needs to be checked. Water Testing: An accurate water testing regime is needed once the system has been completed to ascertain the cleanliness of the supply and the potential need for a central water treatment facility. Current testing showed contamination of Coliform, and an absence E.Coli. Maintenance: A maintenance schedule needs to be drafted and refined with the community to ensure there is constant observation of flow and the condition of infrastructure. A preliminary maintenance schedule is given in Table 2.3. Use of Additional Supply: There is a need for discussion between EWB and the community leaders about the proposed use of the new supply. This should be between someone of leadership within EWB – for instance Peter Bosscher – and the village leaders, including the Sector Chief and the parish leaders.

3 Village Distribution System Assessment In addition to working with village leadership to implement new infrastructure, EWB worked to assess current infrastructure. After assessing the community’s current infrastructure, EWB-UW will provide recommendations to village leaders in an effort to better maintain and operate the system. A full assessment of the village distribution system was carried out on 20 July 2005 by EWB members Tim Miller and Andre Steele and University of Butare student Emmanuel Tuombe. The assessment

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was an effort to gauge the condition of the village system and its ability to cope with the introduction of the new source, which is estimated to more than double the current water entering the system.

3.1 Description of System While components of the current system vary in age, the oldest infrastructure dates back over 75 years. With the exception of Muramba Parish, the College of Muramba and the Maria Goretti School – all three of which have alternative water sources – the community is home to approximately 7,000 individuals. Many households rely on alternative sources that result from a locally high water table to meet their individual needs. Currently, three major sources feed the Muramba area. One source directly feeds the College Of Muramba, and then links to the village primary school. The primary school currently has no water because the tap stand situated in the school has been sealed off. The tap was most likely sealed due to leakage or a broken tap. This leaves about 500 primary school students without any source of water throughout the day. The closest tap stand to the primary school is within the parish compound, an area where children are not allowed. The closest water source is a large leak in the parish line near the Esecom reservoir. The leak pools in a hole in which the children play in and almost certainly drink from. The second source feeds the parish, with a subsequent line leading to the Maria Goretti School. This subsidiary line has recently been turned off. Students from the Maria Goretti School collect their water from the parish, evident in the long lines of school girls queuing every morning to fill their water containers. Another line runs from the parish to the vocational school where three additional taps are located. None of these taps are in a usable condition. Technicians have permanently sealed two taps by clamping the pipe. The third tap is broken, but is still used by unscrewing the tap. The third source feeds into the village system and is the focus of this investigation. The origin of this source is discussed in Section 2; the village system is depicted in Figure 3.1. Water is collected several kilometers away and enters the village at the entry junction box (J01). From this point the flow is divided with a subsidiary line running to the village reservoir (R01) to feed a total of three taps. Only one of these taps now functions (T01). The main line runs from the entry junction box to the Esecom junction box (J05). From here the flow is divided with the majority of water flowing into the Esecom Reservoir (R02). The remaining flow is diverted to two Esecom tap stands (T06 and T07). The Esecom reservoir represents the main storage point for the village. Three lines issue from the reservoir. One line runs back into the village center to feed four taps (T02 – T05). The second line feeds water to the pre-Esecom tap (T08) and the clinic taps. The third line runs directly to the parish system and is stored in the parish water tower.

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Source A

Reservoir 1 (R01)

Entry Junction Box (J01)

Over Flow 1


Road Pipe

Village Tap 1 (T01)


Washout (J04) Village Tap 2 (T02)

Mosque Tap (T03) Mosque Sector HQ Village Tap 3 (T04) Esecom School

Carpentry Guild Tap (T05) (Private) Esecom Junction Box (J05)

Esecom Tap 2 (T07) Esecom Tap 1 (T06) Esecom Reservoir PreEsecom Tap (T08) (R02) Reservoir 2 (R03) (disused) Cinic Taps (T09) Nurses Tap (T10)

Village Tap 4 (T11) (unused)

Store Room Tap (T13)

Primary Scool Tap (T12) (Cut Off)

Vocational School

Vocational School Tap (T14) (Cut Off)


Source B & C

Toilet Block Tap (T19) (Cut Off) Parish Tap 1 (T15)

Parish Tap 2 (T18) Pastoral Tap (T16) Parish Water Tower

Goretti School Reservoir (Disconnected)

Reservoir 3 (Unused)

Goretti School

Teachers Quarters College of Muramba

College Reservoir Alternative Distribution Line

Sand Filter College Water Tower

Figure 3.1: Schematic diagram of the village system

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Buried PVC pipe constitutes much of the system. Metal casing shields the pipe in areas where additional protection is required. Junction boxes and access boxes are constructed of masonry and mortar, and the reservoirs tend to be constructed of dry stone masonry. The only exception is the metal parish water tower. The system is maintained by the combined efforts of Innocent and Louis, who are employed respectively by the Parish and the College of Muramba. Frederick will assume responsibility for the system when the new addition is completed.

3.2 Methodology The assessment included a walkover and visual inspection, flow measurements and water testing.


The walkover followed the line of the pipes from their entry into the village. It began at the entry junction box (J01) and followed the main pipelines, picking up the infrastructure as it progressed through the village towards the main reservoir at Esecom School. From here the line led to the parish. A superficial survey examined the alternative sources used by the parish and the college. As these two systems were not the main focus of the assessment, they are not mentioned here in great detail but have been discussed in previous summary reports.

Flow measurement

Where possible, flow measurements were taken to gain an idea of the flow quantity through the system. The flows were measured using a basic stopwatch, a wide mouth bottle with 100 mL markings, and coordinated recording. Multiple flows were measured in an effort to achieve a more accurate average. In instances of low flow, fewer measurements were necessary. Flow measurements are listed in Appendix 8.2 B.

Water Testing

Water testing was carried out in two phases. Initially, a basic presence/absence test was used to ascertain the presence of contamination from Coliform and E.Coli. If the sample tested positive, the sample was re-tested for the concentration of Coliform and E.Coli.

3.3 Results of Methodology Overall, the system was in poor condition. Recommendations for immediate maintenance work are described in subsequent sections. The system will be described in terms of infrastructure, tap stands and water quality.



There appears to be a lack of maintenance throughout the system. In general, the infrastructure that is located in the village was in a worse condition than the more remote infrastructure.


In many instances, pipes throughout the village were exposed and leaking. It was not possible to make an accurate estimation of the extent of water loss throughout the system; however, total water

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loss could be as high as 50-75 %. The most significant losses occurred in subsidiary lines and along the length of the Esecom line. The subsidiary line feeding Reservoir 1, for example, had a break which lost nearly 100% of the flow when exposed. Obviously, breaking the line was deemed appropriate at this location in order to make clay bricks. This break requires immediate attention, as the subsidiary line was calculated to carry 0.2 l/s, roughly one third of the water entering the village through the entry junction box (J01). The leak is depicted in Figure 3.2.

Water pools for making clay bricks

Uncovered pipe

Figure 3.2: Leak (L01) in subsidiary line to Reservoir 1 (R01)

The Esecom Line had numerous leaks, referenced as L02 – L08. The major breaks are located just south of the village center (L05) and at the road junction in the middle of the village (L07). These leaks result from exposed pipes that are deteriorating from sun exposure and human activity. As the majority of these pipes are PVC, the pipeline is susceptible to damage if not sufficiently protected. Direct sunlight will reduce the lifespan of the PVC pipe and will exacerbate the damage caused by human traffic.

Reservoirs and Junction Boxes

The reservoirs generally appeared to be in good condition from the exterior. However, the only accessible reservoir required internal resurfacing. This was Reservoir 1 (R01) located at the top of the village. Structurally the reservoir was in good condition, but the internal waterproofing layer had developed cracks which could be seen externally in seepage through the masonry.

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Figure 3.3: Cracking in internal surface of Reservoir 1 (R01)

Of the remaining reservoirs, the Esecom Reservoir (R02) was inaccessible as the incorrect key was supplied during the survey. No obvious leaks were visible from the exterior. There was also an unused reservoir (R03) that was being renovated for storage of the new source. A brief overview of the college and parish reservoirs showed that though structurally sound, basic maintenance work would be a beneficial. Clearing sediment and scrubbing the biological growth from the walls would extend the lifespan of the reservoirs and the quality of the water. All the reservoirs had access boxes covering the exit pipes, but none of these access boxes were locked. None of the exit pipe valves included taps that could be easily adjusted. Other than the entry junction box and the box at Esecom, none of the junction boxes were locked. The general public could easily access these junction boxes, and there was often rubbish deposited in the boxes. None of the valves housed by the boxes had usable taps, though this may have been a method of preventing interference by local residents. Each of the locked boxes acted as breakwater pressure tanks; therefore, it is important that these boxes stay locked. They were in good condition with little sediment and no visible cracking.

Tap Stands

There were no satisfactory taps stands being used within the village. Faults fell into one of three areas: protection, taps and drainage. The ideal tap stand design provides a good drainage channel for excess water and a relatively high support post for the pipe. Most tap stands within the village lacked a sufficiently wide apron and an adequate support for the tap itself. In most cases, the width of the stand is not large enough to prevent water spilling over the sides and causing pools of standing water, erosion and churned mud, all of which pose a public health and safety risk. The ideal width should be approximately 1 m, allowing for access to the tap from the side while users stand on a designed drainage surface. A typical tap stand is shown in Figure 3.4. Note the spray of water and the erosion undermining the apron. Because the pipe is unprotected and unsupported, the tap could easily be broken.

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Figure 3.4: Erosion around the apron and spraying water are exhibited in Village Tap 1 (T01).

Future maintenance schedules should include replacing all village tap stands with tear drop taps provided by EWB-UW. A future EWB project could involve the detailed design and construction of an ideal tap stand within Muramba, which could then be copied replicated throughout the village. This could be done in conjunction with the Vocational School. Much of the water from the new source will not reach its destination unless tap stands are improved.


Water Quantity

Flow measurements were taken at key points throughout the village system. Some of the results are displayed in Table 3.1. About one third of the total flow is presently routed from the Entry Junction Box to Reservoir 1 for use in the upper village. Originally Reservoir 1 was designed to feed three tap stands, though currently only one exists: the second tap has been removed and the third was never constructed. Table 3.1: System flow rates at key points.

Site Entry Junction Box (J01) Reservoir 1 (R01) Esecom Junction Box (J05) Village Tap 1 (T01)

Flow Rate L/s L/min 0.62 37.2 0.22 13.4 0.30 17.9 0.30 17.8

The remaining flow is transported directly to the Esecom reservoir (R02). It was not possible to estimate the loss of flow through this pipeline because the reservoir was locked. It was, however, noted that only two of the public tap stands being fed from the Esecom reservoir had any flow at all, both of which were too low to measure. The other remaining three taps had no observable flow on the day of the assessment. Later observation showed a similar poor flow from these taps, resulting in some innovative catchment systems utilized by villagers to ensure minimal water collection time. One method is pictured in Figure 3.5.

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Figure 3.5: Villagers often use banana leaves to collect water at Village Tap 2 (T02).

Three lines exit the Esecom reservoir, of which two supplied public tap stands and the village clinic. The third conveyed water directly to the parish. It was obvious that the parish had ample water on the day of the assessment, as the parish gardener was busy watering the grass during the hottest part of the day. It was not possible to say how much water was entering the parish system from the Esecom reservoir, as the point of entry was unknown. A flow of approximately 0.22 l/s entered the Esecom reservoir, and a combined flow of 0.08 l/s was routed from the Esecom reservoir. This would suggest an inflow of roughly 0.14 l/s into the parish system. It is apparent that the current water distribution in Muramba does not ensure the village always has an adequate supply of water. There appears to be a high water table in the area, and many of the households situated off the ridge line of the village, away from village system, use natural springs. These are not satisfactory water collection points for the villagers however, due to the distance they are required to walk. Thus, it is imperative that the system continues to supply constant quantity of water to the village. From the brief investigation undertaken by EWB-UW, it would appear that the water distribution currently favors the parish. The only village tap to receive an adequate water supply was Village Tap 1 (T01), which was the only tap not connected to the Esecom reservoir. This indicates that the valves controlling flow to the village need to be adjusted to ensure adequate water reaches the village tap stands.


Water Quality

Water testing showed the water entering the system to be contaminated with Coliform bacteria, a bacterial contaminant that is not necessarily harmful but is used as an indicator of other potentially harmful bacteria. E. coli presence is more serious as it indicates fecal contamination. While samples collected in the village system were contaminated with Coliform, none of the water sampling areas returned consistent E. Coli contamination and most showed no contamination whatsoever. This would suggest that the village system is not part of a fecal-oral route. Therefore, it is logical to assume that there is no water entry into the system outside of the main supply. The water from the village supply cannot be deemed safe though, as high concentrations of Coliform do exist. Currently the water being supplied does not conform to WHO guidelines of 0 Coliform per 100 mL. This would suggest that preliminary treatment is required to treat the water prior to being supplied to the community or after it is dispersed to individuals.

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Samples were taken from jerry cans at several sources. In most cases, there was an increase in the number of bacteria compared to the water sampled directly from the source. For example, water from the tap in the parish courtyard used by the kitchen contained no E. coli; water from the tap collected first in a jerry can had 3 E. coli per mL, or equivalently 300 E. coli per 100 mL. This highlights a common problem in village water supply: despite the quality of the water supplied, the water containers used result in the spread of disease. One advantage of a centralized treatment facility is that residual chlorine content would remain in the water until consumption or use in the home.

Figure 3.5: Dirty water containers contribute to the spread of disease.

Current practices in the village indicate that the villagers are aware of the need to treat the water they consume. Home chlorination kits are available for purchase at local pharmacies, though they are too expensive for most villagers to afford. The individuals surveyed mentioned a lack of time and fuel to disinfect water through boiling; during EWB-UW’s stay, neither of the two village pharmacies had chlorination kits in stock. This is an aspect of the water supply that has been recognized by EWB-UW and is currently being addressed by the Solar Pasteurization project1. On days with good to excellent amounts of sun, there was sufficient energy to effectively pasteurize water within a few hours. However, many of the days were overcast and not suitable for water pasteurization. The water within the system should not be trusted for drinking or cooking purposes, unless boiled, chlorinated or pasteurized first.

