Moodle Handout

  • April 2020
  • PDF

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  • Words: 1,027
  • Pages: 10
Moodle Handout 1. Go to Moodle LMS ( 2. Log in to your account a. Username: first letter of first name and last name (e.g. msalang) b. Password: trainingncr 3. The module guide will be divided into the following sections: a. Module Overview, containing the following: i. Description of the module ii. Objectives iii. Pre-test b. Topics/Lessons i. Each topic/lesson is 1 section of the Moodle page. ii. Each topic/lesson should contain the following: 1. Instructions on how to study the module 2. Quizzes/Activities 3. Discussion Forum 4. Enrichment Resources c. Project i. Rationale ii. Project Output iii. Procedure/Steps iv. Scoring Guide v. Resources 4. Add a guide a. Click on Add a new course b. Fill up required fields: i. Full Name: full name of the module ii. Short Name: initials c. Select topics format d. Select show activity reports 5. Filling up the guide The course site/module guide site page looks like this:


6. Make sure you Turn Editing On. This will enable you to add or alter activities or resources in the course/module guide. When editing has been turned on, a variety of editing icons appear next to all editable objects in the course. Below is a brief list of common icons. Icon

* *

Effect Edit item See all weeks/topics See one week/topic

Icon * *

Effect Close/Hide item Open/Show Item Help


Effect Delete/Remove


Indent/shift right

Effect Move (up/down) Move here Make Current (highlight) week/topic

TIP:Some icons toggle (*). For example, the open eye indicates that the resource is visible to students, while clicking it changes it to a closed eye, making it invisible to students. 7. To add the guide to the module, select the edit item icon You will see a page that looks like this:

on top of each topic.

Here is the page where you will write the guide to the module.


8. To add items to a section, you will use the pull down boxes for activities and resources. a. Activities

The activities that will be frequently used are: Forum – for asynchronous communication Quiz – to assess the learning of the module Assignments – post and submit assignments i. Adding a Forum 1. When you select the activity tool Forum, a page opens on which you are requested to specify the settings of the forum you wish to add:


The possible use of the forum can be narrowed down by selecting another forum type than the standard forum. •

The Single discussion forum type has only one thread, so students can only post replies. This will avoid fragmentation of a discussion into many short threads. The opposite is the Each person one discussion type, where every student can/must start their own thread (they cannot start multiple threads, but they can reply in multiple threads).


In the Question & Answer type users can post questions and answers to questions, but they cannot see the questions and answers of other users until they have added their own contribution. ii. Adding a quiz 1. Select Quiz from the drop down Activity menu •

Type the topic of the quiz and the directions. Then select Save and Display at the bottom of the page.

2. Then this page will appear.

To enter questions for the quiz, look for Create a new question and choose from the drop down menu on the type of question that you need to ask.


Continue to add questions to the item bank. When you are through, select the questions by ticking the small box beside the question names and select add to quiz.

iii. Adding an Assignment 1. There are several types of assignments: a. Upload a single file - This could be a Word document, spreadsheet or anything in digital format. Multiple files may be zipped and then submitted. After students upload their files, the teacher will be able to open the submission and use the Moodle interface to assign a grade and offer comments as feedback. b. Online text - students type directly into Moodle, teachers can provide inline feedback. c. Offline Activity - teachers provide a description and due date for an assignment outside of Moodle. A grade & feedback can be recorded in Moodle. 2. Choose “Upload a single file” from the Add an activity drop down menu. 3. You may change settings in the assignment page


b. Resources

i. Insert web link If you want to insert a hyperlink / link to a web page, you have to follow these steps:

[Links in text page] 1. Select the word/sentence you want to use as hyperlink. (In our example, it's "Google") 2. Click on the icon "Insert Web Link" The following pop-up will now appear:

[Insert Link]


3. in this new pop-up window, please enter the URL of the hyperlink you want to use (in our case www. 4. Choose your "Target". This is the window in which the web site will be displaying. Click "OK" to save your settings. 5. We suggest that you choose "New window" when linking to web sites outside of your course. For learners, this will show more clearly that this is not your material. At the same time, students can just close this new window, and your moodle course site will be still open underneath. You definitely will reduce the risk of your learners "getting lost in hyperspace". ii. Link to a file or website 1. Choose link to a file or website.

2. In the field “Name”, add a title

3. To add a website link, copy the URL and paste in the bar.

4. To add a file, click the "Choose or upload a file" button. A new window will pop up with the files area directory structure.

5. Click “Upload a File”.


6. On the right side of the files list, you will see a "Choose" link in bold. Click that link. The Files window will close, and the path to the file will be entered into the file name.

7. Click “Save and Return to the Course” button


References: 1. yso/btn=i50/en/res=ibt%253A%252Fdivision%252Fgc21%252Fsite %252Fmodules%252Fcourse%252Fol-eLDI-08-en/modules/gc21/ol-eLDI-08-en/ toolbox/moodle/index.html 2. 3.


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