Model Paper Class Xii Tics Practices

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AFTERSCHO?\ OL CENTRE FOR SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP – Let us Change the World – Join PGPSE along with CS after class 12

Model Paper

Class XII (INFORMATICS PRACTICES) Sample Question Paper –1

Time Duration 3 Hrs

Max. Marks


Note 1. 2. 3. 4.

1. This question paper is divided into sections 2. Section – A consists 30 marks. 3. Section – B and Section – C are of 20 marks each 4. Answer the questions after carefully reading the text.

SECTION A 1 Answer the following questions: A Elaborate the term SDLC explaining its essential components using a sample case study 4 B Explain the term Hardware, and Software using suitable example. 2. C Explain the term Client Server Computing using suitable example. 2 D What do you mean by Front-end and Back-end technology in terms of software projects. Give one example of each 2 2 Answer the following questions: A Diffrentiate between SDI and MDI Form in Visual Basic. In the Similar Context , Explain the concept of Parent and Child forms 2 B What do you mean by Events, Message, Method, and Properties? How they are related to each other? Explain 2 C Differentiate between Form_LOAD and Form_ACTIVATE? 2 D What do you mean by Front-end and Back-end technology in terms of software projects. Give one example of each. 2 E Differentiate between Do while Loop and Do Until loop of Visual basic giving a suitable example of each? 2 3 Answer the following questions: A How do we restrict duplicate rows in SQL SELECT Query? Give example. 2 B What are Cursor attributes? What do these attributes evaluate to when associated with IMPLICIT and EXPLICIT cursors? Write a PL/SQL block to find the factorial of a number entered by user. 4

C Explain DDL DML and DCL with suitable example .


Contact Dr. T.K. Jain (91-9414430763) regarding starting AFTERSCHO?n OL centres in your college / institution / organisation. Promote social entrepreneurship, join PGPSE and become a social entrepreneur. Emial us : [email protected]

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AFTERSCHO?\ OL CENTRE FOR SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP – Let us Change the World – Join PGPSE along with CS after class 12

SECTION – B Q. 4. Read the following case study and answer the questions that follow: The SHOP N SAVE store has developed the following data entry screen for its operations. The store offers three different types of membership discount schemes for its regular customers. Platinum members get a discount of 10% on all their purchases, Gold members get 59& and Silver members get 3% discount.

The list for the above form is as follows: Object Type Object Name Description frmCust The Main Form Object Form txtProduct To enter name of the product Text Box txtQty To enter quantity sold txtRate To enter rate per unit of the product txtAmount To display the total amount as quantity * rate txtDiscount To display the discount amount based on membership type txtNet To display net amount as amount – discount optPlatinum To specify Platinum membership Option Buttons optGold. To specify Gold membership optSilver To specify Silver membership Command cmdCalc To calculate the amount, discount and net amount Buttons cmdExit To close the application

Contact Dr. T.K. Jain (91-9414430763) regarding starting AFTERSCHO?n OL centres in your college / institution / organisation. Promote social entrepreneurship, join PGPSE and become a social entrepreneur. Emial us : [email protected]

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AFTERSCHO?\ OL CENTRE FOR SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP – Let us Change the World – Join PGPSE along with CS after class 12 A Write the commands to disable the textboxes txtAmount, txtDiscount and txtNet. 1 B Write the code for cmdCalc to calculate the amount, discount and net amount as per the given descriptions and conditions. 4 C Write the command to remove the decimal part from the textbox txtNet so that the net amount contains only the integer portion in Rupees. 1 D Write the code for cmdExit to close the application; but before the application is closed it should check the net amount and if the net amount > 10,000 the membership of the customer should be upgraded to the next higher level and a message- box informing the customer should be displayed. For example if the customer already has Silver membership it should be upgraded to Gold and he should be informed of the same using a message box. 4 Q 5. Anser the Following A. Find the Error in the Following Code segments and rewrite the corrected code underline the correction made 2 Private Sun Command1_click() Dim R=1 As Integer, S as integer For S = 1 .. 50 R=R+1 If R=5 then R=1 Display “R is Equal to 5” Else Display “R is not Equal to 5” Loop S End Sub B. A student of Kebdriya Vidyalaya School,Saneev Singh wanted an application to find Even or Odd out of a given number. He had written the following code snippet and he is unable to correct some of the errors in the code. You are requested to help him in correcting the code segment. Find the errors and rewrite the corrected code underlining the correction made. 2 Dim n as integer N = val(txtnumber) If n mod 2 = 0 Msgbox “It is an Even” Else Msgbox “it is an odd” Endif