3.4 Current Maintenance Practices The current maintenance regimen is not adequate if the distribution system is to be sustainable. Under the current system, the community has responsibility for monitoring the system and identifying problems. Once a problem as been identified, village leadership is notified and generally contacts the parish to request assistance. Thus, the village relies on parish technicians to maintain their infrastructure. This may change as the new system is completed and Frederick is assigned responsibility for the village system. Since the parish benefits from the same water line as the village, the parish and village have agreed that the parish will help maintain the village system without requiring payment, provided the identified problem is not a result of vandalism. For example, if the 1

reference to solar cooking summary

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problem is a broken tap, then the families who directly use that tap are required to raise the funding required to purchase a replacement tap. The repairs are then carried out by a parish technician. Practice has shown that maintenance does not get done. In many instances, problems are either problems not reported, or reported problems are left unattended. There may also be a reluctance to report broken taps, as the users must pay for a new tap. Most often, it is easier to walk a greater distance to fetch water than raise money for a new tap. Some problems that are reported do get dealt with rapidly, but often in a non-sustainable manner. When it was noticed that the toilet block tap (T19) was broken, the tap was removed, and the pipe sealed by clamping it shut with a pair of pliers. No attempt was made to repair the tap. EWB-UW had recently brought 40 tear-drop taps into the community, but these were not considered, despite having been purchased to replace faulty taps in the village. Once a pipe has been sealed, it is difficult to affix other fixtures to the pipe. No community organization holds responsibility for the water system, and it appears that maintenance work is done when it affects the water supply for any organized body of the community. As a result, the system directly supplying the community does not get repaired, and is only dealt with when a substantial loss occurs. Generally the responses in these cases are terminal. The exception is when the problem relates to faults in a private system: when the Mosque tap was sealed, it was done using a screw cap until a replacement tap could be bought. Likewise, a faulty tap in the carpentry guild was replaced by the users at a price of 3000 FRW.

3.5 Recommendations At present the village system and the parish and college systems are in grave disrepair. They suffer from an extended period of lack of maintenance and provide a poor service to the community as a whole. Often, local women queued early in the morning at the parish gate to be allowed access to the internal parish taps. In long term, a shift in operational and maintenance behavior is needed. Even with the addition of a new source, the functionality of the community water supply is not guaranteed, with current losses amounting to at least 50% of the total inflow volume throughout the system.


Required Maintenance Work

The following is a list of recommended maintenance work needed to bring the village system up to a good working standard.


R01: Top Village Reservoir The internal surface of the reservoir is cracking, and loss of water is visible as leaks in the masonry wall on the exterior surface of the tank. It is recommended that the reservoir is resurfaced on the inside to extend the life of the tank.

J02: Junction Box This junction box had no means of locking, required to prevent public access. Providing a locking mechanism will allow only maintenance personnel to check flows and discourage tampering.

T01: Village Tap 1 The tap stand is inadequate. The tap valve is poorly adjusted and sprays water in a large radius. As a result, the soil around the apron has eroded, causing pools of standing water and churned mud. The drainage for the tap stand is also inadequate. The tap should be replaced with a tear drop tap and the apron should be extended on each side. The drainage channel could be extended with dry masonry for 2-3 m beyond the current apron.

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J03 and J04: Junction box This junction box had no means of locking. Installing a locking mechanism would prevent unauthorized public access.

T02: Village Tap 2 The tap stand is currently performing well, but due to insufficient flow there is a collection of debris in the apron’s main drainage channel. The stand does not extend far enough laterally and results in standing water. Replacing the current tap with a tear drop tap and extending the apron laterally will improve the long-term durability. The apron drainage channel should be cleared as well.

T03: Mosque Tap This tap has no stand or protection. The tap is broken and shut off. It is recommended the tap is replaced with a tear drop tap and a complete tap stand is constructed around the tap.

T04: Sector Headquarter Tap The apron is sufficient for the flow observed at the tap. The extended drainage is inadequate and the mud pool used for water collection poses a public health risk. It is recommended that the apron is extended laterally on either side and a dry stone masonry channel is constructed to a point beyond the immediate area. The current tap should also be replaced with a tear drop tap.

T06 – T07: Esecom Taps 1 & 2 These taps supply water to the Esecom School. They currently have very low flow. They are structurally sound, but require extended drainage channels to prevent further erosion of the slope.

T08: PreEsecom Tap The tap has no protection around the pipe and though a steeply sloping apron is present it is insufficient for the usage of the tap. The earth drainage channel conveys water down the road through the village, and has been damned to pool water for brick making. The tap stand would benefit from a new apron. Furthermore, a dry masonry drainage channel is needed to channel the water away from the village down slope. The tap needs to be replaced with a tear drop tap.

T10: Nurses Tap The nurses tap was not designed for public use, but the local community still uses it. It has insufficient drainage, as the main sink drain has been broken. The apron channels water to the side of the building. Water was added to the building after construction was completed and the feeder pipe ran over the apron. The sink is elevated, putting it beyond the reach of children. The drainage pipe for the sink should be fixed, and a tear drop tap used to replace the current tap. If the tap is not to be a public tap then an alternative public tap should be constructed nearby to provide water for residents in the immediate area.

Leakage and Exposed Pipe

There were many instances of leaking and exposed pipes in the community system. A description and location of each recorded leak is listed in the Appendix. In almost all instances leaks have developed at poorly connected joints. Either a previous repair was incorrectly finished, or a poorly finished joint at the time of construction was not noticed. At no location was a leak noticed from a cracked or broken pipe. Some leaks were only evident in the dampness on the ground surface above the pipe. It would be logical to assume that these leaks also result from poor joints. It is critical that maintenance is conducted to fix these joints using proper cementing techniques. Observation of joint cementing techniques during the new pipeline construction indicated that technicians possessed

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sufficient technical aptitude to join pipes; however the pipe ends were not roughed before application of the glue. In many cases the leaks had developed at locations where the pipe was exposed to the surface. Exposure of the pipe will increase the degradation of the pipe line, as sunlight degrades PVC and the pipe will be subjected to increased human traffic. In all instances of leaks, the pipe needs to be cut and refitted with good joints. The pipe must remain dry during this operation, so the water supply will need to be cut briefly. This may pose problems, and it might be wise to ensure reservoirs are full prior to interrupting supply, especially if the repair is being undertaken on the main Esecom line. All exposed pipe and repaired leaks should be reburied to a depth of at least 60 cm below the ground surface. The depth may need to be deeper for leaks L04, L05 and L07, where the pipes run along a main thoroughfare. If this depth is not achievable, it may be necessary to encase the pipe in a metal cover pipe to ensure protection. The PVC pipe should enter and exit the metal cover pipe below ground to prevent accelerated fatigue from sunlight exposure and human activity.

Water Flow

From the survey undertaken, it appears that there is insufficient water reaching the village taps. A total flow of 0.62 l/s enters the system from the current village source, while only a flow of 0.32 l/s is seen in the actual village taps. The remaining 0.3 l/s is fed to the parish and lost through leaks. It is recommended that on completion of maintenance work required in the village system, a comprehensive water balance is undertaken to assess the distribution of water resources. Depending on the results of that balance, the appropriate valves should be adjusted to ensure there is an adequate supply to all village taps. Repairing the system could take months to complete, as financial support will most likely be the limiting factor. It may be wise for an EWB team to carry out the water balance and then makes recommendations to the community. From recent experience, any recommendations that involve reducing the water supply to the parish may require the support of both the parish leadership and a senior member of the EWB team.


Future Sustainability of System

The maintenance and operation of the village system is currently not sustainable. Specifically: A comprehensive assessment of the village system is rarely undertaken, and maintenance is performed sporadically as funding permits. • Water is currently free to users of public facilities, so the cost of repairs and maintenance is not equally distributed amongst those using the system. • The community currently lacks an entity to govern the use of the water system and to take responsibility for repairs and maintenance. In response to these issues, a water board could be institutionalized to encourage sustainability and promote responsible use of the system. The conceptual organization of the water board is illustrated in Figure 3.7. Elements of this system may already exist, but currently the system is disjointed and lacks holistic integration. •

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Source of Funding: Taxes Parish





Other: Village Teachers Nurses Mosque

Board of Governors Sector Chiefs Parish Schools: Goretti, Esecom, College, Vocational, Primary Women’s Guild Other: Carpentry Guild

Financial Manager

Technical Manager



Purchasing of Materials and Labor

Maintenance and Expansion of System Figure 3.6: Muramba Water Board Organization

In this system, entities using the village water supply are responsible for the maintenance and operation of the system. Currently, the parish, College of Muramba, Maria Goretti School, Esecom, and the Vocational School all use portions of the village water supply. In some instances, the supply for the schools is routed through the parish reservoir, though these schools also have additional water sources. In addition, smaller entities like the clinic, the Mosque, and the carpentry guild use the village supply. Taxing the water supply based on usage will ensure that the water is equitably distributed to those who need it. As it currently stands, taxes are levied one time for the installation of a private tap, as in the case of the carpentry guild tap. Each entity being taxed would be represented on a Board of Governors. Sector chiefs, parish leaders, school representatives, the women’s cooperative, and the carpentry guild, among others, would represent their respective entities and be responsible for guaranteeing a portion of the water supply for the body they represent. Ensuring that women are allowed on this board is critical in achieving mutual consensus. From this board, a financial manager and a technical manager could be elected. The financial manager could act as the liaison between the board and the labor force. In managing the finances and taxes related to the water system, the financial manager would be in charge of hiring a labor force as public works projects develop. For example, the financial manager could have hired the skilled laborers (carpenters, masons, etc.) for the water expansion project. Additional

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responsibilities could include purchasing materials needed for maintenance and basic upkeep of the system. The financial manager would work closely with the technical manager, another board appointee. The technical manager would be responsible for the technical design of the current system and would have the final say in all expansion projects. Communication between the financial manager and the technical manager is critical, as the technical manager will undoubtedly need skilled laborers (hired by the financial manager) to complete public works projects. System maintenance and operation would be overseen by the technical manager as well. These remarks are made with the best intentions of helping Muramba maintain and operate the water system. Granted, Muramba’s political situation is not fully understood and these recommendations must be seen from the perspective of an outsider to the community. Expanding the system to include new sources will do little good if the system is not properly maintained and operated, and establishing a water board could promote community and responsibility and individual accountability. The system is doomed to fail unless the community takes collective responsibility for the system and is proactive in seeking equitable distribution of the current water resources.

4 Solar Pasteurizing & Cooking Project 4.1 Background Much of Rwanda is heavily deforested (Figure 4.1). Its population density of 320 people per square kilometer puts a tremendous strain on what little energy supplies are available. In Muramba and the surrounding regions, families rely on the firewood they collect or purchase for cooking. Collecting firewood requires a significant amount of time; buying firewood puts an added strain on families’ already limited budgets. Also, local leaders indicated that theft of firewood is a problem in the community. Simple devices that use solar energy in lieu of firewood for cooking food have been successfully implemented in similar areas around the world (including neighboring Kenya on a large scale) and were chosen as a EWB-UW project in hopes of diminishing the area’s dependence on firewood. These “solar cookers” can also be used for pasteurizing water, which we felt was likely to be the primary use in an area where people are aware that they Figure 4.1: Example of deforestation in should be heating their water to make it safe to drink but Muramba are unable to purchase the extra firewood. Preliminary water tests performed on earlier trips indicated the presence of harmful pathogens. In order to determine the extent of contamination, further testing was performed this summer throughout the area using tests that provide quantifiable results. Water in Muramba is generally available in one of four forms: from the river, tap stands throughout the community, leaks in the ageing pipeline and rainfall. Although it does not appear many people collect their daily drinking water from the river, Muramban children were found to drink the water without hesitation when crossing it. Not surprisingly, this was found to be one of the most contaminated sources of water, showing E. coli presence each of the three times it was tested with up to 12 E. coli per milliliter.

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4.2 Testing the Water Quality in Muramba The primary source for water is the various tap stands located throughout the area. There are a few public taps located along the roadside (Figure 4.2) and in the hills and others located outside on the property of Esecom school, the vocational school, the parish, the nurses’ station and the

Figure 4.2: Roadside tap stand, common throughout the region and a frequent source of disease

Figure 4.3: Inside of a typical jerry can

carpenters’ guild building which are used by the general public. The parish, college, convent, AIDS clinic and at least one private home also have taps for private use. There is one tap in the courtyard behind a building in the town center that apparently is for the use of students living in an adjoining building but which had minimal flow while we were there. This is not an exhaustive list but serves to provide a general idea of where people are (or supposed to be) getting water. Only one of the tests from the taps came up positive for the presence of E. coli bacteria. The positive sample came from the nurses’ station tap which was retested twice and in those tests the water tested negative for E. coli presence. Improper testing procedure could attribute for this discrepancy but it is equally feasible that temporary contamination of the water supply is possible in

Figure 4.4: Smoke particulate coating the walls above a traditional three-stone fire

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Figure 4.5: Wood-burning stove at Esecom school

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the seriously dilapidated piping system. All of the taps came up positive for the presence of coliform bacteria—a group of bacteria that aren’t necessarily harmful themselves but are used as indicators of other potentially harmful bacteria. E. coli presence is more serious as it indicates fecal contamination. Therefore the water coming from the taps is cleaner than expected but still not ideal for untreated consumption. The piping system is decades old and in dire need of repair. Exposed pipe is a common site throughout the area and leaks can be large enough to create small streams of water down the hillside that become a more convenient (if less sanitary) source for many people. The water from a puddle from one such leak was tested and it showed the highest level of coliform contamination that we tested at 420 bacteria per milliliter (though it was negative for E. coli). It was the dry season and hence rained only once for about 20 minutes during our time in Muramba so this source of water was not tested. Regardless of the source, water is almost exclusively collected in jerry cans. These containers often have no caps to prevent the inside from getting dirty and are never cleaned (to the best of our knowledge) between their numerous reuses (Figure 4.3). They are a likely source of contamination and one that could be eliminated if water was drank directly from the pot it was pasteurized in. Samples were taken from jerry cans at several sources and in most cases there was an increase in the number of bacteria compared to the water sampled directly from the source. For example, water from the tap in the parish’s courtyard used by the kitchen contained no E. coli; water from the tap collected first in a Muramban’s jerry can had 3 E. coli per milliliter. Decreasing the dependence on firewood would also have the benefit of limiting the exposure to indoor smoke inhalation—unavoidable with current cooking techniques. This is a problem both in individuals’ homes (Figure 4.4) and in kitchens responsible for cooking for large numbers of people (Figure 4.5).

4.3 Solar Cooker Preparation in Wisconsin Before EWB-UW arrived in Rwanda, much preparation was made to ensure the greatest chance of success of the project. Studies on material availability and lifestyle were completed beforehand, as well as creating and testing solar cookers based on these materials. Two designs were decided upon, and both were brought to Muramba. The first design is one using wood to create a large box with a smaller insulating box placed on the inside (Figure 4.6). Placed between the two boxes is an insulation material, in Muramba banana leaves were used. The bottom of the box is ideally some sort of black metal, though rocks painted black or if nothing else wood painted black will suffice. The lid of the box has a rim of wood that can fit snugly onto the top, with no Figure 4.6: Box type solar cooker space between so as to not release any of the heat while cooking. Inside the wooden rim of the lid is a sheet of glass, which allows in the sunlight. This design is very sturdy and can ideally reach temperatures near 300 degrees Fahrenheit. The problems with this design include the availability of wood for the box and glass for the lid.

