Multiplexing And Pstn

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 3,652
  • Pages: 21

Multiplexing & Public Switched Telephone Network


Outline: ì ì ì ì ì

E303 & ISE3.2E

PCM: Bandwidth, Bandwidth Expansion Factor, output SNR and Threshold Effects. CCITT recommendations for PCM (24-channels and 30-channels) Plesiochronous digital hierarchies (PDH) Synchronous digital hierarchies (SONET/SDH) BDSL-type transmission systems

Principles of Communication Theory & Systems

Compact Lecture Notes


H(f) ^








Principles of Communication Theory & Systems

Dr A. Manikas

Compact Lecture Notes

ì PCM œ sampled quantized values of an analogue signal are transmitted via a sequence of codewords. i.e. after sampling & quantization, a Source Encoder is used to map the quantized levels (i.e. o/p of quantizer) to codewords of # bits i.e. quantized level È codeword of # bits and, then, a digital modulator is used to trasmit the bits, i.e. PCM system ì There are three popular PCM source encoders (or, in other words, Quantization-levels Encoders).  Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) source encoder  Folded BCD source encoder  Gray Code (GC) source encoder PSTN


Dr A. Manikas

Principles of Communication Theory & Systems

Compact Lecture Notes

g (inputÑ È gq ÐoutputÑ

gq (Volts) m8 m7 m6 m5

000 011 010

001 010 011

010 001 001

011 000 000

100 100 100

101 101 101


110 110 111

111 111 110

BCD code Folded BCD GRAY Code

gq : occurs at a rate Fs ÐN.B.: Fs   #.Fg Ñ

samples sec

U œ quantizer levels;

g (Volts)


,3>= #= log# aUb level

m2 m1

ì Note: codeword rate (o/p of source encoder) = quantÞ levels rate = sampling rate =J= =#J1 Å Å Å #-bit -9./A9<.= sec

levels sec

=+7:6/= sec



Principles of Communication Theory & Systems

ì bit rate: rb = # . J = Å Å

bits levels level sec

Dr A. Manikas

Compact Lecture Notes

e.g. for U œ 16 levels then rb =% .J= Å #

bits sec

Æ Æ (e.g. transmitted sequ.=101011001101 ....) Å

Ú Differential PCM (DPCM): diff. quantizers Ý Ý Ý Ý Delta Modulation: diff. quants with 2 levels +? or  ? Ý Ý Å ì versions :Û are encoded using of PCM Ý a single binary digit Ý Ý Ý (DM − DPCM) Ý Ý Ü Others



Dr A. Manikas

Principles of Communication Theory & Systems

Compact Lecture Notes

2. PCM: BANDWIDTH & " ì we transmit several digits for each quantizer's output level Ê FPCM  Fg where œ


denotes the channel bandwidth represents the message bandwidth

ì PCM Bandwidth baseband bandwidth: FPCM  

channel symbol rate 2

bandpass bandwidth: FPCM  

channel symbol rate 2

Hz ‚ 2 Hz

ì Note that, by default, the Lower bound of the 'baseband' bandwidth is assumed and used in this course ì bandwidth expansion factor œ " œ

channel bandwidth message bandwidth



Dr A. Manikas

Principles of Communication Theory & Systems

Compact Lecture Notes

ì Example - Binary PCM FPCM œ

channel symbol rate


FPCM œ # J1 Ê




bit rate



#J= #

œ # J1 Hz Ê FPCM œ # J1 Å log# U

œ#Ê "œ#


Dr A. Manikas

Principles of Communication Theory & Systems

Compact Lecture Notes

3. NOISE EFFECTS in a binary PCM ì It can be proved that the Signal-to-Noise Ratio at the output of a binary Pulse Code Modulation (PCM) system, which employs a BCD encoder/decoder and operates in the presence of noise, is given by the following expression X e g! Ð>Ñ# f 2## SNRout = X en Ð>Ñ# fX en Ð>Ñ# f = .2## ! q!

where pe =f(type of digital modulator) œ pe =TÈÐ"  3Ñ.EUEŸ e.g. if the digital modulator is a PSK-mod. then pe =TÈ#.EUEŸ



Dr A. Manikas

Principles of Communication Theory & Systems

Compact Lecture Notes

3.1. THRESHOLD EFFECTS in a binary PCM

2# # ì We have seen that: SNRout = .2## ì Let us examine the following two cases: SNR38 =high and SNR38 =low i) SNRin =HIGH

ii) SNRin =LOW

SNRin =high Ê pe =small

SNRin =low Ê pe =large

Ê " .### ¶ " Ê SNRout ¶ ###

Ê " .### ¶ .###

Ê SNRout ¶ 6# dB


Ê SNRout ¶



Dr A. Manikas

Principles of Communication Theory & Systems

Compact Lecture Notes

ì THRESHOLD POINT- definition: Threshold point is arbitrarily defined ## as the SNRin at which the SNRout (i.e. 1+4.2pe .2## ) falls 1dB below the maximum SNRout (i.e. 1dB below the value 2## ). ì By using the above definition it can be shown (...for you ...) that the threshold point occurs when

pe = "'."### where # is the number of bits per level.

