Monza Fixed Income

  • October 2019
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  • Pages: 28
Arc Capital & Income plc

Arc Fixed Income plan 2

9.00% annual or 0.73% monthly income. Capital & Income

A product designed to pay an annual or monthly income backed by a major financial institution.

Key Benefits 5 annual payments of 9.00% or 60 monthly payments of 0.73%

100% capital return even if all three indices have fallen by up to 30%

Tax free for PEP/ISA investments Invest between £4,000 and £2 million to secure the income benefits

A 5 years and 1 week investment No additional charges, fees or deduc-

tions for all investments maintained to maturity

All Plan investments issued by a major financial institution

What happens to your capital? Your money will be used to purchase a bond issued by a Standard & Poor’s “A+” rated financial institution, who utilises a range of financial instruments to provide exactly the returns explained in this brochure. You should only consider this investment if you are prepared to accept a degree of risk to your capital and, as the plan is designed to be held for the full investment period, do not require access to your money during the investment term.

Why Arc Capital & Income? Arc Capital & Income plc (“ACI”) has been developing and offering structured products, such as the Bull & Bear Tracker Plan since 1997, and has approximately £120 million under management. ACI is part of the Arc Fund Management Holdings plc, an AIM quoted investment company.

Income Options 5 Annual Payments of

Arc Capital & Income – Fixed Income Plan The Plan is a five year investment and is designed to provide a choice of annual or monthly income which is payable irrespective of stockmarket performance. The return of capital at the end of the term is dependent on the performance of the FTSE 100, S&P500 and Nikkei 225 so is not guaranteed, but the Plan does provide some protection if these indices do fall (see Calculating the capital return on page 3). This product can help in improving the income you receive from your capital and can represent an appropriate way of investing part of your capital providing you are comfortable with the investment risks.


Commencing on 31 October 2008 with a final payment on 31 October 2012

60 Monthly Payments of



Commencing on 30 November 2007 with a final payment on 31 October 2012

Income paid gross Tax Free income for ISAs and PEPs ISAs – Maxi ISA Invest via a maxi ISA for the 2007/08 tax year. By investing the maximum £7,000 through an ISA you can look forward to a tax free income of £630.00 per annum or £51.10 per month. ISAs – Mini ISA Invest via a mini ISA for the 2007/08 tax year. By investing the maximum £4,000 through a mini ISA you can look forward

to a tax free income of £360 each year or annum or £29.20 per month. PEP/ISA Transfers – Transfer all or some of your existing investments in to the Plan with no maximum limit on the size of your investment (minimum £4,000). All income will be tax free. Your existing manager may charge an exit fee, and the value of transferred assets may fall or rise while the transfer is being arranged. Direct Investment – Invest between £4,000 (minimum) and £2 million (maximum). Income arising from the Plan is paid gross. Basic rate taxpayers are liable to 20% tax and 40% for higher rate taxpayers.

level on 31 October 2007 and the Final Level will be its close of business level on 31 October 2012.

Calculating the Capital Return The return of capital is dependent upon the performance of the FTSE 100, S&P 500 and the Nikkei 225. There will be a 100% return of capital if * no index falls by more than 30% from its Initial Level during the investment term; OR * the Final Level of each index is equal to or above its Initial Level

Check out the net Income returns available Investment Amount

Investment Route

Gross Monthly

After Basic Rate tax (20%) Annual



After Higher Rate tax (40%) Monthly



Mini ISA








Maxi ISA























































No Stockmarket growth required The income payments are not dependent on the performance of the three indices. The Plan also requires no growth in any of the indices in order to return your original capital in full at the end of the term. A full return of capital will be paid at maturity as long as no index falls by more than 30% from its Initial Level on any day during the investment term 31 October 2007 to 31 October 2012. In this event, the return of your capital could be affected as described below. For each index, the Initial Level will be its closing

A reduced capital return can only apply if * one or more of the indices falls by more than 30% from its Initial Level during the investment term AND * the final level of one or more index is below its Initial Level

In this event your capital would be reduced with reference to the lowest performing index. Any capital reduction would be at the rate of 1% for each 1% that the Final Level of the lowest performing index is below its Initial Level. Examples of returns based on an investment of £10,000 are set out overleaf:

Annual Income at 9.00%

Index Measurement




Monthly Income at 0.73% Capital



No index falls by more than 30% at any time during the investment term The Final Level of each index is at or above its Initial Level







The Final Level of one or more index is below its Initial Level .







One or more index falls by more than 30% during the investment term The Final Level of the lowest performing index is at or above its Initial Level







The Final Level of the lowest performing index is 80% of its Initial Level







The Final Level of the lowest performing index is 55% of its Initial Level







IMPORTANT – please note The information in the table is designed to provide examples of the calculation of the total returns in different circumstances. They are not a prediction of how we think the indices will perform. The capital return is not protected and there is a risk of a capital loss. The overall return, including income, could be less than your original investment. This high income product can help you improve the income you get from your capital and can be a

suitable way of investing part of your investment portfolio providing you are comfortable with the investment risk. You should only consider this Plan as part of your investment portfolio if you are prepared to accept a degree of risk to all or part of the capital invested. As the Plan is designed to be held for the full investment period you should only invest if you do not require access to your funds during the 5 year investment term. If you cash in early you may receive back less than the original investment.

Your Plan will invest in a bond issued by a financial institution with a “A+” Standard & Poor’s rating. We consider it unlikely that such an institution will not meet its obligations: If they were not to do so, you may not get back all your original investment.

Key Dates Investment date 31/10/2007

Maturity date: 07/11/12

Investment Period (31 October 2007 to 31 October 2012) (60 months with 30% downside protection from the Initial Level)

Offer period

Closing date 24/10/07

Final level 31/10/12

All index measurements are taken at close of business.

Why should I consider investing in the Arc Fixed Income Plan 2?

* PEP & ISA Transfers close

As we write, UK base rates have increased by 1.25% over the past 12 months and there is a strong consensus among City analysts and supported by the recent comments of Mervyn King, Governor of the Bank of England, that a further ¼ point rise to 6% will be necessary to cool the economy, in particular the housing market, and to temper inflationary pressures.

