Modeling And Simulation Of The Threshold Voltage Of Double Gate And Cylindrical Gate Strained-si/sige Mosfets

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Modeling and Simulation of the Threshold Voltage of Double Gate and Cylindrical Gate Strained-Si/SiGe MOSFETs A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Bachelor of Technology

by Tarun Vir Singh 2003EE10347

Under the supervision of Dr. M. Jagadesh Kumar

Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi May, 2007

CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the thesis entitled “Modeling and Simulation of the Threshold Voltage of Double Gate and Cylindrical Gate Strained-Si/SiGe MOSFETs” being submitted by Tarun Vir Singh to the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Technology in Electrical Engineering Department is a bona fide work carried out by him under my supervision and guidance. The research reports and the results presented in this thesis have not been submitted in parts or in full to any other University or Institute for the award of any other degree or diploma.

Date: 30-05-2007 Place: IIT Delhi

Dr. M. Jagadesh Kumar Professor Department of Electrical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Delhi New Delhi - 110016


ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I wish to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor Dr. M. Jagadesh Kumar for his invaluable guidance and advice during every stage of this endeavor. I am greatly indebted to him for his continuing encouragement and support without which, it would not have been possible for me to complete this undertaking successfully. His insightful comments and suggestions have continually helped me to improve my understanding. I also wish to express my sincere thanks and acknowledgements to all those who directly or indirectly assisted me in completion of this work.

Tarun Vir Singh

ABSTRACT We have demonstrated for the first time, the effect of quantum confinement of carriers on the threshold voltage of strained-silicon (s-Si) nanoscale MOSFETs. Using results from quantum theory and two-dimensional simulation, we show that straininduced threshold voltage roll-off in s-Si nanoscale MOSFETs can be overcome by decreasing s-Si layer thickness. Based on our simulation study, we provide an optimization between threshold voltage, strain and s-Si layer thickness. A new analytical model for the threshold voltage (Vth) of fully depleted vertical surrounding gate strained-Si/SiGe MOSFETs is developed by solving the 2-D Poisson equation. Our model includes the effects of strain (Ge mole fraction in SiGe pillar), shortchannel length, pillar diameter, strained silicon thin film thickness, pillar doping, gate work function and other device parameters. The model correctly predicts a decrease in threshold voltage with increasing strain in the strained-silicon (s-Si) layer, i.e. with increasing Ge concentration in the SiGe pillar. The results obtained using our analytical model are verified using two-dimensional device simulations. In order to obtain a more accurate threshold voltage model for the vertical surrounding gate strained-Si/SiGe MOSFETs, we have tried to relax certain assumptions made during developing the model. In particular, we have tried to include the electron charge term in the Poisson equation. Although, we could not succeed in our ultimate goal of deriving an accurate, compact threshold voltage model, the analysis provided a useful insight into the issues involved in threshold voltage modeling of such devices. We have demonstrated for the first time, the effect of strain on the conduction path in cylindrical, strained-silicon (s-Si) MOSFETs. Using two-dimensional simulation,


we show that for low values of strain, the current flows in the middle of the cylindrical, i.e. in the SiGe pillar and not in the s-Si layer at the surface. Only for large values of strain does the current flow through the s-Si layer enabling the mobility enhancement of carriers. Based on our simulation study, we provide the minimum amount of strain necessary in a device for the current to flow through the s-Si layer.


TABLE OF CONTENTS CERTIFICATE………………………………………………………………………......2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS…………………………………………………………..….3 ABSTRACT…………………………………………………………………………..….4 TABLE OF CONTENTS……………………………………………………………..….6 LIST OF TABLES……………………………………………………………………......8 LIST OF FIGURES………..………………………………………………………….….9

CHAPTER 1……………………………………………………………………………11 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Advantages of Strained-Silicon MOSFETs……………………………...…..11 1.2 Advantages of Double and Cylindrical Gate MOSFETs………………….....11 1.3 Recent Research Relevant to the Problem……………….…………………..11 1.4 Objectives of the Thesis………………………………………………….…..12 1.5 Thesis Organization……………………………………………………..…...12

CHAPTER 2……………………………………………………………………….....…14 THRESHOLD VOLTAGE OPTIMIZATION IN STRAINED-SILICON MOSFETS USING QUANTUM CONFINEMENT EFFECT 2.1 Introduction……………………………………………………………….….14 2.2 Effect of Quantum Confinement on the Bandgap of Strained-Silicon………15 2.3 Quantum Confinement Simulations……………………………………....….17 2.4 Results and Discussion……………………………………………………....19 2.5 Conclusion………………………………………………………………..….23

CHAPTER 3………………………………………………………………….…………24 COMPACT THRESHOLD VOLTAGE MODEL OF VERTICAL SURROUNDING GATE STRAINED-SILICON/SiGe MOSFETS 3.1 Introduction…………………………………………………………………..24 3.2 Effect of Strain………………………………………………………….……25 3.3 Simplifying Assumptions……………………………………...…….….…...27 3.4 Threshold Voltage Model…………………………………………….…...…29 6

3.5 Results and Discussion………………………………………………....…...34 3.6 Conclusion…………………………………………………………………..38

CHAPTER 4……………………………………………………………………………40 THRESHOLD VOLTAGE MODELING OF VERTICAL SURROUNDING GATE STRAINED-SILICON/SiGe MOSFETS WITH CARRIER CHARGE TERM INCLUDED IN THE POISSON EQUATION 4.1 Introduction……………………………………………………………….…40 4.2 Approach 1………………………………………………………………...…40 4.3 Approach 2……………………………………………………………….…..42 4.4 Conclusion……………………………………………………………...……44

CHAPTER 5……………………………………………………………………………45 EFFECT OF STRAIN ON THE CONDUCTION PATH IN CYLINDRICAL STRAINED-SILICON MOSFETS 5.1 Introduction……………………………………………………………….…45 5.2 Effect of Strain……………………………………………….…………...…46 5.3 Minimum Required Strain……………………………………………….…..48 5.4 Results and Discussion..………………………………………………..……50 5.5 Conclusions………………………………………………………………….52

CHAPTER 6………………………………………………………………………...…..53 CONCLUSIONS……………………………………………………………………...…53 SCOPE FOR FUTURE WORK…………………………………………………………55 APPENDICES………………………………………………………………..……...….56 REFERENCES…………………………………………………………………………..60


LIST OF TABLES Table 2.1 3.1 5.1

Page Device parameters used for the simulation of the s-Si MOSFETs. Device parameters used in the model and the simulation of the vertical, surrounding gate s-Si/SiGe MOSFETs. Device parameters used for the simulation of the cylindrical s-Si MOSFETs.


17 33 50


Figure 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6


3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 5.1

Cross-sectional view of the strained-Si on SGOI MOSFET. Energy band diagram of the structure in Fig. 2.1 (along the middle of the device in the Y-direction) Electron concentration profile along the middle of the device in the Y-direction. Electron concentration profile along the middle of the strainedSilicon layer in the X-direction. Variation of the threshold voltage with strained-Si film thicknesses for different values of strain x (Ge content in the SiGe film). Variation of the threshold voltage with strain x (Ge content in the SiGe film) for different strained-Si film thicknesses. The relation between strain x and strained-Si film thickness t s − Si for constant threshold voltages. Cross-sectional view of the strained-Si vertical surrounding gate MOSFET. Electron concentration profile along the channel for three different values of the gate voltage. Variation of the threshold voltage with channel length for different values of strain x (Ge content in the SiGe film). Variation of the threshold voltage with strained-Si film thicknesses for different values of strain x (Ge content in the SiGe film). Variation of the threshold voltage with SiGe pillar radius for different values of strain x (Ge content in the SiGe film). Variation of the threshold voltage with strain x (Ge content in the SiGe film) for different channel lengths. Cross-sectional view of the strained-Si vertical surrounding gate MOSFET.


