Mt5 Chuan

  • November 2019
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Linux 1. Statement A: The crontab command is used to view the current date and time. Statement B: The ispell utility is used to check and correct spelling mistakes A False and B True 2. Statement A: In vi editor, you can use the rx command to replace previous character with character x. Statement B: In vi editor, you can use the I command to insert the text before current character. A False and Bs True 3. Statement A: In emacs editor, you can work with multiple files at a time. Statement B: In emacs editor, you can check the spellings of the text that you type. A and B True 4. Statement A: The ln command is used to create the links to the files. Statement B: The ln command, by default, creates symbolic links that are accessible across different filesystems A True B False 5. Statement A: In vi editor, you can use the rx command to replace previous character with character x. Statement B: In vi editor, you can use the I command to insert the text before current character. A False and B True 6. Statement A: A dumb terminal consists of a monitor and a keyboard and the multi-user system takes care of all processing requirements. Statement B: A smart terminal has its own CPU and peripherals and can work independent of the multiuser system. A and B True 7. Statement A: The mesg command can be used to allow and disallow the other users to write to your terminal. Statement B: -T option in who command allows you to send messages to the other users on the network. A true B false 8. Statement A: In the pine utility, the T command is used to send the current e-mail message to the specified e-mail address. Statement B: In the pine utility, the X command is used to close the current e-mail message A and B False 9. Statement A: The bc utility can be used as a calculator. Statement B: The cal utility displays the calendar and current date and time.A true B false 10. Statement A: In vi editor, you can use the J command to join lines. Statement B: In vi editor, you can use the dd command to delete two lines.A true B false 11. Statement A: The comm command is used to display the unique and common lines in two files. Statement B: The cmp command is used to display the common text in two files A true B false 12. Statement A: In vi editor, the d command is used to scroll down half a page at a time. Statement B: In vi editor, the F command is used to scroll down two pages at a time. A true B false 13. Statement A: A text editor can be used to create a new file. Statement B: A text editor can be used for searching text in an existing file A and B true 14. Statement A: In insert mode of vi editor, the i command is used to insert the text at current cursor position. Statement B: In insert mode of vi editor, the a command is used to append text after current cursor position.A and B true


15. Statement A: Kernel, the operating system program, is the core of the Linux system. Statement B: Shell is a collection of programs that services day-to-day processing requirements A true B false 16. Statement A: The lpq command is used to check the status of issued print jobs. Statement B: The pr command is used to specify the page size and the number of lines in a page. A and B true 17. _ Parameters ______ are used to pass arguments from the command line to a shell script. 18. Identify which of the statements is true: The elif part of the construct always appears before the else part of the construct and is executed when the if condition is false

19. 20. The function of Trash is equivalent to ______ Recycle Bin _________. 21. MTA stands for :_Mail Transfer Agent. 22. Which one is a feature of Window Manager:It keeps track of the location of each window on the desktop 23. Susan gives the command, echo "This costs $value", at the shell prompt. What will be the output of the above command? This costs $ 24. Which of the following commands will change the permission of the file messages to 000 (----------) from 764 (-rwxrw-r--)? chmod a-rwx messages 25. Which of the following command searches for the string, John, in the /etc/passwd file: grep John < /etc/passwd 26. Identify the submodule of KDE Control Center in which you require the root user privilege to customize the desktop The Date & Time Submodule 27. Which is not a type of Desktop objects? Menu 28. Identify the command when there are more than nine arguments or the user is allowed to key in a variable number of arguments The shift command 29. Identify the folder where all the messages that you receive using pine utility are stored, by default :INBOX 30. startx_ command is used at the shell prompt to start the GNOME GUI 31. Identify the output from the following command when executed as shell script: A=20 B=10 A=`expr $A \* $B echo “A is equal to $A” Error message 32. What will be the output of the command: cat sales discount where sales and discount are the names of the files? Content of both the files will be displayed on the screen 33. Content of both the files will be displayed on the screen A few examples of widgets are icons, menus, panels, buttons, forms, push buttons 34. Which of the following command will display the output of who and ls –l commands on the monitor? who ; ls –l 35. Which of the following commands can be used to display the names of files and directories having mp3 string in their names? $ ls | grep ‘mp3’ 36. Identify the command that prompts before deleting a file : rm –i


