Multi Touch Sketchup Survey- Google Summer Of Code 2009

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Does SketchUp fulfill your modeling requirements in terms of modeling tools complexity and features? . Timestamp


7/1/2009 8:54:54 Yes

Multitouch is a futuristic technology, do you think a port of Multitouch SketchUp will really be useful? On this stage I am thinking more as demo tool for teaching, but with porting and testing other plugins for SketchUp it might be that I start using it for real modelling work. I heard about this technology before one year .Since one year I am also working on the Hardware part and made two Multi touch Device.

Keeping the current state of SketchUp's UI and Environment in mind, what all gestures you'd want to see implemented in the final deliverable?

Sketchup comes with a lousy Ruby API. What other languages would you prefer for the API to come in next release?

Pan, Orbit, Zoom-in, Out, Three finger tap to bring the right click context, push pull


Do you use any CAD tools currently? if Yes, then why or why not SketchUp?

I use a lot of other soft. I do not beleive in single tool only.

Imagine its year 2050, and technology has really taken huge strides. How do you think you'll be using your CAD then?

Any other suggestions, criticisms?


But Whenever Ran my Device had few applications to present and that all the applications only shows that Hows Multi touch works . But Now I think that Development of the Multi touch is being productive . Sounds good that you are making something Productive that will surely help in the Designing field .

I wish to say few things may be after release it .Multitouch users will not Accept it for regular use .But Its simplicity will make it Popular :).

Go for it waiting for the release :) . . .




7/1/2009 21:43:43 Yes 7/1/2009 22:46:39 Yes 7/2/2009 2:39:35 Yes

7/2/2009 3:11:00 Yes

7/2/2009 4:14:11 Yes Yes for rapid prototying its efficient, but for formal projects applications such as 7/2/2009 solidworks or 6:01:13 autocad is used


7/2/2009 9:22:44 Yes


7/2/2009 No, there are better 14:40:51 tools around


7/2/2009 23:15:44 Yes


7/4/2009 1:42:23 Yes


7/4/2009 12:28:42


7/5/2009 22:12:21 7/6/2009 16:02:19


7/8/2009 14:11:04


7/10/2009 8:53:38


7/12/2009 17:47:56


7/17/2009 21:21:13


Absolutely Sketch up will be really help full it will make it more fun and easier than Present way that we are using :) no, drawing using touch is not feasible. digital drawing using touch n gestures is not a ggod idea Oh yes! We just have to prove to the world, by doing, that it is the best and simplest tool to demonstrating it. Yes very useful. I think first of all it will bring the application to the next level of intuitiveness (sorry for my english...). Google SketchUp is about easy tools to model in 3D and accessibility, so I think something easier like multitouch to manipulate the models is immediatly on the agenda for this app. The second good thing about multitouch is the colaborative part. The possibility to work together on the same model vould be a great way to improve efficiency and to bring more life and details in the models... There are many different modifiers that are used in combination with the mouse in orbiting, panning, and zooming. These combinations take some time to get use to and feel somewhat clumsy. It seems that using multitouch gestures may increase speed and accuracy in maneuvering around the workspace and may also increase productivity.

It will be useful to the community and serve as a great example of the possibilities and uses of this technology. But in terms of being productive it may not be since at the moment its more native to use mouse and kb then use a large MT surface. Yes I think more important to focus on the "multi" aspect in which you can provide several input commands to a computer simultaneously. Starting with touch this allows for much more dynamic controls to be conceived and we will continue to find useful digital gestures that align with common physical interaction. I really want to see pinch/zoom, 2 finger scroll, 3 finger pan/tilt and single finger tool selection implemented into an OS itself, however until then it would be great to use a 3D app with the same navigational features as MT Google earth but also intergrate a single point touch for selecting tools.