15 16 19 20 21 22


27 34 35 36 37 38 47

Energy band diagram of the structure in Fig.5.1 (in the radial 5.2

direction, from the centre of the pillar to the surface) for different


values of strain x (Ge content in the SiGe film). 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6

Electron concentration profile in the radial direction (from the centre of the pillar to the surface). Electron concentration profile in the radial direction at the threshold point. The amount of strain here is the minimum required strain. Variation of minimum required strain with SiGe pillar radius Variation of minimum required strain with strained-Si film thickness t s − Si


48 49 50 51




Advantages of Strained-Silicon MOSFETs

Strained-silicon MOSFETs are gaining popularity due to enhanced mobility and high field velocity [1-3]. Strained-silicon on insulator (SSOI) MOSFETs combine the carrier transport advantages of s-Si with reduced parasitic capacitance and increased scalability of SOI MOSFETs [4, 5].


Advantages of Cylindrical Gate MOSFETs

Scaling down of devices is one of the key methods of enhancing the transistor switching speed. But device length scaling beyond 100 nm has been seriously impeded by the increasing short channel effects (SCEs). Several structures have been proposed to overcome SCEs, with double gate (DG) and cylindrical surround gate MOSFETs being the most promising concepts [1 - 4]. For an equivalent silicon and gate oxide thickness, cylindrical MOSFETs can be scaled to 35% shorter channel lengths than DG-MOSFETs for the same SCEs [5 ]. Cylindrical MOSFETs offer additional advantages of improved subthreshold slope, higher packing densities, variable pillar doping (along the channel).



Motivation for Present Research

A major concern with s-Si MOSFETs is the decrease in the threshold voltage as strain increases [6, 7, 8] due to the decrease in the bandgap of s-Si with strain [9]. In this paper, we show that this effect can be reversed by decreasing the thickness of the s-Si layer, which increases the effective bandgap due to quantum confinement. To incorporate the advantages of both strain and cylindrical MOSFETs, s-Si surround gate MOSFETs have recently been proposed [9, 10] and have been experimentally demonstrated [11]. These structures, however, are not yet well investigated. In this paper, we develop, for the first time, an analytical threshold voltage model by solving two coupled 2D Poisson equations in s-Si and SiGe and analyze the dependence of the threshold voltage Vth on various device parameters.


Objectives of the Thesis

The main objectives of this thesis are twofold: 1

To demonstrate that the threshold voltage roll-off due to strain in s-Si/SiGe MOSFETs can be overcome by decreasing the thickness of the s-Si layer to the quantum regime.


To develop an accurate, compact threshold voltage model for vertical, surrounding gate s-Si/SiGe MOSFETs, and to verify the results using two dimensional device simulations.


Thesis Organization

The dissertation is divided into six chapters and its outline is described as given below.


Chapter I: Introduction Fundamental concepts related to strained-silicon MOSFETs, cylindrical gate MOSFETs, previous work, objectives and organization of the thesis.

Chapter II: Threshold Voltage Optimization in Strained-Silicon MOSFETs using Quantum Confinement Effect This chapter demonstrates that the decrease in the threshold voltage of s-Si MOSFETs with strain can be minimized by decreasing the s-Si layer thickness.

Chapter III: Compact Threshold Voltage Model of Nanoscale, Fully Depleted, Vertical Surrounding Gate Strained-Si/SiGe MOSFETs An analytical model for the threshold voltage (Vth) of Nanoscale, Fully Depleted, Vertical Surrounding Gate Strained-Si/SiGe MOSFETs is developed by solving the 2-D Poisson equation. The results obtained using our analytical model are verified using twodimensional device simulations.

Chapter IV: Threshold Voltage Modeling of Vertical, Surrounding Gate s-Si/SiGe MOSFETs with Carrier Charge Term Included in the Poisson Equation This chapter illustrates some of our attempts to enhance the accuracy of the threshold voltage model developed in chapter III, by relaxing some of the assumptions made in the potential derivation.

Chapter V: Conclusions


Chapter 2

Threshold Voltage Optimization in StrainedSilicon MOSFETs using Quantum Confinement Effect 2.1 Introduction Strained-silicon MOSFETs are gaining popularity due to enhanced mobility and high field velocity [1-3]. Strained-silicon on insulator (SSOI) MOSFETs combine the carrier transport advantages of s-Si with reduced parasitic capacitance and increased scalability of SOI MOSFETs [4, 5]. A major concern with s-Si MOSFETs is the decrease in the threshold voltage as strain increases [6, 7, 8] due to the decrease in the bandgap of s-Si with strain [9]. In this paper, we show that this effect can be reversed by decreasing the thickness of the s-Si layer, which increases the effective bandgap due to quantum confinement. Although quantum confinement effects are well known [10], to the best of our knowledge its impact on optimizing the threshold voltage of s-Si MOSFETs has not been studied so far. Using two-dimensional simulation, we demonstrate in this study that the decrease in the threshold voltage of s-Si MOSFETs with strain can be minimized by decreasing the s-Si layer thickness. We show that any specified threshold voltage can be obtained for different combinations of strain and s-Si layer thickness.


2.2 Effect of Quantum Confinement on the Bandgap of s-Si The s-Si SOI MOSFET structure used in the present study and its associated energy band diagram in the middle if the channel are shown in Fig. 2.1 and Fig. 2.2 respectively.

Gate n+ Source

Gate Oxide s-Si


n+ Drain

SiGe L

Y Buried Oxide


Substrate Fig. 2.1: Cross-sectional view of the strained-Si on SGOI MOSFET.

The s-Si layer forms a quantum well between the two potential barriers formed by the gate oxide and the SiGe layer. The confinement of electrons into a very thin region increases the energy gap between allowed energy levels. The difference between energy levels becomes large enough and they can no longer be considered continuous.




SiGe q=2



q=1 Ec Ev q=1 q=2

ΔE g = E g′ − E g

Fig. 2.2: Energy band diagram of the structure in Fig. 2.1 (along the middle of the device in the Y-direction) The first energy level in the conduction band is above EC, while the first energy level in the valence band is below EV. This leads to an increase in the energy bandgap [10]. The increase in the bandgap for s-Si can be modeled as: ΔE g =


η2 π 2 2mr t s2− Si


1 1 1 = + mr me m h

me and mh are the effective masses of the electron and hole respectively, t s − Si is the s-Si layer thickness. Using η =

h and substituting h = 6.63 × 10 −34 J .s in (1), we get 2π

ΔE g =

75 meV mrr t s2− Si




mr m0

mrr =

and m0 is the mass of electron in free space

Strain-induced decrease in the bandgap of silicon is given by [9]:

ΔE g = −0.4 x


where x is the mole fraction of Ge in SiGe. Hence, the overall change in the bandgap of silicon is given by ⎛ 0.075 ⎞ ΔE g = ⎜⎜ − 0.4 x ⎟⎟eV 2 ⎝ mrr t s − Si ⎠


Thus, bandgap increases with decreasing t s − Si and decreases with increasing strain. These two opposing effects can be used to optimize the threshold voltage of s-Si MOSFETs, since the threshold voltage is positively related to the bandgap E g .

2.3 Quantum Confinement Simulations To verify the above theoretical predictions, the 2-D device simulator ATLAS [11] was used to simulate the structure shown in Fig.1. The parameters used in our simulation are given in Table 2.1.