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The second design is a panel style cooker utilizing cardboard as the main material (Figure 4.7). The cooker has three upright panels with two flaps to connect it to the bottom flap, which also has a front flap to maximize the sunlight entering the cooker. The cardboard is then covered in tin foil or another shiny malleable material to reflect the suns rays into the center of the cooker where the pot will be cooking the food/water. The pot is placed inside a plastic bag to keep the heat in and placed on a metal stand or rocks to keep just above the bottom panel,

Figure 4.8: Beatitude sisters with their solar CookIt

ensuring more sun rays will focus on the pot. This style cooker can reach temperatures of 100º C in a matter of two hours if there are no clouds blocking the sunlight. Even on a cloudy day both cookers will heat up, though not as efficiently as in direct sunlight. The entire panel cooker can be made from one piece of cardboard or many and is much simpler in design than the box cooker. This design is less sturdy and cannot withstand inclement weather. Both designs utilize a black or other dark color of pot to cook with. The dark color is used because it will absorb more heat. A manual outline on how to build and use each solar cooker was created in English and French. Once in Rwanda the manual was Figure 4.7: Panel style cooker translated to Kinyarwanda with the aid of translators. Several commercially available panel style solar cookers, SCI’s CookIt, were purchased and brought to Muramba in order to demonstrate how to use and maintain these cookers. One CookIt model was brought to Muramba in January by Peter Bosscher and given to a group of women called the Beatitude Sisters. They have been using it over the past several months and can be very helpful with feedback (Figure 4.8).

4.4 Solar Cooker Implementation 4.4.1

General Strategy

A successful implementation of the solar cooker project in Muramba is one that will continue to grow and develop with the community after we leave. This means that the way implementation is approached must be carefully planned and yet easily adjusted. It seems appropriate that our role as UW students is primarily to introduce the option of the solar cooking to Muramba with large-scale community training to be carried out by local champions/experts. This includes three crucial aspects: developing a solid fundamental understanding of the technology, stimulating an interest within the community, and creating small enterprise opportunities. Once these aspects are achieved, the project is primarily in the hands of the community.

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An understanding of the technology in the community is important in the sustainability of the project because it ensures that maintenance and necessary adjustments over time will be more likely successful. In approaching this aspect, we first needed to consider who should understand the technology. A basic understanding of the technology is necessary for using the cooker: turning it to the sun, adjusting the angle of the reflector, keeping the cooker closed until the food is done, etc. A basic understanding of the technology is also necessary to specially produce the cookers: angles of walls, materials used, etc. The technology is simple enough that most people in Muramba have the capability of understanding it. Therefore, the introduction of the cookers should be based on the fundamental technology involved in designing the solar cooker. Stimulating interest within the community is essential because the people within the community are whom this project will affect. Within the community, it was determined by observation and feedback from Father John Bosco, women would be most directly affected. Women currently do the preparation of the meals and the wood and fuel collecting. This statement, in most cases, transcends the economic classes within rural Rwanda, which indicates that women in the village and women on the hillsides could use the solar cooker. This meant that the target audience for the implementation should primarily be women of a variety of economic statuses. If Muramba adopts the solar cooker, then the women’s entire day will be different. A solar cooker requires more planning, but less work. Recipes and cooking times and techniques are different. This requires motivation for the women to change, and credibility of those teaching. Father John Bosco helped us to choose five influential women in Muramba to introduce the solar cookers to. We held a workshop and three of the women came for the duration. One woman, Mujawamariya Dancille, brought the cooker home to test and use it herself. Then Dancille held her own workshop with people in the community who were interested in attending. In this way, someone who is a part of the community, who is trusted and who is familiar with the ways of the community, who has credibility, was able to stimulate interest and motivate change.



One of the second teams’ first days in Muramba, an informal informational session was held with roughly 25 students from the vocational school (Figure 4.9). Bazansanga Jean Paul Eyadema, who had previous experience with the cookers on ProfessorBosscher’s last trip to Muramba, explained to the students how the cookers were made and how they worked. The students listened attentively and asked many questions, which we answered through Jean Paul. There were few clouds that day and touching the dark blue pots convinced many students of the potential of solar heating. Others were later convinced by properly cooked potatoes and plantains. The workshop held with the three influential women was held the second week we were in Muramba. It began with the women coming to the Parish where there were three cookers already set up. One cooker had plantains, one had potatoes, and one had just water. The cooker with water had a thermocouple attached to give temperature readings. The women were able Figure 4.9: Solar cooker demonstration for vocational to watch the temperature rise as the meeting school students continued. They were also able to touch the pots and feel how hot the sun was making them. We used a translator for the explanation portion of the workshop. The basic structure of presentation was to present the problems including cost of fuel, health, and deforestation leading to the erosion of crops, then explain why the solar cooker could be a

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potential solution. We then explained how the cooker worked, the materials used, and the design significance. We then asked for their concerns or questions. In general, the women were intrigued. They openly acknowledged the problem, even brought them up before we could. They understood the technology and asked questions for further clarification. They were skeptical of things that we were ambiguous on such as material availability and cost. Although we could alleviate the questions on material availability, we weren’t yet sure about specific cost. We asked them for suggestions or comments and they suggested that they try it out and then they could teach the rest of Muramba, which was our intention. The workshop with the community was held a week later. There were close to twenty women from school age up to elderly who attended. There was a panel cooker and a box cooker set up, and one panel cooker that Dancille used as a prop. Unfortunately the weather was bad enough that during the presentation, that there was very minimal noticeable temperature increase in the water. Also, when people touched the pot, it was only slightly warmer, at temperature that clearly cannot cook food. Dancille talked the entire time where we were available on the side or in the back for help if she needed it. There were a couple questions that she was unable to answer without asking us. However, from what was gathered from observing gestures and pointing, there were many similar questions asked at this workshop as during the first. Cost came up right away again, a question that we were still not able to specifically answer. People generally seemed interested, but were not as convinced as the first group.



The third crucial aspect of the introduction of solar cookers into Muramba is the generation of a micro-business. The purpose of this is so that Muramba will have money going into the local community. Also, maintenance or part replacement can also be done locally, which is quicker and simpler. We talked to Father John Bosco about his ideas for approaching this aspect of the project. He suggested finding someone in the vocational school to specialize in it. The students could also build them for a class. Then the vocational school can sell them and make money. The cookers would also be cheaper due to transportation costs. Also, the wood is already being bought for the vocational school to practice different carpenter techniques. One carpenter at the vocational school did make us the shell of a box cooker that we received within the last week of our visit. There was one pseudo workshop held with students from the vocational school in the first week of our visit, but we didn’t make any connections with the students. This workshop was similar to the first mentioned above. People generally were really curious and asked some questions. After this day, the vocational school went on holiday and many of the professors left Muramba.


Design Testing

Most days we set up cookers to test in Muramba. Our first tests consisted of just testing water on a panel cooker in a dark blue pot. Then we tested the temperatures with different foods. We also made our own panel cooker and tested the manufactured against our homemade cooker. When the box cooker was finished, we tested it against the panel cookers. Also, we varied pot color in case dark pots weren’t available to people. This testing was done within the Parish, where people who worked for the Parish or coming to get water from the Parish tap would come and look at the cookers and see increasing temperature. Fabian, the Parish cook, could soon set one up himself and would turn them to follow the path of the sun if we were not around. We also took samples of the water from several sources and from the pasteurized solar cooker water. These numbers provides number evidence of the quality of the cooker in Muramba.

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We left in August satisfied that progress was made in each aspect of the project. There was interest in the cookers within and around the Parish. At this point interest had not reached the hills. Also, because of the workshops and the testing, most of these people exposed to the solar cookers understood the simple technology. We also had become quite good friends with Dancille, who agreed that she would like to lead another workshop after we were gone, and had received her contact information in case she had questions or needed encouragement. Although we made little progress in terms of generating a micro-business through the vocational school, we left the cookers as models and translated manuals, as well as several other unused items of supplied for manufacturing the cookers. Father John Bosco agreed, with a person in mind, to find someone to lead this project within the vocational school. We also completed several different tests with the cookers. These numbers will help us to better understand best cooking times, amounts of water to cook with, efficiency of heating and cooling of the pots, and what types of weather conditions will work. These tests will also help us and the people in Muramba come up with some Rwanda specific recipes. There were several things that were difficult in implementing solar cookers in Muramba. The overall theme that took us a while to get used to was the plethora of time and lack of urgency in getting things done. Nothing happened quickly. Things started late or not at all. It was difficult to have one or two things to do each day and not be able to finish them. Also, due the holiday break, it was difficult and frustrating not to get a connection with a teacher at the vocational school. Another thing that we were unsure of is the cultural response to new things. For example, people will, out of manners, act excited and interested in things your saying, but may not be. In the case of the solar cookers, we were not confident in the level of excitement and eagerness we perceived during the workshops. Also, while we were there, there were only a few days where the solar cookers would get the water up to boiling. There were many days that became overcast which would cool the water. One of the most difficult things was figuring out a concrete price for the cookers. There seemed to be a lot of variables playing into this which were yet to be determined, specifically with the vocational school. There were many things that were easy about the implementation as well. There was an obvious recognition of the problems mentioned and an eagerness to fix them. The people, for the most part, were intelligent and able to understand the technology with ease. It was also very easy to schedule workshops because few people are committed to things during the day. The ease of these things was welcomed.

4.5 Further Work in Muramba Follow-up is essential in these sorts of technology transfer projects where far too many anecdotes from the well-intentioned past tell of suitable efforts failing not due to the actions while incountry but to the inaction after departure. This is especially important given the implementation strategy we chose for the solar pasteurizers which relies heavily on the sustained and persistent commitment of specific individuals in the community. Therefore we must maintain sustained and persistent contact with people like Dancille and Father John Bosco in order to ensure success of the project. Continued dialogue will facilitate goals being met and will allow for joint resolution of technical problems that arise. All of the technical information is now available in Muramba (in English, French & Kinyarwandan) for production and use of both panel and box style cookers; now we must ensure that the implementation through the vocational school and potentially a private business venture are realized. As the school's headmaster and primary contact of EWB-UW, Father John Bosco will be vital to reaching both of these goals. E-mail communication has proved to be reliable with him. Dancille will also be important to keep contact with via e-mail (which she said she checks every week in a bigger city). Once the vocational school has started producing the pasteurizers, it would be a good idea to hold another community informational meeting which she could again lead to inform

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more people about the technology. It will also be valuable to continue to get updates from her and the Beatitude sisters regarding their experience using SCI's CookIt. On site follow-up would be valuable whenever possible to ensure that the implementation and propagation are going as planned. For next summer, it is unlikely this will require the effort of a normal full team project but it would be wise to spend a fair amount of time inspecting all aspects of this project, assessing the progress and putting in added work where it's needed. Solar pasteurization of water is also possible in larger units, though these systems are more intricate and require more tailoring to the specific location. Large scale systems for potential use at the schools were researched before the trip and site assessments were carried out to determine their feasibility (see rough sketches in the Appendix). It was determined that all of the schools assessed would have at least some area on their premises with an adequate "solar window"--essential to their use. Nearly all of the supplies necessary were found in Kigali with limited searching so we believe such a system could be option for a future EWB-UW project. In fact, a similar working device is on display at the Kigali Institute for Science, Technology and Management (KIST). They have several demonstrations set up around the grounds showing sustainable technologies including a solar water heater--which has a similar design to what we had in mind for a solar water pasteurizer. We met several KIST students interested in working with our group and with their help we believe we could design a large scale water pasteurization unit appropriate for Muramba.

5 Fuel Briquette Initiative 5.1 Project Background As detailed in section 4.1, Muramba is experiencing extreme deforestation and the effects are taxing the environment as well as local community (Figure 5.1). People spend an increasing amount of time collecting firewood farther from their home or needlessly spend money buying wood at local markets. A locally produced, renewable, cooking fuel alternative could reduce theft, decrease time spent collecting firewood, and keep money within the community instead of importing firewood from other areas. At the request of community leaders, EWB-UW investigated methods for improving people’s access to a sustainable, low-cost cooking fuel in Figure 5.1: A near treeless hillside in Muramba. Note Muramba. One possible technology is fuel only the dark green areas are potential fuel sources. The briquetting, namely the process of turning light green masses are agricultural crops or fields. agricultural and commercial wastes into a fuel source. The Legacy Foundation ( produces four manuals that describe the fuel briquette process and case studies, including successful implementation in Uganda, a country whose people share a comparable environment and living situation to Rwanda. These manuals were a starting point for the project team, provided valuable technological insight, acted as a guide for a sample press constructed and tested at UW-Madison during the spring of 2005 and as a reference during the implementation trip in July.


Overview of the Fuel Briquette Process

The Legacy Foundation outlines several steps to press fuel briquettes. Upon review, the project team agreed to use the manuals as the main reference for biomass selection, composting and press

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construction. The following report will include some strategies from the manuals but is not sufficient as a stand-alone document for further briquette implementation. The project team recommends using this report as a case study to supplement the general strategies, biomass collection procedures, composting, press construction and pressing techniques outlined in the manuals. The first step is to collect available biomass throughout the community. The goal is to collect dry (brown) agricultural and commercial processing waste. Residues from natural forests may be used but removing refuse from the forest seemed counterproductive. Living biomass (green in color) is not suitable for briquettes because it contains soil nutrients that inhibit effective burning. Examples of typical agricultural waste include banana peels and leaves, sorghum husks, tobacco husks, cassava peels, maize cobs, leaves and stalks, coffee husks, wheat stems and husks, cassava peels, potato roots and crushed sugar cane leaves. While the team acquired mostly agricultural biomass, it is important to recognize other sources including waste paper and certain wood material such as eucalyptus leaves. The second step requires breaking the biomass into small pieces for composting, a critical point that requires ample time and effort to perfect. The next step is to construct the wooden press using a small quantity of excess lumber. After completing the press and composting the biomass, the wooden press compresses the biomass and water mixture into small donut shaped briquettes. After drying the sun, the briquettes are ready to burn in a stove. Producing briquettes that burn long and hot is dependent on source biomass selection, mix design and proper composting. The source material needs to include only dead material. Creating effective mix designs and establishing proper composting levels determine how well the material will bond in the presence of water. An over-composted mix will begin to decompose and bond poorly in water.

