Ms Crm User Guide

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 33
MS CRM and Trouble handling User’s guide

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CONTENTS CONTENTS......................................................................................................................................2 CRM - MICROSOFT CRM.............................................................................................................4 GOALS OF THE GUIDE: ......................................................................................................................4 SOFTWARE IS A TOOL ........................................................................................................................4 SALES MANAGEMENT MODULE ........................................................................................................4 SERVICE MANAGEMENT (OR TROUBLE HANDLING) MODULE ...........................................................4 MARKETING AUTOMATION MODULE ...............................................................................................4 TERMS AND DEFINITIONS..................................................................................................................5 MICROSOFT CRM IN WARID .....................................................................................................6 ACCESSING MICROSOFT CRM .........................................................................................................6 MICROSOFT CRM – DESCRIPTION OF THE APPLICATION................................................................6 BASIC TYPES OF RECORDS........................................................................................................7 LEAD ..................................................................................................................................................8 CONVERSION OF A LEAD INTO A CONTACT, CUSTOMER OR OPPORTUNITY ..........................................8 CUSTOMER .........................................................................................................................................9 CONVERSION OF A PROSPECT TO A CUSTOMER..................................................................................10 GENERAL FUNCTIONS .....................................................................................................................10 CREATING NOTES AND ATTACHMENTS .............................................................................................10 MANIPULATION WITH RECORDS - ASSIGN .........................................................................................10 MANIPULATION WITH RECORDS – SHARING… ..................................................................................11 VIEW ................................................................................................................................................11 ACTIVITIES .......................................................................................................................................12 SALES MODULE...........................................................................................................................13 CRM BUSINESS CASE GUIDE ..........................................................................................................13 OPPORTUNITY .................................................................................................................................14 CLOSING OPPORTUNITY - WON ......................................................................................................14 CLOSING OPPORTUNITY – LOST .....................................................................................................14 CONTRACTS.....................................................................................................................................15 COMPETITOR...................................................................................................................................15 SALES DOCUMENTATION ................................................................................................................15 MARKETING AUTOMATION ....................................................................................................16 CREATING CAMPAIGN.....................................................................................................................16 LAUNCHING AND MANAGING CAMPAIGNS .....................................................................................18 ASSESSING THE SUCCESS OF A CAMPAIGN......................................................................................18 QUICK CAMPAIGNS .........................................................................................................................18 SETTING UP AND SPECIAL FUNCTIONALITIES ..................................................................19

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ROLES OF A CONTACT.....................................................................................................................19 TROUBLE HANDLING ................................................................................................................20 BASIC OPERATION OF THE APPLICATION .......................................................................................20 SEARCHING (F IND)............................................................................................................................20 BASIC SEARCH (F IND) .......................................................................................................................20 ADVANCED F IND ..............................................................................................................................20 OTHER SEARCHING TECHNIQUES .......................................................................................................20 USING VIEWS (FILTERS, VIEWS) ........................................................................................................20 LINK TO OTHER ENTITY AND FORM WIZARD .................................................................................21 SUMMARY OF OPERATION SEQUENCE - TROUBLE HANDLING .......................................................21 CREATING A CASE ............................................................................................................................21 CASE SCREEN DESCRIPTION:.............................................................................................................21 CASE TYPES......................................................................................................................................22 STATUS REASONS .............................................................................................................................22 CUSTOMER PROBLEM......................................................................................................................22 OBLIGATORY FIELDS: .......................................................................................................................22 TABS ................................................................................................................................................23 CREATING AND SETTING SUBJECT..................................................................................................23 CREATING/MODIFYING A KNOWLEDGE BASE ARTICLE ................................................................23 MANAGING KNOWLEDGE BASE ARTICLES ........................................................................................23 CREATING/MODIFYING KNOWLEDGE BASE ARTICLES ......................................................................23 MONITORING A CASE ......................................................................................................................24 FINDING CASES.................................................................................................................................24 CASE HISTORY..................................................................................................................................24 PHASE 0 – DESCRIPTION OF BASIC FUNCTIONS ................................................................25 ACTIVATION OF PREPAID SIM CARDS.............................................................................................25 INPUT FILE ........................................................................................................................................25 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE INPUT FILE: ........................................................................................25 IMPORTING THE FILE .........................................................................................................................26 WORKING WITH CREATED CUSTOMERS..........................................................................................30 VIEW LIST OF THE INDIVIDUAL CUSTOMERS ......................................................................................30 INDIVIDUAL CUSTOMER ....................................................................................................................30 SIM CARDS ......................................................................................................................................31 INCOMING CALLS ............................................................................................................................32 T-PIN MANAGEMENT .....................................................................................................................32 DEALERS AND SIM CARD HANDLING ..............................................................................................33

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CRM - Microsoft CRM Goals of the Guide: This guide is designed to: Provide all needed information for Warid Phase 0 users Help to understand Microsoft CRM and TH concepts, see the potential of the system and get insight into the purpose of individual modules; Help to understand the meaning of individual types of records (entities), recognize differences between such records and get insight into their mutual links; Show how to access the application and how to log on; Provide description of the work with a business case; Provide description of the Marketing and Sales modules and the way of working with the marketing campaigns; Provide description of the Trouble Handling module and its basic procedures

Software is a tool It is important to understand that CRM is a business strategy. Microsoft CRM is an application designed to help the users achieve this business strategy. Microsoft CRM includes a number of features that improve communication between salespersons, branches and other users of the system. However, it will never by able to completely the role of human element in business processes. In order to assure efficient operation of the CRM system it is essential that it contains updated and valid data. Certain data will be supplied to the MS CRM system from BSS Foris NG system, but certain data will have to be entered manually by the users so that it is essential for them to know how to work with the application.

