Module 8 Test B

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 480
  • Pages: 3
Module 8 Test B GRAMMAR Write the passive 1 People send a lot of text messages. __________________________________________________ 2 In China, they grow a lot of tea. __________________________________________________ 3 My company employs twenty five people. __________________________________________________ 4 Robots make cars in most factories. __________________________________________________ 5 My mother looks after me. __________________________________________________ Re-order the words to make questions 6 you at sports good are? __________________________________________________ 7 do music you what kind like of? __________________________________________________ 8 play musical instrument you do a? __________________________________________________ 9 the holidays plans are your for what? __________________________________________________ 10 cooking he does your enjoy? __________________________________________________

Put the verb into the correct tense 11 I broke my arm while I (play) tennis. __________________________________________________ 12 I (listen to) a CD when the doorbell rang. __________________________________________________ 13 I (walk) to college when I saw an accident. __________________________________________________ 14 While I (do) the washing up, I dropped a cup. __________________________________________________ 15 The last time we met, you (write) a novel. __________________________________________________

VOCABULARY Choose the correct word 16 The cost of petrol has deteriorated/gone up this week. ____________________ 17 The quality of education has got better/improved in recent years. ____________________ 18 The world population has gone up/improved dramatically. ____________________ 19 Temperatures have increased/got better in the last ten years. ____________________ 20 The price of computers has got worse/fallen steadily. ____________________ Match the phrasal verbs with their definitions 21 put up with

end a relationship

22 split up with

slowly stop having a good relationship

23 ask out

accept a situation

24 get over

invite on a date

25 grow apart

stop feeling sad

Match the phrases with their definitions 26 top speed

not enough time

27 speed limit

losing speed

28 rush hour

going to/from work

29 slow down

the fastest you can go

30 in a hurry

the maximum allowed

READING …finally, also released this month is Nick Traynor’s new story. It is called Top Speed, and is about one week in the life of a racing driver Martin Cheddar. His performances have been getting worse with every race and he’s under pressure to win the last race of the season. At the same time, he’s just split up with his girlfriend. The team are in a hurry to make a new deal with another driver to replace Cheddar. Can Cheddar speed up, improve his position and still keep his job? You have to read the book to find out.

Choose the correct word 31 The story is by/about Nick Traynor _____ 32 It’s about a week/year in the life of a driver. _____ 33 He has been performing better/worse. _____ 34 The team want to keep/replace Cheddar. _____ 35 Cheddar is/isn’t married. _____

WRITING Write the rest of this paragraph. “I put the money in my pocket and ran out of the room… Say: Whose money was it Was anyone else in the room Why did you run Where were you going

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