Table 2.1: Device parameters used in the simulation Parameter Ge mole fraction of SiGe substrate, x Strained-Silicon film thickness, ts-Si Channel Length, L Source/Drain doping, ND Doping in SiGe layers, NA Doping in s-Si layer, NA Drain bias, VDS Gate Oxide Thickness, t ox

Value 0 – 0.4 (0 – 40%) 2-7 nm 50 nm, 100 nm 1019 cm-3 1016 cm-3 1016 cm-3 0.05 Volts (50 mV) 2.0 nm

Work function of gate material, φM

4.8 eV

To incorporate the effects of quantum confinement, we have used the selfconsistent coupled Schrödinger-Poisson model [12] in which the Schrödinger and Poisson’s equations are solved alternately. Once the Schrödinger equation is solved, the calculated carrier concentration is substituted into the charge part of Poisson’s equation. The potential derived from the solution of the Poisson’s equation is substituted back into Schrödinger equation. This solution process (alternating between Schrödinger and Poisson equations) continues until convergence and a self-consistent solution to both equations is reached. The electron concentration calculated using the above process is shown in Fig. 2.3 along the Y-direction in the middle of the device. We notice that the inversion layer charge is confined to the s-Si layer. To estimate the threshold voltage, we have used the electron concentration profile along the X-direction plotted at the peak of electron concentration shown in Fig. 2.3. Threshold voltage is defined as the value of gate voltage at which the minimum of this concentration profile becomes equal to the background doping concentration N A forming a conducting path.


Electron Concentration (cm-3)


s-Si ts-Si = 5 nm


SiGe L = 100 nm VDS = 50 mV VGS = 0.28 V x = 0.2

1015 1014 1013 1012









Distance (nm) Fig. 2.3: Electron concentration profile along the middle of the device in the Y-direction.

2.4 Results and Discussion Fig. 2.4 shows the electron concentration profile from source to drain in the centre of s-Si layer along X-direction, for s-Si layer thicknesses of 2 nm and 7 nm with a Ge mole fraction x = 0.4 . The lower electron concentration in the 2 nm s-Si layer device is due to its higher bandgap caused by quantum confinement effects. This device therefore requires a higher gate voltage for increasing its carrier concentration to a value high enough for conduction to take place, thereby increasing its threshold voltage. Therefore, a reduction in the threshold voltage due to increased Ge mole fraction can be compensated by decreasing the s-Si layer thickness.



Electron Concentration (cm-3)


L = 100 nm VDS = 50 mV VGS = 0.2 V x = 0.4

1019 Source 1018 1017


ts-Si = 7 nm

1016 ts-Si = 2 nm

1015 1014 1013 0











Position along the Channel (nm) Fig. 2.4: Electron concentration profile along the middle of the strained-Silicon layer in the X-direction.

Fig. 2.5 shows the variation in the threshold voltage of the device as a function of s-Si layer thickness for various values of strain (Ge mole fraction in SiGe) and for two different channel lengths. The threshold voltage increases as t s − Si decreases as indicated by equation (4) both for strained-silicon as well as strain free silicon channel. We notice from Fig. 5 that even for the largest Ge mole fraction ( x = 0.4 ), s-Si MOSFETs with reasonable threshold voltages can be realized if the thickness of the s-Si layer is reduced to 2 nm.



0.5 Threshold Voltage (volts)

L = 100nm L = 50nm VDS = 50 mV


x = 0.2

0.3 0.2

x = 0.4

0.1 0



4 5 6 s-Si Layer Thickness (nm)


Fig. 2.5: Variation of the threshold voltage with strained-Si film thicknesses for different values of strain x (Ge content in the SiGe film). Fig. 2.6 shows the variation in the threshold voltage of the device as a function of strain for various values of s-Si layer thickness and channel length. The threshold voltage decreases linearly as strain increases. Threshold voltage roll-off can also be observed as channel length decreases from 100 nm to 50 nm. Threshold voltage roll-off with increasing strain and decreasing channel length can both be overcome by decreasing t s − Si .


Threshold Voltage (volts)

0.6 0.5

ts-Si = 2 nm

L = 100nm L = 50nm VDS = 50 mV

0.4 0.3 0.2

ts-Si = 4 nm

0.1 0

ts-Si = 7 nm 0.05


0.15 0.2 0.25 Strain (%Ge)




Fig. 2.6: Variation of the threshold voltage with strain x (Ge content in the SiGe film) for different strained-Si film thicknesses. For two different channel lengths, Fig. 7 shows the various combinations of Ge mole fraction x and s-Si film thickness t s − Si that results in a particular constant threshold voltage. We can, therefore, clearly see that the benefits of strained-silicon using higher Ge mole fraction can still be retained while keeping the threshold voltage reasonably large if the strained-silicon film thickness is reduced to values below 3 nm.


Strain (%Ge)

0.45 L = 100 nm L = 50 nm VDS = 50 mV

0.4 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1

VT = 0.3 V

VT = 0.4 V

0.05 0


3 5 4 s-Si Layer Thickness (nm)


Fig. 2.7: The relation between strain x and strained-Si film thickness t s − Si for constant threshold voltages.

2.5 Conclusions For the first time, we have examined the effect of s-Si layer thickness on the threshold voltage of strained-silicon MOSFETs using simulation. We have shown that by reducing the s-Si layer thickness to the quantum mechanical regime, the effective bandgap of s-Si can be increased counter balancing the reduction in threshold voltage due to increased strain. This, therefore, permits the designer to realize nanoscale strainedsilicon MOSFETs with good gate control while allowing a higher Ge mole fraction for increased strain and hence a better device performance.



Chapter 3

Compact Threshold Voltage Model of Nanoscale, Fully Depleted, Vertical Surrounding Gate Strained-Si/SiGe MOSFETs 3.1 Introduction Scaling down of devices is one of the key methods of enhancing the transistor switching speed. But device length scaling beyond 100 nm has been seriously impeded by the increasing short channel effects (SCEs). Several structures have been proposed to overcome SCEs, with double gate (DG) and cylindrical surround gate MOSFETs being the most promising concepts [13 - 16]. For an equivalent silicon and gate oxide thickness, cylindrical MOSFETs can be scaled to 35% shorter channel lengths than DG-MOSFETs for the same SCEs [17]. Cylindrical MOSFETs offer additional advantages of improved subthreshold slope, higher packing densities, variable pillar doping (along the channel). The second main factor controlling transistor switching speed is the carrier velocity (or mobility). Strained-Si has been used in recent years to improve carrier transport properties i.e. mobility and high field velocity [18 - 20]. To incorporate the advantages of both, strained-Si surround gate MOSFETs have recently been proposed [21, 22] and have been experimentally demonstrated [23]. These structures, however, are not yet well investigated. In this paper, we develop, for the first time, an analytical threshold voltage model by solving two coupled 2D Poisson equations in s-Si and SiGe and analyze the dependence of the threshold voltage Vth on various device parameters. The accuracy of the proposed model is verified using two dimensional 24

simulations [11]. We also demonstrate that Vth is not significantly affected by pillar diameter, thereby allowing higher drive current (large effective W/L ratio) without Vth roll off.