Sales Management Module Sales process management module includes the features designed to simplify day-to-day sales force operations. Microsoft CRM is designed to help your organization acquire and retain customers while minimizing the time spent on necessary administrative tasks. It provides a robust system for management of Customers, Leads and Prospects. It allows sharing them and simplifies cooperation of more sales persons on individual business cases. The features of this module also prevent stealing of customers between individual sales persons.

Service management (or Trouble handling) module The standard Microsoft CRM 3.0 configuration contains also a service and assistance management module, which is mainly used for operation of call centres. In the Warid company, the Service module is used for handling customers’ complaints, claims etc.

Marketing Automation Module The marketing Automation Module is an extensive module providing a tool for administration of marketing activities such as planning of marketing campaigns as well as monitoring of 4 / 33

their cost effectiveness and efficiency. The marketing Automation Module is designed namely for the specialists working in marketing departments, however, so called „Quick campaigns“ may be set up by all users of the system. Quick campaigns are simplified marketing campaigns, which are easy to create and which allow monitoring of the response of the target audience.

Terms and Definitions English CRM Lead Customer Enterprise Individual SLA KAM TAM SR IVR IMS PBX PrP PoP TT CTI SIP FAB PSTN MW IM

Description Customer Relationships Management potential customer that has been contacted customer with a signed contract (conforms to CRM term Account) Company prospect customer or active customer Individual person as a prospect customer, contact person or active customer service level agreement key account manager telephone account manager sales representative interactive voice response IP Multimedia Subsystem (IP services infrastructure, such as vPBX, unified messaging, instant messaging, etc.) Private branch exchange prepaid post-paid trouble ticketing computer telephone integration Strategy, Infrastructure, Product (eTOM area) Fulfilment, Assurance, Billing (eTOM area), part of OPS Public Switched Telephone Network microwave instant messaging (messaging service displaying user’s current status/presence)

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Microsoft CRM in Warid Accessing Microsoft CRM You can access Microsoft CRM using the Internet Explorer 6.0 and higher web browser. Open the Internet Explorer and insert the address: (the direct address will be specified during the initial user training)

Microsoft CRM – Description of the Application. The following figure shows the basic screen of the application. 1 – Main menu – contains different commands (e.g. creation of a new Customer, creation of a new opportunity etc.), it speeds/up the movement in the application (using the „Go to“ command). From this Menu you can access the Help. 2 - Toolbar – allows a quick creation of new activities as well as opening of the Advance Find. 3 – Navigation Pan – this part features a well-arrange display of the overall structure of the records filed in the system. Navigation Pan changes according to the item, selected on the Sidebar. 4 - Sidebar – these buttons allow switching between individual modules of the system. However, the links may be stored even in the Workplace module (See the link „Customize Workplace“). Note: In the case that you can‘t access some of the features described in this document, you probably don’t have the appropriate access rights. Tip: Click on the Customize your workplace button in order to customize the workplace according to your needs. 5 - Workplace – contains a list of records, a command bar and the view setting tool 6 – View setting – view, filters and find functions allow filtering of the records contained in the list. The user can choose several pre-set views on each of the workplaces. Each view features different columns and it can filter only certain records. It is not possible to display two types of records – e.g. Contacts and Opportunities – on one screen. 7 – Tools for the List – a command bar with buttons, which are relevant for the displayed system and for the user’s authorization. 8 - List – a list of records, containing columns; The records may be sorted by a click on the name of the respective column. The bottom part contains a bar with the alphabet. By a click on a respective letter of the alphabet you may filter the records according to the initial letter of their name (e.g. you can select the customers starting with „F“).

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Basic types of records Microsoft CRM enables individuals, teams and organizations to manage, share and collaborate on the portfolio of leads, customers, contacts, opportunities, contracts and campaigns. The Microsoft CRM features these basic types of records: Lead – a prospective customer (an Enterprise or an Individual, a contact person all together) that has not been addressed yet or that has not shown an interest in the WARID services so far; Customer – an Enterprise or an Individual, which may be divided into two types: a Prospect or a Customer. Prospect – takes a serious concern (i.e. at least one business opportunity is registered for such prospect) in the WARID services Customer – an Enterprise or an Individual using WARID services Contact – a natural person (a contact person of a certain Enterprise or Individual) Activities – activities of different kinds (a task, a fax, a phone call, an e-mail, a letter, a meeting, a response to a campaign, a campaign activity). Notes and appendices – notes and appendices may be added to the majority of other records (a contact, a customer, an opportunity, a contract...) Other types of records are further described in relation to the individual modules of the application (Sales, Marketing). The following figure shows the overview of entities used within the framework of the system and their mutual links. The following diagram displays entities, used in the MS CRM for the purposes of Warid. A detailed description is provided in an analytical document. Creation of a new record – there is several ways how to create a new record: Click on „New” > “Required record“ button in the Main Menu. A form for insertion of data will appear on your screen; Click on the Record area (a link in the Navigation Pan); you can see the „New“ button in the upper left corner of the Task Pane; You can also use the „New“ button, placed on the Toolbar. For saving of the respective record serves the button marked by the floppy disk symbol. There are three different floppy disk icons for saving of the record displayed in the upper left corner of the opened record. Save: It saves the record but the window remains open. Save and close: The record will be saved and the window will close down. Save and new: The record will be saved and an empty window for insertion of a new record will appear. Fill out all mandatory fields before saving the record! Mandatory fields are marked in red. 7 / 33