Contact Dr. T.K. Jain (91-9414430763) regarding starting AFTERSCHO?n OL centres in your college / institution / organisation. Promote social entrepreneurship, join PGPSE and become a social entrepreneur. Emial us : [email protected]

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AFTERSCHO?\ OL CENTRE FOR SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP – Let us Change the World – Join PGPSE along with CS after class 12 C Write a Visual Basic procedure which takes a number as argument and displays the reverse of the number. For example if the argument passed is 1357 it should display 7531. 4 D. Convert the Following 2 While loop to Do while loop While VAL>=600 Print VAL VAL=VAL-5 WEND

SECTION C Q 6 Answer the following A State the output of the following code


Declare X Number(2):=0; Begin X:=40; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(X); Declare X Number(3):=0; Begin X:=140; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(X*X); End; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(X*X); End; / B Differentiate between the IN and OUT Parameter of PL/SQL Procedure. 2 C. Write a PL/SQL Function to find the area of Circle take one argument as radius return the value of the area of circle. 4 D.Write the Output produced by the following part of code in PL/SQL 2 Declare X Number; Y Number; Begin Y:=5; For x in 1.. 5 Loop If X>Y then DBMS-OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(Y); Else DBMS-OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(X);

Contact Dr. T.K. Jain (91-9414430763) regarding starting AFTERSCHO?n OL centres in your college / institution / organisation. Promote social entrepreneurship, join PGPSE and become a social entrepreneur. Emial us : [email protected]

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AFTERSCHO?\ OL CENTRE FOR SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP – Let us Change the World – Join PGPSE along with CS after class 12 End if; Y:=Y-1; End Loop; End; / 7 Answer the following a. Write the SQL command to create the table Hospital including the constraints. Column Name P_No Patient_name Department


Size Constraint 4 PRIMARY KEY 30 NOT NULL 20

Doc_name Dt.Birth



Description Patient Number Name of the patient Department to which patient is admitted Name of the doctor Date of birth of the patient

NOT NULL Default system date Consultation_Fee NUMBER 5,2 Above Rs. 50 Consultation fees b. Insert at least 2 records into the table, using INSERT…INTO command with and without substitution variable method. 2 c. Write the SQL command to display the details of all the patients whose date of birth is after 1st Jan 2000 department wise. 2 d. Create a view which contains Patient_name and cunsultation_fees of all those patients who are born after January 1990. 2 e. Add a new attribute in a Hospital table Doc_Ph_No varchar2 13 2


Time Duration 3 Hrs

Max. Marks


Note 1. This question paper is divided into sections 2. Section – A consists 30 marks. 3. Section – B and Section – C are of 20 marks each 4. Answer the questions after carefully reading the text.

SECTION A Q 1 Answer the Following A Expand the Following abbreviation and Explain Briefly? i) FLOSS ii) GNU B Differentiate ER Modeling and Object Modeling Techniques? C Why do we need System analysis and desiging?

2 2 2

Contact Dr. T.K. Jain (91-9414430763) regarding starting AFTERSCHO?n OL centres in your college / institution / organisation. Promote social entrepreneurship, join PGPSE and become a social entrepreneur. Emial us : [email protected]

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AFTERSCHO?\ OL CENTRE FOR SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP – Let us Change the World – Join PGPSE along with CS after class 12 D. Explain What is meant by Generalization and specialization ? E. What is the role of Data Dictionary and metadata in Data warehousing ?