I think it is a great first start, and I will be using it to build my next multitouch table. But I think that in order to build a truly intuitive multitouch 3D modeling software, we will have to start from scratch, and design without the chains of conventional a WIMP GUI or a closed source, limited API. In particular we must get rid of the button and conventional menu, they are limiting and slow. Instead we should develop intuitive and universal gestures that mimic physical 3D manipulation, along with contextual queues in order to create a more intuitive interface.

Zoom-in, Out Pan, Orbit, Zoom-in, Out, Gestures to draw shapes(requires a lot of thought) Pan, Orbit, Zoom-in, Out, Gestures to draw shapes(requires a lot of thought)

Pan, Orbit, Zoom-in, Out, Gestures to draw shapes(requires a lot of thought), Right Click emulation-where index finger taps and stays and the middle finger taps twice, gestures for erasing/cancel


I have no longer experience with the CAD Designing .But when it will be release then surely will use it hope it will make it fun .

C++ Ruby APIImproved

I use only SketchUp. It's simple and it always has everything I need.

Well, probably like this guy ;) :


I'm using SketchUp for as my modeling tool. Well it is a Google product, so a good product. Easy to use, nice tutorial videos... I don't know any other software that enbale so many possibilities without being forced to read all the manual. Here with SketchUp, you can be improve your self when you need to do something more difficult only by watching a video and to try it for yourself, no need to know all the tools of the software.

Well I can't tell you what the future looks like, but I think MultitouchScreen are just the beginning of a new way to interact with a computer. I think the nest step is to bring 3D on the screen... Real model comming out of the screen... (check the IronMan movie...) Nice work to all people working on multitouch, thanks you for sharing, hope this will bring us to a bright way to intereact woth our beloved computers...!!!

I use Sketchup for rapid prototyping then use Autodesk or solidworks to make the final version.

Yes CAD is an instrumental tool needed to be used in the development of hardware. traditional CAD may not be used but in some way or form CAD will still exist.


I will be able to manipulate physical representations on augmented reality planes which are all controlled by my brain by then...

This project will be very important to our community and google sketchup project!

sorry for my Bad English

Pan, Orbit, Zoom-in, Out, Right Click emulation-where index finger taps and stays and the middle finger taps twice

Pan, Orbit, Zoom-in, Out, Gestures to draw shapes(requires a lot of thought), Right Click emulation-where index finger taps and stays and the middle finger taps twice, Complete control of sketchup and the use of bimodal input


Pan, Orbit, Zoom-in, Out, Right Click emulation-where index finger taps and stays and the middle finger taps twice, Precise Selection Tool where as you put 3 fingers down and a triangle forms into a selection tool.


Dont use to much I live in illustrator

Pan, Orbit, Zoom-in, Out, Right Click emulation-where index finger taps and stays and the middle finger taps twice

Ruby APIImproved

AutoCAD 2009 Rhinocerous C4D

SketchUp, mostly because of the intuitive push/pull interface.

Direct on screen, perhaps a few tangible controlers I think it will be our interfaces that evolve our software, much like multitouch is doing today, brain machine interfaces, holographic displays, and virtual reality headsets will be the design tools of tomorrow. A brain machine interface coupled with high speed subliminal geometric shapes flashing onscreen will allow us to build models with our thoughts. Volumetric holographic displays and virtual reality headsets will allow us to create our 3D models in 3D space. Humans wont be using CAD, it will be using us! The terminators are coming! ^_^

Yeah! Sketchup and AutoCAD mostly

Minority Report


Interacting with a 3D model that I can touch, feel, The one thing you can always count on when doing development in a new area is the occurence of unexpected errors or problems; just keep and mold to my liking. Imagine a tangible 3D plowing and hope that the next attempt is the one that works :). Good luck with everything, I really hope everything works out because this is an awesome hologram :). project idea.