? 10 ?


Dr A. Manikas

Principles of Communication Theory & Systems

Compact Lecture Notes

SNRout (dB) γ=8


γ=7 γ=6 γ=5 SNRin,threshold for γ=8

6dB 6dB 6dB

SNRin (dB)

3.2. COMMENTS on THRESHOLD EFFECTS ì The onset of threshold in PCM will result in a sudden Å in the output noise power. ì P = Å Ê SNR38 = Å Ê SNRout reaches 6# dB and becomes independent of P ... above threshold: increasing signal power Ê no further improvement in SNRout ì The limiting value of SNRout depends only on the number of bits # per quantization levels




? 11 ?

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Principles of Communication Theory & Systems

Compact Lecture Notes

4. INTRODUCTION to TELEPHONE NETWORK subscriber-A: 1784-382384

subscriber-B:20759 46266

Junction box (network Termination)

Junction box (network Termination)


Twisted coper pair

Twisted coper pair

Note that, as calls are routed through the PSTN, they will be routed (multiplexed) through a hierarchy of switching centers ? 12 ?


Dr A. Manikas

Principles of Communication Theory & Systems

Compact Lecture Notes

Regional Center - Class 1 … … Sectional Center - Class 2 …

Primary Center - Class 3 …

… Toll Center - Class 4

… Local Loop

End Office - Class 5 …


PSTN ? 13 ?

Local Loop

… Dr A. Manikas

Principles of Communication Theory & Systems

Compact Lecture Notes

ì 1960 British Post Office (BPO) (currently BT) had established a 24-ch PCM system with objective the system to be available in 1968. Some of this work become the basis to the formation of a number of CCITT recommendations. ì In Europe, the original 24-ch PCM systems, which were designed mainly for up to 32Km transmission routes, have been replaced by 30-ch PCM systems.


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Principles of Communication Theory & Systems

Dr A. Manikas

Compact Lecture Notes

ì There are two different CCITT recommendations for PCM. The main differences between these two recommendations are shown in the following table: PCM CCITT RECOMMENDATIONS 1st Recommentation 2nd Recommentation Package Size 24-channels 30-channels Encoding Law .-law E-law .=255 (but they use .=100), E=)(Þ' bits bits bits # =7 56 samples ; # =8 samples # =8 samples FrameFA-signal is distributed FA-word is placed Alignment amongst several frames into a separate slot (TS0) Signalling information is Signalling information Signalling conveyed within each for all 30-channels Strategies speech-time-slot encoded and conveyed in a separate 8-bit TS (TS-16) PSTN

? 15 ?

Dr A. Manikas

Principles of Communication Theory & Systems

Compact Lecture Notes

That is, 1st CCITT rec. (24-channels PCM) Ts=1/Fs=125µsec TS1 TS2








8 bits 8 bits 8 bits 8 bits

8 bits

1 193 bits bit = X=

Frame Alignment

1/6 bits Signaling Information 2nd CCITT rec. (30-channels PCM) Ts=1/Fs=125µsec TS0 TS1 8 bits





8 bits 8 bits 8 bits

TS15 TS16 TS17


8 bits



30 = 256 bits X=

8 bits

Signaling Information

Frame Alignment

[4bits kth user + 4bits (k+15)th user] 1 Ÿ k Ÿ 15 ? 16 ?


Principles of Communication Theory & Systems

Dr A. Manikas

Compact Lecture Notes

ì Note: ˆ A-law=better than .-law (cheaper to produce and easy equipment maintenance, smaller quantization error in particular within the most significant part of the dynamic range). ˆ in 24-ch PCM the signalling information is conveyed within each speech time-slot (technique known as bit stealing). Result: a slight reduction in speech-coding performance.