2 2

Q 2 Answer the Following A What do you mean by Focus? When do GotFocus and LostFocus events occur? 2 B. What Methods can be used to navigate in the recordset of data control called DCMembers? C. Explain Standard, Form and class module? DWhat Is the purpose of Commo Dailog Control ? List any three methods of the common dialog Control? E. What do you mean by event procedure? How an event procedure is named?

2 2. 2 2

Q 3 Answer the Following A Oracle Database is an Example of RDBMS ? Justify this statement.?


B Define SQL Functions ? Explain group function with Suitable example?


C Explain Commit Rollback and savepoint ?


D.What is Trigger? Explain its different category ?


SECTION B 4 Read the following case study and answer the questions that follow: ABC International School wants to computerize the result of class X. In class X, there are total 4 compulsory subjects and one optional second language subject. A student can opt for either Hindi or Punjabi or Both. All the subject are evaluated out of 100 marks. If a student opt for either Punjabi or Hindi subject, then the marks of Punjabi or Hindi will be added to the total but in case student opt for both the Punjabi and Hindi subjects then only the best mark out of both will be added to the total. For this they have designed following interface:

Contact Dr. T.K. Jain (91-9414430763) regarding starting AFTERSCHO?n OL centres in your college / institution / organisation. Promote social entrepreneurship, join PGPSE and become a social entrepreneur. Emial us : [email protected]

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AFTERSCHO?\ OL CENTRE FOR SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP – Let us Change the World – Join PGPSE along with CS after class 12

The List for the above form is as follows: Object Type Object Name frmResultSheet Form txtRollNo Text Box txtName txtEnglish txtScience txtSSc txtMaths txtHindi txtPunjabi txtTotal txtAvgMarks txtStatus Command Buttons cmdCalcTotal cmdCalcStatus cmdClear cmdExit

Description The Main Form Object To enter roll number of the student To enter student’s name To enter marks of English To enter marks of Science To enter marks of Social Science To enter marks of Mathematics To enter marks of Hindi To enter marks of Punjabi To show total marks obtained by the students To show Average (%age) marks of the student To show Status of the student To Calculate Total And Average Marks To find the status of the student To clear the content of the Form To Exit from the Application

Answer the following questions based on the above program: a. Write commands to perform following as the form starts: i. Write the commands to disable the textboxes txtTotal, txtAvgMarks, txtStatus as the form starts. 1 ii. To move the cursor in the txtRollNo. 1

Contact Dr. T.K. Jain (91-9414430763) regarding starting AFTERSCHO?n OL centres in your college / institution / organisation. Promote social entrepreneurship, join PGPSE and become a social entrepreneur. Emial us : [email protected]

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AFTERSCHO?\ OL CENTRE FOR SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP – Let us Change the World – Join PGPSE along with CS after class 12 b. Ensure that the marks entered by the user in English should be in between 0 to 100. 2 c. Write code to calculate total marks and average marks. 2 d. Write code to calculate status as per the given table: 4 Marks >= 75 > Marks >= 60 > Marks >= 45 > Marks >= Marks 60 45 33 33 Marks 75



First Division

Second Division


Q 5 Answer the following A Find the errors in the following codes and rewrite the corrected code X=50 Select x Case ls x=5 Print “Five” Case ls <5 Print “Less then 5” Case ls 50 Print “OK” End Case




Print Rtrim(x) B Rewrite the following code using For Next loop to get the same output. 2 Dim astr as string Dim I as integer Astr=”Mausam” I=1 Tot=len(astr) Do while i<=len(astr) Print mid(astr,I,tot) I=i+1 Tot=tot-1 Loop C Explain thee difference between Int and Fix Function D Shorts notes on Control array E Explain events in Visual Basic with?