37. Parameters_ are used to pass arguments from the command line to a shell script. 38. Which of the following commands will assign read and write permission to the owner of the file for the directory, impdata?

chmod u+rw impdata

39. What is the command that enables you to display a detailed list of files and directories : ls –l 40. Tom wants to open the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) location and write data to a CD. Which component of the GNOME will enable him to perform both the specified tasks? GNOME File Manager 41. Identify the variable that allows you to change the shell prompt to a desired prompt. PS1 42. Which command is used to display the process load on the CPU? Uptime 43. How can David, the system administrator of AB Corp., see the details of all configured printers in the network vi /etc/printcap 44. Identify the default shell for most Linux systems Bash 45. Susan, who is working in GNOME Desktop environment, needs to create a presentation to train new customer care executives in her office. Which utility should she use to create presentation? Impress 46. Alice is a novice for the emacs editor. She wants to delete the current line in a file. Which of the following commands should she use? k 47. Which of the following commands can be used to display the first 20 lines of a file named college? $ head –20 college 48. What is the output of following command at shell prompt: $ wc Commands in Linux d 1 3 18 49. $# contains the number of arguments specified in the command. 50. What will be the output of the command: cat sales discount where sales and discount are the names of the files? Content of both the files will be displayed on the screen 51. Which of the following command would you to send a file, msg.txt, as an attachment to a user, philip, through mail? pine philip –attach msg.txt 52. John needs to find all files with .css extension in the current directory. He needs to delete few particular files from the searched files. How can he do that? find . –name "*.css" –ok rm {} \; 53. Identify the command that is used for evaluating a condition in shell scripts. test and [ ] command 54. The Window Manager is used by a GUI system to keep track of the location of each window on the desktop 55. Which technology provides inter-operability to the applications running on GNOME? CORBA 56. Identify the permission of the file from the absolute mode, 756 –rwxr-xrw57. While writing a C++ program in vi editor, Smith needs to append a keyword at the end of a line. Which key combination should he use When the cursor is on the target line, press <Esc> A 58. Which of the following commands will count the number of lines present in the file College wc -l College 59. Which of the following task can be performed using one of the utilities specified in the Accessories menu? Encrypt and decrypt files


60. Which of the following commands will you use to display the names of all the ordinary files present in the current directory for which the file owner has the execute permission? ls -l | grep "^-..x" | tr -s " " | cut -d" " -f9 61. Which of the following is true about the export command?Copies the variable name and values from the parent shell to the child shell 62. Identify the shortcut key to open the Run Command dialog box in KDE: F2 63. A way of using more than one command in a single command line is called: Command substitutions 64. Tom is working in GNOME Desktop environment. He needs to perform mathematical calculations to create a yearly financial report. Which menu contains the calculator utility to perform mathematical calculations? Accessories menu 65. Identify the correct command that will help you execute the file named filename : bash filename 66. Which of the following is true about the for loop? Takes a list of values as input and executes the loop for every value in the loop. 67. Which of the following commands displays the status of all the users currently logged on to the Linux machine? Finger 68. Identify the construct that will continue execution until a condition evaluates to true. The until construct 69. Which of the following options is used to display the lines of the file, John.txt, in the reverse alphabetical order? $ sort –r John.txt 70. Which of the following task can be performed using one of the utilities specified in the Accessories menu? Encrypt and decrypt files 71. Identify the command that prompts before deleting a file rm –i 72. Susan, an employee at LMN Inc, is using a Linux machine with KDE as the desktop environment. She wants to display a confirmation message when logging out. Which submodule of KDE Control Center enables her to perform this task Session Manager 73. Jane had scheduled some tasks to be performed at a specific time two days ago. She wants to now view the list of all pending tasks. Which command would help her? Atq 74. Which of the following is true about widgets A few examples of widgets are icons, menus, panels, buttons, forms, push buttons 75. which statement holds true while you create a file? you can have a file name with a blank space