– 17 October 2007

* New ISA application 2007/08 – 24 October 2007 * Direct Investments close

– 24 October 2007

* Investment date

– 31 October 2007

* Initial Levels

– 31 October 2007

* Final Levels

– 31 October 2012

* Maturity date  – 7 November 2012

The next rise is expected to be the last and, as can be seen from the Spot Yield Curve below, interest

It is important for you to consider the trends of the three underlying stockmarkets, now, over the life of the Plan and at the end of its term before investing. The current level of uncertainty and volatility in world stockmarkets is the main reason that the 9%

8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0


Regardless of what happens to prevailing market rates, the Arc Plan will pay an annual income of 9% or 0.73% monthly over its full 5 year term. Compared to current high street rates, let alone the reduced returns anticipated in the future, the Plan is highly competitive. The extra return offered by the Plan can only be achieved by the investor accepting a degree of risk, which is the possibility of reduced capital if the three underlying stockmarkets fall by more than 30% at anytime during the five year term and do not recover. If the 30% is breached by any or all of the indices initial capital will be reduced with reference to the performance of the lowest index over the full term.

FTSE 100


The chart above describes the currently anticipated progression of spot interest rates but it does not reflect the rates investors receive on their deposits with high street banks and building societies which can be expected to be marginally lower, save for short term and limited headline grabbing offerings. Retail rates will inevitably reflect the downward movement in wholesale money market interest rates.


0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 years








The charts below detail the performance of the FTSE100, S&P 500 and Nikkei 225 indices since inception of the FTSE 100 index in April 1984 and are designed to emphasise the long term nature of equity investment. You will note the tendency for the FTSE 100 and S&P 500 to closely correspond with each other over time. You should however bear in mind that past performance of the Indices is not a guide to how they will perform in the future.




interest rate %






There are many global indices, which have been developed to assist investors to follow the performance of world stock markets. These indices are calculated by reputable financial institutions. They are widely quoted and accepted as giving a fair reflection of market movements.



About the Indices


UK Spot Yield Curve

(Source: Bank of England 8th August 2007)

annual and 0.73% monthly return can be achieved. Arc Capital & Income cannot therefore guarantee that similar returns will be available in the future.


rates are then anticipated by the money markets to gradually decline; over the life of the Arc Fixed Income Plan 2 by perhaps as much as ½%.

FTSE 100 Index measures the performance of the UK’s largest 100 companies by market capitalisation. The index is a capital only index, in that it makes no allowance for dividend income, and its performance is dependent upon the performance of the companies within the Index. The companies that make up the index can change regularly but currently include, HSBC, BP, Vodafone and GlaxoSmithKline.

ated that by basing the Plan on three indices the chances of one breaching the 30% barrier is increased but as the FTSE100 & S&P 500 have had a tendency to correlate in the past, it is our belief that the increase in risk is marginal. It should also be borne in mind that the capital return will be based on the worst performing index only.

S & P 500 1,800 1,600



1,000 800


400 200














S&P 500 measures the performance of the largest 500 companies in the USA by market capitalisation. It currently includes shares such as Coca Cola, Pfizer, Walmart and MacDonalds

Nikkei 225 45,000

40,000 35,000



20,000 15,000

10,000 5,000














Nikkei 225 measures the performance of the leading 225 Japanese companies, without account of dividends, and reflects all sectors of the economy. Included within the index are many household names such as Sony, Nissan, Sanyo, Sharp and Daiwa. It is by using the three indices that the high fixed income can be achieved, but it should be appreci-

At the time of writing, higher interest building society/bank accounts, where initial capital is not put at risk, are typically producing 6.25% p.a. gross, compared to the Plan’s 9.00% p.a. gross (8.76% p.a. for monthly income).

Disclaimers FTSE 100 DISCLAIMER; The Plan is not in any way sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by FTSE International Limited (“FTSE”), the London Stock Exchange Limited (“the Exchange”) or by the Financial Times Limited (“FT”) and none of the FTSE, the Exchange or FT makes any warranty or representation whatsoever, either expressly or implied, either as to the result to be obtained from the use of the index and/or the figure at which the said Index stands at any particular day or otherwise. The FTSE index is compiled and calculated by FTSE. However, none of the FTSE, the Exchange or the FT shall be liable (whether in negligence or otherwise) to any person for any error in the Index nor shall they be under any obligation to advise any person of any error or omission therein. “FTSE” is a trademark of the Exchange and FT and is under license. S&P 500 DISCLAIMER; The Plan is not sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by Standard & Poor’s, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. (“S&P”). Neither S&P nor the Australian Stock Exchange (“ASX”), or the Toronto Stock Exchange (“TSX”),makes any representation or warranty, expressly or implied, to the owners of the Plan or any member of the public regarding the advisability of investing in securities generally or in the Plan particularly or the ability of the S&P Indices to track general stock market performance. S&P, ASX,TSX have no obligation or liability in connection with the administration or marketing of the Plan.

NIKKEI 225 DISCLAIMER; The Nikkei 225 Index (the “Index”) is the intellectual property of the Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Inc (the “Index Sponsor”).“Nikkei” and “Nikkei 225” are the service marks of the Index Sponsor. The Index Sponsor reserves all rights, including copyright, to the Index. The Plan is not in any way sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by the Index Sponsor. The Index Sponsor does not make any warranty or representation whatsoever, express or implied, either as to the results to be obtained from the use of the Index or the figure at which the Index stands at any particular day or otherwise. The Index is compiled and calculated solely by the Index Sponsor. However, the Index Sponsor shall not be liable to any person for any error in the Index and the Index Sponsor shall not be under any obligation to advise any person, including a purchaser or vendor of any of the products, of any error therein. In addition, the Index Sponsor gives no assurance regarding any modification or change in any methodology used in calculating the Index and is under no obligation to continue the calculation, publication and dissemination of the Index.

How to Invest in the Arc Capital & Income – Fixed Income Plan

There is no age restriction for direct investment in to the Plan. To invest via an ISA for the current tax year, you must be a UK resident for tax purposes, aged 18 or over- and must not have already subscribed to another ISA for the 2007/2008 tax year.