2 2 2

SECTION C Contact Dr. T.K. Jain (91-9414430763) regarding starting AFTERSCHO?n OL centres in your college / institution / organisation. Promote social entrepreneurship, join PGPSE and become a social entrepreneur. Emial us : [email protected]

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AFTERSCHO?\ OL CENTRE FOR SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP – Let us Change the World – Join PGPSE along with CS after class 12 Q 6 Answer the following A Write the output produced by the following part of code in PL/SQL: 2 DECLARE A NUMBER:=10; B NUMBER:=2; BEGIN WHILE B < 12 LOOP IF A>B THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (TO_CHAR (A) ); ELSE DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (TO_CHAR(B) ); END IF; A : = A - 4; B : =B + 3; END LOOP; END; B Table Emp EMPNO ENAME DEPTNO SAL 7839 KING 10 5000 7782 CLARK 10 2450 7934 MILLER 10 1300 7788 SCOTT 20 3000 7902 FORD 20 3000 7566 JONES 20 2975 7876 ADAMS 20 1100 7369 SMITH 20 800 7698 BLAKE 30 2850 7499 ALLEN 30 1600 7844 TURNER 30 1500 Look at the Emp table given above and give the output produced by the following PL/SQL code on execution: 2 DECLARE Sum_Sal Emp.Sal%TYPE; s_Sal Emp.Sal%TYPE:=2000; s_Dept Emp.Deptno%Type:=20; BEGIN

SELECT SUM (Sal) INTO Sum_Sal FROM Emp WHERE Deptno=s_Dept AND Sal>s_Sal; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(TO_CHAR(Sum_Sal)) END; Contact Dr. T.K. Jain (91-9414430763) regarding starting AFTERSCHO?n OL centres in your college / institution / organisation. Promote social entrepreneurship, join PGPSE and become a social entrepreneur. Emial us : [email protected]

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AFTERSCHO?\ OL CENTRE FOR SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP – Let us Change the World – Join PGPSE along with CS after class 12 C What are the three parts of block ? Name any two advantages of PL/SQL


D Find the errors from the following PL/SQL code and rewrite the corrected code underlining the correction made. 2

CREATE ASWELLAS REPLACE TRIGGER DEPT_UP AFTER UPDATE ON DEPT FOR EVERY ROW DECLARE v_num NUMBER (3); BEGIN SELECT COUNT (*) INTO v_num FROM Emp WHERE Dept = ‘101’; IF v_num>5 Raise_application_error (-20001, ‘Cannot exceed 5’); END; E Find the errors from the following PL/SQL code and rewrite the corrected code Enderlining the correction made. 2

DECLARE v_no Emp.EName%ROWTYPE; v_sal NUMBER(7,2)=1000; BEGIN LOOP SELECT Sal TO v_sal FROM Emp WHERE Eno=v_no; v_no = v_no + 1; EXIT FOR v_no > 5; END LOOP; END; Q 7 Anser the follwing Consider the following table CLUB: Column Name Data Type Size Constraint Description Member_No NUMBER 4 PRIMARY KEY Member Number Member_Name VARCHAR2 30 NOT NULL Name of the member Address VARCHAR2 30 Address of the member Age NUMBER 3 >=18 Age of the member Type VARCHAR2 10 Type of membership Fees NUMBER 6,2 Membership fees a. Write a SQL command to create a club table including constraints 2 b. Write a SQL command to display Member_no, member_name, Age and type whose members name is start with A 2 c. Write a PL/SQL code to increase the fees by 5% for a member number accepted from the user if the type of the membership is “Temporary”. 3 d. Write PL/SQL code using an explicit cursor to display the details of all the “Permanent” members whose age is greater than 50. The code should also display the average membership fees of all such Members. 3

Contact Dr. T.K. Jain (91-9414430763) regarding starting AFTERSCHO?n OL centres in your college / institution / organisation. Promote social entrepreneurship, join PGPSE and become a social entrepreneur. Emial us : [email protected]

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