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Dr A. Manikas

Principles of Communication Theory & Systems

Compact Lecture Notes

Single-Channel Path of 2nd CCITT rec. (30-channels PCM)

Message signal bandwidth Fg=4kHz

3rd user (say)

HDB3 Line Codee

Uniform quantizer Q=28

A-law A=87.6


γ=8 level Gray Code


Sampling Frequency Fs=8kHz



Ts=1/Fs=125µsec TS0 TS1

Bit rate=γ.Fs i.e. rb=64kbits/s

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Principles of Communication Theory & Systems

8 bits





8 bits 8 bits 8 bits

Frame Alignment

TS15 TS16 TS17


8 bits



30 8 bits

Signaling Information

Dr A. Manikas

Compact Lecture Notes

Implementation of 2nd PCM CCITT RECOMM. (First Level Mltplx )


? 19 ?

Dr A. Manikas

Principles of Communication Theory & Systems

Compact Lecture Notes

FDM Hierarchy CCITT recommendations


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Principles of Communication Theory & Systems

Dr A. Manikas

Compact Lecture Notes

ì Based on the 24-channels amd 30-channels PCM CCITT recommendations (primary multiplex groups) the core telephone network evolved from using Frequency Division Multiplex (FDM) technology to digital transmission and switching ì These two PCM CCITT recommendations have led to two PDH (Plesiochronous digital hierarchies) CCITT reccommendations for assembling the TDM telephony data streams from different calls. ì Plesiochronous means: "almost synchronous because bits are stuffed into the frames as padding and the calls location varies slightly - jitters - from frame to frame"


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Dr A. Manikas

Principles of Communication Theory & Systems

Compact Lecture Notes

PDH Hierarchy American DS-B

European CEPT-B



64 kbits/s


64 kbits/s



1,544 kbits/s


2,048 kbits/s



6,312 kbits/s


8,448 kbits/s



44,736 kbits/s

CEPT-3 34,368 kbits/s


DS-4 274,176 kbits/s

CEPT-4 139,264 kbits/s

Hierarchical Level



CEPT-5 565,148 kbits/s

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Principles of Communication Theory & Systems

Dr A. Manikas

Compact Lecture Notes

ì The 24-channel PDH TDM CCITT recommendation (DS-x)

ì The 30-channel PDH TDM CCITT recommendations (CEPT-x)


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Dr A. Manikas

Principles of Communication Theory & Systems

Compact Lecture Notes

Main disadvantage of PDH Networks ì PDH multiplexing was designed for point-to-point communications and channels cannot be added to, or extracted from, a higher multiplexing level demultiplexing down and then multiplexing up again, throught the entire PDH ì For instance, to isolate a particular call from DS4, say, it must be demultiplexed to DS1. ì i.e. this is a very complex procedure and needs very expensive equipment at every exchange to demultiplex and multiplex high speed lines ì American & European Telephone Systems are incompatible (therefore very expensive equipment required to translate one format to the other for transatlantic traffic ) ì Solution: SONET/SDH Signal Hierarchy PSTN

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Principles of Communication Theory & Systems

Dr A. Manikas

Compact Lecture Notes

SDH (Synchronous Digital Hierarchy) ì The tranditional PDH standards are based on the DS (USA) and CEPT (Europe) PCM systems (24-channels and 30-channels PCM CCITT recommendation) ì PDH hierarchy is almost synchronous (extra bits are inserted into the digital signal stream to bring them to a common rate. ì In 1988 SDH (Synchronous Digital Hierarchy) was adopted by ITU and ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Instritute) based on SONET (synchronous optical Networks) ì SDH signals have a common external timing i.e. SDH is synchronous


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Principles of Communication Theory & Systems

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ì The SDH standards used in Europe are STM-1 which provides 155 Mbits/sec STM-2 which provides 310 Mbits/sec STM-3 which provides 465 Mbits/sec STM-4 which provides 620 Mbits/sec etc (increments of 155 Mbits/sec ) ì The most important main standards are STM-1, STM-4 and STM-16. These are commercially available

? 26 ?


Dr A. Manikas

Principles of Communication Theory & Systems

Compact Lecture Notes

SONET/SDH Hierarchy Hierarchical







STS-3 œ 3 ‚ DS-3

STM-1 œ " ‚ CEPT-%


STS-12 œ 12 ‚ DS-3

STM-4 œ % ‚ CEPT-4


STS-48 œ 48 ‚ DS-3

STM-16 œ "' ‚ CEPT-%

Key Advantages ì it is simple to add and drop channels to meet customer requirements ì more bandwidth is available for network management ì equipment is smaller and cheaper ì network flexibility ì integrate and manage various types of traffic on a single fiber. PSTN

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Dr A. Manikas

Principles of Communication Theory & Systems

Compact Lecture Notes

CORE Networks

Access Networks

PDH Nets SDH Nets Mobile Nets ATM Nets IP Nets Inteligent Networks etc. Network Gateways

POTS xDSL 2G 3G B-ISDN bluetooth ethernet GUI etc.