IMPORTANT Cheques should be made payable to Arc Capital & Income plc Client Account – or, in the case of a building society cheque, Arc Capital & Income plc Client Account reference (your name). It is only necessary to send one cheque for the total amount you wish to invest. Separate applications (e.g. from a husband and wife) require a cheque in respect of each applicant.

Before you invest Before you make your mind up to invest you should have read and understood the information in this brochure. You should have thought about the level

of risk you are prepared to take when investing; made sure that you are comfortable about taking some risk with your capital; made sure you will not suddenly need access to your money and that you have acquainted yourself with the FSA factsheet (see page 12). Once you have satisfied yourself that you do want to invest you should complete the application form, using the application checklist below:

Application Checklist 1. Unless you want to transfer your PEP or ISA (see 7 below), you must fill in section 1 of the standard application form. It is only possible to have a joint holder for a direct investment in the plan. If you want to use this facility, please fill in the details of the joint holder in the relevant boxes in section 1. For direct investment on behalf of a child (under the age of 18), the adult filling in the form acts as a nominee of the child and the child’s name and date of birth need to be added.

4. By providing a password in section 4, we can give you information over the phone and give you access to our web-based services. Please keep a note of your password safely and separate from details of your investment. 5. Please indicate if you have received financial advice in section 5 6. You must read, sign and date section 6. 7. If you want to transfer a PEP or an ISA, you should use the special application form (please photocopy it or contact us for more forms if you are transferring more than one investment).

2. If you want to invest in an ISA for the tax year 2007/2008, you must also fill in section 2. We need this information to set up an ISA investment for HM Revenue and Customs. 3. You should enter the details of the amount you want to invest in section 3.

Your Questions Answered What is my commitment? To invest until 7 Novemer 2012, a period of 5 years and 1 week. What are the aims of the Plan? The aim of the Fixed Income Plan (“Plan”) is to provide * 5 annual payments of 9.00% or 60 monthly payments of 0.73% and

* For these reasons, this Plan is only suitable if you can afford and are prepared to accept the risk that some or all of your capital could be lost. * If you choose to make a PEP or ISA transfer into the Plan you might have to pay an exit charge and could lose some investment growth from your current PEP or ISA if the market rises while the transfer is being carried out. * The levels and basis of taxation and reliefs from taxation can change at any time. The value of any tax reliefs depends on individual circumstances. Tax assumptions are based on Arc Capital & Income plc’s understanding of current legislation and practice, which may change in the future.

* A return of capital at maturity on 7 November 2012.

What are my income benefits?

At maturity, you will have the option of closing your plan, or transferring to another ISA/PEP Manager or continuing your investment on terms offered by the Plan Manager, Arc Capital & Income plc, at that time.

The following examples are based on a £10,000 investment:

What are the risk factors? * The overall returns will depend on the performance of the FTSE 100, S&P 500 and the Nikkei 225 indices and could be less than your original investment (see “What about my capital return?” overleaf and “Calculating the Capital Return” on page 3 of this brochure). * Your circumstances could change, forcing you to cash in early. * If you transfer or encash your Plan during the term you may get back less than the amount invested. * If you exercise your right to cancel after the bond has been purchased you may not get back your full original investment. * If the financial institution, which issues the bonds for your Plan, fails to repay the amounts due to pay your income and maturity you could lose some or all of your investment. To reduce this risk we will only deal with a financial institution which has a current credit rating of at least A+ from Standard & Poor’s, or equivalent, which denotes a high level of financial strength.


* If you choose monthly income you will receive 60 monthly payments of £73 commencing 30 November 2007 and concluding 31 October 2012; * If you choose annual income you will receive five payments of £900 the first commencing on 31 October 2008 and concluding 31 October 2012.

These amounts are subject to tax for investments made outside a PEP or ISA. What about my Capital Return? The Plan is not guaranteed to return the full amount of capital originally invested. The Capital Return, which is paid separately from the income benefits, is dependant on the performance of FTSE 100 Index, S&P 500 and the Nikkei 225 Index (the indices) during the Investment Period 31 October 2007 to 31 October 2012. The Initial Level of each index is its close of business level on 29 August 2007. The Final Level of each index is its close of business level on 31 October 2012. If, at any time during the Investment Period, no index falls by over 30% from its Initial Level a full return of capital will apply at maturity. A full return of capital will also apply. If any index falls by over 30% during the Investment Period but the Final

Level of each index is at or above its Initial Level.

* Removing the Mini/Maxi distinction within ISAs;

If any index falls by over 30% during the Investment Period and the Final Level of any index is less than its Initial Level, a capital loss will occur. The loss in capital will be dependant on the Final Level of the lowest performing Index. Capital will be reduced by 1% for each 1% the Final Level of the relevant Index is below its Initial Level.

* Allowing transfers from the cash component of ISAs into the stocks & shares component;

For example if the Final Level of the relevant index is 35% below its Initial Level the capital return would be 65% (100%-35%). Please see further examples in the table contained in “Calculating the Capital Return” on page 3 of this brochure.

What happens if I change my mind about investing?

What is an Individual Savings Account (ISA)? An ISA is a tax free savings account. There are two types of ISA available; Maxi ISA – this must offer a stocks and shares part and can offer a cash part. You may invest up to £7,000 in a Maxi ISA. Of this amount, up to £3,000 can be held in cash. If you take out a Maxi ISA, you cannot invest in another Maxi or a Mini ISA in the same tax year. Mini ISA – this offers investment in only one of the parts that a Maxi ISA offers. You can invest in one Mini ISA for each part in each tax year. Therefore you may invest up to £4,000 in a stocks and shares ISA and £3,000 in cash. Each part can be with a different provider. If you take out a Mini ISA, you cannot invest in another Mini ISA for the same part or a Maxi ISA in the same tax year. The Government has announced that its reforms to make ISAs simpler and more flexible will come into effect a year earlier than originally planned, in April 2008.

* Allowing Child Trust Fund accounts to roll over into ISAs to encourage young people to maintain a saving habit into their adult years.