76. Identify the command that will format the file, message. The test should have double spacing between the lines pr –d message 77. Which menu contain option to perform system – related tasks, such as format at a floppy, display a terminal, and configure the Internet settings System tools 78. Which type of variable is used to customize the shell prompt? ser-defined variable 79. Paul has logged into the Linux server and wants to store the names of file present in his home diretory into the datalist file. Which of the following commands shoulds Pauls use to perform this datalist 80. Susan has written a shell script that accept three arguments. Which of the following is the correct code snippet that specifies the condition to examine that current number of arguments are entered st $# -eq3 81. Which test option checks that the specified file exists on your computer and the file is not empty? test –s filename -4-

82. Jim is creating a file in the vi editor. He is typing the text in the insert mode while typing the test he notices that the line number two which he inserted is wrong. He will have to delete the line number two he tries dd command at line number two but it does not solve his purpose . What can be reason He needs to press <Esc> dd to delete the line 83. which of the following command can be use to append content of the file emp to the file new_emp * cat emp >> new_emp 84. which command will you to search all files that contain sale in the file name in your home directory * find / home_name “sale” –print 85. Blue valley has the linux net work. All the employees have been given permissions to work with different file systems. Ronald has created a file, file1, on one flie system. He wants to create link of this file for amother employee, Susan, who is working with a different file system,. What command should Ronald use ln –s file 1 copyfile1 86. What will be the output of the following shell seript for deptinsale finance purchase Do Echo “${dept}” Done C, sale,Finance,Purchase 87. Which menu option in GNOME main menu allows you to run utilies and application by specity in commands run application 88. the billdetails file needs to be deleted. Which of the following commands should you use to delete the file rm bill details 89. Stella wants to change the password for her login id on the Linus server. She gives the command passwd. As she enters her old password, the system display passwd. Authentication token manlpulation error. What can be the reason?Stella does not have permission to change her password 90. Blue Valley has the Linux network. All the employees have been given permissions to work with different file systems. Ronald has created a file, File1. on one file system. He wants to create link of this file for another employees, Susan, who is working with a different file system. What command should Ronald use? Ln –s File1 copyFile1 91. Chris wants to print numbers from 1 to 10 on the screen. Whenever he excutes the follongwing shell script, the numbers from 1 to 9 are displayed. Identify the error(s) in the shell script. A=1 until test $a –ge 10 do echo “$a” a=`expr$a+1` The variable a should be initialized within the until loop

92. Peter is a programmer in BlueMoon Computers and he users vi editor to write the program codes. He frequently needs to save the program using the command, :w!. However, there is some defect in the ! key, for which he need to give the command multiple time. This cause lot of inconvenience to him while writing a program. Therefor he decides to create a short cut command, F5, which will save the file. Identify which if the following command should he use? :map :w! -5-

93. Which command displays duplicate lines from the file, message uniq –d message 94. What will be the output the following shell script? a=0 while [ $ a –le 10] do a = ‘expr $ a +1’ if [ $a - eq5] then continue elif [$a - eq8] then break fi echo –n “$a” done

// a<=10

123467 95. Jenny has created a link between file1 and file2. She want is to access flie2 to print it she gives the following command : lpr –r file2 96. As a result, she finds that the files has been removed from the directory after printing. What is the reason for removal of directory and what is the correct option that jenny should have used? The –r option deletes the file, file2. Therefore, she should have used –l to print a linked flie. 97. You need to change the file access permission for the CustDetails file. The file and group owner should have read and write permissions. The ous is should have read permissions on the file. Which of the following commands should you use to change the file access permission of the CustDetails file? chmod 644 stDetails 98. Which command wiill you use to serach all files that contain sale in the file name in your home directory? find / home –name “sale” –print Stella is working as a data entry operator in Global Systems. She has a login account on the Linux server in her office. Her home dircetory is /home/stella. Identify the command to move all files having temp enywherenin their names from the /home/stella/progs directory to her home directory. mv~/progs/*temp* ~/ Alice has created four file, Expensel.txt, Expensel.txt 1, Expensel.tx2, Expensel.txt3, Expensel.txt4. Anny error should be redirected to the /root/error/errfile cat E w [1-4].txt 0 >>year Expense 2>/root?Error/err 44.what eill be the output of the fallowing command : Find –m time +2 –print The command will display alist of file that have been modified more than two day ago