CORE Network No.2

Access Network No.1

Access Networks POTS xDSL 2G 3G B-ISDN bluetooth ethernet GUI etc.

Gateway Interface

CORE Network No.1

CORE Network No.3

Access Network No.3

? 28 ?


Dr A. Manikas

Principles of Communication Theory & Systems

Compact Lecture Notes

5. xDSL-type Transmission Systems INTERNET



To a POTS line Card LOCAL EXCHANGE (or a street-cabinet)

POTS Network (Narrowband Network)

LOCAL EXCHANGE (or a street-cabinet)

LOCAL EXCHANGE (or a street-cabinet) To a POTS line Card PSTN

? 29 ?

Dr A. Manikas

Principles of Communication Theory & Systems

Compact Lecture Notes

INTERNET xDSL Spliter filter

g. E.



Broadband Network Spliter filter


POTS Network (Narrowband Network)

LOCAL EXCHANGE (or a street-cabinet)

POTS Line-card

LOCAL EXCHANGE (or a street-cabinet) To a POTS line Card ? 30 ?


Dr A. Manikas

Principles of Communication Theory & Systems

Compact Lecture Notes

Frequency spectrum Upstream Downstream


ADSL Spectrum

Downstream 640kb/s 8Mb/s In practice








In practice


f (Hz)




VDSL Spectrum





14 Mb/s

-10M,-30M PSTN






3 Mb/s

f 4k

-4k ? 31 ?


3.56M 3.94M

10M-30M Dr A. Manikas

Principles of Communication Theory & Systems

Compact Lecture Notes

Examples of Bit-rate Requirements for Various Applications ì In the following table the first number (bit-rate) indicates the minimum satisfactory rate for some RESIDENTIAL users, and the second number indicates the rate that will satisfy nearly all RESIDENTIAL users. Application

Downstream Bit Rate (bit/s)

Upstream Bit (bits/s)

Voice telephony Internet, online service access email High definition TV Broadcast video Movies on demand Music on demand Video phone Distance learning Shop Home Video Games

16k - 64k 14k - 3M 9k - 128k 12M - 24M 1.5M - 6M 1.5M - 6M 384k - 1.5M 128k - 1.5M 384k - 3M 128k - 1.5M 64k - 1.5M

16k - 64k 14k - 384k 9k - 64k 9k 9k 128k - 1.5M 128k - 3M 9k - 64k 64k - 1.5M


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Principles of Communication Theory & Systems

Dr A. Manikas

Compact Lecture Notes

ì It is clear from the above that for offering a near broadcast quality video service, telephony and fast Internet, the network transmission should support at least 5 Mbit/s. From POTS to xDSL ì The POTs coper network (designed and built to support telephony service) provides an extensive infrastructure of twisted pairs which connects approximately 30 million residential and business UK customers . ì Originally, customers wishing to transmit data were restricted to using modems which operated in the 4 kHz voice-band. The first voice-band modems were introduced in the 1950s and were capable of operating at 300 bit/s, but these rapidly developed to 28.8 (and more) kbit/s.


? 33 ?

Dr A. Manikas

Principles of Communication Theory & Systems

Compact Lecture Notes

ì As the core network evolved from using Frequency Division Multiplex (FDM) technology to digital transmission and switching, the rollout of the 64 kbit/s narrowband digital PSTN network meant that copper transmission in the access network was no longer restricted to 4 kHz bandwidth. Transmission equipment can now exploit the far greater bandwidth capabilities of the network infrastructure between the exchange and the customers' premises. ì In 1986 Basic Rate ISDN (ISDN2) was introduced. ISDN2 operates over a single copper pair and modulates data using one four level pulse to represent two binary bits (2B1Q). Data is sent simultaneously in both directions using echo cancelled hybrid transmission, and adaptive equalisation is used to automatically compensate for attenuation across the transmission band. ISDN2 uses 80 kHz bandwidth to deliver 160 kbit/s symmetric data over access lines up to approximately 5.5 km long (or up to 42 dB insertion loss at 100 kHz).


? 34 ?