3.2 Effect of Strain A silicon thin film grown pseudomorphically over a relaxed Si1-xGex substrate experiences biaxial strain leading to changes in band structure [21,24]. Due to strain, the electron affinity of silicon increases and the bandgap decreases. Also the effective mass of carriers decreases. The effect of strain on Si band structure can be modeled as [21,24,25] (ΔEC ) s − Si = 0.57 x , (ΔEg ) s − Si

⎛ N ⎞ ⎛ m* ⎞ = 0.4 x , VT ln⎜⎜ V , Si ⎟⎟ = VT ln⎜⎜ *h , Si ⎟⎟ ⎝ NV , s − Si ⎠ ⎝ mh, s − Si ⎠

3/ 2

≈ 0.075 x


where x is the Ge mole fraction in Si1-xGex substrate, (ΔEC ) s − Si is the decrease in electron affinity of silicon due to strain, (ΔEg ) s − Si is the decrease in bandgap of silicon due to strain, VT is the thermal voltage, NV , Si and NV , s − Si are the density of states in the valence band in normal and strained silicon respectively, mh*, Si and mh*, s − Si are the hole density of states (DOS) effective masses in normal and strained silicon, respectively. The band structure parameters for relaxed Si1-xGex substrate can also be estimated as [12,25]: (ΔEg ) SiGe = 0.467 x , NV , SiGe = ( 0.6 x + 1.04(1 − x) ) × 1019 cm −3 , ε SiGe = 11.8 + 4.2 x


where (ΔEg ) SiGe is the decrease in bandgap of Si1-xGex from that of Si, NV , SiGe is the density of states in the valence band in relaxed Si1-xGex, and ε SiGe is the permittivity of Si1-xGex.


The flat-band voltage of a MOSFET modified due to strain can be written as [24] (VFB , f ) s − Si = (VFB , f ) Si + ΔVFB , f


where (VFB , f ) Si = φM − φSi ,

φSi =

χ Si q

ΔVFB , f =


Eg , Si 2q

⎛ N ⎞ − (ΔEC ) s − Si (ΔEg ) s − Si + − VT ln⎜⎜ V , Si ⎟⎟ , q q ⎝ NV , s − Si ⎠ ⎛ NA ⎞ ⎟. ⎟ n ⎝ i , Si ⎠

φF , Si = VT ln⎜⎜

+ φF , Si ,

In the above relations, φM is the gate work function, φSi is the unstrained Si work function, φF , Si is the Fermi potential in unstrained Si, χ Si is the electron affinity in unstrained Si, Eg , Si is the bandgap in unstrained Si, q is the electronic charge, NA is the body doping concentration and ni , Si is the intrinsic carrier concentration in unstrained Si. The built-in voltage across the source-body and drain-body junctions in the strained-Si thin film is also affected by strain as [24]

Vbi , s − Si = Vbi , Si + ( ΔVbi ) s − Si where

Vbi , Si =

Eg , Si 2q

+ φF , Si ,

(ΔVbi ) s − Si =

− (ΔEg ) s − Si q


⎛ N ⎞ + VT ln⎜⎜ V , Si ⎟⎟ . ⎝ NV , s − Si ⎠

The built-in voltage across the source-body and drain-body junctions in the relaxed Si1xGex

substrate can be written as [24]

Vbi , SiGe = Vbi , Si + ( ΔVbi ) SiGe where

Vbi , Si =

Eg , Si 2q

+ φF , Si ,

(ΔVbi ) SiGe =

−(ΔEg ) SiGe



⎛ N ⎞ + VT ln ⎜ V , Si ⎟ . ⎜N ⎟ ⎝ V , SiGe ⎠


3.3 Simplifying Assumptions A schematic view of a fully depleted cylindrical surround gate strained MOSFET is shown in Fig. 3.1. The co-ordinate system consists of a radial direction r and a vertical direction z as shown in the figure. The symmetry of the structure ensures that the potential and hence the electric field have no variation in the θ direction. Thus a twodimensional analysis is sufficient.

n+ Source SiGe s-Si


z r


R1 R2 r=0 n+ Drain Fig. 3.1: Cross-sectional view of the strained-Si vertical surrounding gate MOSFET. To make an analytical solution possible and to get a closed form expression for Vth , the following simplifying assumptions are made: 1) The threshold voltage is calculated by considering the potential at r = R2 . However, the validity of the model needs to be checked by considering the potential at r = 0 and R1 2) Electron charge in the Poisson equation is neglected.


3) A parabolic potential is assumed in the radial direction in both SiGe and s-Si [26]. This is a justified assumption since a uniform charge distribution leads to a linear electric field and a parabolic potential. However, this assumption may not always be valid at the channel ends, especially under strain, due to charge injection from source/drain. 4) The centre potential φC (along r = 0 in Fig. 3.1) is determined using 1-D Poisson equation as follows:The 1-D Poisson equation in the radial direction with ε 1 = ε SiGe ≈ ε Si can be written as: d 2φ qN A = ε1 dr 2


The Poisson equation is solved using the following boundary conditions: 1) The electric field in the centre of the SiGe pillar ( r = 0 in Fig. 3.1) is zero by symmetry. dφ dr



r =0

2) The potential at the surface of the cylinder ( r = R2 in Fig. 1) is φ s

φ 2 ( R2 ) = φ s


Solving for φ , we get the centre potential φC as

qN A R2 φC = φ s − 2ε 1


The above analysis is valid only near the middle of the device or for long channel devices.


3.4 Threshold Voltage Model The 2-D Poisson equation in the strained silicon thin-film and the SiGe pillar, before the onset of strong inversion can be written as: 1 ∂ ⎛ ∂φ (r , z ) ⎞ ∂ 2φ (r , z ) qN A = ⎜r ⎟+ ε Si r ∂r ⎝ ∂r ⎠ ∂z 2


Assuming a parabolic potential distribution in the radial direction, φ in SiGe pillar as well as the s-Si thin film can be written as:

φ1 (r , z ) = c11 ( z ) + c12 ( z )r + c13 ( z )r 2

for 0 ≤ r ≤ R1 , 0 ≤ z ≤ L (SiGe pillar) (3.10)

φ 2 (r , z ) = c 21 ( z ) + c 22 ( z )r + c 23 ( z )r 2

for R1 ≤ r ≤ R2 , 0 ≤ z ≤ L (s-Si film)


where the coefficients cij (z ) are functions of z only. The Poisson equation in SiGe pillar and s-Si film is solved using the following boundary conditions: 1) The electric field in the centre of the SiGe pillar ( r = 0 in Fig. 1) is zero by symmetry. ∂φ1 ∂r



r =0

2) The potential along the centre line ( r = 0 in Fig. 1) is φC

φ1 (0, z ) = φC


3) The electric flux at the SiGe/s-Si interface is continuous.


∂φ1 ∂r

= ε2 r = R1

∂φ 2 ∂r

(3.14) r = R1

4) Potential at the interface of strained-Si thin film and SiGe substrate is continuous.

φ1 ( R1 , z ) = φ 2 ( R1 , z )



5) The surface potential φ s (z ) is a function of z only.

φ 2 ( R2 , z ) = φ s ( z )


6) The electric flux at the gate-oxide/strained-Si film interface is continuous


C ox =


∂φ 2 ∂r

= C ox (VGS − VFB − φ s )



ε ox R2 ln(1 +

t ox ) R2

Using the boundary conditions (3.12) – (3.17), we get

2 2 2 qN A ⎡ R2 R1 R1 ⎤ C ox ε + − (VGS − VFB − φ s )[ R2 − R1 (1 − 2 )] ⎢ ⎥+ ε1 ε2 ⎦ ε2 2 ⎣ ε2 2ε 1 c 23 = ε ( R2 − R1 )[ R2 − R1 (1 − 2 )]


c 22 =

C ox


c 21 = φ s −

(VGS − VFB − φ s ) − 2 R2 c 23

C ox R2


(VGS − VFB − φ s ) + R2 c 23 2

Substituting the values of c 21 ( z ) , c 22 ( z ) , and c 23 ( z ) in (3.11), we obtain the expression for φ 2 (r , z ) . Then, substituting φ 2 (r , z ) in (3.9) and putting r = R2 , we obtain:

d 2φ S ( z ) dz


− k 2φ S ( z ) = β




⎡ ⎛ ε 2 ⎞⎤ ⎟⎟⎥ ⎢ R2 − R1 ⎜⎜1 − 2 ε C 1 ⎝ ⎠⎦ ⎣ k 2 = 0x + ε 2 R2 ⎡ ⎛ ⎞⎤ (R2 − R1 )⎢ R2 − R1 ⎜⎜1 − ε 2 ⎟⎟⎥ ⎝ ε 1 ⎠⎦ ⎣ 2C ox ε 2 R2

