Name of the Module : Computer Applications in Surveying Module Code : SRY103 Semester :I Credit Value : 12 Module Leader : Mr. Lobzang Dorji Module Tutor : Mr. Indra Bahadur Chhetri
General Objectives of the Module: This module will introduce the student to the techniques of manual drafting and computer aided drafting for surveying. Learning Outcomes: At the end of the module, the students are expected to be able to:
Create neat and legible field notes which adhere to industry standards
Employ manual drafting techniques
Input data in LISCAD
Generate maps in LISCAD and AutoCAD.
Learning and Teaching Approach Used Lectures Hands on Practice Assessment: Continuous Assessment Assignment/Class Works Phase Test Class Test Semester End Examination Written Examination (3 hours, closed book)
: 1 hour/week : 3 hours/week : 50 Marks : 20 marks : 20 marks : 10 marks : 50 Marks : 50 marks
Subject matter 1.
INTRODUCTION Introduction, review of field note taking techniques, field sketches, types of survey plans, proper plan layout, map and plan design strategies, map and plan components.
MANUAL DRAFTING Introduction to manual drafting, proper lettering techniques, text heights, legends, use of scale bars, concept of map scale, protractors, and 2D Cartesian coordinate systems in mapping usage.
COMPUTER AIDED DRAFTING Computer Aided drafting basics, file structures, CAD concepts, CAD drafting of lines, arcs and text, the concept of map scale in the CAD environment, AutoCAD angle conventions, coordinate formats, the creation of drawing templates and symbol libraries, usage of template files, and usage of blocks.
4. INTRODUCTION TO LISCAD Introduction to the LISCAD environment, importing and correcting survey field data into LISCAD. Creating models, creating alignments, calculation of volumes, exporting files to different formats, projections and transformation, extract and merging of maps. 5.
WORKING WITH SURFACES IN CAD Definition of surfaces, definition of contouring, theory of contouring, the creation of surfaces in CAD, the creation of topographical plans with CAD, labelling contours in CAD, calculations using surfaces (including volume calculations).
Reading List: 1.
Wattles. Gordon H (1981). Survey Drafting –Drafting Practices in Surveying and Engineering. Gordon H. Wattles Publications, Orange California.
Slocum, T. (1999). Thematic Cartography and Visualization. Prentice Hall.
Peterson, M. (2003). Interactive and Animated Cartography. Prentice Hall. New Jersey.