45.which type of variables is used to customine the shell prompt ? .user- defined variable 46.which utilty is vailabe in the Gnone panel default print manager 47.Clarlie the system administrator…at Blue manager the Linux network. He needs to seach all block spacial and character special file in the root directory. What command should he specipy ? find/ -type b find/ -type c 48.……… command display the first line number and character number at which the two files differ a. cmp 49.Chuong trinh co ten Progl, em_code va` em_name là đầu vào và được sắp xếp. Chúng được lưu vào file Employee như cột 1 và cột 3. Yêu cầu muốn lưu vào sort_emp b. sort Employee | cut –f1,3 | tee sort_emp 50.* Which variable contains the shell level that you are currently working in? c. SHLVL variable



a) Net application can execute on any architecture that is supported by the CLR b) Not application can be deployed simply by copying file to the target computer a dung b sai 17. a: Example of profit-based organizations include social groups, universitils, human right comisions, and worker unions cau b: Example of adaptive system can be fashion and cosmetic industry as it is higtly dependent on external A sai , B Dung 18. A: .Net application can execute on any architecture theat is supported by the CLR B: .Net application can be deployed simply by copying files to the target computer.  A dung, B sai 19. Statement A: Common standards and guidelines can be established, if complete and accurate documentation of practices and approaches to tackle tasks present Statement B: Common standards and guidelines can be established, if only the latest version of documentation needs to be maintained. B is true and Statement A is false 10. A: The structure of the V-Model with its various phases provides a blueprint for sharing activities and responsibilities B: The V-Model is a whole process mmodel, which must be applied at each stage in the software process to test usability of the final product A is True & B is False 16. Statement A: One of the functions of SFC is to measure competence, utilization, and the productivity of the work force and machines. Statement B: One of the purpose of SFC is to intergrate. SFC with long term and short – term production plans. Statement A is true and statement B is false 2*. StilletoShoes. Inc.., a footwear manufacturing company, needs to prepare a detailed plan to calculate requirements for materials in the production – planning phase of their latest product. The following is a list of items that the Production Manager needs information about to plan accurately. trategic information 3 . A bank wants to develop a software to automate the banking process for insurance services, personal banking, home loans and automobile loans. The bank wants the automation of personal banking system immediately , as it will enhance the customer services. The other features can be implemented later. Which of the following SDLC models is best suitable in the above situation :Spiral model 4. Which of the following CMMI maturity models provide a systematic approach that achieves a collaboration of relevant stakeholders throughout the life of the product to satisfy customer needs, expectation, and requirements? . Integrated Product and Process Development 5. while creating a data warehouse, first the data in validated in order to remove the inconsistencies. Next the data is preapared for clearning and finally after it is cleansed it is loaded into the warehouse in the form of tables that the organitation can use any time. Select the option that identifies the missing step in the proceess desenbed above along with the rationable for it. the missing step is that of data tranformation because without that the data would not be in a raedable format 6. thesinVogue Inc.. a leading garment manufacturing and retailing organization is creating new plans to ensure smooth process excutions. They need to ensure the following Production Planning 8. Fundrive Inc. manufactures toys for children of different age groups. They have recelved very large orders for toys because of the upcoming festive season. To meet these order on time, the production manager decided to procure raw materials from some new suppliers too. The entire production was planned such as all the raw materlals, especlally by the new suppliers. There fore, the production resources could not be utilized properly to meet the order on time. Which