Lead A Lead is a prospective customer, that has not been addressed yet or that has not shown an interest in WARID services yet. New Lead may be entered into thy system by: Manual creation of a new record (New); Standard MS CRM import – See the standard Help in the application under the keyword: Import and export data; Special tool (CRM Migration Tool) for data import (see the instruction to this tool); The Lead card allows storing of information concerning the person, the enterprise or the individual name, Lead’s assessment etc. Depending on the Lead’s credibility, it is necessary to enter the reasoning of the credibility and condition, under which the Lead may use the WARID services. The field in the grey frame Reviewed By and Revision Date will be completed automatically by the application depending on the changes in the Customer’s credibility. The Segment and Segment code fields are updated automatically on the grounds of the Lead’s segmentation. The Navigation Pan allows display of individual types of records, related to the Lead. The History consists of completed activities. The Detail card allows entering of information specifying the Lead. Comments to the card: Enter the ZIP code without gaps; After selecting the Industry Code, Industry name and Warid Industry will be filled out automatically; Into the total revenues you may enter your own assessment of monthly revenues; Calculated total revenues are calculated by the application automatically according to the Lead’s Industry code; Data in the fields Revenues – Mobile (UGX) to Revenues – Data (UGX) must be entered manually Data in the section Competition must be entered manually.

Conversion of a Lead into a Contact, Customer or Opportunity If a salesperson finds out that a prospective customer indicated an interest in the WARID services, he or she must first convert the record of the Lead into a Contact, Customer (Prospect) and/or Opportunity. It is possible to convert the Lead into all the mentioned entities or only into those entities, which are relevant at the given moment. Conversion into a Contact, Customer (Prospect) and Opportunity can be made in a single step – by clicking on the button Convert the Lead to Prospect; (by clicking on this button, the user will get onto the form displayed below). 8 / 33

If a sales person finds out that the Lead is not interested in the WARID services, he or she may delete the Lead from the system.

Customer The Customer may be either Prospect (provided that the contract with such Customer has not be made so far) or a Customer. Basically, a Customer may be a Parent Record of any other record (Opportunity, Activity and Contact) and even a Parent Record of another Customer. The Contact may have only one Customer allocated to it. Customers may be of two types: Enterprises or Individuals. The toolbar contains following buttons, which serve as the links to other system modules: Edit Customer hierarchy – a link to the module for creation of orders, where you can edit the hierarchy of the Customer, whose detail is recently opened; Create Order – a link to the module for creation of orders, where you can create a new Order of the Customer, whose detail is recently opened; Edit Billing data – a link to the module for creation of orders, where you can change invoicing data (parameters and structure of accounts, valets, invoices etc.) of the Customer, whose detail is recently opened; Depending on the level of the Customer’s credibility, it is necessary to enter the reasoning of the Customer’s credibility and the condition, on which the Lead may use the WARID services. Links contained in the Navigation Pan may be used for display and subsequent editing of: Activity, related to the Customer Customer’s history – it is formed by completed activities of the Customer Partial business relations – Subordinate Customers (e.g. subsidiaries); Contacts – the list of Contacts, related to the Customer; Lists of related Contracts, Campaigns and Marketing lists; In the case that you can‘t access some of these items, you probably don’t have the appropriate access rights. Tip: Enter the address as follows: The application will insert the country „Uganda“ automatically; if you need some other country, just enter the first initial letters and press Enter; the application will than offer you a list from which you can select the required country by using Tab. If the background of the list is red, it means that it does not display all attributes, corresponding with the entered letters. If the required country is not on the list, marked by red background, you must specify the name of the respective country by adding subsequent letters. Fill out the next filed in the same manner. If you will not find the required attribute on the list, than the address being entered is not inserted in the code list so that you will have to enter it manually (into individual fields). In this case just enter the required attribute and switch to the next field using Tab.

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When entering the address, you have to complete the ZIP or ID address after completion of the respective country. It is not possible to enter the address without completion of one of these fields. If a Municipality has no streets, than the application will offer only the field Municipality Part. If the street exists, than the user does not have to fill out the Municipality Part field. It will be completed automatically by the application on the grounds of insertion of the street. The Contact card allows entering of information, specifying the Customer. Notes to the card: Enter the ZIP code without gaps;

Conversion of a Prospect to a Customer As soon as the respective Contract on provision of Warid services is made with a Prospect, the user may convert the respective Prospect into a Customer using the Customer/Prospect button. After saving of the Customer’s record, the data will be sent to the production systems, which will than generate the Customer’s identification number. Note: A Contract of the respective Customer must exist in the system before saving of such Customer.