5.2 Biomass Availability The production of briquettes requires an adequate supply of source material. The team observed a wide array of available biomass that includes agricultural waste from maize, sorghum (Figure 5.2), sugar cane, bananas and cassava, commercial waste in the form of saw dust, eucalyptus leaves (Figure 5.3) and a significant amount of waste paper from the four local schools. Sorghum chaff, husks and straw were available and collected in mass community from the local schools. The

Figure 5.2: Sorghum used as mulch at the base of a banana tree

Figure 5.3: Leaves lie unused beneath a eucalyptus tree

team collected biomass largely from the schools, parish kitchen and periodically from agricultural fields (with permission). The community uses sorghum and bananas in small quantities as crop mulch and animal feed, but often in excessive amounts. In general, agricultural biomass is wasted and has little monetary value. The supply of agricultural and commercial waste from sustenance living is nearly endless and sustainable because briquettes can be recycled back to the earth after use. The team did not measure the quantity of paper waste generated at the local schools because paper’s success as biomass is questionable due to secondary use as a wood fire starter. Walking the streets of Muramba reveals how much biomass is available in substantial quantities throughout the entire region. The people in Muramba drop banana leaves, maize and sugar

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cane onto the streets and groups of local women spend hours sweeping the waste into piles on a weekly basis (Figures 5.4 and 5.5). People often burn the piles instead of using them as fertilizer or animal feed. In addition, an overabundance of agricultural waste lies at the base of crops. Collecting a portion of the material for briquette use and saving the street waste would increase resource productivity. Effectively mobilizing the women sweepers and informing local farmers about collection techniques could produce the biomass necessary to sustain a long-term alternative energy solution.

Figure 5.4: Women sweeping the streets at Gatega Market, near Muramba Parish

Figure 5.5: A swept pile of maize and banana agricultural waste

5.3 Preparing Biomass for Composting Preparing the biomass for composting is the most difficult project task. Intensive trial and error is necessary to find the right mix design and required composting time. Composting occurs or several days or weeks, and testing several mixings can take several months time. Preparing biomass for composting requires reducing the biomass to an approximate size of 1square cm. The correct particle size is essential, as it contributes to speed of composting and efficient burning. Reducing the biomass to the appropriate size was an unexpected challenge. Attempts to break-up the material with mortar and pestle proved ineffective and time consuming with a machete. The most appropriate sustainable solution, especially if involved in mass production, would be a small hand or generator operated grinder. Once the material is the correct size, it is ready for composting under a dark tarp. The team discovered after buying several tarps in Madison and Kigali that the community already uses similar tarps for drying cassava, shelling sorghum and collecting sawdust. The composting process is equally challenging. Proper composting allows the biomass fibers to interlock thus facilitating the binding of the briquette during pressing. Figure 5.6: EWB student Megan Bender Insufficient composting will result in a non-binding mix, stands next to composted sorghum while over-composition will result in material decomposition and briquettes that don’t burn. The biomass available in Muramba composts at varying degrees, discussed further below. The project team did not initially compost waste paper because paper-based briquettes burn quickly and smoke a lot. Most houses do not have chimneys and such briquettes would prove undesirable. The team discovered that the biggest composting factors were particle size, relative moisture and amount of sunlight. Particles larger than 1 cm2, mixtures that lack moisture and insufficient direct sunlight significantly increase composting time. Sorghum was the easiest material to compost

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successfully (Figure 5.6). Sorghum waste is ready for composting and composts fully in approximately 5-7 days. In contrast, banana and sugar cane waste took on average two weeks to compost fully. Sugar cane leaves are worth the trouble because their fibrous structure acts as an excellent binder. However, they were near impossible to break-up by hand. Banana leaves (Figure 5.7 are available in larger quantities and easier to break up, but lack strong binding capabilities. The team found adding food waste to agricultural waste piles decreases overall composting time. Sawdust was readily available and is an effective material that binds well and doesn’t require composting. Sawdust was added to several mixtures at quantities up to 20%. The team found that adding a small quantity of water daily across the mix and turning the compost over to be a successful composting strategy. Especially true on sunny days, it is crucial to attend the compost regularly to ensure moisture content and even composting is occurring. The location best suited for composting biomass is under a dark tarp (example: brown or black) in direct sunlight. Despite the trip occurring during Muramba’s winter season, its location near the equator and at a high elevation helped certain mixtures like sorghum compost quickly. The team can logically assume composting time would decrease even further during the summer months. Figure 5.7: Compost mix of banana peels and eucalyptus leaves

5.4 Press Construction Press construction is comparatively easy to composting because the construction manual contains many photos and helpful descriptions. Therefore the actually construction steps will not be covered in great detail. During the spring 2005 semester, Madison students built a sample press that provided valuable experience. This activity was an important way to develop working knowledge of press construction and allowed the team to take pictures of the press to use as visual aides in country. It is important to remember that a field built press will not attain the precision of one built at a university carpentry shop. The project team brought key construction tools such as drill bits, clamps and PVC from Madison in case none were readily available in Rwanda. However, the team discovered comparable tools already exist in Kigali and Muramba. The St. Charles Lwanga Kolping Vocational Training Center supplied the wood and the project team bought bolts, nuts, and PVC in Kigali. It was helpful to have extra tools but not critical to successful press completion. Carpentry students at the vocational school constructed the first press while the project team provided schematics and some technical assistance (Figures 5..8 and 5.9). The construction process unexpectedly took 1.5 weeks due to short daily work sessions, the language barrier, the necessity to plane the lumber to relative size, lack of power tools, student examinations and the fact that the students are not yet skilled tradesmen. The carpentry students were only able to work on the press a couple hours each day. However, their desire to sacrifice their Saturday morning to further press construction demonstrates their enthusiasm towards the project. In this regard, the exercise was beneficial to them because it provided a unique opportunity to build an unfamiliar device using schematics (rarely used in Muramba). During construction Madison and vocational school students exchanged the Kinyarwanda, French and English words of tools and supplies used throughout the process. While this exchange initially slowed the process, it reduced the language barrier and quickened the overall project pace... The English – Kinyarwanda Field dictionary, available in the appendix, lists many of the words and phrases employed by the project team. A PVC mold and cylindrical piston are required to form and press the briquettes. The vocational school doesn’t have sufficient machine tools to construct a wooden piston and the project team fabricated a concrete piston using a spare PVC form mold. The team also cast a smaller 1 ¼” PVC guide into the concrete piston. Unfortunately the vocational school students had to file the hardened concrete piston because the press PVC and form PVC had the same inside diameter. Future efforts could eliminate this problem by casting the concrete piston in a 3-3/4 inch PVC form. The

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team discovered a way to reuse the form by cutting twice along its length and holding it in place with two series of circular nails. One set of nails encircles the outside of the PVC while the other set encircles the inside of the PVC guide The efforts of fabricating concrete pistons will pay future dividends because they have greater compressive strength than wood and are not subject to expansion in the presence of water. The carpentry students suggested they build additional presses for their final class project without help from the project team after completing the first press. The teacher agreed and divided the class into four groups of six students each. The students used the first press and the manual as guidelines. The additional presses were completed in less than a week and of better quality. Their success was due to familiarity with the construction process, several visual references and interest in receiving a good grade. The final project indicated that the students have the ability produce quality work with limited tools and machinery, are fast learners, and show significant interest in the briquette technology.

Figure 5.8: Carpentry students constructing the top team of the wooden press

Figure 5.9: Carpentry students with their first completed press

5.5 Pressing Briquettes Compared to composting, pressing the briquettes is comparatively easy. The biomass is mixed with water to form a slurry mix. The slurry is placed in the PVC mold and set onto the bottom beam of the press. The press applies force to the concrete piston which compresses the biomass in a series of steps (Figure 5.10). The carpentry students quickly learned the process and made briquettes without help after only 10 minutes of training (Figure 5.11). Further involving the carpentry students in this process was important because it kept them interested in the briquetting process and provided a sense of accomplishment for their hard work. The team has several recommendations based on experience in Muramba. The first is to only saturate material needed in the next 20-30 minutes. It is important to keep the mix saturated and but doing so excessively leads to unnecessary evaporation in warm climates. The team and vocational students used a 5 gallon bucket to mix water and biomass. This size bucket was adequate for pressing Figure 5.10: The pressing process (courtesy: The Legacy Foundation) © Engineers Without Borders – USA. All Rights Reserved

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briquettes with one press, but would likely be too small if using multiple presses. Another important reason to keep the mix saturated is for binding purposes. Properly composted material binds successfully only in the presence of water. If the briquettes are too dry, they will fall apart upon removal from the PVC mold. After making a couple dozen briquettes, the team believes that pressing 3 briquettes per time promote an adequate final briquette size of about 1.5 to 2 inches thick. Pressing several briquettes is done by simply inserting small metal spaces at approximately 3-3.5 inch intervals in the mold. The team also discovered that rotating the PVC mold approximately 90 degrees in place between each step in Image 5.5.1 helps prevent lopsided and therefore weak briquettes. The team doesn’t have mix design information available for this document. The team inadvertently left behind mix design information, compost datasheets and burning statistics when they handed over the manuals to the local teachers. The team will acquire the information and add it as an appendix. Generally, the team found pressing like biomass together promotes stronger briquettes that burn for longer time periods. The team had the most success pressing 100% sorghum mixes and nearly equal success pressing mixes of approximately 80% sorghum and Figure 5.11: Vocational school students 20% saw dust. At small quantities the saw dust takes up pressing the briquettes volume, saves agricultural biomass and acts as a binder. In either case it remains important to saturate the mix with water to ensure maximum compaction during pressing.

5.6 Appropriate Burning Techniques As mentioned, the team inadvertently left burning statistics in Muramba. In general, the team had little success burning the fuel briquettes. There are a few reasons they did not burn as long or as hot as desired. The team was unable to compost enough material because persistent cloudy weather lengthened the process. Inability to efficiently break down materials into small enough pieces also delayed the compost time and reduced the length of burn. By project’s end, the team was unable to burn more than 20 briquettes. The briquettes could not sustain a flame for longer than a few minutes, didn’t stay hot and too quickly burned to ashes. Three briquettes (mix: 100% sorghum) burned for 45 minutes in a small portable stove (Figure 5.12). The team placed one litre of water in a metal pot and placed it over the briquettes. The water temperature averaged 150°F and varied between 140° and 153°F. However, the briquettes quit burning after a few minutes unless the team supplied constant airflow via blowing or fanning... Towards the end of the project the team made a paper mix that

Figure 5.12: Three briquettes burning over the stove. These briquettes consisted of 100% sorghum mixes

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Figure 5.13: EWB student Sam Jorgensen taking notes while testing the briquettes. Note the horizontal airflow; this type of stove does not maximize briquette potential

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consisted of 50% waste paper and 50% dry banana leaves. Unfortunately, due to time constraints the mix did not dry in time and the team was unable to burn the briquettes. The Legacy Manual states that finding the right recipe with the local materials and composting time based on the varying local weather is the toughest component of the briquette technology. It could take several additional weeks of trial and error in order to find quality fuel briquettes recipes in Rwanda. As a result, several more weeks of testing and burning briquettes will result in reliable mix designs that provide ample heat to decrease wood use as cooking fuel. One noticeable problem that team wishes to address is a more effective cooking stove. The donut shape of the briquettes is most efficient when air funnels below the briquettes and forces heat through the center holes. If they team could create a stove that maximizes vertical instead of horizontal airflow, the briquettes will burn more effectively (Figure 5.13). The team plans to investigate a stove that encloses the briquettes and only allows air to pass into the stove via a hole below the briquettes. They believe this will be more effective than the open stove tested and used in many Muramba homes.

5.7 Further Project Work in Muramba The pressing and burning of briquettes in Muramba is a first step in increasing the availability of cooking fuel. The people of Muramba have adequate skill, ambition, and organization to manufacture fuel briquettes from agricultural and commercial biomass wastes. The team needs further coordination with the students in Muramba to determine successful briquette recipes, length of proper composting, and efficient burning techniques. Prior to the departure, EWB-UW members met with vocational school teachers Theophilus Niyibaruta and Jean Paul Nzabamwita and handed them copies of the original manual, the translated Ikinyarawandan version, and all extra tools brought from Madison. These teachers showed great interest in the project and plan to help students continue the necessary work. Madison team members will keep in contact with these teachers to ensure future collaboration and continuation. Perhaps the most critical element of success is Father Musinguzi John Bosco. Father Bosco is the unspoken leader in the Parish and a true advocate of improving the lives of the community. He believes a sustainable fuel source will save the community time, money and natural resources. He showed continued support throughout the project, promoted the project in front of the community, motivated the vocational school students and made clear his desire to support the project to its conclusion. Two problem areas that require the most initiative are mix designs and shredding biomass. Perfecting mix designs will prove difficult for two reasons. The first problem is Madison doesn’t have a similar climate and can’t imitate the effect of equatorial sunshine. Second, Madison students do not have access to the same biomass and therefore unable to test similar recipes. Developing a new strategy that addresses these issues will be one of the biggest challenges this year. It will be easier to develop a power shredder capable of breaking-up biomass into compost material. A human powered shredder is the most sustainable solution and would not require expensive diesel fuel or the labor of a person chopping the material with a machete. The EWB-UW team is planning to investigate designs involving bicycle parts for future implementation. The team has not investigated more efficient burning techniques, but plans to search out means to maximize briquette potential with clay brick stoves. Once the team finalizes the recipe, composting, and burning techniques, the final step is to introduce the technology to a group cooperative in Muramba. Such a group could control briquette manufacturing and create a sustainable business without further EWB-UW contribution. Father Bosco readily offered his guidance in forming a cooperative and could provide money to facilitate a small cooperative through his small loans program. He also suggested that the vocational school initially be the focus of the fuel briquetting process. His idea is to have people from the community collect agricultural, commercial and forest waste material and sell it to the school. The school would construct additional presses as needed, break-up the biomass, compost it, press the mixes and dry the briquettes. The school would sell the briquettes to the community or to a local businessman in bulk at

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wholesale price. Since the initial price of the briquettes may only be economical in bulk, the schools and parish will likely be the first consumers before expansion becomes economical. The need for alternative cooking fuels is certainly not limited to Muramba. Much of the rural Rwandan population collects wood for cooking. EWB-UW hopes to spread this technology to other regions in Rwanda once it takes hold in Muramba. UW students discovered an opportunity to work with students in Rwanda to better develop the technology. While in Muramba, the team worked with Emanuel Tuombe, a top Civil Engineering Ph.D. student at the Rwanda National University in Butare. Emanual was quite interested in briquette technology and his engineering and bilingual skills could provide valuable connections to advanced education students throughout Rwanda. Their ability to understand the importance of the project and convey the message to people throughout the country will be invaluable to the future success of the project.