If you decide not to invest you should let us know as soon as possible. Within 5 working days of accepting your application we will send you a ‘notice of the right to cancel. From the time you receive this notice you will have 14 days to change your mind and cancel your application. If we receive your request to cancel after we have purchased the bonds you may receive back less than your original investment. What information will you give me about my investment? We will send you an acknowledgement within 5 working days of receiving your application. In November we will send you a statement showing the bonds purchased for your plan. After this, we will issue a statement and valuation of your investment as at the end of October each year. What will happen to my investment if I die? ISA and PEP investments will lose their ISA and PEP status. We will deal with all plans in line with the instructions of your personal representatives. The investment may be transferred to your beneficiaries at no cost or encashed for which a charge will be made (see below).

The reforms include: * Extending ISAs indefinitely, with a guarantee that the overall annual investment will remain at least £7,000; * Bringing Legacy PEPs within the ISA wrapper to enable investors to manage their funds more effectively;

How much will any advice cost? If you receive advice from an independent adviser, he or she will give you details about the cost. If you are not receiving any advice, we may still pay an introducing independent adviser commission. Any commission paid will not affect the returns quoted.


Can I cash in my investment before maturity? Yes, but before you do so you should remember that the plan is designed to run for the full 5-year term. If you do decide to encash you should write to us with instructions to sell the plan investments and to send the net proceeds to you or another plan manager. We will usually be able to complete your instructions within 28 days. The value of your investment will be determined by the price at which we can sell the bonds held by your plan. This will depend on a number of things, including prevailing interest rates, the performance of the three indices and the limited secondary market in the bonds. There will be an administration charge of £150 (+ VAT), which may increase by the Retail Price Index (RPI) in the future.

What do I do if I am not happy with the way you are dealing with my plan? We will do our best to meet our high standards of customer care but if we fail to do so, please let us know. If we do not deal with your concerns you can make a complaint. We have a written complaint procedure and you can ask us for a copy of this at any time. If you are not happy with how we deal with your complaint, you can complain to the Financial Ombudsman Service at South Quay Plaza, 183 Marsh Wall, London E14 9SR. Making a complaint will not affect your right to take legal action. Please refer to the Terms and Conditions for information regarding the Financial Services Compensation Scheme.

Can I transfer my ISA or PEP to a new manager?

Will you advise me whether the Plan is suitable for me?

Yes, you can ask us to transfer your ISA or PEP to another manager at any time. If you decide to do so during the term of the plan we will encash the Bonds you hold on the terms outlined in ‘Can I cash in my investment before maturity’ above. Transfers to another plan manager before maturity will incur an additional administration charge of £100 (plus VAT), which may increase by RPI in the future. If you wish to transfer the proceeds at maturity to another Plan Manager there will not be a transfer fee.

No, we do not give you any advice as to whether the Plan is suitable for your own specific circumstances. If you do need such advice, or guidance on tax, you should consult an authorised financial adviser.


Further Information The Financial Services Authority (FSA) is an independent body set-up by the Government to regulate financial services. It publishes a range of factsheets and helpful information for consumers. As the high level of income payable from this investment is at the expense of placing your original capital at risk it is important that you understand and accept these risks before you invest. To assist you we have re-produced below some information from the FSA factsheet “Capital-atrisk-products” the factsheet generally explains how capital-at-risk products work and describes the risks that can be associated with them. You can also contact the FSA on the FSA Consumer Helpline on 0845 606 123 or visit their website at

of the money you put in (your capital). Capital-atrisk products usually invest in a variety of stockmarket investments such as shares or debt securities. Debt securities include corporate bonds which are loans to organisations such as companies or the government. Products that put your capital at risk include: * Stockmarket - based investments. These include collective investment schemes (such as openended investment companies (OEICs) and unit trusts) and investment trusts; * investment bonds and funds that invest in debt securities, such as corporate bond funds; and * investments linked to the performance of a stockmarket or some other factor such as a collection of shares. These are usually for a fixed number of years (the ‘term’) and can be arranged to provide income or growth or a combination of both.

As an alternative, you could invest directly in:

What are capital-at-risk products? These are usually share-based investments from banking, insurance or investment management firms, and can offer attractive returns. Your investment could do as well as planned, or maybe better. But if it does not, you could lose some or all

* shares, and so benefit from any dividends paid; or * debt securities, for which you get fixed or variable interest.

But the value of direct holdings of shares and other securities can change sharply – down as well as up. Depending on its particular terms and conditions,


the value of an investment product linked directly or indirectly to the stockmarket may have lesser, similar or greater risk.

How do different capital-at-risk products usually work? Stockmarket-based investments A wide range of stockmarket-based investments is available. The performance of the investments depends on the investment strategy adopted and general stockmarket conditions. The value of stockmarket-based investments can alter sharply because they are linked to the performance of the underlying shares or bonds (ie what your money is actually invested in). Investment bonds and funds that invest in debt securities These vary widely and include distribution bonds, with-profits bonds, unit-linked bonds and corporate bond funds. The money you invest is usually put directly into the stockmarket (in London or overseas) or into fixed or variable interest funds. Investments linked to an index or other factor With some fixed-term products, repayment of the capital to the investor (in full or in part) is linked by a special pre-set formula to the performance of an index such as the FTSE 100 or maybe a combination of indexes or some other factor – such as the performance of a collection of shares. We call them ‘structured capital-at-risk products’. Some offer a specified level of income over a fixed period, while others offer growth that depends on the performance of an index or other factor (see the examples below). These products, and the risks involved, can vary widely. For example, some may involve ‘gearing’ (the use of borrowing that can increase the amount you get back but will also increase the risks). Others can provide some element of capital protection. An example of a structured growth product is one that offers 30% growth over five years, but also


states that if the FTSE 100 index falls by more than 20% at the end of this period, then your capital is reduced by 1% for each 1% fall in the index. So if after five years the index fell by 50%, someone who invested £5,000 would still receive 30% as growth (£1,500) but the capital would have reduced to £2,500. So you would only get £4,000 from your original investment of £5,000. An example of a structured income product is one that offers 6% income a year for five years, but also states that if the FTSE 100 index falls at the end of this period, the capital is reduced by 2% for each 1% fall in the index. So if after five years the index fell by 25%, someone who invested £5,000 would still have received 6% income a year over the five years (a total of £1,500) but the capital would have reduced to £2,500. So you would only get £4,000 from your original investment of £5,000.