General Functions Creating Notes and Attachments You can add a Note or to attach a file in the form of an Attachment to the majority of records in the system. Notes are used for storing of different kinds of information and for recording of comments and ideas. The format of notes is not explicitly set so that there can be recorded anything what is not appropriate to write into a form. Notes are recorded into the Notes folder tab. You can insert any file as an Attachment. To insert a file, just click on the paperclip icon: . The paperclip appears when the respective record is saved (after the first click on the Save button). Example: If you want to create an Opportunity and to add a Contract as an Attachment, complete the information concerning the Opportunity first. Than click on the Floppy disc icon to save the Opportunity and attach the Contract using the paperclip icon.

Manipulation with Records - Assign Each record (Customer, Contact, Opportunity etc.) in the MS CRM is owned by a single user (Owner). The Owner of the respective record has the right to assign his/her record to some other user and, at the same time, to waive his/her rights related to the ownership of such record. 10 / 33

. After clicking on this For assignment of a record you may use the function Allocate: icon, you have to select whether you want to allocate the respective record to yourself or to some other user. If you select the option Allocate to other user, you can subsequently select the user to whom you want to assign the respective record.

Manipulation with Records – Sharing… Each of the records may be shared with more users. This function is used mainly for a teamwork, e.g. when more people work on one Opportunity, they can select sharing of such Opportunity. Furthermore, this function may be used for staff substitutability, e.g. during holidays. You can access the Sharing... function from the Action menu. If you are an owner of a record you want to share, mark (or open) the record and click on Sharing... A window, showing the user sharing the marked record, will appear. If you want to add other users, click on Add user or team. If you want to remove a user from sharing, mark it by ticking the field next to such user’s name and than click on Remove selected items. For each user you can see the list of rights, allocated to such user. If a certain right is allocated to a user, it means that such user is allowed to execute allocated actions with the respective record. Read = If ticked, the user has the right to read the record including all details; Write = The user has the right to alter the record; Delete = The user has the right to delete the record; Link = The user has the right to link the record with another record (e.g. to link the Contact with a Customer); Allocate = The user has the right to change the owner of the record (to assign it to some other person); Share = The user has the right to set up sharing with other users. Individual rights may be combined as needed.

View For each of the list of records you can select several views (they will appear after you click on the link in the Navigation Pan). The views differ from each other in the structure of the columns and in the filter applied for individual records. You can create your own views using the Advanced Find button. Detailed description of the process of creation of your own description is available in the Help file of the application (click on the Help link in the Menu).

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Activities Activities allow keeping records about contacts and appointments with a Customer. They can be used namely for maintaining the history and for monitoring of the progress of activities in time. In the MS CRM you can create several types of activities: Task Fax Phone call E-mail Letter Appointment Response to a campaign Campaign activity Activities may be created using the buttons placed in the upper left corner of the application. You can also create an activity in the list of Activities using the button New. To save the Activity, click on the Floppy disc icon (Save, Save and Close, Save and New). Activities are a standard feature of the MS CRM so that if you are not sure how to work with activities, you may use the Help function available directly in the application.

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Sales Module This chapter describes the work with the following types of records: Opportunity – an opportunity to sell Warid services; Contract – a contract between Warid and a Customer generally defining the rules of cooperation; it does not contain information about particular products and services; Competition – a rival company; Sales documentation – sales documentation of Warif or its Competitor’s products and services;

CRM Business Case Guide This chapter contains a simplified process of a business case realization: Creation/import of a Lead – described in the chapter Basic Types of Records; Segmentation of Prospects – described in this chapter; Automatic allocation of Prospects - described in this chapter; Identification of the Lead’s interests – a manual process in which you can use different types of activities; Conversion of a Lead: o Creation of an Opportunity – described in this chapter; o Creation of a Contact – described in the chapter Basic Types of Records; o Creation of a Customer (Prospect) – described in the chapter Basic Types of Records; Creation of an Opportunity – Recently, the system does not support creation of an Offer. The Offer must be created manually (MS Word) and attached in the form of an Attachment to the respective Customer. Closing of an Opportunity o Won Conversion of a Prospect into a Customer – described in the chapter Basic Types of Records; Creation of a Contract – described in this chapter; o Loss Creation of a Competitor (if it does not exist so far) – described in this chapter; Association of an Opportunity with a Competitor - described in this chapter; Association of the Sales documentation with a Competitor described in this chapter; Creation of an Order – an Order can be created in the module for creating Orders; you can access this module from the Customer’s record using the button, placed on the toolbar.

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Individual steps of a business case, supported by MS CRM, are accessible from the Navigation Pan of the Sales module.