6 Women’s Craft Group Overview Jyambere Mutegarugori Muramba (“Women in Development – Muramba”) is a handicraft cooperative located in the countryside of Western Rwanda; a region greatly affected by the 1994 genocide and the subsequent economic hardships. Although much of the country is on route to recovery after years of war, rural areas, such as Muramba, are often overlooked. In December 2002, Jyambere Mutegarugori Muramba was formed in order to produce new employment opportunities for the women in this impoverished agricultural community. The group, which now consists of 93 members, produces handicrafts for sale at local markets and shops. In addition to providing an important source of income for its members and the community as a whole, the group is a major credit provider of the region. Over the past couple of years, Jyambere Mutegarugori Muramba has become a major component to economic and social development of Muramba. Currently Jyambere Mutegarugori Muramba is only able to sell their products locally. The majority of their products are sold to the few tourists that come to the village. The group is desperately trying to expand to other markets both regionally and internationally. Jyambere Mutegarugori Muramba and the community as a whole would greatly benefit from participation in SERRV. The group is governed by a democratically elected 6-member committee consisting of a President, VP, Secretary, Treasurer, and two Advisors. All group decisions are open for discussion and implemented only after reaching a group consensus. The one-time membership fee of 10,000Rfr, paid by all members upon joining, is used to purchase materials, rent a workshop, and provide a line of credit for individual projects. Members interested in taking out a loan must first submit an application to the governing committee, who then review the applications and consults the rest of the group. A consensus must be reached before the loan is granted. Terms and conditions are as follow: all loans carry a 10% interest charge and must be paid back in a 2 month period; no more than a total of 100,000Rfr is loaned out at a time. As of July 2005, all loans have been repaid on time. List of Loans to Date: • February 20th, 2005, Uwambajiman Winifrida borrowed 40,000Rfr to buy a parcel of farm land. She used her home as collateral (valued at 200,000). Loan was paid back in 2 months with a 10% interest charge. • February 20th, 2005, Umamaliga Léoncie borrowed 60,000Rfr to purchase sweet potatoes for resale in Muramba. She used her home as collateral (valued at 500,000). Loan was paid back in 2 months with a 10%interest charge. Although the loan program is in its early stages of development, it has shown positive results and a possibility of expansion. Next round of loan applications are due at the end of August 2005.

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During our time in Muramba, we met with group members on several occasions to present the benefits to joining the SERRV organization and explain the application process and member requirements. All of the women of Jyambere Mutegarugori Muramba were extremely enthusiastic about the opportunity to expand their markets to consumers outside of Rwanda. In order to expedite the application process, we spend our time gathering as much information as possible. We plan to present the findings to the SERRV Board of Directors in order to facilitate a direct relationship between the two organizations. In the event that Jyambere Mutegarugori Muramba fails to become a SERRV producer group, EWB-UW will be able to sell their products elsewhere (local stores, churches, and student organizations). Listed below is an itemized list of the group’s products and their retail prices. Photos of items are available on a separate document. Item 1. Large basket, blue 2. Small basket set (5) 3. Woven Hat 4. Hot mat 5. Hot mat w/black inlay 6. Hot mat 7. Wall Hanging, purple 8. Wall hanging, “new year” 9. wall hanging, “Kolping” 10. Wall hanging, b/w 11. Wall hanging, b/w 12. Blue star hot mat, large 13. Blue star hot mat, med 14. Blue star hot mat, small 15. Set of hot pads, 4 pieces 16. Heart checker hot mat 17. Beaded wands 18. Bird, cup, shield 19. Shield, small & large 20. Wood spear 21. Open basket small 22. Open basket large 23. Wall banner, small 24. Wall banner Large “Whoever come my way I will receive!” 25. Greeting Cards: 1 card 50 Cards

Price (Rwf) 800 1500 500 400 400 500 1000 500 500 500 1000 1000 800 600 800 500 1500 1000 500, 600 200 500 600 300 500 100 5000


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One of the major barriers to successful project implementation is a general lack of data. All of the projects were specifically designed for conditions found in Muramba, yet we found ourselves walking into the community with many unanswered questions. As a result, a basic demographic and health survey was conducted to try to answer some of these lingering issues. Although the survey was limited in scope, it provided valuable information critical for our current and future involvement in the community. The survey consisted of a series of questions meant to assist all members of the EWB Rwanda team. It contains five major sections. Section 1 (questions 1-5) dealt with the basic household facilities. These questions, along with several photos, were intended to give an idea of the physical environment in which the individuals live. Section 2 (questions 6-14) revolved around cooking facilities and procedures. This section provided information critical to the design and implementation of the solar cooking and briquetting projects, along with general information about the nutritional health of the household. The third section (questions 15-21) posed questions dealing with the household’s water supply and basic health issues. Section 4 (questions 22-26) gained information about the household’s financial situation, source of income, major expenses, financial savings, and list of assets. The final section (questions 27-37) asked a range of questions dealing with the problems of the community. This section was geared towards identifying the most severe issues in Muramba in order to possibly develop solutions in the future. Due to time constraints, most respondents were not able to answer every single question. As a result, the most critical questions in each section were asked to maximize the time spent with each individual. DIFFICULTIES WITH CONDUCTING THE SURVEY The initial goal of the project was to survey a random sample of 30-50 households around Muramba Parish and specifically those households with access to the public water supply. This task proved nearly impossible for several reasons. First, a statistically random sampling was not feasible due to the seemingly arbitrary distribution of homes. Upon arrival, a map illustrating all homes within range of the community water supply was to be created along with a spreadsheet consisting of a pool of potential survey candidates. Fifty candidates would then be randomly selected from this pool. Identifying and mapping all of the homes within range of the community water supply alone would have required weeks of work. Due to the lack of time this procedure was no longer an option. Secondly, conducting 30-50 household surveys alone proved to be physically and mentally draining and logistically impossible due to a limited number of translators. Due to the mental drain and high demand for translators, there were several days that no surveys could be conducted. Ultimately, only 10 household surveys were conducted. Since a statistically significant sampling proved to be impossible, households were selected in different geographical areas throughout the community. Despite these problems, information gathered from the 10 households proved to be extremely beneficial and will hopefully assist with future involvement in the community. The following section provides a summary of the findings.

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Survey Results Section 1: Basic Household Facilities 1

House design (General description and building material)


Main material of floor: Concrete?

The majority of the homes surveyed were basic rectangular structures with pitched tile roofs. 80% to 90% of the structures were located outside of the commercial center of town, in the surrounding hills and valleys. Most (6 homes) were constructed out of mud brick or clay fired bricks produced in the area. Only 3 homes were constructed with cement or industrial quality bricks. Refer to the photos at the end of the section. 7 homes had dirt floors 2 homes with concrete 1 with tile

Wood? Dirt? Other? 3

Main material of roof:

6 homes had roofs made of a combination of wood and clay tiles 4 homes had roofs wood and metal

Metal? Clay Tiles? Other? 4

Does your household have: Electricity? A radio? A television?

No household in the community had access to electricity. 1 home had a diesel generator that was no longer operational. 5 households owned battery powered radios that were in operation. The other 5 households either did not own radios (or any other electrical appliance) or owned radios that were no longer operational.

A telephone? Are they operational? 5

What kind of toilet facilities does your house have?

9 households used outhouses located next to the residence. 1 household used indoor toilet facilities (Turkish-style toilet) located inside of the housing compound.

This is an example of a typical mud brick home located in the countryside surrounding Muramba Parish. Community leaders estimate that 80% to 90% of households live in similar conditions.

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Material used in constructing these homes may vary according to the financial well-being of the household. The basic house design may be enhanced by incorporating plaster, better quality bricks, glass windows, shutters, a metal roof, or stone/tile floors.

While the majority of the homes in Muramba are basic mud brick structures, there are is a small percentage (10% to 20%) of more elaborate buildings. This home, located near the local market, is often regarded as one of the more expensive homes in Muramba. Section 2: Cooking Facilities and Procedures What kind of cooking facilities does your house have? 6

50% of the respondents used rooms inside of the home for cooking activities. In most cases, these rooms could not be described as definitive kitchens due to such sparse amenities. Refer to the photos at the end of the section. 50% of the households used cooking facilities located in a separate structure outside on the home. *Refer to the pictures at the end of the section.


How many meals are prepared at the house on a daily basis?

10% of the households prepared 1 (occasionally 2) meal per day. 70% of the households prepared 2 meals per day. 20% of he households prepared 3 meals per day.

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At what time is cooking performed?

8 What is the average cooking time for meals?

Who does the cooking?



List meals prepared in the last week.

Cooking is normally performed early morning (approx. 6am), midday (between 10am and noon), and afternoon/evening (between 4pm and 6pm). 70% of the households ate 2 meals a day; midday and evening, and 10% ate only one meal a day during the evening hours. Only a minority of residents (20%) could afford to eat 3 meals a day on a consistent basis. Average cooking time per meal ranges from about 30 minutes to 3 hours, depending on the meals prepared. Potatoes normally require the shortest amount of cooking time; 30-40 minutes, while beans generally require the longest period of time; 3 hours. The wife was solely responsible for cooking duties in all households except for ones that hired domestic laborers (3 households). Most meals consist of simple, often carbohydrate based, foods found in the region. Due to such poor infrastructure in the region, most food is produced at individual farms or purchased at the local market. Typical meals include: Beans, cassava, potatoes, bananas, and sweet potatoes. Cabbage and other leafy vegetables are more common during the rainy seasons.

What types of containers (pots) are used for cooking?

70% of the households exclusively used clay cooking containers. The other 30% used metal pots in addition to the traditional clay pots.

What kind of fuel does your household typically use for cooking?

Wood, either purchased at the market or collected from nearby forests, was the main source of fuel used for cooking. A handful of wealthier families (2 households) used coal in addition to wood. A more substantial number of households (often the poorer echelon of the community) used leaves, sticks, and other forms of agro waste to supplement their wood or coal usage.

11 Based on local market prices for wood, households spend between 100Rfr and 200Rfr per meal. Coal cost slightly more (approximately 150Rfr per meal). This data provides a range at which to create retail price for fuel briquettes.



What food did you buy in the last week?

This question received a large range of responses. In genera, households purchase food items at the nearby market that they are not able to cultivate themselves. Please refer the individual surveys for more information.

Do you or other members of your household raise crops for personal consumption?

80% of the households raised crops for personal consumption, while the other 20% raised a negligible amount or nothing at all.

If so, which crops do you grow?

Once again, this question received a large number of responses. Often households grew bananas, cassava, beans, sweet potatoes, and cabbage. For more information please refer to the individual surveys.

How much is harvested during each growing year?

No household was able to provide an estimate of how much they cultivated per year. Since most families engaged in subsistence farming, they merely harvested the crops as they were ready to consume.


Traditional Cooking Facilities These two photos illustrate the cooking facilities typically found in Muramba (and throughout the rest of Rwanda). They normally consist of a small room with a “fire pit” and a few pots and pans. Up to three meals a day are prepared in these smoke-filled cramped spaces. With cooking times ranging from 30-minutes to 3 hours, the women of the household spend much of their day in this harsh environment.

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Section 3: Household Water Supply and Basic Health Issues 50% of the respondents collected water from nearby springs. Often these springs were nothing more than a pipe inserted into the hillside by local residents. 30% of the respondents collected water from a nearby public taps (part of the main community water system). 15 What is the main source of drinking water for members of your household?



How long does it take you to go there, get water, and come back?

How is the water transported and/or stored?

How do you determine if the water is suitable for drinking? 18

(Make a list of possible options)

20% of the respondents collected water from private water taps located within their person al residence. These lines were part of the main community water system, but use was restricted to the residents of the household. These households did not pay a fee for the specialized service; rather a small fee for maintenance. All respondents could go to the water source, get water, and come back within 30 minutes.

Plastic buckets and “jerry cans.” All 10 households

9 out of 10 households visually evaluate the water to determine if it is suitable for drinking. Water is deemed unsuitable when it appears cloudy or dirty and if foreign particles are present. Only one household boiled all of there drinking water before consumption. Most families are unable to purify their drinking water due to the high cost of cooking fuel.

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Where do you normally wash your hands?


Ask to see the place and observe if the following items are present:

9 out of 10 households usually washed there hands in a plastic bucket with only water. The high cost of soap and other cleaning agents was the main reason why most households could only use water.

Water/Tap? Soap, ash, or other cleaning agent? Basin? Has anyone in the household required Medical attention in the past year for any reason? If yes, what was the problem?

Every household had at least one individual require medical attention within the past year. Common ailments included, but were not limited to the following: Malaria, flu, “stomach problems”-possibly water born illnesses, and simple colds. Please refer to individual surveys for further details.

20 What was the total cost of medical treatment? The resulting medical costs were often cited as major financial costs of the household.


What is the distance to the closest medical facilities?

All respondents used the medical facilities located in the center of town; the pharmacy next to the parish and the dispensary near the market center. These facilities were within a 30 minute walking distance of the households surveyed. Two households occasionally visited a traditional healer which was located about hours from the center of town (by foot).

Section 4: Household Finances Most of the households surveyed (9 out of 10) did not have any accumulated financial savings in the conventional sense (i.e. checking or savings account at a local financial institution). These households live from pay period to pay period. In the event that a household was able to accumulate a small sum of money they would often purchase livestock instead of depositing the funds in a bank account. Although most of the households were not able to accumulate financial savings, most families owned at least one farm animal. Livestock typically provide an alternate source of income from the sale of animal by products, such as milk, eggs, or fur, or through the direct sale of the animals themselves (or their offspring). In addition to providing an additional source of income, livestock provide valuable fertilizer for crops and insurance against events in the unforeseeable future (in the event of an emergency, the sale of livestock may provide a quick source of money). Income statistics for each household is difficult to estimate since most families engage in subsistence farming as a primary occupation. In order to accurately determine a household’s income, one must evaluate the dollar value of all crops produced in a single year for personal consumption or for sale at the local market. Without an accurate account of household crop production, an estimation of total income was not possible. 9 out of 10 households surveyed engaged in economic activities in addition to farming. Only two household relied on a non-farming activities for 100% of their income. As a result, the financial data from the survey only represents household incomes received from these nonagricultural activities. Although the data is somewhat incomplete, it indicates the amount of money households are able to spend on food, clothing, housing, transportation, school fees, and other. EWB can use this data to determine prices for fuel briquettes, solar cookers, and a possible water tax.