⎡R 2 R 2 R 2 ⎤ qN A ⎢ 2 + 1 − 1 ⎥ ε1 ε2 ⎦ ⎣ ε2 − k 2 (VGS − V FB ) β =− ⎡ ⎤ ⎛ ⎞ (R2 − R1 )⎢ R2 − R1 ⎜⎜1 − ε 2 ⎟⎟⎥ ⎝ ε 1 ⎠⎦ ⎣ The above equation (3.18) is a simple second-order non-homogenous differential equation with constant coefficients. It is solved using the following boundary conditions for the surface potential:1) The surface potential at the source end is

φ 2 ( R2 ,0) = φ s (0) = Vbi ,s − Si


2) The surface potential at the drain end is

φ 2 ( R2 , L) = φ s (L ) = Vbi , s − Si + VDS


Solving for φ s ( z ) , we get

φ s ( z ) = Ae kz + Be − kz −

β k2


β ⎞ ⎛ − kL ⎜Vbi , s − Si + 2 ⎟(1 − e ) + VDS k ⎠ A= ⎝ 2 sinh (kL ) β ⎞ − kL ⎛ ⎜Vbi , s − Si + 2 ⎟(e − 1) − VDS k ⎠ B=⎝ 2 sinh (kL ) The minimum surface potential can be determined from (3.21) by putting



dφ s ( z ) =0 dz

The minimum surface potential is

φ s min = 2 AB −

β k2

In conventional MOSFETs, the threshold voltage is defined as the value of the gate voltage at which φ s ,min = 2φ F , Si where φ F ,Si is the difference between the extrinsic Fermi level in the bulk region and the intrinsic Fermi level. For the strained-Si MOSFETs, the condition for threshold is modified as [24]:

φs , min = 2φF , Si + Δφs − Si = φth

where Δφs − Si =

− (ΔEg ) s − Si q


⎛ N ⎞ + VT ln⎜⎜ V , Si ⎟⎟ . ⎝ NV , s − Si ⎠

Hence we can determine the value of threshold voltage by substituting (3.21) into (3.22) and solving for VGS , as Vth =

− Vφ 1 + Vφ21 − 4ξVφ 2



ξ = 2(cosh (kL ) − 1) − sinh 2 (kL )



Vφ 1 = 2 d sinh 2 kL − (cosh kL − 1)(2c + V DS )

Vφ 2 = 2c(cosh kL − 1)(c + VDS ) − VDS − (d sinh kL ) 2



⎡R 2 R 2 R 2 ⎤ qN A ⎢ 2 + 1 − 1 ⎥ ε1 ε2 ⎦ ⎣ ε2 + V FB , s − Si + Vbi , s − Si c= ⎡ ⎛ ε 2 ⎞⎤ 2 (R2 − R1 )⎢ R2 − R1 ⎜⎜1 − ⎟⎟⎥ + k ⎝ ε 1 ⎠⎦ ⎣ d = c − Vbi , s − Si + φth

To verify the proposed analytical model, the 2-D device simulator ATLAS [16] was used to simulate the threshold voltage for various device parameters and compared with the values predicted by the model. We notice that the inversion layer charge is confined to the s-Si layer. To estimate the threshold voltage, we have used the electron concentration profile along the X-direction plotted at the peak of electron concentration shown in Fig. 3.2. Threshold voltage is defined as the value of gate voltage at which the minimum of this concentration profile becomes equal to the background doping concentration N A forming a conducting path. The parameters used in our simulation are given in Table 1. Table 3.1: Device parameters used in the simulation Parameter Ge mole fraction of SiGe substrate, x Strained-Silicon film thickness, ts-Si SiGe pillar radius (R2) Channel Length, L Source/Drain doping, ND Doping in SiGe layers, NA Doping in s-Si layer, NA Drain bias, VDS Gate Oxide Thickness, t ox

Value 0 – 0.4 (0 – 40%) 2-12 nm 15-50 nm 30-120 nm 1019 cm-3 1016 cm-3 1016 cm-3 0.05 Volts (50 mV) 2.0 nm

Work function of gate material, φM

4.8 eV



Electron Conc. (/cm3)

1018 1017 1016 1015 1014

• VGS = 0.25 V

× × VGS = 0 .41 V * * VGS = 0 .50 V

× •× •× *• ×* •* × * • ו •× × * × • • * • •× • • • • • • • • • × * × * × × × × * × × × ○ × ×○ ×○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○* ○ ○ ○ ○ *○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Background Doping

1013 1012


0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09

Distance across Device (in Microns) Fig. 3.2: Electron concentration profile along the channel for three different values of the gate voltage.

3.5 Results and Discussion Fig. 3.3 shows the variation of threshold voltage Vth with channel length for different values of Ge mole fraction x in the SiGe pillar. It is observed that short channel effects become prevalent below 50 nm channel length are marked by the sharp decrease in Vth value. This can be explained on the basis of charge sharing from source and drain which becomes significant for such short channel lengths. Also, the threshold voltage is


lower for higher strain for the same channel length. The Vth values from the analytical model are in close proximity with the simulation results, except for very short channel lengths. This is because at very short channel lengths, charge carried by electrons becomes significant and must be accounted for in the Poisson equation.

Model Atlas


R1 = 20 nm R2 = 25 nm

0.45 x=0

Threshold Voltage (volts)

0.4 0.35

x = 0.2

0.3 0.25 0.2

x = 0.4

0.15 0.1 30


50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 Channel Length (nm)

Fig. 3.3: Variation of the threshold voltage with channel length for different values of strain x (Ge content in the SiGe film). The variation of threshold with the thickness of the strained-Si thin film is plotted in Fig. 3.4. As can be seen from the figure, there is no discernible change in threshold voltage with change in strained-Si film thickness from 2 nm -12 nm. This suggests that one can allow small variations and tolerances in the fabrication process without affecting


the Vth too much. The discrepancy between the Vth values from the analytical model and from the simulation results is quite small but it increases as the strain increases. This is because the bandgap of SiGe decreases as Ge content increases. Hence, electron injection from source/drain into the channel increases making the charge carried by electrons significant, which we do not account for in the Poisson equation.

L = 50 nm R1 = 20 nm

Model Atlas

0.5 Threshold Voltage (volts)



0.4 0.35

x = 0.2

0.3 0.25 x = 0.4

0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 2


4 5 6 7 8 9 s-Si Film Thickness (nm)




Fig. 3.4: Variation of the threshold voltage with strained-Si film thicknesses for different values of strain x (Ge content in the SiGe film). Fig. 3.5 shows the variation of threshold voltage Vth with SiGe pillar radius, t SiGe (= R2 − R1 ) for different values of Ge mole fraction x in the SiGe pillar. It is

observed that Vth shows negligible variation with pillar radius. Thus, unlike single and


double gate MOSFETs, pillar diameter can be increased to achieve higher drive currents without threshold voltage roll-off. This result is in accordance with experimental results as reported in [23].