Python Ruby APIImproved


I won't be, but I hope something like What happened to "Java" in possible will pop up (then I might be :-). API's? Lately a lot of effort seems to be put in the development JVM focused DSL's / regular languages which makes Java adoption of an API very possible.

yes, but mainly 3dsmax

for building virtual stripclubs :D

Ruby APIImproved

sketchup for everything but curved modelling, 3d studio for this. autocad for certain tasks in 3d and all 2d stuff

if i knew that i would write a paper on it


catia because i use it at work

with virtual reality

keep up the good work



Of course not, do you think you'll be using the touchaddict then?

Mairu loves you.

Pan, Orbit, Zoom-in, Out, If possible there should be a customizable replacement menu that is a quarter circle, when not in use it becomes a dot with the current tools icon in it, and when the user holds down with the thumb, the radial menu will expand to show the options which can be selected by pivoting on the thumb, sub menus can be selected by extending the index finger farther away from the thumb, and releasing the index finger shows the selected option highlighted, and further releasing the thumb selects the item. Much like this menu Python Pan, Orbit, Zoom-in, Out, Gestures to draw shapes(requires a lot of thought), Right Click emulation-where index finger taps and stays and the middle finger taps twice, A circular menu over the Sketchup, i dont know if its doable but its gonna look good Python

Yeahhhh, its going to one of the best-est applications of the technology. :) I think that a tool like sketchup is meant to be something you can use to I don't have a large quickly prototype designs in an intuitive fashion, where the controls are amount of simple. Multitouch is the perfect interface for something like this, simply experience with because you would be able to "mold" your designs to how you see fit. The Sketchup, but to the more precise movements that require measuring something to a certain extent I have used distance, etc., will, in my opinion, decide whether it is actually useful or not, it, yes. and the ability of the gestures to relate to what you want to do. Pan, Orbit, Zoom-in, Out Yes, I believe that especially in areas where artistic expression is important, a close resemblance of real world interaction (like multi-touch) could be beneficial to the user experience, efficiency and eventually to the resulting Pan, Orbit, Zoom-in, Out, Gestures to draw I am not a modeler quality of the work at hand. shapes(requires a lot of thought) No, there are better Pan, Orbit, Zoom-in, Out, Gestures to draw tools around maybe shapes(requires a lot of thought) it's difficult to say as there are no solutions on 3d modelling and multitouch so far but I can well imagine, that there would be great possibilities in terms Pan, Orbit, Zoom-in, Out, Right Click emulation-where of demonstration/presentation of models or of simple modelling. I cannot index finger taps and stays and the middle finger taps imagine that the whole scope of modelling tasks can be done "by hand", but I twice, Push-Pull (e.g. two fingers on initial surface, one Yes don't see the need to. finger pulling) Pan, Orbit, Zoom-in, Out, Gestures to draw shapes(requires a lot of thought), Right Click emulation-where index finger taps and stays and the middle finger taps twice, gestures to modify objects. i didn't have time to PS : for me, it would be better to take drawing tool and test it. yes, because of direct manipulation draw than having two fingers to draw Hell yea, I can carry my turntables if I'm a DJ I can carry presentations that are heavily animated to impress my clients. I can fall off my seat and still continue writing here (that just happened) Pan, Orbit, Zoom-in, Out, Right Click emulation-where index finger taps and stays and the middle finger taps Yes but I'm sure different professions will have a variety of portable uses. twice Pan, Orbit, Gestures to draw shapes(requires a lot of no, it's not open thought), Right Click emulation-where index finger taps source yes, it will become dominant and stays and the middle finger taps twice

This document shows the results of the of anonymous multitouch users’ survey conducted during my Google Summer of Code 2009 project Project: Multitouch Google SketchUp Student: Anirudh Sharma Mentor:Pawel Solyga Credits: Pecan , rbedi100 and the NUIGroup Community


Cobalt, Croquet and Blender

Sketch up has limited abilities but is a great place to start MT 3D, as i said before having the OS be MT compliant would be much better than just an app.

You need to build this project cross platform in order to gain the support of the open source community at large! It is much easier to start building cross platform now then to port more code later!

You can involve more community people to really shine on this one. I'm sure this project shall rock, all the best


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