What are the main risks involved with capital-at-risk products?

* Your capital can fall below the amount you put in. This loss may significantly increase if the product structure involves gearing (see above); so falls in the index to which the investment is linked can result in an even greater reduction in the capital you invested. * The rate of return advertised might be achieved only after a set period – perhaps five years; you may not know until that date how well your investment has performed. * The rate of return you get may depend on specific conditions being met. Even professionals may not be able to judge accurately how likely that will be. * If you take your money out early, you may get less than you put in: for example, there may be a penalty to be paid.

Points to think about before investing What is the difference between a capital-at-risk product and a savings account?

When you put your money in a bank or building society savings account, its original value doesn’t change and you also get interest. The return will be comparatively low, which reflects the fact that you haven’t risked your capital. With capital-at-risk products you may get higher returns, but you are putting your capital at risk and may end up with less than you put in. How do I know which product to choose? Consider your financial needs carefully: how much – if anything – can you afford to lose? And for how long can you afford to have your money tied up? Do your homework: shop around. Don’t just look at headline information, check the detail. Capital-atrisk products are not right for you if you can’t afford to lose money. But if you are willing to take risks to benefit from potentially higher rewards, there are many products to look at. What charges do I have to pay for these products? The charges vary and there may or may not be any. If there are charges, make sure you understand how they affect the value of your capital and income. Some funds deduct them from your initial investment. They may also take charges yearly, usually as a percentage of the total value of your ongoing investment. How long will my money be tied up? With most investments you should expect to tie up your money for some time. Some capital-at-risk products offer returns if you leave your capital with them for a fixed number of years. Other investments can continue indefinitely. Can I cash in my investment? Yes, you can usually cash in. But with some products you have to pay a penalty (known as a redemption penalty) if you cash them in before the maturity date. As a rule, never tie up money you may need in the short or medium term.

If the investment period is fixed, what happens at the end of it? At the end of a fixed period your investment will mature and you should get its maturity value. But the maturity value may be reduced by charges or a final adjustment if, for example, it depends on the value of an index. Depending on the terms and conditions of the product, you could end up losing some or all of your capital. Also, any income or growth you have received may be subject to tax. Will I get the advertised rate of return? This depends on the terms and conditions under which you have invested. Often the advertised rate merely illustrates what is possible, and is no more certain than that.

Checklist Decide how important it is to keep your capital intact. Remember that many investments are meant for the long term and are not for savings you may need quickly. Remember: capital-at-risk products should usually form only part of your total portfolio of savings and investments; and the value of such investments (and the income or growth from them) may fall as well as rise. Take advice if you are unsure whether or not an investment is right for you. Remember it’s your money, and your decision as to what to do with it. Don’t invest unless you fully understand what you’re investing in. Don’t run a risk you can’t afford.


Terms and Conditions

These Terms and Conditions apply to the Arc Capital & Income Fixed Income Plan 2 (“The Plan”)

1. Definitions Application Form – The relevant form that must be correctly completed, for an ISA, a PEP or a Direct Investment to be opened. Business Day – any day other than a Saturday, Sunday, bank holiday or other UK public holiday. Direct investment – any part of the plan that is not an ISA or a PEP. ISA – a Mini or Maxi Individual Savings Account set up in line with these Terms and Conditions and the Regulations. PEP – a Personal Equity Plan set up in line with these Terms and Conditions and the Regulations. Plan – ISA, PEP or Direct Investment, as described in the brochure and made up of securities (investments) and cash that we handle on your behalf. Regulations – The Individual Savings Account Regulations and The PEP Regulations, as amended from time to time (the “Regulations”). If there


are any differences between the Regulations and these Terms and Conditions, the Regulations will apply. Securities – The underlying qualifying investments of the Plan, arranged to provide the investments and capital returns set out in the Plan brochure. Subscription – any amount paid by you into your Plan. We, us, our – Arc Capital and Income plc. The Company is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority (FSA) and must follow its rules, as amended from time to time (“the Rules”). If there are any differences between the Rules and these Terms and Conditions the Rules will apply. You, your – the investment holder(s) named on the Application Form.

2. Services we provide a. We will be responsible for buying and selling all investments. We will carry out transactions on terms that are at least as favourable as those that we can set when dealing directly with the market maker. b. There may be times when we, or one of our clients, have some kind of interest in the transaction that is being carried out. If this happens, or we

become aware that our interest or that of our other clients conflicts with your interest we will tell you, and ask your permission, before any transaction is carried out.

3. Your Application a. We may accept a completed Application Form and Subscription from you under the terms of this Agreement. We have the right to reject an application for any reason. b. You must invest in the ISA with your own cash or by transferring cash from an existing ISA. You can invest in the PEP account only by transferring cash from an existing PEP. Transfers of existing PEPs and ISAs will normally be arranged with the existing PEP or ISA Manager. Once the PEP or ISA has been transferred and received by us, these Terms and Conditions will apply to your PEP or ISA. c. By completing the Application Form, you instruct us to choose and buy Securities that have been designed to provide the benefits of the plan as described in the Plan brochure. d. If we have to cancel or void your ISA under the Regulations, you authorise us to hold your Securities outside the ISA as a Direct Investment. In such an event these Terms and Conditions will continue to apply to your Plan as a Direct Invest-

ment. In particular you may have to pay tax. If we have to void your ISA because you are not eligible to apply for the ISA we have the right to deduct any costs or expenses. e. If your Plan is a PEP or an ISA and you live in the UK, you will not, under current tax rules, have to pay UK income tax or UK capital gains tax on the profit from the Plan but any losses on your Plan will be ignored for the purposes of UK capital gains tax. f. If your Plan is a Direct Investment you may, depending on your circumstances, have to pay tax on any interest, income or dividends you receive and/or on any capital gain from selling the Plan. g. The taxation statements in Conditions 3b, 3d, 3e and 3f are based on our understanding of current tax legislation, regulation and practice. Such tax legislation, regulation and practice are subject to change in the future.