L = 50 nm R2 – R1 = 5 nm

Model Atlas



Threshold Voltage (volts)

0.45 0.4 0.35

x = 0.2

0.3 0.25 x = 0.4

0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 15


25 30 35 SiGe Pillar Radius (nm)




Fig. 3.5: Variation of the threshold voltage with SiGe pillar radius for different values of strain x (Ge content in the SiGe film). Fig. 3.6 shows the variation of threshold voltage with change in strain i.e. Ge mole fraction of SiGe substrate, for channel lengths of 80 nm and 30 nm. The threshold voltage obtained from the model tracks the simulation values very well for relatively large channel lengths. It is evident that there is a significant fall in threshold voltage with


increasing strain, and the decrease in Vth is almost linear. The threshold voltage decreases with increasing Ge content x because of decrease in flat-band voltage (equation (3.3)), decrease in source-body/drain-body built-in potential barrier (equation (3.4)), and earlier onset of inversion due to decrease in φth (equation (3.22)). Also, it can be seen from the figure that Vth for L=80 nm is noticeably greater than that for L=30 nm, indicating the on-set of the short-channel effects.

0.5 Threshold Voltage (volts)


Model Atlas

R1 = 20 nm R2 = 25 nm

0.4 0.35 L = 80 nm 0.3 0.25 0.2 L = 30 nm

0.15 0.1 0 0

0.25 0.3 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 Equivalent Ge Content Strain, x



Fig. 3.6: Variation of the threshold voltage with strain x (Ge content in the SiGe film) for different channel lengths.


3.6 Conclusion For the first time, we have examined the effect of various device parameters like strain (Ge mole fraction in SiGe pillar), channel length, strained silicon thin film thickness, and the pillar radius on the threshold voltage of nanoscale strained-Si/SiGe surrounding gate MOSFETs by developing an analytical model. The 2-D Poisson equation is solved in the strained-Si thin film using appropriate boundary conditions. The model results are compared with accurate two-dimensional simulations. The calculated values of the threshold voltage obtained from the proposed model agree well with the simulated results except for very small channel lengths and very large values of strain. This discrepancy is due to the simplifying assumptions made in the analysis in order to obtain a compact threshold voltage model. There is a significant drop in threshold voltage with increasing Ge content of the relaxed SiGe pillar and decreasing channel length. The increase in strain, i.e. Ge content, enhances the performance of MOSFETs in terms of transconductance and speed because of an increase in the carrier mobility. However, as demonstrated by our results, there are undesirable side effects with increasing Ge content such as a roll-off in Vth which may affect the device characteristics and performance significantly. Our compact model accurately predicts the threshold voltage over a large range of device parameters. Our model is a first step in the accurate modeling of nanoscale, fully depleted, vertical surrounding gate s-Si/SiGe MOSFETs. It can be improved upon by relaxing the assumptions made, by including the charge carried by electrons in the Poisson equation (this has already been done for unstrained surround gate MOSFETs [27]).


Chapter 4

Threshold Voltage Modeling of Vertical, Surrounding Gate s-Si/SiGe MOSFETs with Carrier Charge Term Included in the Poisson Equation 4.1 Introduction Vertical, surrounding gate s-Si/SiGe MOSFETs are becoming increasingly popular due to several of their advantage mentioned in chapter 3. But so far, very little work has been done on the analytical modeling of this device. In chapter 3, we have developed, for the first time, a simplified compact threshold voltage model. This derivation was made possible by making some simplifying assumptions. In particular, we neglected the charge carried by electrons in the Poisson equation. In this chapter, we have made attempts at relaxing this assumption and still obtaining a compact threshold voltage model. Although we did not achieve total success in our endeavor, but the attempts provide a useful insight into the issues involved in modeling this complex device.

4.2 Approach 1 The structure of the device is shown in Fig. 3.1. The 2-D Poisson equation in the strained silicon thin-film and the SiGe pillar, before the onset of strong inversion can be written as:


q 1 ∂ ⎛ ∂φ (r , z ) ⎞ ∂ 2φ (r , z ) = (n + N A ) ⎜r ⎟+ 2 ∂r ⎠ ε Si r ∂r ⎝ ∂z


with the electron charge term included, which is given by n = ni e φ / VT


The solution to (4.1) for unstrained cylindrical MOSFETs is given by [27]:

φ ( z, r ) = φ 0 ( z ) + f1 ( z ) f 2 (r )


where φ0 ( z ) and f1 ( z ) are known functions of z only, f 2 (r ) is a known function of r only. f 2 (r ) is given by f 2 (r ) = c1 I 0 (γ r ) + c 2 K 0 (γ r )


where γ is a known constant, c1 and c 2 are constants to be determined from boundary conditions, I 0 and K 0 are zeroth order modified Bessel functions of the first and second kind respectively. We assume the general solution given by equation (4.3) to be applicable in the SiGe pillar as well as the s-Si layer. This is a justified assumption since the solution given by equation (4.3) is valid independent of the range of values taken by r . Thus,

for 0 ≤ r ≤ R1 , 0 ≤ z ≤ L (SiGe pillar)

φ SiGe (r , z ) = φ1 ( z ) + f1 ( z ){c1 I 0 (γ r ) + c 2 K 0 (γ r )}


for R1 ≤ r ≤ R2 , 0 ≤ z ≤ L (s-Si film)

φ s − Si (r , z ) = φ1 ( z ) + f1 ( z ){c3 I 0 (γ r ) + c 4 K 0 (γ r )}


The Poisson equation (4.1) is solved using the following boundary conditions: 1) The electric field in the centre of the SiGe pillar ( r = 0 in Fig. 1) is zero by symmetry.


∂φ1 ∂r



r =0

This boundary condition is already satisfied by the assumed solution. 2) Potential at the interface of strained-Si thin film and SiGe substrate is continuous.

φ SiGe ( R1 , z ) = φ s − Si ( R1 , z )


3) The electric flux at the SiGe/s-Si interface is continuous.


∂φ SiGe ∂r

= ε2 r = R1

∂φ s − Si ∂r

(4.9) r = R1

4) The electric flux at the gate-oxide/strained-Si film interface is continuous


∂φ s − Si ∂r

= C ox (VGS − VFB − φ s − Si ( R2 , z ))


r=R 2

5) K 0 ( x) → ∞ as x → 0 . This forces c 2 to be equal to zero, c2 = 0


since the potential at r = 0 cannot be infinite.

Using the boundary conditions (4.7) – (4.11), we can determine the constants c1 , c3 , and c 4 .On doing so, it is found that ci are functions of z , which is not allowed by equations

(4.3) and (4.4). Hence, the ongoing analysis is not a valid one.

4.3 Approach 2 In order to simplify the problem, a one-dimensional analysis of the device is done instead of a two-dimensional analysis. The potential φ is assumed to be a function of r only. This assumption is valid near the middle of the device and for long channel devices. The 1-D 42

Poisson equation in the strained silicon thin-film and the SiGe pillar, before the onset of strong inversion can be written as: d 2φ 1 dφ q + = (n + N A ) 2 r dr ε Si dr


with the electron charge term included, which is given by n = ni e φ / VT


Equation (4.12) is a second order, non-linear ODE having two independent solutions. Unfortunately, there is no standard method to solve even this simplified ODE. One solution to equation (4.12) is given by [28]:

φ = A−

2kT ln( Br 2 + 1) q


where A and B unknown constants. This solution is not the most general solution to equation (4.12) since it already satisfies the following boundary condition: dφ dr



r =0

This boundary condition is satisfied by the potential in the SiGe pillar but not by the potential in the s-Si layer. Hence, there must exist another independent solution to equation (4.12), which will give the potential in the s-Si layer. After a tedious analysis, we did manage to reach to a solution of equation (4.12), but it turned out to be the same as given by equation (4.14). Hence, the model for the potential in the s-Si layer is still undetermined.