Opportunity Opportunity is a potential business transaction. You can create Opportunities in relation to a Customer or Contact. To each of these records you can create any number of Opportunities. Users can create an Opportunity using the Form wizard, which helps them to complete the respective forms. You can close the wizard by a click on button. An Opportunity can be created in the same manner as a Customer or Contact. Click on New in the Main menu and select the Opportunity. You can link the Opportunity to a Customer in the Customer field on the Opportunity form or by selection in the Form wizard. Items in the Navigation Pan may be used only when the record is saved. When you save the record, you can display and edit lists of related types of records using the items contained in the Navigation Pan. With an Opportunity you can associate corresponding Relations (Contacts and Customers), Activities and Competitors.

Closing Opportunity - Won If a Customer accepts an offer of WARID, you can close the Opportunity as follows: Open the Opportunities form; Select Reasons why Won / Lost (Price, Quality etc.) In the Main menu select Action / Close opportunity record Application will display following dialog: Enter Actual Revenues, Closing Date and, eventually, describe how the Opportunity was won; Click OK; Close the Opportunity record using Save and Close button.

Closing Opportunity – Lost If a Customer does not accept an offer of WARID, you can close the Opportunity as follows: If a Competitor, who won the Opportunity, has not been created yet, create the Competitor using steps described in the chapter „Competitor“; Open the Opportunities Form; Select Reasons why Won / lost (Price, Quality etc.) In the Main menu select Action / Close Opportunity Record Application will display following dialog: Select Lost; Enter the Status Reason, Actual Revenues, Closing Date, Competitor who won the Opportunity and, eventually, describe how the Opportunity was lost; Click OK; Close the Opportunity Record using Save and Close button.

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Contracts CRM system also allows recording of Contracts, made with Customers. This type or records can be used namely when you need to store and/or quickly find basic data related to the respective Contract, such as term, estimated revenues, contract registration number etc. When approved, all alterations of the Contract are to be made by the means of Annexes. Some fields in the Contract Attributes section are „doubled“ - e.g. Expiry Date or Current Expiry Date. The first type of attributes represents the attributes of the Contract when approved. The second type of attributes (current) represents current data including alterations executed in the Annexes to the Contract. If – for example – the term of the Contract is extended by an Annex, the Expiry Date attribute will remain the same, but the Current Expiry Date attribute will display the date of expiration of the Contract defined in the respective Annex. Thanks to this feature, the user does not have to search for current data across all Annexes. The navigation Pan contains items, which can be used to display and/or edit lists of the types of records, related to the Contract.

Competitor MS CRM allows recording of Warid Competitors. These Competitors may be subsequently associated with Occasions or Sales Documentation (See the items in the Navigation Pan or the Opportunities and Sales Documentation records). You can create a Competitor in the same manner as all other records. The Analysis tab allows entering of data concerning the SWOT analysis of a Competitor.

Sales Documentation This type of record can be used for recording of sales materials of Warid or Competitors. If it applies to the Competitor’s sales documentation, than it must be linked with the respective Competitor using the Competition item in the Navigation Pan. Individual documents, contained in the Sales Documentation, can be inserted into a list accessible from the Navigation Pad by clicking on the Documents item. Individual documents are than inserted using the New Record – Document button and the following form:

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MARKETING AUTOMATION Within the framework of the Marketing Automation module, the users come in contact with the following entities: Campaign – a marketing campaign, containing activities carried out in the course of the Campaign, lists of Prospects/Customers/Contacts to be addressed within the scope of the Campaign, responses to the Campaign and, eventually, Sales Documentation. Marketing List – a list of Prospects, Customers (Customer or Prospect) or, eventually, Contact Persons, defined by the respective user; Quick Campaigns – a simplified marketing campaign, which does not contain planning steps (budget, preparation etc.). It can be created through the Quick Campaign Wizard (See standard MS CRM Help). Marketing Automation module has not been radically modified so that for execution of individual procedures it is recommended to use the Help installed directly in the system. This chapter rather describes the fundamental philosophy of the work with Marketing Automation module as well as certain basic rules. The basic procedure to be used while working on a Marketing Campaign: Creation and management of marketing lists

In the Microsoft CRM you can create and administer Marketing Lists for a particular Campaign or to prepare different Lists to be used later in the course of other Campaigns. Criteria, which are used for creation of a correct list of the target Customers, Leads or Prospects, depend on the type of Campaign and on the user who runs the respective campaign. Criteria are limited only by available system attributes. If you want to address a Customer or a prospect, select the attribute „Customer“ as the Member Defining Marketing List Members

To create the list according to the selected criteria you have to use the Advance Find function. After completing its creation, you can further filter the list using additional conditions in order to create a list, exactly corresponding with the respective target group. Click on the Administer Members button to modify the Marketing List Members.