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Section 5: Community Problems and Proposed Solutions Questions in Section 5 ask the respondent to identify the most severe problems of the community, explain how they deal with such issues, and list, if possible, viable solutions. Due to a limited amount of time available for each survey, this section of was often trimmed to expedite the process. Despite the limited number of responses, this section provides valuable information from the individual’s perspective. In essence, the respondent was provided with an outlet in which to express their concerns and needs. Since many development projects are donor driven (meaning that the planning and implementation is carried out by “foreign” aid organizations), this was the most effective way to include a community perspective in future EWB projects. Since most of the questions in this section were somewhat broad (i.e. “What does poverty mean to you?”), the main themes expressed by the respondents are briefly summarized. Among all ten respondents, the most pressing issues were lack of land, no steady source of income, and poor infrastructure (roads, electricity, telecommunications, etc.). Every person encountered expressed the desire to improve the conditions themselves. No one searches for handouts. Rather, they wanted the ability to work and create a steady source of income so that they may improve themselves, their household, and the community. Currently, the local Catholic Parish is the most influential organization in the community geared towards dealing with the above problems. The church has created several associations and cooperatives in an attempt to constructively find solutions to community issues. In addition, the church encourages individuals to search for solutions to their own problems instead of waiting for outside assistance. Unfortunately, the scope and scale of development in Muramba far surpasses the abilities of the local parish. When asked for possible solutions to the local problem, most respondents highlighted the need to boost the local economy and increase the number of employment opportunities for residents. Farmers, teachers, and merchants alike, voiced their inability to meet basic needs of their family; such as providing food, clothing, and adequate shelter. Respondents stressed their desire to climb out of poverty and earn a decent wage to support their families. In general, they wanted to earn a living wage. Section 6: Conclusion Based on the responses, future EWB involvement in Muramba is crucial for the continued development of the community. Although difficulties may arise in directly boosting the local economy or promoting business development, EWB may assist in the development of infrastructure necessary for Muramba to thrive. Providing a clean and reliable water source is the first critical step towards improving the community and pulling people out of poverty. As the survey indicates, medical costs stemming from water born illnesses add tremendous financial stress to already impoverished families. In the future, efforts could focus on improving the physical links between Muramba, the rest of Rwanda, and the rest of the World (i.e. road, telecommunication, and internet). Our group may be able to use our collective expertise to help improve Muramba’s infrastructure or petition other groups/organizations, most notably the Rwandan Government, to proceed in our place. Together, EWB and the residents of Muramba will be able to effectively deal with the issues expressed by these 10 survey participants.

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8 Future Plans for UW-Madison EWB Involvement The UW-Madison EWB team has plans for continued involvement in the Muramba Parish within Rwanda. Several proposals have already been submitted to the Madison Rotary as well as the World Bank’s Global Development Marketplace program to support these efforts. The proposals required partners within Rwanda. On most of the projects the partner was listed as KIST (specifically Ainea Kimaro). The plans include the following projects: In Muramba College and nearby vicinity: solar cooking facilities, briquetting facilities, biogas facilities, and internet connection In the resettlement village of Runayu: solar cooking facilities, briquetting facilities, biogas facilities, and water supply. The resettlement village of Runayu is located in such a mountainous area of Rwanda as to limit the amount of natural resources it has. Currently, grass is burned as the main source of fuel; this is highly inefficient. Biogas, briquetting, and solar power can bring sources of energy to a place where none exits through currently available resources. All two thousand residents in the village are affected by the energy problem. Most land here is cultivated; deforestation is a huge problem. Copies of these proposals are available by request. Provided these granting agencies provide the needed funding, we plan to return in the Summer 06 and Summer 07 to complete these projects.

9 Acknowledgements The project team would like to acknowledge the following individuals for their contribution and support throughout the project: Tim Miller and Andre Steele for their work in-country on the water project and village distribution system assessment; Megan Bender, Adrienne Kuehl, and William Brower for their work in-country on the solar cooking project; Sam Jorgensen, Ryu Suzuki, Evan Parks and Ryan Wilson for their work in-country on fuel briquetting; other EWB-UW-Madison students who helped make the trip a reality but were unable to travel to Muramba; Peter Bosscher for his long-time commitment to Muramba and leadership as faculty advisor; Suzanne Quick and David Joles for in-country support and tremendous newspaper articles; Muramba Parish and Muramba College for food, shelter and conversation; Jean Paul Basansanga for heading English-Kinyarwanda translation duties; Emmanuel Tuombe for translation and technical assistance; Peter Mulligo for driving and country expertise; Father John Bosco Musinguzi for leadership, vision, conversation and welcoming us as brothers and sisters; the vocational school for help on the solar cooker and fuel briquetting projects, and finally the people of Muramba for welcoming the team with open arms and assisting on all the projects. Final thanks are due to our sponsors: Downtown Madison Rotary Club, the Morgridge Center for Public Service, DaimlerChrysler and UNESCO for sponsoring the Mondialogo Engineering Award, various private donors and the University of Wisconsin Madison and the College of Engineering for continued support.

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10 Appendices 10.1 A: Flow Measurements for New Source Source


Vol (ml)

Time (s)

1 2 3 4 5 Av. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Av.

760 790 780 830 860 804 930 930 900 950 900 940 830 911

2.31 2.14 2.24 2.34 2.52 2.31 5.17 5.01 4.49 4.97 4.88 4.78 4.63 4.85

Source 1 Total



Source 2 Total 2A



2D Total Source

1 2 3 Av. 1 2 3 Av. 1 2 3 4 Av.

800 25.75 810 25.24 800 25.38 803 25.46 880 8.64 880 8.79 870 9.12 877 8.85 940 11.53 890 10.44 1000 11.66 830 9.84 915 10.87 NO FLOW DATA

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(l/s) 0.54

Flow (l/min) 32.2



0.19 0.24

11.28 14.6





0.08 0.06 0.78

5.05 3.60 46.76

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10.2 B: Observations and Flow Measurements For Village Survey Ref J01

Feature Entry Junction Box (Impala Box)

Location Entry to Village

Condition and Observations

Trial A

Lock Stuck Box in good condition, little sediment Two exit pipes: 1 to reservoir 1 2 to Esecom Reservoir

1 2 3 4 Flow



Top of Village Adjacent to kindergarten

On line to Reservoir 1 from entry junction box Major leak: 100 % loss when uncovered. Failure in repair of previous leak. lost water collected for brick making, pooled water health hazard


Reservoir 1 (1.44x1.82m Dia.)

Top of village Adjacent to kindergarten

Reservoir for top village taps substantial cracking, resulting in leakage when reservoir is full. Requires internal resurfacing 3 exit pipes for 3 village taps Only 1 tap still exists, 1 never built 1 cut off. Inflow currently for 3 taps. When tap off, tank overflows and water lost.


Access Box

Below R1, North of Village Road

Box not locked, through pipe with T for flush Line to Esecom Reservoir



North of J2 Third of Dist tra J2 and J3

Sbstantial leakage seen on surface from buried pipe. Probably failed joint. Has leaked for approx 5 months.


Village Tap 1

Adjacent to J3 Tap for Top of Village

Fed by reservoir 1 Poor valve spreads water horizontally over sides of tapstand, errosion of ground around tap. Sitting water health hazard. tap handle taken by local resident. tap often left on and drains reservoir 1


Access Box

Below R1, North of Village Road



At J3

Leak on Entry to J3. Muddy ground around upslope side of box in main thoroughfare, people walk in mud



Downslope towards village centre

Leak at joint in exposed pipe Line to Esecom Reservoir

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1 2 3 4 5 Flow

1 2 3 4 Flow

Flow Rates Vol Time Trial B (ml) (s) 1000 1.57 1 1000 1.64 2 1000 1.62 3 1000 1.65 1000 1.62 0.62 l/s Flow 37.04 l/min

1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 0.20 l/s 11.99 l/min

4.44 5.00 5.20 5.23 5.16 5.01

1 2 3

800 800 800 800 800 0.33 l/s 19.77 l/min

2.76 1 2.36 2 2.23 3 - ignored 2.36 4 2.43 Flow




900 750 880 843

1.66 1.59 1.60 1.62

0.52 l/s 31.30 l/min

850 1000 980 943.3333

4.01 4.86 4.04 4.30

0.22 l/s 13.15 l/min

510 2.38 610 2.59 700 12.66 650 2.18 590 2.38 0.25 l/s 14.85 l/min

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Downslope towards village centre

Major exposed length of pipe, leaks through exposed joints Line to Esecom Reservoir


Exposed pipe

On road approach to village centre

Major length of exposed pipe. Pipe sits in road drainage ditch. No leaks…yet Line to Esecom Reservoir


Access Box

Village Centre

Box not locked, through pipe with T for flush Line to Esecom Reservoir


Village Tap 2

Village Centre

On day of survey NO FLOW Later observations show poor flow (<0.01l/s) Tapstand apron needs cleaning Wider Apron required, good drainage


Exposed & Leak

North of Main Length of exposed pipe; two lines, major leak. Junction, towards Metal cover pipe also present Market Failed joints in Esecom Line and return village tap line attempt to repair using rubber inner tube failed


Exposed & Leak

Market Square, opposite Mosque

Exposed Esecom Line, subsurface leak adjacent


Mosque Tap

Adjacent to Mosque

Private tapstand for Mosque no protection, no tap, recently broken. No apron, No drainage,


Sector HQ Tap

Adjacent to Sector HQ

On day of survey NO FLOW Later observations show poor flow (<0.01l/s) Same return line as T2 Ok apron, could be widened, poor drainage, water intentionally pooled for brick making health hazard.

Flow too low to measure

Private tap, dispute as to whether they pay possible annual fee of 3000 RFR Free standing pipe, no protection no drainage, no apron

Flow too low to measure (users complained flow always low)


1 2 3

260 23.5 380 28.16 360 24.81 333 25.49 0.01 l/s 0.78 l/min

1 2 3

220 30 210 30 210 30 213 30.00 0.01 l/s 0.43 l/min

1 2 3

310 30 300 30 310 29 307 29.67 0.01 l/s 0.62 l/min



Carpentry Guild Tap

Inside Carpentry Guild




Esecom Junction Box

in Esecom School

Locked, good condition Two exit pipes; 1 to reservoir, 1 to Esecom taps

1 2 3 4 Flow

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1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 0.30 l/s 17.87 l/min

3.24 3.4 3.45 3.34 3.36

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Esecom Tap 1

Esecom Tap 2

Esecom Reservoir

Esecom School

Esecom School

Esecom School

Adequate drainage, though erosion towards, discharge point. low flow, for many students apron needs to be wider



Uphill of PreEsecom Tap

Exposed and bent pipes, currently no leaks


Presecom Tap

Downhill & north of Esecom

Very small apron, no protection for tap tap broken, tempermental flow No drainage, run-off collected for brick making Health hazard

1000 46.82 1000 46.28 1000 46.55 0.02 l/s Flow 1.29 l/min

1 2

650 9.62 600 6.48 625 8.05 0.08 l/s 4.66 l/min

1 2

1000 1000 1000

1 2 3

580 14.68 550 13.03 500 12.27 543 13.33 0.04 l/s 2.45 l/min

1 2 3

450 13.49 470 12.22 450 11.72 457 12.48 0.04 l/s 2.20 l/min


Adequate drainage, though erosion towards, discharge point. low flow, for many students apron needs to be wider

Locked and unaccessible no leaks visible from exterior three exit pipes 1 to village centre T2,3, 4 and 5 2 to T8 and clinic 3 to parish

1 2


0.05 l/s 3.18 l/min


0.22 l/s 13.40 l/min

Reservoir 3

Downhill of T8, north of Esecom

Unused, currently being refurbished for use with new source.



At T junction for clinic

Leaking and exposed T junction for clinic Pipe not buried deep enough


Clinic Taps

Clinic: Maternity Ward Aids Clinic

None of these taps had flow were told flow in afternoons Private Taps


Nurses Tap

Nurses Quarters

Flow too low to measure (<0.01 l/s) Flow increases in afternoon public tap, esposed service pipe may get damaged, metal pipe drainage from sink poor, uses storm drain channel.


Multi Faucet Stand

Nrth junction of Disconnected and unused Esecom road and Good design, but no effective drainage Main road

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Flow into Parish Tower 0.17 0.05

1 2 3 Flow


18.93 18.77 18.85

1000 17.58 1000 18.4 1000 19.06 1000 18.35 0.05 l/s Flow 3.27 l/min


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South of Primary Major leak from failed Repaired joint School Primary children play in water and pooled to collect for brick making. Unsure if water is drunk by children Parish line leak


Primary School Tap

North adjacent to Cut off, unused for sometime. Unsure which Primary School line connected to - possibly College line Standard Muramba design. Poor drainage


Storage Area Tap

Vocational School Tap broken, water accessed by unscrewing Storage Area tap, drainage good, but apron cracked fed by return line from parish no accessible to public


Vocational School Tap

North of VS by Wood Store

Cut-off due to failed tap. No apron, no drainage No protection to tap adjacent to kindergarten


Parish Tap 1

North west East facing wal of old church

Inadequate Drainage Tap missing, leaks Lot of debis around base, high tap making it difficult to fill large containers

1 2 3 4 Flow


Pastoral Centre Tap

850 690 640 1000 795 0.35 l/s 21.15 l/min

2.29 1.88 1.79 3.06 2.26

North east corner tap present, but broken, held off with weight of courtyard inadequate drainage, standing water, health hazard.