4.4 Conclusion In this chapter, we have attempted to enhance the accuracy of the threshold voltage model of surrounding gate s-Si/SiGe devices, developed in chapter 3, by relaxing certain assumptions made earlier. In particular, we have included the electron charge term in the Poisson equation. Although, we could not succeed in our ultimate goal of deriving an accurate, compact threshold voltage model, the analysis provided a useful insight into the issues involved in threshold voltage modeling of such devices.


Chapter 5

Effect of Strain on the Conduction Path in Cylindrical Strained-Silicon MOSFETs 5.1 Introduction Scaling down of devices is one of the key methods of enhancing the transistor switching speed. But device length scaling beyond 100 nm has been seriously impeded by the increasing short channel effects (SCEs). Several structures have been proposed to overcome SCEs, with double gate (DG) and cylindrical surround gate MOSFETs being the most promising concepts [13 - 16]. For an equivalent silicon and gate oxide thickness, cylindrical MOSFETs can be scaled to 35% shorter channel lengths than DG-MOSFETs for the same SCEs [17]. Cylindrical MOSFETs offer additional advantages of improved subthreshold slope, higher packing densities, variable pillar doping (along the channel). The second main factor controlling transistor switching speed is the carrier velocity (or mobility). Strained-Si has been used in recent years to improve carrier transport properties i.e. mobility and high field velocity [18 - 20]. To incorporate the advantages of both, strained-Si surround gate MOSFETs have recently been proposed [21, 22] and have been experimentally demonstrated [23]. However, as we demonstrate in this paper, the amount of strain in such devices must be large enough to obtain the strain-induced advantages. This is because of an important difference between lateral and cylindrical MOSFETs. In the former, the current flows near the surface of the device whereas in the latter (as shown in this paper), the current


flows in the centre of the device i.e. in the middle of the pillar. As demonstrated in this paper, the current can be made to flow at the surface of the pillar through the s-Si layer provided the amount of strain in the s-Si layer is large enough. Using two-dimensional simulation, we estimate the minimum amount of strain necessary for the current to flow through the s-Si layer. We show that the minimum strain required increases as the pillar diameter increases but is independent of the s-Si layer thickness.

5.2 Effect of Strain A silicon thin film grown pseudomorphically over a relaxed Si1-xGex substrate experiences biaxial strain leading to changes in band structure [21,24]. Due to strain, the electron affinity of silicon increases and the bandgap decreases. The effect of strain on Si band structure can be modeled as [21,24,25] (ΔEC ) s − Si = 0.57 x


(ΔEg ) s − Si = 0.4 x


where x is the Ge mole fraction in Si1-xGex pillar, (ΔEC ) s − Si is the decrease in electron affinity of silicon due to strain, and (ΔEg ) s − Si is the decrease in bandgap of silicon due to strain. A schematic view of a fully depleted cylindrical surround gate strained MOSFET is shown in Fig. 5.1. The associated energy band diagram from the centre of the pillar to its surface is shown in Fig. 5.2 for different values of strain. With increasing strain, the larger electron affinity leads to electron injection from the SiGe pillar into the s-Si layer and the lower bandgap leads to larger pumping of electrons from the valence band to the conduction band. Hence, more current flows through the s-Si layer as strain is increased.


n+ Source SiGe s-Si


z r


R1 R2 r=0 n+ Drain Fig. 5.1: Cross-sectional view of the strained-Si vertical surrounding gate MOSFET.


s-Si SiO2

x=0 x = 0.1 x = 0.2


Fig. 5.2: Energy band diagram of the structure in Fig. 5.1 (in the radial direction) for different values of strain x (Ge content in the SiGe film). 47

Fig. 5.3 depicts the electron concentration across the device from the centre of the pillar to its surface for different values of strain. For low values of strain, the majority of the current flows through the SiGe pillar, whereas for high values of strain, the current flow shifts to the s-Si layer.


Electron Concentration (cm-3)












SiGe L = 100 nm VG = 0.3 V


Background Doping

x = 0.3


x = 0.2 1015





10 20 30 40 50 60 Distance from the centre (nm)


80 90

Fig. 5.3: Electron concentration profile in the radial direction (from the centre of the pillar to the surface).

5.3 Minimum Required Strain To determine the minimum amount of strain required to make the current flow through the s-Si layer, the 2-D device simulator ATLAS [11] was used to simulate the electron 48

concentration profile across the device. The definition used for the minimum required strain is as follows: the amount of strain such that when the peak electron concentration in the s-Si layer equals the background doping, the electron concentration in the centre of the pillar must be 10 times smaller than the background doping. In other words, at the threshold point of the device, the peak electron concentration in the SiGe pillar must be 10 times smaller than the peak electron concentration in the s-Si layer. This condition is depicted in Fig. 5.4


Electron Concentration (cm-3)












SiGe L = 100 nm VG = 0.1 V x = 0.36



Background Doping


Minimum required strain = 0.36






10 20 30 40 50 60 Distance from the centre (nm)


80 90

Fig. 5.4: Electron concentration profile in the radial direction at the threshold point. The amount of strain here is the minimum required strain.


The parameters used in our simulation are given in Table 5.1. Table 5.1: Device parameters used in the simulation Parameter Channel Length, L SiGe pillar radius (R1) Strained-Silicon film thickness, ts-Si Source/Drain doping, ND Doping in SiGe layers, NA Doping in s-Si layer, NA Drain bias, VDS Gate Oxide Thickness, t ox


100 nm 30-80 nm 5-20 nm 1019 cm-3 1016 cm-3 1016 cm-3 0.05 Volts (50 mV) 2.0 nm

Work function of gate material, φM

4.8 eV

5.4 Results and Discussion Fig. 5.5 shows the variation of minimum required strain, x with the SiGe pillar radius. It is observed that the amount of strain necessary to make the current flow through

Minimum Required Ge Content Strain, x

the s-Si layer increases as the pillar radius increases.

0.4 0.35

L = 100 nm ts-Si = 10 nm

0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0

30 35

40 45 50 55 60 65 SiGe Pillar Radius (nm)




Fig. 5.5: Variation of minimum required strain with SiGe pillar radius 50

This happens because for larger radii, much more electrons must be transferred from the thick pillar to the s-Si layer. Thus, thick cylindrical s-Si MOSFETs must employ a large amount of strain. Fig. 5.6 shows the variation of minimum required strain, x with s-Si film thickness, t s − Si for different values of SiGe pillar radius. It is observed that minimum required strain is essentially independent of t s − Si for the range from 5 nm to 20 nm.

0.4 Minimum Required Ge Content Strain, x

L = 100 nm 0.35

Pillar radius = 80 nm

0.3 0.25 0.2 Pillar radius = 50 nm 0.15 Pillar radius = 30 nm

0.1 0.05 0 5

10 15 s-Si Film Thickness (nm)


Fig. 5.6: Variation of minimum required strain with strained-Si film thickness t s − Si


5.5 Conclusions For the first time, we have examined the effect of strain on the conduction path in cylindrical strained-silicon MOSFETs using 2-D simulation. We have shown that in order to be effective, the amount of strain in cylindrical s-Si MOSFETs must be above a certain minimum value. Only then will the current flow occur through the s-Si layer, enabling the mobility enhancement to take place.