of the key decisions were not considered by production manager to deliver a quality product on time? Production resource avallable to meet the order 9… IBM WebSphere……. Application server is a high-performance and scalable transaction engine for dymanic ebusiness applications. 10* As services have to be delivered to the customer directly, their … Quality …. and … Standards … must be defined and maincained. Fill in the blanks with the correct option 11. A Web site needs to be developed. The objective of creating this Web site is to bring awareness about good health to people. Information such as homemade remedies, exrcises, fitness machine will be provided in the Web site. You are given the responsibility to desgin the type of architecture for the abve Web site. The type of architecture should be such that, it provides location transparency between tiers. In addtion, the components implementing the business rule should be able to participate in transaction. Which type of architecture will you select to perform the specified task? Multi - Tier Architevture 12* Who is responsible for validating the desing philosophy of the solution in terms of the IT platform required and the various other modules that need to be a part of the IT system design? Project Mannager 13While creating a data warehouse, first, the data in validated in order to remove the inconsistencies. Next, the data is prepared to cleansing and finally after it is cleansed, it is loaded into the warehouse in the form of the tables that the organization can use any time. Select the ption that identifies the missing step in the process described above along with the rationale for it. The missing step is that of data transformation because without that the data would not be in a readable format. 14. Consider an order processing system. The inventory department places a request for the machine parts that are out of stock. Similarly, the inventory department also receives the supply to update the stocks. In the scenario, who is the actor in addtion, what are the use cases for this actor? In the scenario, machine part is the actor that uses the system to place an order for the parts. Order Parts and Accept Supply are the use cases for the actor 15. Which of the following models contain the process management, project management, support and engineering process areas? Systems Engineering because it comprises the developing of software systems 20.Which of the following J2EE containes provide rutime environment and variuos services, such as connection pooling and security JB 21. Which of the following charaterizes the Human an resource business process? . Manual Processes 22.A bank wants to develop a software to automate the banking process for insurance services, personall banking, home bans and automobile loans. The bank wants the automation of personal banking system inncediately as it will enhance the customer services. The other features can be implemented later. Which of the following SDLC models is best suitable in the above situation? Sprial model 22. Paul is developing a three_tier application in J2EE for online shopping site . The entire order placedby the customer should be saved and added when the customer completes browsing throught the site. The compoment used for presentation tier should be able to accept the request and process the same dynamically. Which of the following combination of Webcomponent and business component should be chosen by Paul todevelop the required application. JSP sesion Bean 23. Jim Walters of Webdirectors Inc, and IT service preovider, a long with five other employyess, is currently desigining a Payroll Mamagement system the target is to complete the task within three months sub requently, Im will be working on creating a protope business a brand new team to wort with. Which oragamzationl structure is Webdirectors following. roject oragamzationl structure 24. Steling inc., a leading garment manufacturing (sx quan ao) and retailing orgarization, uses system that provides their employees information they need in order to understend customer ordes, their specification, setup requirement


procedures, work instruction and the. Indentify the system that is described in the scenario Job shop process 25. The a Solutions has to automate the Application Processing System of a Language insutetu in 60-90 days. As the poroject scope is controlled the team does the following to complete the project: Rapid Application Development (RAD) 26. By using which of the following components, the runtime can host differerent languages and can ensure interoper ablliey between the code? MSIL dos not functionallty such as exception hadling, security and dubeugging. 27. which of the following statements define the tow-tier architecture? * Contains three separate logical layees, presentation layer business layer and data layes 28. * In the phase SDLC the function specification of system are create . Analysis phase 29. The __ Waterfall model ___ describes the software development process in a linear sequential flow. 30. Which of the following phases is the first phase in the Spiral model? Customer communication 31. _ Initiation___ phase involves a macro level study of the customer requirements. 32. Who is responsible for the delivery of the complete IT system, after considering various resources such as manpower, software, and hardware infrastructure? Project Manager 33. In __ Incremental models__, software requirements are broken down into various functional units. 34. Which of the following requirements do not change during the lifecycle of the software? . Stable 35. The ___ Use Case ______ diagram depicts the various operations that a system performs. 36. Which of the following is not an element of Data Flow diagrams? b. An Actor 37. An _ External entity__ is a source and/or destination of data, for the system under consideration. 38. A data flow cannot connect: Two data stores 39. The Exit Criteria for a phase does not consist of: . State of each input 40._ Functional Specification ____ enables the functional design of the system and allows the project team to approve the description of each Unit Process. 41. _ Sequence Diagrams _____depict the flow of control of messages ordered according to time. 42._ State Diagrams ______represent the behavior of objects of a software system in response to events in the form of messages. 43. _ Activity Diagram ______models the actions and events that cause the system to be in a particular state. 44. A _ Database __ is an organized, computer-based representation of a collection of information. 45. Which detail is not included in a Software Design (SD) Document?Software Requirement Specifications