Creating Campaign

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When launching a Marketing Campaign, you have to know and fill out plenty of data, such as campaign date, budget, selected marketing list, business literature (brochures) and products. Entered data can be altered and specified even after creation of a Campaign. If you create a Campaign, you can – for example – convert obtained Positive responses to Applicants and distribute the Applicants among salespersons. When you run Campaign, the MS CRM fills out certain fields automatically: • On the General tab, the Campaign code is generated automatically; • On the Financial tab, the Total Costs of Campaign Activities are automatically calculated; • All information on the Administration tab is automatically generated. When creating a Campaign, you have to take into consideration certain facts: • What is the purpose of the Campaign? • What message we want to communicate to the addressed audience? • What is the target audience? • What are the resources required by the campaign? • What are the costs of the campaign? When creating a Campaign or modifying an existing Campaign you have to know – at minimum – the following information (obligatory field): • Campaign name; • Start and end criteria; • Define any product, service or any other details; • Allocate resources; After creating a new Campaign, it is advised to test it on a small sample of the addressed audience in order to find out whether the Campaign corresponds with our conception. Templates

If you create similar Campaigns more often, you can create a template in order to simplify creation of identical types of Campaigns. You can also use the templates for adjustment of certain standards to be used for Marketing Campaigns of your company (e.g. a marketing manager will approve a campaign template, but the Campaign itself will be than administered by some other employee). Allocation of Marketing lists to the Campaign

Each Marketing Campaign has its Subjects to be addressed. These Subjects are allocated to the respective Campaign using the Add button in the section „Target Marketing Lists“. It is advisable to allocate a Marketing list to a Campaign before creation of the Campaign activities. Creating Preliminary Tasks

Each Campaign usually requires certain preliminary works. In MS CRM you can plan such preliminary works (Scheduled Tasks), monitor their progress and launch the Campaign only after such works are completed. As a typical example we can mention printing of leaflets. 17 / 33

Preparing Campaign Activities

Campaign Activities are activities carried out in order to address the Customers or Applicants. There are several types of such Activities ranking from E-mails, Appointments and Letters up to Phone Calls. While crating a Campaign you can schedule Activities, which will be subsequently executed by somebody else. Each Activity may be allocated to one or more Marketing Lists. In the course of a Campaign you can modify the schedule of Activities and to plan their sequence. After creating an Activity, it is necessary to distribute it to its executors. If the Activities are to be executed by an external company, it is advisable to allocate such Activities to a single user (selection „Myself“) and, subsequently, export such Activities to Excel or to print them and send them to a marketing partner. Responses to a Campaign can be imported using a standard import tool.

Launching and Managing Campaigns After launching a Campaign, the respective responses will be received and registered by the system. In order to allow evaluation of the Campaign, the MS CRM offers a flexible method to enter and display the costs and performance characteristics. Example: a marketing manager may use the filtered display of Activities or on-line reports for initiation of corresponding sales processes. Sales processes may contain: • Management of associated Campaign Activities; • Revision of emerging Opportunities and related Activities; • Continuous evaluation of the costs and benefits of the Campaign;

Assessing the Success of a Campaign MS CRM provides several Views and Reports designed to evaluate marketing Campaigns. It depends only on the respective marketing manager to select the correct criteria and to evaluate the results of the respective marketing campaign.

Quick Campaigns Quick Campaigns are simplified marketing Campaigns, which maintain the most important features of regular Marketing Campaigns. For example, you can use the Quick Campaigns for when you want to address a selected group of users at once (direct mail). To create a Quick Campaign, just click on a Create Quick Campaign button. You will see the list of records for which you want to organize the Campaign. Select one of the offered options in order to open the Campaign Creation Wizard. The Wizard is very intuitive and it is also described in the Help section.

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Setting up and Special Functionalities This chapter describes basic types or records of the Setup module, which are used in the WARID solution. You can access these records from the following Setup Navigation Pan. Setup and Individual Setup areas have not been modified so that they are described in the standard Help section of the application.

Roles of a Contact This type of record may be used to define the role of a Contact in relation to a Customer – e.g. „Employee“. Microsoft CRM contains a standard functionality that allows to define the relationship between: Contact and Customer; Contact and Contact; Contact and Opportunity; Customer and Opportunity; For the purposes of the WARID solution we will use only the relationship between the Contact and Customer (Contact’s Role) on the side of the Contact. You can add a new role as follows: Select Setting in the Sidebar Select Relationship Role in the main window; Application will display the list of Relationship Roles already created; Select New; Application will show the form for entering of a new role: Enter the name of the required Contact‘s Role; Select the context in which the Role may be used. If – for example – you select the Contact‘s Role for a Customer, it will be possible to select this Role while linking the Contact with a Customer (viewed from the part of the Contact). Example: On the part of the Contact, the Contact has a role of an administrator, but on the part of the Customer, this Contact has – in the same connection – the Role of an employee. Note: The name of the Role may be on both sides the same – in this case, you have to select Customer for Contact Role and Contact for Customer Role for this particular role. The created Contact Role may be than used by other users in the Contact forms in the following way: Open/create a Contact; Select the Relations item in the Navigation Pan; 19 / 33

Select the New Record – Relation button; Application will show the following dialog: Select the other party (Customer) Select the Contact‘s Role (Role 1) and the Role on the part of the Customer (Role 2); Eventually, you can add description of the Role; Save and close the record.

Trouble Handling The basic task of the Trouble Handling module is to ensure the creation of records pursuing the progress and measures taken to solve problems on both the network and customer side.

Basic Operation of the Application Searching (Find) The system allows searching for data in the list using several ways:

Basic search (Find) Enter some parts of the word – you can also add the asterisk instead of missing letters or digits. Example: *fiug* will find the words „First“ and „Uganda“.

