Mte 485-inquiry Lesson Plan

  • October 2019
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  • Words: 2,063
  • Pages: 4
Inquiry Based Lesson Plan Teacher: Megan Thomas

Subject: Mathematics (Geometry) 9th-10th grade

Standard: Common Core Standards: G.G-MG.A.1 Use geometric shapes, their measures, and their properties to describe objects utilizing realworld context. G.N-Q.A.2 Define appropriate quantities for the purpose of descriptive modeling. G.N-Q.A.3 Choose a level of accuracy appropriate to limitations on measurement when reporting quantities utilizing real- world context. ISTE Standards: 4b. Students select and use digital tools to plan and manage a design process that considers design constraints and calculated risks. 5b. Students collect data or identify relevant data sets, use digital tools to analyze then, and represent data in various ways to facilitate problem-solving and decision-making. Objective (Explicit):  Students will be able to accurately create a blueprint of a two story house, using the parameters and components given, with a computer software.  Students will utilize their knowledge of perimeter and area to make maximize the area of the land. Evidence of Mastery (Measurable): The Evidence of Mastery will be what I am asking students to complete by the end of the period. I will give students the instruction sheet for the project, which entails all of the components they must include in the house. After they create a sketch of the floor plan and participate in the class discussion, they will then elaborate by adding all the necessary details. This must include, but is not limited to, dimensions on the rooms/house, units of measure, the perimeter and area of the house, and perimeter and area of each room. Students will be turning this in at the end of class, so I can assess what they did and grade it on the components they have. I will be using a checklist to grade their final product. Mastery will look like a rough sketch of the house with all components, utilizing the findings students found in their research. Points will be deducted if they do not include all the things I asked for, and if their house does not fit within the 1 acre of land. I will be giving each group their rough draft at the start of next class, so they can get working on their final draft using the Smartdraw website. Sub-objectives: I will be relating this information to the students’ previous knowledge of finding perimeter and area of geometric functions. Before doing this project, students should have already learned how to find the area and perimeter of things shapes as rectangles and squares. However, it may be fresh in their mind, so the project will help them further their knowledge of those concepts. Students will reflect back on skills regarding measurements and units of measure (mostly ft. and inches). Students will compute some conversions of units, such as turning an acre into feet. Key vocabulary: Materials/Technology Resources to be used: House Worksheet Area Groups Perimeter Laptop/tablet Measurements Paper

Maximization Blueprint

Pencils Poll Everywhere Engage (Make content and learning relevant to real life and connect to student interest): This inquiry based lesson plan focuses in on one single day, where my classroom utilizes the Project Based Learning technique. For this project, my students will essentially be building a house. The house must fit within one acre of land and have components such as two stories, a master bedroom, two bathrooms, and a fence. This will be very engaging for the students because they will get to practice making real blue prints for a house. This part alone will peak student’s interest, because they will dive into the world of architecture and engineering. The second part of the project is for students to fill the house with things such as paint, flooring, and appliances; all within a budget of $100,000.


The day that this lesson plan focuses on is the second day of this project, when students are working on their blue prints. The unit before the students start this project, is how to solve for perimeter and area. Therefore, they will be utilizing the knowledge they have of area, perimeter, and maximization to create a house with all of the necessary components. At first, I will have the objectives written on the board and ask that one or two students read them off. Form there, I will be providing them with a worksheet for guidance that they must complete by the end of the period, and with a website where they can create the blueprint virtually. Before telling students all the things they must include in their house, I will ask them a question along the lines of, “What do you believe is important to have in a house?” and “If you were to buy a house right now, what would be the wow factor for you?” These questions will really get students engaged and thinking about things that could be included in their blueprints. I will also ask them to have a discussion with their groups, as to how they think architectures and engineers use skills of area and perimeter when building a house. Teacher Will: Student Will:  Ask students to start by researching the  Become prepared to complete their inside of homes on google and other blueprint websites, to give them ideas on how  Be aware of the expectations for the they may want the layout of their house floor plan. start discussing how they to look like. want the layout of their house to look  Do an example of what the first floor like. may look like, by drawing a first floor  Explore on websites such as and add in a kitchen, living room, dining and, to look at room, and bathroom. interiors and floor plans of other houses.  Add measurements to each of the  Decide where they think each necessary sections, and the house as a whole. At section of the house will fit best. this point, the students will know what is  Start to plan a rough sketch of their two expected of them when creating their story house on the worksheet that I gave own floor plan. The students will then them. Students are not being asked to start to work in their groups to do completely add measurements but only research. research and create a sketch.  I will ask questions such as, “What types of things will be your focus point when researching homes?” and “How will you research guide you in creating your sketch?”