99. State Diagrams represent the behavior of objects of a software system in response to events in the form of messages. 100.Who is the user/owner of the Prepared and Approved Functional Specifications Document? Analyst 101.The characteristics of a Data Warehouse include Data being oriented around a particular subject 102.The selection between BPR and Continuous Process Improvement depends upon: Organizational goals 103.The different types of systems in a business environment are: Transaction Processing Systems, Management Information Systems, Decision Support Systems, Executive Information Systems, Business Intelligence Systems 104.A Manufacturing Execution System (MES): Checks performance for floor operations

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105.Single-Tier Architecture is used by standalone applications to store data, apply business logic and display the results. 106.The various inputs to a payroll process are: Company details, designation, basic salary, allowances, deductions and attendance 107.Software engineering comprises the development of software systems 108.The different inventory costs are Ordering costs, inventory carrying costs, out-of-stock costs, and capacity associated costs 109.Performance management is the process that: Is designed to link the objectives of the employee and the objectives of the organization 110.A Continuous Flow involves the: High volume production of a product or small groups of related products 111.Which of the following diagrams depicts the flow of information between the proposed software system and its environment, at different levels of the hierarchy System context diagram 112.Who is the user/owner of Constructed, Reviewed, and Unit-Tested Program Code? Developer 113.Code Documentation is the process of: Documenting the program code and the logic behind constructing program code 114.Functional Specification enables the functional design of the system and allows the project team to approve the description of each Unit Process 115.Acceptance sampling Tests the quality of products 116.The payroll process consists of: Calculating and disbursing pay to employees 117.The LIFO method of Inventory Accounting implies that The : materials are issued at the actual cost as the item received last is issued first 118.Which of the following is not an Exit Criteria for the Testing Phase? Prepared Integration Test Cases 119.A data flow cannot connect: Two data stores 120.A __Database_____ is an organized, computer-based representation of a collection of information 121.Who is responsible for the delivery of the complete IT system, after considering various resources such as manpower, software, and hardware infrastructure Project Manager 122.Shop Floor Control consists of: Multiple inter-linked operations that must be completed to manufacture a product. These operations are linked to the Bill of Materials. 123.Businesses provide services to achieve the following Increase in the market share and ensure customer satisfaction 124.BPR is the act of: Radically altering the existing business process to arrive at the desired stage 125.Which of the following statements is not true about the acceptance letter? Getting the acceptance letter does not mean that the system conforms to all the stated requirements 126.Important factors that influence the decisions for facility location are: Costs and socio-economic climate, infrastructure, such as transport and services, and location, and globalization plans. 127.According to V-Model, Unit Test Criteria should be prepared along with: Low Level Design 128.Initiation phase involves a macro level study of the customer requirements

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129.The prepared, approved and signed off ___SRS _______ document is one of the prerequisites, based on which the system will be designed. 130.The developers use the _____Prepared test cases _________as the basis of unit testing the program code 131.An Executive Information System (EIS): Is a larger implementation of an MIS across an enterprise and provides information to various departments across the company 132.Which of the following objectives does not belong to support and maintenance projects? The system is not documented accurately as it is developed. 133.Which of the following requirements do not change during the lifecycle of the software? Stable 134.When one individual heads a business organization, it is said to be: Sole Proprietorship 135.The target customers’ psychographics analysis indicates ____Whether the target customer is status seeking___. 136.Information Systems provide the following benefits when used for formulating sales strategies: Manages cash, COD, and online credit and check verification and provide centralized security subsystems 137.A Data Mart is: A customized smaller version of a Data Warehouse 138.The ___System architecture ____________document is the first step towards implementing user requirements 139.____Architect_______ is a person who meets the customer organization and generates a top-level design of the IT system to be built and implemented 140.For Selective Inventory Control moving, and Non-moving depending on their consumption and movement from the warehouse 141.Which of the following is not a component of J2EE client? Servlets 142.Business ethicsChecks corporate greed, fraud, and illegalities and improves the work environment and quality 143.An Information System is computers, other data processing equipment that helps derive meaning from the data collected within the organization 144.Which of the following tasks is exclusive to the deployment phase? Handing over the successfully functional tested system 145.Which of the following is not a output of design phase? Completed, and Approved Software Requirement Specifications Document 146.Performance Test is conducted to Evaluate the compliance of the system with specified performance requirements 147.Factors affecting the effectiveness and responsiveness of a supply chain are: Facility location, inventory, transportation, and information 148.The basic components of shop floor control are: Controlling the release of orders into the manufacturing unit and managing the flow of orders through the manufacturing unit via short-term scheduling. 149.A Data Warehouse can be defined as: A repository database that extracts data from the existing operational systems for analysis in a business enterprise 150.An Executive Information System (EIS): Is a larger implementation of an MIS across an enterprise and provides information to various departments across the company - 12 -