4. Basis of dealing a. We, or our associated companies, may choose and instruct brokers or dealers (including associated companies) to buy, sell and deal in Securities for your Plan. Or, we may do so ourselves as licensed dealers or brokers. b. We may keep all commissions or profits arising from those transactions. Your Plan will be debited


immediately we buy investments on your behalf. We do not have to account for any interest earned pending settlements i.e. interest we earn on cash we hold while we are waiting to pay for Securities we have bought or pay you for Securities we have sold. c. The amount(s) we commit to invest in Securities to be held in your Plan will not extend beyond the amount of cash and investments placed by you under our control. d. We will be acting as your agent in arranging to buy these Securities. We acknowledge and confirm on behalf of any issuer of such securities, its affiliates and directors (together known as the ‘Issuer’) that we do not act as agent for the Issuer and that any offer of Securities is not authorised by any issuer and is made without the Issuer’s knowledge or approval before hand. e. We may combine your order with orders of other clients when processing them. If this results in us getting a number of transactions at different prices, all clients involved in the transactions will pay or receive the same average price. If you ask us to, we will provide details of how we work out the average price. f. If, for any reason, we are unable to purchase securities to fulfil the commitments set out in the brochure your Subscription will be returned to you, with any interest accrued to the date of repayment. g. In the event of any issuer becoming unable to meet its obligations to repay the amounts due you could lose some, or all, of your Subscription.

5. Your right to change your mind a. We will give you the right to cancel your Plan within 14 days of receiving from us a notice of your right to change your mind. b. If we have bought Securities before we receive your completed cancellation request the amount you will receive may be less than the amount of your Subscription, if the price at which we sell the Securities is less than the price you paid for them. c. If you cancel a PEP or ISA transfer application and do not tell us at that time the name of another Plan Manager you want to transfer the investment to we will turn your investment back into cash and


send it to you. This means that the PEP or ISA status of the investment will no longer apply.

6. Cash held a. You may invest into the Plan only in line with the published terms. b. We hold all money belonging to clients in a separate client account, which is identified as a trust account. All clients’ money is separated from the funds belonging to us. We will hold your Subscription in our client account until we make a payment on your behalf to purchase the Securities to be held in the Plan. At maturity, or earlier redemption of the Securities, we will hold the proceeds in the client account, pending reinvestment of the proceeds in a new Plan with us; or the payment of the proceeds to you, or the transfer of the proceeds to a new PEP or ISA Manager. c. We will invest money held in an account in securities in line with the requirements of the regulations and the rules of the FSA. d. We will remind you periodically if we hold cash within an ISA or PEP pending reinvestment. If such cash is held for a long period the HM Revenue and Customs could void the PEP or ISA status of the investment.

7. The Plan Investments a. All Securities allocated to your Plan will be registered in the name of, and kept in the custody of, Arc Nominees Limited (a totally-owned non-trading subsidiary of Arc Capital & Income plc). Arc Nominees Limited is not itself authorised under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000, but we accept responsibility for its acts and omissions. b. We will not lend documents of title to any other person and money may not be borrowed on your behalf against the security of these documents. c. You will be the beneficial owner of the Securities and of any cash held in the Plan. d. Unless you tell us otherwise, we may (if the Regulations allow) make arrangements, when appropriate, to use the voting rights of your Securities.

e. Prior to maturity of the Plan we will contact you to explain the various options available to you at that time.

8. Charges a. We will not deduct any charges, fees or expenses from the Plan. However, the terms on which we will purchase the securities on your behalf will reflect certain charges, fees and expenses. This will not affect the calculation of returns described in the Plan brochure. b. If you encash your Plan before the maturity date, as set out in the Plan brochure, there will be an administration charge of, £150.00 plus VAT. c. If your Plan is a PEP or an ISA and you transfer its value to another Plan Manager during the term of the Plan there will be an additional transfer charge of £100 plus VAT. d. We reserve the right to increase the current charges set out in Conditions 8b & 8c in line with rises in the Retail Prices Index.

9. Keeping you informed

ask to see all entries in our records relating to any transactions relating to your Plan. We will maintain these records for at least six years after the transaction date. g. All information and correspondence may be provided in electronic format via email and/or web services. We may offer alternative media for information and correspondence from time to time.

10. Transfers a. You have the right to transfer your PEP or ISA to another PEP or ISA Manager at any time. b. You must make any request to transfer in writing. c. If you elect to transfer prior to the maturity date of the Plan, as defined in the Plan brochure, the sale of the Securities you hold will be carried out as described in Conditions 11a & 11b. The charges outlined in Condition 8b & 8c will be deducted from the sale proceeds before payment to the new ISA or PEP Manager. d. You cannot transfer part of your investment. e. All transfers will be subject to the Regulations.

a. We will send you an acknowledgement of your Application Form within five working days of receipt.

11. Closing your Plan

b. We will send you an Initial Transaction Statement, setting out details of the purchase of securities for your Plan.

a. You may close your Plan at any time by giving us your written instructions. This will not affect any transactions we have already started to carry out. We will sell the securities at the next dealing date and issue payment for the net proceeds. We will usually carry out this procedure within 28 business days

c. We will give you a report and valuation of your plan investments at yearly intervals, as set out in the brochure. d. If you ask, you will receive any information we issue to holders of the securities in which you invest. If you ask us to, we also invite you to vote at meetings. If you want to go to meetings in person, we will try to arrange this. We have the right to make a reasonable charge for providing these extra services. e. Where a certificate or other document evidencing title to securities or other qualifying investments is issued it will be held by us or as we direct. f. At all times you, or your nominated agent, can

b. The value of your investment will be determined by the market price of your holdings as at the date of sale. The price may reflect the limited market in the securities. c. Prior to closing your Plan or transferring its value to another plan manager you should consider that the Plan is designed to be held for the full investment term. d. We may end your Plan at any time in writing, by giving you notice. This will not affect any transactions we have already started to carry out.


e. Once this agreement has ended, we will not carry out any transactions, except to allow us to return the proceeds of the underlying securities or other qualifying investments to you, or as specifically requested by you and subject to new terms and conditions.

14. Providing information to the HM Revenue and Customs a. You authorise us to give the HM Revenue and Customs all relevant details of your ISA or PEP, which they may reasonably ask for at any time.