Advanced Find Advanced find allows entering more complicated inquiries based on the knowledge of the fields of individual forms. The Advanced Find button is placed on the toolbar next to the list of records of the particular entity.

Other searching techniques

Selection of the first letter of the name – Pressing the particular key will move the cursor to the first record, beginning with this letter. Paging – the paging control elements are located in the right bottom corner of the List of Records; they are accessible only if they make sense. Segmentation according to individual columns. Click on the heading to line the list in an ascending order. Another click will line the list in a descending order.

Using Views (filters, views) The views serve for filtering records in the system. View filters are pre-set according to the most frequent needs. In the CRM system, each record has its own owner. All views, containing the word „Mine“ in the respective name, will display all records owned by this particular user. Views, which 20 / 33

contain in their name the word „All“ will than display all records, independently of the Owner.

Link to other Entity and Form Wizard A link may be created in the window, which will open after a click on the magnifying glass icon (look-up). After clicking on the magnifying glass icon, the dialog box appears. In this dialog box you can find the respective record in the field Search using the Find button. You can also use the Form Wizard in the open window. This Form Wizard will allow faster link of the records. The Form Wizard is designed to help you with creation of the links amongst the records. You can hide or open the Wizard using the arrow located in the upper left corner.

Summary of Operation Sequence - Trouble Handling Creating a Case You can create a Case using following procedure: Create a Case manually in the section Services/Cases using the New button. Create a Case from the Customer record in the Navigation Pan Service/Cases using the New record – Case button. The Customer field for the newly created case will be completed.

Case Screen Description: Important elements in the form – the elements are accessible according to the type of the case and according to the reasons for the current status of the case. Problem Impact – the Problem Impact button allows the user to select a particular product from the hierarchy of users‘ groups and instances of marketing packages; Create Order – the button for creation of an order related to a lump-sum discount – e.g. in the case of an accepted complaint; Menu/Action/Cancel Case – this will set the Status Reason to: „Cancelled“ – all fields displayed on the respective will be inaccessible for editing; Menu/Action/Solve the Case – it will switch to the Status Reason: „Completed“ (in the case of a scheduled outage) or „Closed“ – the Status Reason for all other types of Cases; Menu/Action/reactivate – allows reactivation of a case already cancelled or closed. Status Reason – selection from the dropdown menu on the respective form allows shifting in the life-cycle of the respective case; Case Type – a dropdown menu on the form for selection of the case types; 21 / 33

Object – classifies the case into the group of problems. With the respective problem is associated the maximum period of time for solution as well as the escalation rule applied; Case History – records accessible from the left Navigation Pan – this section contains all case solution milestones; Related Cases – serves for interconnection of 2 or more cases; Impact on Customers – in the case of network problem or in the case of a scheduled drop-out, the Customers, which are affected by such drop-out or network problem, are recorded in this entity; Activity; History – history of all activities;

Case Types In the Microsoft CRM you can create 6 different types of cases, divided into three groups: o Customer problem – In the case that a Customer reports a problem related to a particular service, product etc.; o Claim – A Customer reports a functionless terminal (end use device); o Complaint – A Customers complaint related to the financial matters (incorrect billing or invoicing, objection against the price...), a complaint related to a service partner; Network Incidents: o Network Incident – a service partner will identify and report a network incident; o Scheduled Outage - a service partner will report a scheduled outage of the respective service; General Cases o Requirement – a general requirement on a user;

Status Reasons A Status Reason serves for shifting in the life cycle of the respective case. The first group of cases is pro-active – i.e. the ongoing cases. Remaining reasons are for cancelled and closed cases. Each case has its own Status Reasons.

Customer problem Obligatory Fields: Status Reason; Object; Case Type; Priority; Case Source; Customer; 22 / 33

Tabs General – information concerning reporting time, solution to the problem, description of the problem etc. Customer – information about the Customer; Solution - information about the process of solving the problem; Administration

Creating and Setting Subject The Subject serves for classification of individual cases, records of the knowledge base and sales literature. Each Subject may have its own setting, in which is stored a maximum period of time for solution of a problem, escalation policy and the template of the recommended case solution.

Creating/Modifying a Knowledge Base Article The Knowledge Base serves for creation of an Article containing description of the procedures to be used when solving particular problems. The first type of Articles serves for description of a general procedures to be used for solving a Case, related to a particular Object (individual steps, questions, which should the operator ask when talking with a Customer, activities to be performed by the operator in order to solve the respective case). The second type serves for recording of the procedure used to solve individual types of problems (e.g. how to solve GPRS malfunction – setting).

Managing Knowledge Base Articles You can manage the Articles from the Services/Knowledge Base section. There are three files on the Knowledge base Screen: Concept – all semi-finished Articles of a user logged in the system. Use the Send button to send the Articles for approval. Not Approved – All Articles to be published. Use the Approve button to publish the respective article. Published – All articles made public. Use the Cancel Publication to send the Article back to the Not Approved folder.

Creating/Modifying Knowledge Base Articles Click on the particular Knowledge Base Article or on the New button to open a window for editing. The following fields on the form are important: Name – Article name Object – to which group the Article belongs Key words 23 / 33

Monitoring a Case The user can use monitoring of a case when he or she needs to monitor how individual cases are being solved.