151.Which of the following objectives does not belong to support and maintenance projects? The system is not documented accurately as it is developed

152.The selection between BPR and Continuous Process Improvement depends upon: Organizational goals 153.Who is the user/owner of Constructed, Reviewed, and Unit-Tested Program Code? Database administrator 154.EOQ model assumes that: Demand is known with certainty, it is constant over a period of time, lead-time of inventory is known in advance, and inventory is replenished when it is exactly equal to zero. 155.The __. Customer sign-off ___ phase indicates the closure of the project. 156.The components of the proposed Software are produced in ___ Construction __ Phase. 157.Which of the following requirements do not change during the lifecycle of the software? Stable 158.The ___ Acceptance Letter ______ officially indicates that the system has met the acceptance criteria and all stated requirements. 159.The common forms of disbursing pay are: Paycheck, direct deposit, and cash in hand 160.Which of the following tasks is performed in the implementation phase? The solution is installed at the customer site 161.Business Intelligence systems: Collect the right information in a timely and functional form, analyze the collected information, convert the collected data into a useful form, and distribute it across the enterprise 162. For Selective Inventory Control: In the FSN method, inventory materials are classified into Fast-moving, Slow-moving, and Non-moving depending on their consumption and movement from the warehouse. 163.Which of the following inputs are provided by target customer profile? Whether the target customer belongs to the urban or rural population 164.The main role of Transaction Processing Systems (TPS) is to: Handle small or large volumes of transaction 165.In ___ Incremental models_, software requirements are broken down into various functional units 166.Who prepares the Unit test cases? Designer 167.The Exit Criteria for a phase does not consist of State of each input 168.The target customers’ psychographics analysis indicates _Whether the target customer is status seeking___ 169.Which of the following tests is not included in Validation Tests? Acceptance Test 170.Which of the following is not a component of J2EE client? Servlets 171.Performance Test is conducted to: Evaluate the compliance of the system with specified performance requirements 172.Integration testing is the process of: Checking for the fitness of all pieces of a system i.e. files, programs, data structures and command streams 173.The different inventory costs are: Ordering costs, inventory carrying costs, out-of-stock costs, and capacity associated costs 174.The payroll process consists of: Calculating and disbursing pay to employees

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175.______ Functional Specification _________ enables the functional design of the system and allows the project team to approve the description of each Unit Process 176.A system consists of: Input, Process, and Output 177.The various components that help derive information from stored data can be: Data storage System, Data processing System, Business Logic, Data transmission System, and Data display System 178.Transaction processing activities include: Data Collection, Data Editing, Data Manipulation, Data Storage and Document Production and reports 179.Who raises the invoice? Project Manager 180.The payroll process consists of Calculating and disbursing pay to employees 181.Costs of payroll includes Both reimbursements as well as disbursement of pay 182.Which of the following architectural attributes represents the ability to correct drawbacks of an existing component without making any impact on the other components of the system? Maintainability 183.The ____ Waterfall model ____ describes the software development process in a linear sequential flow. 184.The _____System architecture____ document is the first step towards implementing user requirements 185.Supply chain decisions are important because They define the strategic, tactical, and operational factors and constraints in a supply chain 186.MRP is beneficial because Optimal stock levels reduce warehouse costs and overheads 187.The main role of Transaction Processing Systems (TPS) is to: Handle small or large volumes of transaction 188.Who is the user/owner of the updated project documentation? Project Team 189.The requirements that change during the lifecycle of the software are called___Volatile __requirements. 190.The characteristics of a Data Warehouse include Data being oriented around a particular subject 191.The various stages of BPR are: To define the scope of the project, to go through a learning process and to create a plan of action based on the gap between the current processes and between the targets set 192.The corresponding artifact for the task Creating Code Documentation is: Code Documentation 193.Which of the following ability ensures the consistency and integrity of an application? Reliability 194.A____ Database___ is an organized, computer-based representation of a collection of information. 195.EOQ model assumes that Demand is known with certainty, it is constant over a period of time, lead-time of inventory is known in advance, and inventory is replenished when it is exactly equal to zero 196.In ____Incremental models____ software requirements are broken down into various functional units. 197.___Warehousing and stores_____ methods include storing and monitoring the materials. 198.The _____Use Case _____diagram depicts the various operations that a system performs - 14 -