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10.3 C: Water Testing Results Ref S01a S01b S02a S02b S03a S03b S03c S03d S04a S04b S04c S05a S05b S05c S06a S06b S06c S07a S07b S07c S08a S09a S09b S09c S10a S11a S11b S12a S12b S12c S12d S12e

Sample Entry Junction Box (J01) Entry Junction Box (J01) Reservoir 1 (R01) Reservoir 1 (R01) Village Tap 1 (T01) Village Tap 1 (T01) Jerry-can (from 3) Village Tap 1 (T01) Sector Tap (T04) Sector Tap (T04) Sector Tap (T04) Carpentry Guild Tap (T05) Carpentry Guild Tap (T05) Carpentry Guild Tap (T05) Esecom Tap (T06 or T07) Esecom Tap 2 (T07) Esecom Tap 2 (T07) Pre-Esecom Tap (T08) Pre-Esecom Tap (T08) Pre-Esecom Tap (T08) Village Tap Stand 2 (T02) Nurse's Tap (T10) Nurse's Tap (T10) Nurse's Tap (T10) - Dripping AIDs Clinic Tap Voc. School drain behind adm. Building Voc. School drain behind adm. Building Parish kitchen courtyard tap w/hose Jerry-can (water from kitchen courtyard tap w/hose) Jerry-can from parish kitchen courtyard tap Parish kitchen courtyard tap Parish kitchen courtyard tap

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Date collected 20-Jul 23-Jul 20-Jul 23-Jul 20-Jul 23-Jul 23-Jul 30-Jul 20-Jul 23-Jul 30-Jul 20-Jul 23-Jul 30-Jul 20-Jul 23-Jul 30-Jul 18-Jul 20-Jul 23-Jul 30-Jul 18-Jul 30-Jul 01-Aug 01-Aug 30-Jul 01-Aug 20-Jul 20-Jul 30-Jul 30-Jul 01-Aug

Time 24 hr Colilert test 24 hr Petrifilm collected ONPG (yellow) MUG (UV) # red w/bubbles # blue w/bubbles + 11:00 0 0 + 4 0 + 2 0 0 0 0 0 + 0 0 0 0 + 4 0 0 0 + 1 0 0 0 + + 14:00 1 0 1 0 + + + + + + 17:00 1 0 17:00 2 0 212 3 + + -

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10.4 D: Site Assessment Sketches Esecom school

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Primary school

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College & convent

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10.5 E: English-Kinyarwanda Field Dictionary

English – Kinyarwanda Field Dictionary

General Vocabulary airplane any

indege bicye

bag banana banana banana tree beans

igikapu umuneke umuneke incina nbishyimbo

beer big boiling bottle boy

inzoga kubyibuha aratogota ichupa umuhungu

boy, child boys bring bring briquette

umwana abahunga zana zana amakara











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clean water

amazi meza

cold (weather)


come come conundrum corn

gueno gueno iki bazomenawutwe ichegore

cut in skin damp dirt

gutena icyondo umucucu, ubutaka

doctor down

umuganga hasi





finished, done








flower flower food

indabu indabo ibiryo (ibyo kurya)



girl girlfriend give me

umukobwa umusore ima

give me glass go

ima ikirahuri gando



go to school

jya ku ishuri





here highway hill

hano umuhanda agasozi

hot house lake leaves lightning

igishushye inzu ikiyaga amabovi umurabyo













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sawa (swahili)









pen pens person plant quartz

ikaramu amakaramu abantu gutera amasarabwayi



river rock rock(s) roof root/yam to eat saw dust school

uruzi urutare (ama) ibuye urusenje amateke umucucu, imbarizo amashali





sit down sit down small small road soap soil solar cooker sugar cane sugarcane sun sun

ichara ichara kumanuka inzira isabune uburaka guteka ku zuba igisheke ; agacantegane igisheke izuba izuba





to be

ku tuwa; kuba

to build to buy to eat to grab to have to listen to put down to put slowly to see to throw tomorrow tree up

kubaka kugura kurya gufata kugira kumva kurambikahasi kurambikabuhoro kureba kuritera ejo hazaza avoka muka

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very far very far wash water

effiriya ipfiriya koga amazi

wind without fire woman wood wood shaving yesterday

umuyaga nta muriro mubyeyi (umugore) urubaho ibishanino ejo hashize

Questions Do you have [object]? Do you speak English?

ufite [object] uvuga icyongereza

do you think this

uti gutekerezako

I live -

hi muri -

is broken?


understand ?


What is that object? Where are [objects] where are we going? where are you going? where do you live? Where is [object]

kiriya bakita iki? [object] biri he (he) tugiye he? ugiye he? iwanyu mi hehe? kiri he (he)

Where is [person]

ari he (he)



Greetings / Closing hello [ my friend]

muraho [nSHOOti]

hello (informal) good night good morning good afternoon good night

bi-te murote imana (dream of god) mwaramutse mwiriwe maramuke

good bye welcome thank you

murabeho murakaza neza murakoze

thanks a lot

murakose chia-neh

you're welcome


excuse me




what is your name?


my name is

jyewe ni-twa (your name)

how is your

murugo muraho

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family/home how are you? very well

amakuru ; Bi-te-se Ni me -za

it's good

Ni byiza

Common Conversation yes no

yego oya

maybe we hope to clean the water


we have done something it's not my decision we give ' ' to the church this tool is not good please move away! I would like to buy It has been wonderful to meet you

turizera (kwizera) gusukura amazi amwakoze akozi keze nice siwo miwanzuro wanjye Twahaye 'amafanga' kiriziya iki gikoresho si cyiza mwigireyo nshaka kugura nishimiye kubonana nawe nashimye ubwenge bwawe,

I admire your skill we are finished


I'm tired

da naniwe

I go to work


I don't hear (you) ~ understand

Ntabwo nKWUMva

Please repeat My Kinyarwanda is very poor

God bless you

Subira-mo mumbabarira Ikinyarwanda cyanjye ntabwo ari kiza Imana igufa - she

Good cook

Uzi gu - teka

I admire your skill let's go

ubejenge bgawe tu gende

Come see


Correct/It’s right

nibyo [nipyo]

Ndi Kumva





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ntaho [silent t]

Thank you very much


We go together we are friends you are my friend I love you

turajyana uri nshooti ange uri ishooti yanye nda gukunda

I'm tired peace be with you God accompany you dream of God

ndananiwe mugire amahoro imana iguhilekeze murote imana

Numbers zero






three four five six seven eight nine ten

gatatu kane gatanu gatandatu karimdwi umunani icyenda icumi

Tools/Directions below (elevation)


brick broken

itafari yamenye













hoe inside level

isuka imbere inivo







oil outside over there pencil plant

amavuta inyuma haraguru imyenzi



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pipe wrench




plane rope

imbazo ikamba

sack saw

umufuka icyuma [ichuma]

scribe shovel slowly

agacanegane igitiyo buharo

small brick special stone stone

ikinombari nigitangaza ibuye ibuye



tape measure


tile to break to compact

iteguru kumena gikomeye

to dig


triangle trowel

mandeshatu umwiko



water I want you want

amazi n shaka u shaka

they want we want

ba shaka du shaka

Body Parts / Accessories arm amawoko belt
















finger fingers hair hand head

inboki urutoki umusatzi ichiganza amotwe

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leg mouth

amaguru omunwa





necklace nose

ijasi; ishapure izuru

shirt shoes

umupiya, ishanti imkueto [imwhito]

skirt teeth tongue

jupe amanyo orimi



Days of the Week Sunday


Monday Tuesday

Kuwambere Kuwakabili





Friday Saturday

Kuwagatanu Kuwagatandatu

Simple Dialog You: Amakuru

how are you?

Other: Ni-meza Other: Namwe

very well And you?

You:Muraho Other: Mwiriwe-ho

hello greetings / good day

You: Ufite ikaramu

(Do you have a pen?)

Other: Yego. Mfite ikaramu

(Yes, I have a pen)

Other Phrases

no problem

Nta kibazo [nachebazo] tuzabo nana ejo

we will see you tomorrow we have chaos

dufite umuvundo

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they have choas do not listen that's life who is calling me? are not here there is order to go up to go down let us go up let us go down I'm here how much does it cost? what time is it?

bafite umuvundo intabwo wumvishije nibwo buzima ninde umpamagaye ariko ntarihaho hari gahunda kuzamuka kuma nuka leka kudja muka leka tuma nuka ndahari amafaranga angahe ni singahe?; ni ryari

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10.6 F: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Articles from Summer, 2005 Trip

A way to save trees, and improve villagers' lives UW students hope briquettes can become a sustainable fuel By SUSANNE QUICK [email protected] Posted: Sept. 17, 2005 Muramba, Rwanda - The classroom was packed. There were at least 75 students crammed into the small room, with about 100 standing outside, draping their arms through the windows' metal bars, peering over each other's heads, all trying to catch a glimpse of the spectacle within: two Americans playing charades. Evan Parks and Ryan Wilson, two engineering undergraduates from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, flew to Muramba earlier this summer to bring this village a new but simple technology to convert garbage into fuel for heating and cooking. To get their project going, the engineers needed to enlist help from the town's vocational school. They needed equipment and manpower to build a press that would convert the garbage into compact, burnable briquettes. The school agreed to help, but it soon became clear that the task was more formidable than anybody had anticipated. The Americans spoke English, the students spoke Kinyarwanda. And while each party knew a smattering of the other's language, there was no way a lecture format was going to work. So, Parks and Wilson turned to pantomime: chopping, sawing and hacking at the air, as the students called out the Kinyarwanda names of tools they guessed the engineers were imitating. Luckily, the project's essentials didn't need too much in the way of language. The core lay in diagrammatic sketches and numerical dimensions for the press parts. And, according to Wilson, a 23-year old from Mendota Heights. Minn., "numbers cross all borders." The Rwandans sketched the designs in their notebooks. The next morning, they met the two Americans at the school's outdoor shop, this time ready to cut and hammer for real. Rwanda is a nation nearly devoid of trees. One of the most densely populated countries in Africa, with roughly 834 people per square mile, Rwanda has little land that hasn't been cultivated. And despite a new law that makes it illegal to harvest trees, the days are numbered for the few remaining stands of eucalyptus and cypress. People here need wood for fuel. If they can't get it legally, they'll steal it. Parks and Wilson believe this technology can prevent crime by offering Rwandans an alternative fuel source. It's an idea they borrowed from the Legacy Foundation, an Oregon-based organization that promotes human development and environmental sustainability via technology. And they hope that in so doing, they can bring a sustainable form of fuel to this rural community; a technology that would not only provide an alternative to wood, but possibly a small income for this impoverished community.

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Tricky business Parks and Wilson arrived in Muramba after having spent three sleepless days traveling. Yet, despite their bleary eyes, they were up at 6 the next morning, itching to get things rolling. As they walked along Muramba's main road, Wilson and Parks scanned the ground for good garbage. It wasn't long before Wilson pointed to some ground-litter in a nearby banana grove and said "awesome." Smiling at Parks he made a beeline off the path. A group of women and children passing by stopped to gawk as Wilson darted around, snatching up dried and rotting leaves. "These'll work great," he called to Parks, a 23-year old engineering student from Slinger, as he jogged back to the path. The two proceeded up the road, nodding at the curious crowd gathering around them, as they discussed the ideal recipe for a briquette. What would burn most efficiently, they wondered, banana with sawdust or eucalyptus with paper? And which ingredients would burn the hottest with the least smoke? Before arriving in Muramba, Parks, Wilson and about a dozen other students from UW had experimented with the briquettes in Madison. They wanted to make sure it worked before they shipped it overseas. They discovered it was tricky business. The briquettes wouldn't burn, or if they did, they'd produce enormous amounts of smoke. "We didn't have the right composition of compost," said Wilson. They assumed the situation would be rectified in Muramba, where they could easily access the "right" ingredients - banana tree leaves, sugar cane and dead eucalyptus. They were wrong: The briquettes haven't burned as well as expected. But the students haven't lost hope. "We don't know what makes for a briquette that holds together well, is easy to make and burns well," said Peter Bosscher, a civil engineering professor at UW and the students' adviser. "We think we have lots of sugar cane leaves available, but they need to be chopped into smaller pieces." So, they now plan to build a bicycle-powered chopping machine to help shred these coarse leaves. They will also look into something they call "smokeless" stoves that will burn the briquettes efficiently. They hope the town will hold onto the presses - and not burn the wood for fuel - so they can try again next year.

Beyond help in Rwanda Geography puts AIDS treatment just out of reach for most By SUSANNE QUICK [email protected] Last Updated: Sep. 18, 2005

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Shyira, Rwanda - At the age of 15, Good News weighed 50 pounds. Just four months ago, his bones were held together only by the thin envelope of his bruised and fungus-infected brown skin. He was dying of a disease that many Rwandans consider their new genocide: AIDS. Ten miles away, in Muramba, another young boy, named Evariste, suffered from the same disease. Living with his 14-year-old brother in his dead parents' home, this 7-year-old was too sick to make the half-mile walk to town for food. He relies on his brother and social worker Caritas Nirere to help him.

Brothers Pascal Bazimaziki, 14, (left) and Evariste Ishimwe, 7, are AIDS orphans. Evariste has AIDS but doesn't have access to treatment. "His bones are too weak" for him to walk, said Nirere, who lives in Muramba. She predicted that he wouldn't live another year.

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The comforts of home are few for AIDS orphans Pascal Bazimaziki, 14, and Evariste Ishimwe, 7. But while the two boys suffer from the same disease, their fates couldn't be more disparate: Good News is getting better; Evariste continues to decline. The difference: geography. Good News lives close to Caleb King, a Harvard-trained pediatrician who opened a clinic in Shyira, Rwanda, in 2003. King's clinic is funded in part by President Bush's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief in Africa, as well as by the Global Fund and Eastbrook Church in Glendale. Good News was in the right place at the right time. After three months of treatment with antiretroviral drugs, he now weighs 110 pounds and ranks sixth in his fourth-grade class of 47 students. "He's gone from looking like a corpse at 23 kilograms to now looking almost fat," King said with a smile.

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Harvard-trained pediatrician Caleb King reaches out to help in the Rwandan village of Shyira. Louise King, Caleb’s wife, also is a doctor in the town. But for Evariste, King and his drugs are out of reach. And while King can stand in the front yard of his hilltop home and point to Muramba's church, the young orphan is not going to get those drugs. The road from Muramba to Shyira is not paved. It is rutted, potholed and treacherous. Evariste doesn't have the energy to walk the half-mile to town for food, much less the 10 miles to Shyira. He doesn't have the money to hire someone to carry him or take him by motorbike - the only way to make it down this road. So Evariste is doomed. As are the 97 other orphaned, HIV-positive children in Muramba. "If someone could get them here, we could treat them," said King, who offers the drugs to anyone who comes to him in need. But, at the moment, the orphans and many other sick people in Muramba are stranded.

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Physicians Caleb and Louise King have rebuilt the hospital in Shyira, Rwanda, where they operate an AIDS clinic partially funded by Eastbrook Church in Glendale. According to the World Health Organization, as of December 2004, while between 6,000 and 7,000 people in Rwanda were receiving treatment for AIDS, there were 39,000 who needed it.

'Land of a thousand problems' "They call Rwanda the land of a thousand hills," said Father Musinguzi John Bosco, Muramba's parish priest. "But, really, it should be known as the land of a thousand problems." He said that even if the church could pay to get Evariste to Shyira for an initial visit, it wouldn't be able to cover the cost of transporting him for follow-up visits. According to King, patients need to make three educational visits before they can start the drugs. After that, they're required to come to Shyira once a week for two weeks, and then once a month, indefinitely.

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Caleb King, carrying his daughter, Lydia, 3, is trying to find ways to make AIDS treatment available to all Rwandans. The topography and broken-down infrastructure of this war-torn, brutalized Central African country can make traveling 10 miles seem more like a million. But King and Bosco hope to change this. They've asked the University of Wisconsin-Madison chapter of Engineers Without Borders to build a road. However, that might not be possible, according to Peter Bosscher, a UW civil engineering professor and a board member of the engineering group. The cost of such a project is more than his small organization can handle. Bosscher thinks a church- sponsored house in Shyira, where patients can stay as they start treatment, makes more sense. But a house would not fall under the mandate of Bosscher's group, which focuses on infrastructure projects. Bosco doesn't have the resources to build one. King is toying with the idea of a dirigible ambulance: a blimp that could fly from hilltop to hilltop. "Wouldn't that be great?" he asked. "I mean, there's very little wind here," which would make a blimp a more feasible mode of transportation than driving a vehicle over the dangerous roads.