12. Death

b. We will tell you if the ISA or PEP has or will become invalid.

a. In the event of your death during the term of the Plan we will act on the instructions of your personal representatives. If they elect to do so they are able to re-register the ownership of the Plan to maintain it to its maturity date.

15. Communications and unwanted calls

b. If your personal representatives elect to encash the Plan, the charge outlined in Condition 8(b) will apply. c. If your Plan is a PEP or an ISA it will cease to be exempt from tax from the date of death.

13. Prevention of Money Laundering a. To enable us to comply with the UK Money Laundering Regulations and the Rules we may carry out electronic checks on your identity prior to buying or selling securities on your behalf. It might be necessary for us to request, and for you to provide, further information as part of this process.


a. We will usually only communicate with and report to you in writing. b. You give us permission to communicate by email or to phone you if we need to do so but only at a reasonable hour.

16. Liability a. We will carry out the duties described in these terms using all reasonable care and skill, but will only be liable to you for: * our negligence or deliberate fraud, or that of any associated companies or any employees of one or more of those companies; or * breaking these terms or a Financial Services

Authority rule or a Regulation. However, we will not be liable to you or have any responsibility of any kind for any loss or damage you suffer as a result of any event or circumstance that is not reasonably within our control.

We will not be liable to you for any act or fraud by any person, firm or company through or with whom transactions are carried out on our behalf (other than any bankers, firms, companies or any employees of companies who are associated companies). b. We will not be liable or have any responsibility of any kind for any loss or damage you suffer as a result of any failure, interruption or delay in carrying out our obligations resulting from: * Breakdown or failure of any telecommunications or computer service; * Industrial disputes; * Failure of other people to carry out their obligations; * Acts of governments or international authorities; or * Any other event or circumstance that is not reasonably within our control.

c. By completing the declaration on the Application Form you confirm that you have read the Plan brochure and any accompanying information supplied by us relating to this Plan and understand the nature of the investment.

17. Protecting your rights a. We are covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme. You may be entitled to compensation from the scheme if we cannot meet our obligations. This would depend on the type of business and the circumstances of the claim. Most types of investment business are covered for 100% of the first £30,000, and 90% of the next £20,000, so the maximum compensation is £48,000. You can get more information about compensation arrangements from the Financial Services Compensation Scheme. b. If the performance of the investments does not match any illustrated benefits, you will not, for that reason alone, be entitled to any compensation under the Financial Services Compensation Scheme. c. You may complain about any aspect of the service you received to the Compliance Officer at the address shown within the brochure . If you ask, we will send you written details of how we will deal with your complaint. If you are not happy with how we have dealt with your complaint, you can complain to the Financial Ombudsman Service at South Quay Plaza II, 183 Marsh Wall, London E14 9SR. Making a complaint will not affect your right to take legal action.


d. We maintain insurance cover to indemnify clients against (among other things) any of our employees dishonestly using funds or securities or other qualifying investments.

18. Governing law a. This Agreement will be governed by English law and will come into force when we receive your signed Application Form for a Plan.

19. Enforcement a. Should any of these Terms be held to be unenforceable the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not be affected and the unenforceable provision will be replaced by an enforceable provision which comes closest to the intention underlying the unenforceable provision and which is of similar economic effect. b. Our failure to enforce any provision of these Terms and Conditions will not constitute a waiver of our right to subsequently enforce such provision or any other provision of these Terms. None of our employees, officers or agents may verbally alter, modify or waive any provision of these Terms and Conditions.

20. Data Protection statement a. We may hold personal and financial information on computer and manual systems and use this to: * Handle and service your investment; and * Put together statistics for assessment and analysis.

b. We may make your personal and financial information available: * To other Associated Companies (as defined in Section 416 of the Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988) to process this application (we or they may contact you by mail, phone or e-mail with products or services that may interest you); * To your financial adviser by e-mail or other means, including a secure internet service; * As we are obliged to under the requirements of any law, regulation or court order that we must follow; and


* To you if you ask and in line with the Data Protection Act 1998.

21. Amendment to these Terms and Conditions a. We may vary these Terms and Conditions from time to time by giving you at least one month’s notice of such change.

Arc Capital & Income plc 22 Lovat Lane London EC3R 8EB Tel: 0845 890 8915 Fax: 0845 890 8916 E-mail: [email protected] Web:

Capital & Income

Arc Fixed Income plan 2 application form

For extra applications, simply photocopy this form.

Building Society Reference or Roll Number

1. Your details

4. Password

Title (Mr,Mrs, Miss, Ms):

For security purposes, please provide us with a password so we can give you information over the phone or give you access to our web-based services.

Surname: Full first names: Date of birth:

5. Have you received financial advice?

Permanent home address:

Please indicate below if you have received financial advice relating to this investment. I have received financial advice from an independent financial adviser

6. Declaration and authority


I declare I am 18 years of age or over and that I am not, and am not acting on the behalf of,a resident of the United States; and that I will not assist any person who is so resident to acquire securities in the Plan. Further I agree to inform you immediately should I become a resident of the United States. I confirm adherence to the requirements contained in the Terms and Conditions.

Phone number: E-mail address: For joint applications in direct investments only, please fill in the details of the joint applicant here. Title (Mr,Mrs, Miss, Ms): Surname: Full first names: Date of birth:

2. National insurance number Do you have a National Insurance (NI) number?  



If ‘Yes’, you must write it here. You should be able to find your NI number on a payslip, form P45 or P60, letter from the HMRC, letter from the Benefits Agency, or pension order book.  