199.Code Documentation is the process of

Documenting the program code and the logic

behind constructing program code.

200.Data Mining is conducted to: Extract previously unknown, valid, and actionable information contained in databases or data sources, which is then used to make business, and strategic decisions 201.____Code review criteria/coding guidelines ____ are prepared to identify and list the parameters that the code must meet in the construction phase. 202.A Workflow Management System is Made up a number of steps (tasks), dependencies among tasks, routing rules, and participants 203.A Manufacturing Execution System (MES):Checks performance for floor operations 204.Which of the following phases is the first phase in the Spiral model? Customer communication 205.In the FIFO inventory accounting method The materials purchased are issued in strict chronological order 206.Accounting systems are used in an organization to Maintain and track budget, manage fixed assets, record daily transactions and manage the cash flow 207.Direct marketing is: When there is face-to-face contact between the customer and company representative 208.Integration testing is the process of: Checking for the fitness of all pieces of a system i.e. files, programs, data structures and command streams 209.___Sequence Diagrams__ depict the flow of control of messages ordered according to time 210.Which of the following tasks is performed in the implementation phase? The solution is installed at the customer site 211.Performance Test is conducted to? Evaluate the compliance of the system with specified performance requirements. 212.Performance management is the process that: Is designed to link the objectives of the employee and the objectives of the organization 213.___Architect___ is a person who meets the customer organization and generates a top-level design of the IT system to be built and implemented 214.____Validation___ identifies problems, which must be resolved by a change of the requirements specification 215.The High network traffic increases the load on the network resources is a disadvantage of: Two-Tier Architecture 216.Business ethics:Checks corporate greed, fraud, and illegalities and improves the work environment and quality 217.The ____ System architecture_____document is the first step towards implementing user requirements. 218.Hardware required for an Information Processing System includes: Specialized systems like barcode readers, credit card swipe terminals or the high-end computer systems such as multiprocessor machines. 219.___ Architect ____ is a person who meets the customer organization and generates a top-level design of the IT system to be built and implemented. - 15 -

220.The main inputs for MRP come from Master production schedule, Bill of Materials, and inventory record

221.The Entry Criteria for a phase does not consist of: State of each output 222.A Continuous Flow involves the High volume production of a product or small groups of related products. 223._ Code review criteria/coding guidelines __are prepared to identify and list the parameters that the code must meet in the construction phase 224.A/An ___ Activity _ diagram depicts the flow of control from one activity to another. 225.A Manufacturing Execution System (MES):Checks performance for floor operations 226.Who is the user/owner of the Prepared and Approved Functional Specifications Document? Analyst 227.The factors that influence the working of processes are: Organizational culture, Organizational change, Function of technology, and Total Quality Management 228.Which of the following statements is not true about the acceptance letter? Getting the acceptance letter does not mean that the system conforms to all the stated requirements 229.The prototyping model is also known as: Evolutionary model 230.The ___The W-Model ____ places test process on an equal footing with development process. 231.The components of the proposed Software are produced in ___Construction__ Phase 232.The various inputs to a payroll process are: Company details, designation, basic salary, allowances, deductions and attendance 233.Which of the following steps depict the product development life cycle? Establish customer requirement(Design and manufacture product(Obtain feedback from customer(Eliminate the negative and enhance the positive aspects of the product 234.The basis of a Decision Support System is: Transaction Processing System and Management Information System 235.__Sequence ____ diagrams represent an interaction between objects. 236.Program Specifications Document is also called Low Level Design Document

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