Finding Cases To find a case quickly, use the pre-defined views on the Case entity records. You can select these views from the View dropdown menu. Selection from Views: Active Network Cases – displays all Network Problems and Scheduled Outages; Active Customer Cases – displays all Customer Cases, Claims and Complaints; All Requirements All Cases

Case History The main milestones in the Case solution are stored in the Case History on the Case form. Here you can see all conversions, their time and which user initiated the respective conversion event.

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Phase 0 – description of basic functions The main task for MS CRM and TH users in Phase 0 is to activate prepaid SIM cards in the system. There is automated process for this, but certain steps must be carried out manually.

Activation of prepaid SIM cards Input file To import new SIM cards into the system you can use .txt or .csv file. The file should contain bellow mentioned columns: MSISDN – is phone number assigned to the SIM card Last Name – Last name of the customer that will own the SIM card, if the Last Name is not known, please fill in the MSISDN IMSI - International Mobile Subscriber Identity – unique identifier of the SIM card MPID – Marketing package ID. This parameter says which marketing package should be assigned to the SIM card. To find out MPID contact administrator of Product catalogue Prospect/Customer – This is option how to import prospect customers or directly customers. If you choose customer then the SIM card will be activated immediately after import. If you choose Prospect, than the SIM card will not be activated in the system and will be just inserted into the MS CRM. Sample file should look like this: MSISDN Last Name IMSI MPID 256798765432 256798765432 123456789012345

Prospect/Customer 1 Customer

Plain text format: MSISDN;LastName;IMSI;MPID;Prospect/Customer 256798765432; 256798765432; 123456789012345;1;Customer

Recommendations for the input file: 1 row should contain names of columns (it will make import easier) Field separator should be semicolon “;” There is no need to include field data delimiter ANSI (if no special characters are in the file) or UNICODE (if you need to use special characters) coding

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Note that these are recommendations, if you do not follow them, you will have to adjust the import setup respectively.

Importing the file 1. Login into the application (the procedure is described in the beginning of this document) 2. After initial screen appears, go to Tools > Import…

3. New window pops up 4. Browse for import source file 5. Select Record type: Individual Field separator: Semicolon (;): separates data from each other Field Data Delimiter: determines the beginning and the end of the imported source Then check the checkbox First row contains column headings The final screen should look like this:

6. Click Next> 26 / 33

7. Map the fields. If your source file contains the heading as suggested, you do not need to change anything. Please check that the mapping is done as follows:

8. Click Next> 9. Set up the mapping. You need to map the values from source the file to entities existing in MS CRM. If you are importing Customers, then you just need to map the Customer values in the import file to the Customer values in the MS CRM. It will look

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like this:

10. Click Import 11. Confirmation screen appears:

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12. Click Finish and the Window closes. 13. Importing process runs in background and you can monitor the process within the CRM application. 14. To see the progress of the import, go to Activities > Select Type: Bulk import

15. This screen will appear. The most recent import is on the top of the list.

You can see if the imported is in progress or Completed. By double-clicking on the name of import, you can display more details about the import such as when it was started, who did the import and also display the records that were created successfully.

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Working with created customers After the initial import is done, you can review the customer list, add some notes, modify name, view the credit balance etc…

View list of the individual customers 1. Login into the application (the procedure is described in the beginning of this document) 2. After initial screen appears, go to Individuals. Initial list of Individual is displayed. Please note, that a default filter is applied. The default filter (view) has condition that only own Individuals are shown. If you want to see all Individual customers choose All active individuals. You can choose from different predefined views according to your current needs.

Individual customer When you find the customer that you want to work with, double-click on its name and a new window will pop-up. 30 / 33

On the Individual customer screen you can see data related to Individuals such as name, address, T-PIN etc.

The screen will change a little from phase to phase, but the main logic will remain unchanged.

SIM Cards Each Individual customer can have one or more SIM cards assigned. SIM cards can be displayed by going into the Individuals detail screen and then by selecting the SIM cards button in the left option tree.

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After selecting the appropriate SIM card, you can display its details including balance, IMSI etc.

Credit Panel displays information about SIM. These information are read online from the IN provided by Huaweii. So it depends on the availability of the system.

Incoming calls In the Phase 0, incoming calls from customer will be received by call centre agents. Call centre agents will be using Cisco Desktop Agent (CDA), CDA will receive MSISDN and based on this, the Customer screen from MS CRM will be displayed. MSCRM and TIBCO provide dedicated interface for this.

T-PIN Management Verification and Change of the T-PIN MS CRM is a primary source of the T-PIN. Each new Customer will have a default T-PIN assigned. 32 / 33

The default PIN for every SIM will be:1234. There is a special interface for authorization of customers which is provided by MS CRM and used by IVR and Self-Care system.

Dealers and SIM Card handling MS CRM in Phase 0 will also provide basic functions for SIM cards handling. This will include possibilities to store information about: Dealers – database of dealers contains their names, ids, contact information Status of SIM cards (Activated, Sold, In the warehouse…).

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