Explain Elaborate

Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation: -For visual learners and English language learners, I will have the images on the board large enough so that everyone in the room can see it. -For students who are fast learners, I will give them a head start to create the floor plan rough draft on their own. -For students who tend to struggle in class, they will be able to work within their groups and discuss the project directions together so things can become more clear. I will also be going around to all the groups and answering any further questions they may have. -For any students who don’t have a device of their own to use, I will be offering the laptops that we have available at the school. If there are still not enough, the groups can also share laptops. Teacher Will: Student Will:  Facilitate a discussion between the  Share the ideas that they have for their groups. projects. Show the floor plans that they sketched, and communicate where each  Ask questions such as, “What kind of component exists. Share ideas as to what things did you find when doing your they did to complete the task of fitting research?” and “What do you think is their house within 1 acre the best way to place everything, so that the floor plan is pleasing and open?”.  Form the discussion to talk about how they think the house looks the best, in  Ask students to also discuss what ideas order to accommodate for all of the they have for measurements and house sections that I am asking. dimensions of the house and the rooms.  Show the layout that they have  Determine that all of the students can conducted on paper. move forward in elaborating on their floor plan, by adding all measurements,  Discuss what they think would be the dimensions, and math related content. best dimensions and measurements, to fit in the parameter I gave.  Write on paper what they learned from the discussions, and how they think it would help them in their project. Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation: -For English language learners, I will ensure that the environment is very open for them to speak in front of their peers. Since it is a group project, it is also not required that everyone talk in this discussion. -For students who may be faster learners, I will challenge them by having them show the math that they used in order to find these dimensions on their rough draft. -For any students who may have be struggling, the groups will pass around their floor plan rough draft so that every student can see it up close and get some more ideas. Teacher Will: Student Will:  Ask that they move on to finalizing their  Finalize their rough draft floor plans by adding all dimensions and  Take into account the example I gave measurements. earlier, and the discussion they had with  Walk around and ensure that all groups their peers in order to do so. are working properly.  Using higher level thinking by  Ask question to jog students thinking alternating and configuring a house set such as, “If you wanted to add a pool in up that accounts for all components, that your backyard, how would you alter the makes sense within the space. Elaborate

perimeter of the fence?”. That way, students can think about how to maximize the space that they created and add any more details if they want to. Ask that each group turn in their completed rough draft at the end of the period to be graded, before they can create the final draft of the blueprint virtually.

by adding in all of the math (solving for area and perimeter) of each room, and the house as a whole to make sure that they maximize the acre of land, and leave nothing out. If they want to add anything to their house, the students will also have to account for that in their final blueprint.

Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation -For any students who may not have finished their sketch before their class discussion, they can do that before elaborating more on their rough draft. -For student who already finished their rough draft, I will have them start on their final draft using the website I provided. -For English language learners, if they had trouble understanding what the components of the house were they are able to work with their group members to make sure they have every part of for the rough draft. They will also be able to use a graphic organizer or checklist of their own, to check off each item as they add it to their blueprint. Evaluate: For the evaluation, I will be doing this multiple times throughout my lesson. All of the questions I plan on asking, will indicate where each group is at with the project. It also allows me to assess how well the groups are working together, and how they are utilizing the content they are learning and turning it into this project. This will act as some of my formative assessment. Another formative assessment, will be the notes that students took during the discussions. The evidence of mastery sketch, is another main way of how I will evaluate my students. By turning that in, I can see how they used the time given to them in class. I will be grading their assignments based off of the components that they have, using a checklist. This will be the summative assessment to wrap up the day. If any students do not have it completed, they will be asked to finish it before creating their final blueprint on the website. Before students leave, I will do a PollEverywhere to ask students what the objectives of the day were. I will also ask for the students to write how they felt that they meant the objectives.

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