3. Investment Direct investment: (minimum £4,000).


ISA for 2007/2008: I apply to invest £4,000 in a Mini ISA, or £7,000 in a Maxi ISA. (Please cross out the one that doesn’t apply.) Total investment Please make your cheque payable to Arc Capital and Income plc Client Account. If you are sending us a building society cheque, it should be payable to Arc Capital and Income plc Client Account reference (your name). Please select plan type





Applicable to all ISA Applicants: I declare that: a. all subscriptions made belong to me; b. I am 18 years of age or older; c. If I am applying to subscribe to a Mini stocks and shares ISA, I have not subscribed and will not subscribe to a Maxi ISA or another stocks and shares Mini ISA in the same tax year; or if I am applying to subscribe to a Maxi ISA I have not subscribed and will not subscribe to another ISA other than a TESSA only ISA in the same tax year; d. I am resident and ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom for tax purposes or, if not so resident, either perform duties which, by virtue of section 28 of Income Tax (Earnings & Pensions) Act 2003 (Crown employees serving overseas), are treated as being performed in the United Kingdom, or, I am married to, or in a civil partnership with, a person who performs such duties. I will inform Arc Capital and Income plc immediately if I cease to be so resident and ordinarily resident or to perform such duties, or to be married to, or in a civil partnership with, a person who performs such duties; e. I will inform Arc Capital and Income plc without delay of any change in my circumstances affecting any of the information in this form. I authorise Arc Capital and Income plc: a. to hold my cash subscription, Direct investments, ISA Investments, interest, dividends and other rights or proceeds in respect of those investments and any cash or other proceeds; b. to make on my behalf any claims to relief from tax in respect of ISA investments. I have read and understood the Arc Capital and Income Fixed Income Plan 2 Brochure and Terms & Conditions and accept the terms under which my investments will be managed. I declare that this application form has been completed to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that Arc Capital and Income does not provide investment advice and confirm that I either do not require such advice or have received advice on this investment from an Independent Financial Adviser. Signature: Date: Joint signatures (direct investments only): Date:


Note: When you have filled in and signed this application form, please return it to your financial adviser or to Arc Capital and Income plc, 22 Lovat Lane, London, EC3R 8EB

Monthly Income

  Annual Income

Please complete the details and ensure that they are correct. Income payments can ONLY be made via the BACs system:

For financial adviser’s use only Financial adviser:

Bank/Building Society: Address: FSA number: Date of birth:

Name of adviser:


Account name: Account Number:

June 2007

Sort Code:


Verification of Identity I confirm that I have carried out the appropriate identity checks and attach the ‘Verification of Identity Certificate’. I have enclosed signed copies of the documentary evidence with this certificate. I have seen the original documents and any that need a signature were already signed.

 —  Signed on behalf of the above:

Arc Capital & Income plc 22 Lovat Lane London EC3R 8EB Tel: 0845 890 8915 Fax: 0845 890 8916 E-mail: [email protected] Web:

Capital & Income

Arc Fixed Income plan 2 transfer application form

You need to use a separate application form for each PEP or ISA you want to transfer. You may photocopy this form, or for further PEP and ISA Transfers. 1. Your details

Please indicate below if you have received financial advice relating to this investment. I have received financial advice from an independent financial adviser


6. Declaration and authority

Full first names:

a. I instruct the PEP/ISA manager to sell my existing PEP/ISA assets in accordance with the PEP/ISA transfer request forms, and transfer the amounts realised to Arc Capital and Income plc to invest in the Arc Fixed Income Plan 2. b. I authorise the PEP/ISA Manager to hold my cash subscriptions, Plan investments, interest, dividends and any other rights or proceeds in respect of those investments and any other cash and to make on my behalf any claims to relief from tax in respect of Plan investments, and on my written request to transfer or pay to me,as the case may be,Plan investments, interest,dividend rights or other proceeds in respect of such investments or any cash. c. I declare that the information given in this declaration is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and that I will inform the PEP/ISA Manager without delay of any change in my circumstances affecting any of the information in this form. d. I declare that I have read and understood the brochure and terms and conditions and I agree to the terms and conditions under which my investment will be managed. I understand that Arc Capital and Income does not provide investment advice and confirm that I either do not require such advice or have received advice on this investment from an Independent Financial Adviser.

Date of birth: Permanent home address:


Phone number: E-mail address:

2. National insurance number Do you have a National Insurance (NI) number?  




If ‘Yes’, you must write it here. You should be able to find your NI number on a payslip, form P45 or P60, letter from the HMRC, letter from the Benefits Agency, or pension order book.  

For security purposes, please provide us with a password so we can give you information over the phone or give you access to our web-based services.

5. Have you received financial advice?

Title (Mr,Mrs, Miss, Ms):

4. Password

Date: Joint signatures (direct investments only): Date:

3. Investment Please select plan type

Monthly Income

  Annual Income

Please complete the details and ensure that they are correct. Income payments can ONLY be made via the BACs system:

Note: When you have filled in and signed this application form, please return it to your financial adviser or to Arc Capital and Income plc, 22 Lovat Lane, London, EC3R 8EB

For financial adviser’s use only Financial adviser:

Bank/Building Society: Address:

Date of birth:

FSA number:


Name of adviser:

Account name: Account Number:

Sort Code:


Verification of Identity I confirm that I have carried out the appropriate identity checks and attach the ‘Verification of Identity Certificate’. I have enclosed signed copies of the documentary evidence with this certificate. I have seen the original documents and any that need a signature were already signed.


Building Society Reference or Roll Number

Signed on behalf of the above:

Existing PEP or ISA transfer request

Name of existing PEP or ISA and address of the plan manager:

I confirm that I am transferring a: (Please tick one box only) PEP 

   Stocks and shares ISA: Mini 


Title (Mr,Mrs, Miss, Ms): Surname:

Plan manager’s phone number: Surname:

Full first names:

Account number of the PEP or ISA:

Date of birth:

Approximate value:

June 2007

Permanent home address and postcode:

Existing PEP or ISA plan manager instructions 1. I instruct the manager of the PEP or ISA shown above to give you any information you may need for the plan, sell any PEP or ISA assets and send a cheque for the proceeds to Arc Capital and Income plc ‘Client Account’, 22 Lovat Lane, London EC3R 8EB, United Kingdom. If there is a problem, please contact us on 0845 890 8915. 2. All dividends, interest, and tax credits arising after the transfer, should be made payable to me. Signature


Arc Capital & Income plc is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority. Issued by Arc Capital & Income plc which is part of the Arc Fund Management Holdings plc group August 2007

Arc Capital & Income plc 22 Lovat Lane London EC3R 8EB Tel: Fax:

0845 890 8915 0845 890 8916

E-mail: [email protected] Web:

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