Transforming a village And while his idea of a benevolent blimp bobbing from mountain to mountain might sound a bit outlandish, it really isn't for King. Since he arrived in Shyira - first for a visit in 2001, then permanently in 2003 - he has turned this town upside down. With help from family, churches and other charitable organizations, King and his wife, Louise - another Harvard-trained physician - have rebuilt the village's war-destroyed hospital, built a new maternity ward and added an AIDS clinic.

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They have housed, with help from Eastbrook Church, one of the few African residency programs on the continent. And they have been on the receiving end of the President's Emergency Fund for AIDS, which has provided their medical district with $150,000 worth of testing equipment and medication. But that's just the beginning. Caleb King, who spent part of his childhood in Madison, has also designed and constructed a biogas generator for the home he and his wife share with their four children. It turns the family's sewage into energy that runs their stove. And he's planning to build a larger hospital that includes a cafeteria - something almost unheard of in a remote African hospital. But even for someone as creative, innovative and daring as King, the challenge of how to get thousands of sick people to his facility remains. King estimates that 5% of the patients he sees for routine vaccinations, fungal infections and fevers have AIDS. And while he can offer hope to these people, it's others, like Evariste, who can't be helped. Until the roads are built or the dirigible flies, thousands will die, just out of reach.

Bringing water to Rwanda UW team works to ease town's thirst By SUSANNE QUICK [email protected] Last Updated: Sep. 17, 2005 Muramba, Rwanda - As a steady flow of women and children carrying empty straw satchels and jerrycans made their way down the mountain road to the market below, a smaller, more determined stream worked its way up against the current. Carrying hoes, picks, shovels and machetes, these women - many with infants swaddled to their backs - were headed toward a potato field where Peter Bosscher, a civil engineering professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, was waiting. It was here, he had told them, that they'd find a new source of water. So, up the hill they came. Nearly 100 women and a handful of men volunteered their time and muscle to dig a trench: a three-mile-long dirt rivulet that, by the end of summer, would cradle PVC pipes designed to bring spring water to their doors. Invited to Muramba by Father Musinguzi John Bosco, the town's Ugandan-born priest, Bosscher and nine undergraduates from the UW chapter of Engineers Without Borders-USA went to Muramba this summer to help develop a water system that will bring desperately needed hydration to this rugged mountain town of more than 30,000. They came to a country struggling to rebuild itself after years of disastrous fighting between its two major ethnic groups, the Hutu and Tutsi; to a region that was home to Hutu hardliners who carried out the genocide of 1994; to a community that witnessed one of the most tragic stands against that hatred and madness. In April 1997, Hutu militia walked into a classroom at Muramba's St. Maria Goretti School for Girls and ordered the children to separate: Hutu on one side, Tutsi on the other. The girls refused to divide, and all were gunned down, Hutu and Tutsi together, their blood blending as it spilled.

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Their unassuming and modest hillside graves are marked by two white wooden crosses, one for the 17 girls, the other for their Belgian-born headmistress. It was by these crosses that Bosscher and his students worked, bringing water to a place stained by blood. Muramba is so remote that if there are places in Rwanda that could be called "the sticks," Muramba, despite its population, would be considered the twigs. The one road that leads to Muramba isn't paved. There are no phone lines. And except for the local church and secondary school, which both have their own gas- and solar-powered generators, there is no electricity. But it is water that people need most. A few taps exist: in the market, the church, and the schools. But they aren't dependable. And it isn't at all uncommon to see a parade of uniformed schoolgirls - wearing khaki or navy blue skirts with white shirts working their way up the road from their school to the church, balancing five-gallon cans on their heads, in hopes that the water that wasn't making it to their taps might be found on higher, and holier, ground.

Students from St. Maria Goretti School in Muramba make their way back to school after attending morning Mass. The school was the scene of a massacre during the country’s genocide in the 1990s, when Hutu rebels killed both Tutsis and the Hutu students who disobeyed an order to separate. "Sometimes, if we're using the water up here, the taps dry up down there," said Bosco, shaking his head. The new water source, identified by Bosscher and a different team of students last summer, promises to bring the town twice its current flow, enabling the community to establish more taps.

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In order to get the water flowing - and the three miles of pipes laid down - Bosscher and his students would have to motivate hundreds of people to volunteer their time and energy; a formidable task considering the degree of hunger and poverty. With what seems an almost burdensome sense of civic responsibility, Bosscher, 51, a mountain-climbing, Scripture-quoting Calvinist, has thrown himself into this project with a rapturous zeal rivaled only by his commitment to educate and guide his students into becoming responsible and ethical engineers. For years, he had encouraged his students to join the Peace Corps. But in the late 1990s and early 2000s, he noticed that many were returning deflated. "They'd come home saying that their engineering skills and talents hadn't been used," he said. "That didn't seem right." So, he went searching for an organization that was similar to the Peace Corps, but more engineering-oriented. He found the Web site of Engineers Without Borders-USA, a non-profit organization started in 2001, and gave them a call to find out more. Checking the Web site a few days later, he discovered there was an active UW-Madison chapter - but no contact number or name. "I thought I had just missed it the last time I checked," he said. "So, I called them again to find out who I should contact about that UW group. They then told me it was me. We both laughed." Motivated, instead of piqued, by the organization's presumptuous move, he organized a student meeting during the spring of 2003. Today, the Madison chapter has more than 100 members and Bosscher is now a board member. For Bosscher, the organization's mission - to help disadvantaged communities improve their quality of life via sustainable engineering projects - was like a religious calling. And his work in partnership with young engineering students to bring water to Muramba was the fulfillment of a dream.

The challenge begins The first team of engineers arrived in Kigali on July 4, Independence Day in Rwanda as well as the United States. A second team, with six students, would come a few weeks later. Having traveled for more than 50 hours, the three sleepy students and Bosscher stumbled out of the plane, where they were greeted by Bosco and Peter Muligo, a friend of Bosscher's and the maintenance foreman at the U.S. Agency for International Development in Rwanda. They piled into two trucks, and for the next 2 1/2 hours, motored up and down paved mountain roads, passing fields of sorghum, banana and sweet potato. Despite being located two degrees south of the equator, Rwanda, a country roughly the size of Maryland, is surprisingly cool and dry. With an average elevation of about 4,800 feet in the east and closer to 7,000 feet in the west, the temperature rarely exceeds 75 degrees. And because it is one of the poorest, most densely populated countries in Africa (at 834 people per square mile, it's nine times more dense than Wisconsin), every last inch of usable land is cultivated. This makes Rwanda look more like the Scottish Highlands than a typical, forested Central African nation. As the trucks motored along, children rushed out yelling, "Amuzungus!"

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"That means white people with deep pockets," said Bosco, swerving his car a little to discourage the dozens of little hands reaching for the rear bumper of his truck. The children laughed at the NASCAR-like maneuverings of the priest at the wheel - "a regular Jehu," remarked Bosscher, referring to a biblical character noted for his crazy chariot driving - and the faces they have begun to associate with money, development and hope. Since the 1994 genocide, Rwanda has received from $200 million to $300 million per year in foreign aid.

Rwandan children greet a truck carrying members of Engineers Without Borders-USA from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. The UW students and their professor were en route to the remote but densely populated village of Muramba to help establish reliable sources of water and fuel. But the Amuzungu presence in the northwestern part of the country, particularly in the provinces of Gisenyi and Ruhengeri, has been minimal. This became strikingly apparent as the caravan decelerated from 70 mph to 5 mph at the border of Gisenyi. Here the pavement stopped, and a rutted, pot-holed, dirt road began; a road that finally delivered the four engineers to Muramba, two hours later, and after dark. With Bosscher were Evan Parks, 23, of Slinger, Megan Bender, 21, of Prairie du Chien and Ryan Wilson, 23, of Mendota Heights, Minn. As they drove through the gates into the church complex, Bosscher inhaled deeply, and smiled: This was his fourth visit to Muramba. As adviser to both the UW and University of Colorado chapters, Bosscher has found himself on Rwandan soil frequently over the past two years.

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Peter Bosscher, a professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and adviser to Engineers Without Borders-USA, surveys the fields near a water source in Muramba, Rwanda. He's planning another visit in January - a visit he hopes will be in the company of Rwanda's president, Paul Kagame, a Tutsi. That Kagame might accompany Bosscher is a point worth noting. Muramba is in a region of Rwanda considered to be the home of Kagame's former enemies. It is populated primarily by Rwanda's majority ethnic group, the Hutu, and associated with former Rwandan president Juvenal Habyarimana, and his hard-line supporters. The tension between the Hutus and Rwanda's other major ethnic group, the Tutsis, came to a head in 1994 when Habyarimana was assassinated, unleashing a 100-day genocidal sweep of Tutsis and moderate Hutus. By the time Kagame's army, the Rwandan Patriotic Front, took control of the country and squelched the genocide, 800,000 Rwandans had been killed. If Bosscher can get Kagame to come to this region - on a mission of good faith - it will be a major coup for both Engineers Without Borders-USA and Muramba. On this visit, however, Bosscher was focusing on water, not national politics. He immediately set up a meeting with local leaders in order to build support for his project. Said Akobabamfitiye, the chief of Muramba; Innocent Kambanda, the church's technician; the college's engineer; and a translator looked over Bosscher's schematics. Kambanda had already contacted pipe dealers in Kigali and secured a price for equipment and supplies that was half of what Bosscher had budgeted. Loud whoops and claps followed that revelation. But things soon became a bit more subdued when the men started talking about labor. Who was going to dig the trench for the pipes and lay them down? While some of the work would be relatively easy - digging in soft, tilled soil - other stretches would be more difficult: digging under bedrock or in the road.

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Bosscher was adamant that no one get paid. The work should be done by an all-volunteer force, he said. That way, there would be a sense of ownership in the project. "We can't just walk in, lay down a pipe and leave," he said. "We want to make sure this project is sustainable that the project becomes yours." He also was concerned that given his limited budget, they wouldn't be able to afford a paid labor force.

A meeting of the minds So Bosco, Akobabamfitiye and Kambanda arranged a public "pep rally" to get people motivated. Three dozen people showed up, listened to the proposal and started asking questions. Will we get paid? We are poor and hungry, so why should we volunteer our precious energy and time? Why can't you do it? Evan Parks, a skinny, eager undergraduate, shook his head. Having visited Muramba in 2004, he said the response was not unexpected. "Motivating them," he said, "can be a challenge." "When you grow up in a world where your family could be slaughtered by your neighbors, and you've seen the mutilated bodies of friends and loved ones, trust can't be easy to come by," he said. "How can you be motivated about the future?" That's a question that's haunted him. But he thinks he has a solution. "If we can provide a stable infrastructure, where people can depend upon getting water" and fuel, he said, maybe then the prevailing mind-set can be shaken; and with that, a new era of hope and promise can begin. It was this belief that motivated Parks not only to return this year, but also to set a new course for his own life. Indeed, just two years ago, he had envisioned a future in which he'd build state-of-the-art landfills. Now he sees a life involved in international development. Wednesday, he left for Germany, where he'll study for a year on a Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship. In the end, Bosscher, Kambanda and Akobabamfitiye agreed to pay a handful of diggers - a small, laborintensive work force expected to take on the most physically difficult and technical work. Everybody else would have to volunteer. On the first morning of scheduled work, nearly a hundred people arrived, with tools in hands and babies on their backs. For the next five weeks, volunteers and students arrived daily to dig, side-by-side. Children ran through the potato, sorghum and cabbage fields; posing and mugging for the Madison students' cameras; laughing at the digital images displayed on the camera screens. When Bosscher, Parks and the other students left on July 18, the first phase of pipes had been laid. And by the time the second team of undergraduates left on Aug. 3, just 700 feet of piping remained to be laid. By now, a steady, strong stream of hope and water should be coursing through the streets, churches and schools of this remote, hilltop town. "As engineers, we have the ability to make people's lives easier," said Bosscher. "An engineer is someone who allows reality to happen faster or better" than it would without their help.

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Ugandan priest answers call to help ease suffering in Rwanda By SUSANNE QUICK [email protected] Last Updated: Sep. 18, 2005 Muramba, Rwanda - Since he was a boy, Musinguzi John Bosco knew he wanted to be priest. By the time he was a young man, the call was so deafening, he said, he could barely function as a typical adolescent. "I'd think, 'There's no way I can marry. It wouldn't be fair. My heart and mind would be unfaithful,' " he said laughing. It's not that he was filled with lustful or adulterous thoughts. It's just that God and the Catholic Church were his true loves.

Father Musinguzi John Bosco has sought help for the people of Muramba, Rwanda, from international aid agencies, including Engineers Without Borders. In the early 1990s, as a young seminarian in Uganda, he heard daily reports about the Hutu genocide against the Tutsis in Rwanda. The stories of the anguish, pain and horror called to him. He knew that it was in Rwanda he'd be able to serve his God and make a difference. So, in 1999, he asked his bishop for a transfer. It was granted. "Oh, dear, my family did not want me to go," he said, chuckling as he described his mother's pleas for him to stay.

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But he'd heard a story about a priest from the Rwandan diocese of Muramba who'd been killed by his congregation for asking them to not participate in the genocide. Within three months of that man's death, 34 of the 36 Muramban parish priests were killed. Bosco, now 37, felt compelled to serve the people of this community. So after he was ordained in 2000, he came to Muramba. "They were without a church for seven years," he said. "They needed someone." He was met by a community of 97,000 people scarred by war, poverty and disease. Within this community of mostly subsistence farmers, there were 3,011 orphans: 2,494 left parentless by the war, 517 orphaned by AIDS. And 97 of these children were themselves HIV-positive. Most of these children were still living in their parents' homes - parents who were buried in front of their modest mud houses with only banana trees to mark their graves. "That's life here," said Bosco. "You die, and you feed the banana trees." With no money, no food and little in the way of a stable infrastructure, Bosco reached out for help. With little help from the government, he has reached outside of Rwanda and contacted international aid agencies, such as the International Kolping Society in Germany and Engineers Without Borders in the United States. Through these organizations' help, he has built a vocational school to teach the adolescents in town useful trades such as carpentry, plumbing and construction. His invitation to Engineers Without Borders - and its University of Wisconsin-Madison student chapter - has resulted in a secure source of water for the town. They also have helped him organize a small income-generating market based on honey-farming and alternative fuel sources. These projects have not been easy. And his deeds not always recognized: His calls for help from the Rwandan government have largely gone unheeded. And he's had to counter people in his community who are threatened by what they see as Bosco's power and influence. But he's remained determined. "In order to do the works of peace and justice, one needs to be ready to face harassment and humiliation," he said. "Being a Christian is not a party," he said. "It's a mission."

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