Principles of Communication Theory & Systems

Dr A. Manikas

Compact Lecture Notes

ì The evolution of digital transmission systems continued with the deployment of HDSL in 1992. HDSL uses the same line code as ISDN (2B1Q) but is capable of delivering 2 Mbit/s services such as ISDN30 and MegaStreamTM over access lines up to 3.7 km in length (or up to 26 dB insertion loss at 100 kHz). To achieve this the system uses frequencies up to 290 kHz, and employs two or three copper pairs each operating at between 784 kbit/s and 1 Mbit/s. ì The most recent DSL system which is currently available from BT is ADSL. Unlike ISDN or HDSL, ADSL employs asymmetric data transmission. and is capable of delivering up to 8 Mbit/s downstream to the customer, and 640 kbit/s upstream to the exchange over a single copper pair. ADSL uses frequencies up to 1.1 MHz, but does not use the 4 kHz voice-band. Customers subscribing to ADSL derived data services can therefore continue to use basic telephony. Although ADSL is technically capable of delivering 8 Mbit/s downstream, the highest bit rate offered by BT's commercial ADSL data products (DataStream and IPStream) is 2 Mbit/s downstream and 250 kbit/s upstream. PSTN

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Principles of Communication Theory & Systems

Compact Lecture Notes

ì VDSL is the next generation of digital copper transmission system, further increasing the capacity of a metallic twisted pair and using bandwidths of more than 10 MHz, and as high as 30 MHz. ì The standards for VDSL are still under discussion ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) ì provides high bit rate transmission to the customer premises for a combination of services that include video, telephony and data. ì It is based on the notion that the bit rate requirement for downstream traffic to the customer is much higher than in the upstream direction from the customer. ì For example, the downstream traffic may carry a video channel or high speed Internet files, while the upstream traffic carries only a narrowband data channel for controlling video, or other control signals and low speed data. ? 36 ?


Principles of Communication Theory & Systems

Dr A. Manikas

Compact Lecture Notes

ì ADSL operates over the local access twisted pair network between the local exchange and the customers' premises. ì It can simultaneously transport the following on a single twisted pair: ˆ Downstream (towards the customer) bit rates up to 8 Mbit/s ˆ Upstream (towards the exchange) bit rates up to 640 kbit/s ˆ Voiceband telephony service ì The operating frequency range of ADSL is limited to between 25 kHz and 1.1 MHz. The upstream channel is placed at the lower end of the available frequency band where it suffers less attenuation and crosstalk noise and is therefore easier to receive. The downstream channel bandwidth is much greater thus enabling the system to achieve higher transmission capacity for conveying services to the customer.


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Dr A. Manikas

Principles of Communication Theory & Systems

Compact Lecture Notes

MODULATOR: Discrete Multi-Tone modulation (DMT) ì The ANSI ADSL standard (T1.413) specifies DMT as the modulation technique. ì DMT is a multi-carrier modulation technique which employs a variant of Orthogonal Frequency Domain Multiplex modulation. The transmitter and receiver structures are shown below. Transmit Data

Band Pass Filter

Parallel to serial converter

Inverse discrete Fourier transform

Encoder and buffer

D/A To line

DMT transmitter

Band Pass Filter A/D From line

Serial to parallel converter

Discrete Fourier transform

Decoder and buffer

Receive Data

DMT receiver ? 38 ?


Principles of Communication Theory & Systems

Dr A. Manikas

Compact Lecture Notes

ì The data stream to be transmitted is buffered into blocks of bits. ì The overall channel spectrum is divided into 256 independent sub-channels and the blocks of bits are assigned to each frequency sub-channel. ì The data is encoded by modulating each sub-carrier so that the amplitude and phase forms a QAM constellation for that sub-channel. ì Each sub-carrier can encode a variable but pre-determined number of data bits, thus forming different constellation sizes (see figure). QAM sub-channels

Signal Power

Variable constellation sizes per sub-channel



? 39 ?

Dr A. Manikas

Principles of Communication Theory & Systems

Compact Lecture Notes

ì The overall data capacity varies with frequency, and those sub-channels with higher capacity are assigned more bits. The number of bits allocated to each sub-channel is determined using an algorithm based on each subchannel's signal to noise ratio. All of these are performed by the first block of the DMT transmitter diagram. Twisted Copper Pair Line Attenuation

Bits per Channel

DMT Data Transmission



ì In the second block, the collection of N QAM symbols is then modulated by passing through the inverse discrete Fourier transform (IDFT) process. Real signals are then taken from the IDFT output, parallel-to-serial converted, digital-to-analogue converted, and finally band pass filtered before transmission. ì The demodulation process at the receiver is simply the reverse process. PSTN

? 40 ?

Dr A. Manikas

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