Chapter 6

Conclusions The work presented in this thesis can be divided into two categories, namely, (1) Threshold voltage optimization in Strained-Silicon MOSFETs using quantum confinement effect, and (2) Modeling and simulation of the threshold voltage of vertical, surrounding gate s-Si/SiGe MOSFETs. In chapter 2 of the thesis, we have examined the effect of s-Si layer thickness on the threshold voltage of strained-silicon MOSFETs using simulation. We have shown that by reducing the s-Si layer thickness to the quantum mechanical regime, the effective bandgap of s-Si can be increased counter balancing the reduction in threshold voltage due to increased strain. This, therefore, permits the designer to realize nanoscale strainedsilicon MOSFETs with good gate control while allowing a higher Ge mole fraction for increased strain and hence a better device performance. In chapter 3, we have examined the effect of various device parameters like strain (Ge mole fraction in SiGe pillar), channel length, strained silicon thin film thickness, and the pillar radius on the threshold voltage of nanoscale strained-Si/SiGe surrounding gate MOSFETs by developing an analytical model. The 2-D Poisson equation is solved in the strained-Si thin film using appropriate boundary conditions. The model results are compared with accurate two-dimensional simulations.

The calculated values of the

threshold voltage obtained from the proposed model agree well with the simulated results except for very small channel lengths and very large values of strain. There is a


significant drop in threshold voltage with increasing Ge content of the relaxed SiGe pillar and decreasing channel length. The increase in strain, i.e. Ge content, enhances the performance of MOSFETs in terms of transconductance and speed because of an increase in the carrier mobility. However, as demonstrated by our results, there are undesirable side effects with increasing Ge content such as a roll-off in Vth which may affect the device characteristics and performance significantly. Our compact model accurately predicts the threshold voltage over a large range of device parameters. In chapter 4, we have attempted to enhance the accuracy of the threshold voltage model developed in chapter 4, by including the electron charge term in the Poisson equation. Though, we could not succeed in our ultimate goal of deriving an accurate, compact threshold voltage model, the analysis provided a useful insight into the issues involved in threshold voltage modeling of such devices. In chapter 5, we have examined the effect of strain on the conduction path in cylindrical s-Si MOSFETs. We have shown that for small values of strain, the channel is formed in the middle of the device in the SiGe pillar. For larger values of strain, the channel shifts to the s-Si layer at the surface. We have also shown that as the pillar diameter increases, the amount of strain necessary to shift the currrent flow to the surface increases.


Scope for Future Work Several possible extensions could be attempted as ongoing research work. Some specific recommendations based on the present work are as follows: 1 The structures studied in this thesis can be fabricated. Experimental results can be compared to those provided here. 2 Accurate threshold voltage models for vertical, surrounding gate s-Si/SiGe MOSFETs may be derived by the inclusion of the carrier charge term in the Poisson equation.

Publications from this work:

1. Tarun Vir Singh and M. Jagadesh Kumar, "Effect of Ge Mole Fraction on the Formation of Conduction Path in Cylindrical Strained-Silicon-on-SiGe MOSFETs," Superlattices and Microstructures, Vol.44, Issue 1, pp. 79-85, July 2008.

2. M. Jagadesh Kumar and Tarun Vir Singh, "Quantum Confinement Effects in Strained Silicon MOSFETs," International Journal of Nanoscience, Vol.7, pp.81 - 84, April & June 2008. (World Scientific Publishing Company)


APPENDIX A # Simulation of quantum confinement effects # L = 100 nm, x = 0.2, t s − Si = 2 nm go atlas # mesh space.mult=1.0 # Specify the mesh x.mesh loc=0.00 spac=0.002 x.mesh loc=0.2 spac=0.002 # y.mesh loc=0.000 spac=0.0001 y.mesh loc=0.004 spac=0.0001 y.mesh loc=0.0045 spac=0.002 y.mesh loc=0.032 spac=0.002 y.mesh loc=0.0325 spac=0.02 y.mesh loc=0.232 spac=0.02

# Specify the regions region num=1 material=Air region num=2 x.min=0 x.max=.200 y.min=.132 y.max=.232 material=Silicon region num=3 x.min=0 x.max=.200 y.min=.032 y.max=.132 material=SiO2 region num=4 x.min=.050 x.max=.150 y.min=.004 y.max=.032 material=SiGe x.comp=0.2 region num=5 x.min=.050 x.max=.150 y.min=.002 y.max=.004 material=Silicon region num=6 x.min=0 x.max=.050 y.min=.002 y.max=.032 material=Silicon region num=7 x.min=.150 x.max=.200 y.min=.002 y.max=.032 material=Silicon region num=8 x.min=.045 x.max=.155 y.min=0 y.max=.002 material=SiO2 # Specify the electrodes electrode name=source number=1 x.min=0 x.max=.045 y.min=.002 y.max=.002 electrode name=drain number=2 x.min=.155 x.max=.200 y.min=.002 y.max=.002 electrode name=gate number=3 x.min=.045 x.max=.155 y.min=0 y.max=0 # Specify the contacts contact name=gate workfunction=4.8 contact name=drain neutral contact name=source neutral # Specify the doping concentrations and type doping uniform conc=1e16 p.type regions=2 56

doping doping doping doping

uniform conc=1e16 uniform conc=1e16 uniform conc=1e19 uniform conc=1e19

p.type p.type n.type n.type

regions=4 regions=5 regions=6 regions=7

# Define material properties for strained silicon material region=5 affinity=4.284 eg300=1.00 mobility region=5 mumaxn.cvt=2409 method carriers=0 # Use the models for including quantum confinement effects models schro eigens=10 ox.schro qy.min=0.002 qy.max=0.004 fixed.fermi

method Newton # Specify the parameters to be included in the output file output ex.field ey.field qfn qfp flowlines band.param band.temp j.electron solve init solve vdrain=0.05 vgate=0.56 save outf=elec1.str solve vdrain=0.05 vgate=0.58 save outf=elec2.str solve vdrain=0.05 vgate=0.6 save outf=elec3.str


APPENDIX B # Simulation of cylindrical s-Si MOSFETs # L = 50 nm, R1 = 50 nm,R2 = 60 nm, x = 0.2 go atlas # mesh cylindrical space.mult=1.0 # x.mesh loc=0 spac=0.002 x.mesh loc=0.05 spac=0.002 x.mesh loc=0.051 spac=0.001 x.mesh loc=0.06 spac=0.001 x.mesh loc=0.0602 spac=0.0002 x.mesh loc=0.062 spac=0.0002 # y.mesh loc=0 spac=0.001 y.mesh loc=0.07 spac=0.001

# region num=1 material=Air region num=2 x.min=0 x.max=.06 y.min=0 y.max=.01 material=Silicon region num=3 x.min=0 x.max=.06 y.min=.06 y.max=.07 material=Silicon region num=4 x.min=0 x.max=.05 y.min=.01 y.max=.06 material=SiGe x.comp=0.2 region num=5 x.min=.05 x.max=.06 y.min=.01 y.max=.06 material=Silicon region num=6 x.min=.06 x.max=.062 y.min=.01 y.max=.06 material=SiO2

electrode name=source number=1 x.min=0 x.max=.06 y.min=0 y.max=0 electrode name=drain number=2 x.min=0 x.max=.06 y.min=.07 y.max=.07 electrode name=gate number=3 x.min=.062 x.max=.062 y.min=.01 y.max=.06 # contact contact contact doping doping doping doping

name=gate workfunction=4.8 name=drain neutral name=source neutral uniform conc=1e19 uniform conc=1e19 uniform conc=1e16 uniform conc=1e16

n.type n.type p.type p.type

regions=2 regions=3 regions=4 regions=5


material region=5 affinity=4.284 eg300=1.00 mobility region=5 mumaxn.cvt=2409 # regrid doping ratio=3.00 logarithm max.level=1 smooth.k=4 save outfile=sim.str tonyplot sim.str models cvt srh print method newton output ex.field ey.field qfn qfp solve init solve vdrain=0.05 vgate=0.2 save outf=elec1.str solve vdrain=0.05 vgate=0.3 save outf=elec2.str solve vdrain=0.05 vgate=0.4 save outf=elec3.str


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